My Sweet Canadian Girl Ch. 09


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Marc and his family arrived around ten minutes later and the girls came out of the kitchen to greet them. I let Cassie have the honor of introducing my mother to her brother and his family. Whenever I talked to mom I tired my best to hide how bad things were between Mr. Dumont and I, but I also told her how wonderful Marc and Julie were to me. Mom was quick to fuss over baby Madeline who was six months old now. She patted little Matthew on his head too smiling down at him and said he looked handsome in his nice blue shirt. Marc said he was shy around strangers but that never lasted long.

"Are you uncle Rick's mommy Judy?" he as asked calling her by name as he tried to get everything straight in his head.

"What did I tell you about that?" Marc asked his son in a stern voice.

"It's okay," I said.

"I know you don't mind but I'm trying to keep him it from saying around dad," Marc explained.

"Yes I'm Rick's mommy," my mother said smiling at him. She assumed Cassie and I were as good as married so what did it matter if an innocent child did the same?

"You're not very big," he said studying my mother who was just over five feet tall. We all burst out laughing as he looked from one face to the next.

"Oh my aren't you the little charmer?" mom said. "Rick wasn't always so big either you know. I brought some pictures for your aunt Cassie where he was no bigger than your baby sister. We can look at them later if you want."

"Okay," he said.

"You stay here and play with daddy and Rick for now honey," Julie said. "We'll come get you when dinner is ready." He sat down on the sofa starting a fresh picture in his coloring book.

"You want a drink Marc?" I asked.

"Sure," he said.

"We've got a few kinds of beer or there's rum if you want," I suggested.

"I'll be sleepy enough after the turkey," he smiled.

"How about some diet Pepsi then? The girls make sure there's always some here," I said.

"That's fine, thanks Rick," he said.

"How about?" I said nodding towards Matthew.

"Just a small glass of milk or juice, whatever you have," he said indicating a tiny amount with his narrowed fingers. In the kitchen area I found the three younger women sat in chairs at the table and mom bent over the stove basting the turkey one last time. Cassie was gently rocking her niece on her knee cooing at Madeline making her giggle excitedly. It was the cutest sound in the world.

"Cassie looks good with a baby on her lap doesn't she," mom said to me with a smile when I finished pouring our drinks.

"Gee mom that's subtle," I said making them roar with laughter. "She always looks beautiful but she's got an extra twinkle in her eyes right now for sure," I said bending to kiss the top of my wife's head before I left.

"What was so funny?" Marc asked when I got back to the living room.

"Don't ask," I said shaking my head when he started laughing too.

There's nothing quite like a home cooked Thanksgiving dinner. Cassie and mom picked out the biggest turkey they could find and even had to buy a new roasting pan that could hold it. To go with it we had mashed potatoes, stuffing, carrots, peas, and of course gravy. They warned me there would be so much leftover turkey that I'd be eating it for a week but that only made me smile. Cassie sat next to me rubbing my leg lovingly with her foot as we shared our first holiday meal with friends and family.

At my urging everyone had at least a small second helping though I was the only one with a second plate as big as the first. I sat back from the table feeling way too full and Cassie gave me a sympathetic look as she rubbed my belly. Forced to pass on dessert for now, I stayed at the table with them as everyone else had a slice of the pie Julie had baked. Mom loved it and made Julie smile widely as she questioned her on the recipe. Marc made a joke about how good it was to be surrounded by women who loved to cook but the two of us were the only ones to laugh.

After dinner I offered to clear the table and Julie quickly volunteered her husband's help. He blamed me for our predicament, but I knew he didn't mind at all because he was too much like his sister. I often wondered how their father could be completely different from his wife and the wonderful children they'd raised. We didn't have space for a dishwasher so I filled the sink and tossed Marc a towel to dry as I started with the glasses. I hated washing dishes but I knew if we didn't do them Cassie would take care of them herself before bed.

By the time we were done, we found the girls huddled around the pictures mom had brought for Cassie. She'd had some of my childhood photos professionally scanned and printed as a surprise for Cassie and now they were all enjoying them at my expense. Lei and Julie were looking at the ones where my sister Susan had covered me with make up and snickering between glances at me. Even the one of me with an old girlfriend was there. I tried to get rid of it but Cassie wanted to keep it for my handsome smile. She knew there was nothing to fear from a long forgotten high school girlfriend but I wouldn't have been anywhere near as comfortable looking at her old flames.

