All Comments on 'Never Too Late'

by leapyearguy

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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Yes,you are over acting and hopefully it's not too late.Great story,got me involved,thanks for your effort.

Gary_LostGary_Lostover 16 years ago
Great story

I hope it ends well for them. Maybe another chapter with a happy ending for both him and his sister. I is Christmas after all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
yes, too late

some people just aren't meant to be married to each other, this is really a mismatched pair.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Too Late!

Counseling? Maybe, but as has been noted, they are far too different and her mind set is too self-centered. People who are as "open" as she is, do it to be the center of attention and so not care about the concequences to themselves or others. She mouths the words at the end of the story, but it is too late. He is who he is. Shy, diffident, needing his privacy and she does not understand that. In fact, she probably does not think he sees her as the center of the universe,so some of her acting out with friends is to remind him of her position as goddess to be worshipped. But what does that make him? A man who is not loved but willing to love and yet not willing to sacrifice his identity to all her needs. He figured it out. She is unable or unwillig to understand and it might take years of therapy to undo the spoiled child in her because the problem she has is not intellectual but emotional. She is not empty, she is just to full of "herself" and this leaves not room for him in her life. In a way, the ending is contrived. I have known too many couples whose marriages foundered on this very problem - both men and women who were the princes and princesses of their own lives and everyone else was supposed to cater their desires. Marriage is a partnership of love and that means both people matter equally, but some people do not understand. This marriage is over.

Orion623Orion623over 16 years ago
Taking Responsibility

We have all met people whether in our own family or our friends or in our careers who are unable to say "I screwed up. Sorry". It isn't so much that they are trying to win arguments at all costs as that they are dodging responsibility for their words and actions. LYG has done a wonderful job of showing how destructive that type of attitude can be.<P>This story is a thoughtful, well written piece that discusses trust, honesty, and respect in two different marriages and how the loss of any one of those values can destroy the integrity of a marriage.

SleeplessinMDSleeplessinMDover 16 years ago
Great Lead in for a Sherry POV story...

to end this tale. On the surface it seems like overreacting by Brian but you deftly pointed out the rot in this marriage. Love, Respect and Trust are essential elements to any long term relationship and the last two were weak to failing in this marriage. I liked the idea that there are reasons other than cheating that can end a marriage. In any case, a story from Sherry's POV (how about 'It Was Almost Too Late' would be interesting. Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I can only hope..

..that they have found a middle ground which might lead to a reconciliation. Her past behavior would have resulted in a nasty remark, or more pleading, but the whispered "I'm sorry" seems to open the door to, at least, a dialog. He seems to be willing to work things out if she will only admit to being at fault. I believe she has done so. It doesn't mean that everything is fine, but it's a start.

I have been a follower of your stories for quite some time, and I have enjoyed many. The only one I've liked as well is Strictly Business, which I encourage readers to check out.

Zeb40Zeb40over 16 years ago
Previous comment

should have been labeled from me.

NucleusNucleusover 16 years ago
Another great story ...

... but I don't understand. Why six years? It's a very long time for him to discover the inevitability of divorce. Maybe he is someway masochistic or an incurable optimist. Because the last case in his situation he must be a broken man. His wounds would never heal.

<p>Sincere regards and a happy advent season</p>


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I understand why the husband would give in to the princess for six years. If mama isn't happy, then no one is happy. It's easier to give in if most other aspects of the marriage are okay. But how much does "I'm sorry" cost?


Alvaron53Alvaron53over 16 years ago
Nicely done

Intelligent exploration of a troubled relationship. Good marriages are built on love, trust and respect. Sherry's unwillingness to respect her spouse's wishes shatters Brian's trust in her. She thinks nothing of revealing their private lives to others and refuses to consider her partner's feelings. It leads to divorce, and the storytelling feels grimly realistic.


I like the conclusion to the tale. Is saying you're sorry enough to merit a second chance? I don't know. Sherry's lifetime habit of "me first" is extremely difficult to overcome. LYG leaves up to us to decide, and that's a nice touch.


