My Husband Fucked Me Over Ch. 05


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"Police Officer."

"Do me a favor, and arrest my husband."

"What's the crime?"

"Does being an asshole count?"

"Half the world would be in jail if it did."

"The story of my life. Married to an asshole I can't get rid of. This was fun, Joe. Thanks for lunch. I'll probably see you around. I split my gym time between pick up basketball and volleyball."

"Are you as good at volleyball as you are at basketball?"

"Better. Don't put your face in front of my spike."

"I'll remember that."


I decided to go to Bonnie's house and see how she was doing with her marriage on the line. When she opened the door and saw it was me, she said, "Are you here to beat me up?"

"No, I don't care that much. Wanted to check on how you're doing. Is Bill going to divorce you?"

"Why don't you come in. I'm sorry, Sam. I should never have done it to you. I feel like a bad fucking friend."

"I don't really care about you fucking him, but I have to question your judgment. Was there something wrong with your marriage?"

I followed her in and we sat down. Billy was taking a nap.

"Not really. The biggest problem is Bill is gone a lot. I gained a few pounds I haven't gotten rid of, when I was pregnant with Billy. I felt less attractive and somewhat ignored because of his work. Ransom made me feel attractive and wanted again. My fault, really."

"How long did it go on?"

"A couple months. Ransom said he stopped having sex with you. Is that true, or was he lying?"

"It was true he wasn't having sex with me, but he was having sex with other women, so also a lie."


"Also, to ensure that Ransom wasn't having sex with me, video surveillance was installed. Your adultery at my house was recorded. If Bill wants to divorce you, he's going to get the recordings of you and the asshole. If it was light when you took your clothes off, you were seen by the surveillance company, and if the lights were on when you had sex, people were watching you."

"Double fuck!"

"Is Bill divorcing you?"

"I don't know. He hasn't made up his mind."

"Do you still love him?"

"I do. I was so stupid."

"Kind of. Emma saw you. She knew you were kissing and were 'making babies'. Did Bill tell you why Ransom and I are on the outs?"

"Something about him stealing money and implicating you."

"All true, plus sleeping with other women as well. He had an affair with the wife of another man for a year, and she had some of the money he'd stolen. Did he give you any?"

"No. It was just sex."

"How many times?"

"We got together four times, and a couple of those were overnighters, and it would have been a fifth if Ransom didn't have to go to Jacksonville."

"Have you ever cheated before?"

"Never sex, but I've kissed a couple of guys when I shouldn't have."

"Were you honest with Bill?"

"I didn't tell him about the kissing, but I was honest about the rest."

"It would have been better you'd told him about the kissing at the same time, but you can't now. It's just more bad news piled on bad news. At least it wasn't sex, but sometimes, kissing seems more intimate than just fucking. Would you like my advice?"

"If you have any for me."

"I've got some. Number one, I try to go to the Y three times a week. I usually play pick up games for cardio, but I also lift weights. I want you to start going with me every time I go. We can share my baby sitter. I'll help you get back into shape and lose those pounds you were having trouble losing. I'll talk to Bill and tell him what we're doing. If your marriage ends, it might be good to lose that weight anyway. Not only will you start feeling better about yourself and your attractiveness, you'll have less time to sit around at the house and fret about your life.

"Number two, trust is a hard thing to get back. Every time you miss a phone call from your husband, or run late from something, he's going to wonder what the fuck you're doing. You need to help him trust you again. Any time you leave the house, text him and tell him where you're going, and how long you expect to be gone, and who you're going with, or who you're meeting. Don't make any plans that he doesn't know about. Even if you're going out with me, say, 'I'm going to the gym with Sam, I'll be gone three hours. You can text her to confirm if you don't trust me.' You need to build up trust again.

"Number three, ditch the slutty clothes you were wearing sometimes. Don't put yourself out there like you're available. You're not. Your slutty lingerie can go under the boring shit you wear, but it's only for Bill to see. Make sure you pay lots of attention to him when he's home, so he doesn't think you're getting sex anywhere else. If he's gone overnight, have video sex with him so he knows where you are and what you're doing. You need to work to repair what you have. Talk to him about why you slipped, and make sure he's giving you positive feedback about you losing weight for him and telling you how great you look.

"Those are the things I'd be doing if I'd fucked up."

