My Sister Needs Me Again


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"Because of them is why you want to have a relationship like theirs?" I had to ask.

"Well yes and no. I have always wanted to have more of a relationship with you than just as your sister. I just didn't think it would work out because of us being known by everyone, that we are brother and sister. Anna told me they acted like brother and sister around friends and family but like husband and wife when it was just the two of them together. They wanted to be more like husband and wife than they could be, living with their parents. Moving here away from family and friends they can live as husband and wife all the time now as long as no one that knows them finds out other than me and now you. Please don't give away their secret to any one. Anna thinks it would be so cool if you and I would become a couple as they are."

"Their secret is safe with me. As for you and me I will have to think on it some more, so please bear with me. Okay?"

"Okay. Just don't get mad at me if I make it hard being around you in different stages of dress, or undress." Lorna said as she then bent over to grab a beer out of the fridge and asked over her shoulder. "Do you want another beer my sexy handsome man?"

I could see that Lorna's cut off shorts had a damp spot where her pussy lips were spread open on each side of the thin crotch strip while she was bent over reaching for a couple of beers from the back of the fridge.

Standing up and turning around to face me and closing the fridge door Lorna said. "The beer supply is getting pretty low babe."

"I saw that. Before it gets much later, we need to go grocery shopping and we can grab some more beer for the week. I need to make a list of what we need before we go and you might help by letting me know what you will want to eat this week." I got a paper and pen to write the list on.

Lorna changed into a skirt, the hem reached down about four inches below the bottom of her butt cheeks. She also changed her T-shirt for a pullover V neck with shoestring straps and the bottom hem stopping one inch above her belly button. The T-shirt is more see-through than the pull over shirt. The bottom part of the V came together just about where her tits connected to Lorna's chest. Her shirt hugged her tightly as it stretched the material really showing off her tits all that much more.

Lorna and I made it through the rest of the weekend with Lorna wearing as little coverage as possible it seemed. Most of her clothes for the weekend were see-through or just sheer. With the warmer weather, I usually only had on a pair of jeans through the day other than when Mike and Anna were at the house and during the grocery shopping I also had a button up shirt on, with the sleeves cut off and the top three buttons unbuttoned.

Monday evening as I was walking to my pickup to go home my cell phone began ringing. I saw it was Lorna's cell phone number calling me so I answered. "Hello."

"John, I was headed home when my car died and I can't get it restarted. I put gas in it this morning so I still have a full tank. I don't know what to do."

"Do you not have an auto club membership for car breakdowns?"

"No I didn't have enough money to pay for one."

"Okay. Where are you at?"

"At the on ramp for the bypass..."

"Okay sis I'm on my way." We said our goodbyes and I pulled out of my parking spot and drove to where Lorna's car stalled out.

I parked behind Lorna's car leaving my four ways on and walked to the front of the car and opened the hood and checked out the few things I knew to check and nothing worked. I then called the auto club that I have a membership with and gave them the location of Lorna's car.

While Lorna and I sat in my pickup waiting for the tow truck to get there, Lorna pulled off her bra from under her dress which was a very nice dress. The dress had like a triangle for her tits to rest in leaving a V neck with one inch wide straps on her shoulders. The hem stopped at mid thigh but it wasn't see-through, which was surprising for me not to see her in a see-through of some sort.

Finally the rollback showed up and with Lorna's car on the roll back and headed off to the shop where I take my pickup for tires, repairs, and maintenance. "How about we go to our favorite drive in to eat supper?" I asked as I followed along behind the roll back to the next side street.

"Okay sounds good to me. I am sorry I had to have you to come and get me. Again." Lorna said sliding over against me on the seat.

"Do not worry about it love. When one has an old car like yours, breakdowns are sure to happen. I've lucked out with this old truck but I have been looking for another truck to trade. Although I'm not looking real hard because this truck still has a few miles to go before it may start having a lot of problems, like your car has."

"I wanted a pickup when I found my car but the car was in my range of paying for it at the time. I want to find a pickup that I can afford to pay on but they seem to have such a high payment that I am unable to afford each month."

"You can get the payments lower with a higher down on it."

