My Wife and My Old Friend Pt. 01

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My wife meets my old friend and we both take care of her.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/13/2021
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My wife Kaitlyn and I have been married for a few years now. I suppose we aren't exactly young, but we are in decent shape. We've been pretty open and adventurous all along in our relationship, however, to many people our experiences would seem quite mild. I am very much into the idea of her being touched by and touching, other men. The thought of her being worked up and pleasured by another man drives me nuts. We've dabbled just a little bit in that world, and it's something that continues to dominate my fantasies.

Kaitlyn is one of those women who is just naturally beautiful and instantly warm and friendly. She wears little makeup. She's got a big beautiful smile and these spectacular blue eyes that make you want to talk to her, and never stop. She also has a kind and welcoming personality that draws people to her. She's not the type that wants to be the center of attention, however, at least most of the time. When I first saw her years ago I couldn't get over her legs, they are long, toned, and beautiful, and I couldn't stop looking at them. Later when I finally got to see her naked, I fell in love with some other parts of her body as well.

Recently, I brought this subject of other men up again. She's always a bit hesitant to discuss it, but I'm never quite sure why. She has said it's not something she needs and that it doesn't do anything for her, perhaps that is true. So when I brought this up again, she continued to act somewhat open to it, but it was hard to get to how to make something happen. I probably should have realized this before, but it's really up to me to figure out and plan. When there is a lot of conversation about it, instead of it getting her excited, it tends to stress her out and make her feel pressured. Along with that, she likes the role and the image of being somewhat innocent and only doing naughty things somewhat passively.

So, what I decided is that this needs to be somewhat of a surprise, and in a situation where she's already feeling relaxed and open. The perfect plan for that is to plan a night away from home, at a resort, where we can drink, eat, and spend some time in a nice hot tub. She loves doing that and so do I, and it would set up an environment conducive to more exploration.

For this plan though, I also need another man. This is the hard part. Someone she would be attracted to enough, but at least wouldn't seem like an escort. Someone who wouldn't be pushy or demanding, and would go with the flow of things. It of course would help a lot if he's good with his hands. On top of all of those things, I also have to have some trust in him.

I racked my brain thinking of who this other person would be. I looked at ads for male escorts, even trolled some listings on some adult web sites. I found some men who could be candidates, but nothing that seemed like quite the right fit. Thinking about it more, I thought about old friends of mine. Immediately Austin came to mind. I had worked with him years ago and spent quite a bit of time hanging out with him, drinking, and talking about all aspects of life. I knew he was likely up for some interesting fun, was good looking, and easy-going. I hadn't talked to him in years though and didn't know his current relationship status or even if he was still in town. So I found him on Linked In, messaged him, and asked if he'd like to catch up with a drink. Apparently, I caught him when he wasn't busy because he responded quickly. We agreed to meet the next evening for a drink.

Catching up with Austin was great, we hadn't talked in a long time so there was a lot of remembering the good old days and filling in what had happened in our lives over the past few years. Austin was an attractive man, slightly taller than me, slightly thinner, but strong and masculine. He'd always had some attention from women, but was far from a ladies man. Of course, I quickly asked about his personal life and found out that he was recently single again. Sounded like he had been dating a little bit, but it really wasn't terribly important to him right now. He knew I was married, and asked about my wife. I talked about her effusively, about how beautiful and smart and sexy she was, and how lucky I felt to be with her. He commented that she sounded like someone he'd like to meet. That was my opening.

As nervous as I was, I just blurted out that I'd like him to meet her, and maybe more. His reaction seemed almost like he expected this. He smiled and asked me to tell him more. I ran through our history and what I'd like to see. I explained that I wasn't really sure where things would go, but I wanted to set up a situation and see what could happen. I told him that I was open to whatever she was okay with, and that is really up to her to set any boundaries. He sat and contemplated, not saying anything for a few seconds, but it seemed like hours to me. Finally, he told me that it sounded like fun, and he was intrigued, but asked if he could maybe see some photos of her. I whipped my phone out and flipped through the usual snapshots. I could tell by his smile that he was in. For a moment I thought about showing him some more intimate photos of her, but he didn't seem to need that.

We spent another hour or so talking about the logistics of getting this all set up. A text from my wife reminded me that it was time to get home, and I shook his hand and said goodbye. He told me he was anxious to meet her. I think I was way more anxious and excited than he was.

That evening, I talked to my wife about an overnight date night, planned for next Friday. She was quite excited to get a night away and happy that I had planned it. She asked about who I had gotten drinks with. I hate lying to her, I'm not good at it, but I didn't want to mess up the surprise, so I claimed it was just a couple of the guys from work. She had no reason to question that, of course, and apparently had no idea what I was planning.

When date night finally came, she was clearly excited. She was ready to go way before it was actually time to leave. I undressed to jump in the shower, and she grabbed me, kissing my neck, and grabbing my manhood. She whispered she didn't want to wait for later, but I pulled her hands off me and told her she would have to. I wanted to make sure to keep the sexual energy going all evening, not risking burnout before my surprise.