Fine storytelling, and worth a high mark. Thank you, leapyearguy, for another good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Well written story unrealist plot

You write extremely well but your plot is completely over the top. Your hero appears to be a pompous egotistical bastard. Yes wife was insensitive but who is the dummy whobought the digital camera to the bedroom in the first place. Did it ever occur to dummy that he could destroy digital card instead of making contents a cause celebe for his marriage dissolution? -and your comparison of pictures showing he and his wife having perfectly legal, moral marital sex to his sisters extramarital sex resulting in possible bastard child is like comparing a hill of beans to a roaring volcano;yes wife should have been more sensative, especially to husband s feeling, but, much as I hate the word overreacting , I think, in this case, it is acurate. The wife should be happy to get rid of this paranoid idiot.

60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

more realistic than most of characters written on this site. characters are flawed. there are people who have a hard time forgiving and especially forgetting. there are alot more insecure people and "running away" seems to be their solution.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 16 years ago
what a wimp pathetic sniveling little Man

well written but there is No one to root for. As there is BIG Plot hole as well. The wife is vile nasty self centered cunt. On a fundamental level she never figure out what the BIG deal was b/c she Never had to. His feelings are irrelvant!


WHY? Because the Husband is a super wimp.


His constant lying down for her taking the easy road set him on a road to disaster. If over the course of the years you act as if nothing really matters to you ... Nothing REALLY bothers you... then Guess what the other people are going to think? YOU DONT MATTER!!


WHY would the wife even think that This time he really means it? This emotional wimp/ Loser cant even articulate his REGULAR feelings in an intelligent manner much less when he is upset.


The PLOT hole is a problem. Lindsay and the wife are close. Once Brian explains WHY secrets should NOT be broadcast ESPECIALLY when the other person has said

"Please please dont!!!" Lindasy understands why Brian is acting this way.


Yet she never explains this to the sherry?


Then when Lindsay comes clean and tells her Husband Ray about her 1 night stand... surely sherry and Lindsay are talking about this.... and how to Fix the wrongs we have dome to people we love !?!?


yet Sherry still cant figure out she has to apologize?


when she finally does who cares? Its taken her way too long. Unless Sherry undergoes some RADICAL change in her attitude this marriage is OVER. Next time Sherri will do something FAR Cheat.

DesertPirateDesertPirateover 16 years ago

Interesting story. She had no respect for his views or feelings and he had no trust in her. That will kill any marriage. Well told story as always from LYG with good characters. Now the big question remains - is it too late? If you write a sequel we will find out, if not we each get to imagine our own ending. What happens, happens! Thank You for another fine story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Masterful - KUDO's Author

From my viewpoint, close to home. My wife rarely ever says she's at fault. Crying and hiding is much easier. We openly love each other but I am the only one who can admit fault and it grinds me.<P>

As a result of my personal experience plus just plain common sense, I feel you very well painted a picture of life and its unfortunate reality. This was an instance of personal failure on both parties part and the writer doesn't dispute that.<P>

She never stopped and he didn't step up as dramatically as he should have long ago. He cared too much and she blindly too little. Her ignorance is no excuse and his guilt is not being firm enough until it was too late.<P>

Humans do that to each other every day don't they.<P>

Author - this may be your best to date regardless of the feedback to the contrary. You pictured how failure can happen in a realistic manner not often found here. The end isn't always dramatic and clear cut - nor is it always infidelity. Sometimes people just give up to rescue themselves.<P>

With Very High Regard

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 16 years ago
At this point Saying those words wont work

If there is a sequel I am NOT against a reconciliation per se. But he has to learn to stop being a God dam doormat and she needs some serious work on several issues. First she has to learn the world does NOT revolve around her Pussy. Second that her husband is person and she needs to show him at least 50% of the conisderation he shows / gives her.


To the anonymous Poster in MI... get a set of balls dude and tell your wife to grow the fuck up. Letting her get a way with that form of manipluation is NOT about her-- its about what seh thinks of you.

