Naked Vows Ch. 09

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The final chapter.
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Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/14/2012
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Sarah drove to Laura's work but didn't see her car parked there. It came as both a relief and an aggravation. She dreaded confessing what she did, but each passing minute made the sick knot in her stomach tighten. She had to tell Laura everything now, tonight, before she made a worse mistake.

Next, she drove to Laura's house and saw her car in the driveway. Normally she would have walked straight inside; they exchanged keys weeks ago. Tonight, though, after what she did, it didn't seem right. Instead, she rang the bell, shifting from one foot to the other as she waited for Laura to answer the door. It seemed to take forever for the deadbolt to slide back.

Laura opened the door, her face was red and her eyes looked puffy and swollen. Sarah knew immediately Laura had been crying.

"What's wrong?" Sarah couldn't imagine what could make Laura cry. She seemed so strong and impervious. The only other time she saw Laura cry was when Marcy found them. "Did something happen to your kids?"

"No, they're fine. Or at least as fine as they can be with a lesbian for a mom."

"Don't say it like that. What we have is not dirty."

"I'm not so sure."

"I am. I know it for a fact." Sarah took a deep breath, it was time to tell Laura everything. "Laura, I-."

"I admire your conviction." Laura stepped back to let Sarah come in. When Sarah walked past Laura, she smelled her familiar perfume, the scent that snapped her out of her sexual trance less than an hour ago. "Do you want a glass of wine?" She indicated the wine bottle and glass on the coffee table.

"No, thank you." Even if she hadn't stopped drinking for her baby she didn't think she could hold anything down. "I'm giving up alcohol for a while. Laura, I need to-."

"Then I'll put this away. I wanted a glass before I went to bed."

Sarah followed Laura into the kitchen and rinsed the glass while Laura put the bottle in the fridge. "Laura, I-."

"I'm tired. It might be best if you slept at your own house tonight. I'm afraid I don't have the energy for our usual bedtime activities."

"We don't have to make love every night." God knew Sarah wasn't in the mood for it. "Something happened."

"I got a call from Logan a couple hours ago." Laura walked back into the living room and tidied up. Not that she had anything to tidy, she kept the living room immaculate. "He called Marcy selfish and ungrateful. I guess they had quite the fight. Logan told her the only way I could have a personal relationship without feeling like I was cheating on Tom was to be with another woman. It's exactly what Clair said. He said I loved Tom more than she could ever love Spencer because if Spence died she'd be married again within the year. He said that made Marcy the worst person he knew. It's not true, though. I'm not with you to avoid dead husband issues. I'm with you because you complete something in me and I'm in love with you because of who you are. It doesn't matter what gender you are." Laura's voice cracked and she started to cry.

Sarah's heart sank. She remembered the last time she had a bottle on her coffee table. She thought Laura had dumped her and was crushed by the fear of loneliness. Seeing Laura like this was like looking in a mirror when she had hit bottom. A horrible rush of dread surged from her heart to her fingers and toes. She choked down her bile as understanding dawned on her. Laura wasn't crying because Logan fought with Marcy. "You were there tonight. I really did smell your perfume."

Laura got her voice under control. "I finished at work faster than I expected so I came to your house to surprise you."

"I'm sorry you saw us. I'm sorry it happened at all." Sarah went to Laura and made her stop tidying a spotless room. "Stop cleaning and look at me. I cheated and I'm sorry. I was on my way to see you when Frank showed up. He said the right things and I was scared which made falling into old habits too easy." Sarah shook Laura's shoulders. "I felt alone and didn't know who to turn to and then Frank showed up and I let him kiss me and I knew I shouldn't have but I needed him. I didn't want to but it seemed like I had to and for so long he had the right and it didn't seem fair to change things right then and I should have done it sooner but I was so in love with you and so busy being with you that I forgot all about him and he isn't a bad guy and he's still family whether I want him to be or not and he's even more family now and it felt so good but then it felt so bad and-."

"Sarah!" Laura shook Sarah to stop her frantic rambling. "Calm down. Stop talking for a minute."