"I know that but I don't get paid what you do, and my 'jerk' of an ex, wasn't any help to save much either."

"While you're staying with me, save all of your money till you can go buy the pickup you want to have." I said as I turned into a parking lot and parked next to a menu sign.

While we waited for our meal to be brought out to us by a car hop, Lorna told me how much she seems to be having to pay for repairs on her car and how often it seems to be breaking down, I knew it was breaking down quit often. I was the one she would call to come and get her each time her car broke down and use my auto club membership to pay for her tow-ins. A few times I was able to get her car back on the road long enough to get it to a shop to be repaired the right way. Lorna always paid for the repair bills at the shops so I didn't know how much she was paying out to them.

When Lorna and I got home, she was the first in the shower. When I finished my shower, I found Lorna sitting on the couch going through the channels on the television. "I'm going to head out to the back patio for a spell."

"I'm coming with you if you don't mind. There is nothing on the telly tonight."

"Okay I don't mind one bit you should know that by now. I was always the one getting into trouble for not minding." I said with a grin.

"Hahaha." Lorna laughed as she stood up to follow me out the back door. "I was the one always in trouble not you and you know it."

"At least I got you to laugh." I said, holding the door for Lorna and seeing her nightgown was pretty thin from wear and tear. I saw right away she had no pantie or bra on under neath the gown. After Lorna passed by me she went to the chair she always sits in at the patio table, I readjusted myself through my boxer's I put on when I got out of the shower.

The next morning I took Lorna to work and headed to work myself. At break-time I called the repair shop and told them why the tow truck took Lorna's car to their shop. After work I picked Lorna up and drove to the repair shop and she paid the repair bill as usual.

All week long I saw Lorna in some kind of see-through or sheer clothing when she got home from work, like I did all this past weekend long. Like any other young red-blooded boy I had a hard-on every night and I would jack off thinking about Lorna while seeing her in my visions each time.

Friday evening when we got home from work and got cleaned up, I took Lorna out to a restaurant for supper. Lorna is wearing a summer dress with shoestring straps and a square neckline that comes down low enough to show her cleavage. The hem of the dress stops about halfway between her groin and her knees. The dress is somewhat loose fitting but not real loose on her tits, there it is a little bit snug on her. Lorna sat next to me in the booth and she would wrap her arms around my arm while we ate. It was like being out on a date with a girlfriend instead of being out with my sister.

After leaving the restaurant I drove to a club that I liked and went to once a month. Lorna and I danced to a couple of fast songs, then took a break for a drink, a beer for me and a pop for Lorna, since she is under the age of twenty-one. As soon as the band began playing a slow song, Lorna pulled me out onto the dance floor. The next song was a fast one so we took another break till another slow song was being sung. For the rest of the evening we danced to all the slow songs and just a few faster ones. Lorna would always dance so close to me on the slow songs that she would rub my dick through my jeans with her upper thigh making my dick hard.

After leaving the club I drove to a truck stop restaurant that we liked and had a light breakfast before we drove home. Again Lorna sat next to me so we could chat where no one could really hear us talking. She also kept a hand on my leg close to my groin and on a occasion she would rub my ball sac and it caused my dick to get hard, which she would rub my dick teasing me. "You know I loved how your dick felt against my leg while dancing and in my hand right now don't you?" Lorna whispered in my ear so no one could hear her talking to me.

"I'm sure you did and do. You do know that someone might see you rubbing my dick while we are sitting here? Right?"

"Yes but I love you and I want your big beautiful dick in my pussy tonight. I am and have been so horny and you're the one I want because I love you so much, more than any other man I have been with or even see, walking around us." Lorna said as a man walked from the front desk to a booth next to ours.

After leaving the truck stop we drove home and Lorna sat next to me as she has been doing all evening. As I drove home, she lay her hand, right on my hard as a rock dick and kept rubbing it through my jeans till we got to the edge of town. She then unzipped my pants and took my hard dick out and began stroking it with her hand. While Lorna stroked my dick she re-positioned herself and leaned over and began sucking it. I managed to drive for a little ways before I had to stop along the side of the road because her mouth was feeling so damn good, on my dick. "I am about to cum babe if you don't, fucking, stop sucking me. There it is... Fuck that feels so damn good..."