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969over 16 years ago
Thoughtful story

Nice story but from my point of view there appears to be a huge gap in communication which now that something has finally broken they need to sit down and have a massive blow out talk on things that have been going wrong the good news is that it's not unfixable but if they want to stay married then the husband has to stand up to the wife and the wife has to learn to compromise.As for my marriage after 13 years together we do know when to back down say sorry or stand up for our selves and sometimes the makeup sex can be good too. That's what a marriage should be about,I know there is a theory among woman that THEY run the world and MEN kill it but where would we be if we as two different speices did not talk to each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
A thoughtful piece--However if one incident can --

break up this marriage then there wasn't much there to start with. All in all a very childish pair

SalamisSalamisover 16 years ago
Much ado about nothing

<p>I look forward to your stories. There is always so much to work with in so few words. This story is no exception. </p>

<p>You begin with an activity that I have never quite understood, namely, the desire to take intimate photos of one’s lovemaking. Given the shy nature of the husband, I was surprised he initiated this activity. He set these events in motion and then was too pig-headed to call a halt.</p>

<p>The wife’s behavior was childish in the extreme. She recognized his discomfort and then attempted the same disclosure, but with his family in that instance. It is not until the very end that she expresses remorse for her actions. Certainly, she made a number of mistakes. However, how often did her husband ignore them and suffer in silence? How can she correct what he does not declare? She is in a Catch-22 situation. </p>

<p>While the antics of these two was interesting, particularly I can see some parallels to the relationship with my wife; this problem never rose to the level of a divorce. He did overreact. Not every slight, every word said in anger or every misplaced intention justifies a divorce. There were many remedies available before taking such a drastic action. Divorce, in my opinion, should be relegated to the 3 As: Adultery, Abuse or Addiction. </p>

<p>Instead, he divorces her because of the embarrassment of showing pictures of him and his wife after making love. There is a perverse humor in this scenario. </p>

<p>The most interesting part of the story to me was the subplot involving his sister. Her situation with Rob was much more serious and divorce was a justifiable outcome (if they had sought one). </p>

<p> Thanks for another entertaining read. </p>

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I got it...

... it was not one little thing that brought this to a head, all that was was the straw that broke it into.

some times the comments that are made has me asking did i read a different story.

Thanks for taking the time to entertain us.

Mike from Texas

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Sad, Thought-provoking Story

BTW, Salamis, the fourth "A" is Abandonment. <p>Story is all too realistic in a general sense - I can tell if my wife knows she's wrong because she goes into attack mode at worst or thoughtless comment mode at best. I think Brian should have done separation until she came to her senses, but I can understand his logic. However, at the point the story ends, I don't see how they could overcome all of the hurt and baggage and make a reconcile work. Perhaps with much motivation and a skilled counselor they could.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I wanted to say "complete gibberish"

but since the writing's decent, i'll say, what nonesense! it's a tired, nonsensical two-page silliness, pretence on reflection notwithstanding.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I was sad when the story was over. I really like your style of writing and this story was truthful and emotional at the same time.

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 16 years ago
Fantastic story of opposites in marriage

To me this is one of the very best stories I have read on this site and that is saying a lot from me. This is the essence of a marriage of opposites that can work only with compromise. The reality of compromise is both must modify some of their wants and not in a passing way but a real commitment of I give you this change of a need I have. I love you and want us to be as close as we can and still have what we each need. I have looked at what I need to be happy and find I can give you this part of me and still be happy. The other person must understand the enormity of the gift or it is then just taken as surrender and a loss of respect of the givers needs.<P>The husband in this case has given and the wife has just taken with the mindset that she can have almost anything as long as she stays strong willed and never show a weakness. She is as stated by the Author “spoiled rotten.”<p> Great ending, as does she really for the first time feel the pain and sorrow of what SHE has done. Not the circumstances but what she has personally done with her own willful actions.<P>I have seen a number of people build a new love of understanding when they “get it” and I mean really “get it.” Conversation is now the peak of existence if they want to see if there is any real hope. If one can not only see the problem but feel it, then it can be solved and either contempt or joy will follow. Some will never see anything that takes much work or giving up of anything they want.<P>I get a kick out of some who think that you are a wimp to not throw out the wife as she is not giving you the great respect you deserve. It kills me that some think there are not two sides to all of this. It is never black and white, that is for fools who only think of themselves and think they are always right.<P>I am so enthralled with your writing and understanding of a humans need to see what they can put up with, and what they cannot to have a life of contentment. Thank you for the superb entertainment and understanding of what two opposites can really have.<P>With highest regards<P>PT

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
I'm confused, was Brian a woman, too?