"I don't want you to think I'll always cheat on you because I wont. I know I slept with Frank once before, but I promise it will never happen again, you've got to believe me! I'll never have sex with him again!"

"Sarah, stop it." Laura pulled her into a hug probably thinking, correctly, it was the only way to shut her up.

Sarah clutched Laura to her and sobbed on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry." Sarah barely got the words out between sobs. "You have to believe me."

"I do. I believe you." Laura stroked Sarah's hair. "Calm down and stop crying. I know what dealing with family is like. As much as I love you I'd still sleep with Tom again if I had the chance."

Sarah pulled away from Laura. "That's different, Tom died, otherwise you'd still be with him."

"You're probably right but it doesn't matter. I'm with you now."

"This isn't right." Sarah pulled a tissue from the box on the coffee table. The waste basket was filled with used ones. How long had Laura sat there crying? "I'm the one who cheated, I'm the one who's supposed to sooth you, not the other way around."

"You went into hysterics." Laura gave her a weary smile. "I love you enough to forgive you anything."

"That's the third time tonight you've told me you love me. I've waited so long for you to be comfortable saying it and now I feel like I don't deserve it."

"I shouldn't have avoided it for so long."

Sarah shrugged. "I doubt it would have made a difference to what happened tonight." Or maybe it would have. If Laura told Sarah she loved her, would she have been less scared when she found out she was pregnant? No, she would have been just as scared. Sarah still didn't have answers to some very important questions. "In fact, I'm sure of it."

"It doesn't matter, I love you so much I'll forgive you anything."

"I want to believe you, I really do."

"Do you want me to prove it?" Laura's hands moved to the buttons on her blouse.

"Not yet. I have more to tell you."

Laura's hands froze on the third button. "Sarah, you kept saying you're afraid of something. What is it?"

"I'm pregnant." Sarah's heart leapt into her throat and she stared wide eyed at Laura looking for any indication of how she felt.

"How long have you known?" Laura unbuttoned the third button but didn't move to the next.

"A few hours. Frank called and wanted to know if I was on my period. I realized I hadn't had one since the last time he was here. I took the test and wanted to come tell you but Frank showed up before I had a chance to leave. One thing led to another and . . . "

"You've had a hell of a night, haven't you?" Laura smiled and went back to the buttons on her shirt. "That explains a lot, though."

"You don't have to take your cloths off, you've got nothing to prove."

"I thought you liked me naked."

"I like you no matter what, it just seems, I don't know, awkward."

"Being naked for you is never awkward for me." Laura shrugged her shirt off revealing a white lace bra that barely obscured her dark nipples.

"That lace looks uncomfortable." Sarah couldn't help staring at Laura's magnificent tits. Like always, it made it hard for Sarah to concentrate.

"It is. I'm constantly aware of it. Which means I'm always aware of my breasts which means I constantly think of you." Laura kicked off her sandals then unfastened her slacks. "You said you wanted children. I assume you're keeping this pregnancy?"

"It never occurred to me not to." Sarah licked her lips. A stab of fear gave her enough concentration to look away from Laura's body and focus on the problems at hand. "I didn't know how you would feel."

"Oh?" Laura let gravity pull her slacks down over her hips to pool around her calves.

"You said you were glad your children were out of your life. I didn't know if you'd want to be around another baby."

"That explains just about everything." Laura leaned forward to push her slacks off her feet. She bent in a way that showed her tits to the best advantage.

"It does?"

"When I got pregnant, all I thought about was sex. At least the first trimester. I made love to Tom so much I think he got a little tired of it." Laura's bra came off next and Sarah stared like she always did, fascinated with her lust for Laura's tits. "In fact I couldn't look at a carrot or cucumber without needing him."

Sarah understood. Her tits felt heavy and ached and her clit and wet pussy tingled. The only thing stopping her from ripping her cloths off and attacking Laura was . . . what? Something about Frank and raising a child. When Laura bent to push her panties down, her tits swayed and Sarah forgot all about their conversation. She took a step forward, reached for Laura when the thought of a child shook her out of her trance, at least enough to discuss where things stood.

