My New Boss Pt. 25


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Tim had gone from being highly possessive of Suky, when she was his live-in girlfriend, to being overly generous with her orifices, now that she was my future wife. It pissed me off that he referred to her as "a bonus" for fuck's sake. However, in my current position, I was powerless to stop him from offering my girlfriend to my co-workers, as an incentive to work hard.

The following week, as promised, Tim called me via Skype. The main purpose of his call, was to inform me that he had got Suky her old job back at the massage parlor.

"Just part-time, at least to start with," he informed me. "I am offering all of our Managers complimentary sessions with Suky, to boost morale, and hopefully productivity. Also, she is responsible for Fat John's sexual satisfaction every Saturday morning, effective immediately, although I will permit her to designate a stand-in, as she sees fit," he said with a laugh.

I hated this fucking idea. However, I was powerless to stop it, as Tim wielded considerable control over my financial wellbeing.

In fact, I was more under his thumb now than ever, due to the huge increase in my salary. I was making sixty thousand dollars per month, on a path to financial security and early retirement, possibly within the next ten years. I would never be able to replace this job, if I lost it. I needed to suck it up and do whatever Tim told me to. As I contemplated my general level of indebtedness to my boss, he spoke again.

"Thank Suky and Steph for their assistance in securing my promotion," he said condescendingly. "I couldn't have done it without them."

"No boss, the better man won," I said obsequiously, hating myself the second the words left my mouth.

We both knew that the girls hadn't helped Tim secure the promotion, but rather had derailed my chance at it. Either way, Tim was grateful and was looking to reward them, but his next proclamation was a real kick in the nuts for me.

"Also," Tim added cheerfully, "I am taking Suky, Steph, and my girlfriend, Ana, on vacation before the end of the summer. We will be gone three weeks, at least."

I could feel my jealousy stir within me, as he outlined the details of their upcoming trip. They were heading to Mauritius first, for two weeks in a Suite at the Royal Palm Beachcomber Resort. Then, onto Thailand to spend some time with Ana's family. My first thought was that Suky didn't have the correct paperwork to travel abroad, but Tim seemed to anticipate my every move and explained how the travel plans would work.

"Thanks to you, Timmy," he began condescendingly, "Suky can travel on a work Visa. I am happy that you had the foresight to make Suky your personal assistant," he said with a chuckle. "As my employee, she can travel just about anywhere in the world with me. We just need to figure out who will take care of Suky's responsibilities, in her absence."

"Responsibilities?" I scoffed. "What the fuck is Suky responsible for?"

"Well," Tim continued, seemingly happy that I had taken the bait. "Her primary obligation moving forward is my sexual satisfaction, but there is also the matter of Fat John's massage appointment, every Saturday morning. Suky is now responsible for John's pleasure. Who can we rely on to fill the void, and help Rim pamper that fat fuck?"

I knew where this was heading, and lowered my head to avoid eye contact with my boss. However, my submission only emboldened him and he told me to get Suky to join the Skype call.

After he shared the news of their upcoming vacation, Suky squealed excitedly and thanked my boss profusely. After she had settled down, he broke the news to her about her reinstatement at the massage parlor, and her responsibilities with regard to Fat John's weekly pamper session.

"Every Saturday?" she asked quietly, as she processed the indignity of serving that fat prick.

"I have chosen my words carefully, Suky," Tim admonished her. "You are responsible for John's pleasure, but if you wish to delegate the session to someone else you are free to do so. Rim will be there every Saturday morning also for John to enjoy. You need to get someone trained to stand in for you while you are on vacation, anyway."

"Timmy," she blurted out. "Timmy can do it. He and John already have history, and there is an undeniable sexual chemistry between them."

I wanted to correct her, and let my boss know that I thought Fat John was disgusting. Tim was already moving on, apparently in total agreement with my girlfriend's idea.

"Invite Fat John over one night this week, Suky," he ordered. "Better get Rim here too. I want you and Rim to make sure that Timmy knows exactly what John enjoys. Why should John miss out, just because you are on vacation?"

My heart sank when Tim said this, and I felt a wave of revulsion wash over me, as I processed pampering that fat bastard over several weekends. Suky didn't help matters as she spoke up cheerfully.

"I'll call him right now, Tim. May as well get the date on the calendar. I am sure Fat John has a very busy social schedule," she added with a giggle.

