My Grieving Aunt Janet

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A long dreamed fantasy unexpectedly becomes a reality.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 03/05/2024
Created 12/28/2023
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Uncle Guy was a sweet man loved by all, though truth be told I always found him just a touch insincere and superficial. When he died though there was a huge turnout for his funeral in beautiful Cork where my mother's family are from. All the locals paid their respects and the family too were there in force, my cousins alone must have numbered 40. The last years of his life had been difficult for him, bad lungs giving way to cancer and so I suppose there was some relief his suffering was at an end. I'd travelled over from London to join with my sister and mother who'd been there for a few days already in the big rambling farmhouse that was the family home.

His wife, my aunt Janet, was not suited to the life of a nurse and so as ever there was a fair bit of bitching behind her back about the lack of support she'd given him, forever jetting off to sunnier climes as was her wont. Some of us further knew of an affair she'd been conducting all the while so relations were sometimes tense within the family. My mother in particular was unforgiving of her sister-in-law's betrayal of her brother. Maybe there was a touch of guilt then in Janet's genuine grief and the distress she seemed to be in, leaning heavily on her children throughout the day's events. It has to be said she was also looking good in black, a veil only adding to her allure. In truth maybe it was as much my memory of her as her good looks were fading rather fast at this stage in her 70s. I always had rather liked Janet and had admired her many talents, extremely bright she rode to hounds fearlessly had done enormous amounts of charity work, travelling all around the world and had even published successful romance novels. I suspect she felt constricted by the lesser light that was Guy. I think she sensed this understanding and sympathy in me and am pretty sure she can't have failed to notice my appreciation of her beauty through the years either as I could never tear my eyes off her. When half the family shunned her we often found ourselves giggling together in a corner not caring a jot. For decades now a touch of her hand was enough to make me weak at the knees and happily she was a tactile woman. The sensation was as strong as ever when we first hugged and I kissed her soft cheeks - with her I would never air kiss. Perhaps now there was an added fragility as it was my turn to be leant on. Saying how glad she was to see me and how happy she was that I was there, she would not let go of my hand even as she spoke to others. Squeezing each other's hands I would often take both her hands in mine or put my arm around her shoulders. I didn't care that it probably looked odd, she needed me. The wake was stretching on and she was clearly tired and certainly not wanting to tuck in to the whiskey that by now was flowing freely. Her 4 children were doing their duty as they saw it mingling and talking to everyone that had made the effort to come.

"Jack please get me out of here!" She whispered to me, her lips brushing my ear.

I didn't need asking twice as I escorted my aunt through the throng into the kitchen where she'd got some local girls in to do the catering. From there I could discreetly take he up the back stairs to her room where she could rest. She sat down on the bed and having not let go of my hand I sat down with her. Now she began to let it all out sobbing on my shoulder as I held her tight. She was bemoaning what a terrible wife she'd been and so trying to argue with her I was saying how lucky Guy had been to have her. How beautiful she was, how clever, how full of life. She wasn't having any of it but I could sing her praises all day long so carried on in that vein. Even with the affair that she admitted to she still stuck by my uncle and had cared for him in her own way. Divorce was never an option for her. Essentially I was arguing that she was an incredibly sexy saint who was far too good for my uncle who couldn't appreciate her like she deserved. I had her face in my hands, wiping away her tears. Likewise she held my face in her hands, thanking me for my kindness. We kissed. It was on the lips but it wasn't yet sensual, it was just an emotional response that came naturally to us both. Having had that first oh so natural kiss though we were now looking deeply into one another's eyes, our faces still in each other's hands. Our minds racing. Slowly we kissed again. Still super gently. I stroked her still luscious black hair as our kiss lingered and was now something more, something very different. Even as her tears still flowed so our kiss became sensual and our bodies came closer together. Our eyes were locked together in perfect communication. As we smiled at how natural this felt to each of us. Never mind that I was her 45yr old nephew and she was well into her 70s and we were at her husband's funeral.

"Oh Jack!" she breathed before kissing me again that little bit more urgently.

I was still comforting her but now in a way that not every one would understand. To us though we were just in the moment as we lay back on the bed now in one another's arms. No hurry, we just kissed and held one another tight. My hands wondered freely over her body. Her body that I'd long dreamed of. Now I was on top of her our arms spread wide and my legs either side of hers. She could feel my erection pressed up against her but I didn't go any further. We rolled as our kissing became more and more passionate, her previously immaculately coiffed hair coming loose in a way that set my heart racing. Now she was straddling me before she finally sat up to take a breath. We'd reached a point where decisions had to be made and since I was reluctant to press home any unnatural advantage I may have had with her very particular situation, it came down to her. She leant down to kiss me once more and with her hand on my chest said she needed to sleep now. Kissing me again she also said that she needed that and she that needs me still if I could stay on a while?

