My Descent into Slavery Ch. 25


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Gloria noticed when Sahar got even and tried to find another gear, but it just wasn't there. Sahar crept past her, and Ranger was creeping up on the outside, finally sprinting for the line, making progress against both. As soon as Sahar was past Gloria, she shot for the inside rail and went all out, knees pumping up and down. Ranger was still closing, but he didn't have enough room left to overtake her and Sahar won the race by about half a yard, Ranger coming in second, and Gloria third. Sahar collapsed to the ground when she got to the finish line and I ran out there to her dusty, dirty, sweaty body and seized her in both my arms. Master was right behind me. I took the bit out of her mouth.

"Did I win?" she gasped.

"By a little more than a foot," I said.

"Thank Allah. I didn't want to be anyone's sex toy but yours. Bloody hell that was difficult."

I rained some kisses on her.

Frank had unhooked Ranger from his harness and he came over, bent over at the knees and said, "Damn, Sahar, I thought for sure I'd get you in the end."

"Well, you didn't, and now I get you in the end. Maybe some of the others will enjoy fucking your fine ass too."

Ranger grinned ruefully. "Don't worry, Ranger," I said. "Some of us would prefer fucking you the old fashioned way, your prick in my pussy. Since we get you for twenty-four hours, when are you off for the duration."

"I'm off until Monday PM. I'm going home with you tomorrow, Gloria too."

"We have a couple of new asses to break in tomorrow," Master said. "Perhaps you could help with that and some real triple penetrations."

"That would be better than Sahar fucking me in the ass again."

"Hey, I will fuck you in the ass again, and I let you have my ass too. If I can take it, so can you," Sahar said. "I was not a brutal ass fucker. I know how to fuck you right."

"I'll admit it wasn't bad," he said. "I've been fucked worse."

"Sahar, are you sure you don't want to run some of these races on a regular basis?" Frank asked.

"No. I wasn't fond of it, or the training. If someone was behind me with a whip, I might turn around and take his fucking head off. Your daughter was lucky she quit whipping me when she did. I was ready to smack her one. I need to shower, then I need my sweetie to lick my pussy off, then take a nap."

"Master, may I be released from the stall to take care of my wife?"

"Yes, you may."

Which is how I spent the next several hours, first showering with her, then having sex, and finally taking a nap with my honey.


I didn't have to spend the night in the stall. I spent the night with Master and Sahar, with him fucking me as Sahar licked my slutty pussy. Frieda had to remain in the stall, and she had permission to lick cunts, but not anyone she knew.

Before she was locked in the stall after supper, Francesca told Frieda, "You get pussy tonight. For the next several hours, you're going to pleasure every mare we put in the stall with you, a total of six, and we'd better have no complaints, or you'll be punished. You don't get to cum yourself, unless the mare chooses to lick you back. They won't be ordered to, so it helps to be really pleasing to them.

"We get cock and pussy. Trinity and I are going to fuck your husband tonight. You're not going to know what we did, or how long we did it. Know that he won't have a drop of cum left in his body when we finish with him. He'll be drained dry. You won't get to fuck Malcom tomorrow either. We're going to keep him busy with the two new slave bitches tomorrow. You can expect to lick and suck his cum out of their asses and pussies though."

"Yes, Mistress," Frieda said. "He should be thanked for letting me fuck Stamina this morning."

"You liked that big cocked stallion fucking your slutty cunt, didn't you, slave."

"Very much, Mistress."

"The wrangler bringing the mares to you tonight will be a woman, my mother, Marilyn. After she's brought the last one to you, lick her pussy to three good orgasms."

"You can depend on me, Mistress. I won't let you or her down."

Francesca smiled at her. "No, I doubt you will. You're a very good submissive, Frieda. Anyone would be happy to own a slut like you."


I got a text sometime during the night from Marcia. It said, Call me when you get the chance.

I called her as soon as I got the message, around 4 AM in LA. "What's up, Marcia? Is everyone okay?"

"Everyone here is fine. I wondered about the text you sent me about the US Attorney who was a Dominant to an FBI agent. Why did you want to know?"

