My Mother-in-law, Jennifer Ch. 03


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"I hope you don't mind but I read it. I wasn't sure if you were hiding it from me or placed it there for me to find," she said giving me a cynical look. "It was very well written. I didn't know you could write," she said falling silent again before looking over at me again. Then, she said what I couldn't believe she said. She said what I was hoping she'd say. "To answer your unasked question, I feel the same way about you as you feel about me," she said.

Not moving, she stared at me in the way that I stared at her. Quietly, as if we were strangers on a blind date anticipating a goodnight kiss, not knowing what to do next, we stared at one another. Then, when she gave me the eye as if giving me permission to kiss her, I leaned closer to her and kissed her. I kissed my mother-in-law. As much as I couldn't believe that I kissed my wife's mother, I couldn't believe that Jennifer allowed me to kiss her.

When I parted her lips with my tongue, it seemed so right. It seemed so natural. As soon as I French kissed her, returning my sexual passion with her sexual passion, she French kissed me. Giving one another long, wet kisses, I was making out with my wife's mother. I was making out with Jennifer, my MILF of a mother-in-law.

Not wasting time or waiting for her to change her mind, something I had yearned to do since I first met her, I felt her breasts through her nightgown while fingering her hard, erect nipples. As soon as I fingered her nipples, instead of slapping my face and/or pushing my hand away, she squirmed with sexual delight. I was sexually arousing my mother-in-law. I couldn't believe I was making Heather's mother wet with sexual desire. I continued feeling her big tits, squeezing her big tits, and fondling her big tits while pulling, turning, and twisting her nipples through her nightgown.

Continuing to make out with my mother-in-law, with her not pulling away or stopping me, I reached beneath the blanket to finger her pussy with my other hand. As soon as I fingered her pussy, she started breathing through her mouth. As soon as I fingered her pussy, she was mine. My mother-in-law was my sexy bitch.

She was already wet, so very wet. Jennifer was as wet for me as I was hard for her. As much as I couldn't believe I was making out with my mother-in-law, I couldn't believe I was feeling her big breasts and fingering her naked pussy. As much as I loved making out with Heather, I loved making out with Jennifer more.

'This is it. This is really it,' I thought. 'I'm going to have sex with my mother-in-law.'

# # #

Hard for her not to notice, as if daring her to touch me, my erect, naked cock that tented the throw throbbed and pulsated as if daring her to stroke me. Hoping she would, she reached her hand beneath the blanket and wrapped her manicured fingers around my naked cock. As if my cock was breakable, not moving her hand, my mother-in-law gently held my naked prick in her hand. I couldn't believe Heather's mother held my naked, erect prick in her motherly hand.

While I kissed her, felt her, groped her, and fingered her, she slowly fondled the head of my cock with her manicured fingertips. Then, when I rubbed her clit and fingerfucked her pussy, she slowly stroked me. My sexual fantasy come true, in the way that I was masturbating Heather's mother, my wife's mother was masturbating me. I couldn't believe I was having forbidden, incestuous sex with Jennifer. I couldn't believe I was cheating on my wife with her mother.

Already getting too hot, we kicked off the blanket. In the way my naked cock was exposed to her, her naked pussy was exposed to me. When she stared down at my naked prick, I stared down at her naked cunt. Not waiting for her to change her mind, I kicked off my pajama bottoms and pulled off my t-shirt. Naked now, I reached for the hem of her nightgown and lifted it to her waist and exposed her naked pussy and the side of her buttocks to my horny eyes.

"No. Wait. Stop. Don't. We mustn't," she said. "What if Heather comes home early and catches us naked and having sex?"

Knowing full well that Heather never came home early and wouldn't be home for hours, if anything, she always returned home late. If anything, she'd be going out with Samantha to relax and decompress after work before coming home. Seemingly with her mother here to occupy me and entertain me, unless we were having nymphomaniac sex, the last place her daughter wanted to be was home with me. She was more at home at the hospital and, unless we were having sex, she more enjoyed the company of her best friend and co-worker, Samantha.

I looked deeply in Jennifer's blue eyes and gave her another long, wet kiss. I touched, felt, fondled, and groped her everywhere I touched, felt, fondled, and groped my wife. I touched, felt, fondled, and groped her everywhere I sexually fantasized touching her, feeling her, fondling her, and groping her whenever masturbating myself. I wanted to have sex with my mother-in-law. I needed to have sex with my wife's mother.