Both kids had fallen asleep while we were looking at the pictures but we convinced Marc and Julie to stay long enough to have tea and coffee before they left. We set Matthew down on our bed to sleep and Madeline slept in Julie's arms as we chatted in the living room. I'd been expecting a wonderful Thanksgiving surprise from my wife but the evening had surpassed all expectations. Getting to share the holiday with my mother was great and I was excited to show her around my new home over the weekend.

"We should get home and put the kids to bed," Marc said an hour later.

"Thanks for inviting us Cassie," Julie said hugging her sister in law. "Dinner was wonderful Judy. I'm glad we got to meet you, Cassie told me so much about you after her trip to LA."

"It was nice to meet you too. My son doesn't tell me everything but I know you've both made him feel welcomed," she said.

"He's easy to like," Julie said with a genuine smile.

"Well Judy I didn't know what to think when I found out my little sister was living with a man I'd never met. I was willing to give him a chance for her sake though and I'm glad I did," he said patting me on the back. "My father is too quick to judge. Honestly, I think when he looks at Rick; all he can see is the last boyfriend who hurt her when she needed him most. Cassie is such a sweet girl that it's been hard not to worry about her constantly but now that she's with Rick I don't worry at all anymore." It's hard to say who was more touched by his words, my mother, Cassie, or me.

"I better take your brother home before they dump us for each other Cassie," Julie said making everyone laugh.

"Judy's right," Cassie said when the laughter subsided. "You both know how much I love you but I can never thank you enough for the way you've treated Rick." Marc went to get Matthew from our bedroom and woke him up as he was slipping on his own shoes.

"Time to go home little man. Say goodbye to everyone," Marc said.

"Bye, bye for now," he said in a sleepy voice.

"See you guys soon. Thanks for coming and drive safe," I said as I closed the door behind them.

"So what now?" Cassie asked me with an endearing smile.

"Bed for me, I've got work tomorrow," I said.

"Oh that's right. We'll see you tomorrow then," Cassie said as the three of them giggled at my expense.

"Can I get a good night kiss at least?" I asked and Cassie was happy to oblige.

I slept through until the morning but woke up early with Cassie's scantily clad body pressed against me. If I kissed her, I might wake her up but the temptation was strong. Studying her beautiful serene face I resisted for now though just barely. I was sure she'd been up late planning a day of shopping with my mother and Lei. My special Thanksgiving surprise was one more reminder of why I loved Cassie with all my heart as if I didn't think about that constantly. Last night I'd desperately wanted to make love to her but couldn't say anything with my mother right there. Knowing I'd have to wait until we went to bed tonight if I didn't act on my urges now was what finally convinced me to kiss her with the promise of sex on my lips and see what happened.

"Mmmm... I know where this is leading," she said smiling as she blinked her eyes open.

"Good morning sweetie," I said kissing her again.

"Oh God I wanted to wake you up when I came to bed last night," she breathed as she rolled onto her back. The camisole top she wore was stretched tautly over her breasts showing off her already hard nipples.

"I'm awake now," I said with the smile she loved as I bushed a lock of her beautiful hair back from her face.

"What time it is?" she asked looking towards our alarm clock, which my body was blocking from view.

"Twenty after seven," I said.

"You don't work until nine," she said smiling eagerly at me. "Are you hard yet?" she asked probing with her sexy legs until she found her answer.

"Of course. I've been staring at the most beautiful woman in the world since I woke up," I said answering her question anyway.

"Do you mind making me wet?" she asked in her sweetest voice.

That I didn't bother to answer. Instead I kissed her neck, listening to the exciting sound of her bedroom giggles. There was plenty of time before I needed to get ready for work yet but I was anxious to make love to my wonderful wife. Cassie lifted her top to expose her breasts when my necking stopped but left it bunched around her shoulders. Sparing a few moments to suckle her absolutely perfect breasts, I soon left them in her capable hands as I kissed in a straight line down the center of her abdomen.

