My Voyage of Discovery Ch. 06


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He said we should go slow, so I was hardly moving. There was a rainbow of different colored fish down there. Big ones, small ones, itty bitty ones. Oranges, pinks, yellows, blacks, iridescent blues. He touched my ankle and pointed at a hole in the coral. I didn't see anything at first, but I kept looking and a face with lots of teeth stuck it's head out. I recognized a moray eel. It didn't leave its cubby hole.

He pointed back in the direction we were headed and a three foot barracuda was on this side of the reef slanting upward. An unwary fish on the other side appeared and like a bolt of lightening, the barracuda shot forward and snagged the unhappy fish. Two bites and it was gone. Little bits of fish floating for other fish to nibble on and the barracuda resumed his former position, waiting for the foolish to reveal themselves. As we moved closer, it moved off.

Ethan also pointed out a spiny lobster sitting under a ledge, another larger fish I didn't know, wedged into a hole; a sea anemone with a couple small clown fish swimming among the tentacles. There was a sea fan with tiny sea horses anchored in several different places on it. I didn't realize they were so small. We saw another four foot shark swimming along the reef, all the fish darting away as it approached. As Ethan said, it ignored us, continuing on down the reef; two of something larger than himself not something he wished to take on. I saw a squid like thing darting along the reef, no more than six inches long. He also showed me a brilliantly colored, tiny, slug like thing less than a half inch long crawling over a fan.

He stopped at another indentation in the reef and a smaller fish was sitting in the hole with tiny shrimp scurrying around it. He motioned me close and put his hand in there. The fish moved, but the shrimp started moving around his hand. He slowly withdrew his hand and motioned me to stick my hand in there. I did what he asked and I could feel the shrimp moving all over my fingers, doing God knows what. It tickled, but wasn't bad at all. I looked at him and his eyes crinkled in a smile. I slowly withdrew my hand. We backed up and another fish took our place.

We kept moving into shallower and shallower water and the reef finally died as sand covered it up. We rose to the surface and inflated our vest. I spit out my mouthpiece.

"That was incredible," I said, "so much color and activity and beauty. And what was that spot where the fish and all the shrimp were at?"

"A cleaning station. Fish go in there and the little shrimp clean parasites and other gunk off the fish. The fish don't eat them because of the service they provide. They were giving you a manicure. If you left your hand in there, they'd clean the dirt and crud out from under nails, and trim your cuticles of dead skin. It's an amazing process."

"I loved it. What a magical place. What was the squid like thing with the shorter tentacles? And the little slug thing."

"A cuttlefish and a nudibranch. I've got a book of various Caribbean Sea life you can look at. You'll start identifying a lot of the fish you saw today. After you've dived a few more times and earned your certification, we'll go night diving. It's a completely different world at night. Daytime fish are sleeping, night time fish are out, including octopi. It's an entirely different world from what you saw today."

Lynn and Björn popped up beside us. Lynn looked as excited as I was.

"Wasn't that amazing!" Lynn said. "I can't believe how many different fish were down there. It must have seen 30-40 different kinds."

"Did you see the moray eel?" I asked.

"Yes, Björn showed it to me, and the lobster, except it didn't look like a Maine lobster; no big claws."

"I saw a barracuda eat a fish," I said, "a cuttlefish, a nude something or other, and I got my hand cleaned at a shrimp cleaning station. Ethan said we can go night diving after we get certified. What do we need to do to get certified?"

"Demonstrate all of the things we teach without prompting and instruction, get some basic first aid about what to do in the event of emergencies like getting stung by jellyfish."

Rafe and Jìngyi came up beside us and we three girls were chattering about what we each saw.

"Swim now, talk later," Ethan said.

We swam to the RIB and Ethan and Rafael both took off their vests and tanks and tossed them over the side, then climbed in and helped lift us into the boat while Björn pushed on our asses from below. Mine was the only naked ass, so I could feel him with one of his thumbs close to my pucker, though thankfully, it didn't pop through the rim. They helped us take the gear off. I looked at the ship which looked to be maybe a half mile away.

"I need to get some serious swimming done," I said. "Any objection to my swimming back to the ship."

"Not at all, as long as Rafe or I goes with you."

"You want to race?" I asked.

"What's the wager? Sex?" Ethan asked.

