My Life


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I got into my pj's and checked all the windows and doors to make sure they were locked and that the alarm system was all set, and then I went to my bedroom and got in bed. I couldn't believe I was as tired as I was, but I think I went to sleep that night as soon as my head hit my pillow.

* * * *

I woke up the next morning feeling better than I had in ages. I got up and took a quick shower. Since it was Saturday I didn't have to go to work and I intended to enjoy this weekend to the fullest.

I had planned to sit at home and catch up on all those DVD's I'd been intending to watch, but since the weather was so nice outside I decided on a quick walk through the neighborhood. I put on my jogging shorts (not that I actually jogged) and, making sure I had my keys and that the door was locked, I headed out. The sun was shining and there were almost no clouds in the sky. Yes, it felt good out here this morning.

Not really planning on where I was going to go, I just took a right at the end of my walkway and began my walk.

Before I realized I was at one of my favorite eateries and was surprised to Grandpa Ned leaving the establishment.

"Grandpa Ned!" I called.

At first he didn't hear me, so I called him again and this time he heard me and looked in my direction, waving when he finally saw me.

"What are you doing out this way?" he asked me.

"Just decided that I wanted to take a walk this morning. I had no idea that I'd be running into you."

"Well," he said, "I'm glad you did. You really don't know where you are, do you?"

From the tone in his voice I realized that I'd not paid any attention to where I was going, but then it hit me. Even though this was my favorite eatery, it was the last place that Sid and I had been before he'd been shot.

I guess my face drained of color just a bit, and I became wobbly on my feet. The next thing I remember was the feel of Grandpa Ned's arms around me, keeping me from falling to the sidewalk.

"Take it easy there, girl."

Slowly I sat on the concrete and began to collect myself. Suddenly I felt the unbidden tears start to come and they ran down my cheeks.


I looked up and Grandpa Ned was holding a clean, white handkerchief out to me.

"Thank you," I told him.

He sat on the concrete next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, drawing my head onto that huge shoulder, making me feel somewhat better.

I think this was the first good cry I'd had since Sid died.

"You going to be ok, Chris?" he asked me.

"To tell the truth, Grandpa Ned, I don't think I'm ever going to be ok again. Sid meant the world to me and I'd almost forgotten this place and what happened here. It was my last date with him, and I miss him so much."

The tears started again and before I could control my feeling, the sobs were pouring out of me and I cried right there, sitting on the cold sidewalk with my head on the shoulder of a man I truly called a friend.

"Come on, girl. My house is only around the corner. We'll go there and I'll get you something to drink and you can collect yourself before you go home."

"Thank you."

"You know it's no problem for me. I've been looking out for kids since before your time and I guess it just comes natural for me."

He got up, helped me to my feet, and we started towards his house.

"Well," he started, "it's not actually my house. It's my brother's home and I stay with him. He's not well and I'm the only one left to watch after him. He's got lung cancer and been fighting it for over 15 years now. Right now he's in remission, but the doc's tell me that his health still isn't what it should be, so I've moved in with him and help him as much as I can."

We came to a small house with a yellow picket fence around the front yard.

"Here it is," he told me. "It's not much, but it's home."

Actually, it looked quaint. The outside was painted a pale blue, with the shutters at the front windows and the front door a dark blue. The small porch was decked with wood and there was a small swing hanging from the ceiling. The handrails around the porch painted the same yellow as the fence around the yard.

Holding the door open for me, I entered into the living room and was quite amazed at just how neat the place looked. But, then again, I knew that Grandpa Ned kept his place so neat back home, so I really shouldn't have been too surprised.

"Samuel's in the back. I'll go get him and introduce you." He left through a arched doorway to the right and soon disappeared.

I sat on the nicely padded lounge chair and made myself comfortable, reclining and relaxing. I hadn't realized just how tense I'd gotten a little while ago and to finally sit on something that felt so good seemed to help a lot.

"Chris," Grandpa Ned said as he entered the living room, "I'd like you to meet my older brother, Samuel."

Samuel came in behind his brother and to say I was surprised is an understatement. Here I was, expecting to see a man in ill health, probably walking with a cane, but the man who stood in front of me was not the one in my imagination.