Lorna just kept on sucking and wouldn't stop till she had every last drop of cum in her mouth. It felt like I cum a gallon bucket load of cum, although I know I didn't cum THAT much. I did cum a lot more than I have any other time with any other woman. "Mm-mmm good. You taste so good I will want to have more of that very soon handsome. Now tell me you don't want me to suck your cock again sometime soon. Now be truthful about it babe!" Lorna said ending in a demanding voice.

"Okay. Okay. You are right, I will want you to do that again sometime soon but not, while I am driving, 'pleassse'."

Lorna kept stroking my cock with her hand as she moved over to sit right next to me again, and when she sat back up, her shoulder straps was down around her waist with the top of her dress flipped down exposing her tits. "Okay, but you better not stop me from giving you a blow job when I want to at any time we are at home from now on." Pressing her exposed tits into my arm.

"Okay but aren't you a bit demanding now?"

"Yes and I'm sorry about it but I'm horny and so much in love with you that I need to have you and want you so bad. Please take me into your bed every night so I can be with you every night. I love you and I want to have your babies, I am in love with you."

"I love you too babe." As I turned into the driveway to our place.

My dick is hard again as I turn into our driveway, Lorna is still stroking my dick with her hand and still pressing her exposed tits into my arm.

I stop and shut off the engine, Lorna took my arm and put it around her shoulders behind her neck and placed her hand on my hand and pulled it down to her exposed tit and pressed my hand to it. Lorna then took my other hand and placed it on the tit closest to me. "I want to feel a man touch them and you are the only man here, but then again, you are the only man I want to touch them from now on."

I admit that I gave her tits each a squeeze before I turned them lose and got out of the pickup. I even watched Lorna slide out behind me and saw her dress fall down to the ground around her ankles to see she had nothing on under the dress all evening, while we were out on the town. I saw that she still had a bush but she had trimmed it back around the edges so not to show from her pantie line.

Lorna stepped out from the middle of the dress with one foot, and then used the other foot to bring it up and get a hold of it with her hand and step out of it. I escorted Lorna to the front door and into the house while she carried her dress over her arm.

As soon as I shut the door behind us and locked it, Lorna unfastened the button on my jeans and pushed them down to my ankles leaving me nude from the waist down. "Oh no underwear! So both of us went out commando. How hot is that?!" As Lorna pushed my pants down over my hips she knelt down in front of me. With her hand wrapped around the bass of my still hard dick Lorna sucked my hard cock into her mouth. I was not able to move while Lorna spent the next couple of minutes sucking on it.

"Had I known your mouth would feel this good, I would have let you suck it a long time ago! I cannot see how this can be so wrong for us to be doing this as good as it feels."

Lorna took my cock out of her mouth and as she stood up. "How about we go to your bedroom, to be more comfortable?" turning away to head off to the bedroom. I got my boots and jeans off and followed her.

I lay my jeans down on a chair and my boots on the floor next to it. I took off my socks and shirt laying the socks with the boots and my shirt with my jeans. Lorna had her dress on the chair and as I lay my clothes down and finished undressing, she had sat down to watch me.

I walk over to the bed where Lorna is sitting on the edge of the bed and I pick her up, then climb onto the bed with her in my arms and me on my knees and knee walked till I can lay her down in the middle of the bed. I lay down on my side, next to her, as she rolls over to get on top of me, I roll onto my back. "I want to be on top if you don't mind because I have never had a cock as big and beautiful as yours." Getting her knees on each side of me, she began rubbing her vagina lips along the length of my dick, from the head to my balls.

As Lorna rubbed back and forth on my hard cock I reached up with both hands and squeezed her tits. After squeezing them a few times, I then lightly pinched and pulled on her nipples some and lightly rubbed them with my finger back and forth. "You have such beautiful tits sexy."

"I'm glad you like them babe. I love your cock and I want to love it even more, by having it in me." Then I felt the head at Lorna's pussy opening and with a little movement with her hips my rock hard dick began to slowly slide into that lovely slick moist pussy. "Oh man you are so fucking big! But I love it. I love how it feels sliding into my hot wet pussy. I hope you love the way your cock feels in my pussy. Does my pussy feel good to you babe?"

