My Wife the Whore

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Wife becomes prostitute to earn needed money.
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Now that it's been over 40 years since Doris and I were married, we've agreed that we want to tell the unusual story about our early days together. We can't say whether that time has had a beneficial effect on our marriage; certainly it didn't hurt as we have been completely happy together these many years. Our children and grandchildren of course have no idea that we did these things, and nor should they. We don't think we are really different from most people at all. Looking back, it seems as if we got into something we would never have known about except for Linda and Rick, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

We were married in 1960, both still in school. I was a law student and Doris was a senior in college, just 21 years old. We were very happy together, despite being poor. Doris was a wonderfully outgoing, pretty girl, with light blonde hair, a nice smile, and a cute if petite figure, with rather big breasts for her size.

We were both very horny at that time (it must have been the hormones) and wanted sex often, sometimes several times a day. Doris enjoyed it a lot, as did I, so we eagerly tried nearly everything a loving couple can do sexually to each other. Doris loved to be fucked hard for a long time, and I was able to oblige.

Sometimes we spent an entire afternoon titillating each other into orgasm after orgasm. Doris came easily and was always ready for more, and though I could cum repeatedly in those days, I was usually the one who gave out.

We lived very simply in a small apartment off campus at UCLA and had almost no money, despite working part-time jobs. My parents had passed away and Doris was the youngest of 6 children, so there wasn't much support to be had. We both worked evening jobs to help pay for school, and while it helped put bread on the table, it didn't cover our expenses.

Six months into our married life we found our money problems were getting beyond us. We had both borrowed to the hilt, and the bills were coming in faster than we could pay them. We talked about it, to no avail, for another month or so.

One Saturday, as was often the case, we made love twice, once in the morning and again in the afternoon. That evening we were once again trying to figure out a way to pay our most pressing bills.

"You know, honey," Doris said, "there is a way I could earn a lot more money."

"What's that," I answered, wondering what she had in mind. "You can't stop school. We've agreed about that."

"No, I wouldn't stop school. It would be part-time. Listen, you remember my roommate, Linda?"

"Sure. A very sweet girl. Didn't she finish school early and get married to her boyfriend?" I remembered Linda as a bouncy, friendly girl, very nice and attractive. She had a steady boyfriend, Rick, whom I had known slightly.

"Yes. She's living somewhere in Santa Monica now, I think."

"That's nice."

"Well, Linda made a lot of money while she was a student here."

"She did?"

"Uh huh. And it didn't take up much of her time."

"Hmmm." I said, interested. "What did she do?"

Doris paused for a moment.

"Well, it was something unusual. In fact no one knew about it except me. I was Linda's best friend and she told me everything, but no one else."

I was intrigued.

"Was it something dangerous?"

"No, not for her. She was very careful." She paused, looking uncertain.

"Well, what was it she did?"

"She was a party girl."

"A party girl? You mean she went to frat parties or something?" I had heard some fraternities would hire girls to dance or strip for them.

"No, not like that, Dave. She went to private parties for various professional sports teams here in LA, or visiting. You know basketball and football teams."

"Oh," I nodded. "You mean she was a dancer or something like that?"

"Not quite. She, uh..." again Doris hesitated. "She was a prostitute. I mean, she didn't call it that. She described what she did as being a 'party girl,' never anything else."

I was stunned.

"Linda? I can't believe it. Geeze! Did Rick know?"

"I don't think so, at least not before they were married. He may know now but he didn't then. I was the only one she told about it. She got into it through a friend and only went with professional athletes. She was never on the street or anything like that. Some weekends she made $1500."

"My God. That's a lot of money. What did she have to do for that?"

"I know it sounds bad, but Linda said it wasn't like that at all. I mean, she got to know a lot of these players and they were nice guys and treated her nicely. She told me the coaches knew that they partied after games and made sure they went with nice clean girls and treated them well. They didn't want any problems. She said it was actually safer to be with a group than alone with a guy."

I was beginning to understand. "Was there a pimp of some kind?"

"Well I think there were players who made the arrangements. She told me that the players had different social groups and one of their members took on getting girls for their parties. The teams didn't like to use professional escort services. They preferred nice college girls and had lists of girls in their hometowns and on the road. Linda got to know which groups were the nicest to work with and could be quite choosy. She became a great favorite and they wanted her to come back, so they treated her well. That's all there was to it. It was completely private. She didn't have any other clients."