We finally got packed up and headed to the resort. Around here, we have some of these large hotel casino-style resorts, and we were going to one of those. It was nice, not nearly as fancy as one in Vegas, but we'd been before and it certainly could be a lot of fun. I picked this specific one because I knew the bar had drinks she liked in particular, and they had several smaller hot tubs around, which was part of my plan.

When we arrived, we grabbed a drink to carry with us and headed up to the room to get dressed. She wore this little shiny silver dress from our last trip to Vegas. It was short. I've always told her no dress she wears can be too short for me, but this one was probably close. She put on heels and looked amazing. I stared at her for a good minute and almost decided to just keep her in the room right now, but thought better of it. I reached up under her dress as I kissed her, and found she did have panties on. I begged her to remove them now, but she just swatted my hand away and said no.

We were originally going to get drinks first, but she was hungry so instead went for a light dinner at the sushi place. Unbeknownst to her, Austin was checking in to the same resort and I had been texting back and forth with him. I was trying to be discreet, of course, I didn't want her to wonder what was going on. As we wrapped up dinner and headed over to the bar, I texted him and asked him to show up there in about 30 minutes. I wanted her to have another drink before his arrival. We sat and she had her favorite drink there, some sort of fruity concoction that was quite sweet and hid how much alcohol it really had. We were sitting on a little sofa in the corner of the bar, and she was starting to touch me more. I was rubbing her legs and occasionally running my hand up as far as I could get on her inner thigh.

Austin walked in and sat at the bar. I turned to Kaitlyn and told her I thought that was an old friend of mine at the bar. She asked which guy, and I pointed him out. Uncharacteristically for her, she commented that he was handsome and asked what his story was. I told her I thought it was my friend, but I hadn't seen him in years and wasn't sure. I walked over to him and pretended like I really hadn't seen him in years. He jumped up, shook my hand, and kept my charade up. Soon she could see me gesturing over to where she was sitting, and he followed me over to our little corner table. She stood up to greet him, and he shook her hand, lingering and holding on to it for a while as they introduced themselves. You could tell there was some attraction between them, or at least that's what I thought I saw.

Austin sat down, in the chair next to our sofa, on the side near Kaitlyn. We started talking about how we knew each other, how long it had been, and quickly moved into his dating life. He shared some details, and quickly she became the one interested in hearing more. She quizzed him about the women and what went right or wrong. He smiled and answered each question with something charming or sexy. Soon I wasn't really listening to what was being said, as the two of them got more intent in their conversation. Instead, I was watching her body language and saw her keep moving slightly closer to him, and maybe it was just my imagination, but also opening her legs up a bit. Austin got up and offered to grab us another round of drinks. As he walked over to the bar, I noticed her eyes following him. I assumed she was kind of checking out his ass and overall physique, but again this could have been my wishful thinking.

Once he was far enough away, I asked her if things were okay, pretending that I was concerned about Austin ruining our time together. She smiled and said she was happy and having a good time. I reminded her that our plan was to head to the hot tub, hoping to find a secluded one where no one else was. She agreed that she wanted to do that, but asked if we couldn't spend a little more time talking with my old friend first. She said she was really enjoying his company. I suggested instead we just invite him to the hot tub with us. Her head turned kind of suddenly, and she looked at me inquisitively, like she was trying to decide if I was serious or not. I just smiled back. At that moment he arrived back at our table with the drinks and handed hers to her. She apparently decided that both of us were good with inviting him, because she just blurted out that we wanted to go to the hot tub, and wondered if he would join us. He acted a bit surprised, maybe he was, I'm not sure. But he quickly agreed and we all headed to our rooms to change. I pretended to exchange numbers with him, hiding the fact that I had already been talking to him, so we could find each other as there were at least a couple of places with hot tubs.

When we got back to the room, Kaitlyn instantly stripped her dress off and made a little show for me of shaking her breasts. I could tell she was feeling quite good. I thought for a moment she was going to just jump in bed and invite me to follow, but she grabbed her swimsuit and was quickly putting it on. It was a one-piece but plunged deeply and you could see a lot of her beautiful cleavage, and a bit of her breasts from the side as well. I loved this suit on her, I always wanted to touch her when she was wearing it. I got dressed as well and we headed downstairs. We found a secluded hot tub, and no one was around. I texted Austin telling him where we were, and he said he would be there soon.

Kaitlyn and I got in and talked about our day, our lives, everything. I always loved just talking to her about anything and everything, she was always understanding and interesting. She asked for me to rub her feet and I moved to where I could. While doing this, I caught myself just staring at her a couple of times. I was feeling lucky to have her as my wife and wondering if I really wanted things to progress tonight after all. As I was contemplating this, and she was softly moaning from my foot rub, Austin walked up behind her. I stopped and invited him in. Kaitlyn might want to deny it, but she was definitely looking at him now. I suspect the alcohol had lowered her inhibitions enough that she wasn't really being subtle at all. As he removed his shirt, I realized he was in better shape than I had thought. Not a ripped 6-pack, but trim, muscular and clearly she found him attractive. I'm not in bad shape myself, but clearly, she didn't mind looking at him.

