New Girl in Town Pt. 23


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"I... there's a psychiatrist that I would highly recommend if you would like her number," she said after she gathered herself.

"We're taking care of it," Dr. Golden told her.

"How is Patrick?" Mrs. Gibson intervened.

"As well as one can expect," she answered with a relieved smile. "He is so sorry for what he's done but I know that words are just that. That's why we were wanting to speak with you. We've gotten a small room if you all would please join us inside to talk over some things."

"Buck, if you think that I have anything to say to..." Mr. Gibson said in an aggravated tone until his wife patted his arm to calm him.

"Wes, let's go sit and talk with the Greene's for a moment," she told him. "Like Jessica said last night, we need to put all this behind us and start moving forward."


The families entered the room and Courtney closed the door behind them. The Gibsons and Goldens sat on one side of the table while the Greenes sat at the other.

"Can I offer anyone some coffee or tea?" Courtney offered.

"Let's just get this over with," Buck complained which drew a sharp look from his wife.

"What are we supposed to be getting over , Buck?" Jake's dad asked. "The fact that your son went out and tried to kill our kids? Is that it? Because I'm here to tell you that's not happening!"

"You can't prove that Patrick went out with the intent to hurt anyone that night," Buck argued. "In fact, if he hadn't confessed to..."

"Buck, that is enough!" Courtney stated. "You have no idea what they have gone through so..."

"I saw my daughter covered in her boyfriend's blood," Dr. Golden said angrily. "I heard her scream his name as they came out of the ambulance with her head bleeding, her wrist and her heart broken. I saw the inside of Jake's chest while he fought for his life. I saw the haunted faces of his friends that found them and kept them alive until help arrived. They came to the hospital covered in our children's blood so don't you dare sit there and pat yourself on the back for your son coming forward to confess!"

Both Buck and Courtney were shocked as the room fell silent for a moment. Neither had expected that sort of ferocity to come from Jessica's mother. The game plan was to try to keep Jake's father from exploding with anger but that plan just went down in flames. The images that Jessica's mother conjured up showed Courtney just how much damage her son had truly caused.

"I... we had no idea," Courtney said. "I can't even begin to say how sorry we are that all of this happened and we want to start to make amends or at least we want to try."

Buck wanted to remind her about the papers that their lawyer had drawn up to get signed before they gave the families the checks but thought better of it. That Jessica girl's mom actually scared him. Courtney pulled a pair of envelopes from her purse and pushed them toward them.

"Is this some sort of payoff?" Jake's dad asked as he glared at Buck. "Did you put a price tag on my son's health?"

"We were more than..." Buck started to argue but was quieted by his wife.

She knew if he threw out the word fair that would set off even more anger from them.

"These are our attempt to take some small measure of the burden and hardship that our son has caused for you all," she said in an attempt to assuage them. "Our insurance company is taking care of Jake's car, the hospital charges and any and all physical therapy they may need."

"We would like a minute to discuss this," Jake's mother stated. "May we have the room?"

"Of course," Courtney answered and got to her feet.

She and Buck exited, thankful to leave the tension filled room for a moment. Once the door closed behind them Dr. Golden spoke.

"I don't feel right about this," she said. "It feels like we're getting paid off or something."

"Blood money," Jake's dad grumbled as he looked at the unopened envelope. "Buck is paying us blood money."

"To stave off any future lawsuits I imagine," Jessica's dad told them.

"I'd rather sue his ass into oblivion than take this check," Jake's dad said.

"We should at least look at it first," Jake's mom suggested. "We don't exactly have the money to hire a lawyer and, if I'm not mistaken, a civil case could take months. Besides wouldn't it be better to follow the kids example and move on? Val, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that you're right," she answered. "I was able to say what I wanted to them so I'm all for putting this behind us though I would like to hear the kids opinion on this before we accept. This happened to them after all so I think that whatever the amount, it should go to them."

"If they want it," Jake's dad said.

"Should we call them?" Jake's mom asked. "Or pick them up from school so they can be a part of this? They were both adamant about not wanting anything to do with this."

"That was before they knew about this," Jessica's dad said as he pointed to the envelopes. "They should have a say before we look at them."

"Let's tell the Greenes," Jake's dad said. "Then go and get our kids."