If it wasn't enough that I was making out with my mother-in-law, I couldn't believe I was touching her and feeling her everywhere I imagined touching her and feeling her in my sexual fantasies of her. Stroking me faster while I fingerfucked her deeper, I couldn't believe she was masturbating my prick in the way that I was masturbating her pussy. I couldn't believe I was about to have sex with my wife's mother. Finally, I was having my wicked, sexual way with the woman I love.

"I love you, Jennifer," I said whispering in her ear while continuing to kiss her. "I don't care if Heather sees us naked together. I don't care if she sees us having sex. I don't love her. I love you. I don't want to be with her. I want to be with you."

# # #

As if I said the wrong thing at the wrong time, she pushed away from me as if I had just burned her with a cigarette. Perhaps, she figured that I wrote my story while hoping for a one-time sexual fling, a quickie. Perhaps, she didn't think that I was as sincere about being in love with her but I was in love with her. Perhaps, she didn't believe that I wanted her as much as I did but I wanted her more than I ever wanted her daughter.

Obviously, I surprised her by telling her that I loved her and wanted to be with her. Obviously, I surprised her by nearly proposing marriage to her. If she gave me any encouragement other than allowing me to make out with her while touching her and feeling her everywhere, even though I wasn't divorced yet, I would have proposed marriage to her. Yet, first things first. I was still married to her daughter. I needed to divorce my wife before I could marry her mother.

"Michael, what are you saying?"

She looked at me as if trying to understand all that I just confessed. She looked at me as if trying to make sense of everything that so quickly transpired. She looked at me with hopeful expectation and sexual anticipation. Then, she looked at me with suspicion as if I had given her an insincere line just to have sex with her. Yet, after all the time we spent together and with us exchanging furtive glances, she knew better. She knew I meant all that I had written and all that I said.

Clearly, by the way she looked at me and returned my kisses, she knew I was sincere. Clearly, she knew I meant all that I had written. Clearly, she knew I meant all that I said. Without doubt, as much as I hoped she loved me, she knew that I loved her. I just needed to know if she loved me too. Yet, judging her by the passion of her kiss, she loved me. My mother-in-law loved me. My wife's mother sexually wanted me as much as I sexually wanted her.

Starting out slow in the way of a smoldering ember in a forest before erupting in an inferno of a forest fire, she knew I liked her as much as she liked me. Obviously, she enjoyed my company as much as I enjoyed her company. Undoubtedly, she knew I sexually wanted her as much as she obvious sexually wanted me. After reading my story and confessing my love for her, she now knew that I not only sexually wanted her more than I sexually wanted her daughter but also that I loved her more than I loved her daughter.

"What I'm saying, Jennifer, is that I love you and want to be with you. What I'm saying is I made a mistake marrying your daughter when I should have married you, her mother. What I'm saying is I'm ready to ask Heather for a divorce to be with you and to marry you," I said. "I want you in my life Jennifer, not as my mother-in-law but as my wife."

She looked up at me with shock and sexual excitement. She looked up at me with happiness. Unable to mask her sexual desire and her love for me, she continued slowly stroking my cock while I continued slowly rubbing her clit.

"Oh, Michael," she said.

Obviously, in shock, oh, Michael was all she said.

"I love you, Jennifer. I love you," I said. I looked in her eyes and kissed her before saying what I wanted to say next. "I want to give you my baby," I said whispering my desire in her ear. "I want you to have our child."

# # #

After reiterating my love for her, while continuing to kiss her and feel her through her nightgown, as if unwrapping an expensive gift at Christmas, she finally allowed me to remove her nightgown. My wife's mother allowed me to strip her naked. Now, in the way that I was naked with my mother-in-law, she was naked with her son-in-law too. My MILF of a mother-in-law was naked. I couldn't believe I was finally seeing Jennifer naked.

After writing my sexually explicit, love story, hoping she'd find it and read it, I couldn't believe I was naked with my mother-in-law. Something I had masturbated over while imagining, I couldn't believe I was seeing Heather's mother naked. Something I had masturbated over while imagining, hard for me to wrap my head around, I couldn't believe I was about to have sex with my mother-in-law. As shocked as I was sexually excited, I told Jennifer that I loved her, wanted to be with her, marry her, and give her our baby.