He slipped into the hot tub next to her and sipped on the drink he had brought with him. I was still rubbing her feet and she was sort of arching her back to reach me and still sit on the bench. Austin asked her if she was enjoying the foot rub, and she said she was, but really needed me to rub her back next. Boldly, without really being invited, he just started rubbing her shoulders. He commented that he thought he might be pretty good at it as well, and wanted to show what he could do. She muttered something about four hands being better than two and leaned back into him. After a few minutes of this, and very little conversation, I decided to go grab another drink for myself. I asked them if either of them needed a drink, and they seemed not to even hear my question. So I headed inside to find one for myself.

When I was inside ordering my drink, my mind was going over what had happened so far, and wondering what they were doing now in the hot tub. I wanted to be away a little bit to maybe help things transpire, but I was also very anxious to get back and see if anything was going on. Knowing my wife, I suspected it would all be quite innocent still.

I approached the hut tub somewhat quietly, wanting to see what I could before either of them realized that I was back. Austin was still sitting behind Katlyn, and she was leaning against him. But it didn't look like his hands were on her back anymore. Moving closer, I could see that her suit was partially pulled down and his hands were rubbing her sides and breasts. She had one hand up over her head, touching his face and neck. Her eyes were closed but his eyes were wide open, looking at her body, possibly gauging her reaction. He saw me walk up, and based on my lack of reaction determined that things were okay, so he continued. I quietly slipped back into the hot tub closer to her feet, hoping I wouldn't interrupt anything.

I wasn't as stealthy as I had hoped, and she opened her eyes and looked over at me. For a moment she kind of froze. She obviously knew that I fantasized about something like this, but she wasn't sure if this was okay with me right now or not. Seeing her hesitation, I put my hand on her thigh, rubbed it gently, and told her that I loved her. She took this as it was intended, and closed her eyes again. I was anxious to see more, so I stood up and started to pull her swimsuit down further. She lifted her hips slightly to help me, and her suit slipped down off of her feet. During this Austin continued to rub her sides and her breasts, but with his eyes wide open looking over her now naked body. I resumed rubbing her thighs, teasing her and getting farther up her beautiful legs only to move back down again. Her foot found my lap, and as she pressed it into my hard cock, it was obvious to her just how turned on this whole scenario was making me.

At this point, her body was writhing, and she kept thrusting her hips forward, clearly wanting someone to touch her. I ran a finger up her thigh again and slowly ran it along her pussy lips, from the bottom all the way up to her sensitive little bud. Even in the water, I could tell she was wet, and her clit was hard and begging for attention. As I pulled my hand away, she grabbed it and pulled it back, and I slipped a finger inside her. Austin continued to rub her chest with one hand, but brought his other one down to below her stomach, and started to gently rub on her clit.

She reacted to all of this attention by further pushing her hips out, encouraging both of us. I couldn't see where her one hand was exactly, but it was behind her back and I imagined that she might be touching him. Austin showed great skill at rubbing her clit, and the two of us quickly found a rhythm with me pushing first one, then later two, fingers slowly and deliberately in and out of her. I knew she had a bit to drink, and wondered if that might not make it hard for her to come. But even as I was wondering this, I could feel her body start to shake, and she clasped her legs back together, trapping my fingers, as her orgasm started. Austin didn't let up and she ended up screaming out a bit, in pleasure, as her body fell back down. I'd maybe seen her scream out like that only once or twice before. So I knew she was feeling good.

We both continued to gently rub Katlyn as she calmed back down. Eventually, she opened her eyes, smiled at me, leaned back, and kissed him on the cheek. She commented that it felt good, really good in fact, and wanted to know what was next. I wasn't sure there was a next part, but I helped her slide her suit back on as the three of us stepped out of the hot tub. I asked Austin if he wanted to join us in our room for a bit, and he nodded in agreement. Katlyn smiled again, gave me a passionate kiss on the lips, and ran ahead of us inside. As we picked up the towels, I noticed a person standing not too far away, off to the side. This was a younger man, probably in his twenties, who was fit and seemed to be putting his swim trunks on right then. When I caught his eye, he smiled and gave me a thumbs up. Austin noticed this as well and just laughed as we went to catch up with her inside.

What happens next? I guess that is for the next chapter.

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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Dunkirk is brilliant! He should be writing these sick cuckold stories.

rodryder44rodryder44over 3 years ago

Oh, the evil,plan is working. Hurry up with the next chapter.

luvtodoitluvtodoitover 3 years ago

Looking forward to part two.

DunkirkDunkirkover 3 years ago

Austin needs to fill her pussy with his cum. It would be ideal if the young man would join them. She could go air tight

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerover 3 years ago

Good start, but I'll reserve score for after next chapter. In my book a too short post is as bad as a too long one, and this could go a long way before becoming too long. Anyway, you have interesting characters, let's see them strut their stuff. cd

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