New Airport Regulations

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Kelly experiences the new security checks at the airport.
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Authors Note: I was flying somewhere recently and the thought struck me that the way all these airport security checks are going, soon we'll all be stripping naked to get on planes. Well, that led to other thoughts which led to this bit of satire.

Kelly stood in the airport security line, fidgeting. She didn't mind flying, but she hadn't done it in years and the new security regulations made her nervous. She kept catching herself toying with the hem of her skirt and glancing at her fellow passengers, while trying not to look at the checkpoint ahead.

"First time?" the woman in line behind her asked suddenly.

Kelly jumped, "No... I mean, yes. I mean..."

"It's alright, dear," the woman had the neatly dressed look of a junior executive, in a conservative skirt and neat blouse. Her sport coat was already off, draped over her arm, and she held a briefcase negligently in one hand. Kelly remembered hearing that the new regulations meant that most business travelers were women.

"Don't worry," the business woman added, "you'll be fine. They're professionals."

"I know," Kelly said, trying to settle her nerves, "but it's all just so..."

"Intrusive," the business woman agreed. "but it is the price of security."

Kelly just nodded. She understood the importance of the new regulations after all. She remembered the frightening incidents that had led to them, and the reasoned arguments behind the most controversial of the measures. Still she was glad to see the business woman, obviously a seasoned traveler, being so relaxed.

Maybe, Kelly thought, it wouldn't be so bad. The business woman was right. The security agents were professionals. There was nothing to worry about.

The line of travelers moved ahead slowly.

Glancing at her watch, Kelly started to fidget again, suddenly more worried about making her flight than the intrusive security screening ahead. She silently berated herself for not getting to the airport sooner. She had known the new security checks took more time but, what with one last minute thing after another, she had gotten to the airport later than the recommended time.

So worried about making her flight, Kelly was actually surprised to find herself standing at the first check point. The travelers ahead of her, she realized, had already put their personal belongings on the conveyor and were heading through the scanner.

A stern-looking security agent placed a tray in front of her and nodded at it.

Kelly set her purse and carry-on bag in the tub, followed quickly by her watch, shoes, tablet and belt. Then, blushing, she hesitated. The stern agent stared, which only made her blush more.

"It's all right dear," the business woman behind her said. "Remember, it's nothing personal. They're professionals."

Kelly glanced at the woman and couldn't help but gasp. The business woman had already placed most of her carry-ons and small items on the tray, and was in the process of adding her blouse to the pile. The woman's heavy breasts swung free as she bent over, deftly shucking off her neat, professional skirt. Without so much as a blink, the seasoned traveler dropped her last article of clothing on the tray and stood, completely naked in the airport security line.

Her face burning, Kelly looked away and started to fumble with the buttons of her own blouse. She quickly stripped off her top and dropped it onto the tray. Her fingers shook as she reached back to undo the clasp of her bra. She found, to the security agent's obvious annoyance, that she couldn't manage it.

"Here, let me help you," said the business woman behind her. "You'll find it's really easier not to bother to wear underthings when you fly. Just a word of advice."

Kelly shook her head, feeling foolish. Of course the travel advisories she had read had said the same thing, but in her rush out the door she had simply but the bra and panties on out of habit.

The business woman lightly tossed Kelly's bra onto the pile. Before Kelly could move to thank her, the woman knelt and with a single practiced gesture, pulled off Kelly's skirt and panties.

Kelly gasped and moved reflexively to cover her sudden nudity.

The business woman turned back from adding the last of Kelly's things to her pile and smiled.

"Well," she said, "at least you remembered to shave. I know a girl who nearly missed her flight because the agents had to shave her first."

"Yes," Kelly stammered. It had been the first and only time she had completely shaved her pubic hair, but the security regulations where very clear about the necessity. "I did read the notices, I just..."

"It's alright dear," the business woman smiled. "You'll know better next time. Well, you're up next. Try to relax, dear, and remember it's not personal. They are professionals."

"Thanks," Kelly said, nodding as she stepped up to the scanner.

Another stern agent stood, at the large security scanner.

"Please stand in the center," the agent directly her, "with your feet apart and your hands on your head."

Nervous and more than a little cold, Kelly did as she was told. The slow electric eyes of the scanner surveyed every inch of her naked body while the stern agent looked on.

"Ok," the agent said when it had finished, "step out and move to the open cubicle on the right."

Kelly stepped to the open cubicle. Another agent stepped in behind her.

"Please stand there," he indicated the pad in the center of the room, "with your feet apart and hands on your head, just like before."

Kelly nodded nervously, shaking.

As the agent reached up to pat down her forearms, he smiled slightly, "Don't be nervous. You're doing fine."

"I just don't want to miss my flight," Kelly said, trying to pretend that it was that and not being naked and alone in a small room with a man that was causing her distress.

"Don't worry ma'am, this won't take long," the agent said kindly as his hands moved down her arms and along her sides.

With firm, professional motions, he moved his hands over her body, searching her shoulders and back, then her belly and up her chest. As regulations required, he paid considerable attention to her firm breasts, squeezing and manipulating them for some time before moving on. His hands traveled down the front of her legs and up the back, again paying the required additional attention to her buttocks, mons and outer labia.

