All Comments on 'My Voyage of Discovery Ch. 03'

by Thors_Fist

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bhojobhojoover 3 years ago

I feel for Beth. I suspect Joshua is trying to maintain his distance with her.

TheOneWhoLikeToReadsTheOneWhoLikeToReadsover 3 years ago

Hoho my wish already came true to see beth with mistress layton thank you for that .. i do feel pity for beth for her punishment .. also im curious with her master problem towards beth , and how far or long will beth punishment will go on .. whatever it is the stories a well made and good to read .. thank you author .. :)

dirtywhiteboy67dirtywhiteboy67over 3 years ago
Another 5

I wholeheartedly agree with TheOne and bhojo.

I've always believed it to be excessively cruel to someone to withhold information that affects someone so much.

My only complaint about this story is that it appeared on the page only a few minutes before I had to leave and spend my day driving. I had to wait to read while I knew it was pulled up waiting for me. Practically orgasm denial.

Keep up the excellent work

Thank you


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Incredibly Difficult To Read

The punishment that Beth went through was from my perspective horrendous. I cried all the way through it. This is her first real challenge as a sex slave to Joshua, it’s potentially a make or break scenario. Even though the last line of this chapter mentioned that the spanking hurt more than being ignored which isn’t a revelation to anyone who is sexually submissive, it very definitely was not a spanking.....Or as far I know it wasn’t a *spanking* she was struck with a paddle not a hand, I’ve always considered a spanking as punishment with just a hand.

When she was with Mistress Layton she had the emotional outlet and ability to talk everything through with her. So much so that everything she went through under Mistress Layton whilst embarrassing to someone who’s never done those things was pretty much seen as just an experiment. Joshua hasn’t developed any obvious emotional connection with Beth even when she is given aftercare its either impersonal or as in this chapter handed off to someone else.

I was a bit confused about why Joshua was fucking Hannah, I thought that she only really had sex with her wife or other women?

I did expect her to be punished for talking to others about her relationship or lack of with Joshua I just didn’t expect it to be so brutal. Mind you I wasn’t expecting her to have to fuck and suck everything with a pulse either. Being obscenely rich is bound to cause emotional issues, when wealth goes that far it’s more of a burden than a gift. So yes he’s very emotionally detached, if this was a real life scenario her punishment scene could easily cause the sub to back out of the entire deal. You’d have to wonder just how many times you could cope with that type of punishment and if it was worth it. Clearly she won’t drop out of the contract because that is a very sudden ending to the story. At the very least Beth would be likely to hit sub drop following this as a service oriented submissive there is the possibility that Beth won’t safeword if she needs to for fear of disappointing him further.

Lol, I’m cursed with an overdeveloped sense of empathy and a vivid imagination, it’s incredibly easy to imagine myself in her situation. This chapter was a truly exceptional piece of writing.

Thanks for sharing.

Tess (uk)

scruffnzscruffnzover 3 years ago

I too feel for Beth, I wonder how long before she really has it out with Joshua, He got angry and punished Beth for something he himself seems to be doing, seems he's telling everyone about Beth but when she asked a friend for advice he punishes her in anger....

cowboyroy1234cowboyroy1234over 3 years ago
Punishment and subdrop

I have to agree with the other commenters: this was very cruel.

I read the punishment sequence multiple times to make sure I wasn't missing any redeeming qualities of Joshua, and while I caught some thankfully, I'd still be worried about Beth and their relationship.

Problems with the punishment:

1. He actually hurt her (physically and emotionally) in ways she hasn't been hurt before.

2. He's destroying her psyche by isolating her from friends and confidants. Hannah works for Joshua and Angelique is her wife, and they've both known Joshua and been his friends far longer than they've known Beth. It's not like she can trust them. Meanwhile he's forbidden her from exploring her feelings with anyone else on the ship. It's not like she's going to trust him to explore those feelings, unless she's a masochist (which I got the impression she was not).

3. It's implied he made her friends participate in hurting her. After which he refused to allow her to see them off. (He at least let her say goodbye; the first time I read through, I missed that and was even more upset.)

4. He made her "friends" participate in her recovery. Hannah and Reggie are her "friends" not her friends. They are friends and employees of Joshua, but he had them apply more pain (physical and emotional) to Beth.

5. He's depriving her of sleep and emotional recovery. Slaves hate the Slave Trainer for a reason, and it's not because it keeps them awake. Meanwhile, sleep is ESSENTIAL to emotional and physical recovery.

