My Voyage of Submission Ch. 18


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"It looks and smells like you had a great time," Miranda said, tucking a corner of the sheet in. "It reeks like a whorehouse in here."

"Only one whore here," I said. "You're looking at her. I just had the best several hours of sex I've ever had in my life. Thank you for letting me have Master alone for several hours."

"Well, you're not alone anymore," Miranda said, "and I could use your talented tongue at the moment. I wore Buck out after only a couple hours, and it's no fun having to use condoms."

"Say no more," I said. "One talented tongue coming up."

I don't know how Master managed it, but he was able to fuck Francesca before we went to sleep. I'm not sure she got much in the way of cum.


One of the new guys, Simple Simon, won an orgasm the following morning. I didn't know they'd done enough to win any of the Employee Rewards, but in asking, I found out he was the first of the new fellows to complete the ship clearing scenario on Hogan's Alley. From small victories, come large prizes.

I arranged with him to take care of it after lunch when Dr. Sadiq was gone.

"Oz said you were pretty good and I should definitely have oral sex with you. He claimed you said it was only about 80% of your best effort and it was still the best he ever had."

I smiled. "I'm glad he thinks so highly of my services. You're entitled to one orgasm of your choice. If a blow job is what you want, that's what you'll get."

"Great. My last name was Whilhoite. I was going to go last otherwise. Is it true the Congresswoman sucked Shed's dick last night? The rest of the guys think Shed and Manny were making it up to pull our chain."

"No, they weren't lying. If you stay on board long enough, she might suck yours too, but you need to hurry. She has to return to DC soon after the Captain's wedding. Your chances diminish to nothing when she's gone. I'll find you after I eat lunch."


I was dressed appropriately to meet a Muslim male when Dr. Sadiq arrived shortly after nine. Floor length dress, high neck, material thick enough my nipples didn't stick out like a sore thumb, but of course, I was naked beneath everything. I gathered everything I needed, got the check from Hannah and went down to the stern room to await him. Fatima was waiting with me, wanting to get her interview over with so she could get back to her duties.

When he arrived, after introductions, we sat down at a table and I told him how we'd acquired the young women in our care, where they were freed and where they hailed from originally. I told him Fatima was one of the women captured by a man known to us as Mahmoud who had some kind of fortress headquarters in the Atlas Mountains which we were searching for.

"We've been hoping to find him. He's responsible for the taking and enslavement of five of the women we've managed to rescue. Since we've taken five of his captures from the men who bought them, we have wondered if he wasn't associated with or helped provide some of the people who attacked the Congresswoman. Some of the attackers found were Moroccan, though they were also criminals for hire, so we're not sure.

"Fatima isn't Muslim, but her mother was and she understands the faith, speaks English like a native and is the longest removed from her captivity so can speak of it easier than the others. She'll tell you what she underwent, so you'll understand the nature of what they all went through without the rest necessarily having to repeat it again. It's quite awful having to relive it over and over. I'll try to bring to attention anything about the others you should know which differs from her. Fatima was held for eighteen months."

Fatima told her story. Dr. Sadiq blanched a few times in the telling. He was too polite and Muslim to ask to see her scars and brand, but she did show him enough he understood fully what she went through.

"Thank you, Fatima. Could you please send Maahnoor next."

Fatima left and before Maahnoor got there, I said, "Maahnoor is from Morocco, taken as a young virgin, enslaved about three years. Her owner impregnated her. She's about four months pregnant. When it appeared her family would reject her for being defiled and unable to find a husband, one of the men aboard who'd grown to like her offered to marry her, care for her and help raise the child. They'd been married about two months when we got a new crew member who didn't follow the rules we made to help protect the women. He didn't force Maahnoor to have sex, but did bring pressure to bear on her and she committed adultery with him. She doesn't even know why and I attribute it to how she was programmed by her owner to be sexually available and pleasing. At the moment, their marriage is estranged, though the young man is attempting to forgive her. He believes if she underwent counseling, it might help avoid a repetition of her behavior. He's the one who asked me to see if I couldn't help her. Here she is now. Maahnoor, this is Dr. Mahdi Sadiq, who as a Muslim psychologist, might help me develop a treatment plan to help you. Please answer any of Dr. Sadiq's questions as honestly as you can."

