My Voyage of Submission Ch. 18


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"I believe their faith helped them to survive and recover to the point they have. It's why we tried to keep them together, to lean on one another and find common cause to improve, but they've been radically altered by their slavery. You and I both know what the Qur'an believes the penalties should be for fornication and adultery, for any sex outside marriage is quite severe. I believe the Muslim faith sees sex as a wonderful thing between husband and wife, but the cause of social breakdown outside of marriage. You realize sex is pleasurable and once you begin having it, you'll want to continue having it, so you raise your women to remain chaste until marriage, to not exhibit or flaunt their sexuality before others, to make it harder for them to discover the intoxication of sex, to maintain those social boundaries.

"That has all been taken away from them, by force, against their will. But they have discovered their sexual nature now and will find it hard to resist the allure of pleasure it entails. At the same time, they know that they've been defiled and know most Muslim men would consider them unsuitable wives and mothers. So their choice is to live forever as sexless spinsters, or choose men outside their faith, or hope by some miracle, a Muslim man might recognize they had no choice in what became of them and excuse it, ignore it.

"Two of them found men willing to ignore it, but even then, Maahnoor couldn't resist someone pushy enough to ask her for sex, thereby threatening her marriage to someone I consider a very good man. A man who was able to overlook she was carrying another man's child and consider it his own. When we were first bringing Maahnoor's adultery to his attention, before Henderson knew why he was there, he thought perhaps she'd had a miscarriage as she was crying. He called her baby, 'our child'.

"Hammering on them their new behavior is a sin worthy of damnation and they're only going to go to hell if they continue behaving in such ways, can't help them. I do want them to accept that Allah is merciful and loving of his children, but not that they're continuing to sin for engaging in behaviors which Islam finds disgusting and damnable. It makes it harder for them to reach a reasonable balance.

"Religion is a tempering influence, but battering them over the head with it may make them suicidal, or even more promiscuous. What happened to them was no fault of theirs, I don't want to condemn them as if it were. Hopefully, they find some accommodation between what they were and what they are now that lets them live a somewhat normal and happy life, preferably with a partner they love and who loves them, but at least not sinking into a depression because they think of themselves as totally worthless and beyond salvation."

"What if they are beyond salvation?"

"I don't believe that, as they've already lived through hell and they should receive mercy for that. But even if they are condemned in the afterlife is no reason to make their current life hell now. Let them live the best life they can and whatever happens in the hereafter is up to Allah."

"You don't think your own submissiveness colors your beliefs?"

"Everything we are colors our beliefs. I'm sure your faith colors yours. I only became submissive six months ago, long after I started working in psychology. I do believe everyone is different. I don't believe everyone should be like me or you or anyone else. We all have our own path to follow. I don't believe everyone should be Dominant or submissive. There are people totally unsuited to either.

"Fatima, despite being a slave for eighteen months, is actually Dominant. She's taken her own submissive, our chef. While Yasmine is submissive, none of the other ex slaves are, though they might occasionally exhibit some submissive behavior as a result of their conditioning. I believe it possible Sahar might be Dominant, but she will never Dominate a woman because of her protectiveness of them, and won't Dominate a man because of her antipathy towards them and distaste for ever having sex with one. She won't marry a man for the same reason, but her faith won't recognize marriage to a woman. She also knows whatever makes us love others has been twisted and deformed in her. She recognizes her own inner darkness, which she doesn't want to inflict on others.

"I think I can help the others reach some type of equilibrium. Sahar may always be borderline from now on. She doesn't deserve to be institutionalized, but may have a difficult time in normal society. I could easily see her killing someone if she witnessed a cruel or unjust act. I hope I can get her to control those impulses, but for now, she's safe because we won't try to harm her, nor anyone else on board she recognizes as being under her protection."

Dr. Sadiq nodded. "As you said, everything we are, colors our beliefs. I would have injected more of Islam into their treatment plan, but recognize why you wouldn't. I don't find you wish to reject their faith or undermine it, but it may be more merciful than you might believe. I would agree to this plan and would ask you keep me informed of their progress and if there is more I can do to help, don't hesitate to call on me."

He stood up and I stood with him. I handed him his check.

"Keep it. I don't think I should accept money for this."