"I can't offer sex without Master's permission and he already told me I couldn't orgasm again today, so it will have to be something different."

"Teach me how to lick pussy like you do," Ethan said. "The women will love me."

"I wouldn't mind learning that myself," the Captain said, glancing at Lynn. She missed the signal, but I didn't.

"I'm her co-Dominant," Lynn said, oblivious. "I can have her teach you on me."

Björn grinned. "What she said."

"Fine for you, but what do I get if I win?" I asked.

"You really think you're going to win. I lived in the fucking water for close to ten years."

"But were you racing while you were in the water, or sneaking? I might do better than you think. I know; the next time I'm to be punished, you take it for me."

Rafael laughed. "Oh, man. I'd love to see that. Special Boat Service guy paddled by Joshua after losing a race in water to a girl."

"All I have to do is masturbate to orgasm without Master's permission when we get back and you can have twenty tomorrow morning; ten for disobeying and ten for cumming without permission."

Björn started laughing too. "It sounds like we have a wager."

"I'll keep the boat alongside so we can see who touches first," Rafael said, grinning. "Back in the water, you two, and touch the boat until I say go."

We both jumped back in the water and put a hand on the RIB waiting for the go signal.

"On three; one, two, three," Rafe said.

We both started, Ethan going strong. I didn't start off as strong, but tried to hit a good pace I could keep for a long time. I wasn't far behind, so I felt comfortable. It was quite a distance. They started the motor behind us and moved up alongside, shouting and yelling. It seemed like all of them were yelling for me; the girls for gender solidarity and the guys to see Ethan lose. I picked up my stroke a little, maintaining my distance, breathing easily in rhythm. Feeling comfortable, I picked up my pace a little more. Ethan wasn't looking back; he was confident he would win, so he kept pumping away while I kept creeping up on him.

Halfway to the yacht, I was only five yards behind and getting closer. The girls were yelling louder. The closer I got, the louder everyone was screaming. I was at Ethan's feet and everyone got real fired up. I increased my pace incrementally and started gaining more ground. A hundred yards from the ship, Ethan risked a quick glance behind him and saw me even with his waist. I think it shocked him to see me so close. He lost ground by looking and before he started stroking in rhythm again, I was even with his shoulders and picking up my pace even more. By now, the people on the RIB were making so much noise, the people on the ship started watching, wondering what all the fuss was about. Inch by inch, I crept up on him. He glanced to the side on one of his breaths and saw I was nearly even. I kept on swimming, ignoring him. I couldn't do anything about him, only swim my own race. We were close to the ship so I put on whatever speed I had left, kicking hard. Everyone was crowded at the stern of the ship watching.

Rafe cut the engine on the RIB drifting in and yelled "Tell us who touches first?"

Miranda and Master were both at the back watching along with a half dozen other people. They looked down to watch the end of the race. The screaming was getting frantic, on the boat and on the ship. The last five yards, I gave it everything I had. I'm sure Ethan was too. I touched, exhausted out of my mind, just floating.

"Who won?" Björn yelled.

Miranda and Master conferred, then talked to a couple of the others.

"As far as we could tell," Master said, "it was dead even. They couldn't have been more than hundredths of a second apart."

"What does that mean?" Lynn asked. "No one won and we don't have a winner?"

"What was the bet?" Master asked Björn.

"If Beth lost, she was going to show us how to pleasure a woman on Lynn, and if Ethan lost, he was going to take Beth's next punishment for her."

Master laughed. "Well if there was no winner, I suppose we could call it moot, but I'm thinking they should both pay up, since technically, they both lost as well."

"Wait a minute," Ethan said. "That hardly seems fair." He was panting, but not as much as me.

"I don't know," Rafael said. "Just the fact she tied with you kind of means you lost in my book."

Björn agreed. "Like you said, Ethan, you lived in the water for ten years, this seems like a loss to me."

"I'm willing to pay up if Ethan is," I gasped, still out of breath.

"Fuck, yeah," Rafael said.

"You race her," Ethan said.

"Hell no, you were our strongest swimmer. If you can't beat her, I can't."

"For whatever it's worth, Ethan; if the race was even ten yards farther, I would have lost. You're a strong swimmer," I panted. "I poured my heart into catching up with you. If you hadn't looked back, I doubt I'd have caught up. Can't do that when you're racing."