I can't think of another reason that "he'd" expect Sherry to read minds rather than just stating outright what the problem is and working on fixing it. So these were lesbians, right?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
It needs closure

The husband is a wimp for taking her abuse for so long, and he may have now changed. Her "I'm sorry" may delay or kill the divorce but it needs a sequel to give us a proper ending. Please provide it and the lower than normal rating is due to the ending I felt was poor. I always look for your stories and hopefully you'll give us an ending. Thanks.

sadnesssadnessover 16 years ago

but over six years, it is easy for little things to build up to make that mole hill into a mountain. Thank you for another well written story. I can't wait to ready your next submission.

K.K.K.K.over 16 years ago

Another excellent story by one of my favorite authors on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
"I'm Sorry" needs to come naturally

Yes, apologies are often hollow, but even then it is better than nothing. Waiting for an apology without telling the offender just what is expected is fair. Most people who really cared would start with a real apology and then offer ways to fix the situation. Sherry wasn't sorry for what she did, she just wanted her husband back so she wanted him to tell her how to fix it. The apology needed to come first. Brian put up with the situation as long as he could; Sherry might have asked for some real input after any of their past arguements and she would have known that a real apology goes a long way toward fixing bad situations. She didn't care enough to even look at her actions until the end. There is always remarriage if Brian believes that Sherry is no longer perfect in her own eyes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Some people just do not get it!

The mix of the comments is interesting. I am only going to add to what has already been said. He was right. She simply was unable to comprehend how hateful what she had done was. Her actions and words were not of a faithful,true loving wife but of a thoughtless, self-centered person who did not care to understand what was wrong with breaking their trust. She further embarassed him in front of his family. The depth of her lack of understanding was such, that I am not convinced that "Sorry!" covered it at the end. I know that many writers on this sight like the literary device of the unresolved ending, but I think in this case, the ground work had been laid for a definitive resolution and the ending is a cop out for reasons the author doe not share. What ending would I put? The divorce has to go through. He has to assert his own identity that he described so clearly at the beginning of the story. They were not a we. She was the "I" of the relationship, and he was the it. She came first. He did not have a place high enough in her heart to matter. Only after he gets the divorce does she MAYBE have an inkling of the problem. But they need time and space away from each other and he needs to devlop his own identity that is not defined by her needs. If they ever get back together, they will need counseling and help. He should not have had to explain to her what she had done wrong: she should have realized how awful and terrible it really was.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 16 years ago
Pleased to join the majority

Not only with regard to the quality of the writing and the fact that it leaves you thinking, but in terms of "literary review", it seems to me that more people seem to 'get it' that fiction is not necessarily about idealized lives. So you see a case of two mismatched very imperfect spouses. Starting point - an author puts a mirror on a segment of life. Why shoot the mirror?<P>

I have seen harsher and seemingly more intolerable marriages which prolonged (to my amazement) way beyond anyone’s prediction <P>

Both sides in the story were imperfect, and it comes across even as the narrative comes from the pov of the husband. It makes for an interesting and compelling read. <P>

Several times I found myself fighting the urge to yell at them both "Go to counseling, you asses!". Was this marriage salvageable? Perhaps had they just thought of trying counseling. Then again - they didn't, so perhaps this marriage wasn't salvageable after all!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Very good Story

everyone needs to take responsibility for their own actions. you are so right. if you have to ask for an apology then it's worse than worthless.

ReduxBlueReduxBlueover 16 years ago
Too late?

This was an awesome story with a Beginning, Middle, and end. If you have to tell someone (especially a spouse) why they need to make a change, or give an apology then it really is too late. I'd love to see just a few more sentences in the ending. The hanging resolution works if there is a sequel, but just to leave it hanging...

Well written and in my old technobabble days; information dense. Love your style! Thanks for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Great Story

A very good story that i enjoyed,i hate all these divorce

stories on this L/W section.Too many coworkers and friends

have gone through a divorce with nobody happy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
And what happens next?

I would like to see your follow-up to this story. This was good, and I have seen similar things happen. I look forward to seeing the Part 2 of this story someday.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Interesting to find a men who finally stands up

and is willing to have character, morals, and ethics. Even more interesting he was able to instill some of that into his sister. Would have been better for him if he had looked longer and harder for a real wife insted of an overgrow immature little girl.