Suky called John on speaker, so that my boss could hear, and he picked up immediately.

"Sucky!" he answered, using the derisive form of her name.

Suky seemed unperturbed by his lack of respect for her, and informed John of the new plans.

"John, I asked for my old job back at the massage parlor," she lied, "and I was wondering if you would consider allowing Rim and I the privilege of pampering you every Saturday morning?"

"That would be great Suky," John responded. "Is this Saturday good?"

"Perfect!" Suky responded, seemingly delighted to be permitted to serve him again. "I do have to take a few weekends off in the near future, and I wanted to train my stand-in to make sure the session is just the way you like it. When would it be convenient for you to come over and finalize your expectations for the upcoming weekends?" she asked.

"I am heading out of town tomorrow for a couple of days, and have a very early flight," he said, much to my relief, as I realized that I was off the hook. "Who is the new girl?"

"Timmy," she replied, apparently feeling no need to correct John about my gender.

"Awesome," John replied. "Take as much vacation as you need Sucky. I love the combination of Rim and Timmy. I can come over tonight, if those two bitches will be there."

"Great news, John," Suky said. "Bring your bag and spend the night. Timmy can run you to the airport in the morning."

I glared at Suky but she flashed me an icy stare, and I backed down.

"I don't need a ride," John continued, "I have a Town Car coming in the morning. However, if Timmy rides with me to the airport, it's a date."

I hated this idea, but Suky agreed to it immediately, and John said he would be over in an hour or so. After Suky hung up the phone, she called Rim. Thirty minutes later, Rim and I were lighting candles, and scenting the massage room to make it a sensual environment for Fat John. Rim was wearing a pink silky babydoll, pink heels and a pink ribbon in her hair. She looked like a submissive fuck-toy, and I got erect watching her as she waited by the front door, on her knees, for Fat John to arrive.

Suky was rushing around making sure everything was perfect for John. When she saw Rim's submissive posture and outfit, she clapped her hands.

"John is going to love this," she exclaimed.

She hustled me into the master bedroom, and dressed me identically to Rim. I felt like such a pussy as I sashayed down the hallway in my pink high-heels, with a fucking ribbon in my hair, for fuck's sake. Suky gestured to the floor, and I knelt next to Rim by the front door.

Rim and I knelt in silence by the entrance to my home. After what seemed like an eternity, John's cab pulled into my driveway. John let himself in through the unlocked double doors, gave Rim and I a lewd smile as he realized we were on the menu for him tonight, and directed the driver to unload his bags just inside the door. The young guy brought in three medium-sized cases and one piece of cabin luggage, before waiting expectantly by the door for his tip.

I didn't want to make eye contact with the guy, dressed as I was as a bitch for John's upcoming pleasure. However, Rim spoke up, apologizing for the fact that neither of us had any cash hidden in our babydolls.

"Are you taking John to the airport tomorrow morning?" Rim asked unexpectedly.

"Yes," the young man replied, "I will be here at 7am."

"Ok," Rim replied. "Timmy will settle up with you in the morning then."

The young guy acknowledged Rim, thanked her, and gave me the once over, as if he was under the impression that his tip was going to be some kind of sexual favor. I made a mental note to find some cash before the ride to the airport, and the young guy left shortly after their exchange. Rim and I remained kneeling in silence as John was given a house tour, of my house!

Finally, after Suky and John were seated comfortably in my living room, Rim and I were summoned. I started to get to my feet, but Rim stopped me.

"Follow my lead," she said assertively. "We are here tonight to endure a seamless transition from Suky being the principal form of Fat John's pleasure, to you being the replacement. John likes to be in complete control. We need to crawl in there to signal our intent to obey him."

I hated this idea, but Rim was already on all fours crawling towards the living room door, like a dog, so I reluctantly followed suit. When we got to the door, Rim told me to crawl beside her, and we entered the room in tandem. John was relaxing in my recliner drinking one of my premium beers, and he perked up when he saw us crawling to him. Following Rim's lead, I crawled over to the base of his chair, and knelt to one side of his feet. Rim knelt on the other side of him and we looked up at him expectantly.

"Hi John," Rim said seductively. "We are yours to enjoy tonight. How can we serve you first?"

"I need a pedicure, Rim," John began. "It's getting harder to touch my toes as I get older," he added.