Still intrigued, I had almost forgotten that Doris had suggested she might take up this line of work herself.

"Did she fall for any of these guys? You know, get emotionally involved?"

"Never. It was just sex."

"Did she like it? I mean, did she like doing it with them?"

Doris looked embarrassed.

"Well, she told me she had a good time, yes."

"My God! You mean she came? She had orgasms?"

My wife looked uncomfortable for a moment.

"Yes." She hesitated, as if it was difficult to explain. "You know she was 19 or 20 and was feeling the hormones," she added, lamely. Just like Doris, I thought.

Fascinated, I wanted to know more. "What teams did they come from?"

Doris named several well-known professional football and basketball teams. "I've forgotten the rest. There were more, I think."

"How many men were at these parties?"

"Oh, it depended. I think it was usually between five and ten. Sometimes more, but then they had more than one girl at the party."

I was stunned. "You mean Linda fucked 10 men at a time?"

"No, not like that. The parties lasted until very late, sometimes the next morning. There were usually other girls there too. She could dance, smoke, and enjoy the music. If she did it with that many it was over four or five hours."

"So it wasn't a real gangbang?"

Doris blushed. "No. Well, maybe sometimes it was if she wanted to."

"Jeeze. She liked gangbangs?"

"She said sometimes they wanted to do that and if she felt like it, she would do it."

"My God! And she didn't get pregnant?"

"She was on the pill."

In 1961 AIDS did not exist, nobody worried about other sexually-transmitted diseases, and nobody used condoms.

"How often did she do this?"

"About three or four times a month, sometimes more, depending on the seasons and what teams were in town."

"How long did she do it? When did she start?"

"In her freshman year."

"God! At eighteen?"

Doris blushed. "She told me they particularly liked young, fresh girls, eighteen to twenty-four or so. If they liked a girl, she could go on working for maybe few years, but only the younger girls could break into the business."

"I see." Finally I remember why Doris had brought the subject up.

"Well, that's crazy. There is no way you could do that, Doris!" I was shocked about Linda and even more surprised that Doris would suggest such a thing for herself. That made me wonder.

"Did Linda ever ask you if you wanted to do it with her?"

Again, Doris looked uncomfortable. She was completely honest, always, and I knew I would hear the truth.

"She asked me, yes. She told me they would love someone like me. But I refused. I didn't need the money and I couldn't do anything like that behind your back."

I noticed that now she did need the money and that in raising it with me she had implicitly asked my permission.

"I still can't believe Linda did it. Or does she still do it?"

"I don't know. I haven't spoken to her for several months."

"You mean she was still doing it when she and Rick got married?"

"I'm not sure. It could be. She never told me she stopped."

"Well, I think the whole idea is crazy, and don't want you to even consider it."

"OK, darling. It was only an idea."

We embraced and kissed. I felt her tongue on mine and her hand on the bulge in my pants. All this discussion had gotten us quite aroused. Within a minute I had her skirt up and my hand on her hairy mound. She wasn't wearing panties. She managed to get my trousers off, then my under shorts. I slid my hard boner into her and within a couple of minutes was shooting my hot cum into her slippery vagina.

The subject didn't come up again for several weeks, though out money problems worsened. I remember thinking about Linda and wondering if she was still doing it and if so what Rick thought, but didn't ever consider it for us. Then a few weeks later Doris got a phone call from Linda saying she and Rick would be in our part of town and suggesting we get together.

Doris asked me if I wanted to see them and after some hesitation, I agreed. I realize now I was very curious about Linda and wanted to know more about her secret life.

We had quite a few drinks and ended up having dinner at a nice place nearby and then returning to our apartment for coffee. I was somewhat surprised to find Linda completely normal; that is; there was no sign of any kind that she had ever been a prostitute. She was invariably outgoing, cheerful and bubbly; rather like Doris, I thought. She seemed devoted to Rick and he to her. I was intrigued.

I found out that Rick was working for an insurance company while Doris was pursuing an advanced degree in accounting. They drove an expensive new car and seemed quite well off, by our standards. I couldn't help wondering if Linda was supplementing their income.

I soon found out.

"I still work nights too, you know," said Linda, who had been telling us about their friends in Santa Monica. "Rick doesn't mind and the money's great."

"Oh," said Doris, blushing slightly. I looked at Rick who smiled at Linda.