He spoke to her at length, not so much about her captivity, but trying to get her take on what had happened after her marriage and if Henderson was a good husband.

"Yes, sir. A very good husband. He does all he can to allow me to follow Islam, even abstaining from sex the Qur'an considers forbidden. This is the sex I had with the other man who I didn't even know. It is a type of sex my owner required me to provide and I grew to enjoy it at times despite the forbidden nature of the act."

She also told him she thought she was condemned for what she'd been forced to do and entering her marriage defiled and pregnant. When asked if Henderson berated her or held her at fault for the sins, she told him he did not. He treated her with nothing but kindness and love, even beginning to call her child, 'our baby.'

"The fault is all mine, Doctor. I'm unable to be the wife Henry deserves."

He spent forty-five minutes with her.

"Thank you, Maahnoor. Please send Ateefah next."

When Maahnoor left, I said, "Ateefah is from Pakistan and speaks Urdu if you wish to use her native language. She was held for eleven months and taken at the youngest age. She is another of the women left pregnant, about four and a half months. Another crewman has decided to marry her. They're scheduled to wed within the week. Her fiancé, James, is concerned she might end up doing something like Maahnoor did, and although he hasn't spoken directly to me, he's spoken of his concerns to Henry. Ateefah started having sex with James about a month after their engagement despite the Muslim prohibition against fornication. Both of them agree it was more at her instigation. I attribute her unhealthy interest in sex to her slavery. Ateefah has said she'd be interested in treatment."

He spent another forty-five minutes with Ateefah, speaking primarily in English but slipping into Urdu when faced with a concept she hadn't learned English for.

"Send Hibbah down, Ateefah. Thank you."

When Ateefah had gone, I said, "Hibbah was taken from South Sudan and enslaved a little over two years. She questioned whether she would ever have sex with a man again, but is now. Like the others, she can't really abstain from sex, in fact, they even desired sex with someone who treated them kindly so their last memory of sex wouldn't be the cruelty of their owners. She knows it's considered a sin under Islamic law, but was accustomed to sex for two years and despite the horrific nature of her captivity, still enjoys sex if the lover is kind and gentle. I believe to a certain extent, all of the women feel condemned for their actions while enslaved and since they're going to hell anyway, may feel it's not crucial to follow the mandates of their faith anymore, but their enslavers used behavior modification to make them all pleasing sexual partners, which is part of the issues they face."

Hibbah spoke to him for over thirty minutes, giving way to Sahar.

"Sahar was a slave for over four years and her first owner made her do things so horrendous, she still refuses to talk about them. I believe of all the women, she's lost the most of her faith. I think she finds it hard to reconcile a merciful Allah with what happened to her. She refuses to consider sex with men and indicates she'd probably kill them if they tried. She has taken to having sex with other women, which is the only pleasure she allows herself. She describes herself as having great blackness inside and trains almost continuously to become more lethal. She would like nothing more than to kill the men who did this to them. I would call her self contained, with elements of black humor. She doesn't have normal social filters to the point of being blunt and crude. Don't be shocked to hear more than a few fucks out of her."

He spoke to her for over forty minutes. He shook his head after she left.

"She will be a difficult case. I'm not sure she can be helped."

"I'm hopeful because she's fiercely protective of the other women, so I know she does feel for them. Most of her animosity is towards the male gender. Shortly after we recovered six women, Joshua brought them to his cabin to inform them he would provide them all with enough money to live and for the pregnant ones to raise a child if they should need to do it alone. He offered to educate, train and give them employment if their families could or would not help them. She didn't realize the purpose of bringing them to his cabin and hid a steak knife on her person to attack and kill us if Joshua intended to enslave them again."

"What did he do?"

