My Favorite Girl Pt. 04


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"Hey Em?" I said softly after a while.

"Hmm?" she answered.

"You know if you want to talk to me about anything you can, right?"

"I know," she replied sweetly. "There's not a lot to talk about. I made a mistake by dating that guy and I almost made a huge mistake by telling you to go away. All that is behind me, us, now. We are going forward together to take on whatever lies ahead."

"Sounds good to me," I said. "I just thought I'd make the offer."


"Do you know he hasn't even called to see where I'm at?" she asked as I rubbed her back again.

I sighed and shook my head. "I don't know how to respond to that."

"It doesn't require a response. It's better this way, I don't have to listen to his lies anymore. With you by my side I won't be the quiet little mouse afraid of her shadow anymore. I'm going to chew him up then spit him out if he does call."

"I wouldn't even give him the satisfaction," I said. "I'd just let it all go."

"Yeah," she said after some thought. "You're right."

We fell silent now and just enjoyed each other as we sat there in the tub. I kept rubbing her back and shoulders and every once in a while I'd place a wet kiss or two on her neck. She sat there for the longest time letting me love on her in our own little world right now.

"Ok," she said after more time had passed. "I'm getting pruney, I need to shave then get out."

"Alright," I said. "I'm going to rinse off in the shower."

"K," she smiled.

I showered and rinsed the girl smell off of me then got out.

"How does it look?" she asked as I toweled off after rinsing in the shower.

I turned to see what she was talking about. It was like throwing raw meat to a hungry wolf as I looked at her. She was propped up on the edge of the tub facing me with her legs spread wide open. She was on full display, shaved, lips parted, desire already forming at her opening and about to leak from her. I didn't answer right away. I pretended to look then moved closer to inspect her better. She knew the whole time what this was going to do to me.

I leaned down and got right between her legs as I squatted to look. I glanced up at her and caught that seductive smile on her face as I leaned in and looked at her pretty little pussy. The wetness that was forming before had now begun to leak out and run down her now.

"You missed a whole trail right there," I teased. "Let me see the razor."

She placed the razor in my open hand. I was still focused on the open and wet puss right in front of me. I moved over slightly and licked her opening to taste her desire. It was just as delicious as I remember it being. My tongue also agreed and licked again and then again. I went from her opening up to her protruding clit and circled that.

"I don't think there's any hair right there," she said playfully.

"I'm just checking to make sure," I replied. "You never know."

"I already had my fingers down there," she said coyly.

"My tongue is way more sensitive than your fingers."

"Hmmm," she growled now. "Feels a lot better too."

I licked her again. "Shall I continue?"

I was already spreading her lips open with my fingers and tasting her again before she answered.

"Yes," she answered with a gasp.

I swirled my tongue around her clit as her fingers curled in my damp hair. I dropped the shaver to the floor and used a finger to slip into her wetness. She gasped as I let it slide inside and fill her small hole. Her fingers now gripped my hair and guided me where she wanted my tongue to go. I used the finger to slowly press in and out.

I flicked her clit with my tongue before sucking it into my mouth and chewing on it. She was panting and gasping above me until her legs closed around my head and muffled the sound. I loved it when she did that. I knew it was good and as the juice started to coat my finger more, I knew she was almost there.

I let my finger drop from her hole and went to a long lick from her opening to her clit. She squeezed her legs tighter around my head as my mouth covered her hole opening. She was flooding my mouth as my tongue twisted around on her puss. I lapped at her as it dripped from her. I loved her taste and today was no exception.

She finally opened her legs and pushed against my forehead to get me to stop. I took a breath and tried to taste her again, but she was giggling and panting and still holding my forehead away from her opening. Before I could duck under her hand, she twisted her leg up and over my head and closed them. Let the games begin I thought.

She shrilled as I scooped her up and pulled her from the tub. I turned and carried her to the bed as she playfully protested until I set her down on the edge. I climbed in with her as she rolled away and hopped out the other side.

"Jason!" she shrilled with laughter. "We have to meet Dory for breakfast in five minutes."

"Says who?" I cried as I caught her again and pulled her in for a hug and a kiss.