John's inability to cut his own toenails was nothing to do with his age, I thought to myself. If he lost eighty pounds he would be able to take care of himself better. It seemed like it was a moot point, as Rim smiled agreeably, and began to unlace his left shoe. She flashed me a cold stare, and I realized that she expected me to mirror her movements. As John engaged in polite chit-chat with Suky, I knelt before him in my pink lingerie and untied his shoelaces.

After his Gucci wingtips were removed, I looked across at Rim and noticed that she was removing his sock. I reached up to his flabby ankle, grabbed the top of his sock and began to remove it. As I exposed his fat, sweaty foot, I realized how physically disgusting this man was. This was truly the last place on earth that I wanted to be, other than perhaps relocating to Montreal, Canada, which was my likely destination if I refused any of my boss' commands.

With this in mind, I remained kneeling in front of Fat John, as his socks hit the floor. In addition to being swollen, and very sweaty, his feet also had sock lint all over them. John was still chatting to Suky, when Rim spoke up.

"I will go and get my pedicure kit, John. Would you like a foot massage while you wait?"

John looked at me with contempt, took a large swing of my premium beer, and nodded condescendingly, in my general direction.

"That would be nice, Rim," he said quietly. "Just have her tickle my feet until you get back," he added, referring to me as a female.

"Our pleasure," Rim assured him, as she got slowly to her feet.

I wanted to correct her. Kneeling in front of this obese man, while I tickled his feet was just about the furthest thing imaginable from being my pleasure. However, I bit my tongue, gave John a submissive smile and reached my shaky hands towards his bloated feet. I don't know why the fuck it took Rim so long to get her pedicure kit, but for the next several minutes I tickled John's feet as he was engrossed in conversation with my girlfriend. That disgusting fat fuck completely ignored my tender ministrations, although I noticed him adjust his crotch a couple of times, and surmised he had an erection.

When Rim finally returned she had a bowl of hot soapy water, some hand towels, some massage oils and her pedicure kit. She placed the bowl of soapy water by his feet, and laid two hand towels on the floor next to it.

"Wash and dry John's feet," she instructed. "I will find out what massage oil he is in the mood for."

I knew better than to argue with anyone at this point, as my place as low-man on the totem pole had been clearly defined. So, I lifted his chubby feet into the bowl of soapy water, and began to wash them. Suky excused herself at this point.

"I will leave you in the very capable hands of the girls," she said.

Once John was alone with the two of us "girls", Rim sat on his lap and turned on the charm. She gazed into his eyes as if he was the most important man on the planet, and started to speak.

"John, we want to make sure you have a seamless transition from Suky being your main source of sexual pleasure, to Timmy taking care of all of your needs, in her absence," she said respectfully. "Maybe we can run through your expectations of us over the next few weekends, paying particular attention to your favorite things that Suky does for you."

John grunted his affirmation, and gave me a dismissive sneer, as I continued to wash his feet. It appeared that he was going to enjoy detailing my girlfriend's submission to him, almost as much as he was going to enjoy forcing me to replicate it.

"Where to begin?" he said with a chuckle. "Sucky has so many tricks up her sleeve, that is one nasty bitch."

It pissed me off when John disparaged my girlfriend that way, but I remained kneeling in front of him, as I rinsed his feet off. Rim swung her legs over John, so that she was straddling him. She leaned in close to him and gave him an enthusiastic open-mouthed kiss. John shuffled slightly in my favorite chair, and it was evident that he was sporting an erection. Rim put one hand under her pussy, pulled the fabric of her tiny silky panties to one side to signal her availability to him, and squeezed John's cock through his pants.

"Do you want to bust a nut inside me John, to take the edge off?" she offered. "I am already wet," she teased.

I felt my cock stiffen in my pants as Rim offered herself up on a platter for that fat fuck. John nodded his head agreeably, and I heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper being undone. Rim managed to undo John's belt buckle and then turned over her shoulder to give me my instructions.

"Dry John's feet and then pull his pants down," she ordered.

I complied immediately, grabbing one of the hand towels to pat his feet dry. Then I reached for the hem of his pant leg and pulled on it, until his pants slid over his ankles and feet. His underwear followed suit, and as I grabbed the oversized jockey shorts, I noticed pre-cum pooling in the front of them.

"Hang my pants up nicely, you fucking pussy," he barked at me. "Then fetch me another beer."

