My Voyage of Submission Ch. 02


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"You can't tell him."

"I won't say anything. It's not my place. It's something you should talk about if it's something you want to pursue. Your kids don't live at home anymore. You wouldn't be exposing them to something they shouldn't be exposed to as children. The survey you took for me, helps me identify submissives and Dominants, whether or not they know it themselves. I could tell you the results of your survey, though not his. I already know what yours is going to say. If he shows Dominant traits, do you want me to speak to him about your results."

"How could he be? He's never done anything that wasn't prim and proper. It's hard for him to make love in anything but the missionary position."

"You should realize a person can be frightened by a desire to Dominate other people. His father was German. The Germans tried to dominate the world, and in the process, exterminated millions of Jews, gypsies and the physically and mentally handicapped in their attempt to achieve some pure Aryan race. His mother, if born earlier, might have been marked for extermination or slavery if the Germans had been successful. If he has the slightest desire to Dominate someone, he probably suppresses it with every fiber of his being. It may be hard for him to accept this lifestyle can be part of a loving relationship."

She thought about it. "If he shows Dominant traits, you might tell him I'd be receptive if he wanted to experiment."

"I can do that. I might even be able to give him a nudge or two in that direction."


"I'll think of something. Just be open to new experiences."

We finished the rest of the tour, ending up on the sundeck up top after showing her where she could get her hair done or a massage.

"I'll leave you up here. Why don't you catch some rays or do a little soak in the spa."

"I don't have a swimsuit on."

"Who cares? That's the benefit of this location. The only one likely to bother you is Roberta. Think of how excited Herman might be seeing you sunning yourself naked."

"What are you going to do?"

"I have some chores to perform before supper."

"What chores?"

"Master awards me to an Employee of the Day and Week and Month. An orgasm to the Daily winner and two hours of sex to the weekly winner. I need to do both of them. I also owe a monthly winner, but he gets six hours and I don't have time for him now. It will be the first two for now."

"Can I watch?"

I acted shocked, (though I wasn't because of her secret.) "Mrs. Kline!"

"What? Herman told me to expect nudity and public sex. I was looking forward to it, but haven't seen a damn thing yet. I'm disappointed."

I laughed. "The winners don't have to use me in public and some are shy about fucking in front of anyone, but I suspect both men could be persuaded to fuck me publicly. I'll check. Why don't you make yourself comfortable."

I left Oliva looking around and starting to unbutton her blouse when I went to Roberta's to use the phone. She was giving a perm to Hannah.

"Can I use the phone?"

"Go ahead."

Both men said they'd fuck me up here. Dave was willing to fuck me on the upper deck no matter who was around. I didn't specify who it would be, but he was eager enough not to care. He'd waited an extra day already. I told Dave to come in fifty minutes and he said he'd be there on the echo. Buck arrived.

"What are the rules?" Buck asked. He glanced at Mrs. Kline as he said it, wondering if she was somehow involved.

"The usual. You may use me to a single orgasm for yourself."

"What if I can hold out for two hours. Can I fuck you for two hours?"

"Well, Dave would be very disappointed as I have him slotted in for his weekly winnings in fifty," glancing at my watch, "forty-five minutes now."

"Yeah, I'm in a kind of 'tough shit, Dave' mood at the moment. I want to fuck you as long as possible."

"Give it your best. You won't last that long though." I started to help him off with his clothes.

"I can last forty-five minutes anyway."

"If you last that long, I'll let Dave start on my ass while you're fucking my cunt, but don't plan on it."

He grinned. "Wanna bet?"

"Ethan and Francesca have already learned not to bet me. What are the terms, knowing whatever they are, Master will have to approve my use?"

"I want to fuck you with Joshua in his bed. I get to spend the night."

"He might be willing to fuck with you, but I doubt if it will be his bed. Perhaps the stern room. He's used that before. What do I get if I win?"

"What do you want?"

"Mmm, what do I want? Not to fuck you," I said when he opened his mouth, "not that I mind fucking you, but asking for it wouldn't please my Master. How about you have to suck the cock of any man who will let you?"

"You're joking?"

"Not at all. You men all like to see two women lick each other all the time. I think it would be amusing to watch you suck another dick."