"Have you heard anything from your folks yet?" Bobby asked Jake as he helped him to the cafeteria.

After Somer had helped him yesterday, Jessica had made it a point to have someone else there to assist Jake. She may have forgiven Somer but she wasn't going to forget that not that long ago she was going after Jake.

"Nothing so far," Jake answered as he hobbled up to the interior doors of the cafeteria. "I figure that Patrick's lawyer got the case delayed or tossed or something."

"There's no way," Bobby stated. "Even the Greene's couldn't pull that off."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that," Jake said as he reached down to push open the door to the cafeteria.

It opened as he reached for the handle and Somer was there with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Jake," she said as she held the door for him. "How's it going today?"

"I'm still limping along on these things but I'll take them over lying in that hospital bed," Jake answered. "How about you?"

"Just one small complaint," she answered then smiled at Bobby. "Hey, Bobby, did you do those problems Mrs. Sanchez assigned us last night?"

"I had some trouble with the third one," Bobby answered after he hesitated a moment while he wondered why Somer was being friendly with him.

She had pretty much joined the group but she mostly chatted with the girls and sometimes Ray but as far as he knew, she had never actually acknowledged his existence.

"Yeah, there's a trick to that one," she said. "I had trouble with the fifth one. Do you think we can look it over while we eat. I can show you the trick with yours and you can show me where I went wrong with mine."

"Uh sure I guess," Bobby shrugged.

"That's great!" Somer enthused with a grin. "I checked with Jessica and she said it was cool if I sat with y'all again. See you once I grab me some lunch."

Being teenager boys they both watched as Somer bounced away from them until a cough from their usual table drew their attention. Jessica gave Jake a stern look then shook her head. He could read her lips when she sighed boys to the table.

"Did that just happen?" Bobby asked.

"Yes, Somer just told you that if you showed her yours that she would show you hers," Jake stated.

"Dude!" Bobby shouted as he slapped Jake's arm. "That is not even funny."

"It's a little funny," Jake argued. "What's not funny is how much trouble that we're currently in with our girlfriends."

"Yeah, I'm a dead man," Bobby said. "I guess that your head isn't as Jake'd up as I thought it was."

"I don't want to know what that even means do I?" Jake sighed as he slipped into the chair beside Jessica.

"If it's what your punishment is then no, you don't, Jake," Jessica teased him. "Marybeth and I will put our heads together and come up with something appropriate for you two bad boys. Right, Marybeth?"

"Oh it is going to be a long weekend for the two of you," Marybeth stated as Bobby sat down. "Jess and I have three whole days to come up with something devious."

"Devious yet refined," Jessica added. "Now what were you asking about, Sir Limps Alot?"

"Just something Bobby said," Jake answered. "I'm sure that he'll explain it to me once he's done apologizing to Marybeth."

"And you aren't apologizing to me?" Jessica asked with mock indignation.

"Hey, you're the one that let her start sitting with us," he answered. "I was just making sure that she made it through the cafeteria without any problems."

"Oh your punishment just doubled, mister," she told him with a wicked grin as she looked across at Staci. "Be ready to breakout that microkini of yours this weekend, Staci. We are getting into the hot tub while all poor Jakey can do is sit there on one of the lounge chairs and watch us tease him."

"Ha! No getting hot in the hot tub for you, Jakey," Staci smiled at Jake. "This will be my revenge for all my poor tater tots that met their demise at your thieving fingers, Jake."

Jake looked at Ray who shook his head sympathetically but before he could speak the intercom flared to life.

"Jake Gibson and Jessica Golden, please report to the office."

Jake and Jessica shared a confused look as did their friends as the message repeated.

"What's that about?" Roxie asked.

"No idea," Jake answered as he got his crutches under him. "Jess?"

"Not a clue," Jessica answered as she gathered up her books.

As Jake reached for his backpack she snatched it up instead and slung it over her shoulder.

"I've got it, Jake," she told him. "Let's go see what kind of trouble you've gotten us into now."

"Me?" Jake asked as the pair headed for the doors.

"Totally you," she said then turned and waved at their friends. "We'll let you know what's going on once we know, guys."

"You'd better, Tall girl!" Roxie called out.

"You tell her, Foxy Roxie!" Staci laughed then shouted. "Hey, Roxie, that's my tater tot!"


