My First (Time) Taboo Ch. 39


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So a week and a half went by before the party. So now during this time I spent a lot of time talking with Jocelyn on the phone (she's the girl I met in Florida). We have become super close. I really like her a lot, but obviously she lives so far away I'll never see her.

So the day before the party Jocelyn tells me that her mom finally agreed to let her come and see me. The stipulation was that Wendy (her mom) was going to drive up with her. Now in case you didn't read the last part. Wendy had sex with my mom and Aunt Jill, well actually she had sex with Kristen and me too. So I was thinking maybe Wendy was coming up for selfish reasons, but I was thrilled just the same. I wished they could have made it to the party, that might have been interesting, but no luck there.

So the day of the party came and everyone started showing up. Denise and Lyndsey actually came like an hour early. They said they wanted to help, but I think they just couldn't wait to get in the pool. Stephanie and Mandy showed up right on time, and Carol and Kayla pulled up as we were just greeting Steph and Mandy. So we explained the situation with Monica to Steph and Mandy who had never met her, and so we would all be on our best behavior, though best for this group is questionable, ha.

We had told Monica to show up about a half an hour after everyone else just so we could great everyone and be ourselves. I'm glad we did, because Mandy actually fingered me within about 5 minutes of arriving. Okay so when Monica showed up, we introduced her to Stephanie and Mandy, though I think we called her Amanda as that is her real name, and Monica of course remembered Carol and Kayla. Now this got interesting quick. When I introduced Denise and Lyndsey (who are unbelievably hot sisters with huge boobs, Monica was practically dumbfounded.

Okay so Denise and Lyndsey are both gorgeous. Their boobs are my sized or maybe bigger, and they are super fit. Now of course these two sisters are also lovers, thanks to me, but Monica of course had no idea. Still I could tell she was horny for them from the get go. To the point that I think Stephanie who also as a crush on Lyndsey actually seemed a little jealous.

Well other than some fun horsing around, pinching butts, slapping asses, an occasional boob brush, there was nothing sexual going on at all. We were all just having a fun time. Now there was flirting of course, lots and lots of flirting, but nothing happening at all.

So then my mom gets out of the water and decides to lay out. If anyone has read these before, you all know my mom lays out naked. Now since we had company she only took off her top, but still I wondered what Monica would think. (Everyone else of course has had sex with my mom, so no big deal.)

I heard Mandy say, "And the clothes are coming off." A few people laughed, but nothing more was thought about it. That said, my mom coated herself in oil, and when she was rubbing her own breasts Monica was definitely watching, more like drooling, ha. Hell I think everyone was watching, I know I was. Watching my mom rub her oiled hands on her huge breasts made me so hot for her. I was thinking Monica was ready to join our special club, but I do not think my mom was excited about having another member until she knew for sure. Still mom was definitely putting on a good show.

So then we sort of separated. Kristen, Lyndsey, Denise, Kayla and I were all in the pool, and my mom, Jill, Amanda, Stephanie, Carol, and Monica were all laying out. We had some fun talks, and then when Lyndsey and Denise got out of the pool to also lay out, Monica was quick to join us in the pool.

Monica said hi to Kayla like Kristen and I weren't even there, and they had some small talk before Monica asked, "So I hate to be nosy, but how are you and your mom doing after . . ."

Kayla smiled and looked at me and then back to Monica and said, "We're doing great, but we've never done that since." I had told her to say that.

Monica just said, "Oh, okay well I'm glad you two are handling it so well."

"Though I've wanted to believe me," Kayla said.

"Oh really?" Monica said sounding sort of happy or excited for her.

We all talked about that night for a while, until Lyndsey and Denise got back into the water. Monica stayed in, but I got out. I was walking by my mom when she sat up and said, "Lucy, will you rub some oil on my back."

I went to her without thinking. I poured some oil on my hands and as she was sitting up I started rubbing her shoulders. I saw Kristen saying something to Monica close to her ear, and they were both looking at me. I winked at them and just continued to massage my mom's shoulders. Then I had a major flash back. Thinking about all those years ago when I rubbed my mother's breasts and of course started our entire love affair. As I went down her back a little further my hands went on her sides, at first harmlessly, then my fingertips grazed the sides of her massive boobs.