Simple49erSimple49erabout 15 years ago
I guess we are our own part two

and like the Lady and the Tiger, this is a personality test. Which door do we choose? Does he call off the divorce or not? He has already noted the fundamental flaw of his wife: spoiled, selfish brat. She did not grow up and her personality is so ingrained, that I doubt even counseling over years would change that. She needs to marry a man like herself and he needs to marry a woman like himself. I perfectly understand his reaction. She breached the wall of his privacy with something so intimate and personal and then did not understand his reaction. She cannot empathize at all with him. Interestingly enough, bacause he is so in touch with his private self, he can empathze with her. Regardless of his love and empathy, their relationship is destructive because they are too different. Opposites do not always attract evenly or easily. This is not good a marriage and they should end it. My ending would be to say, "Thanks. After all these years you actually thought to say you were wrong and to apologize. But after all these years, you clearly are saying too little, too late. Have a happy life and goodbye."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
One question left to ask..

and have answered."Sorry for what and why?"-(O.K.-two questions).Pistolpackinpete

SELSTIMSELSTIMabout 15 years ago

Another well written and thought-provoking story. Kudos LYG. As long as everyone is throwing in their two cents I might as well, too. Unlike most people I tend to separate behavior from the person. Probably because I know how behavior is learned. Most people are totally unaware as to why they behave the way they do. Some aren’t even conscious of their behavior. Just because Sherry lacks empathy and seems to be totally unaware of the effects of her behavior on Brian doesn’t mean she can’t learn, given the proper motivation. Conversely, even though Brian feels that if he has to tell her how he feels and explain to her how her behavior effects him that it really isn’t worth it (incorrect assumption). Basically, like most people (and parents) he feels she has to figure it out on her own. And judging from the comments most readers on this site think so, too. This is a perfect example of behavioral ignorance. Neither person is a bad person nor is one right or the other wrong. They are both just ignorant (haven't learned yet) when it comes to behavior. Given that Sherry seems to truly love Brian, evident by the way she doesn’t want to lose him and continually pleads with him to tell her what to do. This provides the proper motivation for Sherry to learn and change her behavior. It’s obvious that Brian loves Sherry and seems he was just waiting for some clue that she was willing to learn (change). She gave that to him at the end when she finally spoke the three little words, "I'm sorry Brian" Therefore, they get back together and start to learn to become a happy couple through better communication. Hence the title, “Never Too Late”. Sorry all you "never reconcile" people. LYG, I offer this watered down behavior analysis free of charge to help your readers understand the hidden meaning in your plot:) At least, it seems to be hidden to most. Again, excellent work! Thank you..................

One more thing..............PEOPLE CAN CHANGE

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 15 years ago

To my way of thinking you did a great job of explaining that he was a self-centered pompous prick that expected his wife to read his mind all throughout their marriage! He couldn't state his views without hurting her feelings so he gave in until finally he drew a line in the sand! She is a very expressive outgoing person who does not understand or value his wanting to be a private and introverted person. Face it, he took the camera and took pictures of her first. She thought it was fun and wanted to share the exciting experience with others as was her open nature. He got pissed and bullied her into promising not to talk about the pictures anymore. All through this they do love each other and have great sex. What I really got out of the story was that he has been smoldering resentfully throughout the marriage! Why not arrange counseling with an impartial party from the beginning when he realized that he couldn't make her understand what he wanted? Oh No, "No way"...I am going to take my ball and go home until you all play my way! And if you don't understand what I mean by reading my mind...then I might not ever come back! I don't care how much you love me! If you don't play my way I won't play no more! Jesus... what a baby! My current wife and I have had so many problems because she is a completely private person like he is and I am an extrovert. I have had to guess for over 28 years at what she was feeling or thinking because she does not want to express her feelings openly or argue. Well guess what? I have guessed wrong so goddamn many times whilst trying to figure out what was bothering her...that I have caused many problems doing just that! I for one don't think "She" should take him back without "Him" getting some counseling! Of course in the story, he is immature and unwilling to reconcile unless she kisses his ass and says "I am Sorry" for not obeying him? When is he going to apologize for all the hurt and concern he caused her? Over a broken little promise that she did not really know the reason for because it did not make sense to her! I mean, he waited all those years to finally draw a line in the dirt. And then does the..."By God" I ain't going to listen to reason from nobody! Bullshit! This isn't about two different types of personality. This is about a pompous and self-serving ass that only accepts what he thinks because he has had enough!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Well done.