"Do you think this has anything to do with Patrick?" Jessica asked as she and Jake navigated the staircase up to the first floor where the school office was located. "Would the school even know about what was decided already?"

"Maybe Principal Owen went to the sentencing?" Jake said. "You didn't get a text from your parents did you?"

Jessica pulled out her phone then shook her head.

"Nothing," she answered. "You?"

"I checked before I walked into the cafeteria and nothing from my mom or dad," he answered. "We'll know in a minute I guess."

As they emerged onto the main hallway they saw their parents outside the office with Principal Owen.

"What's going on?" Jessica asked. "Is everything all right?"

"Everything's fine, Jess," Jessica's mom assured her.

"We thought that we would take you two out to lunch," her dad said.

"We have something that we need to tell you about," Jake's dad told them.

"Is it about Patrick?" Jake asked. "I thought that you were just going to text us about that?"

"We were but his case was pushed to this afternoon so we don't know anything about that yet," Jake's mom told him. "There is something else that we need to talk to you about. Do you two have all that you need because this might take the rest of the afternoon?"

"Uh, we'll need to go to our lockers and grab our English and math books for homework," Jessica said. "I'm not sure about Biology though but we have that book with us. I could stop by class and check on my way to our locker."

"I have that assignment for you, Jessica" Principal Owen said. "After I spoke with your parents I got that for you just in case you didn't make it back."

"Thank you, Principal Owen," Jessica said. "I can go grab our books from the locker and meet you back here or would it be better if Jake and I met you at wherever we're eating?"

"We figured that you two would want to go to Smitty's," Jessica's mom told them. "You can meet us there if that's fine with everyone."

"Smitty's," Jessica smiled immediately. "I could use their fries on a day like today. Principal Owen, would you like to come along with us?"

"That's a tempting offer but I'm afraid that I'll have to decline," he chuckled. "I have some meetings that I need to attend to this afternoon. When I heard that your parents were here I just wanted to check in with them to see how you both are doing and to tell them how glad we are that you both are here with us and how proud we are of you as well. I'm sure I don't have to tell either of you to keep up the good work but it's a requirement of my job so keep up the good work."

"We will, sir," Jake chuckled. "I have to keep up with Jess after all."

"And I have to keep up with you," Jessica nudged Jake.

"Our very own pair of dueling valedictorians," he smiled. "I believe this is going to be a very interesting second semester to see which of you comes out on top!"

He said goodbye to them all, shook their parent's hands, gave the kids a wave then headed back into the office.

"As Val was saying; you two can meet us there," Jake's dad agreed. "I know that I don't have to tell you to drive safe, Jess."

"Not in the least, Mr. Gibson," Jessica nodded. "I don't think I've come within five miles of the speed limit since our wreck. Granny driving is what Roxie calls it but I don't care so much. It's better to be safe."

"Did something happen at the courthouse," Jake asked. "Is that the reason you're taking us to lunch?

"In a way," his mom answered. "Yes, Jake, I know that you'd rather hear it now as opposed to waiting but you'll just have to wait. Patience is a virtue and you are getting Smitty's out of this."

"Jake," Jessica said as she patted his arm. "I'm sure that all the questions we have can be discussed over a hot fudge brownie. Right, Mom? Dad?"

"I think we can agree to that," her dad said. "Provided that you share with your old man that is."

"Better make it two," she responded. "I have to share with Jake so you and mom will need your own."

"Don't forget one for Sarah, too," Jake said. "If she hears that we went to Smitty's and didn't get her one, she'd be devastated."

"More like vengeful," Jessica's dad laughed. "We would never hear the end of it. Good call, Jake."

"He's still looking out for his Golden Girls," Jessica smiled then leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Now I'm even hungrier. We'll meet y'all there."


"How did you manage to not blurt out that I'm the one that likes to be on top with what Principal Owen said, Jake?" Jessica joked as she pulled out of the school's parking lot behind her parent's SUV.

"By using all the willpower that I've developed over my lifetime," Jake joked back. "It was tougher not telling him that you like me to come from behind."

"Oh My God, Jake!" she exclaimed. "I would have dropped dead if you would have said that in front of everyone!"

