My Favorite Girl Pt. 04


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We were both exhausted right now. I was both mentally and physically. Between yesterday coming here, getting crushed, then having to change gears and go golf eighteen hard holes with no desire to golf. And poor Emma, I broke her heart, then left her to pick up the pieces all alone. She spent all night awake and wondering what to do. Sitting here right now, we were half asleep, contently holding one another and relaxing.

"Jay," Emma said softly.


"Don't you have to golf today?"

"I do."

"Where am I going then?"

"With Dory," I answered. "We are going to the little airport near her house. You go with her while I go golf. I'll be joining you tonight once it's over."

"Ok," she smiled. "How long are we going to stay with her?"

"I don't know," I replied. "Let's just see where the days take us and how long Dory will let us stay."

"Probably as long as we would like to."

"You think?" I asked.

"Yeah, pretty sure," she said as she snuggled against me more. I squeezed her tighter then relaxed but still held her.

"We do need to thank her when the time is right," I said.

"Yes," she smiled. "We definitely do. If it wasn't for her......"

I looked at Emma and just smiled my soft and reassuring smile.

"The reasons don't matter to me," I offered. "You are with me, that's all I care about. Whatever you two talked about is between the two of you. As long as you want to be with me, I don't care how. I have you, my favorite girl, my only girl now. Nothing else matters."

"K," she smiled. "I like being your only girl. And, I like you being my only man now."

"Best thing I've heard in a while," I said and squeezed her. She laughed and leaned into me more.

It was so relaxing, so simple, yet so meaningful to be sitting on this plane with her holding me right now. Yesterday was worth every single minute of the heartache and the pain to have her back today. I smiled as it occurred to me that the song inside my head that had been stuck on repeat for every waking second of the past twenty-four hours had finally stopped.

"What?" she questioned with a soft smile as I was laughing a little.

"It must have been love, but it's over now, finally stopped playing over and over and over inside my head," I explained. "It's finally silent in there."

She leaned back a little and had this shocked look on her face. "Would you believe me if I told you I've had, listen to your heart, stuck on repeat in my head since yesterday?"

"No," I replied and surprised her a little. "It's the universe telling us we were meant to be together."

She nodded her head in agreement as she thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

I leaned in and kissed her softly then squeezed her again. She smiled and snuggled against me as we went back to being quiet and resting. We both caught a little catnap until the plane started to circle around our destination before finally landing. I damn near said screw golf once the plane was on the ground so I could be with her.

She wouldn't let me though. After what happened yesterday and I still managed to keep the lead, she told me I needed to finish. She would be there waiting for me once the thing was over no matter if I won or lost. I knew she was right and I couldn't argue with her there. We would be together after today.

Dory was there waiting near the lone hanger and came running over once we stepped off the plane. She saw Emma and burst into tears as they embraced. Then she turned to me and hugged me.

"Go win your golf tournament," she said. "I'll take care of your favorite girl until you get back."

"That's my only girl now," I corrected her.

She laughed her throaty laugh. "Well, I stand corrected then."

"Thanks Dory."

I turned to Emma and hugged her tightly again. "I'll be back. I love you, Em. You know that, right?"

She smiled at me, her beautiful and loving smile as we stood there wrapped in each other's arms. "Based on everything that has happened from yesterday to today, I think I've got a pretty good idea that you love me."

I kissed her once then returned to the plane. We went wheels up and headed back where we started from this morning. I was back at the hotel and out on the range earlier than yesterday, but they still noticed that I had left early this morning. I kept my answers simple by saying it was a personal thing that I had to get worked out and the easiest way to do that was to take care of it in person.

By the time I teed off, my lead was gone and I was trailing by two. I didn't let it bother me, I was so relaxed and so at ease knowing that whatever happened today, I'd be going home to Emma tonight. In my mind, I had already won and by the end of the day my play reflected that.

I won by six, hoisted the trophy, talked to the press, and left by telling them I would see them in Houston at the next event I planned on playing in. I promptly left after that to get to Emma.