As if I was a man dying of starvation, and as if I had never touched and felt a naked woman before, I was all over her beautiful, naked body. Touching her, feeling her, groping her, and fondling her everywhere, I loved her big, shapely, natural breasts. Her breasts were just as lovely as her daughter's breasts but bigger. Where Heather had a B cup, her mother had a C cup. As much as I loved feeling her breasts, I love fingering her big, erect nipples.

Our brief, sexual time together was as exciting as it was nerve racking. Never knowing when she'd return home from work, Heather could walk in the front door at any moment and catch us naked together and having sex. Yet, what are the odds that Heather would be home early? She's never home early. If anything, always going out for coffee with Samantha after work, she's always home late.

What are the odds that she'd catch me naked with her naked mother? What are the odds that she'd catch us having sex? Unless she knows something that I don't know about her mother, she'd never suspect us of having sex. In the way that she'd never suspect that her mother would cheat on her with me, she'd never suspect that I'd cheat on her with her mother.

In the way that my wife constantly and continually gives me sex, having no reason to cheat on her, she'd never suspect that I'd be looking to her mother for sex. In the way that her mother is so morally modest, the opposite of her daughter, she'd never think her mother was an incestuous whore. She'd never ponder the thought that her mother and/or her husband would betray her. She'd never ponder the thought that her husband would have sex with his mother-in-law and her mother would have sex with her son-in-law.

The furthest thing from her mind, she'd never suspect me of being in love with her mother. The furthest thing from her mind, she'd never suspect her mother of being in love with me. Besides, with her mother kind, caring, and romantic, her mother wasn't a nymphomaniac in the way that her daughter was. Reliving my teenage years all over again, suddenly fearing Heather as if she was my scolding parent, I felt as if Jennifer was my girlfriend and Heather was my mother.

"No, wait. Stop," she said changing her mind and pushing me away again. "I can't do this, not here, not now, and not with you."

Trying to understand her wanting me and then not wanting me, I looked at her with hurt. I looked at her with sexual frustration. I looked at her with lustful, sexual desire.

"Jen," I said not wanting to sexually force her to do anything that she was uncomfortable doing. "I love you. I want you."

# # #

Instead of looking at me with love, passion, and sexual arousal, she looked at me with fear. She looked at me as if I was nuts. She looked at me as if I was giving her a line just to have sex with her. She looked at me as if she didn't believe that I was in love with her even though I now knew that she felt the same way about me as I felt about her.

"I'm sorry but I can't do this to my daughter. I just can't. After all that my daughter has done for me by allowing me to live with her, this is wrong. This is nasty. I can't betray her by having sex with her husband," she said suddenly looking as if she was about to cry.

I touched her hand while staring in her eyes.

"I love you, Jennifer. I want you," I said trying to convince her that my intentions were sincere.

Yet, why would she believe me when I lied to her daughter. Obviously, I didn't love her daughter. I loved her. I loved Heather's mother.

"You're my son-in-law and I'm your mother-in-law," she said as if trying to convince herself that what we were doing was forbidden. "We can't have sex. What we're doing is incestuous. We mustn't have sex. It's wrong for us to betray Heather. I'm sorry, Michael but I can't. I just can't."

When she pushed me away again, my whole world crumbled. Obviously, she didn't sexually want me in the way that I sexually wanted her. Obviously, she cared more about her daughter's feelings than she cared about my feelings. Understandable, she obviously loved her daughter more than she loved me, if she even did love me.

Never have I been as sexually frustrated. I thought I was going to have sex with my mother-in-law. Yet, at least I got to kiss her, French kiss her. At least I got to touch her and feel her everywhere I should never touch and feel her while she returned my kisses. In the way that she saw me naked and stroked my cock, at least I got to see her naked while fingering her pussy. If nothing else, I'll be masturbating over this for the rest of my life.

"Okay," I said with disappointment while respecting her wishes.

With all that happened tonight encouraging, there was always tomorrow and the next day. Hopefully, now that we broke the ice, we'd be doing this again. Now, that I opened Pandora's Box by writing her my love letter, chances are we'd be unable to close it. Chances are I'd soon be fingering her, licking her, making love to her, and fucking her and she'd soon be stroking me, sucking me, making love to me, and fucking me too.

'I can't wait to have sex with my mother-in-law,' I thought.