"Willpower," Jake grinned then sighed. "I am pretty sad that it's going to be awhile until we can do that particular position. I really like it."

"Mmm, you know, I'm a fan of that particular position too," she patted the cast on his leg. "We can still have fun with this thing on you though so don't worry about that. I believe that I proved that last night."

"You certainly did that," Jake smiled at the memory. "Thanks for that, by the way."

"Thank me all you want, Jake, but you are not going to get out of your punishment this weekend," she joked. "I should be thanking you for giving me more ideas about how that punishment is going to work out. You are always so helpful!"

"I do what I can," Jake shook his head as she laughed.

Their route took them past Mr. Fishel's and Jessica looked over as they did.

"Have you seen your car?" she asked. "I mean, I know that you haven't said anything to me about going by but I thought that you might have."

"I haven't," Jake answered. "I'm not really sure that I want to if I'm being honest. Have you seen her?"

"I haven't either," she shook her head. "Not since the night of the crash. I'm a little scared to see her again. Like it will trigger another panic attack or something."

"I understand," Jake nodded. "My dad's been asking me if I wanted to go by but I keep telling him that I'm too tired or my leg hurts but sooner or later I'm going to have to go. I'll have to find a new car too I'm guessing with how everyone who saw her afterwards talked."

"You know that I'll be right there with you, right?" she asked as she reached over and took his hand. "Whenever you decide to go, I'll go with you. Maybe it won't be so bad if we're together."

"Maybe," Jake sighed but gave her hand a squeeze. "Luckily, we don't have to decide on that today."

"Yeah," she nodded. "Today all we have to do is wait to hear what they decide to do about the guy that did all of this to us."

Her sarcasm was duly noted by Jake with a nod.

"I never thought that I would miss two-a-days in August but I would take those right now over this," he admitted but then smiled. "At least we get Smitty's."

"We do don't we," she smiled. "I love you, Jake."

"More than you love their fries?" Jake laughed.

"Some days, Jake," she answered with a grin. "Some days."


Jessica parked near her mom's SUV then did her best to help Jake with his crutches while he protested that he could do it himself.

"The more you argue, the more I'm going to insist on helping," she told him. "If you think that I'm bad you should have Staci with you. She would walk you right into the restrooms and probably even aim for you."

"That's not an image I need in my head, Jess," Jake complained.

"Yeah, I shouldn't be giving you any ideas," she joked.

"That's not happening," he insisted. "You are the only one that gets to handle him but not like that. That I can still manage on my own."

"I'd better be, Jake," she smiled. "He's all mine and I'll constantly remind him of that."

"I don't need to hear that right before we see our parents, Jess," he said as they reached the door of Smittys. "It puts naughty thoughts into my head."

"As it should," she grinned as she opened the door for him.

Their parents were already seated and waved them over. As they started to make their way over Bernice Smitty emerged from the kitchen, spotted them and made her way over. She greeted them with hugs.

"How are you two feeling today?" she asked them.

"Good," Jessica answered. "Better now that I can smell those fries, ma'am."

"I'll go drop some fresh ones just for you, sweetie," she told her then nudged Jake. "And I'll make your slaw dog myself, Jake. I have to look out for my favorite customers. After some more hugs first though."

The teens laughed and obliged her with hugs then she hurried back into the kitchen as they went to their parent's table.

"I think the two of you might be able to eat here for free for life if you wanted to," Jake's dad laughed as they sat down. "The first thing she asked when she saw us was if you two were joining us."

"She's so sweet," Jessica enthused. "We are definitely paying though. The food here is worth every penny."

"We would have ordered for you two but once we told Mrs. Smitty that you were coming she was already writing down your usual orders," Jessica's mom told them. "Should we wait until after we eat to have our discussion or before?"

The bell above the door chimed as it opened again. Jake's dad looked up and sighed. Buck and Courtney Greene had entered the restaurant.

"That answers that," Jake's dad said.

"Answers what?" Jake asked.

"The Greene's," he answered. "They have something that they need to discuss with you and Jessica."

"Excuse me?" Jessica asked. "What could they possibly want to say to us?"

"No idea," Jake said as they got nearer. "I have a bad feeling about this though."


The Greenes sat at the table across from Jake and Jessica. Buck waved off the waitress that came by to take their order.