I was about to tell him to get the fuck out of my house, and to go buy his own beers, when I remembered my boss' threats to relocate me to Montreal. My self-preservation kicked in and I heard my voice, polite and full of deference.

"Yes, John, my pleasure."

I left the room with his pants hung over my forearm, and his sweaty, semen-stained underwear in my hand. As soon as I got to the refrigerator, I took stock of the situation, and realized that John needed some privacy to bust a nut inside Rim. I went into the utility room and hung John's pants up on a hanger, cursing myself for the situations I always managed to get myself into. Then, as John started to fuck Rim, I remained quietly out of sight in the kitchen.

I heard Rim's cries of pleasure, as she ascended rapidly to her first orgasm. She moaned John's name as he took her over the edge, and I moved over behind the plantation shutters, to observe him giving it to her. In the past, when Rim and I had fucked it had always been all about my pleasure, so I had no clue she was such an easy come. She continued to bounce up and down on John's cock, stopping periodically to have another very vocal orgasm. Finally, after she had enjoyed five or six releases, she slumped forward and kissed John enthusiastically.

John returned her embrace, resting his fat hand on her tiny ass as if he owned it. After a few moments of very tender kissing, Rim spoke.

"Are you ready to come inside me, John?" she said seductively. "Do you want Timmy back here to tickle your feet, or suck your nuts?"

"His turn will come," he said ominously, as he started to thrust into her.

I watched transfixed as Fat John pounded into Rim, as she kissed his face and nibbled his earlobes, trying to get him off. A few moments later, I watched as he extended his legs, and curling his toes in ecstasy, unloaded inside her. John's pleasure ignited something inside this hot, young Asian, and she threw her head back and had another vocal orgasm.

After they both came, they rested, kissing and whispering sweet nothings to each other, as they basked in their mutual post-orgasmic bliss. I couldn't believe the chemistry between the young Filipino goddess and the balding Fat bastard. It was unlikely to say the least, but Rim seemed enthralled to serve this man. John shattered the silence, snapping me out of my admiration for his love-making skills.

"Where's my beer, bitch?" he yelled into the kitchen.

I grabbed another of my premium beers from the refrigerator, and scurried out to serve it to him. When I reached the two of them, I stood there momentarily in an awkward silence. Rim had her head resting on his shoulder, and she was raking her fingernails across the back of his neck, as she continued to catch her breath, and compose herself.

John pointed his fat finger at the floor, to the side of my recliner, and I instinctively knelt there. Once I was on my knees, I removed the bottle cap, and handed him the ice-cold beer. He took a large swig and handed it back to me. I quickly assessed the situation, and upon realizing that he was not planning to share his beer with me, I held it for him until he motioned for another sip.

Rim continued to caress John as he enjoyed his beer, and when he drained the bottle, he let it fall to the floor, by the side of the recliner.

"Do you want another beer, baby?" Rim asked.

"Not yet," John said, in the relaxed tone of a man who had just unloaded his nutsack.

He leaned forward, whispering something inaudible to me in Rim's ear. Rim giggled and responded.

"I would love to, baby. That would turn me on too!"

Rim slowly dismounted John, his cock making an audible popping sound, as it emerged from her semen-filled orifice. She got up from the recliner gracefully, kissing him one more time on his sweaty forehead. Then in one seamless motion, she grabbed a handful of my hair and dragged me from my kneeling position by the side of the recliner, over to the carpet in front of my favorite chair. Rim forced me to lay down on my back on the carpet, before removing her panties, which she had pulled to one side to facilitate John's entry. Then, to my consternation, she straddled my head and lowered her pussy onto my mouth.

John's smiling face disappeared from my view as Rim enveloped me with her sex. Rim didn't have to say anything, as we had been in this position several times before. I extended my tongue inside of her pussy, and John's ejaculate started to leak into my mouth. Rim rode my face like a bucking bronco, going through her Kegel exercises in order to expel every last drop of John's load. Fifteen minutes later, after John signaled that he wanted another beer, Rim dismounted my glazed face, and we left the room in unison.

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KeeperonKeeperonover 3 years ago

I struggle with the change of rolls. Why Sulky would go under Tim and John again when she been the Dom. Sulky has control of the finances why she’d work against a pay rise and more secure future does not make sense. Any dom who goes off on holidays wants the sub with them to humiliate and do the choirs.

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