He's not talking to her. He's trying to show that he's putting emotional and romantic distance between himself and Beth, which does no good. It's clear from conversations we aren't privy too that he really does care for and like Beth, and I'm sure there's some not yet revealed deep darkness and/or sadness to Joshua that Angelique, Hannah, and a lot of other people not named Beth know about that will eventually be revealed and "redeem" him in Beth's eyes, but leaving her on the out is only causing her to doubt herself and her emotions.

In terms of subdrop: I'm more of a dominant than a submissive, and granted I have my own mental health issues with MDD and PTSD already, but as someone who also studies psychology/psychiatry, I'm really worried for Beth. She's been recently hurt physically and emotionally, she's sleep deprived, she's isolated, and she's a psychologist (and in my experience, it's far harder for people to assess their own mental state than it is in others, especially if they're supposed to know what to look for).

Things I wouldn't let her do if I'm Joshua or anyone with half of an emotional brain among the military veterans or "friends" on the ship:

1. Go anywhere out on the deck without being secured to someone or some aspect of the ship that is physically immobile. The leash doesn't cut it. I mean she needs to be unable to move anywhere without physically pulling someone with her, if she's able to pull at all.

2. Firearms training or obtain access to where the guns and ammo are kept.

3. Have access to any cooking or eating utensils other than spoons, ladels, etc.

4. Let her tell me she's fine until she's actually had a debriefing with someone qualified and not on Joshua's payroll, and even then, psych professionals know how to lie to make themselves seem fine.

As a reader, I'm sure Beth is fine, but Joshua's issues are going to need to be resolved sooner rather than later, and hopefully before the big pirate showdown where I'm sure that people onboard if not Joshua or Beth themselves are going to get hurt.

Thors_FistThors_Fistover 3 years agoAuthor
Responses to comments

While I willingly agree that all the comments have some validity, part of the problem is Beth's. She doesn't trust her Master. Granted, she doesn't understand, but, she trusted him enough to let him strip her naked in a restaurant and suck his cock, but doesn't accept his explanation that he cares for her and doesn't desire any other slave. He said he has a reason which he will explain after a relatively short period of time. He's demonstrated his affection in a number of ways, including inviting Mistress Layton and her slaves aboard. The relationship is not a one way street. She has to trust in him as much as he does in her. Part of her problem is her newness, but she wanted to leap immediately into what she had with ML instead of waiting to see what was offered by Joshua when all along she knew ML was temporary and Joshua a much longer relationship and might have more kinks to work out. My two cents worth, but I have knowledge of the future.

cyberphotocyberphotoover 3 years ago

I agree with all the other comments so far there is something majority wrong with Joshua, for him to pick Beth and basically treat her the way he been treating her and giving her the BS that it not here and it something to do with him and not telling her anything at all. I understand she signed up for this but still she is a person and should be treated like one, and for what he did to her just now is awful. How is she a caring person and he treats her like the way he is. He knew her former Misstress would ask questions and see how she been doing with all of it, he knew she kept in touch and sent emails to her and her professor. So I don't have any idea what the hell is wrong with this guy, If he doesn't want Beth send her home now that they are still FL. Because he has been cold with her since day one basically and there no reason for that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Yes, it doesn't make any sense like everyone been saying Joshua been cold and treating her like he trying to have as little attachment with her as he can have but says he cares about her but doesn't show it at all. Then when she reaches out to her former mistress about what going on after she Beth about it, then her former mistress mention it to Joshua, Beth gets the worse punishment so far and probably starting to think does Joshua care about her at all.

Thors_FistThors_Fistover 3 years agoAuthor
One other thing

Joshua didn't approach Hannah and Angelique about the situation. He wasn't discussing it with them. Beth talked to them about it, they asked Joshua if Beth's fears were valid. He said her fears were groundless and the reason why and told them to reassure her, but keep the reasons secret.

FriskyMindFriskyMindover 3 years ago

I dislike Joshua. I disliked him before this installment, and I expected you’d have him open up eventually and also have Beth be peachy keen fine with his explanation (because she’s going from kind, caring person to doormat) and they’d likely stay together (for personal reasons I’d prefer she return to ML even if I liked Joshua), but my feelings for him now are anger and disgust. If I have a choice between 5 new stories from authors I like, I’ll read yours first, and I almost always finish feeling aroused, amused and wondering what’s next. This time I wanted to jump in the page, kidnap Beth, and get her the hell off that ship. Clearly, having read the other comments, I’m not the only one twitching about joshuas actions. Btw, trust has to be earned, especially in a relationship like theirs, and they’ve known each other how long? Obviously neither knows the other well enough for complete trust. And,,,a dominant should never punish his/her submissive when angry.

cyberphotocyberphotoover 3 years ago

First yes Thors(the author) is correct Joshua did say to Beth to give him a month, but she keeps on 2nd guessing herself, but 2nd why didn't Beth use her pass on getting that punishment, she had a free pass on any punishment, she could have used the free pass on it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Hope for the future...