"Oh fuck yes your pussy is so fucking tight too. It is so hot and wet. I have never had a woman's pussy so hot and tight like yours sexy."

Lorna slid half of my dick into her pussy before she raised up just a little bit, and then slid back down some more, before she had to repeat the processes of raising up some and back down again. Lorna had to raise up a little bit and slide down a few more times, before she finally had all of my cock inside her, to the hilt.

When Lorna had all of my dick in her pussy to the hilt she lay over me and we kissed for the first time this evening like lovers do. Our first ever boyfriend and girlfriend lovers kiss.

While Lorna and I lay there with my cock in her pussy and french kissing, she began to cry, tears coming from her eyes and the kiss coming to an end for the moment. "What is wrong sexy. If it is hurting you why don't you get off of me?" I was thinking I was hurting her in some way.

"No silly... Your cock feels so fucking good in me (sniff). I so wish you would have let us do this the other day when I first told you about (sniff) me wanting to be with you as lovers. This feels so good... I so want to have your kids like I told you I did. I wish I had been brave enough to have just raped you when I first knew that I loved you this much. John babe, I love you more now then I have ever loved you or anyone else for that matter."

I pulled Lorna back down on me and began kissing her neck and earlobe just before she began to slowly flex her hips, to slide my dick in and out of her pussy. Lorna began kissing my shoulder up my neck and to my earlobe then she whispered in my ear lightly blowing into it. "I love you and I just want to make love to you before we begin to fuck like rabbits or minks. Your cock feels so fucking good sliding in and out of my pussy at this slow pace. Please promise you won't ever deny me of your big beautiful cock ever again."

I had began matching her strokes with my own strokes of sliding my dick in and out of her tight pussy. "As long as you keep making your pussy available to me, I will never deny you a cock ride or a cock fuck. I may have to just take your pussy when ever I see it is available to me, as it has been since you've been here."

"Good. I want to be available to you at all times baby. I will never deny you a good tight pussy. That is as long as you have a big hard fucking cock to put in me."

"Being around you I will have a hard ass cock for you to be stuck on, no doubt about it." Lorna raised up some and kissed me again while we continued to slowly fuck my dick in and out of her pussy.

One minute later Lorna and I were kissing again. I could tell she was approaching the urgency to cum by the way she was slowly speeding up her hip action. As Lorna sped up fucking on my dick, I sped up as well, matching her down stroke with my up stroke driving into her.

Lorna sat upright on top of me and began raising and falling back down on my cock moving it in and out of her pussy faster and faster. Soon she fell back down over me again trying to fuck my dick in and out of her pussy even faster.

I lifted Lorna up and then began to flex my hips as fast as I could to fuck in and out of Lorna's pussy as fast as I could. "Oh fuck me harder, baby! Yes I need to cum so fucking bad baby!! That's it right there.. don't fucking stop, fuck that pussy baby! Yes fuck the pussy of mine! Make my pussy your pussy baby! FUCK... I'm fucking cumming all over that fucking big beautiful cock of yours!!"

As soon as Lorna screamed out 'Fuck' I felt the wetness increase on my dick and on my balls and belly, more than double the wetness. "Just cum all over my dick... as much as you can sexy..." I said between breaths as I was breathing hard with the speed I was fucking my dick in and out of Lorna's pussy. I was sweating all over my body and it dripping off of me as I kept pounding into Lorna's pussy. She was needing to orgasm and I was going to make it happen one way or another.

Lorna was orgasmic now and moaning "I fucking can't stop cumming on your dick baby!! Oh fuck me!!" Lorna laid over on me, breathing hard and jerking around spasmodically, while laying on me and me still stroking my dick in and out of her pussy as fast as I could. But I was slowing down as Lorna rode out her orgasm.

I slowed down fucking my dick in and out of Lorna's pussy til I was slowly sliding my dick in and out at the speed, Lorna began fucking me at the beginning. Lorna soon raised up still jerking but not anywhere near as much as she was a minute ago.