"Sir, Joshua has more than enough money to help these women. He does not begrudge money well spent. If you choose not to use it on yourself, you may donate it to a worthy cause like helping women struggling with sexual abuse or violence or give it to the poor or do some other good with it."

"I think I'd like to meet this Joshua."

"He is busy today, sir. We intend to hold a Muslim wedding for Ateefah and James. Because of security concerns, we can't hold it in a mosque, but will have it on board, at a date and time yet to be determined, again for security. If you would wish to attend, I can send you a text with the date and time when I know it. In addition to meeting Joshua, you could also meet Henderson and James. You might wish to speak to them as well as they might influence how well Maahnoor and Ateefah do in their treatment."

"Yes, I think I would like that."

"It might be short notice requiring you to make large adjustments in your schedule. Are you married?"

"I am."

"Bring your wife if she's available to come. I know we intend on having Pakistani food in honor of the bride. You might enjoy it."

"Thank you."

"Have you been westernized enough to accept hand shakes from women?" I asked.

"I am. My wife is English, though she's adopted Islam."

I stuck out my hand and waited for him to take it. "It was a pleasure meeting you Dr. Sadiq."

"For me too. You're an interesting young woman."


After seeing to getting Dr. Sadiq back to shore, I went to grab a bite. I'd missed lunch, but food was always available in the galley. After eating some salad, I found Simple. We went to his room for his reward. I started helping him to undress.

"Are we going know..."

"Not if you want oral sex. I will remain clothed and won't be permitted an orgasm. You, on the other hand, can receive a much better blow job if I have access to all of your erogenous zones, not all of which are attached to your dick."

He laughed nervously, but allowed me to finish undressing him. I gave him a memorable orgasm. Twenty minutes into my seduction, he was begging to cum, and exploded into my mouth when I allowed him to, thrashing as if I was cutting his balls off. I wasn't, not literally anyway. I was squeezing them dry, however.

"Oh, fuck!" Simple said, still quivering as I prepared to leave. "Is that the best you do, not eighty percent?"

I laughed. "No, that was pretty much the whole enchilada. I suppose I could have made you beg a little longer, but then it becomes torture."

"Yes, thanks for that. Does Joshua get that every time?"

"Every time he's naked and has the time it takes. Sometimes he wants to cum faster for one reason or another."

"He is a lucky, lucky man."

"I consider myself to be the lucky one."

"I beg to differ."

I smiled and left. I went looking for Jìngyi next. I found out what she and the other women had been up to regarding wedding plans and we did some more purchasing. I found out that typical Pakistani weddings were not as rigid as the one held for Maahnoor as they were usually a blend of Islamic and Hindu traditions. There was less separation of the men and women in the bridal party, but the bride had to be kept from the groom for a least a couple days prior to the ceremony while undergoing a Mehndi, the traditional painting of the brides hands and feet with Henna or Mehndi, another type of dye. Since none of us knew how to apply it or the designs, we needed to arrange for someone from the local Pakistani community to come and take care of it. We would also need to separate the couple.

There was also the preparation of the bedroom for the bridal night. Lots of flowers and rose petals for the bed. We ordered what we needed. We could put flowers in the reefers to keep them fresh for the wedding. There was also traditional music which should be played. We ordered CD's of traditional music.

It was fun spending Master's money. By the time we finished, it was getting close to dinner. Jìngyi said she was serving tonight along with Henderson and Sherry. She went down to the galley to prepare. I went to Master's cabin. He was there.

"How did the meeting with Dr. Sadiq go."

"It went well. He approved my treatment plan, Master. I asked him to come to Ateefah's wedding and bring his wife. I told him he might not get much notice. He said he'd like to come, meet you, James and Henderson. Plus a chance to have Pakistani food."

"Why me? And doesn't his wife cook Pakistani food for him?"

"I think he's intrigued by what you're doing to help our slaves. His wife is English, a convert to Islam. She might have learned to cook like a Pakistani, but perhaps not like a true Pakistani."

Master laughed. "Pierre isn't a true Pakistani either. I'll have Hannah add him to the guest list."

"Is the Imam coming for the ceremony Pakistani or Afghan, Master."

