My Saving Grace Pt. 04


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When we broke the kiss, she looked at me with wonderment. "You felt that too," she said. It wasn't a question. I merely nodded my head. Yes, this was right.


It was after 5 before we reached the house. At this time of year in Indiana, that meant it was already after dark. I was surprised that, as we approached the house, Gracie triggered to garage door. I hadn't even noticed she had one of the remotes. I was even more surprised to see Mom's yellow Bug parked in the driveway where Grace usually parked. Normally, the garage was reserved for Mom and Dad.

Again, it was like Grace read my mind. "They thought it would be easier on you coming in through the garage. There are no stairs into the house that way."

I smiled. Gracie pulled in smoothly and closed the door, then handed me my crutches and watched as I hobbled inside. I wasn't allowed to put weight on my injured leg, but at least I wouldn't be confined to bed. If I had been forbidden to take myself to the bathroom, it would have been so humiliating!

Under my sister's loving overwatch, I slowly and carefully made my way into the house. Mom and Dad were waiting at the kitchen table. I could see dinner was ready; Mom had made her famous (okay, not really famous, but damn it SHOULD be) slowcooker pot roast. She'd also made my favorite spinach salad to go with it. Until I smelled the food, I hadn't realized how famished I was. Dad pulled out a chair for me, and he and Grace helped steady me as I sat.

We said a quick prayer and dug in. It was just as good as I knew it would be. After dinner, my family surprised me again. Dad presented me with a small wrapped box.

"What's this?" I asked, as I struggled with the wrapping paper. My Dad never skimps on the tape when wrapping gifts. "My birthday isn't for another week!"

"We know, sweetie," Mom said, "But there were a couple things we wanted to give you now."

I finally got the wrapping paper off, and stared in shock. It was the latest Galaxy phone, complete with a custom-made case featuring (of course) an AR-15. "Wow," I said softly. "Thank you guys so much! But-"

Dad waved off my thanks. "We still have our baby girl because of you, son. A new phone is nothing compared to that! Besides, when we finally did find your old one out by the pond, the screen was cracked and the innards were shorted out. I'm guessing that it fell out of your trousers pocket at some point and then you stepped on it. The guys at Best Buy were able to salvage your SD card though, so all your music and pictures and stuff are safe."

I thanked them both profusely, and then Mom held out her hand to me. I reached out with my own and she dropped something small into my upturned palm. It was my faithful Kershaw folding knife! Surprised yet again, I quickly opened it and inspected the blade. It was clean and free of rust. It actually looked freshly honed and oiled.

"Your Grandfather found this by the pond along with your clothes," she explained. "He has an old EdgePro set up in the barn, so he cleaned and honed it for you. Keep it close, just in case."

"And last," Gracie said, grinning her mischievous grin, "Here's a little jewelry for you!" She reached out and wrapped a new paracord survival bracelet around my left wrist, and kissed my cheek. "It's the hottest fashion trend this fall!" she joked.

"Thank you all! I love you guys so much!" I said.

"We love you too!" It was a tender family moment, and I savored it. I hoped we could still share moments like this, even after Gracie and I revealed our secret.

I carefully made my way up the stairs. Mom offered several times to make up the couch for me, but I wasn't interested. The downstairs bathroom was tiny. It would be hard to get in and out of without being able to bend my leg (or put weight on it).

No, I was going to sleep in my own room tonight. It might take me 30 minutes to get up these stairs, but damn it all, I was going to make it! Mom and Dad supervised and Gracie went ahead of me, keeping a firm grip on my belt, as the nurses had taught her. It didn't really take me 30 minutes to climb the stairs, but the way I was hurting when I finally reached the top made it feel like even longer than that!

At last, I sank gratefully onto the surface of my bed and sighed. After a few moments, Mom and Dad joined Grace and I. "Alright son, your Mom and I are headed to bed. Grace has sportingly agreed that, since you saved her life, she will watch out for you tonight. If you need anything, you know where to find her."

He turned to Grace and hugged her tight. "I love you, baby girl," he said, tenderly. "If you need us for anything, don't hesitate to wake us."

"I will, Daddy. I love you too!"

Mom squeezed me tight and kissed my cheek, and then did the same for Grace. "I'll take over from you after breakfast," she told her.

"Okay, Mom," she said. "It's not a burden to me, you know. It's an honor!"