When I did I looked at Monica and she was completely captivated. As my hands went lower I leaned in and whispered to my mom, "Mmmm, I want you so bad."

My mom didn't say anything, but instead she just twisted around and laid down on the chaise lounge. Her head was nearest me and she said quietly back to me. "If Kristen hadn't invited Monica this party would be different."

I looked down and her breasts were pressed out and I ran my fingers along them again. My hair was down across my face so Monica couldn't have read my lips and I said, "She won't be here forever, but I think she is starting to come around. Plus we have a secret on her as well you know."

My mom's head being on its side allowed me to see half of her pretty smile before she said, "True."

That's when I ran my hands down her back and ran them under her bikini bottoms and just cupped the very top of her ass. While I did I looked straight at Monica and mouthed, "Does this turn you on?"

Monica turned red and stopped watching us. She started talking to Kristen and Kayla and I was dying to know what, so I stopped and after wiping my hands off and taking a sip of my drink, I quickly rejoined them.

When I did, Monica moved close to me and said, "Lucy you're embarrassing me. Anyone could have seen you say that."

"No one was looking except for you and Kristen," I said.

"Still," was her reply and she changed the subject. Though later I heard her say to Kayla, "Did that turn you on to watch Lucy rubbing oil on her mother?" Kayla of course said yes and then asked Monica the same question. Monica simply said, "I don't think every mother is like Carol. I think Lucy is being too risky."

I was right behind her and I swam up closer and put my arms around Monica's waist and I said, "I like risky."

Monica tried to move away and said, "You shouldn't have your arms around me. Someone will see."

I took her hand (now that she was facing me) and I pulled it between my legs and said, "What about this?"

She didn't stop until I had her hand down my shorts and she actually touched my clit, but then she yanked her hand away, and said, "Too risky."

Then Kayla yelled to her mom and Carol came over. Kayla said, "Jump in the water." So Carol did. We all talked for a bit. Kayla was sort of clinging to her mom, and then Kayla put her hand down her own mother's bikini bottom and began to rub her while Monica and I watched. Carol didn't resist at all, but she said, "Oh shit, I didn't expect that."

"I've wanted to do this since our fun in the hotel room," Kayla said, and she must have slipped a finger in right then, because Carol let out a little noise and I could see the delight on her face. The four of us were all close together and only we could see what was happening, but I looked over and saw Kristen watching us and I think she knew what was going on under the water.

Monica was looking horny, but also nervous and she finally said, "Aren't you worried someone will see you?"

Carol was really enjoying the rub and I think the excitement of being watched, because it took her a while to answer and when she did her voice sounded so different. "Oh, it's so worth it."

So Carol orgasmed and when she did I could tell she wanted to kiss Kayla, but she didn't. Monica sat in the pool and talked alone with Carol for the longest time afterwards.

Then soon enough the party became just a pool party. I had Denise on my shoulders and Lyndsey had Kristen on hers and we were trying to knock the other one over. It was super fun, and soon Denise popped out of her top, and I heard Mandy yell, "And the clothes are coming off," again. This time everyone laughed even more, but maybe because some had been drinking.

So then my mom got in the water and had Kayla on her shoulders and it was a three-way battle. My mom was still topless and I so wanted to reach over and grab her boobs, but I didn't. We had a great afternoon and nothing else sexually happened for a while. So then I heard the phone ring and I rushed inside and it was Jessica. I was so thrilled to hear her voice. She asked what all was going on and I explained the Monica situation, so she asked if she could bring over Tabitha and just hang out. So of course I said yes.

They were there a half an hour later and my mom was more nervous now and I think I was too. There was definitely a lot of sexual tension brewing by this point. Stephanie was starting to touch Lyndsey a lot more often, and Carol was flirting big with my mom, and even Monica.

I was doing my best to keep my hands to myself, well most of the time, but you know me. So Tabitha pulled off her cover and her perky, tan c-cups caught my eye. And of course Jessica is so pretty and her D-cups looked amazing. I was starting to get horny and was worried I'd do something stupid.

Tabitha and Jessica sort of stayed to themselves for the first 15 minutes, but soon Tabitha was by my side and talking a mile a minute. It all seemed harmless and she even thanked me again for setting her up with Jess, but then she said, "Who's the woman showing off her enormous boobs?"