"What if no man wants his dick sucked?" There were no known gays on board. He thought about it a moment longer. "It would have to be someone on the ship at the current time, not some stranger."

"Agreed, but if no one is willing, I get to fuck your ass with a strap-on in front of the crew."

"Okay, embarrassing, but I could do it if I lose. At least you're a woman."

The most convenient fucking location on the upper deck was one of the deck lounges. He lay down and told me to mount him. Big mistake. It put me in the position of power and control. He didn't last ten minutes. I still got two orgasms out of the deal. He tried to stop me when he got close, but I continued riding him hard, milking him with all those muscles I'd built up swimming, running and cycling. It got to the point where he lifted me off his cock to slow me down, but it was too late. His cum was shooting five feet in the air when I was dismounted. I looked at my watch.

"A little more than nine minutes by my watch, Buck. Any particular cock you want to suck? James is the biggest, but maybe you want to start with something smaller for your first time."

He tried to weasel out of it. "I didn't cum inside you," he protested weakly.

Oliva tsked, tsked from the spa, where she'd been watching.

"That isn't the agreement," I said. "You get to fuck me until you cum and you did. This cum all over my tits isn't from you jacking off."

"How the hell did Joshua last for an hour?" Buck asked.

"I wasn't trying to make him orgasm," I laughed. "He can't do any better than you can except he can order me to stop. I didn't have an incentive to drag it out."

"Fucking damn. I hope you don't find anyone who wants their dick sucked."

"That hasn't been my experience. All you men want their dicks sucked. Someone might be willing to close their eyes and imagine it's me. Of course, I don't expect you're nearly as good as I am, so they might be a little disappointed in comparison."

"We need to stop betting you."

"I would think you'd have learned from other's mistakes already. Of course, Ethan probably didn't broadcast he almost lost a second bet. I pulled out at the last second, but he would have lost."

"No, I heard about that one."

"There you go. Don't be making bets you don't know you're going to win. Especially ones involving sex with me. I'm not a sex slave for no reason."

"Fuck! I was so sure I'd get to spend the night with you."

"Better luck next time."

"There won't be a next time. I've learned my lesson."

"One thing my Daddy taught me before he died. 'Honey,' he said, 'learn from the mistakes of others, because you don't have enough time in life to make them all yourself.' I take those words to heart."

"You should have told me that before you bet me."

"I did warn you."

Oliva and I giggled after he left. "I wouldn't mind seeing that myself."

Dave arrived ten minutes later. He looked askance at Mrs. Kline. He still hadn't been introduced yet. They would learn who they were at morning muster. "This is my college professor's wife, Oliva Kline. They're joining us for a few days, I think until Buenos Aires. Don't pay any attention to her. She's just taking in the view. I warned you there might be someone else here."

"Hey there, Mrs. Kline,"

"Hi, Dave is it. It's a good thing you get two hours. Buck didn't last ten minutes and he made a foolish bet."

"What did he bet?"

"I'm sure you'll find out soon enough. He has to find a partner." We giggled again.

"Norris said he had the best sex of his life with you. I wish Francesca was here." He glanced at Oliva. "You're not here to," he paused, "you know."

"You'd fuck an old woman like me?"

"Ma'am, I don't know about old, but from where I'm standing, you have nothing to be ashamed of."

Oliva preened a little, patting at her hair. "I'm sure my husband would be upset if I did any 'you know'. I've never cheated on him before, and I don't plan to start now."

"You're just going to watch?"

"Beth warned us there was nudity and public sex on this ship and I'm nude and this is public. I'm just waiting for the sex."

Dave laughed. "Me too. I was chosen yesterday, and I've been dying ever since."

I proceeded to give Dave his two hour slice of heaven. He wouldn't be getting it up any time soon. Instead of dirtying up the spa with a cunt full of cum juice, I lay down on the lounge we'd just vacated. I started smearing sunscreen on.

"Would you like help with your back?" Oliva asked.

"Would you please? Thank you."

Oliva got out of the spa where she'd been semi hiding during my sexual escapades and did my back for me. I did hers and we both sat in the afternoon sun until Fatima and Professor Kline joined us.

Seeing both of us naked, Fatima asked if she could get naked too. Professor Kline was somewhat surprised to see his wife as nude as I was.

