My Fantasies Ch. 08


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I heard a strange voice say, "Yes Sir" as I floated to my knees before him.

I had never felt such a rush of exhilaration and happiness as I worked open his slacks, extricated his hard penis, wet my lips with my tongue and slid them over his bulbous cockhead.

A deep moan of pleasure escaped my lips as I furiously bobbed my head up-and-down on the hot, manly pole of flesh.

The moment he shot his load into my mouth my own balls exploded filling my nylon shorts. It was the first time in my entire life I experienced unadulterated happiness and hope for my future.

Tricked and Turned

For the past week my new upstairs neighbor has been outside waiting for me to get home from work. He has cold beer and killer weed for me. Tonight was no different. Our building is non-smoking but there is a bench around a corner and it's pitch-black there to ensure our privacy.

Three nights ago after smoking a joint his hand found my hard prick thru my slacks and squeezed it. Yes, it startled me, but it felt sooooo good. When I offered no resistance he boldly opened my pants and took out my hard-on.

"Uh, Tommy, I'm not gay," I softly said.

"Neither am I," he whispered in the dark but started stroking my hard-on faster and faster.

Suddenly, his free hand found mine and wrapped it around his own hot and hard cock. I hadn't even heard him take it out.

"Johnny, do me while I do you," he whispered.

In my buzzed head there was some perverse logic to his request. 'I guess it's only fair,' I reasoned and matched my rhythm on his hard cock with his on my own.

Have you ever climaxed while high on weed? OH-MY-GOD, it is freaking fantastic!!

Anyway, tonight started out the same. We talked while we drank beer; he fired-up a joint and we smoked it; he opened my slacks and took out my cock; he placed my hand on his manly hard-on and we began masturbating each other. After about thirty-seconds he suddenly pulled his hand from my dick.

"Ohhh, Tommy..." I groaned in frustration.

Then came the shock of my life. He took my pulsating, hard prick in his mouth! The warm wetness of his sucking mouth was way beyond wonderful!

He just as abruptly released my prick after a few seconds, raised his head and whispered, "Johnny, do me then I'll do you!"

Huh? What? Before I could utter a single word of protest his hand pushed the back of head lower and lower until I could smell the manly aroma wafting up from his crotch.

"Wet your lips and slide them over the head!" he said.

I thought, 'I can't do that, can I?' It was one thing to masturbate him, but to actually take it in my mouth -- how queer is that?

"Do it for me, Johnny then I'll do it for you!"

His hand held my face to his crotch. I inhaled his musky aroma, wet my lips and slid them over his cockhead. I abandoned any and all thoughts of inappropriateness and became lost in the sucking.

"More tongue, Johnny, keep your tongue moving on it!" he instructed.

I became accustomed to the size of his cock and bobbed my head up and down faster and faster. All the while he loudly made crude comments for what I was doing for him until I suddenly felt his body stiffen. I knew he was about to cum and tried to raise my head but his strong hands held me to his cock.

"Oh Johnny, oh yeah, that's it -- swallow it, Johnny, swallow it all, Johnny - ohhhhh-yesssss...god boy, Johnny -- good boy -- YES-YES-YES-YES-YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS..."

He lied to me. I did him but when it was his turn to do me he laughed and said, "Are you out of your mind? I'm not a faggot like you!"


The next day he was waiting outside for me when I went to work. He handed me a small disc, and simply said, "Listen to this on your way to work!" and went back inside.

Oh-my-God, the things I heard him saying on the audio made my skin crawl. I had shutout his crude comments the night before but now here they were for the whole world to hear.

It had all been a trap and I fell right into it. The number of times he used my full name while I went down on him was obviously intentional. By the end of the tape there was no way I could deny giving him a blowjob.

My heart was pounding in my chest when I got home from work and saw him drinking beer on the porch. This time, he didn't have a beer waiting for me.

When I got within earshot he smiled and said, "You're late, sissyboy, my dicks been hard all day thinking about your sweet mouth!"

I stuttered, "T-Tommy----" but he cut me off.

He stood and said "You belong to me now! If you don't want anyone to hear the recording from last night - get inside my apartment, queerboy -- you gotta a long weekend of cocksucking ahead of you!"

I was glad he was behind me when we went inside. He couldn't see the grin on my face or the bulge my stiff prick was making in the crotch of my slacks.

