My Friend's Mom - Mrs. Singer Pt. 04


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"I just came more times in the last hour than in my entire sex life before you. And way more intensely. That was indescribably hot, babe."

"It's the least I could do," I say, and we both laugh.

"Can we go on a date?" she asks me.

"I think that's an excellent idea," I tell her, and we hold hands. After a little pause, Josie speaks again.

"What the fuck is up with Tommy's mom? She's a total fucking cunt," Josie says. She's right, Mrs. Singer had been at her absolute worst, and I've seen her behave badly plenty of times before. I look at Josie, and innately know I can trust her.

"Can I tell you a secret that you must absolutely not share with anyone?" I say. Josie looks at me and gasps.

"Oh shit. You guys are fucking?' she says with an amazed laugh.

"Were," I tell her. "She was my first. But it's over now."

"Not for her," Josie says, and of course she's right, again. I want to tell Josie that she's the only one for me now, but I hold it back, not wanting to blow it. "I'm going to need to hear all about that. She might be an asshole, but she's hot," she adds. The truth is, I owe it all to Mrs. Singer. Without her training and experience, I would never have been able to bag girls as amazing as Sophie or Josie. I certainly would never have been able to break down her barriers, so to speak.

Josie and I continue talking a little bit, fuck again, then go out to eat. I watch her as she sits opposite me, and she's just sparkling. My heart sings for her, and we hold hands across the table. "Nick, I'm not a slut, you know," she tells me.

"I didn't think you were," I reply.

"You might have good reason to think that, because of the way we got together."

"Then I'm even more of a slut than you, logic would dictate," I tell her, trying to break down gender prejudices. Can only women be sluts? I don't think so.

"Oooh, good point."

"But there was no way I was ever going to be able to resist you," I add.

"Oh, so it's my fault, is that it? I see how it is," she says with a giggle.

"Was I the one on the couch in my nightie and beautiful bouncing breasts?"

"You were the one on the couch with a big hard dick in their pants. As if I didn't notice," she says slyly. "And, you were the one who had advertised their advanced skills in bed for the whole neighborhood to hear," she mutters. I catch her eye, and we both laugh out loud.

"You grabbed my cock during Twister," I say.

"You were staring at my tits."

"Your tits were in my face."

"Your eyes were all over me. And I don't just mean that day."

"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," I tell her, then wonder if I've said too much. She smiles and blushes, almost as if she doesn't already know.

"I had feelings for you, even before you..."


"...set me free," she says, timidly. I squeeze her hand and smile at her warmly. This is something real between us. We eat for a little while, then she stops and looks at me. "Is it all true?" she says.

"Which part?"

"That I'm the best you've had, that nothing compares to me, that I'm the most beautiful girl you have ever seen?"

"I haven't lied to you, Josie. And I never will," I tell her, and at least at that very moment, I feel that it's the absolute truth.

"Tell me," she says, and holds both my hands, staring into my eyes.

"Josie, I know we've just met, or just, um... started this, but... yes, all those things are true. You are..."

"I'm what?" she asks softly.

"You're all I could ever need or want. Will you be my steady girl?"

Josie smiles and wriggles around in her seat. "Am I not your steady girl already?" she says cutely, then laughs.

"Well, um..."

"I'm just messing, baby. Yes please. Be my one and only," she says and leans over and kisses me. And that's it, I have a girlfriend, someone I could actually love, as an equal, and not feel manipulated by, not have doubts about or feel guilty for being with. This was perfect and natural. She was amazing, and I felt amazing being in her company,


The next few weeks are bliss. Every spare second we have is spent in each other's company, and we had taken to doing school work together as well. We start going down the cinema rabbit hole, go swimming almost every evening, and our sex life is new uncharted territory for both of us. She's a new woman, and I am simply in awe of her as I watch her blossom. According to Josie, Sophie has been seeing some guy a little, so we figure it's safe for me to go and hang out at their place.

Tonight, after dinner, Josie and I wind up at her's and join Wendy in the living room as she's watching TV. The alcohol starts flowing, and talk turns to the saucy side again, as these two babes fall into old tricks.

"So, is this boy everything Sophie said he was?" Wendy asks, looking delicious in short shorts with her small pokey tits looking amazing in a tight pink t-shirt.

"Everything and more," Josie purrs, cuddling up to Wendy as the both of them look me over.

"Big dick?"

"Big and beautiful," Josie answers.

"Good with his tongue?"