"Without respect on her part and trust on mine, we were fucked." This really sums it up. I would not have handled it the way your character did, nor do I think most people would have, but I do understand the motivations that you gave him. Counseling would have been a better and more realistic choice, but given that you created him to be extremely private, and one to avoid confrontation at almost all costs, your story fit. I did not find your character childish or selfish...just trying to make his point the best he could given who he was. Of course, given your two characters, and taking the story forward in my mind, I cannot not see them working in the long run without some serious 3rd party help.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Sometimes a person must stand the chalk line...

0649d0649dover 13 years ago
good story

There are many people who are saying he's stupid for divorcing over the photo. In case you missed it, it's the 6 years of cutting up of his heart that matters. She's oblivious to his feelings and the best alternative is probably that she needs to be fucked hard to make her shut up and agree, and fuck her hard again to take out the frustrations if and when she breaks her agreements. The only problem with this alternative is what she ends up doing, i.e. losing even more respect and cheating. Some people NEED a divorce in order to become a better person, and if not then it's just as well that the break-up happens. If she does become a better person then he can go back to her. Also what is this about counselling? Why bother wasting years on something not very effective instead of the shock therapy of a divorce? I think the plot allows for it to work out well in the end

bigguy323bigguy323over 13 years ago
RUN do not WALK away from her. She is so far up her own ass she'll never see daylight again.

After six years of this shit he just has to leave. Shop carefully for his next relationship.

Senrab13Senrab13over 13 years ago

Sorry, but the guy is an idiot. If that's the biggest problem that necessitates a divorce, he shouldn't be married.

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
It wasn't the photo that mattered.....

It was the lack of respect for her husband. Better to be rid of a wife that doesn't respect her husband before more pain comes, and it would.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Oldie but Goodie

Yep, he needed to cut his losses and move on. She simply has no idea of her part in this (and never will). Good story. Worthy of a sequel.

geopri71geopri71almost 13 years ago

I agree with the wife.What is the big deal .I believe I would have been honored if my wife was proud enough of me to show pictures to friends and family .Must admit I would be embarassed if my family saw them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
excellent story

Articulate example of proxy-problems in a marriage that lead to unhappiness and divorce. However, as the title states, it is "never too late."

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
RonRcuckWood could not have said it better

Trust and respect is secondary in a marriage: as long as wifey makes all the rules, calls all the shots and has no responsibility for her actions everything is fine.

The road to cuckdom and creampie eating has to start somewhere and there is no better place than disrespect, disloyalty and disdain. All cucks must unite and turn marriage into a dictatorship instead of a partnership or we will never get the horns put on us or creampies given to us.

phd70phd70about 12 years ago
Communication Issues

While the wife clearly had trouble judging the serious nature of her trust breach, husband should have realized that he should have been more explicite(clear) about the significance and importance of his demand for 'I'm Sorry' from her. He needed to stop assuming that what he believed about her need to apologize should have been obvious to her!

She may have been a neurotically compulsive gossip, and not understand the significance of her actions to her husband.? Males often do not understand what women share with their female friends, which is often considered to be intensely personal and private to men. He should have clearly told her what she needed to do to properly apologize and why he considered this proper apology was important to him! And to detail what he considered to be private and personal, and why she needed to be sensitive to those values in him! Dan

user110user110over 11 years ago
what a douche!

if he thought that there must be some regret, he should have just backhanded the bitch.

tazz317tazz317over 11 years ago

because never isnt supposed to happen, TK U MLJ LV NV

MrVdogMrVdogover 11 years ago
WOW! this is a GOOD ONE!

a totally believable story, told in few words, yet complete... 5 stars, only because that's as high as I can go... Write On, guy!

chytownchytownover 11 years ago

Great story should be in a marriage manual. Thanks for sharing.

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20about 11 years ago

What happens in private sould remain private. It's hard to believe the amount of damage that can be caused by a camera at a keg party, and now we all have one in our pocket. Man, you sure write a good story.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 11 years ago
Respect - what a concept -

And of course - it must given not taken as he noted through out -

It sounds like she finally got it - we hope??

Really nice job -


norcal62norcal62about 11 years ago
I'm with 60 year old George in his analysis.

Literary license and fictional excess are what they are, but the two spouses are set up to not communicate by default. Makes it hard to accept the plot and even the ending.

RhomanovRhomanovabout 11 years ago
Nice Plot


I have lived his part. It never gets better, it just continues to escalate till someone gets really hurt.