"Actually," he said, "I was the one who encouraged her to keep on working one the side. We're building up a great nest egg for our future."

I was stunned. If Linda was indeed still hooking, her husband seemed genuinely pleased.

"What does she do?" I couldn't help asking. I wanted to see what they would say.

"Oh, Linda is in the private entertainment business. I mean she attends parties for professional athletes and helps them celebrate and relax; you know, gives them a good time. It's very exclusive and private and she enjoys it too. The money is fantastic." He smiled.

"Yes, and it's fun, too," said Linda.

"Do you have sex with them?" The drinks must have emboldened me.

"Oh yes," said Linda, not in the least embarrassed. "Rick and I agree that it's OK for us. It's not as if I'm on the street or anything like that. All the men at the parties I go to are professional athletes and well behaved. Many of them are famous, you know."

I looked at Doris, who seemed completely calm.

"You know, Dave, I've been able to meet some great players." He named several well known football stars. "Linda asked them to let me attend one of their parties and they liked her so much they agreed." He held her hand affectionately.

"You were there? I mean you watched your wife have sex with the players?" I was incredulous.

"Well, it was more like a regular party. I had few drinks and talked to the players while Linda went to the bedroom with some of them."

It seemed that Rick was such a big fan he would do anything to meet the players.

I admit I was fascinated. Maybe because I was so young and impressionable the whole idea didn't seem so outlandish after seeing how Linda and Rick seemed so happy together. I began to wonder whether I might go along with Doris if she wanted to try it too.

"Well," said Linda, "I was talking with some of the players recently and they asked me if I knew any girls of the type they like. And I thought of you immediately, Doris. You know that they don't go out looking for just any girl; they always find them through girls they know."

Doris looked a bit uncomfortable. "Dave and I actually talked about this once and didn't pursue it. It would have to be OK with him," she concluded, clearly implying that it was OK with her.

I swallowed. "Uh, it seems a bit crazy to me. I mean, don't you feel like you're betraying your marriage?"

"Not at all," replied Linda. "There's no emotional involvement on any side. It's just business. I love Rick and he knows it."

"That's right," said Rick, gamely. "I don't mind at all. Linda does it for money, not love, and she isn't hiding anything from me. I know she's not on the streets or taking any risks. She actually gets to be with some very nice people. It's all very exclusive and private so that nobody knows about it except me."

I realized he was making a pretty good case. "How much do you make?"

"Oh, it varies, but I average about $1000 from a typical party. Sometimes more."

It seemed too good to be true. That kind of money would solve all our financial problems and give us plenty for our future. We could buy a house, even.

Doris and Linda went to the kitchen for a few minutes, leaving me alone with Rick.

"Hey, Dave, I know it's not for everyone, but I can tell you I actually get a kick out of what Linda does, if you know what I mean."

"How so?"

"Well, after a party, when she comes home, we always have great sex. She tells me about what happened and I find it very erotic. And then it's a blast to do it with her after all those guys. You wouldn't believe how sexy her freshly fucked cunt is!"

"Really?" I asked. For some reason I wanted to hear more. I could see that Rick was both frank and willing to talk about it.

"Yeah. You've never experienced anything quite like doing 69 after she has been at a party. The taste of cum in her pussy is something I'll never tire of." He smiled.

Despite my shock and determination not to let Doris become a prostitute I felt a bulge in my pants. My cock was telling me I was excited at the idea.

Linda and Doris returned to the room and looked at my expectantly.

"Well, what do you think, darling?" asked my wife. "Maybe I could try it and see what it's like?"

I was on the spot. Part of me wanted to resist, but Doris was game and that there was no real harm if everything was above board. Besides, I was feeling quite sexually aroused at the idea.

"OK, I guess you're right. Maybe it would be OK to try it once."

"Great!" said Linda. "There is a party tomorrow night I can bring you to. It should be fun and you'll find out if you like the work."

Before I knew it Doris and Linda were making plans to meet the next day.

"What should I wear?" I heard Doris ask.

"Just short skirt, stockings and heels. A little extra makeup and you'll look fine.

The next day Doris left the apartment at 7pm, saying that she expected to be home by midnight. I kissed her goodbye and spent the next 5 hours anxiously waiting for her return.

She didn't get home until after 2 in the morning.

"Sorry I'm late," she exclaimed, looking exhilarated and a bit tired. "There were supposed to be three of us but one girl didn't show up so Linda and I had to go on a bit longer than we planned." She smiled brightly at me.

