Naked Attraction


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I wanted this to last forever but, all too soon, I felt my balls tighten and that unstoppable sensation of an impending orgasm. I pounded into her even faster, losing all control until I knew that the last thrust was upon me. Burying my cock as far as I could, I raised my head and cried out, feeling my cock expand before shooting a volley of semen.

My cry was overshadowed by Jenny's and despite dad's assurances that they were sound sleepers, I was sure they would have heard us. Perversely it was satisfying that they would know I'd managed to please a girl. As I came down from my high, I gently lowered myself and rolled off her. We were both panting from exertion as we lay side by side.

"Oh my god Patrick, that was incredible!"

"Yes, it was!"

"I think our first time couldn't have been any better."

"Well, it's only the beginning!"

She laughed and rolled onto her side, "Wow, you're still hard!"

It was true, despite just coming, my cock was as hard as ever.

"What can I say? It just can't relax with you around!"

She giggled and then yawned.

"Sorry -- it's been a long and wonderful day."

Yawns being catching meant mine followed.

"At least we don't have to get up early tomorrow", I said and then glanced at my watch and added, "God, it's already past three!"

"Could you get a towel so we can clean up a bit?"

"Of course."

I got up and only hesitated a moment before leaving my room naked and walking the short distance to the bathroom. The door to my parents' room was still open and it gave me a thrill to imagine they had listened to us. I grabbed a washcloth and wet it with warm water and took another towel for drying. As I left the bathroom, I caught a movement behind the partially open door of the other bedroom.

This confirmed what I'd thought, and I smiled to myself as I stepped into my room. Jenny was lying on her back, naked and fast asleep. She looked incredibly sexy and I felt my still rigid penis jerk in response. I could see my ejaculate leaking from between her legs, beneath which it was already forming a small puddle. I closed the door and then, feeling daring, opened it again slightly so that anyone looking inside would have a view of the bed.

I silently approached the bed and gently wiped the spillage as best I could without waking her up. Using the other towel, I dabbed her dry and then wiped my cock with the washcloth. I crawled into bed and was grateful it was a hot night as there was no way to get the sheets out from under her. As I lay on my back staring at the ceiling and willing sleep to take me, I thought back at the momentous events of the past day.

I was woken up by the first rays of sunlight shining into my face. We'd forgotten to close the curtains and when I glanced at my watch, I saw it was just before 7 am. We must have moved around some during the night as Jenny was half lying on me. One glance at her sexy behind was enough to reinvigorate my penis and it rapidly grew to full size.

There was no way for me to get up and close the curtains without disturbing her, so I remained where I was. A few minutes later I heard movement outside. The door was as I'd left it last night and still ajar. I closed my eyes and feigned sleep as I listened to the sounds of someone approaching my room.

The footsteps stopped as I heard a sharp intake of breath. After a lengthy pause, the steps retreated once more, and I heard my father's voice as he whispered to someone, presumably mum. Moments later footsteps again approached. There was more whispering, closer this time and then the creak of my door. I thought it was being closed but then I heard someone walking into my room.

I couldn't resist and very slightly opened my eyes to take a peek. Mum was walking past the foot of my bed towards the window. She had a full-on, close-up view of my balls and rigid cock as well as Jenny's arse and pussy. Mum pulled the curtains closed and the bright light instantly faded to darkness. I listened as she made her way back to the door and this time caught the odd word and some giggles as she spoke to dad before the door was fully closed.

I was intrigued by the snippets of conversation I'd heard. Dad had said something about me 'hitting the jackpot' and mum had countered with something about 'taking after his dad' and 'she'll be satisfied'.

I'd never really thought of my parents as sexual beings and now wondered how well I knew them in this regard. I'd sometimes heard noises from their bedroom late at night and a few times I'd caught a glimpse of mum or dad returning from the bathroom at odd hours and in only a towel.

You might think my fear of nudity and lack of confidence with girls was because of a strict or religious upbringing, but you would be wrong. Although I'd never seen either of my parents naked, they were not prudish at all. I thought back to my childhood holidays when we would visit the beach and rent a tiny apartment. Mum and dad would start to strip off their clothes and I would immediately retreat to the bathroom to do the same.