"Have you ever cheated?" Bonnie asked.

"No. I've never been a huge believer in the grass being greener on the other side of the fence. It's different grass, but it's no greener. Everyone has issues, everyone has problems, everyone has foibles. All you do is trade one set of problems for another set of problems. You trade a man who's gone more often than you'd like and doesn't make you feel attractive, for a thief and serial cheater who doesn't keep his dick in his pants and makes you look like a criminal. That's the trade you made. Was it a good trade?"

"Fuck, no!"

"Pissed on grass, in other words."

"Yes," Bonnie laughed. "Pissed all over."

"Why don't you tell Bill to call me when he comes home and I'll discuss what I talked to you about. By the way, I should tell you. I told Bill that if he got a divorce, I'd give him a revenge fuck for Ransom fucking you."

"Would you marry him if we got divorced?" Bonnie asked.

"Unlikely. I'm sort of involved with someone else right now. But I know women who would. Bill's a pretty good catch."

"You're telling me."

"It seems you sort of forgot that."

"I did."

"We'll go to the gym tomorrow if Bill thinks it's all right. I like to leave at 8:30. Emma's with my parents at the moment, but Becky can use the money, so I'll call her and let her know she's got a job."

"Thanks, Samantha. I don't deserve this."

"I'm not sure anyone deserves what they get in life, good or bad. It just happens. I didn't deserve for Ransom to shit all over me, and I didn't deserve how well it's turned out after he did. I got lucky."


Bill called after I finished supper. I was sitting in the living room reading while Ransom watched a baseball game.

"Hi, Bill. Thanks for calling me." Ransom looked at me questioning. "I wanted to thank you for not killing Emma's father. He had to take a couple days off for swollen balls, but he's back at work now."

"Is that all?"

"No, I spoke to Bonnie today. I talked to her a bit about what happened. How often, how much, that sort of thing, and I think she was telling you the truth about things. It fits in with what I know. She said that you still haven't made up your mind about a divorce. I'm hoping you can give her another chance?"

"Why do you care? She fucked your husband."

"My husband fucked other married women. He knows what to say to make a woman feel important and appreciated. I put that on him, not her. Personally, I don't care who he fucked. I no longer care what he does with his dick, as long as it doesn't go into me. It can go into a meat grinder as far as I care."

"Don't give me more ideas," Bill laughed.

"I care because I think Bonnie learned her lesson, and she'll never do anything like this again. She's basically a good woman, who slipped up, and realizes how much she fucked up her life. I made some recommendations to her that I think she'll follow, to ensure you can start trusting her again. I'd like to take her with me to the Y three days a week to get her safely out of the house and boost her self confidence, starting tomorrow at 8:30, if that's okay with you."

"You won't bring her to your house, will you?"

"No fucking way, comes to mind. Just give her some time to prove that she'll be a better wife to you. That's all I ask. If she doesn't fix things, you can still divorce her."

"I'll keep it in mind."

"Thank you, Bill. I appreciate your restraint. Have a pleasant evening."

"You're welcome. You too."

After I hung up, Ransom said, "I suppose you fucked him and/or Bonnie, too."

"You've confused me with you, fucktard. I don't fuck around with married couples that don't know what's going on. I'm having sex with precisely three people, and that's all I intend to have sex with, barring unforeseen circumstances."

"What unforeseen circumstances?"

"Getting raped, for one."

I called Becky next.

"Hey, lover, what's shaking?" Becky said.

"You've got a sitting job tomorrow at 8:15 at Bill and Bonnie Smith's house. Be there or be square. I'm taking Bonnie to the gym with me."

"Confirm their address for me."

I gave her their address, only a couple houses away. "I'll be there," she said. "When can we see each other again?"

"Unknown at the moment. I've got a lot of balls in the air."

"Let me know."

"You'll be the second to know."

"Who's the first?"

"Me," I laughed.



Bonnie was giving the last of her instructions to Becky when I got there at 8:30 on the dot. I brushed Becky's lips with mine when I saw her. Bonnie looked a little wide-eyed when she saw that.

As soon as we were in the car, she said, "You and Becky?"

"It's complicated. Don't forget to text your husband."

"I didn't know you liked girls," Bonnie said as she texted.