Samuel stood about 4 inches taller than his brother, with a shaved head and a set of full lips that just begged to be kissed. ( I don't know why that thought leaped into my mind!!!) His body didn't look like it belonged to a man of almost 80 years. In fact, if I hadn't already know his age, I'd have suspected that he was closer to 60, maybe even younger.

His upper body was strongly built and his legs looked almost as powerful. He stood there in his short pants, and muscle shirt, sweating like crazy and just stared at me. Of course, I was staring at him as well.

"Hello, Chris," he finally said, reaching out his hand to shake mine.

"Hello, Samuel."

"Please, call me Sam. Only Ned calls me Samuel."

"Ok, Sam. Nice to meet you."

I guess he noticed that I was staring at him, so he told me what he'd been doing before we'd gotten there.

"Sorry for my appearance, Chris," he said as he sat down on the couch and wiped at the sweat on his face and head with the towel he held in his hand.

"I was out back doing my exercises."

I nodded to him, not knowing what to say.

"What he means," volunteered Grandpa Ned, "is that he was in the back yard lifting his weights."

"Ever since the doctors told me I had the lung cancer I've been on this health kick. I eat only vegetables and organic food, no red meat, and exercise at least 4 to 6 hours a day. Mostly I lift weights, jog around the neighborhood, and just generally take care of myself."

"But," I said, "I thought Grandpa Ned came up here to help you. You don't look to me like you need that much help." And, just as soon as I said it, regretted it.

The two men looked at each other, then at me, and then busted out in loud laughter.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Well," answered Sam, "Ned's been thinking that he had to take care of me most of my life, especially since the cancer. I keep trying to tell him that I'm fine, but he decided to move in anyway and do what he could for me. Now you tell me, do I look like an invalid?"

"No," I told him.

"Thank you.

"I've been telling this hard-headed brother of mine the same thing for almost 10 years now, and he's still not listening."

At that we all laughed and then, before I knew it, we all sat there and talked out ourselves. Grandpa Ned and I told Sam about some of the things that had happened back home, when he was watching all us kids, and then the time just seemed to jump ahead and in no time Sam was turning on the lights, since it was now getting dark outside.

It was then that I realized what time it was and got up to leave, to go back home.

"You're not going anywhere tonight," Sam told me. "This is no neighborhood for a white girl to be outside by herself. If we had a car I'd gladly give you a ride home. Consider yourself to be our guest and you can stay in Ned's room tonight. We'll bunk together tonight and then tomorrow you can go back to your place, and one of us will walk with you to see that you get there safe and sound."

"I couldn't do that," I objected.

"Sure you can. The only thing that'll happen is that the neighbors will talk about how the Simpson brothers had a white girl stay with them overnight. Nothing for you to worry about. I'm sure we can handle the neighbors, can't we Ned?"

"Sure we can, Samuel. We've 'handled' them before and we can do it again."

With that Ned showed me to his room, which had a half-bath attached, got his night clothes and left me by myself.

He's laid out one of his nightshirts for me to wear and, after washing off at the sink, I put it on and went to the bed.

It was huge!!!

It looked comfortable, too. And, as I crawled onto it, I realized that this was a goose-down mattress. I'd always wanted to try one of those things, but never had the chance. I settled down, pulled up the sheet and got situated on the mattress. In no time I felt the pull of the sandman and drifted off to sleep.

* * * *

I don't know what time it was when I got up, but my bladder felt like it was full and I had to go to the bathroom if I was going to get back to sleep, so I got up and went into the bathroom. While I was sitting there I heard a noise coming from the hallway. I really didn't pay too much attention to it, and thought it was just my imagination, so I finished my business, flushed the toilet and went back to bed.

As I was laying there, trying to get back to sleep, I heard the noise again and this time realized that it was coming from the room across the hall.

My first thought was that something was wrong, so I got out of bed and went to my door. I cracked it open a little bit and the noise got louder. I noticed that the door to Sam's room was slightly open and a beam of light was seen. I went into the hall and stood at the door, listening to what was coming from the bedroom.

What I heard completely shocked me.