"Tell me about it," I asked, curious to know everything.

"Well, it was a beautiful hotel suite, with several rooms and bedrooms. There was music, and wine and beer and the players were all quite nice." She smiled again.

"How much did you make?"

"A thousand dollars."

"Wow!" I was impressed, and somehow gratified.

"How many were there?"

"Well, more than we expected because they thought there would be three girls. Let's see, I think there were 18 or 20 players."

"Geeze, you fucked 20 men?" I was shocked.

"I didn't count them, Dave. I was there a long time and spent time with a lot of them. Anyway I did it with some of them two at a time."

"Two at a time?"

"Uh huh." She gulped, looking a bit embarrassed.


She hesitated a moment and then told me that she had taken one in her pussy and one in her ass.

"Geez! You did that once or several times?"

"Several times."

"Did you like it?" I wanted to know the worst.


"Did you cum?"

"Uh huh."

"Did you cum a lot?"

"I didn't count how many times." She said lamely.

"Oh my God."

"Were they big?" I already knew the answer, but wanted to hear her answer."



"Oh darling, you shouldn't worry about that. It didn't hurt or anything."

"You mean you liked being fucked by guys with huge cocks." I couldn't help a pang of jealousy.

"It felt good, I admit. But no better than doing it with you. "She smiled and reached out to me. I wanted her very badly.

Within a minute she was sucking my turgid penis. After a minute or so I moved her into the 69 position. Rick's comment had stuck in my mind.

The sensation was exquisite. Her wet, soft tongue worked its way down my hard shaft as I licked her musky pussy. The scent of semen was everywhere. I put my tongue into her and tasted the salty flavor of semen. I was about to cum and wanted to fuck her cunt. I turned around and spread her legs.

My cock slid in easily. Usually Doris was very tight but that night she felt considerably more open.

"Does it feel OK?" I wondered if she was feeling sore.

"Yes, it's fine," she replied. I pumped her for a few moments, savoring the feel of her recently fucked vagina. All that cum must have kept her well lubricated. She moaned and I could tell she was enjoying it.

Her cunt felt so warm and slippery I could feel my orgasm was not far off. I was excited by the thought that other men had been having her like this not long before. I imagined how she looked to them -- legs spread wide, pert tits, juicy pussy taking a good pumping.

"Were any of them well-known players?" I found myself asking.

"I don't know. I don't follow football like you do. They were all black guys."

I stiffened in shock. I hadn't thought about blacks being with her at all. An intense orgasm swept over me as I envisioned my cute wife being penetrated by black men, their fat balls slapping against her ass as their penises filled her holes. Doris moaned and hugged me to her while my thick ejaculation shot into her cervix.

When I had calmed down we hugged and kissed for some time. I felt wonderfully relaxed and satisfied. We dropped off to sleep.

After that I raised no objections to Doris' nocturnal job. She was in great demand and often worked several nights a week, especially weekends. The money was great. We paid off our loans and within a year would be well fixed for a down payment on a house. We bought our first place a year later.

After a few months on the job Doris came home one night and asked whether I'd like to attend one of the parties. She knew I'd like to meet the players and thought it might be a good idea if I could see for myself that it was just business.

I agreed to her plan. But that's another story.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Took 2 minutes to skim through this work. Its a ridiculous story based on callow fantasy about wife being a prostitute. Or more selectively, an escort. I can only think of pimps or disturbed johns beating them, keeping them on drugs, pregnancy and disease concerns. Guess it's not my fantasy then. Much prefer my lovely wife role playing for my our gratification. Any husband who would pimp out his wife has mental issues. Or, any wife who secretly does this as well. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I relate very well because I did the same when my husband and I both lost our jobs during COVID shutdowns. I loved the frequent, hard core fucking and it lasted two years. My husband liked to hear all about my dates.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hey, maybe she can get one of the players, to be her boyfriend. Then she can leave Cuck hubby all at home, when he is in town.

Story line sucked. One star

gravelmetergravelmeterover 2 years ago

Good story. I often fantasize that my wife just returned home after working as a prostitute and fucking lots of strangers. It is something I think about when we are having sex and I want to cum fast. I wonder if there is any truth to it, like did your actual wife ever do prostitution?

IFAFILHGIFAFILHGover 3 years ago
WoW - -

not for everyone...but sounds erotic .... if I was the husband I would love to go with her

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