"We met an investigator for the US Attorney's office in Orlando and he learned about our D/s relationships. I believe he's a Dominant, although I haven't given him the survey yet. He didn't think he could be a Dominant, even if he was one, because of his job. We told him we knew of a US Attorney having been in a Dominant relationship, and he wondered who it was. If your friends didn't have a problem with it, we were going to tell him."

"They're both dead."

"How did that happen?"

"That bastard US Attorney used to make the FBI agent, Lynn, fuck other men while she was blindfolded. She never knew who she was fucking. She found out he was using her to fuck criminals. They were bribing him and she was part of what he gave them in return, in addition to keeping them advised of the cases against them. They thought it was great fun fucking an FBI agent. When she found out, she went to him and told him she was going to turn him in. He told her she wasn't because he had footage of her fucking those criminals and her law enforcement career would go right down the toilet, if she wasn't arrested right along with him. She shot him, leaving a note explaining why she did it, then killed herself. She texted a photo of the note to me before she killed herself, so I'd know why. She was one of my best friends. We served together on a child pornography task force in Fort Myers."

"God, Marcia. I'm so sorry. What was the asshole's name?"

"Roger. I don't believe we ever learned his last name. If he wasn't already dead, I'd be tempted to kill him myself. It's times like that, I think Sahar has the right idea. Some people just don't deserve to live. She might have saved our bacon. He knew who we were. If he'd been arrested, he might have sung his ass off trying to get a lighter sentence. He could have fucked me up, and Brianna. We kind of trained her to lick pussy for him. I was so pissed when I found out what happened."

"Jesus, Marcia! Do you want me to say anything to him?"

"I don't think it makes any difference now. Go ahead and tell him. Just leave our names out of it."

"We won't, but I don't think he'd care. He seems like a stand up guy. Sahar and I admitted to some of the things we did. He didn't seem to care that much because they were all overseas."

"You're lucky he's not that ambitious."

"I guess. I worried he might try blackmailing Master about Miranda."

"It would be harder to do now she's out of politics."

"But it would still be a touchy subject. I'm sorry I called so early. I was worried when I saw the message saying to call as soon as I got it."

"I'm used to fucked up hours. Don't worry about it."

"Go back to bed. Fuck Sam and Chantelle for me when you wake up fully."

"No problem with that. Say hi to everyone for me."

When I hung up, Sahar and Master asked me what was going on and I told them.

"You say the asshole is dead?" Sahar said.

"Yes, you don't have to do anything."

"He should have lost his cock and balls before he died."

"Please don't say anything more to George. I don't want him thinking we bear further investigation," Master said.

"I won't. I'm going to stop speaking out of turn too. I won't say anything more about killing fuckers and castrating them except to you, and maybe Edgar or Smitty. I just get so pissed sometimes that there are such shitty people alive in the world."

George was in a good mood this morning after spending the night with two lovely slaves last night. I asked him to take my survey before he left. He did, and as expected, he was Dominant, though not too deeply, maybe a third of the way down my scale. Perhaps the diametric opposite to Frieda, though she was deeply enjoying her submission once she got into it, but she'd probably been buttoned down for so long and was really taking pleasure in cutting loose.

I gave him the news. "If it's something you decide to do, you should take instruction from established Dominants, to learn how to be a proper one. Mistress Layton and Frank are both good Dominants and can steer you right."

"Did you ever learn the name of that US Attorney who was a Dominant?"

"I did, though just the first name; Roger."

"That scum ball prick?"

"You do know about him then?"

"I know he was a fucking animal. Him and that FBI agent he was dating."

"I don't believe she was to blame for what happened."

"She was fucking a bunch of criminal lowlifes. You should see the shit she did with him."

"The FBI officer was his submissive. She would have tended to be obedient to him. If you were to check those videos again, you'll probably see that she was blindfolded every time she was fucking one of those criminals. She didn't know who she was fucking, but obeying her Master like Miranda obeyed hers when she spent the night with you. I've been blindfolded when I fucked people. It's arousing to me to fuck people I don't even know who the hell they are. It makes me feel sluttier, and more submissive.