"Professor, what do you think?" I asked. "Can she get naked or would that be pushing her too far."

"Actually. I don't think nudity would be harmful to her. Considering the trauma she experienced, I found her to be fairly well adjusted. I think being on this ship and running into you has been somewhat helpful to her. She did see that not all people are like the ones she experienced and there can be love in the act of sex and not just brutality and rape. I was actually surprised at how resilient she's been," he said.

"Honey, why don't you take your clothes off and get a little sun. This is supposed to be a vacation in addition to whatever else you're doing," Oliva said.

"Beth's my student. I don't really think I should be getting naked in front of her."

"Don't worry about me," I said. "I'm going to check on my Master and see if he needs anything. Do whatever you want. I'm gone."

"I think I'll go too, give you guys some privacy," Fatima said. She winked at me and skedaddled. She was taking off her clothes as she went.

I got up, put on my clothes and left. As I was leaving, Herman was taking off his shirt and there was a somewhat sizable bulge in his trousers. Going back to Master's cabin, I found him working again. I got on his lap and kissed him.

"Did you take care of both Buck and Dave?"

"Yes, sir. Buck made a foolish bet with me."

"What bet?"

"He thought he could last for forty-five minutes, sir. He didn't."

"What were the terms of the bet?"

"If he won, he got to spend the night with both of us fucking all night. Not in your bed. I made that clear. If I won, Buck had to suck the cock of any male who'd let him, to orgasm, or if no one would step up to the plate waving their bat, I would fuck his ass with a strap-on in front of everyone at morning muster."

"Damn. You'd think they'd learn. Do you think anyone would rise up for the good of the team?"

"I was kind of hoping you would, sir," I murmured, playing with his ear and kissing his neck.

"No! No, no no. Not happening. Mota."

I laughed. "Good one, sir. We could just ask for volunteers at morning muster. I'll bring the strapless just in case. Good news, Professor Kline believes mere nudity won't be harmful to Fatima. He didn't say anything about sex, punishment or anything else, but it's a start. He believed we might have been a good place for her to come to. She could see all submission and sex didn't have to be evil."

"A wonderful start. Naked at dinner it is. I suppose you knew Pierre was a submissive?"

I just looked at him. "Of course you did. How foolish of me. How are we going to get Fatima integrated into Dominant ranks?"

"Very carefully, sir. I'd let Professor Kline work with her some more and make some recommendations."

"Pierre is not going to be naked in the kitchen."

"No, sir. I'm sure there are health and safety laws that apply. I don't think he should go naked at all until Fatima has put a collar on him. I don't foresee that happening in the next couple days, at least. Do me a favor, Master. When we watch Miranda tonight; invite the Klines to watch too. And treat me exactly as you would if they weren't there."

"What are you thinking, Beth?"

"I'm thinking Oliva would very much like a Master."

"I thought you weren't revealing the results of the survey to me anymore."

"I'm not, sir. I haven't even entered their surveys into the matrix yet. This is just woman's intuition. I saw how much she was enjoying her tour of your playroom."

"But not as a Dominant?"

"No, sir. Submissive all the way. Just think about it. She comes from a Hispanic culture where machismo is all the rage. It's far more likely she'd have been influenced by and turned on by Dominance in men."

"Go ahead and enter them. Do Fatima's too. It would be interesting to see how she falls out with the urge to be Dominant and with the submission she was forced to undergo." I started to open my mouth. "And I won't ask for results unless everyone gives their permission."

"Thank you for understanding, Master. I'm so looking forward to tonight."

"Buck and Dave weren't enough for you?"

"Buck didn't last long and your cock is much bigger than Dave's, Master. You know how much I like to feel you inside me."

He laughed and patted my ass. "You know I'm not going to let you cum, don't you?"

"Professor Kline needs to see that part of my submission also. I'm not going to hide anything from him. Que sera, sera."

"Go work on something, I'm still busy."

"Sitting on your lap, Master, I couldn't help but notice you have something that requires a slave's attention. I think I should take care of it for you."

"I think if we're going to put on a show tonight, it would be best if I saved up a little of my energy for later."

"As you wish, sir. I just don't want you to cum too soon, like Buck."