I said, "That's my mom."

"Holy shit no wonder you have such an amazing body, your mom is hot!"

I wasn't sure Jessica liked hearing that, but she didn't say anything. In fact she swam away from us and started talking with Denise and Kayla. I wasn't sure why, but I certainly didn't want to upset Jess.

I tried to keep the conversation about things other than my mom's big boobs, but then after a while Tabitha said, "Kylee still talks about you a lot. Molly's great but she certainly isn't you, Lucy."

I wasn't sure if she was talking about the fact that Molly is flat or something else, but I assumed the former and just being silly I lifted my breasts up with my hands and bounced them a few times and said, "Yea, I have a lot of baggage."

I thought she was going to drown, LOL. She loved seeing my big boobs bounce and I'm pretty sure she cussed, but I swam away from her after that and rejoined Monica and Carol. I felt bad for just swimming away, but I didn't like how the conversation was going.

Monica and Carol were both looking at my mom, who was sitting on the side of the pool still topless. They were actually talking about her breasts and as soon as they noticed me Monica changed the subject quickly. It was so funny how much tension there was, and how we had to keep all these secrets, but it was also fun.

So finally everyone was out of the pool and getting dried off, and my mom had already rushed inside to start dinner. Jill followed soon after, and that's when Mandy said, "Let's play a game."

This was not part of the plan, and she should know that Tabitha and Monica weren't in our little club, but as Mandy doesn't always think when she's drinking (or maybe ever LOL), I was very nervous. She described this game where someone would be blindfolded and then they had to guess who was standing in front of them without speaking to the person. I knew it would get sexual probably, but I figured what the hell, and so I said, "Sure, let's play."

So I was volunteered first, and after being blindfolded someone was placed in front of me and I had to figure it out. I put my hands on their face first and wow that didn't help at all. I really thought I'd be able to figure that out, but then I sort of tried to figure how tall they were compared to me and in doing so my breasts were smashed up against theirs's. It sort of made me horny, but as I didn't know who it was I figured I couldn't get too handsy.

I finally just thought, fuck it, and I squeezed their boobs. When I did everyone cheered. This was actually pretty fun, even though I was nervous. But I am also sort of competitive so I really wanted to figure it out. They had smaller boobs compared to some here, so I narrowed it down to either Monica, Tabitha, or Kayla. I felt the hair again, and guessed Kayla and I was right. Everyone cheered, Mandy took off my blindfold, and Kayla and I hugged. It was cute.

So then Mandy said my turn. I put the blindfold on her and then I sort of looked at everyone and Kristen stepped forward. At first Mandy was interested in smelling her and then feeling her shoulder height and she was really trying to figure it out I think, but once her hands were on Kristen's breasts, they spent a long time on them. Monica leaned over and whispered to me, "I'm glad Jill went inside." But some of the others were cheering her on, and Kristen seemed to like it. She finally said, "Jessica." And everyone booed and then laughed and Mandy took of her own blindfold and said, "Oh shit, well I was close. And they do have about the same size boobs so yea I guess she was.

So then Denise volunteered to play. When she did as soon as the blindfold was on Mandy grabbed Lyndsey and put her in front of Denise. I was instantly turned on. The thought of these two sisters standing their while everyone else watched them was so hot. Monica looked at me with wide eyes and said, "Isn't that her sister?" And I just nodded my head yes and smiled.

Denise went right for the boobs. Denise has become such the wild one over the years. To think that she was once this straight-laced sensible young girl, but now she was a wild horn-dog. Such a change. So she starts really feeling her up and again some people cheered. Monica actually took my hand and held it. I think she was embarrassed for them, but Lyndsey sort of smiled and looked like she wanted to laugh. Denise sniffed her neck and I thought she was going to kiss it for a moment, but then instead she turned Lyndsey around to face her and putting her arms around her she grabbed her ass. I was staring at them from the side and their huge boobs were smashed together and that's when Denise said, "Well I have it narrowed down to two."

No one said a word, but my mom walked out right then and was half way through some question about drinks, when she saw them and said, "Shit, what are we doing."