I was always uncomfortable with the concept of nudity, but it wasn't their fault. I now realized that they had tried to be open but had seen how I reacted and changed their behaviour accordingly. The same was true when it came to sex, dad had taken me aside and given me the 'birds and the bees' talk and had been willing to answer any questions I had but I didn't take up the offer.

As I lay here thinking about it, I suddenly felt guilty that my behaviour had caused them to change their lifestyle and had taken away some of their freedoms. But it was in the past and there was no point crying over spilt milk. At least they'd had me early and were now only just in their forties so there was still time. I vowed to make it up to them in whatever way I could.

Jenny stirred in her sleep and muttered some words in Chinese before rolling onto her back. It was too dark to see anything and I suddenly realised I was desperate for a piss. I left the bed and headed for the bathroom, not bothering with any cover despite my erect cock wagging as I walked. To my disappointment, the corridor was deserted, and no one saw me as I entered the bathroom.

I'd never tried to pee with an erection and found it quite difficult but thankfully not impossible. I shook off the last drops and then washed my hands. On the way back to my room I overheard my parents talking downstairs. I pictured myself going down in the nude and saying good morning. Would they be disgusted and upset? If I knew they wouldn't mind I would have done it, but I didn't want to push things too soon.

I returned to my room, closed the door, and then pulled the curtain open slightly to allow in some light. Jenny looked stunning, lying on her back with her legs slightly parted. Her breasts were almost flat in this position but clearly marked by the beacons of her nipples. Despite being in a relaxed state they were almost an inch long.

I slid into bed next to her and stared at her beauty, still in wonder at my good fortune. She must have sensed something as her eyes fluttered open and she blinked a few times before focusing on my face.

She smiled and my heart melted.

"What are you doing Patrick?", she asked in a sleepy voice.

"Just looking at your amazing body and wondering how I got to be so lucky!"

Her smile widened and she reached up and pulled me in for a kiss.

"What time is it?"

I checked my watch, "7:40"

"Why are you up so early?"

"We forgot to close the curtains last night and the sun woke me up!"

"Oh, poor you!"

"Something else also happened!"

She giggled and glanced at my erection, "You mean that?"

I laughed, "Well that and something else. When I woke up, I noticed our door wasn't fully closed. I left it slightly open after I went to get the towel you asked for."

"Oh gosh, I remember now. I must have fallen asleep before you got back!"

"You did, but don't worry, I cleaned you up."

She blushed slightly and I continued, "anyway, I was about to get up and close the curtains and the door when I heard someone coming."

"Oh god, don't tell me it was your parents?"

I nodded, "But don't worry, everything is cool."

"What happened?"

"Well I couldn't move because you were lying on top of me, so I faked being asleep. I heard someone at the door, but they didn't come in and walked away. A moment later I heard dad whispering something to mum and then they both came to the door again."

Jenny's blush deepened, "So both your parents saw us naked?"

"Yup. You were lying on your front, so they only saw your back and um, bottom. It was worse for me as my penis was just it is now!"

Despite her obvious embarrassment she giggled and asked, "what happened next?"

"I thought they'd just close the door and leave but then I heard footsteps entering the room. I peeked and saw mum walk to the window and close the curtains."

She looked suddenly worried, "What are they going to think of me? They'll think I'm a slut."

I reached out and caressed her hair and face. "Don't be silly, in fact, I heard my dad say something about me hitting the jackpot and mom agreed."

It wasn't entirely accurate, but I didn't want her to worry.

She seemed to relax somewhat, "It's still pretty embarrassing but it won't be long before they see us on TV anyway."

I nodded and she continued, "I can't imagine my parents reacting like that! I think my dad would have dragged you out of bed and threatened to kill you and would probably have disowned me at the same time."

"Just as well we came here then!"

Jenny giggled and then moaned as my hand dropped to her breast and began to play with her nipple.

"Oh god Patrick, that feels so good but I'm feeling kind of sore and my bladder is full!"

I was slightly disappointed, "I understand as long as you promise we can do it again sometime."

She laughed and pulled me in for another kiss, "Of course silly. I'm not a one-night-stand girl and I have no intention of letting you escape!"

"What a relief!"