It was late when I finally arrived at Dory's house. Emma was standing there at the door with it wide open waiting for me to come to her. We embraced at the door and spent a few minutes loving on each other. It was a feeling like no other right now. I had never finished a tournament and then been able to come home to anyone, let alone her.

We headed up to our room, the one we always used when we were here. I cleaned up, put my stuff away, then crawled into bed with her. She already had the covers pulled back and was waiting for me when I joined her. I took her into my arms, hugged her and loved on her again before settling down with her.

We did the unexpected once we were settled in. We laid there for the longest time and just talked. We talked about everything that was on our minds. We talked about the past, the future, what we loved about us, what we wanted to change, the good times, the bad times, the times we were apart. Why we wanted to be together, why it took us so long to figure out we were meant for each other. What challenges we were going to face, how were we going to deal with them.

We apologized for the big things, compromised on the small things. We remembered who we were together. We had a good foundation but we both knew how much of a struggle this was going to be in the future. But, we were both willing, both wanted to put forth the effort to make us work and last for a lifetime. For hours we were just talking and figuring it all out. We had never been down this path before, it was always a week here or there that was full of sex and good times. It was forever now, and everything that came with a relationship was going to be a part of us. It was a little scary but together, there was nothing Emma and I couldn't accomplish if we both worked hard for it.

It was late, very late, when we were finally talked out. We were just lying there now, my fingers tracing her skin as she was curled up next to me with her arms wrapped around my body. We were so happy, so content just to be here with each other right now. I could feel the soft and content smile on her face as she lay there with her head resting next to mine. I was smiling too at how happy I was.

I knew that tomorrow and the days that followed would be spent with her. I didn't have to leave in a few days or in a week. And when I finally did leave again, I knew that I would come back to her and I wouldn't have to tiptoe around anymore. That was the best part about this whole new relationship, I didn't have to hide the way I felt about her anymore. I could just tell her.

---------------------------------------------------------Monday ---------------------------------------------------

I left Emma sleeping peacefully in bed so I could go downstairs and attempt to make coffee for both of us. I reached the kitchen and laughed out loud as I saw the simple coffee maker sitting on the counter with a bow on it. I laughed again when I read the note.

'Life is complicated, coffee should be simple. Love Dory.'

I made a pot, poured two cups, then returned to the room. The bed was empty, but the doors were wide open as Emma sat on the porch in the love seat, wearing a cotton robe, and watching the sun as it began to rise over the eastern horizon. I walked outside and gasped as the cool morning breeze hit my skin. I leaned down and handed her one of the cups and couldn't help but steal a kiss from her.

She tenderly kissed me back then smiled her one-of-a-kind smile as we parted. She was so happy and content at the moment. She patted the seat and wanted me to sit next to her. I quickly sat down and smiled at her before getting comfortable. Like I was going to go anywhere else right now. We sipped on coffee and listened as the birds flew around and sang their songs for us to hear. I reached over and took her hand into mine, brought it to my mouth and kissed it before setting it back on her leg and wrapped my arm around her.

She smiled her perfect smile as she snuggled against me now and tucked her legs under her body. The sun started to strike her face and warm her skin. She had the slightest spark in her eyes as the life started to return to her again. She was still run down and worn out, but I knew after a couple of weeks she would be herself again. What Ed had taken, I was going to give back to her and then some. I would make sure of that. She deserved to be happy and I was going to provide that happiness any way I could.

She was watching nature as it began to awaken from its nightly slumber. Birds took flight, dolphins surfaced to breathe out in the water, the little lizards ran along the railing as the final cricket stopped chirping. I was focused on Emma as she sat there and looked around. She was so beautiful, so happy, so content with us sitting here enjoying the morning.

She took another sip of coffee then set the cup down. I softly caught the loose strand of hair that covered her face and tucked it behind her ear. She smiled at me again then leaned over and kissed me once more. Her hand pawed my face as her tongue traced mine. She remained an inch away from my face as we paused long enough for her to giggle her little girl giggle and smile at me.