"Suck that dick, brother!"

That was Grandpa Ned!

"Yes!!!!!! Suck it harder, I'm about to shoot my load right down that throat of yours."

I was almost paralyzed as I stood there.

I couldn't' believe what I was hearing.

Sam and Grandpa Ned were engaged in oral sex!!


Something pulled me closer to the door and it was open just enough that I could see inside, without being seen from the room itself.

There on the double bed were the two brothers, naked and glistening with sweat that seemed to pour off both their bodies.

Grandpa Ned was straddling his brothers chest, with his huge dick hanging down and entering Sam's mouth. I looked at Sam, as he lay there on the bed, and glanced that the dick between his legs.

It was hard and seemed to stand above his belly. I couldn't believe the size of that thing. It looked to be about 10 inches long and had a lot of foreskin around the head. In fact, there was so much skin that it kind of dangled at the end, hanging limply just above his belly.

As I stood there and watched Grandpa Ned reached behind his back and grabbed Sam's cock. He started jacking it and that skin seemed to slide up and down over that light purple cock head. In no time Sam was shooting his load all over Grandpa Ned's back, as well as his own stomach.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", groaned Sam, shooting one of the biggest loads I'd ever seen (and considering I'd only seen one man shooting his load before, that was something.)

"Here I cuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," Grandpa Ned shouted, apparently shooting a load of his own down his brother's throat.

I stood there and watched as it all unfolded right in front of me. I never would've suspected something like this.

Not from Grandpa Ned!!!

Pretty soon the two of them laid there on the bed, gasping to catch their breaths.

"Well, Samuel, is she everything I told you she'd be?"

"And then some, bro. I had no idea she was such a sexy thing. Can't wait to sink this uncut black cock into that white pussy of hers."

"Neither can I. I've wanted to fuck that girl for ages."

Now I was really SHOCKED!!!!

The two of them were laying in that bed, after sucking and jacking off each other, and were talking about me!!!


They wanted to FUCK ME!!!

I have to admit, the thought of what I'd just witnessed both grossed me out, and also made me terribly wet between my legs. I could already feel my juices soaking my panties. I hadn't realized it til then, but my hand was in my panties and my fingers were rubbing my clit, drawing me closer to my climax.

Before I could make any noise I retreated to Sam's room and quickly climbed into the bed, where I continued to manipulate my clit until I had one of the biggest climaxes in my young life. As I finally drifted off to sleep again, my thoughts were of those two huge cocks fucking into my pussy and my mouth.

* * * *

Sunday morning I got up, washed up in the bathroom, and met the two brothers in the kitchen, where they were already sitting at the table drinking their coffee.

"Can I get you something to eat? Drink?" asked Sam.

"No, thank you. I think I just want to get home so I can take a shower and relax. Gotta get up early in the morning and go to work."

"Did you sleep well?" Grandpa Ned asked.

"Yes, I did. That mattress of yours is something else. Gotta get one of those things for myself one of these days."

"Not gonna find one like that one," Sam told me. "That was his bed when he and I were kids and he's kept it up pretty well in all this time. I think he replaces all those feathers at least twice a year."

"Three times," Grandpa Ned interjected.

"Ok, three times a year," and they both laughed and I joined them.

Last night was still fresh in my mind though and I wanted to get out of there and home before I did something that I might regret later. Not that I think I'd really regret it though. The tingling between my legs had started again as soon as I'd seen them at the table, remembering what I'd witnessed in that room and, secretly, wanting to feel both those cocks.

"You ok," Sam asked.



"Just had a far away look in those beautiful eyes of yours."

"Just a quick thought," I told them.

"Let me get my things all together and then I'd like to ask one of you to walk home with me. I really should be getting home."

"Sure," Sam said. "Let me get my shorts on and I'll gladly walk with you."


I went back to the bedroom, made sure the bed was made and that any mess I'd left from that night was cleaned up, went into the bathroom and roughly tussled my hair into place and then met the two of them in the living room.

There was some hurried whispering as I got there, which quickly ended as soon as I entered the room, but for some reason, I didn't pay too much attention to it.

"Ready when you are, Sam."