Reaching her panties I kissed her from one hip to the other as I lowered the waistband slowly. She was between shavings and sporting a little stubble on her normally perfectly smooth skin. The darkest hair on her body grew in a clearly defined triangle that I traced with my fingers remembering what she looked like with a grown out bush of pubic hair. I knew she'd shave again soon so I enjoyed the prickly sensation against my lips while I could. Raking my tongue over her normally smooth skin, I marveled at the sensation of the short coarse hair.

Cassie grew impatient as I got carried away with licking and kissing above where she needed me and lifted her hips to finish removing her panties herself. With an apologetic shrug that made her giggle, I positioned her legs around me so her naked pussy was just inches below my mouth. I extend my tongue and let it slide down the length of her pretty pink lips. Sighing blissfully, she ran her fingers through my hair in a loving, encouraging gesture. Skilled in the use of my tongue ring now, I used it to caress her clit blowing on it to cool it between each touch. Cassie squirmed but managed to hold in her cries of passion for now and told me she was sorry when her fingers tightened in my hair. Kissing her inner thigh I made a gentle shushing sound to let her know I barely felt it.

When I stopped performing oral sex on her, Cassie's juices were dripping from my chin. Her striking blue eyes found mine and implored me to make love to her now that her pussy was wet and my cock was even harder than when we started. Pushing the head of my cock between her lips, I screwed her at a medium pace meant to make each of us cum soon. Having gone without sex since Wednesday night I knew my staying power would be lacking but I felt truly pathetic when my cock started to tingle inside her ripe body. I leaned down to kiss her, letting her lick the taste of her sexual excitement from my unshaven chin. She smiled at the feel of my stubble and slipped a hand between our bodies to stroke her pubic patch as she compared the textures. Maybe they felt the same but there was no question which looked better in my mind.

"There's time for a second round if you cum soon," she said glancing at the clock when I remained still inside her for a few minutes.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I'll be okay. I can masturbate in the shower after you're gone if I need to. Something funny?" she asked when I grinned at her. "There's a reason we have that detachable massaging shower head you know."

"Is he your old boyfriend then?" I asked kissing her.

"No, he was more like a fuck buddy for all of us," she said with a sly smile.

"I can't wait to bring that up the next time Lei takes too long in the shower," I said making her eyes widen.

"You can't say anything! Besides it was Jana who bought it," she explained.

"I'll try not to but you know me and my big mouth," I said as I began fucking her again and the matter was forgotten already.

I was fucking her harder than before now, trying to ignore the tingling sensation in the tip of my cock that warned me to slow down or else. Cassie touched my arm gently, drawing my eyes to hers where I watched her react to our coupling. Her mouth hung open and she was breathing rapidly, making soft grunts in a high-pitched voice that I knew no one else could hear. Already struggling mightily to hold back my orgasm, I maintained the fast pace wondering if each thrust would be my last. She sensed it too and watched my expression intently her smile growing as the moments stretched on. It was too much to ask for her cum with me after I'd driven myself wild with desire even before she woke up. Succumbing to my urges at last, I grunted loudly causing her to lift her body from the bed as kiss me to drown out the rest of my sounds until my spurting stopped.

Having delivered my load, I rolled onto to my back and left my right arm on the bed between us knowing she'd want to curl up next to me. Cassie turned her head and gave me a wry smile. I glanced down and saw that she was rubbing her pussy lips, spreading the globs of cum leaking out of her all about. With a day and half off since the last time we had sex there was a lot more than normal running from between her legs. Cassie said my big load felt good inside her and that it was exciting to see so much at once. I hope that meant we'd have no trouble conceiving when the time came. That week of unprotected sex when we first met nagged at me constantly making me wonder if her not getting pregnant was dumb luck or a sign of trouble down the road. One of my biggest fears was to discover there was something wrong with me that made it difficult to impregnate her. I never once thought about her having problems because she was perfect in every way, with a body built to bear children and the sweet, loving personality to raise them right.

Cassie rolled towards me kissing my neck and startling me. I looked at her face and was filled immediately with the feeling that she'd been reading my mind as she watched me. Her fingers touched my face making me lean back from her sperm covered fingers. Laughing she climbed on top of me claiming the passionate kiss she craved. Encircling her body in my arms I crushed her into a tight hug, knowing how much she loved bring held like that. Moaning into our kiss, she locked her legs around one of mine and squeezed right back. She'd told me many times how being held tight in my arms made her feel warm, safe, and most importantly loved.