"Says her and me," she answered with her playful laugh. "We decided yesterday that we would eat at eight and then we would be doing something together."

"Ok," I said and kissed her again. "Sounds good."

"Really?" she asked surprised. "You're going to give up that easy?"

"Give up?" I asked. "I've got the rest of my life to have you. Besides, we can't be out all day with her. She has to go to the bar and see Doug at some point."

She smiled her seductive smile and growled a little. "If you can finish in five minutes you can have me."

"What am I going to do with the other four minutes?" I asked.

She laughed and kissed me again. "Where do you want me?"

"Hands and knees on the bed," I ordered.

Ten minutes later, we were sitting at the table with Dory as the catered breakfast was being served.

"Sorry," Emma offered. "He made us late."

Dory laughed. "I honestly didn't expect to see you at all this morning. I figured you'd be too tired after celebrating his victory last night. Congrats on the big win by the way."

"Thanks," I smiled.

"You looked much more relaxed yesterday then you did on Saturday."

"I can't put my finger on why though," I joked.

We laughed a little at that as we started to eat breakfast.

"Before I forget, I got you two a couple's massage at ten," Dory started. "At eleven thirty you have an appointment at the hair salon. At twelve thirty lunch will be here for you guys. We have a dinner reservation at five at the fish house. I'll see you guys there. I have a golf cart for you in the garage that you can use to cruise around town if you feel like it."

"Wait?" Emma asked. "I thought we were all doing something together?"

"Us three?" Dory questioned.


"We are," Dory said. "Dinner."

"But I thought we were doing something today, like during the day."

"Darling," Dory smiled. "That's sweet of you but another time."

"Oh," Emma shrugged. "Ok. I just thought when we were talking yesterday that we were going to do something."

"Darling," Dory smiled her sweet smile. "When was the last time the two of you actually spent any meaningful time together, alone?"

"Three months ago," I answered for her.

"Take today, take tomorrow, take the week and spend it together," Dory offered. "You two need this time to be with each other and rediscover who you are and who you want to be together. I'll be around in the mornings and the evenings if you want to chill with me... but, be with each other. That's more important than hanging around with me. We can do that any old time."

"Thank you, Dory," Emma said sincerely. "Thank you for everything you have done and are doing for us."

"You're so welcome darling."

"Yeah, Dory," I added. "I owe you a deep debt of gratitude that I'm never going to be able to repay you for. All I can offer you is a thank you from the bottom of my heart that you brought her back to me."

"Jason," she said as she smiled now. "Make her smile, make her laugh, treat her like she deserves to be treated, and make her happy every single day and that will be payment enough. Sound fair?"

"More than fair," I said.

She looked at Emma and turned the conversation back to her earlier statement. "I have things I have to do today and tomorrow anyway, so I'll be in and out. You two enjoy each other. If you decide to move here, we will have more than enough time to sit around and talk."

Emma looked at Dory and gave her a, shut up I haven't said anything to him yet, look. Dory smiled at her with the, oops, look. I was looking back and forth between the two of them.

"Alright you two," I said. "Somebody want to fill me in?"

"We were talking yesterday," Dory started explaining. "And one thing led to another and I said there was a house for sale five doors away from here. I suggested that you two should buy it and move out here so when you are on the road golfing, she would have somebody to keep her company. It started out as a joke but the more we talked about it the more we thought that it wasn't such a bad idea."

"Ok," I said slowly as I absorbed the information.

"There is a community school that actually has two openings for teachers, one kindergarten and one for second grade," Dory continued. "She could get a job there and work there to keep herself busy. She'd have the summers off and the two of you could travel here and there if you aren't golfing."

I looked at Emma then back at Dory. They were both sort of serious but trying to not show that they were serious about the idea. I looked back at Emma.

"But you don't really have to work," I said. "I'm going to take care of you."

"No-no," Dory said quickly. "Emma has to work. If you two want this to work and you want to keep this quiet, then Emma needs to work."

"Ok?" I questioned.

"You already drew some unwanted attention yesterday and the day before with your trips in and out," Dory said. "You handled it pretty well up there with the questions they threw at you, but it may not always be the case."