"Lynn was doing the same thing. She didn't know her Master was a fucking prick tricking her into fucking his criminal buddies. When she found out, she told him he was going to be arrested and he told her that if he was, her life and career as an FBI agent would go down the toilet with him, because he had videos of everything she did. That's when she killed him, then shot herself. She didn't want to live with the spotlight he intended to shine on her life. I told you that Dominants and submissives come from all walks of life, and that includes criminals and assholes, and a trusting FBI agent who believed she had a good Master who was supposed to be a decent human being. He wasn't, and that's not her fault."

"She didn't even know who she was fucking?"

"Not until she confronted him about it. She told her friend that she fucked other men blindfolded and she never knew who she was having sex with. Maybe she took her blindfold off early, maybe she heard something she wasn't supposed to hear, a name, or something else. The friend didn't know how she found out, only that she had."

"How do you know this?"

"I spoke to her friend this morning. She was wondering why I was asking about them. Lynn texted her a photo of her suicide note to her best friend before she killed herself, the deputy I mentioned."

"Damn, I think she was blindfolded all the time when she was fucking anyone other than that scum ball prick."

"Granted, she killed the man without benefit of trial, but she was not the main person at fault there, and it would be nice if someone knew it so her name wasn't trashed by all those who think they knew what was going on. If she knew the man was guilty and he was about to trash the reputation of the only one who'd known what he did, killing the bastard might have been the only way for her to get justice. Sahar was pissed. She felt the man deserved a castration before he met his maker."

"If what you say is true, he probably did."

"Remember what I said about the other thing. Don't try Dominating someone without the proper instruction, or you could end up the being the type of shit Sahar thinks should be castrated too."

"I'll remember."

"If you can refer the authorities to us about the Chinese girl, that would be nice. We really can do her some good."


We were back on the road to Gainesville. Miranda was driving Belle back. Ranger was driving Gloria so they had a car to get back to Ocala in. The other two slaves were allowed to go home after they got off work yesterday. One of them was meeting us back at the house this morning, the other one had the brunch shift at their job.

Frieda was being tormented again, the same people in our SUV. She hadn't been allowed to cum after fucking Stamina yesterday and she was horny as hell. She was wearing a net top with her boobs showing clear as day through the top. Her legs were spread over Francesca's and Trinity's and she was masturbating, but not allowed to cum. Francesca told her if she orgasmed, she would be put on a Slave Trainer the rest of the day. I warned her that would be much worse than a whipping, so she was doing her best not to cum. You could hear how wet she was when her fingers were sluicing through her pussy when she was far enough from an orgasm to do so without cumming. Francesca had a towel under her to keep the pussy drool off the leather seats.

Malcom was relatively silent, and I thought it was because he was fucked half the night by the two Dominant's training his wife. His dick was hard though. If the trip was longer than Ocala to Gainesville, I might have considered relieving him, but his prick would be needed soon to help pluck anal cherries, or for making slaves airtight.

Finally, Malcom said something. "Francesca, I'd like to propose a change to Frieda's slave agreement."

Turning in her seat to look at him, Francesca replied, "What change?"

"I'd like to remove the restriction on Frieda fucking other men."

Everyone turned to look at Malcom now except Sahar, who kept her eyes on the road. I didn't know if Francesca knew that Frieda wasn't on birth control at the moment, so I chipped in, "With or without birth control?"

"Without." Frieda orgasmed, moaning loudly, realizing what Malcom was saying. She was going to be bred. "I only have one proviso to her getting pregnant."

"What's that, Malcom?" Francesca asked.

"That any potential father's chosen while she's fertile, be someone who could produce a child who could conceivably be mine."

"Let me clarify, Malcom," Francesca said. "You wish to explore the possibility of your wife fucking other men, who might produce a child with her?"

"Yes, I'm infertile, and we haven't been able to have a child together. I discovered I liked watching her have sex with other men. I won't mind if she becomes pregnant with one if he looked enough like me, it could be mine."

"I'd like to further clarify, Malcom, because this is a huge change in your life, would that include my Master?"


"Could it also include, Ranger and Luke, Mistress Layton's two slaves?"


