My Voyage of Submission Ch. 02


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"How do you control your wife long distance?" Oliva asked.

"I will show you. I want to be an open book. Before you leave, you will know every aspect of my relationships with my submissives."

Doctor Kline and Oliva followed us to the playroom. Oliva had seen it with me, but Herman hadn't. I believe he needed to take a couple deep, calming breaths when he saw it, thinking it may be used on me. I wondered how Master was going to punish me, a simple spanking or something different. When he bent me over one of the horses, I knew it was more complex than a spanking, but he didn't intend to whip me as this was primarily for my buttocks and the backs of my thighs. He fastened my ankles down and apart. When he fastened my wrists on the other side, I was stretched taut, my bum a tempting target.

"Beth is going to receive twenty strokes of punishment, ten for each time she climaxed at supper without my permission. I usually precede or follow punishments with sex. There are a number of different reasons," Master said, "not the least being Beth is very appealing and sexy like this, but in addition, orgasms release endorphins which aid her in withstanding pain. There are a number of different ways to accomplish this, from toys, to fingering, to oral sex, but today, I'm going to fuck her, because I need relief. Beth, you have my permission to cum now through the end of your punishment."

"Yes, Master, thank you."

With that, he unzipped his pants and plunged deep into my core. I was ready for him, already liquid. He didn't fuck me to his own completion, but made sure I orgasmed twice before pulling out, my fluids seeping down my legs. I heard his zipper and assumed he'd put his penis away in deference to our guests.

"This evening, I'm going to use these two items," Master said. "This devilish device is called The Enforcer. It's relatively simple, won't leave any bruises, but stings like a sonofabitch. It's a sudden, short lived pain, which she won't feel anymore after ten to fifteen minutes. If I were using something for the first time. I would want to know what it feels like before using it on anyone else. I figure if I can tolerate it, anyone can. I've used this one enough it's not necessary to test it, but I want to show you what I do, so I will use it on myself first." I heard a smack behind me and realized Master hit himself. "Now Beth, count for me and thank me for each one."

"Yes, sir."

Master started, and I said, "One. Thank you, sir."

He didn't strike me again right away, explaining instead, "Beth, and in fact most submissives, have the ability to sink into what is called 'subspace'. Beth said it's similar to when she's training hard, running or cycling, and is reaching what she considers the limits of her endurance. Instead of quitting, she ignores the pain in her muscles, the difficulty in breathing, and gets a second wind to keep going. She shunts the fatigue and pain aside and pushes through it. She said subspace for her is very much like that."

He smacked me again and I said, "Two. Thank you, sir."

"If she didn't have subspace, her punishment would be more painful than it is. One of the reasons I ask her to keep count is because it keeps her from going as deeply into it as she might, because she needs to stay aware of the number and thank me. I won't make her keep count for more severe punishments as I want her to go as deeply as she needs to go."

Crack. "Three. Thank you, sir." Smack. "Four. Thank you, sir."

"Another reason I like this device is the phallic shaped handle, which allows me to reverse it, and give her more pleasure and another orgasm."

Master fucked me with the handle. I orgasmed almost immediately.

"You see how quickly she was able to climax. Beth and others have described punishment this way. 'There is a fine line between pain and pleasure. Something pleasurable can become painful, like too many orgasms; and pain can become pleasure.' Beth has been able to orgasm from the pain, mostly a whip, but other things as well. She says the burning she feels from the paddle seems to turn to heat which goes to her nipples and pussy and arouses her. It's why she climaxed so easily now."

Another slap. "Five. Thank you, sir."

"But Beth is not what we would describe as a pain slut. One who enjoys pain. She would prefer not to receive it, but on the other hand, she can find something from it which she can take comfort in."

Bam. "Six. Thank you, sir."

The next four came rather quickly. The why of it became obvious when he unzipped and plunged into me again, fucking me to his release, grunting behind me when he orgasmed. I'd cum a couple more times as well and I knew the Klines could see our cream running down my legs. Oliva gasped when Master pulled out. I imagined them watching my red butt cheeks, my legs spread, exposing my drippy cunt, the signs of our mutual pleasure clear to see. Master walked to the front of the horse and allowed me to clean him off before tucking himself away.