When I relaxed my hold on her, she kissed all around my face trying to wash away my concerns of infertility. We hadn't even started trying to conceive yet but until the day came when she told me she was expecting it would remain in the back of my mind. Her weight shifted above me and I watched her sit up on my hips. The camisole top had slipped back down over her breasts but the moment I frowned at it she lifted it over he head and dropped it on the floor. Cassie looked sexy in every piece of clothing she owned but I loved her best when she was stark naked, offering her body to me.

I felt my cock lurch with life to bump against her smooth ass cheek. Licking her lips with eyes that burned for me, she backed away from me never letting out stare break until my leaning tower of semi erect cock came between us. Before starting to suck me back to fullness, she blew me a kiss that I caught in my hand to smear across my lips. I could feel her laughter vibrating through my shaft as I crossed my fingers behind my head. Filling my lungs with deep breaths, I stared at the ceiling as my darling wife sucked my cock with loving tenderness.

The blowjob stopped soon after I was hard again and I shifted my eyes to watch her. Cassie sprang to her heels and crouched over my cock poised to strike with her wet pussy. I held it steady for her and then got my hands out of the way as she began to ride me. The soft creaking of our bed was barely audible but whenever her skin slapped loudly against mine she blushed and sat down to break her momentum. I was certain my mother couldn't hear it in the spare bedroom or I would have been embarrassed myself but she kept stopping whenever our bodies made an audible sound. Cassie dreaded my mother overhearing us being intimate, yet craved a hard fucking that morning.

Taking matters into my own hands, I sat up and kissed her as she threw her arms around me to return my tight hug from before. Turning her over onto her back I pulled the blankets over us to smother the sounds of our fucking. Cassie hooked her right leg around me opening her steamy pussy for my assault. Fucking her wildly, I held her hips in my hands pulling her groin into me on each stroke. I could see her face turning pink from her arousal and kept fucking her hard. When I saw her bite her lower lip to hold her screams of passion in I slipped my hand down to rub her clit and pressed my lips to hers to swallow her whimpering cries.

Cassie dug her chin into my shoulder as she clung to me tightly with her arms and legs. I continued to screw her only at a much slower pace. Listening to her dreamy sighs, I caressed her beautiful skin. Kissing her high on the neck behind her ear I whispered my love for her and her arms tightened around me like I knew they would. Laying in her embrace I kept feeding her gentle strokes of my cock as she came down from her orgasm. I knew she'd be able to take more soon and a quick check of the clock told me there was still plenty of time yet.

Soon as I felt her legs loosen I pushed them aside and slammed my cock down into her with full force making her gasp. She'd cum once already but she was recovered enough that she wanted more now. Lifting my chest from hers, I mauled her ripe breasts feeling them bulge between my fingers. I was planning to release them until her hands closed over mine to show me how good it felt. Unless we were kissing, she held her shrieks of passion in by pressing her lips firmly together. There was no danger of cumming yet myself so I focused on getting her close as soon as I could.

I felt her squeezing my cock and pulled out of her. Her mouth hung open in desperation and shock as she panted for breath. Sliding down the bed towards me with her legs in the air and spread wide, she attempted to lure me back in. Retreating from her, I was soon standing at the foot of our bed with a glistening hard cock that pointed straight at her. Cassie turned around to lie on her stomach and opened her mouth thinking I wanted her to suck my cock again and eager to grant me my wish. I had something else in mind but stepped close to take advantage of her generous offer. Forcing myself to indulge in only a brief blowjob from my loving wife, I stepped back smiling down at her as she licked her lips while eyeing my cock.

Naked on our bed she stared at me awaiting instruction. Instead of telling her what I wanted, I walked to the far end of the bed and grabbed her by the ankles spinning her around as the blankets twisted under her. Tugging her off the bed I set her feet on the floor with her upper body still resting on the bed. Standing behind her, I spanked her sexy ass with my cock making her laugh into the bed. Running the head of my cock between her lips I made her moan and arch her back in an attempt to capture it inside her. I held it in my hand as I ran it down the crack of her ass and through her lips again. Tucking it between her thighs I rattled it around make her legs tremble whenever it struck her clit.