"You want this relationship with Emma to work and grow but you want to keep it quiet. You have to give the illusion that you two are leading separate lives. Emma needs to have a job, pay some bills, and have things she is responsible for on her own."

"Right," I said. "But how is a schoolteacher going to afford a house around here? You know they don't make that much, right?"

"If you're interested in living out here, I can buy the house for you and put it under my company as an asset. You pay me privately for the house, but we leave it under my company as an asset. If anybody digs, it comes back to me. We will draw up a legal contract that says the house is yours, and if you want to pull it from under my company name, all you have to do is say the word and it's done. We just get my judge friend to sign off and it's a done deal."

"Not that I don't trust you," I said carefully. "But I'd definitely have to get some legal advice from my lawyer on that."

"Yes," Dory smiled. "I would too."

"So, how much are we talking for this house?" I asked.

"It's just under two million," Dory answered.

"Yikes," I said. "I'd have to sit down with the finance guy and see if it's even doable."

"That's even if you want to move here?" I asked Emma now. "You should probably see if you can get a job first."

Dory laughed a little. "Darling, she will get the job. I'm one of the bigger donors to the scholarship fund they have. I just have to hint a little and she will have the job."

"We don't have to decide right now," Emma spoke. "I do love this place but let's work on us. Let's be us for a few weeks and then we can figure out how we move forward."

"How about we let the universe decide," I offered.

"Ok?" they both questioned me now.

"You know how it works with me," I said to Emma. "One month I'm on top of the world, the next I've been beaten down and it takes me a month to recover before I get back on track again."

"Yeah," Emma agreed.

"Why don't you and Dory go down to the school sometime this week and see if you can get a job? I'll talk with the finance guy and see if I can buy the house, after we look at it. If I can do that then we can go forward. If, you are ok with buying the thing and we can actually do what we just talked about. If it doesn't go smooth, things get too complicated, or it just doesn't feel right, we step back and figure something else out."

"I'll agree to that," Dory replied.

"Me too," Emma added.

"We will always have you, and this place, if plan A doesn't work," I continued. "That's if, of course, you want to keep putting up with us."

"Nobody has been in that room you two are in for the last year and a half," she said and made her point. "I've left it open for the two of you."

"Then, we put the wheels in motion and let the universe decide."

"Before we do that," Dory started. "You have to do something for me."

"Ok?" I questioned.

"One of you two has to call Ronnie or Joy and let them know what is going on. They need to know that Emma isn't in Tallahassee anymore and she isn't with Ed anymore. It can be as simple as you got a job offer here, Ed didn't want to move because of whatever, you guys were on the way out anyway so you broke up and you moved on."

"If we go with that then you need to call," I said to Emma. "I shouldn't even be mentioned really."

"Would Ed have called your mom or dad?" Dory asked.

"He hasn't even called me yet," Emma answered. "I highly doubt he would call them."

"Before that changes," Dory warned. "You need to call them."

"I'll do it," I volunteered. "I'll just tell it like it is. Ed was a jerk, he treated you like one, and you got tired of it. This job came along and I helped you get out. Short, simple, to the point."

"Ok," Emma sighed. "He's going to grill me though."

"You'll be fine," I assured her. "I'll be right here with you."

"I don't know how reassuring that is," Emma joked.

"That's the spirit," Dory cheered.

"Alright," Dory sighed. "Let's take a break from the serious stuff and just enjoy the morning. I've got to be going in a half an hour, so let's keep it light and fun, shall we?"

Emma and I both nodded.

"Thanks for the coffee maker," I said.

Dory just laughed. We had a more relaxed breakfast before Emma and I went about our day together. The couple's massage was very relaxing for both of us. Emma changed her hair back to her normal dark brown color and had it styled better to make her happy at her hair appointment. We headed back to the house for lunch then crawled back into bed together and spent a good part of the afternoon doing what couples do when they have to make up for lost time.

I scrolled through my contacts and found Uncle Ronnie's number as we sat on the bed together. I took a breath then looked at Emma. "Ready?"

She nodded as I pushed send and put the phone to my ear.