"Of course!" I said as kneeling next to her I lovingly kissed her good night like I'd never kissed an aunt before.

My fingers made my way up her stockinged thighs since her skirt had ridden right up and with touching her flesh I dragged myself away - leaning down with one last stroke of her hair and one last kiss.

I went back down to the wake where things were getting rowdy; one or two of my cousins were singing and family and friends were busy setting the world to rights. I was in a daze. Janet's eldest daughter Mary thanked me for looking after her and I told her that she'd gone to bed - without elaborating further! Naturally my mother told me how she thought Janet had been milking it and that I was falling for it as usual. I went to bed early, wanting to be alone with my thoughts, not to mention gain some relief...

After a somewhat restless night I was down relatively early to breakfast. Most of the family were still abed, no doubt hungover but I was delighted to see Janet down, again looking smoking hot in black. Mary and and her boy Nigel were the only other ones up. A peck on the cheek from my aunt and a quick hold of my hand were enough to electrify me once again as I settled down next to her. She also gave my thigh a squeeze under the table as her leg nestled up to mine. Having been in what looked like quite an intense conversation with Mary and Nigel she promptly switched her entire attention to me, once more entreating me to stay longer. I'd made no particular plans so was very happy to agree. Nigel seemed annoyed but Janet was elated, kissing me on the lips. Soon everyone else drifted down packed and ready to go including my mother and sister who were rather surprised to hear that I was staying on. After lunch it was just Janet her 3 daughters, Nigel and me. I hung back a little as the children fussed over their mother and Nigel tried to get down to some family business. Every time though Janet would draw me in asking what I thought and often giving me the casting vote in things. Nigel had arranged for the solicitor to come the next day but Janet said no, instead she wanted me to take her sailing. What could anyone say? It was settled.

Mary cooked for us all that night, just some simple suit while Emily and Sarah her other daughters took the opportunity to catch up with me and perhaps work out what on earth I was doing there. I couldn't really answer them, certainly the truth wouldn't do. Another early night, frustrated at not getting any time alone with Janet but looking forward to our sailing bright and early in the morning. Early as I was Janet was up already and had packed us some lunch for the day, this time wearing just a bit of colour, greens and browns. Nigel waved us off whilst the girls slept in. Perhaps oddly we didn't talk but her hand was on my thigh as I drove and she sported the most serene of smiles as she closed her eyes. After only 30 mins we arrived at the boat club and I took Guy's old ketch out to sea. We only motored around the corner but our favourite beach was there and as ever it was isolated on a wonderfully sunny Spring day. We stayed on the boat and finally began to talk.

"You make me happy Jack." Such a simple but powerful statement as she melted into my arms her mouth open to my kiss.

Her hands mauled my chest as she straddled me, her skirt riding high. Her daily yoga clearly paid off as she was every bit as supple as women half her age. Again she felt my erection pressing into her but this time she was riding me.

"Are you sure?" was all I asked.

"Yes Jack, more sure than anything I've felt for years. I want and need you with a passion that I thought I'd never feel again!"

With that I led her down to the cabin and started to peel off her clothes. Her jacket I hung up but soon items were just hitting the floor as I unzipped her blouse and peeled off her bra. Her large freckled breasts hung low but still they were magnificent as I kissed every inch of them sucking her nipples that soon hardened like nuts. I unzipped her skirt too to reveal black stockings and suspenders. My hand cupped her silk panties and my fingers searched for her cunt, that menopause or not was wet for me already. I could smell her too as I dropped to my knees as I lowered those pink panties that she delicately stepped out of still in her heels. My nose buried itself in her hairy quim as I tasted my aunt's cunt for the first time. I sucked on her clit which brought an instant reaction as she bucked wildly clamping my face to her. I never tire of eating pussy and Janet's was intoxicating nevertheless I had to strip and so I laid her down on the bed as divested myself of all clothes in record time. Back to her cunt I lapped away as Janet's legs held me tight to her. I made my way up to kiss her and she made a grab for my cock inserting me into her pulsating twat. I was inside my beautiful aunt!