"Ready here, Chris."

He opened the front door for me and we both left, with Grandpa Ned standing in the doorway, watching us head to my place. When I turned around he was gone and the door was closed.

On the way to my house Sam and I just talked to each other. It wasn't anything monumental, just chit-chat. What I did at work, what my hobbies and likes were, as well as what he liked and wanted to do. I was surprised. Sam was such a nice man and I found it quite easy to just chat with him and be relaxed. I hadn't felt this way with another man since Sid. It was a shame that he was almost 60 years older then I was.

Before long we were standing on the porch of my home and were getting ready to say goodbye to each other when Sam asked if he could have a drink of water before he went back home.

"Sure," I told him. "Come on in."

"Have a seat," I told him, while I went into the kitchen to get him some ice water. After all, it was hot outside and I'm sure he was just as thirsty as I was, so I also got a glass for myself.

When I got back to the living room I was startled to find him sitting on the couch, with nothing on!!!

His huge cock hung limply between his legs, all that skin drawing my attention almost immediately.

"Just what are you doing?" I stammered.

"I saw you at the door last night, fingering that pussy of yours. I figured you wanted to see what you were missing last night, so I thought I'd show you."

I was totally speechless.

Sam got off the couch and came across the room to me, taking me in his powerful arms and gave me a huge kiss. Those full lips of his covered my mouth and he pushed his tongue into me, and I was soon sucking on it, returning the kiss with a passion I didn't realize I had.

He grabbed my hand and directed it to his crotch, notably to his dick, which was growing harder as I gripped it. While he was long, he wasn't too thick and I was able to get my fingers all the way around it. The hardness of his cock surprised me.

"How can something so hard feel so soft," I thought to myself.

It was true though. That hard cock of his had a feel of soft velvet in my hands. His black skin was so soft to the touch and I grabbed it and started to jack it up and down, feeling all that foreskin slide up and over his cock head.

Then I felt his hands on my rear end, and soon they were pushing my jogging pants down, and getting into my panties, which were already soaked with my juices.

"Damn!!!" he said.

"You're one wet girl, Chris."

I only nodded and pulled his mouth back to mine, and continued the kiss he'd started. I didn't want it to end.

Now his hands were all over my butt. He grabbed me and squeezed my cheeks, kneading my flesh with his huge hands. Man, did that feel good.

Then he took those huge hands and lifted my blouse up and over my head, taking it off and revealing my little titties to him. My nipples were standing at attention, practically begging for attention.

He got on his knees and took first one nipple and then the other into his mouth. When he was sucking one he paid attention to the other with his hands, gently twisting it to rock hardness, and causing me to moan louder. Man, his hands felt great on my goose bumpy flesh. I didn't want it to end.

"Shall we go somewhere where we can be comfortable?" he asked me.

"Let me check the door first," I replied.

"Already done," he told me. "That was the first thing I did after we came in."

With nothing else to say, I grabbed his hand and drew him to me, kissing him yet again, then pulling him down the short hallway to my bedroom.

Once there we fell on the bed and continued with our passion.

It was hard to believe I was in bed with an 80 year-old man. He seemed to have the stamina of someone my age, but then I thought about his health regimen and then forgot about it, as his mouth went to work once more on mine.

"Just lay there and let me do the work for now," he told me, and I gladly did just that.

He let me get in the middle of the bed, making sure I was comfortable, and then he once again joined me.

I admired that black body of his, already glistening with sweat, as he got on the bed and climbed on top of me.

He started by kissing me again. A deep kiss, that almost felt like he was probing for my tonsils, but it was so passionate that I could hardly believe it. It was perhaps one of the gentlest kisses I'd ever had.

When he finished his kiss he moved to my 'almost' breast, concentrating on my nipples, which still stood out on my chest, begging for more attention. Gently, he nibbled on each one, using his teeth carefully, creating an erotic sensation that I could feel all the way down to my pussy. He would pinch and caress one while sucking on the other one, making them even more sensitive to his touch.

Then he slid his tongue down to my navel, licking into it and sucking it gently, licking around the outside and then digging in. I never knew my navel could be so sensitive