"I think you're rapidly talking yourself into no orgasms at all and a night on the Slave Trainer."

"My apologies, Master." I kissed him as I rose. "It won't happen again."


"Liar! Me, sir? No, sir. Just an outrageous flirt, sir, and someone in need of some hot, salty cum, sir." I licked my lips and disappeared before I really did earn a night on the Slave Trainer.


When I entered everyones surveys into my matrix, Oliva was indeed a submissive, but not as submissive as I might have thought. She scored right on the edge of neutral and submissive. Kind of where Manuel scored. On the other hand, if she was a submissive, she'd been suppressing it for even longer than Miranda had. Perhaps I needed to factor into account the comparative lengths of time between any submissive behavior and the present. She'd gotten married at twenty or twenty-one, which meant the incident at the BDSM club in Miami would have been over twenty years ago. Yet she still remembered it with a great deal of fondness and was considering a repetition of her prior behavior, now much later. I'd have to play with that it to see if it made any difference. That might be why Manuel didn't score as submissive as maybe he was, given how easily he was now submersing himself into his submissive role. It might be more than just being male. Another factor might be aging, or how old you were when you took the test.

I'm glad we'd be going to some more BDSM clubs. I needed more data from sources other than females and more data from an older population. It might be one of the reasons Bill and Sam didn't score as high on Dominance as Master did. They were both older. Which brought up the second point. Professor Kline had Dominant tendencies, but not very high. Right over the border of neutral and Dominant. But if he was, and suppressing any Dominant tendencies for many years, perhaps it would have been a higher score when he was younger, and would have passed into neutral if he were older. Maybe, both of them were scoring close to neutral because they'd suppressed their natural tendencies for many years.

Fatima was all over the place. Not really in switch territory, because that looked different, but some submissive traits scattered in her answers. Was that because she wasn't a submissive, but it had been beaten into her so completely. That was another group I should be testing. Forced slaves. Where did they fit, and would someone who'd been a slave for five years be more completely submissive than Fatima was over seventeen months. And what difference would their starting point have made in where they ended up. It might be necessary to completely revamp the survey for that population; to get a flavor for where they were before they were illegally enslaved to where they were now. I was very submissive already. If I were taken and enslaved, where would I end up and how quickly would I get there compared to Fatima, who apparently started with more Dominant traits than I have.


All the slaves were naked again at dinner, as was Fatima. I was on Master's lap and he was feeding me again, and caressing me between bites. I orgasmed twice on his fingers, neither time with his permission. Master intended for my punishment to take place in private as opposed to punishing me in front of Fatima. After one of my orgasms, he fed me his fingers, after the other, he tasted them. It was not any different to how he treated me any time pre-Fatima, but Fatima and the Klines had never witnessed it before. Fatima's Master had fed her from a bowl on the floor. Watching me squirm on Master's lap was a completely alien concept to her.

Supper over, Master said to the Kline's, "I know Beth wanted you to witness her submission to every extent. I don't want to hide anything from you. This is the life she's chosen for herself and she wants you to know what it consists of and know she is content. She needs to be punished for cumming without permission. I'm going to take her to my playroom to address her punishment right now."

"May I witness her punishment?" Fatima asked.

"Doctor Kline, what do you think? I don't want to set her back," Master said. "While I realize what I do may be substantially different from what Fatima underwent, it's still close enough it may cause her renewed trauma."

"I'd like a spend some more time with her first. Although she was stronger than I expected given her history, I don't want her suffering any setback either. Give it a couple more days."

"Not yet, Fatima," I said. "Doctor Kline will spend some more time with you first. I think it's for the best. You've just learned to say Mota if you don't want to do something. I'd prefer you not go backward. I'm willing to show you in time. If in fact you become Pierre's Dominant, you'll need to learn all these things at some point, so we won't keep it from you forever."

"Thank you, Beth."

"After Beth's punishment in the playroom, I'm going to make contact with my wife, US Representative Miranda Ward. She is also my submissive. That can never be known as it would ruin her career. I don't care for my sake. It wouldn't really affect my business. A lot of people in positions of power are Dominant to some degree or another. But I'm responsible for her and want her to live the life she wants to live."