"I've always fancied you, you know Aunt Janet, even form a very young age" I blurted out ridiculously.

"No. I've always loved you!' I amended as we established a slow rhythm and I kissed her deeply.

"I've wanted you too for years now" joined in Janet.

"I love you!" She said. And I thought I was being crazy! It was exactly what I wanted to hear though.

"God! I love you Janet!" I repeated endlessly as I could feel my cum boiling up inside me before I unloaded what might have been a gallon of cum into my beautiful aunt.

We held each other tight each repeating to the other how much we loved them. How I used to spy on her and wank over stolen photographs of her. How I used to fantasise about fucking my gorgeous aunt. She too had wanted me but was only looking forward now, saying she didn't want me to leave but to stay with her in Ireland. As she said this she slipped down the bed to suck my cock back into life. As my cock could testify she was persuasive! She'd been thinking it all through:-

"Come and live with me! If the children don't like it tough, it's my house and I've given them quite enough over the years, they have their own families. This time is my time and I intend to enjoy myself with you. I love YOU! I want YOU!" She said before swallowing my cock whole down her 75yr old throat.

This was crazy! Job wise I could but what would people say?! Did I care if my aunt could suck cock like she does? All I could do was tell her how much I loved her as once more we fucked face to face, my hands on her ass as I ground into her. Into my sexy Aunt Janet, my 75+yr old aunt who I'd lusted after for so long. All I could say was was that I loved her and I meant it. That was my answer. I was moving to Ireland!

We had lunch, made love all afternoon and even had a swim. We returned to the farmhouse to break the news. As we did so we held hands throughout giving each other strength but she was a woman possessed like I always knew she could be. She brooked no argument as Nigel stormed off in fury. Emily and Sarah could only cry whilst Mary alone, having asked if her mother was sure, could offer any kind of respect for Janet's decision. Perhaps she recognised more than the others her mother's iron will and the pointlessness of arguing. Nevertheless that night Aunt Janet and I were alone in the house as all the children beat a retreat in varying degrees of disgust.

Mary was also the only one who could bring herself to say goodbye to me and it was only once she left that Janet showed any sign of weakness burying her head in my shoulder as she cried. Not that there was any regret.

As I moved my few things into her room she told me that I was the master of the house now, that she wanted me to be her master too, that the house was mine to do with as I please and that the same applied to her. She got on her knees and attached a slim collar around her neck kissing my hands.

"I married your uncle but never submitted to him. I submit to you now Jack, I am yours."

It was now my turn for tears as I picked her up and told her for the millionth time I loved her. My life had been completely turned around in two days, my every fantasy had come true and I couldn't be happier! She really did love me and I loved her, I couldn't believe it! We delighted in telling everyone. In all her replies to all the letters she received after Guy's death she never failed to say how sad she was at Guy's passing but that with every door closing a new one opened and she'd now found the love of her life in me. This was how my mother found out! I couldn't care less having always endured something of a fraught relationship with her I enjoyed the irony of finding happiness with her enemy. She wouldn't talk to me, nor my sister. Only Mary really kept any lines of communication open and soon she had to admit how happy I was making her mother occasionally coming to stay, even though she couldn't understand Janet treating me like her Lord and Master deferring to me in all things. Soon I was likewise scolding my older cousin Mary for any small oversight or slighting of her mother and she had to back down every time. She couldn't understand her heroic mother sitting at my feet, sucking on my fingers or us kissing most minutes of the day. Nor was she entirely happy seeing us both naked so often, making love as and when the mood took us.

One fantasy that was beyond even Janet was getting herself pregnant, still we like to pretend we were trying. I would often call her Mummy as we cuddled close, wishing that I had a mother I could be close to, wishing that it could have been her. Likewise perhaps she would call my Daddy, her father having died young and Guy having been such a wert blanket. That's us and we couldn't be happier.

***Hope readers like this humble effort - I would love to hear any feedback or suggestions! Should I fuck my cousins, my sister, my mother?***

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stockingnutstockingnut5 months ago

Please continue! Love the stockings!!

BrendaNWBrendaNW5 months ago

Beautiful 🤗 😘 💕

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Start with Mary and keep going. I have an aunt that I still fantasize over. Even in her 70’s, she is hot.

Tazz79905Tazz799055 months ago

Great story, maybe start with Mary and then maybe his mom.

Lizzy27Lizzy275 months ago

its an good story, i know such thing really happend so i get it and why not if they both into into it go for it

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Aunt Janet Series Info

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