"This next paddle is heavier, wider, and the pain is not as immediate, but lingers more because of its weight and the heat it leaves behind. It can cause bruising, which is not something I like to do. To me, bruising is the sign of a heavy hand and a Dominant who doesn't have control of him or her self. You don't need to count for this one, Beth."

"Yes, sir."

I heard Master smack himself again, then the paddle fell on me. As he said, without the necessity of counting or thanking, it was easier to reach subspace. I tended to grunt and groan with each landing of the paddle which rocked me more than the smaller one. Nor was I able to stop tears from falling, though I didn't cry aloud. I believe Oliva gasped louder than I did when the paddle fell, almost as if she felt it herself, and I was unsure if Herman hadn't made noises himself. When Master finished, I could feel the heat from the top of my bum to my upper thighs, which I knew had to be red. He finger fucked me to another couple orgasms before releasing me and pulling me into his arms, kissing me and cuddling me.

"Dominants want to avoid a phenomenon called sub drop. The different chemicals and hormones released in her body by her orgasms and the pain she felt, needs to dissipate. This takes time and is akin to crashing after using drugs. A certain amount of cosseting and attention from your Dominant eases this transition to a state of normalcy," Master explained.

"How do you feel, Beth?" Oliva asked.

"On the whole, I feel good. At the moment, there is a lingering heat, but I won't feel anything within twenty or thirty minutes. I'll be able to sit down with limited discomfort. You saw how many orgasms I had. There was a good mixture of pleasure to the pain."

"Why would you want to experience pain for any reason?" Herman asked. "You say it won't hurt in thirty minutes but why hurt at all? I can understand the orgasms, but why mix it with pain?"

"It's part and parcel of my submission. It's a reminder of Master's control, of his dominion over me. And the pain creates a dichotomy to the pleasure. Like lights are brighter because of the dark. A candle in a lighted room might not be visible, but it's easily visible in a dark room. There's a richness in the pleasure because of the contrast to the pain. Nearly every orgasm I've experienced as a slave has been better than the very best I'd had before.

"Is this merely a mental perception because I've been exposed to both extremes, I don't know, but if it's only in my mind because of the extremes, it's still real to me. I wanted to study submission because I didn't understand it, but now I've been one, I understand the allure of slavery entirely. I still can't explain it, but I get it."

"May I see The Enforcer?" Oliva asked.

Master handed it to her. The handle was still damp with my cum, white streaks on the dark handle. Oliva ignored it. She lifted the front of her dress and struck herself on her thigh, feeling the sting to experience it. She'd lifted her dress fairly high and I could see the damp spot on her panties. I don't know if Herman could see it from where he stood, close beside her.

"That would feel better if you'd just cum," I said.

"It doesn't hurt as much as I thought anyway," she replied, striking herself a second time. "As you said, Joshua, sharp initial pain, quickly dissipating."

She dropped her dress and handed The Enforcer back. "Lick this clean," Master said. I did, tasting myself on the handle. Oliva's eyes widened seeing the level of my subservience. We went through Master's head to his cabin. Again, first time for Herman and Master showed him everything. Master didn't wait for Herman to ask what the cage under the bed was for. He told him.

"Slaves like to be close to their Masters. Putting them in a cage in close proximity punishes them by both locking them away and keeping her away from me. This is particularly effective if she's down there listening to me fuck someone else. She knows she's out of favor and hasn't been pleasing for some reason and someone else is receiving my favor."

We sat down at one of the seating arrangements facing one of the large television screens. "We're two hours ahead of Miranda so we're waiting for her to eat before she calls. I'm sure you have some other questions."

He had me kneel in front of him and remove his cock to suck him. He told me to take my time as he'd ridded himself of his greatest need already when he fucked me. So in front of my college prof and his wife, I started giving Master head, giving him every ounce of devotion and attention I could. They saw how easily I took his cock down my throat. I heard Oliva's breathing speed up.

Professor Kline asked Master when he became interested in Domination.

"I was in college and dated a girl who was a submissive, looking for a Dominant. She asked me to do all these different things with her. When I did them, I found it was natural to me. I liked it and wanted to keep doing them. Relationship wise, we weren't a good fit and I've gone through a lot of different submissives since then. Beth was the one I wanted to keep.