"Gave her a better knife and a way to carry it without cutting herself. He told her she had his permission to kill anyone who tried to hurt her or enslave her again. He would support her. She has a grudging respect for the men on board because they treat all the women well and with respect. When we found Maahnoor's family, her father slapped her. She grabbed her knife to kill him before we stopped her and we protected Maahnoor from further harm. I think she's a danger to those who she feels deserve justice, but I'm still working on getting her to let things play out a bit before she determines someone is bad enough to kill. Surprisingly, Sahar helps the other women become stronger and fight their programming faster. We usually put her with the newest freed slave to help them. She was the first of the newer slaves to want her slave jewelry removed and encouraged the others to get rid of theirs as well.

"The next woman was the last one we freed in South America. Her name is Farah. If she's having sex with others, she's keeping it to herself. I know she's had sex a couple times, but I'm not familiar with what she's doing now."

He spent another thirty minutes with Farah.

"Do you have any others?"

"One, Yasmine, but at the moment she only speaks French and Arabic. We just recovered her about a week ago. She may also be a special case. She's the only one who's indicated she'd like another Master, if she could have a nicer one. I've developed a survey for my thesis and it does measure natural submissiveness in people. She appears to be a submissive according to that survey, but my work hasn't been verified yet by other methods. It does appear to work in the people we've given it to so far, but we want to give her more time to see if her desire to submit is a lingering effect of her slavery."

"What would you do if it's not, sell her?"

"Of course not. She's not property in spite of what she feels. She needs to choose a life she wants for herself, not something someone else wants for her. If she continues to want a Master, she should choose her own."

"May I speak to her?"

"Do you speak Arabic or French?"


"We could have one of the other women who speaks Arabic translate, or they've each been given an iPad to help them learn English as Fatima was the only one who spoke it. You can use the translation app on that."

"Let's give the iPad a try first."

"While I get her, here is the treatment plan I've come up with. Why don't you start reading it. I'll be back as soon a I find her."

I handed him my tentative plan and went looking for Yasmine, finding her with Sahar in the gym. "Sahar, tell Yasmine to come with me and she needs to bring her iPad for translation."

Sahar rattled off a sentence in Arabic and Yasmine stood up and followed me back to the stern room. Dr. Sadiq was deeply involved in my treatment plan. I had Yasmine sit as he read. For ten minutes, we sat there, waiting for him to finish. He looked up and saw us.

"My apologies, this is very interesting. I'll talk to you about it in a moment."

He spoke to Yasmine through the translation app. I heard all of her responses as neither of us had earbuds so it came from the iPad's speakers. She confirmed to him she wanted a Master, though one kinder than her previous one, who was quite cruel, punishing her viciously when he felt she needed punishment. He tried approaching her desire to be Dominated from the point of view of her religion, that accepting submission to someone without benefit of marriage meant she was damned by Allah.

"I am already damned by Allah."

"Not if you repent your actions and vow to live a holy life from now on."

"Everything was taken from me; my purity, my will. I became a vessel of lust for multiple men and women. I grew accustomed to such, learned to accept my carnal desires. I have no more control over my sexual appetites. I wish for sex all the time and would have it with anyone. I'm already fated for hell. At least if I have a Master, he will control me, control the worst of my impulses. Expecting me to hold out hope for some man to marry me is pointless. No Muslim would marry a woman like me. There is nothing he might do to stop me from engaging in sex. Only someone in firm control of me could do so. It is either have sex indiscriminately with anyone who'd have me or put someone in control of me who won't let me have sex with everyone."

"Have you been having sex with the men and women on this ship?"

"No. They've all been instructed to refuse sex with me even if I beg for it. All that is left to me is masturbation. If not for that, I would be having sex with everyone."

"I see. Do you masturbate often."

"Several times a day. I'd be doing it now but Sahar told me not to."

"Thank you for speaking to me."

"Would you have sex with me? You're not from the ship."

"No, I would not, for multiple reasons."

"Thank you, Yasmine. Please rejoin Sahar in the gym, continue to work on your English."

"Yes, Beth."

She left. "I see you intend to do treatment primarily by group. Why is that?"