"I didn't know I liked them either until Ransom fucked up. It was part of the agreement I made with the couple to stay out of jail. They are repaying the charities Ransom stole from, in return for me giving them two children, and that I be willing to have sex with the wife, who's bisexual. So, now I'm pregnant with their child, and found out I enjoyed sex with women. I was only seeing them when I was fertile and quit having sex with Ransom, so I needed something the rest of the time. I didn't want to risk getting pregnant with anyone else since the baby I'm carrying is keeping me out of prison, and Becky was curious, so she's become my side piece, when I'm not with the other couple."

"I heard you got pregnant with a black baseball player?"

"That's a rumor I got Edith to spread because I can't divulge who the couple is. When I started showing, I needed to explain away a pregnancy since I'm not fucking Ransom, and I'd made that very clear to Edith. It was also a way to humiliate Ransom, by demeaning the size of his cock. I might have also implied that he sucked cocks. By the way, Ransom hit on Becky too. She checked with me before she slept with him to ensure I didn't care, and I told her what was going on."

Bonnie laughed. "I wondered where all of that stuff is coming from."

"Rather than trying to keep everything from Edith, I decided to put her to work for me, spreading the rumors I wanted spread."

We arrived at the Y and I took her to the machine room. "I want you on one of the treadmills. Run a little if you can, but at the very least, walk for at least ninety minutes. Then you can get off. I'm going to be playing volleyball today. As soon as I quit playing, I'll bring you back here and show you how to use the weight equipment. We're going to work all those extra pounds off you, and get you into the best shape of your life."

I showed her how to turn it on, adjust the pace and incline, then headed to the volleyball court. I saw that Joe was getting into the game too.

"Are you following me?"

"Maybe," he laughed. "I wanted to check out your volleyball skills."

"Remember what I told you about putting your face in front of my spikes?"

"I remember. But maybe, we'll end up on the same team."

Nope, he got picked for the opposite side. We went at it hot and heavy for ninety minutes. I wear elbow and knee pads when playing v-ball because I want to dig out every shot I can, so I face planted a couple of times to dig out a spike, keeping the ball alive. When I reached the front row, I got set up a couple of times for a good spike, and nailed both of them, one down the line, one in the middle. Both were points. When I reached the middle, I set up my outside wings for a couple of good shots, then dinked one over the net. Joe was on the opposite side.

"Hey, you told me to watch out for the face shot!" Joe protested. "Not the dink."

"You were expecting the face shot. You weren't expecting the dink. Whatever scores the point."

I set up my wings again for another couple of spikes, but the one by the right wing got returned, but it was a fluff, just clearing our side of the net. I nailed that baby right into Joe's face.

"Oh, fuck!"

"Damn, that looks like it's going to leave a shiner. Tough luck, Joe," I laughed. "How do you like my volleyball skills."

"Not bad," he laughed, rubbing his face. "Lunch again today."

"Sorry, but I'm helping out a friend."


"A mother my asshole husband fucked, whose husband might leave her."

"And you're helping her?"

"I figure anyone who's been screwed over by my husband needs help. She's not a bad person, just someone who ran into a shithead."

"That seems like it's above and beyond the call of duty."

"Not to me. She's got a wonderful little boy, who doesn't need to come from a broken home. I've got to run. See you later, Joe. I'm out, guys, plug someone else in."

I went back to where I'd left Bonnie, and she was still walking the treadmill. She was covered with sweat.

"Good job," I said. "Take a five minute breather and then we'll hit the weights."

"How'd you do?" Bonnie asked, panting, as she stepped off the machine.

"Fine. Had a good time, lots of exercise. I like organized sports and interacting with other players."

I had Bonnie keep moving, just enough to keep her muscles loose so they wouldn't tighten up. We moved over to the universal equipment.

"Okay, here's a secret to working out with weights. You want to work different muscle groups hard each time you come in. If you're going to work out three times a week, work three different groups, Arms and chest one day, legs and ass another day, and core, essentially gut and back the third day, then repeat the following week. Since you've been walking and/or running for ninety minutes, we'll do the arms and chest today, core on Monday when we come, and legs Wednesday. I normally work out Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Today is Friday. I wanted to get you started, and maybe we can take the kids out for some exercise tomorrow.