Mom and Dad both smiled proudly at that, and headed off towards the master suite. Gracie and I were alone again at last. She helped me up and quickly, but carefully undressed me. Then, she made a quick trip to the bathroom for soap, water, wash cloths, and towels. While I laid on a towel spread over my bed, she carefully, lovingly washed me. Unsurprisingly, I was hard as a rock well before she finished. Grace, grinning wickedly, made sure my door was securely closed.

"It wouldn't be a good idea for you to have your very first time tonight, my love," she said softly. "But if you'd like, there's something else we can do. I've actually wanted to do it for you for a while now...and I'll let you do something that I've never let anyone else do."

Gracie slowly peeled off her clothes, doing a masterful striptease with no music. She swayed softly to a beat only she could hear. As she slowly spun away from me, she looked back at me over her shoulder. She pulled her pretty little V-neck sweater off over her head, revealing the smooth creaminess of her back, inch by tantalizing inch. I admired the smooth, toned lines of demarcation between her shoulder blades and her muscles as she moved.

She was all woman: sensuous and warm. As she turned again, Her beautiful, firm breasts were revealed. I had since learned she was 34B on top. Her perky breasts sat high on her chest and were capped with dusky pink nipples, now hard with her arousal. She let her hands wander over her body as she swayed, tracing her own curves while she bit her lip and stared at me.

Then her hands dropped to her waist and pushed her soft, tight-fitting cotton trousers down, slipping one leg and then the other out of them, and teasing me with the mouth-watering sight of her ass in her pink thong. It was another special thing just for me, I knew instantly. Grace hated wearing thongs. She hated the way they felt. She also knew that this sexy underwear style was a major turn-on for me. That was the reason she wore it. The look of pure love and devotion she gave me was all the proof I needed.

She continued to sway for a few moments, and I marveled at the beauty before me, until at long last she drew off her thong. I moaned at the sight of her. She had regrown her womanly bush. It was a well-trimmed triangle of soft, short curls that began above her vulva and ended a half-inch below her pantyline. Her smooth, sleek legs flexed softly as she stepped towards me. I lifted my hand and ran it over her soft belly, before tracing the line of her hip bone and cupping her incredible ass in my palm.

"That was amazing, Gracie," I said to her. "You are so beautiful, and so talented, baby. I can hardly believe you're mine!"

"Believe it, my love," she replied. "All that I have, all that I am, is yours!"

Grace climbed onto the bed with me, infinitely cautious, from the right side. She took the greatest care not to touch or jar my injured left leg. I noticed her looking at it, and then I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

"So much pain," she whispered. "Oh, my Kevin, you had to suffer just because I bought cheap-ass boots that I never should have taken into the woods, anyway!"

"Stop it, Grace," I said, softly but firmly. I gently palmed her chin and steering her face towards me. "You listen to me! I have pain meds if I need them. This will heal! This won't cripple me for life! Yes, it will leave a scar, but you know what? I'm going to cherish that scar! That scar was won in rescuing you, the love of my life! And you are worth every last drop of my blood. So no more tears, darling! No more sadness. Let go of the pain in your heart, Gracie. Release it!"

Her eyes bored into mine like lasers. "Kevin Michael Richmond," she said softly, solemnly, "I love you with all my heart. You make me feel like I'm worth more than all the valuables in the world. I promise you, I'm going to make you the happiest man on earth. But, for right now, I'm going to make you cum so hard, your balls will be drained for a week!"

She kissed me then, deep, wet, and hungry. This kiss was loving, but passion and not tenderness lay at its core. Gracie eagerly sought entry into my mouth with her tongue; an entry I granted quickly.

Her hands wandered over my body as her tongue caressed mine. She playfully tweaked my nipples and tugged on my chest hairs. Not hard enough to hurt in either case, just a tug. Then, she ended the kiss and started to tease my sensitive neck and throat, licking and teasing her way south.

I moaned softly and reached for her, but she gently pushed my hands away. "You'll have your turn, lover, but I want to go first this time!"

She continued her southern course, kissing and licking my skin, and occasionally nipping lightly with her teeth. Then she reached my manhood, and without hesitation she started licking my shaft. The brand-new sensation was heavenly, unlike anything I'd ever felt.

"Ohhhh, Gracie," I moaned. "Oh, baby, so good..."

She stared up at me, looking into my eyes and she licked her way up and down the shaft of my penis. This was an amazing sensation. But my sweet Grace was far from done! She cautiously adjusted her position and gently pushed my legs apart so she could kneel between them. Then, without a word, she took my cock in her mouth.