----------------------------------------- Late September, six months later ------------------------------

Time flew by, life was good, golf was great, and Emma was spectacular. Three regular season trophies, two big time event trophies, one jacket, and nearly a season ending playoff trophy later proved that stability leads to opportunity. I had my two loves now, one brought purpose and stability to my life and made my other love fun and easy, opening opportunities to win. Without one I wouldn't have the other. I didn't always win but my girl, my favorite girl, was always there to pick me up and encourage me. When I did win, she was there with her sincere appreciation for my accomplishments.

I was off now for the foreseeable future after the near miss for the playoff title. I needed to dedicate my time to my number one love and show her how much she meant to me and how special she was. We were together as much as we could be, but it never felt like enough. It was time to make up for lost time.

We both met in front of the new house, our new house together, five away from Dory. It was the first time we would be here together. I still had my house on the east coast where I stayed once in a great while for a day or two just to say I was there. Emma had her own house too. It was thirty minutes away from here. She lived there full time, paid her own bills, had her own responsibilities, and commuted back and forth to work at the little school where Dory had promised she'd get her a job.

I only saw her house the one time when we both went to look at it before she bought it. It was hers, in her name, and she paid the mortgage on it. That kept us separate, but at the same time allowed us to be together. If her mom and dad or anyone else wanted to come and visit, it was her house in a place where she could afford in a quiet neighborhood. It kept us, and our secret safe.

For the past six months we had been together at Dory's house. Not the whole time, when I was off for the week, if I missed a cut, if she had an extended amount of time off from her teaching job, or if she simply said I need you to spend some time with me, we were together at Dory's. When I was out, she was living at her house. The separation kept us safe, being together made everything that was hard worth it.

Today was the very first day we would be together in the house we would share together and call home. I handed her the key, she unlocked the door, I pushed it open then swept her off her feet and carried her across the threshold as she wiggled around and laughed so hard. I set her down in the big and open living room with nothing in it.

"There's quite an echo in here," she said and listened to it for a second.

"It's nothing but tile and openness," I offered. "Nothing to absorb the sound."

"What time is the furniture coming?" she asked excitedly.

"Ummm?" I shrugged and gave her my silly smile.

"Jason," she cried. "Where will we sleep tonight?"

"Five doors that way," I pointed.

She gave her coy smile now. "I'd like to be loud tonight."

"Yeah," I chuckled and slapped her butt. "Hasn't stopped you yet."

"Jason!" she squealed and went to swat me, but I dodged it and ran to the left towards the kitchen.

She gave chase as I rounded the corner and ducked in by the counter. I waited until she came around the corner before I jumped out and scooped her up again. She shrilled with laughter as I carried her to the island counter and set her on it. I was between her legs as we both laughed now. I leaned in and kissed her softly.

"Welcome home, Em," I cheered.

"Welcome home, Jay," she cheered back.

"Hey you two?" Dory called as she came in. "You guys here?"

"Kitchen," I called.

"You guys decent?" she asked jokingly.

"Maybe," Emma called.

"I'll come back then," Dory laughed.

"No, stay," I said as I left the counter and went around the corner to find her.

"Your house looks a little empty," Dory said as I saw her.

"Don't you mean your house?" I teased.

"It's not mine," she said quickly. "I'm just sheltering it."

"I know," I smiled. "Thank you for doing that for us."

"I said I would help you any way I could."

"I found the champagne," Emma cheered from the kitchen. "Who wants a glass?"

"Us," Dory called.

"I don't know how I will ever be able to thank you for doing all that you have done for us," I said sincerely. "I don't know what I did to deserve such a good friend like you."

We heard a loud pop and then some banging before the top to the bottle rolled across the floor near Dory and me.

"Whoa, shit!" Emma laughed. "That one got away from me."

"Do you hear that laughter coming from that beautiful little girl in there?" Dory asked.

"I do," I smiled as she was still talking about the cork flying around to us, but we weren't listening at the moment.

"That's my thank you," Dory said. "You making her happy and keeping those promises you made to her."

"I will," I said firmly.

"I know you will," Dory smiled.