"Don't worry, Ethan. I doubt Master will hit you harder than me, just because you're a man, right, sir?"

"Nope, just the same," Master agreed.

"Fuck it all. Okay, damn your hides!"

Jìngyi laughed. "The more men who can lick pussy as well as Beth can, the better it is for the women on the ship. I'll let you practice on me."

"Deal," Ethan said. "Tonight."

"Only until my watch at eight."

I got out of the water and climbed up on the deck of the ship. "Be prepared for tomorrow, Ethan," I said. "I'm going to masturbate now against Master's orders. It's worth twenty strokes of the paddle."

I started stroking myself with everyone looking on and soon climaxed, gasping some more. Everyone applauded and I licked my juices off my fingers. Ethan rubbed his ass absently.

"As soon as you put the RIB away, come back and I'll show you all how to lick pussy," I said, my fingers clean.

People started scrambling. The tanks, BCs and other gear were passed up and Lynn and Jìngyi got out of the RIB. Ethan came up out of the water and we put everything away while Rafe and Björn stowed the boat. Apparently, word got passed around because another dozen people showed up before they were back.

"You realize," I told Lynn quietly, "if I'm going to show them how to do this properly, you need to strip."

"I know," she said, looking at all the men who were lining up to watch. "Isn't it exciting. Björn asked me to dinner tonight in his cabin."

"Are you going to go?"

"Why not? He's my age, big, handsome. I love his beard. It's been awhile since I've had any cock. I hope I remember what to do."

"I suspect you won't have trouble remembering," I laughed.

Rafe and Björn returned shortly and I helped Lynn out of her wet swimsuit. She seemed to be preening a little as it came off for her admirer. I had her lie down on one of the chaise lounges.

"Gentlemen and ladies, what I'm about to show you is how this should be done when you're not in a hurry to get to anywhere else. This is the end game in and of itself. How to give pleasure to a woman with no other expectations, paying attention to her and solely to her, and not a warm up for fucking afterward. Ethan, I remind you, so unless Jìngyi wants to fuck, you're on your own after you practice on her."

Ethan looked at Jìngyi, but she only smiled sweetly and said, "We'll see how well you do."

"If you do this right, it should take at least ten minutes for your lady friend to cum the first time and the next few times should rapidly follow."

I proceeded to demonstrate while explaining. It took twenty minutes for Lynn to cum due to the instruction time and because I wanted Björn to know all my secrets for tonight. She popped off four more times in the next five minutes, moaning loudly and squirming wildly. When I stopped, my face was soaked in her juices.

"Any questions?" I asked. "Or should I demonstrate again?"

Kelly said, "You can demonstrate on me."

"Not now," Master said. "Go figure it out on your own. I have use for my slave now."

He skipped the leash and took my hand and dragged me to his room where he fucked me hard for fifteen minutes, face to face. I was kissing him like crazy, delighted he was fucking me this way. When I told him I needed to cum, he told me I could.

"I thought I couldn't cum anymore today."

"I changed my mind." He didn't even slow down.

I orgasmed often and was well sated when he plunged deep inside me and emptied himself in my cunt.

Master was looking deep into my eyes, smiling at me when he said, "Tell me if I've done it properly when I'm done."

He started kissing his way down my body. By the time he was finished, I'd cum six more times and had a hard time catching my breath. He looked up at me from between my legs. His face was covered in cum, mine and his.

"How was it?" Master asked.

"Just perfect, sir. You take instruction well."

He laughed and continued until I'd cum three more times, then slid up my body and fucked me again, hard once more. As he fucked me, I lapped at his face attempting to clean it off. I was mostly successful.


We were resting. Master called the galley and asked them to send two plates of whatever food they had available to his cabin. Shortly thereafter Reggie arrived with a tray of food. I got up and opened the door for him. I probably looked like what I was, someone who'd been fucked hard for a couple hours. He brought in the tray and Master asked him if he could find Miranda and inform her that her Master wished to see her. Reggie smiled and said she'd be told.

Ten minutes later, Reggie was leading her up on her leash. We were still eating.

"Yes, Master, how can I help you?" Miranda asked after Reggie left, having fondled her first.