I stuffed my own hand in my mouth to muffle my sounds of pleasure! It was so, so good...In fact, it was too good. Her fingers lightly rolled my balls around as she slid my thick 7 and a half inch cock in and out of her warm, wet mouth. She made eye contact with me again and held it while she pleasured me.

"Gracie, honey, you...I'm gonna...Ohhhh Gracie...I'm gonna..." I stammered. I had to hold back, warn her I was about to cum, give her time to-

"Gracie, oh honey I'm cumming I'm cumming ohhhhhh!" I said as my control gave way to the pleasure. It was the most amazing thing I'd ever felt! Gracie caressed my balls with her hands, and sucked very gently on the head of my cock as it pulsed in orgasm. It hit me just then, that I was cumming in her mouth!

Grace sucked my manhood very gently until she was sure I had finished, before releasing it to flop back against my firm flat belly. I watched in amazement as she swallowed my seed without hesitation. Then she grinned at me. She kissed my dick where it lay, then she carefully got out of bed, and stepped out of the room. When she returned, I could smell a faint hint of mouthwash.

"Did you...did you like that, baby?" she asked, cuddling tightly into my right side.

"Ohhhhhh, Gracie, it was wonderful...amazing...I've never felt anything like it before. So, so good!" I pulled her close and kissed her deeply. I would have done it whether she rinsed her mouth or not! This incredible woman had done something amazingly intimate, deeply loving.

"I figured you'd enjoy it," she said, with a girlish giggle. "I've...never done that before. I mean, I've never let anyone my mouth, before. You're the first, my love! And you're the last! We belong to each other."

"Yes we do!" I replied, hugging her even more tightly against me. I was humbled by the magnitude of the gift – of the pleasure – she'd just given me. I prayed that I would never fail to be worthy of the precious treasure I held beside me.

Suddenly overwhelmed by my deep need of her, I tilted her chin up toward me and kissed her. I ran my hands over her now unresisting body, lingering over places where I'd learned she loved to be touched. In particular, I nibbled at her neck and her earlobes, knowing how sensitive they were and how much she enjoyed that.

But tonight, I was on a mission. Gracie had tasted me, now I wanted to taste her! I wanted to explore her with my mouth! I kissed my way down the hollow of her throat. Gracie shivered as I licked over the slope of her left breast and gasped as my tongue swept over her delicate aureola. I finally claimed her nipple with my lips, taking it inside my mouth, sucking lightly and licking at the same time.

"Oh my God, Kevin!" she whispered, cupping the back of my head in her hand and encouraging my attention to her breast. Not content with just one, I kissed and licked my way over to her right breast, teasing her sensitive nipple with broad, flat licks, before sucking it gently. Then I released it and blew a gentle, steady stream of air over the spit-dampened flesh.

"OHHHHH!" she moaned, before shoving her hand in her mouth. Her eyes were wide with surprise and pleasure. I feasted on her breasts for several minutes, enjoying the amazing texture. So firm, yet yielding and warm! Her skin was so soft and smooth, the color of darkened ivory and the texture of silk.

I kissed my way over the subtle roundedness of her belly. I loved this part of her so much. It frustrated Grace that, with all her exercise and healthy eating habits, she couldn't have a flat, hard belly. I had told her, and I still do, how much I like her the way she is! This subtle roundness wasn't flab! (A med student told me that some women simply have this shape. I've seen her do crunches many times, and trust me, she doesn't have belly flab.) It didn't stick out like a man's beer paunch. It was a soft, gentle and feminine curve. It added to her amazing shape; it didn't take away from the perfection of her form!

But, now I'd run into a little snag: I desperately wanted to taste her womanhood. The smell of her arousal was strong this close to the source, and it was driving me wild with the need to experience it. However, this air-cast thing on my leg prevented me from rolling over or bending. There was no way to get my face down there.

Then the solution occurred to me, and I laughed quietly.

"What?" Grace asked.

I didn't bother with an answer. Instead, I rolled flat on my back. She sat up and leaned over me, as I knew she would. That's when I took hold of her by the waist and lifted her up. Startled at first, she squeaked, but she quickly realized what I was about to do and the squeak turned into an excited moan. She reveled in my strength as I lifted her body above me like she was toy doll and lowered her mound over my eager face!

Gracie held on to my headboard for dear life as my tongue glided through the valley of her nether-lips, seeking her hot spots. I made sure to lick her inner and outer labia, and I couldn't resist darting my tongue inside of her. The taste was stronger than it had been that time in the shower, but like before there was nothing unpleasant about it. In fact, her moans and desperate whimpers of pleasure made it that much more enjoyable!