Her eyes closed as she leaned in and kissed me a few more times before she stopped again. I was smiling from ear to ear right now as she remained right in my face and giggled softly. I had to reach up and put the loose hair back behind her ear again. I let my fingers trace her skin, down behind her ear, along her jaw to her chin, before I tilted her head up and kissed her a couple of times.

"I love you, Em," I said softly as her eyes opened and she smiled again.

Her forehead rested against mine as she pawed my face then kissed me. "I love you too."

I kissed her again as she reached for my coffee cup and took it from my hand. She set it on the end table as she twisted her body around and straddled my lap. She sat slightly above me as her lips found mine again. I moaned into her kiss as her hands cupped my face tenderly. We kissed these long and slow kisses as she rested on my lap.

I slipped my hands inside the robe and softly squeezed her cheeks as we kissed. I thought I would never be able to squeeze them ever again after the other day. They felt perfect as I cupped them and let my fingers feel the soft skin. I went to her hips and felt the little points they made on her skin. I circled them before slowly climbing her sides, letting her soft skin slide against my fingertips. I had missed her skin under my fingers for so long now.

I reached her boobs as my fingers rippled over her more pronounced ribs. It worried me just a little, but now that she was away from Ed, she would be much less stressed and be back to herself in no time. I let my thumbs circle her nipples as she moaned into my kiss. I cupped them now and felt their slight weight and firmness as she paused for just a brief second.

"Slide your shorts down," she whispered.

"Man," I protested playfully. "I just got to the boobies."

"Suit yourself then," she giggled and kissed me again.

My hands dropped like lead weights in water down to my shorts. I hooked my thumbs around the band as she lifted just enough and let me slide them down to mid-thigh. She was laughing the whole time into my kiss as I was pushing them down. My cock sprang free as she settled down again and trapped it between her wet lips and my body.

"What's the matter?" she laughed. "I thought you liked my boobies?"

"I'll get back to those in a minute," I said.

"No," she sassed and playfully slapped my hand down. "No boobies."

"Damn," I sighed playfully. My hands were back inside the robe and reaching for her cheeks now.

"Good boy," she growled.

I had leaned in and let my lips find her neck, right under her jaw, right near her favorite spot. I placed a wet kiss on her skin and let my tongue linger and taste her before moving down and repeating. I was inching closer to her throat and her favorite spot. I knew her body so well and knew all the right buttons to push. The boobs were off limits for now, five minutes from now they wouldn't be.

She growled and gasped as her hips started to move. Her pussy was sliding over my cock and leaving a wet trail along the underside of it. Her lips were parted open around it as she had it trapped against my belly. I wasn't inside but it felt pretty close to it. I'd get there in a minute, but I'd wait on her to be ready. There was no rush, I had three weeks before I had to leave again and I'd spend all three making up for all the mistakes I had made if that was her intention.

Her growl vibrated my lips as I kissed her throat right on her favorite spot. I let my tongue slide out and taste her skin as she growled again. Her hips were twisting harder as she now moved her body along my length. The wet trail was coating my cock as she went back and forth and used it to tease her clit. I kissed her spot again then moved down just a little towards her collarbone and noticed how flush her skin was at the moment.

"You're making me so wet right now," she panted.

"What do you want me to do about that?" I growled now.

Her seductive little laugh followed but she said nothing. I smiled as I let my tongue find her skin followed by my lips kissing her collarbone right where it met her throat. That's when I let my one hand climb her body and cup her boob again. I gave it a gentle squeeze as my lips moved up now and found the tender skin of her throat again closer to her jaw.

She was sliding all the way forward and letting the tip of my cock run past her wet center before switching and sliding back down until her clit rubbed the very base. It was killing me right now, I wanted to be inside of her, I wanted us to become one. I waited until she slid forward and my cock was at her entrance before I flexed and made it bounce a little. It caught her opening and the twist of her hips let me slip inside.

"Fuck," she whimpered in pleasure as she sank back down.

I was fully inside of her as she rested there for a moment. I could already feel her squeezing me as she looked down at me and found my mouth with hers. She started a slow rise and fall now that we were one. I couldn't even begin to describe the feeling of being with her again. Two mornings ago, it was over between us, but now we were in this together for the long term.

