My Sweet Canadian Girl Ch. 09


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"Here," she said handing me a glass after dropping a few ice cubes in. "Say when," she said pouring from a bottle of dark rum.

"When," I said. "When. Sweetie that's enough." Finally she stopped and smiled at me. My tall glass was nearly three quarters filled with rum. "I think you're trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me," I said as she topped off my glass with a can of diet Pepsi she just opened.

"I think you're right. Drink up," she said sipping from the can before setting it down and slipping off the bed. She reached up for a pillow and set it between my feet before kneeling.

"Come on sweetie it's your birthday, you don't have to do that," I said as I tugged on her arm.

"Not this again," she said rolling her eyes. "I love sucking your cock you know? I absolutely love it. I love sucking my husband's cock!" she shouted in a voice that made me clamp my hand over her mouth.

"Shhhh sweetie the whole hotel doesn't need to know that," I said laughing when she nipped at my fingers with her teeth.

"No but you do," she said.

"Okay I know you like doing it," I said.

"You know I love the feeling of control over your pleasure it gives me and the taste that's all your own?" she asked.

"Sometimes there's a little of you on there too," I said making her laugh.

"Oh Dickie I love you so much. Pleasuring you fills me with joy," she said kissing the tip of my flaccid cock.

"All right if you insist I'll let you give me a blowjob," I said in a weary voice that sounded even funnier than I'd hoped it would.

Sipping at my drink, I gasped at the strong taste of liquor. She spit my cock out to giggle at me but the next taste went down a lot smoother. It wasn't bad at all now that I knew what to expect. Already my cock was starting to grow as my naughty nurse was, well, nursing it back to life. I didn't need to direct her at all anymore; Cassie knew exactly how to make me hard again. It felt great watching her work my cock with her mouth, lips, tongue, and hands. The days of me feeling bad over getting a blowjob were long gone and I truly craved receiving oral sex from my wife. The only reason I felt bad was because it was her birthday and she shouldn't be catering to my needs on her special day. I told myself the sooner she made me hard the sooner I could get back to fucking her again.

I noticed one of her hands disappear between her legs and smiled down at her. Lovingly rubbing the outside of her hip with my toe, I pursed my lips when she looked up and lured her to her feet. Kissing her passionately I caught her by the wrist to suck her pussy-dipped fingers before letting her kneel down to finish her restorative blowjob. She was sucking my cock with more vigor now and fingering herself so violently that I could hear how wet she was. Deciding she needed both hands for her own pleasure, she bobbed up and down my nearly erect cock without holding it. I steadied it for her and she stopped sucking me to moan her way through a thank you for my help. Time and time again, she fingered herself to the brink of orgasm before pulling off my cock to rest her head on my legs as she pitched forward mumbling though quivering lips.

When I finished my drink it went straight to my head making me feel dizzy. Falling back on the bed I stared at the ceiling as she continued to slurp on my cock. It was fully erect now but Cassie showed no sign of stopping. Her shrieks of sexual bliss continued to find my ears widening my smile as I listened to their sweet sound. I wish it had been me making her react like that but she was fueling her own satisfaction. Finally she succeeded in making herself cum and collapsed to the floor with her trembling body curled up between my legs. I waited until I felt her stop twitching before I sat up to survey the situation.

"Are you okay sweetie?" I asked.

"I'm fine," she said turning onto her back to smile up at me. "More than fine actually. How do you do that to me so easily?"

"You did it to yourself," I said making her shake her head vehemently.

"No, no. It's like a man masturbating while looking at naked women, it's a lot easier to cum when you have something in front of your eyes that turns you on," she said reaching up to squeeze my hard cock.

"Let me help you up," I said standing up. I held her hand with my left hand and slipped the right under her lower back to lift her to her feet. She grabbed the pillow before it was out of reach but I saw it had a wide wet stain where it had soaked up her delicious juices. "I think you should leave that sponge where it is," I said laughing at her embarrassed smile.

"Is it okay if I share your pillow with you tonight then?" she asked in all seriousness.

"Am I supposed to answer that?" I responded.