"Next, most women don't want to look like bodybuilders unless you're into that sort of thing. We do want to be strong and toned. We're going to try to find a weight that you can lift relatively easily ten times, whatever that weight is. We'll do four sets of ten reps. As you get stronger, we'll increase the weights you lift, but still stick with whatever you can lift ten times without struggling. Let's start you out with forty pounds. We'll do a bench press, curl, and pull down. Remember whatever weight we figure is right today, because that's what you'll start with next time we do arms, which will be a week from today."

"Got it."

I got her on the bench press, showed her how to set the weights, how to incorporate breathing into the routine, and had her start. She got through ten, but she struggled a little on the last couple, so I dropped it down to thirty. She rested for a couple minutes, then did another ten reps.

"Good, thirty is your weight to start for this exercise. Rest a couple minutes, then do ten more, rest, and your last ten, then I'll put you on curls."

While she did benches, I did my curls, tossing sixty pounds. My reps and rest breaks were briefer, so we finished about the same time. I started her on thirty pound curls, and that looked okay. I went to the pull down, and did sixty pounds again. When Bonnie finished the curls, I gave her thirty pounds on the pull down, and again, it looked about right. While she did those, I went to the bench and did seventy pound presses.

"Looking good, Sam," Joe said, standing about five feet away. "No wonder you hit that ball so damn hard."

"Hi, Joe. This is my friend, Bonnie. Bonnie, this is Joe. Remember to tell Bill I introduced you to Joe today. I played basketball with Joe yesterday and had lunch with him, and volleyball today. He seems like a good guy, but he's single, and so somewhat of a player, so ignore any flirting he does."

"Hello, Bonnie. Sam told me a little about your situation, so I'll try to keep the flirting to a minimum."

"Thanks, Joe. I need to be a better wife. Flirting has gotten me into a couple of pickles."

"Only a couple?"

"Thankfully. I don't think my husband would still be with me if it was more than a couple. I've felt dumpy since having Billy and so I was a sucker for someone who told me how nice I looked."

"You don't look that bad."

"You're a horn dog," I said. "No one looks that bad to you. She could stand to lose around fifteen pounds and tighten up what she has left. I guarantee you'll be drooling by the time I've finished with her, but she's saving it for her husband. Let's get going, Bonnie, let's hit the showers."

"I didn't bring a change of clothes," Bonnie said. "I can't put these on again."

"Bring some Monday. I usually do my grocery shopping after the gym. Joe, take care of yourself. Don't let the bad guys win."

"Not on a bet."

On the way home, Bonnie said, "Joe is handsome. Are you interested?"

"No. I've decided appearance is about the fifth or sixth thing on the list I'll look at in the future for a partner. Intelligence, honesty, morality, sense of humor, and father skills will all come before appearance. Joe's got appearance and sense of humor down pat. I'm not sure about the rest of it. Don't know enough about him, but the fact he's hitting on someone who's sort of married, doesn't interest me much. Ransom had appearance down, and not much else. The fact that he fucked a married woman with a husband as big as Bill, doesn't speak much to his intelligence, and his thievery and adultery says plenty of the wrong things about his honesty and morality. He was a fairly good father, as long as things were going good in our marriage, but once things started going to shit, he hasn't been much of a father either. Showed me how poorly I chose last time, so I'm going to be a lot more careful in the future."

Bonnie was thoughtful.

"I told Bill if he wanted a revenge fuck with you it would be all right with me."

"I'm definitely not fucking Bill unless he's single."

"Even if he's got a hall pass with you? It might make him feel better about staying with me, especially since it was your husband I cheated with."

"If you were in a stable, loving relationship, a hall pass might be okay, but your marriage is hanging by a thread. It could easily end, and won't take much to push him off the edge. Fucking other women, and realizing he's got other choices out there, is not a smart idea for you at this time. The couple I'm having the baby for, it works for them because they love hell out of each other, and they're both having sex with me, and I'm giving both something they want. That's not you at the moment. You're trying to save your marriage. Pushing Bill at other women isn't the way to do that. Save your marriage first, then if you want to give him a hall pass, you can consider it."

"Thanks, Samantha. You're a good friend. Better than I was."

I squeezed her hand. "Water under the bridge, Bonnie. Just do better, so I feel like I'm not wasting my time."