My First (Time) Taboo Ch. 39


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So Mandy was looking at everyone and no one was volunteering so I was about to push my mom forward who wasn't too far from me, but Mandy grabbed Monica. Monica somewhat resisted, but soon enough she was standing in front of Tabitha.

Tabitha like most of us grabbed the shoulders first and then like me tried to touch her face to figure it out, but soon she was rubbing Monica's breasts. Everyone was cheering and laughing and having a good time. Tabitha seemed to love the attention so she was really going at it. Monica stood rigid however and I wasn't sure what to think. I couldn't see her face. Tabitha finally guessed and I don't remember who, but she was wrong. We all booed and when she took off the blindfold Monica gave her a big hug. So everything was cool. Then Jill said it was time to eat so we all went inside.

Dinner was just all talk and no craziness, but afterwards everyone changed and people started to hook up in rooms while they did. Tabitha and Jessica left however and I was actually glad. I walked them to Jessica's car and I asked Tabitha to please not tell her sister or anyone about how crazy it got. I was mostly concerned about her telling Sam (her sister) or Kylee about mom feeling me up. She said, "Oh I promise I won't."

And Jess added, "Or she will never invite us over again."

Jess seemed like she was joking and Tabitha let out a little laugh, but it was totally true.

So when I went in I went upstairs to change and all the doors were closed and I saw Carol and Monica standing outside the bathroom door. They started to kiss so I just hung out at the top of the steps so Monica wouldn't see me. They kissed until Stephanie and Mandy came out of one of the bedrooms and then the two of them went in the room to "change" though I'm sure they messed around some. Though they weren't in the room overly long either.

When Denise and Lyndsey came out of my bedroom I pulled them back in with me to change. I kissed Lyndsey right away and I Denise started feeling my breasts from behind. Lyndsey can kiss like no other. I almost didn't even think about Denise being there until she stuck her hand down the back of my swim suit and slid her finger inside of me. When she did, I leaned back into her and she squeezed my boob with her other hand and kissed me over my shoulder.

Lyndsey pulled my shorts down and soon she was licking me on her knees.

Denise said, "I loved playing that game it was so hot." I told them it made me nervous, but now that Tabitha was gone I would love to play it some more. Denise said, "Maybe we'll play or sorts of games tonight."

I came right then. And when Lyndsey was done she rose up and at first kissed me. I could taste myself on her and it made me feel so sexy. Then she moved in so tight against me and kissed Denise over my shoulder. I loved feeling Lyndsey and Denise's boobs pressed on both side of me, while I watched them kissing and still had Denise's finger up my pussy. They kissed for a while and I had both my hands on both of their asses. I finally said, "I love you two."

They stopped kissing, but were just staring into one another's eyes. I almost felt weird for being between them. I was so happy that I played a role in getting these two sisters together, but sometimes I wondered if it was inevitable. They definitely truly love one another. After a bit Lyndsey looked at me and she actually blushed, and then gave me a soft kiss and then we all separated. Denise jumped on my bed and Lyndsey walked with me over to my dresser and helped me pick something out to wear.

Soon Kristen walked in and I asked where she had been and she said, "I was changing with mom and Patty. Mom got so horny watching all the fun down stairs, she wanted a little sugar."

Kristen sat down next to Denise and she gave her a kiss. Lyndsey smiled at me and I winked at her.

Okay so I just ended up wearing one of my new sundresses. Made me remember Florida. Which actually got me thinking of Jocelyn, but I won't bore you with that. So I was in this strapless short dress, with no bra and no panties and totally ready to have fun. Kristen actually saw how sexy I looked and she changed into something "hotter" as she put it.

By the time we got down stairs everyone else was already in the living room. As close as Carol and Monica were sitting I could tell they were really hitting it off. So we all drank wine (except for me) and sat around talking for about an hour before Denise said, "I want to play that game again."

"Or a different one," Mandy said. We asked what she meant and she started explaining another idea she had. This time two girls would wear a blindfold and they had to figure each other out, they would have a couple minutes to do so and then have to guess. No talking of course, so they would have to whisper the name into someone's ear. I at once asked how we would not see whoever was chosen first and so Mandy explained, we'll start in two different rooms and divide in two groups. We figured it would be worth a try.