"I don't know. Does it make a difference?"

"From what we can tell, a typical wedding in Pakistan is a blend of Islamic and Hindu traditions as India and Pakistan were one country before the separation. It seems more festive and less dour than would have been the case for Maahnoor's if she'd had something more traditional. The men aren't really kept separate from the women. More colorful and more joyous, I think."

"I'll check and see."

"Anyone else other than the Imam coming, sir?"

"A couple men I do business with in London who are Pakistani. I thought perhaps a touch of home."

"I've ordered someone to do the Henna painting on Ateefah's hands and feet, Master. She'll be arriving tomorrow at 0900. We'll have to separate the bride and groom starting tonight. Traditionally, they're kept apart for a few days before the ceremony, called a Nikah, which would be similar to Maahnoor's. The meher is established and given, although it's called something different in Pakistan, and the contract signed, similar, then the meal following, but we won't need to separate the men and women. We can mingle. We bought some traditional music, and arranged for the decoration of the marital bed. The flowers should be coming tomorrow. We can keep them fresh until the wedding."

"Been spending more of my money, Beth?"

"Lots of it, sir. Who will be on your lap tonight during dinner?"

"Francesca. Belle tomorrow."

"The two new men who'll be dining with us, sir?"

"Frankfurter and Vermin. How did Simple's reward go?"

"Master, do you still doubt my abilities to be pleasing?"


"Then you can rest assured he had a marvelous blow job, Master. I can demonstrate again if you have any questions about my abilities."

He laughed. "Not at all."

"Are the slaves dining with us tonight, sir?"

"They are and why wouldn't they be?"

"Henderson is one of the servers tonight, Master."

"I didn't know that. What do you think of the idea?"

"Henderson will be professional, sir. He wouldn't refuse to serve her. They haven't had any contact with each other as far as I know. I'm sure Maahnoor will be sad. She might cry. They have to deal with each other at some point unless we send one or the other away. A social setting might be best for a first meeting. It's harder to behave badly, which is why so many break-ups occur in public. He knows the slaves have been dining with us, so it isn't as if he hasn't thought about what it means to be serving tonight. I can take over for Henderson if he doesn't want to stick around."

"Let's give it a shot then."

"Yes, Master."


Henderson was the perfect gentleman at dinner, serving Maahnoor like any other diner. Her eyes followed him around hoping for the slightest sign he was forgiving her. As far as I could tell, there were no such signs. As dessert was being served, Maahnoor had given up looking and had her head down, staring at her lap, a couple tears trickling down her cheeks. He was polite, proper and otherwise ignoring her.

As indicated, Francesca was on Master's lap for her feeding, and she enjoyed what appeared to be two lovely orgasms, gasping quietly as Master fingered her after feeding her. The two new boys suffered some constriction in their pants as a result and Miranda and I were assigned to take care of said constriction after Master reminded them of the need to keep his secrets. I got Vermin and Miranda got Frankfurter

They seemed to enjoy our skills as much as the other men did. They'd been cued as to how good it would be so there was less exclaiming and more pats on the head.

I cued James and Ateefah after dinner that they were sleeping apart from now until they tied the knot. I had a gaggle of people behind me when I knocked on the door.

"Sorry to barge in on you two, but no more sleeping together and no more sex until you're married to each other."

"Why?" Ateefah said.

"You should know, Ateefah. It's traditional in Pakistani weddings. The bride is to be kept from the husband and pampered by her women friends and family. She needs to have her Mehndi done."

"I'm having a Mehndi? Do you know how to do it?"

"No, someone is coming from the local Pakistani community at 0900 tomorrow. She'll be painting your hands and feet in the traditional style. The following day, Roberta is providing a massage in the morning, and in the afternoon, we're having like a Dholki, except it will be with recorded music and because we are unfamiliar with a true Dholki, will be like a bridal shower where you'll be given gifts from your friends. On the day of your wedding, Roberta will do your hair, after which we'll dress you in your wedding gown.

"The men will do something with James, tomorrow or the next day, which will be like a bachelor party with booze and whatever boys do at those things, except they won't have strippers. During the dinner following the Nikah, or ceremony, your friends will be arranging your room for the Shab-e-Zifaf, or wedding night. This will be as close to a Pakistani wedding as we can make it, which means, no more sex until your wedding night. Ateefah will be staying with the girls. James will bunk with someone else. We need to take this seriously."