"Like an electric eel. He's held me in an almost continual state of orgasmic bliss this last month,"

"Mmmm," Wendy replies, and the two of them look at each other, giggle, then look back at me. "Does he prefer big beautiful titties like yours, or cute little babies like mine?" she says, squeezing Josie's breasts. Josie puts her arms around Wendy and gently pinches her gorgeous nipples. I just stare at them in disbelief, and keep quiet. I have to know where they're taking this.

"Nick is more of a pussy man, but I'm sure he'd love to suck on your lovely little titties just as much as my melons," Josie replies, and the two of them kiss a little bit, as they fondle each other's boobs. I'm hard as a rock, and just sit there, reveling in their outrageous hotness.

"Is this some kind of test?" I suggest. "Because if it is, I'm gonna fail."

Both girls laugh and look at each other. I realize that they don't know where it's going either. I stand up, then grab another glass of wine, and sit back down on the couch in between them. I take a sip of wine, and turn my attention to the movie. Josie cuddles up, pressing her magnificent tits against me. Wendy presses herself against me on my other side, and the two of them hold hands, and play with each other's fingers. Josie takes Wendy's hand and places it on the lump in my pants. I inhale sharply, and Josie unzips me.

I look over at Josie and she gives me a little nod, as if to say, "it's OK," kisses me, then leans over and kisses Wendy. Josie pulls my cock out and starts stroking me as I watch them kiss. Josie takes my hand and places it on Wendy's little tit, and then leans down and starts sucking me off.

I look at Wendy and massage her lovely little breast. Her mouth is open, and she's breathing hard. She leans over and kisses me softly, as Josie sucks my cock. I love Wendy's pokey tits, and revel in her petite body. Josie sits up and takes a deep breath. My cock is pointing up at the ceiling, looking like an absolute beast. Wendy's eyes go wide and she lets out a little laugh, and starts playing with me.

"Oh my god," she says, stroking me gently. "You get this monster inside you, Jo?"

"Two or three times daily, hon," she replies. "More on weekends." Wendy leans over and takes me in her mouth, modestly. I look at my girlfriend, and she smiles at me sweetly and strokes my face. She then pushes Wendy's head down, forcing her to take me in deeper. Wendy starts gagging, but Josie doesn't let her up. After half a minute, Josie lets Wendy go. Wendy sits up, gasping for air, but with a dirty twinkle in her eye.

The girls look at each other, then both go down on me and start licking my cock in unison and kissing each other. Just then, with exquisite timing, Sophie comes in. Josie grabs a pillow and sticks it over my cock, and both the girls sit up. Wendy is licking her lips lasciviously, and Josie is sitting there, looking like she's holding in a laugh.

"Don't worry girls, it's nothing I haven't had in my pussy before," Sophie says, and they all laugh. I squirm a little in discomfort, and Sophie smiles at me sweetly. I guess she's over it.

"Not me," Wendy says, putting her hand in the air, and again, they all giggle. Sophie puts down her bag, gets on her knees, and crawls over to me. She looks up at Josie, then removes the pillow and goes down on me. That's three total babes in ten minutes. I must have been some kind of saint in a previous life. Josie and Wendy kiss in front of my face, as Sophie gives me a nice blowjob, but nowhere near the level of Mrs. Singer or Josie.

Sophie picks her head up and kisses all three of us in turn. "You wanna get fucked by this cock, Wendy?" she asks her roomie. Her red curls fall around her face, and she looks like a real doll. I look at Josie, and keep quiet.

"Why don't we ask the boy if he wants to fuck me?" Wendy says, fire in her eyes. I realize then that my hand is still touching her little tit. I put my hands in my lap, feeling self-conscious.

"Well, boy? Do you want to fuck Wendy? You've fucked everyone else here," Josie says, reaching down to squeeze Sophie tits.

"It's not really my decision," I say. I was going to leave it up to these fine, liberated ladies.

All the girls look at each other, as if taking a silent vote. They all want it, to let go, explore, have fun, push some boundaries, but they need reassurance that it's not going to get weird afterwards. I lean over to Josie and whisper in her ear. "I don't need anyone but you," I tell her, as Sophie stands up, removing her top. Wendy pulls her shirt over her head as well, and my heart races as I gaze on her gorgeous perky, pert tits. I would love to fuck her.

Josie whispers back to me, like a devil on my shoulder. "Yes, but look at those pointy little titties. You want her don't you?"