So Mandy volunteered to be the "game show host" as she called herself, she is so fun, and she split us into two groups. Myself, Jill, Lyndsey, Kayla, and Monica all stayed in the living room, while my mom, Kristen, Stephanie, Carol, and Denise went into the den.

I could tell how she split us up that she wanted there to be a chance of sisters or daughters and mom's hooking up. I know what she likes, hell all of us do, but I wondered how Monica would handle it.

So we played for a while. It was actually a lot of fun and everyone took it really serious at first. We were choosing as a group who would be picked to go out blindfolded and then everyone was very quiet during the game as to not give anything away. There was actually 5 sessions before the first odd paring went. It ended up being my mom and me. I figured it out the moment I put my hands on her chest. I mean Carol Kristen and Stephanie are all busty, but nothing like Denise and my mom, so it only could have been them even at a quick grab, but even though Denise is an F-cup, I have touched my mother's breasts more than anyone else's in the world, so I just knew.

And only Lyndsey was the same size as me on our team so I figured my mom knew too, but we spent the whole 2 minutes enjoying ourselves. The whole time I explored her body I couldn't help but think about what Monica must have been thinking. Especially since my mom pulled my dress down revealing my large breasts and rubbed her thumbs and forefingers over my nipples. When she did I opened my mouth and sort of leaned forward into her involuntarily and our faces touched. I felt her cheek against mine and we sort of nuzzled up against one another and our lips brushed against one another and I heard someone (I think Monica) say, "Shit!"

She was shushed and my mom and I separated just a little though our hands did not leave each other's breasts at that point. I lifted her enormous breasts up with my hands and pressed them together, and then I rubbed them against my face. She let out just a little noise, not quite a moan, and I could tell she was so into this.

Then when I straightened up my mom's hands went to my ass and she pulled my dress up to reveal it to everyone. Then putting her hands on it again, she started kissing my shoulder. That's when Mandy said, "Times up."

We separated. Mandy came to both of us and we whispered names in her ear. Then she announced that I thought the other person was Denise, and of course my mom had chosen Lyndsey to make it look good for Monica. Then Mandy said, "Take them off."

When we did of course there was mom staring right at me. We both did our best to act surprised and I think even some of the other girls beside Monica even believed us. Kayla asked me as soon as the other group went to the den, "So did you really not know?"

Then while Mandy was putting the blindfold on Jill, Monica approached me and said, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head yes, and said, "I'm just embarrassed." Monica wasn't smiling. She actually looked a little pale. I think she was starting to question what she was doing at this wild party. She put her arm around me and rubbed my opposite shoulder. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not, but I added, "Mostly because I enjoyed touching her so much."

"Well it's no big deal. Don't feel bad. It's not like what Carol and Kayla did. I'm sorry I didn't stop it," Monica said.

I pressed my head against hers and said as the other group walked out. "I'm okay. I just wish it hadn't made me so horny."

Monica gave me a look, but as soon as the game started she just stood and watched it. I think she was thinking the same thing I had just said and didn't want to admit it.

Carol and Jill went at it for a while with their hands before they actually started kissing, and Kristen hooted and hollered a little bit before Mandy shushed her. They had figured it out too and I could tell they were enjoying themselves, but I also could see Monica getting a little jealous, which surprised me. I would have thought she would have been more jealous when Kristen had made out with Kayla, but I think she was starting to really like Carol, in spite of her misgivings for Carol's incestuous ways.

So that's when the game got crazier. Mandy said, "I wish we had some handcuffs, to where my mom said, no problem and ran upstairs and got a couple pair.

Then the game changed. Same roles except now the people couldn't use your hands. Lyndsey and Stephanie were next and it was really funny watching them two trying to figure it out without using hands, but then Monica suddenly pulled me aside and whispered, "Lucy, I think Patty must have known it was you. Only you and Kayla have strapless dresses on our team, and her breasts are way smaller."

I wasn't sure if she was sickened or not, but her eyes were enormous. I said, "But Lyndsey's dress is loose enough it would have dropped down off her boobs too. Maybe she didn't know."