I like to play a little guessing game when I seduce a new straight boy. In Tommy's case, I'm estimating it will take me four-days to break him in and turn him into a 'top' I can be proud of.

Over His Knees Again

"Lick the sweat off my balls!" he commands me.

"Yes, Mikey," I dutifully reply.

At least this time he slightly spread his legs to give me easier access to his scrotum.

The pungent, manly aroma makes me swoon as I lick the salty moisture from his huge ball sac. He had just come from working out and it always amazes me how much perspiration forms on his genitals.

Not that I'm complaining. He works out five days a week and I have grown accustomed to kneeling between his legs licking him clean. I have even come to enjoy it, how else can I explain the painful erections I get every time I'm breathing his manly aroma down there?

"Suck my balls!" he loudly says to me.

"Yes, Mikey," I promptly reply.

I have finally found the right technique to accomplish this feat. His balls are so big I can barely fit one of them in my mouth. The trick is to take a deep breath, open my mouth as wide as possible, circle my lips over one of them then draw it into my mouth. The real secret is relaxing when it's in my mouth and concentrate on breathing thru my nose while licking at it.

He taps my head and says, "The other one!"

I perform this task wordlessly, making sure I don't suffocate while I'm pleasuring his nuts. He generally makes me suck them a couple minutes each but it seems like much longer.

"Enough!" he says and I withdraw my mouth staring at his erection. My mouth begins to water in anticipation of sucking it.

He suddenly lifts his legs, pulls them back to his chest and spreads them wide apart. Huh? This is new...

"Lick my asshole!" he says to me like it's the most normal thing in the world.

I panic and freeze. I've never done that for ANY man!

Mikey is much bigger than me and is quicker than a cat. When I don't immediately obey him, he leaps up, sits on the side of the bed, and throws me across his lap like I was a rag doll. OH NO, NOT AGAIN!

Thru fearful eyes, I watch him take the long-handled hairbrush off the bedside table and raise it above his head. I soon hear that dreaded WHOOSH then feel the sharp pain on my butt. I make a small, yelping noise. He gives me four more hard spanks, each one eliciting louder screams of pain from me before he stops.

Tears are trickling down my face and I pray to God the spanking is over. He pushes me off his lap and I fall to the floor. He lays back on the bed pulling his knees high on his chest. When he pushes his knees wide apart it appears his puckered anus is winking and smiling at me.

"Lick my asshole!" he says forcefully.

"Yes, Mikey," I sniffle thru the tears.

I scramble to my knees, plant my mouth around his hole, push my tongue thru his snug sphincter and begin licking the inside walls of his asshole. I instinctively know this act will now become an integral part of my repertoire whenever he has me pleasure him.

Sometimes I wonder how I can love a man like Mikey, but I know tonight when I give myself to him, and his wonderful, manly cock is plowing in-and-out of my open and eager pussy, I'll wrap my legs and arms around his powerful thighs and shoulders and deliriously scream in ecstasy until he brings me to such a mind-numbing climax I literally pass-out from the pleasure.

Oh yeah, that is why I love Mikey, oh yeah...

I Got Lucky Last Night


I got lucky last night. He wanted companionship like I did and he was nice about it! WOW -- he was a refreshing change from the last three guys I met in that damn park.

Those guys acted like it was their God-given right I blow them in the darkness without so much as a 'Hi, how are you' or even a 'Thank you!" No, they acted like I didn't exist at all and they all pretty much said the same thing to me: "You can suck me off behind that big oak tree over there!"

Ya know guys, all I'm saying is, after I gobble down your mostly putrid tasting spooge the least you could do is say "Thanks, you're a special boy" or "That was wonderful" or "What are you doing next week?" but NOOOOO -- you guys can't get away from me fast enough - you act like you just got blown by some anonymous mouth at a gloryhole and run away with me still on my knees.

Is it too much to ask for some kindness and consideration?

Well, this guy was nice from the moment I met him.

"Hi, how are you doing tonight?" he asked me. "It's a beautiful night, isn't it?"

I still get nervous when I'm alone in the park and a shadowy figure steps out from behind a tree and approaches me. My heart pounds like a bass-drum and my hands begin to sweat. In all honesty, I wonder if the guy is there for a hook-up or to beat the crap out of me?