"I think of her as the perfect submissive, so obedient, so loving, ready for almost anything. Before putting in her application, she learned everything she could about submission and used my questionnaire to try out and do different things to prepare. The only things she'd ever done before was vaginal sex with boyfriends and fellatio. By the time she reached me, she'd done almost anything I'd ever want to attempt with her, including having sex with women, group sex, multiple partner sex, anal sex, and anonymous sex at a glory hole."

I hadn't told Professor Kline all the things I'd done to prepare, only that I was preparing, so he was hearing most of this for the first time. I noticed Oliva was surreptitiously touching herself, Herman's attention on us. Herman's cock began to bulge his pants. I believe Master noticed.

"Why do you want women in submission to yourself?" Herman asked.

"Look at her. Is it any wonder why I'd like a woman naked and available at any time. And if one is good, two are better. If I've fucked one and think it might take longer to recover, I can set both women to licking each other. Not only do they get to enjoy more pleasure themselves, I'm usually ready to fuck sooner than I otherwise might.

"I like to be in control. I've always liked being in control. There is none of the drama involved in traditional relationships. If I want something, I order it and it happens. Through her slave agreement, I know what Beth will and will not tolerate. There is no cajoling or wheedling or pleading involved. If I want my cock sucked like now, she'll suck it. If I want to bend her over the furniture, or the dining room table during dinner and fuck her, I do, no questions asked or pointless protests because she feels humiliated or embarrassed by her situation. Despite the fact you and your wife are sitting there watching, she'll do anything I want which is allowed by her contract. It's a remarkably free and rewarding way to live. It satisfies needs both of us have, her need to submit and mine to be in control."

Master started to breathe faster and thrust up into my mouth. It wasn't long before I felt his warm salty gift flood my mouth.

"Herman looks like he could use your mouth," Master said. "Would you like to offer him relief, Beth."

I looked at both of them. Oliva with a hand over her chest squeezing and pinching a nipple, her other hand in her lap lightly stroking, on the other side of Herman who was facing us. He was still oblivious to her, but his cock tented his trousers. He wasn't immune to the charms of a naked slave girl.

"If they are agreeable and don't feel it would affect their marriage negatively, I would offer to pleasure both of them, Master. Both would have to agree."

Oliva looked ready to leap at the chance. Herman forestalled her response by saying, "I'm her professor. It would be a violation of ethics to accept."

"That's not strictly true, Professor Kline," I said. "I'm done taking all of my classes. You're my thesis advisor and not in the position to grant or withhold a grade, so there's no quid pro quo involved. My thesis will be graded by a paneled peer review with additional determination of my worthiness for my Ph.D when I defend my thesis.

"The rules are meant to prevent students from bribing professors for grades or for professors to use their power to take advantage of their students. That situation no longer exists. Your power over me ended once you approved my thesis. Nor am I a client professionally. You want to ensure I'm doing well and not being brainwashed or suffering from Stockholm syndrome, but that is for your own satisfaction, not at my request or volition. We no longer have a relationship which would violate any ethics.

"Additionally, no one on this ship gives a damn one way or another. It is unlikely word of your presence on this ship would ever reach anyone who might give a fart if I sucked your cock. The only question to be determined is whether my sucking your cock or licking your wife's cunt would impact your marriage. I don't want to harm it. That's the only thing standing in the way of your pleasure."

Oliva looked ready to shout her agreement once more, but Herman still wasn't ready. "I don't know if it would affect my marriage. It's certainly something I'd need to speak to my wife about, in a setting of privacy."

"Of course. I understand. It's a giant leap to make in a longstanding marriage. Let us know if your change your mind," I said.

Master's phone rang and he switched the view from his phone to the large screen in front of us. "Hello, Miranda. How was your day today?" Miranda was naked since she was home. She had her collar on as befits a sex slave. Master pulled me into his lap and put one hand on a peaked breast and another over my vulva, leaking again.

"Good evening, Master," she said. "It was a very difficult day. I haven't cum all day and I desperately need to orgasm."

"Miranda, I want to tell you I'm here with Professor and Mrs. Kline, Beth's thesis advisor and his wife. They're aboard to determine if Beth is in her right mind by submitting to me. We've been discussing several aspects of Dominance and submission and I wanted them to see how I dealt with you."