I look at Josie, as Sophie and Wendy start playing around with each other. "I love you," I tell her. I've never said it before. I put my dick away and smile at all the girls. I'm not risking my relationship over an orgy with a couple of girls I like less than her, no matter how hot they are. Josie looks at me with adoring, big eyes, and I continue to fall deeply in love.

Josie and I are the only two that have remained dressed, and Wendy and Sophie continue giggling and playing with one another. Josie watches them, and I watch Josie. I can't tell if her desire is for me, for them, or for the idea of watching me fuck her friends. "It looks like these two have it all taken care of," I say to the room, and all the girls look at each other.

"No. We all want to sit on a cock," Wendy says.

"A big, fat cock," Sophie adds. They're both tiddly.

"Sorry, they want a cock," Josie says, unzipping me again.

"Any cock?" I suggest.

"No, not any. You. Specifically you," Josie says, and gestures for Wendy to come over.

I'm eye to eye with her shaved pussy, and I can see dewey sparkle on her lips. Josie whispers in my ear. "I want you too," she says. I look at her uncertainly. "Will you do it for me?" she says. "I trust you." Josie then pulls out my cock. "Are you ready for him, Wendy?"

"I'm ready," she answers, then sits down on my knee, facing me, straddling. Sophie gets down on the floor and pulls off my jeans, then briefs. Josie kisses me, then holds my dick up, and Wendy places herself over me. Sophie comes and sits down on the other side of me, and plays with my balls, as Wendy sits down on my dick.

Josie guides me in, as Wendy puts her weight on me, and I penetrate her. She's tight, just like the other two, and feels like a dream. "Good girl," Josie says. Sophie starts fondling Wendy's tits, as Josie moves in to kiss her. Josie starts stripping as well, then pulls my shirt off. Josie and Sophie start touching each other, though the attention is on Wendy as she starts grinding on me, and making slutty noises. She's got her eyes closed, concentrating on her pleasure.

Josie keeps whispering in my ear, sweet reassurances and encouragement. "Give it to her, my boy," she says, and I look at her while her friend fucks herself using my cock. "But don't come. You have to save it for all of us."

Wendy is getting very excited and the other girls pay all their attention to her, tickling her clit, fondling her breasts, kissing her. I'm just a flesh dildo here, and I do my best to do my job and not finish. Luckily, I had fucked Josie a few hours before, so aren't ready to pop instantly. Wendy starts orgasming, and the others kiss her, and each other, sweetly as she does. I put my hands on Wendy's titties and massage her as she wriggles on me.

Wendy stands up when she's all done, and sits down on my knee as the other two cuddle and caress us both. "You're such a nice boy," Wendy says, in a daze.

"Told you," Sophie says.

"You have been given the very best," Josie adds. "Though, not with his tongue. It's not fair that Wendy be deprived of that, seeing as both Sophie and I have."

Sophie takes Wendy's hand, stands her up, then helps her down onto the carpet, where she spreads out. What a view. What a girl. I'm pretty riled up now and want to dive in, but again, look at my darling for guidance. Josie looks at me with strength in her eye, and points down to her friend. "She's waiting," she says, takes my hand and guides me down.

I see Sophie sit over Wendy's face, and starts receiving little flick's from Wendy's tongue. Josie grabs my balls pretty hard, and then pushes my head towards Wendy. I'm so close I can smell her, and when I feel further pressure on my nuts, I give her a pussy kiss. "Yes, good boy," I hear Josie say, and I feel like a passive pawn in their game. An exhilarated pawn.

Mrs. Singer and her manipulative games cross my mind, and for the first time since we had finished our affair, I doubt my position. But as Sophie starts making lovely, high noises, and Josie starts stroking my dick from behind, while pressing her tits against me, I lose myself, and go down on Wendy.

Her response is quick, and much more vocal than when she'd sat on my dick just now. I tongue her masterfully, and within five minutes she is spasming and screaming, as Sophie holds her arms to the floor. Josie pushes me down on top of her, grabs my cock, and flicks Wendy's bean using my tip. "Really fuck her. Show her what my man can do," Josie whispers in my ear, and guides me inside her again. This was unbelievable. I start fucking Wendy, as Josie is playing with my nuts and again, whispering in my ear. I can see Sophie, now making out with Josie and grabbing her big tits.

I'm their toy, and while I don't mind, not at all, I wonder what Josie is playing at. Wendy starts coming again, much more wildly than her last two times, and I do my best to hit her in the right spot without ejaculating. As I penetrate her deeply, I hit her in some magic spot and she starts yelping in a high voice in time with my thrusts. She's having a good one now. The other girls stop what they're doing and hold Wendy, and massage her softly as she comes, hard.