"All of the women come from a common religious background which I'm only vaguely familiar with. I've read about it, but haven't lived it for my entire life. They understand each other better than I could. Even Fatima, not raised in Islam, knows it through her mother. I believed these women would have more problems than they have. More difficulty in refusing sexual activity because of the behavior modification done by their owners. Professor Kline, who was aboard the ship for a couple weeks and had the opportunity to work with them briefly, agrees with me that they've done better than expected and we believe its because they've provided their own internal support system, the other women who've been enslaved. They understand what they went through better than anyone else could. They've helped each other to adjust to their new reality. Their new reality won't be as proper women of Islam, but at least it won't be running around naked, wearing only the slave jewelry they were given, having sex with everyone. Their behavior is more controlled, if not ideal. Their sex occurs in private, not public. They reject their slavery, with Yasmine the obvious difference thus far.

"But even she recognizes she has limited control of herself and would see herself attached to someone who would exert that control for her."

"Joshua doesn't allow his people to take advantage of them?"

"No. The man who had sex with Maahnoor after her marriage was brand new. He was immediately fired and put off the ship. The husband beat him badly before he left, but Master had another meeting that night with the new members. He explained what had happened to the women and why they had limited control of themselves and why he required control by them. He showed them some of the injuries they'd received. Yasmine's were still somewhat fresh, only having scabs. He told them their back would look like hers before they were put off the ship, if not worse. Broken kneecaps were mentioned. He said there are enough willing women to have sex with without resorting to the ex-slaves."

"How were they treated when they came aboard?"

"You could ask Fatima. The others were treated much the same. She was told she had to wear clothes and not go naked. No one could order her to do anything because she had no ability to refuse. They needed to ask her as opposed to tell her and one of the things they couldn't ask her for was sex. They could ask if she was hungry or thirsty, what food she wanted, if there was anything they could do for her.

"She was afraid to leave the ship, fearing anyone who saw her brand could re-enslave her and sell her to a new Master since hers was arrested. Master offered her the ability to learn to sail his ship. The Captain would teach her to be a Captain so she wouldn't have to go on land at all if she didn't want to. Just recently, one of the ex-slaves, Hibbah, has decided she wants to go into medicine, even though she's just learning to read and write any language for the first time. She's going to be working with our Physician's Assistant and Registered Nurse, learning the basics of medicine. Farah has decided she wants to learn to fly, and our helicopter pilot will be doing what he can to teach her. So far, Ateefah hasn't expressed any interest in learning more than to be a good wife. Maahnoor, while she and her husband are estranged, has started working in the kitchen and laundry. She wanted something to keep her busy."

"Joshua said when he contacted me about speaking to you, that you might be uniquely qualified to help. Why would he say that?"

"I'm a submissive myself, though voluntarily, not being forced into slavery like the others. I discovered this about myself when I decided to research the subject for my thesis."

"You don't strike me as submissive."

"You've never seen me interact with my Master. I am quite submissive and enjoy it a great deal."

"I see in your treatment plan, you don't particularly wish to address their religion specifically. Why is that?"

"It's a complex answer, but to simplify it, I think the fact these women were Muslim made their slaveries worse than they might be for women more exposed to sexuality than they were. Not only were they violated in the worst possible ways sexually and physically, they also lost an innocence westernized women wouldn't have. They had all been raised to be modest, hide their sexuality, never consort with the opposite sex, to remain pure until marriage, have no sex outside of marriage.

"When enslaved, all of it was ripped from them. They were humiliated over and over, against the dictates of their upbringing, forced into sex with multiple partners, public sex, group sex. Forced to engage in sex acts prohibited by their religion. Not only have they been wronged in so many other ways, they now believe they're damned for finding any shred of enjoyment in what happened to them.

"Their captors made sure to play upon this to keep them obedient. Their families would reject them, they wouldn't ever find husbands now, they were now stuck as slaves or prostitutes forever because they were good for nothing else. It kept them tractable and unlikely to seek escape. They were also moved to foreign countries with alien cultures to them, taking them from everything they'd ever known. It made them more controllable.