Jenny sat up and stretched and my eyes dropped to those incredible breasts and nipples that were much larger than before.

She noticed me staring and must have felt pity. "You can kiss them if you want."

"I want!", I said sitting up and taking a nipple into my mouth. I sucked and licked, enjoying her reaction as I did so.

"Oh, let me go now before I reconsider!", she gasped.

When I released the swollen nub, Jenny jumped off the bed.

"Are you coming to the bathroom with me?"

I hadn't considered this but was on my feet instantly. The opportunity to watch her pee was too good to miss.

As I headed for the door she said, "Um, aren't you forgetting something?"

I was confused for a moment but then realised we were both naked.

"It's OK, they've seen us anyway and we have nothing to wear."

She only hesitated for a moment before smiling and following me. I opened the door and we stepped into the corridor. I could still hear mum and dad talking downstairs.

"They're still downstairs so you don't have to worry."

Jenny smiled and followed me to the bathroom. As soon as I closed the door, she ran for the loo and sat down. I heard her pee hitting the porcelain bowl and was surprised by how strong a stream it was. Jenny saw me looking and parted her legs to give me a better view. I stepped closer and watched as the powerful jet of urine gushed from her. It was incredibly sexy to watch and my cock jerked up and down in response.

Jenny giggled and reached for my pulsing organ. Her small fingers gripped the shaft and stroked it gently. Her bladder must have been very full as she was still going strong when I was already feeling close to having a climax.

"Um, you better watch out, I'm getting close!" I gasped.

Instead of slowing down or letting me go, my words seemed to spurn her on and she increased the pressure and speed of her tugs.

"Ah, oh, YES!" I groaned as the first volley of come shot from my cock. It hit her on the cheek and Jenny opened her mouth and adjusted her aim. The next show hit her tongue and she then aimed lower and watched in delight as my final few blasts coated her neck and breasts.

"Wow, that's a lot and it still tastes good!" she said as she licked her lips.

I stared at the sexy vision of my come dripping down her body as she sat before me. "You're just amazing Jenny."

She grinned as her stream finally slowed before stopping. She released my cock that was only slightly wilting, and I watched as she dabbed between her legs with some toilet paper before standing and flushing.

"I had no idea how sexy it is to watch a girl pee!" I exclaimed.

"We've both got a lot to learn and experience, I never would have believed being ejaculated on could be so rewarding!"

We both laughed. "Well, I can't wait to try everything and anything with you."

"Same here, but I think I need another shower before we go and meet your parents."

I agreed and we shared the shower and washed each other again before drying off.

"Can I use your toothbrush?"

"Of course, everything of mine is yours."

My penis had relaxed somewhat but seeing Jenny bend over the sink as she brushed her teeth, the motions of which made her small breasts jiggle delightfully soon had me rock solid once again. She must have seen my condition in the mirror and wiggled her bottom in an obvious invitation.

I moved behind her and my cock slotted neatly between her firm globes. It felt fantastic and I leaned forwards to grab her tits. This was a position I wanted to try sometime, and I was reluctant to let go when she finished brushing.

"Enough of that you naughty boy!" she said with a grin and handed me my toothbrush.

I took it from her and began my oral hygiene routine. Jenny slid up behind me and I felt her body press against me as she reached around and began to stroke my cock. I'd never done this while brushing teeth and it was rather distracting!

When I was finished, we returned to my room in the buff with my erection leading the way. I began to wonder if my cock would ever be flaccid in her company.

I don't know where my parents were, but we remained unobserved as I closed the door behind us. Jenny picked up her discarded dress and looked at it in dismay.

"I can't wear this, it's full of stains!"

I could see she was getting upset. "Don't worry, you can borrow a shirt or something of mine and we can do the laundry."

I went to my cupboard and hunted around for something suitable. All my clothes were far too big, but she could wear a shirt or T-shirt and it should cover enough. I extracted two possibilities and handed them to her.

"Try these."

She looked sceptical as she slipped on the t-shirt first. It was long enough to reach an inch or two past her bottom and I thought she looked great. Jenny didn't look convinced and checked herself out in the mirror mounted on my cupboard door.

"You look hot!" I said.

She smiled, "I suppose it'll be OK, let me try the other one."