"Are we almost done?" Kelly asked as his professional fingers prodded her labia.

"Yes, I think..." the agent began only to be interrupted by the cubicle door opening.

"Full check on this one," announced the agent standing the doorway, a supervisor judging by his uniform.

"What?" Kelly asked, stunned.

"Sorry, ma'am," the supervisor added with a polite smile, "regulations require we do full checks on random travelers and you've been selected."

"Sorry ma'am," the first agent said, standing up.

"But, my flight," Kelly said, struggling for some reasonable objection.

"Sir," the first agent said. "She's worried she'll miss her flight."

"Well ma'am, that's why we recommend you arrive early," the supervisor replied sternly. "I can't allow you through without a full check, but I'll see if we have another agent free to help speed the process."

"Oh, thank you," Kelly said weakly as the supervisor left.

"Now ma'am," the agent said with a polite smile, "I'll be as quick as I can. Please get down on your knees and we'll begin with the oral cavity check."

Kelly knelt down, trying to compose herself. She had been dreading the possibility of a full check ever since she had heard of the new regulations. Of course, she understood the need for such random checks and she had read up on the procedures involved, but still couldn't believe it was happening to her. Kneeling on the pad in front of the agent, she suddenly found a new worry. She had no idea what to do with her hands. They fluttered from her lap, to her side, to wrapping around her waist.

"Behind your back is usually best, ma'am," the agent said kindly, adding, "It's a common problem."

Smiling sheepishly, Kelly put her hands behind her back.

"Now straighten up please, ma'am," the agent said, "and try to relax as best you can. I know this is a little intrusive, but we'll be done and have you on your way before you know it."

With that, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis.

Kelly gasped in involuntary shock and then felt even more embarrassed. She had, after all, read all about what to expect. She even remember the congressional hearings and the many learned arguments put forward that an erect male penis was the best suited in shape, form and especially tactical sensitivity for these exams. Naturally, size and sensitivity of the erect member were now new requirements for the airport security agents. Even knowing all of this, it still came as a shock to see the young agent's large, erect penis suddenly appear a few inches from her face.

The agent gently placed one hand on Kelly's head, while gripping his penis firmly in the other.

"Open your mouth please," he said politely.

Kelly let out an involuntary giggle, embarrassed that she had forgotten this basic thing. She opened her mouth slightly and the agent slowly inserted his penis into her oral cavity.

He began with the required shallow probing, feeling the area around her lips and tongue. Satisfied with that, the agent proceeded to press the sensitive tip of his penis against the inside of her cheeks, pressing each in turn and sliding out with a loud popping sound. To be thorough, he palpitated the outside of her cheeks as well.

The agent had just reinserted his penis for another oral probe when his supervisor entered the cubicle again.

"Everything proceeding here?" he asked curtly.

"Yes sir," the agent replied. "I was just about to begin the deep oral probe."

"Well, I haven't been able to free up another agent, but since this traveler is in a rush I have decided I will assist you with the full checks," the supervisor said firmly, as he unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants.

Kelly felt a rush of relief at the prospect of being saved from missing her flight, followed quickly by the sudden shock of seeing a second large, erect penis. She had never, in her life, been naked in the presence of two men with their hugely erect penises pointing at her body. She blushed, feeling foolish. After all, it wasn't as if these men were going to having sex with her or anything. They were merely performing a federally mandated and regulated air travel security check in the properly prescribed manner.

"Now ma'am," the supervisor said firmly as the first agent withdrew his penis from her mouth. "We will need you to adjust your position. Please lift your buttocks and place your hands on the floor here, that's right, head up. Thank you."

"Sir," the agent said, "Would you like to backstop my oral cavity check while I start with the vaginal check."

"Excellent idea, agent," the supervisor said, kneeling in front of Kelly. "Open your mouth dear, and relax."

The supervisor inserted his penis slowly, repeating the shallow probing procedure with firm, gentle motions. As he did, the agent positioned himself behind Kelly, his fingers opening her labia and applying a modest amount of lubricant to ease the insertion. Kelly gasped at the cold of the lubricant, the sound muffled by the supervisor's penis firmly probing her oral cavity.

"Inserting," the agent said behind her, and she felt his penis penetrate her vagina.

Despite all her efforts to compose herself, Kelly groaned and jumped away from the insertion, disturbing the supervisor's rhythmic probing of her oral cavity. She wanted to apologize, but was unable to speak under the circumstances. The supervisor waited a moment and then began his probe again, setting up a rhythm with the agent's probing of her vagina.

"Anything to report, agent?" the supervisor asked as he continued to shallowly probe.

"No sir," the agent said, sounding a little breathless, no doubt from his vigorous probing action. "Her vagina cavity is sufficient lubricated and very tight. Good check here.... Very good check."

"Good, good" the supervisor replied. "Ma'am, I need to proceed to the deep oral check now. A lot of people find this to be a bit uncomfortable, but please just try and relax your throat."