Nicely played out here.


betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago

It's all about respect. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. He was mortified at the wife showing the photos as if they were baby pictures. Then she told his sister? She had every chance, every day leading up to the day of the final decree to say those two words.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
total betrayal

guy has a tiny pecker and is mortified that photos of it are shown, he is betrayed!

guy has normal pecker and is proud it is shown, he is a normal guy.

fanfarefanfareabout 10 years ago
now my opinion

Well we've heard from all the perpetual twelve year olds. Voicing their usual tantrums that some other kid might have touched their toy and gotten cooties all over it. And of course being the manly men they are, flatulating their usual threats to beat their woman into submission.

So Trust and Respect, huh? Let's turn those around. How about husband showing the wife enough respect to acknowledge she may have a difference of opinion?

How about the wife not having to fear the husband's physical wrath, her being able to trust that her husband was competent to act like an adult?

xtchrxtchrover 9 years ago
Missed The Point!

I think some comments missed the point of the story. The pictures were just the final straw in a very poor relationship. That she broke another promise was just the final symptom of a troubled marriage. The problem was that she could do no wrong, she never admitted to being in the wrong for the entire marriage. Nothing was ever her fault. She was a spoiled, selfish person. This is why he divorced her. The pictures were just one thing in a series of problems. He had had enough and did the best thing for him. Respect IS a very big part of any relationship and when it only goes one-way, you can be assured that problems will follow. Who would want to be in a relationship like that. Thanks for a very interesting and creative story.

WoodyKCWoodyKCabout 9 years ago
sorry, crap

Bed as pathetic as a cuck and blames her. He's the real bad guy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
spoiled brat

All she had to do is say I am sorry and mean it

tazz317tazz317about 9 years ago

they know you and your shortcomings and still care, a mate is one thing but family is different. TK U MLJ LV NV

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 9 years ago
Sad Story

In terms of plot, I do respect the wife trying to save the marriage - she just didn't get it that he was looking for some kind of repentance. Writing excellent as usual - one of the other comments noted the economy of words in the story. I agree with what another comment noted - the incident with his sister was not the reason - it was a culmination of unfortunate events,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
females dont ever say

i am is a fact.they have no honor this ruined the story

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
That was a great idea for the story

Sometimes, on this site, people come up; authors that is, with some really great ideas for a good story.



chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 8 years ago
Supurb writing skills

Many plots are really a small thing taken to an extreme. Clearly he didn't emphasize enough his really strong feelings. He went from I'm pissed off about this, stop it, to a blowup divorce because she didn't say she was sorry? Yea, it's dramatic license, anybody would have said it. Frankly the story needed him to storm out of the house for a three day stint in a motel. Hollering divorce. Then months later she does it again. Then the story resumes to divorce


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

the words, (most of) the dialogue. Don't agree with all of the premise. He was being too hard headed. Given his ability to rationalise and articulate his thoughts his communication skills should have been better. Then she would have understood. Still a well crafted tale.

jimh67jimh67almost 8 years ago
Brian's response to her apology

I've read this story at least three times now and it just occurred to me how Brian might respond.

"What are you sorry for, Sherry!"

Her answer could tell him whether she actually gets the big picture.

DrSemblanceDrSemblanceover 7 years ago

XTCHR pretty much nailed it

There is much more of importance though.

A man cannot just cave in to whatever a woman wants.

She WILL lose respect for him. She needs a man that is strong and dominant and decisive.

Not abusive. Not humiliating. Just strong and decisive and has the balls to say no to her if she is acting like a spoiled brat.

If he had acted so early, they would not even be in the position they are in.

That being said, it would have been nice if the story ENDED!

Pappy7Pappy7over 7 years ago
The problem with these "win at all costs" wives,

and I know cause I got one, is that they will use any and everything against you and since most of the shit that is lodged in their arsenal you don't care about, you don't remember. One way or the other. He said that at the first of his story. It's the little things, the ity-bity things that piss you off. Living with someone like that you don't dare let your guard down for a minute. They instinctively know what gets you going and are able to plug in the latest data faster than the fastest computer on the market. All to win an argument that you don't even care much about to begin with. He didn't know it but one way to handle that kind of relationship is to just not give a shit if she thinks she's won. And if it gets to be too much aggression, slap her down. Figuratively of course. No hitting, that's not nice. So, in summation, it is a horrid way to live and makes for a marriage that not worth continuing. Hit the silks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Come on, a better ending or at least finish the story. Forgiveness would help here, you even eluded that he would if she said she was sorry. Well......she did...