I sure hope that at some point when the pirates show up, that Beth gets to use her newly honed marksmanship skills and becomes a heroine!

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

I've got the benefit of knowing the many chapters to come but have not read any. Taking it as far as we've gone to here yes, Beth and Joshua did seem to hit it off from the start. Well, technically before the start as he kept meeting her incognito before her interview and acceptance. Being new to D/s relationships and only having Theresa beforehand I can see why she, IMO. felt as though she was creating or getting into a similar relationship as with Theresa. Hannah had been his slave and the relationship between her and Beth was similar to the one she had with Theresa's slaves. I could see that her talking to Theresa was a risk with the distinct possibility of backfiring which it has with spectacular results. Beth has a get out of jail card, which Joshua asked her if she wanted to use, as well as her safe words. I understand the other risks to herself including sub drop or whatever it is but still think she is a strong enough character to accept that what she did was wrong and accept her punishment. Perhaps Theresa could have hinted to Joshua in a more subtle way that she was concerned for Beth but that wouldn't have made such a good story. Think it's time though for Joshua and Beth to have a good clearing the ground meeting .

Still an ace chapter. 5⛤

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Joshua is being a detached dick. regardless of his reasons or ongoing issues, it doesnt justify his behavior. Beth wasnt just gossiping, sge was looking for emotional support. Mostly because she wasnt getting it grom ol Josh. She is evaluating if she is a good fit for Josh, isnt that about one big step away from voiding the contract.

telling other of his issues and then having them kep it a secret from beth is isilating and not health for her. Not letting her say goodbye to her friends was bullshit and also isolating. putting her in a cage and having sex on the bed is isolating.

I just wish she would scream her safe word, and when he checks in say "let me the fuck out of this cahe and im going to my room...this is enough, the contract needs to br reevaluated as my needs arent being met. we need to make some adjustments or I'm leaving. This isnt healthy,"

I also fear for her mental health, afraid she wont safe word out no matter how bad something gets.

by his distance and apathy, he is not forming the important bond he needs to have with Beth for her to fully trust him. forget the crap he says, just look at what his actions show. this is an unhealthy situation for Beth. it needs to change soon or she needs to get out. There is a big difference between authority and aknowledgement vs respect and trust. someone can recognize their boss's position and bend to the authority of it, without respecting or trusting them. one can be demanded by the situation, the other must be earned. Josh has done little to earn Beth,s trust, and is to stupid to realize he cant just demand it, no matter how much money he has. He has to earn it, and she has to give it freely.

the current situation is toxic.

I almost wish she would have safeworded out and got on the Helo with her old friends.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I get that Joshua may be trying to keep his distance. But that really shouldnt be his choice. as the dom, it his HIS responsibility to attend to the emotional needs of his sub. he isnt doing that. He either ignores it completely, or has someone else do it. As in any relationship, if the needs arent provided for within it, they may be looked for elsewhere or the whole thing ended.

He may hurting, or be afraid, it doesnt really matter.

there is no justification for the lopsided way he is treating Beth.

Beth isnt just airing dirty laundry, she is truely concerned she made a mistake. it is impacting her mentally and she is looking for answeres because he wont provide any.

Why would this asshat want a slave that thinks they made a mistake agreeing to all this?

Just. Plain. Stupid. Josh.

reddbunnzreddbunnzover 2 years ago

At this point, Beth needs to have a face to face with Joshua and tell him to start showing her some respect and love, or she is going to depart in Miami. It's totally obvious that Mistress Layton cares more about Beth and her sexual wellbeing than Joshua. Especially after seeing the Gloria got the love and attention that Beth is missing. I do not blame her for being upset. It's time for her to have a heart to heart with him, and then decide whetiehr or not to leave.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

OK, this is my 3rd/4th time through this, so I know what's coming, will try to avoid spoilers in my two pennyworth.

I agree to some extent with all the commenters who are down on Josh & worried about Beth - BUT ML should have had a quiet word IN PRIVATE with Josh, instead of in front of everyone. She might then have been able to get some reassurance from him, and he'd probably also have been angered less. Nevertheless, he should not have punished her while still angry - perhaps leave the physical punishment until tomorrow. Preventing her from seeing her friends off was just childish.

5* every chapter of the Beth saga so far, thanks for sharing.

Dixon (UK)

GoldustwingGoldustwing3 months ago

Unfortunately Joshua is behaving as a complete opposite to the way a dominant should. He is abusing his slave, Beth, and is behaving in a non caring manner. No Dom I know of has behaved like this, but it certainly enlivens the plot.

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