Stepping over to the bed, she bent slightly to pick up the shirt. I noticed two things instantly. In the mirror, I could see the lower half of her perfect bum and a sliver of her pussy. At the front, the rather large collar gaped, and I could see her nipples atop her sexy little titties.

Jenny didn't seem to notice, and I said nothing. She slipped off the T and put on the shirt. It was slightly longer, and she was able to button it up so that the top was also less revealing. However, the fabric was much thinner, and I could make out the darker colour of her nipples through the slightly transparent fabric.

I would be happy with either choice as she looked incredible in both. Jenney checked herself out in the mirror and seemed more satisfied with this option.

"Do you think this is OK?" she asked facing me.

"Um, yeah. You look great in both, just take what you're most comfortable in."

She checked the mirror once more and then said, "I think you can see my nipples."

"Barely... and anyway, as you said before, they're going to see all of us soon anyway."

This seemed to convince her, and she smiled. "OK, well what are you waiting for. Get dressed and let's go downstairs."

I grabbed a pair of shorts and the T-shirt she had rejected. I didn't bother with underwear and there was a very obvious tent in my trousers.

Jenny giggled, "Well that should distract them from my nipples!"

We both laughed and headed downstairs.


Mum and dad were in the kitchen finishing up with their breakfast as we entered.

"Good Morning, um, I'd like you to meet Jenny", I said.

Jenny gave a small wave and I could see she was blushing as my parents looked at us.

Dad was the first to respond, "We met briefly last night."

He stood and extended his hand "I'm John", gesturing towards mum he added, and this is "Beth".

Jenny shook his hand, "Nice to meet you both."

I saw dad trying not to look at Jenny's chest where her brownish nipples were easily visible.

Mum cleared her throat and smiled as she stood. They shook hands and mum said, "It's nice to meet you, Jenny. Please sit and have some breakfast."

As Jenny nervously settled in a chair mum looked at me and I saw her glance at my crotch. Her smile remained so I relaxed slightly. "What would you like to drink dear, tea or coffee?"

"Um, tea would be fine, thank you."

"Patrick, make your guest some tea."

I nodded and headed for the kettle. Dad caught my eye and wiggled his eyebrows. I wasn't quite sure what the gesture meant but he seemed happy.

I heard my parents retake their seats and felt sorry for Jenny as she was about to get the third degree.

"So, Jenny, where did you and Patrick meet?", mum asked.

I listened with interest as I prepared the tea.

"We know each other from school and met by chance yesterday."

"Oh, that's nice! Were you in his class?", dad interjected.


The kettle beeped and I poured the boiling water into the teapot and added two teabags.

"I can't remember Patrick ever mentioning you during school", mum said.

I watched Jenny blush slightly and decided to help her out.

"Mum, what kind of question is that! If you must know, I had a crush on Jenny but was too damn stupid to ever say or do anything about it."

"I was just the same. I liked him, but I was just too shy", Jenny added.

Dad turned to me, "so how did you end up meeting yesterday?"

I placed the teapot on the table and said, "let me just get breakfast ready then I'll answer all your questions."

Dad nodded, "Jenny, what would you like to eat?"

"Um, anything is fine."

"Toast or cereal?"

She considered a moment and then said, "Toast please."

I busied myself with the toaster and got butter and jam from the fridge as mum took over the interrogation again. "What do you do Jenny?"

"I'm studying law and work part-time at a coffee shop in London to pay for uni."

I had no idea Jenny was studying law and looked at her in surprise. She hadn't mentioned it and I'd been too busy thinking about other things to ask.

"That's very impressive.", dad said.

"Thanks. It's difficult but I enjoy it."

"Where do you live?"

"I share a flat in the city. On weekends I usually go home and stay with my parents."


"They still live in Chobham."

I placed everything on the table and took my seat. Mum looked at my still prominent tent with surprise and I think she was trying to suppress a smile.

As Jenny buttered her toast dad returned to his previous question. "So, where did you meet yesterday?"

I frowned at him, but he just smiled and waited. "It's kind of a long story."

"We've got plenty of time, don't we Beth?"

"Yes, we do!", mum replied looking at me with interest.

Jenny did a good job of keeping busy preparing her toast, so it was up to me to answer.