"What does all that stuff mean?" James asked.

"It means you'll find out and don't ask questions. If you seriously want to know, look up Pakistani wedding traditions, however, we can't do a lot of it because neither of your families will be here. A marriage in Pakistan is almost as much about bringing two families closer together as it is for the bride and groom. We don't have all the family here, so you'll have to make do with us."

"Thank you, Beth," Ateefah said, tears in her eyes.

"Don't thank me, Jìngyi, Roberta, Kelly and Angelique have done most of the work researching this. I'm just the one telling you no more sex until you're married."

Farah, Hibbah, Fatima and Sahar took Ateefah's hands and drew her away. Ethan, Buck and Rafael took James in the opposite direction.

"Sorry, buddy" Rafe said, "looks like you're batching it the next few days. No more nighttime nookie for you."

I waved to them both as they left, not even a chance to kiss each other goodbye. Good, maybe they'd act like someone who hadn't been fucking for a month on their wedding night.

I knew a lot of the girl bonding pre-wedding was a chance for the married ones to explain to the virgin brides all about sex and what to expect from it the first time. Ateefah was a long way past that, unfortunately. She could probably teach whores a thing or two after almost a year as a slave. No reason not to treat her like a typical bride however.

When I got to Master's cabin, he was deep inside of Francesca, who was on her back, pumping. Miranda and Belle were playing. I lowered my damp pussy over Francesca's mouth until I felt her tongue lapping the liquid flesh, staying at that distance so I didn't smother her. I could watch Master thrusting, his face, the absurd look on it as he got closer to cumming. Kiss him, as I hadn't been able to do so often when I was a new slave, fucked from behind. His grunting as he got close, captured on my lips. The deep breath he took after his release, like he'd held his breath. Belle holding his ball sack, feeling him pump his offering into her Mistress.

He pulled out, his shrinking cock slithering like a snake from its moist burrow, Belle dove to capture the overflow. Miranda enveloped his soggy shaft in her hot, wet mouth to clean it. At some point, Master ready again, fucking deep inside Belle, Miranda riding her face, my face diving deep between Francesca's perfumed thighs, rolling away from the other three for more room, Francesca now on top, still with some of Master's salty cream leaking out with each orgasm I gave her. The night drifting into a general bacchanalia before sleep eventually claimed us in a loose pile of tangled limbs and satisfied smiles.


Master decided he hadn't punished us enough lately, so after spanking us ten times each, he put us all on a Slave Trainer for one charge. At breakfast, all the women were sitting together, all of them laughing and joking with Ateefah except for Maahnoor who sat rather quietly considering how she'd managed to screw up her life, a stray tear of two sometimes slipping down her cheek.

My sister slaves and I sat together in our misery, our Slave Trainers doing a good job of keeping us on the edge. I think the worst part of it was how sexually aroused we'd all become. When I was first wearing one, the charge used to last about three hours. Since we'd become so highly sexed, it was turning off more frequently and consequently, the charge lasted longer. I think it lasted closer to four than three. Despite not cumming, so much fluid was leaking out of my cunt, I had tiny rivulets running down my legs.

Master and Hannah flew off at 0830 for the first of several meetings scheduled that day. At 0900, two women arrived who would be painting henna on Ateefah's hands and feet and the hands of all the other women. In addition to the women, several items I'd ordered for the festivities arrived with her. Several Kaftan type, loose dresses in lots of bright colors for all the women, music for the festivities, the flowers, and all sorts of gifts. The flowers were brought to one of the walk in refrigerators, the gifts were delivered to Master's cabin. I handed out all the dresses and told the women to put them on for the Mehndi celebration.

Ateefah was escorted up to the salon and the most proficient of the women started doing Ateefah. Her designs would be the most intricate and encompass most of her hands and arms up to her elbow and her feet to her ankles. The other woman began applying the henna to the other women, simple designs not taking more than thirty minutes or so to apply to the hands of each of the rest of us, all while we listened to some of the music I'd purchased. We were warned not to use soap and water for several hours so the dye could set.