"I bet you jumped for joy when you realized you were pregnant and then you freaked because you thought I might abandon you. You're constantly horny, you're scared of abandonment and the father of your child shows up." Laura smiled and shook her head in amazement. "What you did is perfectly understandable. I would have done the same thing."

"What about the baby? Is it right to raise a kid with two moms?"

"Of course. As long as it's raised with love, that's all that matters." Laura pulled Sarah's T-shirt over her head. "Between Logan and Spence, not to mention Frank, your baby has plenty of male role models." Laura dropped to her knees and kissed Sarah's belly where a new life grew. "Hello in there." She grinned up at Sarah and then worked at her genes. "You have nothing to worry about. You have a family to help you with whatever problems come up. You're not alone and you never will be again."

Tears filled Sarah's eyes. No one ever said that to her before.

"Whatever problems arise, we'll deal with them together." Laura leaned in to Sarah's hand as she stroked the older woman's face.

When Laura pulled Sarah's pants down, she made a ticking noise. "You didn't wear any underwear at all."

"I was in a hurry." Sarah gasped as she felt Laura's hot breath on her moist sex. "I still am." She pulled Laura's face into her and moaned as Laura nuzzled her mound.

"Lift your foot up so I can get your pants off."

Sarah steadied herself with a hand on Laura's head and lifted her leg. Laura's tongue slid across her clit as her legs parted and Sarah almost fell over. "That felt good. Do it again."

"Lift your other leg."

Sarah did but this time she kept her ankle bent forward making it harder to get the genes off. Coincidentally this gave Laura more time to slide her tongue on her pussy. It didn't take long for Laura to get her pants off though.

"Lets go to bed, we're going to try something different tonight."

"We are?" Sarah didn't care what they tried as long as she came real soon. "What?"

"It's something Clair mentioned."

"Clair? Your secretary?" That gave Sarah pause. "You're straight secretary?"

"That's her. She wanted to know if we tried something I never heard of."

"What? How does she know what lesbians do?"

"You'll find out." Laura grabbed Sarah's hand and dragged her upstairs. "Their sex life has drastically improved since they found out about us. Apparently they're watching a lot of lesbian porn. I wouldn't be surprised if Clair made her husband put on a wig and dress up like a woman then go down on her. Enough about them. Get on the bed."

Sarah crawled crabwise on the bed displaying all her charms to Laura. She smiled and looked at her lover looking at her. When Laura looked at Sarah like that Sarah felt more beautiful and confident than she ever felt in her life. It wasn't about sex, it was about love and how someone who loved you could make you feel.

"I'm so lucky." Sarah held out a hand to draw Laura into bed with her.

"Not the way I am." Laura crawled on the bed and moved between Sarah's legs so Sarah cradled Laura between her thighs. "I found love once with Tom. The love we had was better than what most people ever have. Then I lost him." Laura rested her body on her elbows so her tits pressed into Sarah and her mouth was close enough to kiss. "Then I met you and it happened twice. I love you so much, Sarah."

Sarah's whole body reacted. She never remembered being this aroused. It was different than the arousal she had experienced before. She knew what it felt like to have her body engulfed with lust. Now her body and her soul were consumed. Sarah needed more than simple physical relief disguised as lust, she needed a connection, she needed to join physically and spiritually. That's what Laura offered, a melding of two bodies to one, of two souls to one. They were soul mates about to consummate the wedding of their hearts. Sarah sensed it at the edges of her awareness. The sensation grew and promised to eventually consume her. She intended to give herself to Laura in an everlasting, unbreakable bond. Even as her passion grew, as her body and mind prepared for this new awakening she felt a little afraid.

"Don't be afraid, my love." Laura spoke like she read her mind. Sarah felt so close to her right now, maybe she did. "There's too much joy to be had for you to be afraid."

Laura moved her legs so her knees hooked under Sarah's thighs and spread their legs wide apart. Laura pushed up on her arms so her dangling nipples scraped hot, passionate lines across Sarah's skin. She wiggled around a bit until her pubic hair pushed into Sarah's pussy.