I don't think Monica bought it. She shook her head no, and looked back over at Patty who was smiling and watching the game. She looked back and forth between us a few times and then said, "I think she knew. And I think her and Mandy or maybe even Carol are all in on this. I shouldn't be here."

I took Monica by the hand and led her into the kitchen. I pushed her against the counter and stood very close to her. "Monica . . ." I wasn't sure what I wanted to say right then, but I knew I had to take charge. I knew she secretly was a horny little housewife that was aroused by Carol and Kayla, and she had probably also enjoyed watching mom and me. Thing is she didn't want to admit it to herself or anyone.

"I had no idea that was my mom. I'm sure she didn't either. I could tell by the look on her face afterwards."

Monica sort of tilted her head back and forth as if she thought that seemed likely, but there was still some disapproval to her look as well. She started to say something, but I cut her off.

"But," I continued, "I won't lie and say I didn't get soaking wet feeling her hands run all over my body. Or how incredibly horny it made me knowing that all of you just watched me fondle my mother's enormous breasts."

Monica was just staring at me now.

I continued, "I don't think this is set up, but I think everyone here enjoyed watching it, just as much as you did."

"I didn't say I . . ." Monica started to talk again, but I kissed her. She kissed me back. My hands went to her breasts and hers to my butt. When we finally stopped Monica jerked and let out a very light squeal and was looking over my shoulder. I turned and my mom was standing there.

"Shit, I am so sorry Patty. Lucy kissed me and with all this craziness and . . ." Then Monica sort of pushed me away, but then as if she suddenly felt horrible she said, "Oh, but I don't want you to be angry with Lucy either."

"It's okay, Monica," my mom said, and she stood close to me. "Lucy is an adult. She can kiss who she wants. I think I had a feeling maybe something was going on between you two anyway."

Monica shook her head trying to deny it, but I said, "We've had sex mom."

Monica looked at me and then with wide eyes and an open mouth she looked at Patty, shaking her head no, but not outright denying it.

"And Kristen has been with her too," I said. Monica looked at me as if I had thrown her under the bus, but again said nothing. I think she looked as if she was about to have a heart attack, but I wasn't backing down. "I'm sorry mom. It just happened."

My mom put her arm around me and said, "It's okay, Lucy. We all have desires. Maybe we should keep this a secret from your Aunt Jill though okay?"

I agreed of course and Monica was shaking her head yes for the first time. She looked so tortured I actually felt bad for a second, even more so when my mom asked her next, "Does your husband know you sleep around with young girls?"

"NO!" Monica shouted and looked almost spastic. "No, no, please, oh shit, patty please. If he found out I would be . . ." Monica paused. She didn't look like she was going to cry, but she definitely was upset.

My mom said, "Don't worry Monica, I would never tell him." Monica looked so relieved. We talked for a while longer, before Jill came in to see what was going on and we just all went back out into the living room as if nothing had happened, but Monica seemed on edge for a while after. When the game was over I thought Monica was going to leave, but then she didn't, and the eleven of us all sat around and talked some more.

By now most everyone was either drunk or getting there (except for me of course as I don't drink). Monica had been buzzed for sure when I was with her in the kitchen and she was working on another glass now. We were all sitting on the sofas or chairs and were basically in a big circle. Mandy said, "I have a new game." It was a drinking game of course. And the rules themselves were so ridiculous, but also people made rules up as the game went along, and one of the rules became if you were unable to do something then you had to kiss the person two to your left. Denise had made that rule. Thing is then they had to try and do it and if they failed it continued on. Well to my left was Kristen, then Monica, then Denise, Lyndsey, Kayla, Carol, Stephanie, Mandy, Patty, and finally Jill. So I saw right away that there could be a chance that either my mom would be kissing me or Jill would be kissing Kristen. Sure Kristen was given a tongue twister she couldn't say that started a whole chain reaction.

First Kristen kissed Denise. It was a sexy kiss and I enjoyed watching them. Then Denise tried and failed so she kissed Kayla. It was a cute kiss and they were both laughing and it made everyone else laugh. Kayla was pretty drunk by now and she barely got started before she screwed it up so she was kissing Stephanie moments later. Stephanie failed and kissed my mom. It was then up to my mom and she actually almost made it through, but she messed up at the end. She looked over at me and I said, "Oh what the hell, it's not like we haven't already felt each other up."