"Ohhhh, Kevin, ohhh, baby, soooo gooood," she said, as she rode my tongue. And then, at long last, I moved to her clit. Her reaction was instant, and powerful!

"OOOHHH," was all she got out, before she crammed her hand back into her mouth. I gripped her thighs firmly and kept flicking my tongue over her clitoris, applying the pressure I knew she needed. Her first orgasm was intense, and her second....well, it was more so! She was so amazingly wet after she came the first time, I couldn't stop myself from slipping a moistened finger inside of her. I savored the warm, snug wetness surrounding my finger just as I savored her taste. Gracie, I thought to myself, you are so incredible!

She bucked and writhed on top of me, and it was a good thing she was holding on to the headboard! Finally though, I stopped. I knew that after two orgasms, her womanhood got so sensitive that she needed a break, or pleasure could turn to pain.

Gracie very carefully dismounted me, and fell into my arms for a shuddering hug. "Oh baby," she cried quietly. "I had no idea it was that good!"

I was stunned. "Gracie, you mean none of your boyfriends did that for you?"

"No, no," she said. "They did, it's just...damn! You're so GOOD, Kevin!" She lay there for a while, resting, before she finally got up and went to get the things she needed to clean me up. That done, she gave me a small sip of Listerine to take care of my breath. She left again, and when she came back, she was wearing a sleep shirt.

Seeing the look on my face, she smiled and shook her head. "Oh, my sweet lover, I want nothing more than to sleep naked in your arms. But that probably wouldn't be too smart, and not just because of our family," she said, pointing towards my sutures.

I nodded in disappointed agreement. Grace leaned over me and kissed me tenderly. "Honey, I've said it before: there will be time. One day, soon, we will sleep in each others' arms, skin to skin. One day soon, you will be inside of me. For now, rest and heal. I'll be here when you wake. Sleep now," she whispered.

She covered me with a blanket, and smoothed my hair away from my eyes. "Sleep, my love," she said, tenderly. "I'll be on the other side of you dreams, waiting for you. Sleep!"

Exhausted, and secure in the knowledge that she was there, I closed my eyes. As I drifted off, I reflected briefly on all that had happened. I marveled at what we had given each other, and at the fact that it all stemmed from My Saving Grace!

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I personally love all the professing of love and whatnot. I eat that stuff up. But I'm a true romantic at heart so I guess it's not for everyone.

I truly hope that all these statements of them being together always, things along the lines of "nothing will ever keep us apart" or "we'll be together forever", are not just some dirty setup by the author to lead us into heartbreak, as a kind of "hah, gotcha!" After all they've suffered, they deserve a damn happily ever after without more bullshit in their way. I really hope it turns out that way.

The beautiful heart-to-heart Grace and Kevin had on the way back from hospital, where she told him about how she now understood the true depths of his love for her, and how she feels the same... I mean if that's not enough to seal the deal on a life together, then what the hell is!? With all that, I now expect so much, but all it takes is one paragraph to shatter everything. I wonder what Grace and Hannah spoke about...

ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 1 year ago

I agree with the others who have commented that Kevin and Grace profess their love for each to such an extent that it's taking away from the story. Please understand that I'm the critic who often complains that other authors have absolutely no emotional connection between the brothers and sisters in their stories. I don't want to read about siblings fucking. 😒 I enjoy siblings making 💘 love. However, you've slid the meter to the extreme opposite side of the spectrum with your over-the-top dialog.

The rebuttal with Grandma was over-the-top as well. You should have had Grandma already decided on supporting Kevin and Grace before she dropped her bomb at the bedside. It should have been a case of her testing Kevin instead of coming at him with both guns blazing. Both sides of that scene were too heavy handed.

I'm hoping that you don't forget to reveal the conversation that Hannah had with Grace in the parking lot. If you're never going to reveal it then you never should have put it into the discharge scene.

Much better than a four but still less than a five and I'm not going to round up to the next integer. 4/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

> "Kevin, I will be deeply honored and proud to wear your ring. It will be the greatest pleasure and joy for me to bear your child – or children! I will be your wife and your sister, your friend and lover, and all of the other things we are for each other, until it's time for us to die! I am yours, and you are mine!"

It was so cute ^ ^

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 2 years ago

Hospital Gowns, never nude. Could have given him a sponge bath in the bathroom. 30 mins. to make 1 flight of stairs? Not likely! still tired of "baby, my love, honey, sweetheart"

Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

Love the story. AAAAA++++

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