"I know you'll say yes but it's still polite to ask first," she explained. I burst out laughing as I pulled her down into my arms. She started laughing too and neither of us could stop until our sides hurt.

"You're an unbelievable woman Cassandra Helene... Kellogg," I said kissing her deeply after letting her anticipation over hearing which last name I'd use build. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," she said sliding to one side and running her hand over my chest as we kissed.

"Had enough for tonight?" I asked.

"Probably, but I'd hate to see this go to waste," she said stroking my erection. "Make love to me one more time before we go to sleep Dickie."

Climbing on top of her, I slipped my cock between her moist lips and made love to her gently. Cassie clung to me with her arms and legs as we kissed the whole time. Fucking her like a maniac was fun, but this meant more, so much more. The opportunity to study the features of her beautiful face was a true blessing from above. Pressing my body tight against hers with each tender, loving stroke, I kissed her sweet lips and could almost taste the cherry flavor of falling in love. Between each meeting of our lips, I wished her happy birthday, told her she was beautiful, or told her I loved her more than mere words could express.

Our orgasms were a long time in coming that night but neither of us was in a hurry. Cassie's birthday was her special day but starting with the first one we celebrated together it became a day we'd cherish together for the rest of our lives. Her day had become ours, something to be shared with each other like everything else that was important to us. When I came at last she was ready for me, deepening her kiss as she accepted my cum knowing that in a year or less we'd be doing the same and praying to conceive our first child.

Cassie staggered from the bed to use the bathroom and returned with a kiss when it was my turn. I met her under the blankets and wrapped my arm around her as I spooned her from behind. She was still wearing her dress though it hung open exposing her deliciously soft skin. Cassie held my arm to her chest and giggled as I whispered the story of our first night in bed together; the night where I was afraid to touch her beautiful breasts and hated myself for hurting such a sweet girl. I wondered if the loosening of her grip on my hand meant she'd fallen asleep but my own eyes fluttered closed before I could finish my thought.

Our sleep was cut short by the arrival of the cleaning staff the next morning. The late night of drinking and lovemaking meant we'd slept right up to checkout time. Cassie groaned and rolled over looking beautiful despite her claims to the contrary. We didn't even have time to shower as we rushed to get dressed and stuffed our costumes into an overnight bag. Fresh cans of diet Pepsi from the cooler that still had traces of ice in it substituted for morning coffee in a pinch. We made our way to our car cringing with every loud sound we heard. As we got into the car Cassie closed her eyes and sighed but was quick to laugh when I said it had been well worth it.

At home Cassie told me to leave her gifts locked in the trunk for now. I was sure she'd drag me to the bathroom for a shower but after a dose of Tylenol each, she took me to bed instead where we cuddled up to sleep off our hangovers. Waking up for the second time that day was far more pleasant than the first. Cassie was already awake in my arms watching my sleepy face with a smile. I wondered if she ever suffered from bad breath and was thankful she never let mine get in the way of a good morning kiss. We stayed in bed for another half hour we finally got up to shower and started the rest of our day.

"Lei told me all about Tim," Jana said looking disgusted with both of us when we came to the living room.

"Nice to see you again too," I said smiling at her.

"When do I get to meet your friends Rick?" she asked. "From what Lei tells me there's only one left now."

"His name is Greg," Cassie offered helpfully.

"Greg," Jana repeated as if committing his name to memory. "Am I going to have to wait until your wedding to meet him?" she asked making Cassie tense next to me.

"What wedding?" I said feeling sick.

"Oh please," Jana said rolling her eyes. "The way you two act all the time you might as well go elope today and get it over with."

"I promise I'll let you know if he comes to visit," Cassie said. "I don't know that he's your type but he'd definitely be fun for a weekend."

"That's what we thought Rick was too remember?" she said but I could tell by her smile she was just saying it to tease me.

"Rick I never..."

"I know sweetie," I said.

Lei had already gone to the hospital for her evening shift at the emergency room. That left the three of us to spend the day together. Jana helped us carry Cassie's birthday gifts up from the car and then sat with us letting Cassie fill her in on everything she missed out on. She was happy to hear more about our trip to see my family and truly sorry over my failure to find acceptance with Mr. Dumont. There were plenty of horror movies to watch so we made a late lunch and sat down to watch some until it was time to get dressed up to greet our trick-or-treaters.