Old_biker_dudeOld_biker_dudealmost 7 years ago
Finish the damn story

It might, it might not -bs

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

With all the internal dialogue you had that ending was not complete.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Needed finishing. Dropping it like a hot plate just ruined the ending.

firemanlitfiremanlitalmost 6 years ago

It is not too late, but she cannot/will not admit that she is at fault. She was trained, by her parents, as the princess who can do whatever she chooses. He has to share some of the blame, as he did not put his foot down early enough in the relationship. Even his sister is to blame, as she was also trained to be a princess. But she did make a choice to change her life and her attitude. Her marital relationship may improve, but Shari still has not said those words, "I am sorry." And her early training will not allow her to say those words, because she is not sorry , nor will she ever be able to say those 3 words.

I give 5 stars.

MartyMBMartyMBover 5 years ago
Its hard to be behind Brian on this one

Let the punishment fit the crime. Geez, divorcing Sherry because she didn't say "I'm sorry" is by far too extreme a reaction. I understand the underlying reason - a broken promise. Still, what Sherry told was a very minor thing. To compare that with revealing an adultery is beyond silly. I think our boy has a big issue of his own.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Just One Point...

...If I may. Lindsey, his sister, said that Her cheating undermined her love for her husband and she had lost respect for him?! WHAT?!! What kind of nonsensical rationale is that? That girl has more than a couple of screws loose. Maybe Ray should be filing for divorce too. As for the rest of the story, it was ‘okay’, but as others have said, it didn’t seem to have a very clear ending.

etchiboyetchiboyabout 5 years ago
Whew.... what to do? What to do?


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
So so

Hard to be behind him on this one, he overreacted.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreealmost 5 years ago
Good story.

Reading comments, it's clear

that many didn't understand why our guy was divorcing his wife.

Even though LYG explained it in detail.

That, for me, was what this story was about;

People like Sherry.

Top ratings from me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
He overreacted

The husband is a stubborn idiot. At least he's happy now, oh wait he isnt...

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

What is wrong with being proud? If a person cannot admit they are wrong then you will end up a dish cloth..

GrimmerGrimmerover 4 years ago
They never ever realize

For folks like Sherry, it's always somebody or something at fault, never them.

They will eat you alive.


I don’t get how the sisters perhaps unintended/not motivated as revenge indiscretion undermined her love for her husband & caused her to lose respect for him. Seems as though remorse, if any, on her part would not take that path.

NitpicNitpicover 3 years ago

Well was it too late?.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Sherry didn't respect boundaries in their relationship and as such had little to no respect for her husband. This is the major issue of their marriage. You can't live with someone who doesn't respect you. She says she's sorry but she doesn't know why. She's sorry their marriage is ending but she still doesn't get the reason it's ending. Her lack of respect and empathy for her husband.

ProfesseurXProfesseurXover 3 years ago

I really liked it, I can easily imagine this kind of crisis happening for real, though I doubt it would go that far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

for once harry scarrrry was partialy correct. LOVE slap hapy papy #9

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

So much hurt

WordcraftWordcraftabout 3 years ago

Trust, Respect, Honesty. The three pillars is what a solid marriage is built on, but are very fragile. Intimacy is just as fragile, and requires the first three pillars to nurture it, and maintain it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

If this story were real I would be asking what is wrong with Brian and suggest that he sees a therapist. He obviously has unresolved emotional problems. Which has caused these problems in his marriage. The photo thing is just the catalyst that broke him. If he wasn't happy with the photos why didn't he just delete them? He really needed to speak to Sherry and explain why he was unhappy with what she did but instead he acted like a child throwing their toys out of the pram.

What this story missed, and might have made it more interesting, is counselling prior to the divorce becoming final. If the author had tackled that aspect it might been interesting to find out why Brian was the way he was.

enderlocke77enderlocke77almost 3 years ago

rofl anon 2 days ago i was about to say the same about sherry lol. that was a f.u. ending man that wasnt cool at all

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Too late.

karasu_tengukarasu_tengualmost 3 years ago

What is wrong with Brian and he need a therapist...

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