"I have some information to impart to both of you. Have you met with the Prime Minister of The Bahamas in the course of your legislative duties?"

"Yes, sir. He addressed the House after Hurricane Dorian last year asking for monetary aid and asking for us to open up our borders to Bahamian homeless individuals with families living in the US."

"Which the President denied. Did you meet him personally?"

"Yes, sir."

"You're going to meet him again as a naked slave."

"You agreed you wouldn't expose me to people who knew I was a Congresswoman, Master." Panicked.

"Unless he saw you naked before, he won't recognize you now. He didn't see you naked did he?"

Miranda blushed. "No, Master. No one but a few women in the House gym and a few furtive lovers have seen me naked."

"Then it shouldn't be an issue. I want you to look in the top drawer, third set of drawers from the right and take out what you find in there, bring it to the bed."

She looked in the drawer and brought everything over to the bed. Master picked up a leather mask and told Miranda he'd had it made in Miami specifically for her.

"Put it on," he ordered.

She put it on. It covered her entire head except for her eyes, mouth and lower jaw. Her hair came down below the mask in the back.

"Look in the mirror and tell me if you think anyone who didn't know your naked body would recognize you."

Miranda looked at herself and turned side to side. "I don't think so, sir."

"I think if you pinned your hair up like you were going to wear a wig so even your hair isn't showing, it would be even less likely. Angelique can show you how to do it if you don't know how yourself. You'll be wearing the mask when he arrives. You'll also be wearing the transparent outfit. Try it on now. I want to be certain it fits properly. Beth you'll be wearing the other outfit. I'd like you to try it on as well. It should fit. I had it specifically tailored for you."

I got up and put it on. Mine was not transparent, but it almost could have been for what it covered. It was a piece of fabric around twelve inches wide in the front, extending from a two inch wide band around my neck down to the floor. In the back, a piece of fabric about eight inches wide going from my waist to the floor. The band around my neck would go below my collar and all the way around my neck. There was another three inch band around my waist which held the vertical pieces close to my waist and formed the support for the rear piece.

While it just covered my nipples on either side, I'm sure they and much more of a breast would frequently become visible as I moved. The same could be said for my pussy and ass. As I moved, it would be apparent I was naked beneath it. I would be meeting a Head of State essentially naked. If anything, Miranda's was worse. Her outfit was a transparent blousy top with elastic around the bottom making it cling to her chest and displaying her breasts. The bottom was transparent harem type pants with elastic around the low slung waist and at her ankles and everything visible in between. The main difference would be I'd only be flashing my naked bits, while all of her was covered, but visible.

After we'd stared at ourselves in the mirror a couple minutes, Master said, "I'll be offering your sexual services to the Prime Minister tomorrow after our meeting. I don't know if he'll accept. He's recently widowed, so he may be willing, or he may still be in mourning for his wife. Beth, he may use any of your holes. Miranda, we're still preparing you for anal sex, so only your mouth or cunt may be used."

"How is he to be addressed, Master?" I asked. "I've never met a Head of State before."

"We're in his country, so the proper address would be Prime Minister Minnick. If outside his country, he would be addressed as Your Excellency. This country's proper name is The Commonwealth of The Bahamas."

"What is the purpose of your meeting, Master?" Miranda asked.

"I'm offering him a large sum of money to help rebuild his country after the devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian. Many of his countrymen are still homeless. Seventy percent of all dwellings in the country suffered some form of damage and as many as 70,000 people were homeless. It resulted in a billion dollars of damage and clean up costs. I can't pay for all of it, but I am giving him a hundred million dollars to help rebuild. I was a bit embarrassed by the lack of help given to him by our country, particularly as most of what they were asking for was places for their homeless to stay with their own friends and relatives in our country until their homes could be rebuilt."

He was looking at Miranda as he said it. She had to grace to appear embarrassed by the accusation. "If he fucks one of our Congresswoman in return for our lack of response, it seems only fitting to me. If he prefers Beth, I have no problem with her as an alternative."

"Yes, Master," she responded, chastened.

"We'll be meeting on the stern where everyone got on the boats today. Hannah will be there and I think I'll have Lynn there too. They, of course, will be dressed and unavailable. Jake will be mixing drinks at the bar and I'll make introductions."