Cassie put on her fairy outfit blushing when I asked for the naughty nurse again instead. Of course she knew I was kidding, it was fine for an adult party but way too sexy to hand out candy in. I was going to put on my Ghostbusters costume again until Jana pointed out that kids born in the mid to late 90s would have no idea who I was supposed to be. That left me as a werewolf instead. Cassie was worried I might scare some of the younger kids and always looked through the peephole first before letting me open the door. We took pictures with our digital camera and Cassie even wrote down the email addresses of some of the parents to send them the photos later. We had enough candy that we gave each kid a big handful and Cassie even encouraged them to reach into the bowl we were constantly refilling to pick their own treats. It was fun filled evening, the kind that reminded me exactly why I loved her so much.

The week with Jana went by quickly. Now that she was back I was surprised at how much I missed having her around. Her outspoken nature and willingness to joke around definitely reminded me of little of Greg but she was far more mature than him. I think Cassie was right, I could see them having fun for a little while but it would never last. When she left Sunday morning to drive home we were all sad to see her go but she promised to come for another visit in the spring.

By now I had settled into my job at the investment firm. I could tell my boss was pleased with my progress thus far. After only a few weeks he was already hinting at promotions and grooming me for a bigger role. I'd been dabbling in the stock market since I was fifteen, getting my mother to invest the money for me and my policy of treating every investment like I would our own was earning me praise from the clients I worked with. The old Rick lived for stuff like that and while I still appreciated it, what excited me most was knowing I'd put myself in a position to provide for my loving wife and the children we dreamed of raising together.

I came down with a nasty cold the week after Jana left and was forced to stay home from play night at the hospital with the kids. Foolishly, I told Cassie that I was well enough to go but she patiently explained that a cold could mean a major set back for the kids. She got shots for everything imaginable and washed up with antibacterial soap all day at the hospital to prevent bringing anything there that could harm them. I woke up on Friday morning feeling horrible but I was new to the job and couldn't afford to miss the important appointments I had that day. Cassie had the day off so I crept out of bed and was halfway through shaving before she caught me.

"Where do you think you're going?" she asked with her hands on her hips.

"Work," I croaked though my burning throat. She was glaring at me in the mirror but I refused to make eye contact.

"You're not going anywhere except back to bed. I'll bring you some cold medicine to help you sleep," she said in a firm voice that was softened by her gentle touch on my back.

"I'm fi..." I started to speak but a coughing fit betrayed me.

"I'm not letting you leave the apartment like this," she said.

"Cassie I have to," I begged hoping the pathetic sight of me would earn enough pity to convince her.

"Are you going to make me call your boss?" she threatened.

"No you can't," I pleaded.

"Are you going to stay home?" she asked. When I failed to answer she walked away from the bathroom leaving me in a panic. She would really call him would she? Then I heard her voice and held my breath. "Hello could I speak to Mr. Underwood please? I'm sorry to call you at home but Rick won't be able to come in today. Yes this is Cassie; it's nice to speak to you at last. Oh he talks about you all the time too," she said giggling. "I know... he's even worse than he was yesterday. I told him I was going to call you myself because he was set on coming in. He's right here, hold on let me get him," she said with a voice that was approaching the bathroom again. "Mr. Underwood wants to speak to you."

"Hello?" I wheezed into the cordless phone.

"Are you sick?" he asked.

"No sir," I said.

"That's not what Cassie just told me," he said.


"But what? She's a nurse isn't she?" he said.

"Yes she is. I can work on some of the files from here today," I bargained.

"Don't worry about any of your work until Monday," he said.

"Monday?" I said.

"Monday at the earliest," he said.

"Okay fine, Monday morning if I'm feeling better by then," I said.

"Tell Cassie I'm glad she called and learn to listen to her," he said. "Don't make her have to call me again," he said and I could hear a smile in his voice.

"I won't. Sorry to bother you at home Mr. Underwood, I'll see you next week," I said.

"He seems nice," Cassie said flashing me a victorious smile.