It hit me all of the sudden that today was the first time, two years ago, that we had broken down that barrier and began a new chapter of us. Now we were writing another chapter of us, but this one wouldn't have any more confusing relationship games in it. It was the first time we were doing this as a couple. The first time this meant more than a casual thing.

She stopped kissing me and started panting out loud as her cunny gripped my cock then released in quick bursts. I guided her with my one hand on her hip, the other cupped her neck as we looked at each other. She was holding my face with her hands, our eyes were inches apart as we looked at one another. Her eyes studied mine like I studied hers. They silently spoke to me right now telling me how much hurt she had been through for the past few months, how happy she was I came to get her, and how important this moment was to her right now. We had done this simple act hundreds of times by now, but like I had just realized, this was the first time for the last time.

I couldn't hold back any longer. Her look, her body, the wetness running from her, the realization of it all hit me as I closed my eyes and really felt it now. I could feel every ripple of her cunny as it squeezed my cock. It gripped me tighter as I swelled then shot the first burst. I moaned loudly as another and another left my body. She was gasping and panting with me as her climax took over her body. I kept filling her and washing her walls with my seed as she came and soaked my cock with her cum.

Slowly the sound started to filter through the ringing in my ears after the intensity was gone. She was smiling at me as my eyes opened again. I raised my brows and smiled back as she leaned in and placed these soft and slow kisses on my lips. Her hips were slowly turning and bringing pleasure to my sensitive head still buried deep inside of her. I kissed her back and let her love on me for a minute.

She stopped and leaned back just a little. She smiled her tender, sweet, and loving smile as she wiped my lips with her thumb. I winked at her then finally spoke.

"Two years ago today, do you remember what happened?"

"Yes," she cheered. "I didn't think you would remember."

"Are you kidding?" I gasped. "How could I forget the day you became my favorite girl?"

She giggled her little girl giggles then kissed me once more before she looked at me with those happy and content eyes.

"I'll never forget the day you became my only girl," I offered.

"Thanks, Jay."

She looked over her shoulder at the sun as it reflected off the water. It was up now but still low on the horizon as she took in a deep breath of fresh air and sighed as she let it out.

"Look at how beautiful it is here," she cried. "I love it here."

"Yes," I smiled. "You certainly make it beautiful."

"No," she laughed and rolled from my lap. "The sunrise, the birds, the view, everything. I just... I love it."

"Hey," I chuckled. "You were keeping me warm."

"Go inside and get a robe," she suggested. "And run me a bath so I can soak, clean myself, and shave my legs and other parts. Sorry I'm kind of hairy down there."

"Long winter?" I asked as I stood.

"Ha," she snorted. "Something like that."

"I'll be right back."

"K," she smiled. "Love you, Jay."

"Love you too, Em."

I could hear her laugh a little as I went inside and found the robe then got the bath water going in the huge tub. I headed back out to the porch and sat down next to her again as she sipped her coffee.

"I can't believe I get to say that now," she said happily.

"What's that?" I asked.

"That I love you."

"Pretty awesome feeling isn't it?"

"The best," she smiled.

"I'm yours for as long as you want to keep me," I offered.

"Hmm," she growled. "A girl could get used to that."

I smiled and took the last sip of my coffee. "I'm going to have another cup. Do you want one?"

"Please," she half begged.

I took the cups and went back downstairs and got another two cups poured then shut the pot off. I headed back up and heard the bath water had shut off, so I figured she was in the tub now. I walked in and set her cup down near her as I sat on the edge. She was deep under the bubbles cleaning herself as I watched her.

"You can join me if you want," she offered.

"And smell like a girl all day," I replied.

She shrugged.

I tossed the robe off and my shorts then quickly climbed in with her. I took the scrubber from her hand and started on her back. I gently cleaned her then rubbed her shoulders and upper back as she relaxed and let me ease her stress further. I worked the tension from her for a while before we just sat there and soaked in the hot water.