I kiss Wendy softly, and she starts laughing, a lot like Josie had done when I'd first made her come. She was laughing with joy and pleasure, but also relief and release. I pull out and sit up, and all the girls look at me. I haven't come yet and want to fuck them all now.

"He's a magician," Wendy says, and both the other girls nod at her, and I feel like some love god cult leader. "That's going straight to number one," Wendy says, starts laughing again, and Josie looks at me with apparent pride. She is showing me off.

"Alright, who's next," I say jokingly, and take a drink of wine. The girls all laugh.

"It's Sophie's turn," Josie says, and I look at my girlfriend. Sophie gets up from the floor and sits on the sofa, then spreads out. Wendy sits next to her, and starts rubbing Sophie's clit. Josie moves over to me, and kisses me.

"Ladies first," I tell Josie, and gesture for her to kiss Sophie between her legs. Josie gets on all fours, looks up at Sophie, then kisses her, and works her clit with her tongue. I move around Josie, and slip my cock inside her slowly, my hands on her waist. Oh yes, there she is, my perfect girl. Josie starts moaning and groaning as I fuck her, but still valiantly attempts to get Sophie off. Wendy crawls over to me, kisses me and I start feeling up her small perky tits as I fuck my girlfriend.

This is a good moment. Josie starts coming, and howls as I give it to her, and I'm desperate to come. I pull out and get Josie on her back. My dick flops against her belly as I take over giving head to Sophie. I remember her lovely pussy, and know exactly how to get her off. Where Josie had just failed, I succeed quickly in bringing this babe to climax. I'm ruining all these nymphs for other men.

Just as she had done with Wendy, Josie then moves me into position and guides my cock into Sophie's luscious pussy. I give it to her for a few minutes, then remember that she said she was off the pill, so pull out. I lie on the floor, exhausted. All three girls cuddle up to me, kiss each other and play with me, in seraphic rapture. Josie gets on top of me while the other two both make out with me, and I caress their tits. Sophie, medium, Wendy small.

Josie gets me inside and starts riding me cowboy. "Uh uh uh... don't come yet lover," she says, and this is now torture.

"I can't go much longer," I say. It had been over an hour of total titillation, and I need to come. Josie jumps off me, and goes over to the others. I sit up and look at them. Josie moves me onto my knees and starts jerking me off. As if being controlled by one mind, Sophie and Wendy get on all fours, stick their faces in front of my dick, as Josie finishes me off. "Open wide, girls," Josie says, and as I ejaculate, she aims my spunk in her friend's mouths. I have never even dreamed of something like this being possible. Josie has a wild streak, and the other two are her willing accomplices. I'm just a slave boy for their amusement.

I'm all done, and I collapse on the carpet. Sophie gets up and spits my cum out in the kitchen sink, but Wendy has appeared to have swallowed her dose. There's still some of my muck on her pretty face though. The three of them cuddle up to me, and to each other. I'm not exactly sure what had just happened, or what it would mean to Josie and I, but I did know it was something I would never forget.

In the morning, I'm awoken by the sound of girls laughing, and wander out of Josie's room in my briefs. I'm hung over, in need of coffee. All three of these girls look at me, like a trio of witches in some teen sex coven. I make myself some coffee, and look at them in turn. All three are full-on hot, but only Josie really makes my soul fly.

"Everyone good?" I ask, dipping my toe in the water.

"Yes, why wouldn't we be?" Josie answers enigmatically.

"Well, because, y'know we all..."

"We all what?" Sophie butts in.

"Last night," I start to say.

"You mean the movie on TV?" Wendy says, taking a bite of toast. They were fucking with me.

"Yes. That's it. The movie. That was the most notable thing to happen last night. Definitely. I'm glad you're all OK with it," I say, and shake my head at them.

"Did you have a bad dream, honey?" Josie asks, stroking my hair. Wendy and Sophie stand there in their tight little outfits and I feel like fucking them all, all over again.

"I dreamed that all four of us had an orgy, and that I made all of you have screaming orgasms."

"That's disgusting," Sophie says, taking a drag from her vape pen.

"I'm still a virgin, so that's impossible," Wendy interjects. I notice Sophie is holding in a laugh.

"Yeah, that's kind of a sick fantasy, Nick," Josie says, takes my coffee, and drinks it. "What kind of girl would let her boyfriend fuck her two best friends?"