I know-I know, it's crazy and you're probably wondering why I go there in the first place with that attitude? Well, ya know, where else can I go to have sex with men without my friends and family knowing about it?

I said to him, "It is nice out here -- it's not as humid as the past few nights."

"If you want some company tonight my car isn't very far away," he softly said.

Wow, a real gentleman, I thought, it's my lucky night!

"Yeah, sure, okay," I said and followed him thru the trees to a car parked on the street.

He unlocked the car, opened the rear passenger door and with a grand sweeping gesture of his arm, motioned me inside.

The usual qualms I felt about getting into a strangers car disappeared quickly and I climbed inside. The moment he was beside me he closed the door and gently put his arm around my shoulders.

"Nice car," I said. "Looks new!"

"Oh, it's a couple years old and I still have four years of payments left," he said with a chuckle.

The only light came from the apartment building across the street so when I turned to face him I could only see his silhouette.

We both said exactly the same thing at the same time: "Would you like me to suck you?"

Two-seconds of stunned silence then we both broke out in laughter.

I said, "Yeah, I thought you were too nice to be one of the regular guys here."

He chuckled again and said, "Yes, there are a lot of assholes that come here, aren't there?"

"Oh yeah, real wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am type of assholes!" I said joining his laughter. "Would it kill them to show the slightest affection? I realize that kissing is out of the question, but can't they at least show a little tenderness? Maybe stroke your back or face before they push you to your knees?"

The words had barely escaped my mouth when he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. A long and lingering kiss. His lips felt wonderful. We were both gasping for air when the kiss ended.

I sighed, "Yes...just like that!"

"My name is Jeremy," he said softly.

"I'm John," I replied.

"You know, John," he began, "I don't ordinarily do this but I live in that building across the street...I just opened a bottle of Cabernet, would you like to come upstairs and have a glass with me?"

For a second I became fearful. He's been nothing but nice so far so I said, "I'd love to, Jeremy."

I admired his ass as I followed him up the stairs to his second floor apartment. I was nervous, but it was the good kind of nervous. I wasn't sure what would happen in his place, if anything at all. I mean, what is the protocol when two bottoms get together? Who knows - we might just talk and have a glass of wine.

One word describes my hook-ups in the park -- secrecy! Never give a guy too much information he can use on you later.

You never tell him your real name or address or especially where you work. Most guys don't give a rats-ass about any of that anyway -- they're there to get their rocks off and that's it, but on occasion, guys have gotten so excited about my cocksucking skills they want to make me their instant boyfriend.

This may sound weird, but I don't want a relationship with anyone I meet in that park. I mean, what kind of loser sneaks around in the shadows in search of a blowjob?

Now Jeremy is different in that he's just like me. We both want the same thing: a hot and hard cock in our mouth. Who knows what's going to happen with him tonight when we go into his apartment-- all I know is he's old, maybe in his thirties, but seems to be a nice guy; he seemed okay when we met, and with a little luck, maybe I can get into his pants!


Three-nights-in-row I watched this cute little blonde boy park his car across the street from my apartment building. He made sure no one else was around before he exited the car and quickly disappeared into the darkness of the park.

I resisted strong urges to go after him in favor of timing his arrivals and departures. He lasted less than fifteen-minutes both nights when he emerged from the park -- alone -- and left hurriedly in his car. I immediately knew what kind of boy I would be dealing with.

From his looks he can't be more than nineteen-twenty, and from his nervousness I knew he was new to cruising the park and most likely still a virgin and totally unsure of himself.

He was aware of the parks reputation for after-dark, homosexual hook-ups, and had probably agonized for weeks or months about actually going into the park at night to find out for himself.

I couldn't wait any longer to make my capture - my fellow chickenhawks would scoop-up the delicious little boy sooner than later.

When I led him into the darkness I pulled him to me and gave him a wet and wild kiss. I then had him follow me across the street and up the stairs to my apartment. My dick was so hard I thought I'd shoot a load in my pants.

I have a studio apartment with a kitchen to the right when you enter, and a big bed to the left in the living room. You should have seen the cute little fucker's eyes bug wide-open when he saw the unmade bed in the middle of the room!

I poured us wine and sat next to him on the sofa across from the bed. I made small-talk with him while planning my strategy.