With those words, he took hold of Kelly's head and started to slowly probe more deeply. Kelly tried to relax but her gag reflex kicked in and her throat spasmed involuntarily around the supervisor's thick penis. Gentle, he withdrew and then tried again. Kelly's body shook as she gagged hard.

"I'm... *cough* ... sorry," Kelly gasped as he withdrew again. "I'm trying but..."

"It's alright ma'am," the supervisor said. "Agent, why don't you take over here."

"Yes sir," the agent gasped, moving quickly to kneel by Kelly's head again.

He gentle took her head and slowly inserted his penis between her lips. He probed gently buy steadily, moving deeper with each probe. Kelly felt that his penis was narrower and more tapered than the supervisor's had been. It had already reached the depth the other man had attempted and, while she still gagged a little, Kelly felt she was better able to accept the young agent's probing. Moving slowly but steadily, the young agent began to deeply probe her oral cavity.

"Very good," the supervisor said from behind her. "Now, just one more cavity to check and you can be on your way."

Kelly squirmed as the supervisor began to apply lubricant to her anus. Of all the parts of the check, the anal probe had worried her the most. She couldn't recall ever receiving such a probing before. It was difficult to think as she fought not to gag on the penis deeply probing her oral cavity, but she struggled to remind herself that this was a properly mandated and regulated security check.

The supervisor's penis pressed against her anal sphincter and Kelly's whole body tensed, sending her into a coughing, gagging spasm around the penis deep in her throat.

"Please relax, ma'am," the supervisor said firmly, withdrawing slightly. "We're almost done."

Kelly struggled to obey as the supervisor attempted his insertion again, and again Kelly jerked away in pain, whimpering around the penis in her mouth.

"With your permission, ma'am," the supervisor said, "I am going to attempt some clitoral stimulation as a way to help you relax your anal sphincter.

Kelly nodded as best she could while the agent continued to probe her mouth. She wasn't sure he would be able to tell but clearly, the supervisor understood and his fingers began to stimulate her clitoris. In truth the agent's earlier vaginal probing had provided some stimulation already, and Kelly felt pleasant waves of sensation again. Her body began to relax as the pleasurable feeling grew. Slowly, the supervisor attempted another insertion. Kelly felt her anal sphincter straining against the heavy pressure and then suddenly yield to the combination of relaxation and lubricant. Her sensitive anus pulsed as the supervisor's thick penis probed it, shallowly at first then with increasing depth and speed.

"How is her ass... anus I'm mean, sir. Anything to report?" the agent panted as he now vigorously, but shallowly, probed her oral cavity.

"Very tight," the supervisor grunted with effort as he continued to probe her anus, still stimulating her clitoris to aid in relaxation. "Very good. I think we're almost finished... here."

"Yes sir," the agent agreed. "Almost... finished... here... too... ugh."

The agent tensed suddenly. His penis swelled and involuntarily ejaculated semen while still probing Kelly's oral cavity. Surprised, the young woman coughed and struggled as the thick, salty fluid rushed across her tongue and into her throat. She swallowed, out of the habit developed with giving actual blowjobs to her boyfriends, and the agent moaned, his body quivering.

Involuntarily ejaculation on the part of the security agents, she remembered reading, was an occasional occurrence during the probing process.

In fact, the continued vigorous stimulation of her clitoris and sensitive anal area where causing Kelly to worry she might experience an involuntary physiological reaction as well. She could feel her body beginning to tense, her breathing becoming deep, moaning gasps.

The supervisor, grunting and thrusting, gripped her hips hard, driving his penis deep into her... into her...

"Ass," Kelly moaned, quivering. "You're... oh fuck... fucking... oh God, you're fucking my ass!"

The supervisor roared, thrusting deep. Kelly felt his cock, deep inside her, surging.

"Oh God," Kelly grunt. "You're cumming. You're cumming in my.... Oh God!"

Kelly's body spasmed with an amazingly intense orgasm. She shook, moaning and crying, as wave after wave of intense sensation exploded through her. Slowly, the spasms faded into little jerks of pleasure.

Finally, Kelly came back to herself, lying on the mat at the feet of the security agent and his supervisor.

"You fucked me," she said hoarsely. "You fucked my face and my pussy and my ass. You," she pointed at the agent, "came in my mouth and you," she pointed at the supervisor, "came in my fucking ass."

The two men grinned down at her.

"Ma'am," the supervisor said firmly but politely, "this was a federally mandated, approved and regulated security check. As for any involuntary physiological reactions which may have occurred, I apologize if you may have been inconvenienced. You will find cleaning wipes on the counter there. Now, I believe you have a flight to catch." The supervisor nodded politely and left.

"Yes," Kelly groaned, "I do."

"Thank you for your cooperation miss," The agent said as he helped Kelly to her feet. "I hope you fly this way again."

"Count on it," Kelly smiled.

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djripdjrip9 months ago

Safety first!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

my vibrator and I loved this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Funny stuff.

This is the 'full monty' of strip searches. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
love this

This is one of my favourite sex stories of all time. I keep coming back to it.

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