"Could it also include Stamina and Pony Boy?"

"Yes." Frieda orgasmed again. Francesca smiled.

"Could it also include George?"


"What about my father, Frank? Could he give me a half sister with your wife?"

Frieda shivered to think of that, but Malcom said, "Yes."

"What about one of your fellow college professors?"

"No, I don't want any of my friends or colleagues to know I'm infertile."

"Except Trinity," Francesca said, "as she already knows."


"Trinity, do you have any brothers?" Francesca asked.

"A couple, one single, one married." She saw where this was going.

"Has the married one produced a child yet?"

"He has two, both healthy."

"Would you object to Frieda's presumed and potential Mistress being related to your child, because it will be your child? No man but my Master will know that he's fucking your fertile wife."

"No, I wouldn't object to that." He looked at Trinity, who he'd already fucked multiple times.

"If we do this, it will be random. Several different men will fuck your wife while she's fertile." Frieda orgasmed again, so stimulated by the nature of the conversation. "They will all leave their cum in her, so you won't know the identity of the father unless you later do DNA testing. Given the length of their pricks, Pony Boy and Stamina might leave their sperm the deepest, but depth of injection is not the only criteria leading to pregnancy. Is this acceptable to you?"


"You'll be on the Slave Trainer later, slave. Three orgasms without permission, you slut. You love the thought of being bred, don't you?"

"Yes, Mistress. I'd love to have a child. Thank you, Malcom, for allowing me to do this."

"Beth, did you know Frieda was fertile when she fucked Stamina?" Francesca asked.

"Not until after the fact, Francesca. While we were sharing the stall at lunch, she said she forgot she wasn't on birth control. We looked at her cycle and determined she was probably safe for the moment, but if Malcom continued to allow her to fuck other men, they should wear condoms, or she should go back on birth control."

"When does a woman reach prime fertility?" Malcom asked.

"Fourteen days after her period starts is the most fertile day, but anytime from day eleven to day fifteen, conception can occur," I said. "I made sure my Master fucked my pussy frequently on those days so I could become pregnant."

"Would both of you like more than one child?" Francesca asked.

They both said yes, and Malcom added, "two."

"Make note of that Trinity. Ensure any men who fuck her after the birth of the first child are wearing condoms or she's on birth control until they're ready for the second."

"Of course."

That is the day that my Master got the ability to have a third child, and he would fuck her bareback a lot in the next few weeks, but he wasn't the only one who fucked her when she reached prime fertility.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Re: sperm competition; the following relates to something I read some years ago, can't remember where.

The human penis is a very different shape to our nearest relatives, chimps & bonobos and the other apes. The shape appears to be adapted to removing sperm already in the vagina; the head, reaching full depth, squashes the sperm around it and the flange pulls it outwards on the back stroke. This would seem to indicate that, at some time in the last 6 million years or so, and for a period of time long enough for evolution to work, human (or pre-human) mating behaviour was such that this conferred a selective advantage on males with more 'modern' shaped penises than their contemporaries/competitors. Because penises don't fossilise, it's not possible, currently, to determine when this occurred; behaviour also does not fossilise, so it's only possible to speculate about the mating behaviour involved.

The ability to give a female orgasms also increases the chances of fertilisation; a female was filmed internally when orgasming, and her cervix could be seen to descend into the vagina, opening & closing as it 'sipped' at the fluids there. (Seen on BBCTV 20 or so years ago - might be on youtube).

Just a bit of FYI.

5*, every chapter - thanks for sharing.

Dixon (UK) - yes, I spell in English, get over it!

Ravey19Ravey19over 1 year ago

Yes, still got a few concerns re George but so far he's saying the right things. Actually wonder if he and Saron?? might "reconcile" now that their D/s feelings are more in the open but reckon the chances are low,especially as Juanita and Roseanne require a Master.

Thought Malcolm would come round.

Another great instalment

LBLR15LBLR15over 1 year ago

Am I the only one who thinks George might not be all he says he is…. By now I am so hooked on these characters, I can not wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Another fantastic addition and lots of information to think about.

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