I looked at my mother-in-law with love. I looked at her with sexual lust. I looked at her in the way that I never looked at her before. I wanted Heather's mother more than I ever wanted Heather. We not only had a physical and sexual connection but something I didn't have with my wife, I had an emotional and intellectual connection with her mother too.

# # #

"Let's sleep on it and discuss it tomorrow while Heather is at work again. I'm worried she'll come home early and catch us together. Besides, I'm too sexually excited to think clearly," she said putting on her nightgown. "We'll talk more tomorrow," she said leaning to kiss me before disappearing in her bedroom and closing her door.

This was my chance and I blew it. I let her get away. I allowed her to push me away and stop what was meant to be. Maybe I shouldn't have told her that I love her. Maybe I shouldn't have told her that I wanted to divorce Heather to marry her. Maybe I shouldn't have told her that I wanted her to have our baby.

Yet, not taking no for an answer, especially after all that just transpired between us, I was tempted to follow her. I was tempted to take her by her arm, pull her to me, and kiss her while lifting the back of her nightgown to feel her beautiful ass and finger her naked pussy. I was tempted to strip her naked again and have my wicked, sexual way with my wife's mother. I wanted to have sex with my mother-in-law. I needed to have sex with Jennifer.

In the way that I had previously imagined doing, and in the way that Jack Nicholson had done with Jessica Lange in the Postman Always Rings Twice, I was tempted to push her back on the kitchen counter and fuck her right there. I wanted to have sex with my mother-in-law. I wanted to make my wife's mother my woman. I wanted to cum in Jennifer's cunt. I wanted to impregnate my mother-in-law. I wanted my wife's mother to have my baby.

So very sexually frustrated, I had such a raging erection. Horny for my mother-in-law's beautiful, sexy body, I needed some sexual relief. I needed some sexual satisfaction. I needed to make love to my mother-in-law. I needed to fuck my wife's mother. I needed Jennifer to stroke me before sucking me. I needed to not only cum in her mouth but also, I needed to cum in her pussy too.

With the roles reversed, I felt as if I was Marlon Brando as Stanley Kolwalski, Jennifer was Kim Hunter as Stella Kolwalski, and Heather was Vivian Leigh as Blanche DuBois in the Streetcar Named Desire. As if I was Brad Pitt, Heather was Jennifer Aniston, and her mother was Angelina Jolie, I felt caught in the middle between two beautiful women. As if I was Dustin Hoffman as Benjamin Braddock, Heather was Anne Bancroft as Mrs. Robinson, and Jennifer was Katherine Ross as Elaine Robinson, I found myself caught in a love triangle of forbidden lust and sexual desire.

I was tempted to barge in my mother-in-law's bedroom and yell, "Stella!" I was tempted to barge in my mother-in-law's bedroom and yell, "Angelina!" I was tempted to barge in my mother-in-law's bedroom and yell, "Elaine!"

Instead, I opened her bedroom door and as if I was Marlon Brando as Stanley Kolwalski, Brad Pitt as himself, or Dustin Hoffman as Benjamin Braddock, I stood naked in the light while staring in her darkened bedroom. I stood naked in the light with a huge erection while staring at all that I could see of my mother-in-law in the darkness and while she stared at all that she could see of me. The love of my life, she was the woman I wanted, not her daughter.

After making my romantic and sexual intentions of love and desire known, and after she allowed me to kiss her, feel her, and strip her naked, I couldn't stop there. I couldn't wait for tomorrow when I wanted her now. I needed to finish what we started. Not being able to sleep without knowing, I needed to know how she truly felt about me. I needed to know if she'd have sex with me in the way that I wanted to have sex with her. I needed to know if she loved me in the way that I loved her.

Needing to bury my long fingers and my wide tongue in her warm, wet cunt, I needed lick her pussy while fingering her pussy. I needed to watch her sucking my cock while stroking my cock and staring up at me with her big, blue eyes. I needed to make love to my mother-in-law before fucking my wife's mother. I needed to have sex with Jennifer. Now that I saw her naked ass, her naked tits, and her naked pussy, I needed to not only cum in her mouth but also, I needed to cum in her pussy too.

"I want you. I want you now. I need you. I need you now," I said. "I love you. I have to have you. I'm sorry, Jennifer, but this can't wait until tomorrow. I can't go another day without making love to you. I must make love to you now," I said walking in her bedroom and closing the door behind me. "It's wrong to deny how we feel about one another."