My mom walked over and knelt down in front of me and I leaned forward. She paused for a moment acting as if it seemed awkward. She had her hands on my thighs and my hands were on her arms. She was acting so reluctant I wasn't sure it was acting. I was completely turned on however. Feeling her hands on me and looking down on her pretty face made me just melt. This was different I suppose. Before we had been blindfolded and supposedly didn't know, but now it would be blatant. I looked over at Monica and she was staring at us, waiting.

My mom began to lean forward and so I just quickly went in and gave her a short peck. Mandy objected and said, "No good, a real kiss."

To save my mother, I decided to act. I reached up and took my mother by her hair and pulled her head back and started kissing her. Our tongues met and suddenly we were lost in one another. At first it was this amazing adrenaline rush of having Monica watch us, but soon I had all but forgotten and was just passionately making out with my mom.

I could taste the alcohol on her hot wet breath. I was nearly as intoxicated by her as she was from the booze. I can't begin to tell you all how much love I feel for my mom, but sharing that love in front of others makes me feel happier than anything else in the word. No one was making a sound and the two of us kissed for a good thirty seconds (I'm guessing) before we took a breath.

When we did, my mom sat down on her feet and just looked at me. I stood up and said, "Fuck the tongue twister." I walked right over to Monica. She was maybe in a state of shock, because she just sat there and watched. I stood in front of her and sticking my thumbs in the top of my dress, I slowly pulled my sundress down. First my breasts popped out and then the dress dropped quickly down to my hips. With a shimmy it fell the rest of the way to the floor. I was completely naked now and standing in front of Monica.

She was on a card table chair, so I just straddled her legs sitting on her lap with my chest even with her face. She was looking back and forth between my boobs and my lips, but not saying a word.

I leaned down and started to kiss her, but then as her lips went for mine, I rose up and put my breasts in her face. She was nervous and just looked up at me from between them. I moved my nipple to her lips and she pursed her lips so it wouldn't go inside. She shook her head no, but still said nothing.

I started rubbing my pussy on her leg and then I acted as if I would kiss her again, and she went for my lips immediately, but I denied them again. This time she looked around at everyone and was turning red in the face. I stood up and put my hands on my own breasts and after licking both of the tops of them I lifted one of my legs straight up and spun around so my ass was now pointing towards her. (Yes, I used to be a cheer leader, and yes I am flexible, but I was still glad I didn't stumble, LOL.) I leaned forward sticking my butt out just a bit, and then put my hands on my rear and pulled it apart a bit so she could get a good look at my pussy.

Now I couldn't see her at this point, but everyone else looked horny as hell. In fact Mandy had her hand down her pants and my mom was rubbing her own chest still kneeling on the floor by my chair, though now facing us.

I sat down on Monica's lap, and leaned back into her body. Her hands went to my waist, but I quickly took them in my hands and pulled them up to my breasts. She began to squeeze my huge boobs, but then I think she got nervous because she stopped, and so I helped her do it.

My legs were spread wide and I had my head back on her shoulder and she was looking right at me. She said, "Lucy?"

It was definitely like a question, but who knows what she was asking. I almost kissed her again, but at the last second I turned away and said, "Someone lick my pussy."

Denise who was sitting just to our left was down on her knees before anyone else seemed to even register what I had said. She hesitated only for a second just to look at the two of us, and then she dove in devouring me. Her mouth went over my clit and she sucked on it, and wiggled it for quite a while before she started to lick it. Monica was cussing now, but she was also squeezing my boobs on her own. I finally leaned back and let her kiss me.

When we stopped we looked up and everyone was having sex. I really didn't have time to focus, I just saw nudity everywhere and heard lots of moaning, and then someone grabbed Monica and started kissing her. It was my mom. Monica didn't resist her and they made out for a while before they came up for air.

Monica just said, "Oh Patty."

My mom then started sucking my nipples and of course Monica started cussing again. My mom paused for a moment to kiss Monica again and I swear it was even more passionate than the first time. Then mom went back to my nipples and was just nibbling and pulling on them with her teeth. Monica finally said, "This is so wrong."