Sarah gasped. The sensation radiated out from her pussy through her whole body. Laura pushed her pelvis forward so her crisp bush slid across Sarah's swollen sex. The sensation changed when Laura's slick pussy glided across Sarah's clit.

"Oh my god!" they both said. Sarah stared up into Laura's wide surprised eyes sure her own looked the same.

Laura kept moving up until Sarah felt Laura's sopping pussy slid against her own pubic mound. Once Laura reached the end of her stroke she started down. Her pussy slid over Sarah's pussy hair then their clit's caressed each other and finally Laura's pussy hair abraded Sarah's sex.

Laura's eyes looked glazed as she started the upward motion again. Sarah neared the edge as slick pussy slid against slick pussy then crisp hair stimulated her swollen clit. Nothing she felt before compared to this. Sarah threw her head back as the feelings concentrated in her pussy. Pleasure radiated out until her whole body was one busy nerve.

"Open your eyes, look at me." Laura moved faster until the need for release pushed Sarah to match Laura's pace. They ground into each other, trying to hold off long enough for the other to reach bliss.

Sarah opened her eyes and stared up into Laura's straining face. As her orgasm approached it seemed like Sarah looked into herself at the same time she looked into Laura. They moved so fast now, so close but holding back for the other to go first. They made slapping sounds as flesh hit flesh. They ground their pussies tighter, harder, faster. Then just before the orgasm hit, it happened. They were one. They came at the same instant. Two people shared one orgasm. Two lovers became one person. Sarah stared into Laura stared into Sarah stared into Laura.

Sarah's orgasm shattered reality, she dug her hands into Laura's pumping ass and left bruises. Someone's pussy flooded in painfully pleasurable contractions. Sarah didn't have the breath to scream. Sweat slid down Laura's tits until it collected on her nipple. The quivering drop fell from Laura's body and landed on Sarah's breast where it burned with pleasure.

As the orgasm ebbed away they didn't stop. They ground into each other with bruising force making their pussies obey the pleasure, making their pussy's build to a second orgasm, better than the first, and then a third. They both screamed into a pleasure so intense, so long lasting, their sweaty bodies ached from the tension. When they calmed down Laura slid to Sarah's side so she didn't crush her.

They lay together drifting in and out of sleep until they regained enough strength to stagger to the kitchen for something to eat and drink. Once thirst and hunger were as sated as their sexual desire Laura let out a contented sigh.

"I'll have to send Clair a bonus."

Sarah agreed, but she wasn't ready to talk yet, too stunned by what she felt right before she came. She smiled her agreement then got them both another glass of water.

"We're together now. Forever." Laura took the glass from Sarah and put it on the table. Sarah turned to go back to her chair but Laura grabbed her arm and pulled her into her lap. "I love you beyond anything and anyone. There is no problem we can't overcome together." Laura took a deep breath and stared straight into Sarah's soul with her captivating gaze. "Will you marry me, Sarah Weaver?"

Sarah's eyes burned with tears. She didn't know a person could be this happy. She stood up and pulled Laura to her feet then hugged Laura tight against her before pulling far enough away to look into her soul mates eyes. "Yes."

They stood with naked body against naked body and naked soul against naked soul and spoke their vows.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What an excellent storyline from beginning to end.

Rogy70Rogy70about 7 years ago

Whaaat. why hade you to make Sarah cheat on her? I wouldn't be strong enough to forgive that cheating. I mean what they were in love. How can you possibly kiss someone passionately if you have an affair with full of love and lust? ! I seriously can't understand it. The cheating part was disgusting. I couldn't read it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Very Enjoyable Read

Loved this series with all it's ups and downs that threaten their relationship. Well done (5 stars all the way) and thank you.

Dont_miss_meDont_miss_meover 7 years ago
Put me in...

The same category as the previous 2 as wanting to know what everyone said.

5 stars and a digital knuckle bump.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I agree with previous comment!

I hated to see the serifs end. It was quite enjoyable to read. There are enough things going on you could probably write another series as a continuation. I would love to see it.

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