"Yes, sir. I understand."

"Is Felipe there with you?"

"Yes, Master." She pointed the camera in the direction of Felipe who was still dressed in his jeans and a sleeveless undershirt. Felipe was another hunk, who looked to me to be ex-military. He wasn't huge, no bulging muscles, but hardened like teak wood.

"Did you suck his cock before he started work this morning?"

"Yes, Master."

"Would you like to get fucked, Miranda?"

"Please, sir. You haven't given me an orgasm all day, even though you teased me relentlessly. I need to cum so bad."

"Undress Felipe and suck his cock until he's hard."

"Yes, Master, thank you."

Miranda set her phone up in the stand and went to Felipe, taking off his shirt from his deeply tanned body. She unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his jeans and tugged them down his legs. He had black underwear which did nothing to hide the meaty salami inside. When Miranda pulled them down and his cock sprang out, Oliva gasped. Herman looked at her in surprise. Miranda wouldn't have to work hard for her fucking.

She tried to cover up her interest in his cock by saying, "You're going to let someone else have sex with your wife? How can you let someone else screw her?"

"Beth, would you like to explain?" Master said, beginning to stroke my button, taking his time.

As Miranda opened her mouth and took Felipe's cock inside it, I said, "When Miranda became a sex slave, she found, as I did, that her sex drive had increased exponentially. She was fucked several times a day and in a way, it's necessary. I frequently orgasm twelve or more times every day. You've seen how orgasmic I am and how easily I climax. It was the same with Miranda."

Felipe's cock was standing straight out from the hard planes of his groin. Apparently, he shaved everything down below. Master told her Felipe could start fucking her, but no more than three orgasms, at which point, she had to finish him in her mouth.

"Yes, Master."

"Before Miranda came aboard this ship, she could very rarely have sex. She's a single woman in Congress and had to hide any activity which would be damaging to her career. That included fucking," I said. "She snuck aboard just so she could fuck Master. When she became his slave, she could fuck anyone Master wanted her to fuck. Now she's had to go back to Washington. She's married, but Master isn't there. It would be even worse for her to be seen fucking anyone now that she's married. She'd be labeled an adulteress.

"Some men might be able to get away with adulterous affairs, but not women. It's the same double standard for women it's always been. We must remain virtuous while men can fuck anything that moves. Yet her sex drive is even higher now than it was before. If she had to go without sex as much as she did when single, it would be torture for her. Plus she can't fuck or cum without Master's permission."

Felipe looked like a real stud, he was really laying the wood to Miranda. She had her first orgasm and I was damn close myself.

"Master, may I cum please?" I begged. "I've already been punished twice tonight."

"If you can hold out for three minutes, you can cum." The time was on the screen right in front of us and we both watched the seconds tick by. Master also inserted two fingers in me and switched to his thumb caressing my clitoris. My breathing was starting to match Oliva's, though Herman didn't notice Oliva as his eyes were glued to Miranda's fucking on the screen and my finger fucking in front of him.

I kept explaining, hoping it would distract me from Master's slick fingers sluicing through my juicy folds. "Master now owns Miranda's orgasms, but he's not cruel. He doesn't want to torture her too much. So he's assigned her a personal trainer and a gardener who can take care of her masculine needs, and a housekeeper to address those feminine needs. One of the rewards for working for Master are access to ..." I moaned..."his slaves. I'm not going to make it Master. I won't last another thirty seconds."

I thrust my hips against his hand and climaxed, dewing his fingers some more, moaning some more. He fed them to me to clean off. Miranda had cum a second time, whimpering, clinging to Felipe's prick. Lost in the sounds of our orgasms was Oliva's. She was biting the meat of her palm to keep from making a sound.

Master didn't let up after my orgasm, though he did slow down again, drawing it out. I continued, "Miranda needs this fucking as much as she needs to breathe. We're sexual creatures who crave sex now. She would go mad without sex. They are Master's reward to her for being his slave. A good Master sees to his slave's needs. The fact that she's his wife is irrelevant. She's a slave first. Besides, Master gets to fuck other women. He has another slave, and others on this ship want to fuck him. Should he be the only one violating the marital bed by taking lovers? Miranda can only fuck the people Master lets her fuck. She's not having extramarital sex, she's obeying her Master."