Mandy explained it really fast to my mom and while no one was paying attention (except me of course) I saw Denise whisper something to Lyndsey and by the time everyone looked back at them, Denise shouted, "It's Lucy." But before Mandy could take off the blindfold Denise smacked Lyndsey's ass. When Mandy did take off the blindfold, Denise acted surprised, but I knew she knew who it was and later she confirmed that. She had actually whispered, "I love you sis," to make sure Lyndsey didn't get her feelings hurt.

Then my mom shocked me and said, "I want to play."

Mandy put the blind fold on her and then, she grabbed my hand and led me in front of my mom. I had a feeling this was coming, but I wasn't sure if my mom did. Monica actually held my hand for a bit as I was being pulled away as if she wanted to protect me or something.

My mom was totally playing the game full force. She first put her hands on my waist and made a comment like, "Nice," or something. Then she felt my abs and said, "Very fit." Then she got down on her knees behind me and started grabbing my ass. She even pressed her face against it and said, "Someone must run a lot." I do.

I hadn't looked at Monica yet. I had been just paying attention to my mom, but when I did Kayla was whispering something in her ear. I never did ask her what she said, but Monica was getting turned on I could see it in her eyes. Then my mom rose up behind me and first held my shoulders and then played with my hair, but then she didn't just feel my breasts she squeezed them like she does when she is fucking me from behind. I let out a big sigh, and tilted my head back. More than anything I wanted her to just take me right then while everyone watched us. Knowing that Monica and Tabitha knew nothing about the relationship I had with my mom and thinking about what all must have been going through their minds, made me so wet. Now only three women at this party had breasts as large as mine. Denise and Lyndsey were the other two. So my mom would have known that for sure. I wondered if she had figured it out before that point, but my mom continuing to feel me up and really massaging them and said, "Wow, I hope this isn't Lucy."

I was so lost in the moment right then. I was sure the lust was clear on my face and I rolled my head back to feel my face against my mom's not even caring what anyone especially Monica or Tabitha thought, and there was Monica staring straight at me, and I could tell she was confused beyond belief at what she was seeing. That's when I realized no one was cheering. In fact most of the girls weren't even watching us, they were looking at Monica or Tabitha just like I had been.

I think my mom had gotten carried away, because as soon as she said that, she began to touch me other places and then she stopped and stepped back acting like she was trying to decide. My mom guessed Lyndsey, and then yanked the blind fold off and I think everyone was sort of hesitant to even react, but my mom said, "Oh shit I was wrong."

I sort of gave a cute wave and said, "Surprise," but in a sheepish voice. My mom just laughed, and that made everyone become more comfortable, but I could tell Monica was embarrassed for her (though obviously there was no real reason to be, of course Monica didn't know this).

Mom gave me a hug just like everyone else had and then I walked over and stood next to Monica. Monica leaned over and said, "You're mom is . . . daring."

I looked over at Tabitha and Jessica and I saw two very different reactions. Jess looked like she was disappointed in me, but Tabitha looked intrigued. Then Carol took a turn with the blindfold and I sort of walked over to Jess to say I was sorry, but when I did, Mandy yanked Jessica over to be the next girl to be guessed. So then I stood there next to Tabitha feeling dumb.

Tabitha said, "Wow, I bet that was awkward."

"Very," I said.

"She was really groping you. This is a crazy game."

"Yea, I've never played it before," I said. Just then Carol began to massage Jessica's breasts, and everyone started cheering again, so we stopped and looked.

Tabitha said, "Shit, I can't believe how bold everyone is. Isn't Carol Kayla's mom?"


"I can't believe she'd act like this in front of her, or shit your mom too."

"We're pretty open people," I said.

Carol guessed Jessica and everyone cheered. Then Tabitha yelled, "Me next!"

Just then Jill walked out wondering where Patty was and we had to explain the rules all over again.

Jess came and stood next to me during that and I said, "Sorry this wasn't my idea."

"It's okay, I'm just worried for you."

I thought that was super sweet and I had completely misread her expression. I took Jessica's hand as soon as Tabitha had the blindfold on, and said, "Are you jealous?"

"Are you kidding me? I dated you remember. It's just a fun game," Jessica said and kissed my shoulder. I was happy she wasn't upset.