"I'm sorry for making you do that sweetie," I said feeling guilty for arguing with her.

"It's okay. Finish shaving and come back to bed," she said kissing the cheek I'd already shaved. There wasn't a trace of anger in her voice.

Cassie babied me all weekend waiting on me hand and foot. She cuddled with me until I fell asleep, monitored my temperature closely, rubbed my back, and fed me bowls of warm soup in bed. Friday was the worst of it, but Saturday was only marginally better. She was back to work on Sunday and looked worried over leaving me alone that morning. I assured her I'd take my medicine and wasn't going to do anything more strenuous than watching TV between naps on the sofa. Cassie called me from work a few times to make sure I was okay and cooked me my first real meal in nearly three days when she got home. I know it sounds like a bit much but when you're under the care of nurse Cassie you get nothing less than her best.

On Monday morning only minor symptoms remained and Cassie gave me her blessing to return to work. Mr. Underwood called me into his office right away and I swallowed a deep breath before going to face his wrath. I was expecting him to be angry but he was grateful the time off had allowed me to recover, joking that I worked hard enough to earn the day off anyway. The reason he wanted to talk to me was to dispense some personal advice. He knew Cassie and I were married because I'd listed her as my spouse on the paper work I filled out when hired. I had already explained it was a secret to our friends and families without getting into specifics and he had promised to keep it between us at the office. His advice to me was to listen to my wife and pick my spots when trying to put my foot down. When I told him I normally did whatever she said and blamed my stupidity that morning on my illness, he laughed and said it was good to have me back.

American Thanksgiving was fast approaching now and while I had to work that Thursday and Friday, Cassie had both days off plus the whole weekend. She said it was just a scheduling coincidence but I was sure she must have booked some of those days off or traded shifts with one of the other nurses. It was going to be our second Thanksgiving celebration of the year only this one was sure to be more successful than the last. I knew Cassie was planning something extra special for me when she moved play night to Wednesday that week but I wasn't going to pry and ruin the surprise. It wasn't until I came home on Thursday evening that I learned just how wonderful a surprise it was.

"Mmmm... something smells good," I said inhaling deeply when I got home. I could smell the turkey roasting out in the hallway and had happily followed it to our apartment door. "Thank you for cooking a special dinner for us," I said smiling at her as she came to greet me at the door.

"Happy Thanksgiving," she said giving me a soft kiss. "I didn't cook though."

"Who did then? Lei?" I asked.

"Guess again," she said smiling.

"I don't know," I said. I truly had no idea.

"Come to the kitchen and see," Cassie said taking me by the hand.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" I asked shocked and elated at the same time.

"It's nice to see you too," she said smiling.

"No I mean you told us you were spending Thanksgiving with Susan and Brian," I said as I walked over to hug her.

"I'm sorry I had to lie but we wanted it to be a surprise," my mother said. "They're at his parents' house this year."

"I suppose you knew nothing about this either?" I said glaring at Lei with mock indignation.

"I knew all about it," she said laughing along with Cassie and my mother.

"Marc and Julie are coming over too, they should be here any minute," Cassie said glancing at the microwave clock.

"Wait till you see their kids mom," I said smiling at her.

"Cassie already showed me pictures. They're adorable," mom said smiling back at us, no doubt imagining the grandchildren she was sure we'd give her.

"I knew you has something special planned but I never imagined this," I said hugging Cassie. "Thank you so much sweetie and you too mom. How long can you stay?"

"I'm here until Sunday evening. We're going shopping all day tomorrow while you're at work so we'll be free to do whatever you want for the rest of the weekend," mom said.

I went to change out of my suit before our dinner guests arrived. After putting on a polo shirt and a pair of casual pants I felt much more relaxed. Back in the kitchen I asked if I could help but was banished to the living room with the helpful suggestion that there should be a football game for me to watch. I ran into Lei on the way her way to the bathroom and spoke to her for a few moments. She said my mom was a nice lady and she couldn't believe how well she got along with Cassie. I smiled hearing their girlish laughter, as they no doubt shared jokes at my expense. It felt great to know my wife and mother had become close with each other so quickly.