The first question I always ask myself is 'Will this be a one-night stand or something more than that?' and the longer I listened to him, the more I envisioned a longer-term relationship. He's not only cute, but fairly smart and funny, and it's been months since I had a steady bitch-boy!

The next question I ask myself is 'What kind of boy do I want to turn him into?'

Of course he'll be submissive -- that goes without saying. But what kind of sub-boy do I want?

A raging queen? A flaming faggot? A quiet sissyboy? Oh, I DO like quiet sissyboys -- make him wear panties -- call him "Girlfriend" - emasculate him to the point he identifies as being more of a girl than a boy...hmmm, yes, a sissyboy it will be...

Next Door Neighbors

I live in a non-smoking apartment in an old house. There is a bench on the side of the house where I smoke.

One night while smoking, I discovered, quite by accident, that if I stood outside my neighbor's bedroom window in a certain spot, I could see them in the large mirror on the wall while they fooled around on the bed.

No, I am not a peeping tom or anything like that. It's their fault, really, if they lowered the shade all the way I wouldn't be able to see thru the small crack.

Okay, okay, maybe it's a little creepy that I watch two guys having sex, especially since I'm not gay myself, but I can't help it -- once I hear them kissing and moaning thru their slightly open window I know it's 'showtime' and I inexplicably find myself drawn to peek inside at them.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a freak - it's not like I stand out there and masturbate while I watch them. No, that would definitely be weird. I only watch them to figure out which one of them is the 'girl' in their relationship. It's been very confusing.

The first night Terry knelt between Donny's legs and sucked him off, so naturally I assumed Terry was the girl. The next night though, Donny knelt between Terry's legs, huh? What's going on here? Then to really blow my mind (so to speak, hahaha), on the third night they laid side-by-side and did a loud and sloppy 'sixty-nine' -- WTF????

Okay, I will admit I am drawn to looking at their hard cocks. They're both bigger and thicker than my own. Penis envy? Maybe, hahaha...but what REALLY gets to me is when one of them bends over the end of the bed and the other one rams his cock in-and-out of his asshole.

Oh my God, doesn't that hurt? But the sheer joy and delight I see on their faces during the ass-fucking confuses me even further.

Yeah, okay, I spring a boner when I watch them, but I have the decency to wait until I'm in the privacy of my bedroom before I relieve myself.

"It's Only a Handjob!"

"C'mon Johnny, do it for me again, okay? I won't say a word to anyone, I promise!" he said.

"Noooo, how many times do I have to tell you I'm not gay!" I protested. "Last night was a mistake...I can't do that again!"

"Quit being such a prude -- guys do that for each other all the time!" he said louder.

"Sure," I replied, "GAY guys do that for each other!"

"Well, if the shoe fits..." he softly said.


"You know what Martha told Emily?" he asked me.

"NO - WHAT?" I angrily replied.

"Martha thinks there's something wrong with you...she says you can't get it up with her!"

"She said that out loud?" I asked.

"You don't know anything about women, do you? They tell their best friends everything! She says you don't even TRY to have sex with her anymore!"

"THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M QUEER..." I protested. I calmed down and added, "Okay, maybe I don't have a very strong sex drive -- maybe I'm different from a lot of guys -- I don't NEED to fuck a girl to prove I'm a man! Can we change the subject, please?"

He sighed, "Johnny-Johnny-Johnny...I'll change the subject if you can honestly tell me after you played with my cock last night you didn't go home and masturbate thinking about it!"

My face flushed red. I stared at the carpeting on the floor.

I stuttered, "I, uh, Eddie, c'mon man, what am I supposed to say..."

"Johnny, we're best friends -- we don't keep secrets from one another - I don't give a damn if you like guys more than girls - just tell me you didn't masturbate after you jerked me off last night and I'll drop it, okay?"

"Eddie, pleeeezzzzzzz..." I pleaded with him. I closed my eyes to shut out what was happening.

And then I heard it. The sound of his belt buckle opening and the unmistakable noise of his zipper being lowered. I felt his body shifting next to me on the sofa.

He whispered, "Look at it, Johnny, look how nice and hard it is for you!"

Again I pleaded, "Eddie, pleeeezzzzzzz..."

Suddenly his hand found my erection thru my slacks and he squeezed it hard.