All Comments on 'Nice Guy Pt. 03'

by Katmai

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Harryin VAHarryin VAover 12 years ago
this was far MORE disgusting & nasty and FORCED than even I could imagine

Greg is the biggest gutless pussy ever. He is so fucking stupid that whenhe takes the 2nd deal offered at the beginning of this 3rd chapter in this wretched story he actually ends up losing 2 MILLION DOLLARS!!!!!

Rather than dealing with the SERIOUS issue of whether Jan was CRAZY when she stole $150,000 and filed false FELONY charges... the wretched moronic author gets around his own story plot holes that by having both women fuck greg.

Big deal.

for example when he shows the cunt whore mentla cade wife the DVD she breaks down and cries. Greg says 1 thing... and she breakd down and cries.

what does Gail do? She started SCREAMING at Greg????

"That was uncalled for, Greg," Gail said sharply. "Did you enjoy fucking me while Jan was in the hospital? You both did what you had to do. "

greg stole $150,000?

Greg filed false Poilce charges?

greg made a DVD humilating someomne he loved?

Geg threatened to KILL someone?

NO??? then how could Greg Fucking Gail be even close to Jen fucking Robert ?

This is vile. It is absurd ....Poorly written and offensive.

Its offensive to ALL men that have brains. NOT everything is forgiven because someomne is sucking my cock .

I knew this would a RAAC story because the Plot holes in chapter 1 and 2 are so bad and so extreme there could ONLY be 1 reason for any author to do this.

I have found a new author to hate.

This is going to get really ugly.......

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Sorry, Sorry, Sorry!

So, nobody in Robert's family recognized that Jan was mentally ill? did they think that Greg would allow his wife to act as a succogate? This was some family! They should have taken care of Jan regardless if they were true friends. As for Greg, he turned out to be the pussy of the year. I probably would have gone to jail for killing Robert before his disease did. As for Jan, history is too recent a term, ancient history is a little better. Let Joe get her healthy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 12 years ago
Rollercoaster of Love ( going down ) in tandem with story

Hope the author pleased himself with this conclusion. I doubt the Literotica PublIc at large will care for this. Personally I think the author gutted a pretty good story with one flight of fancy too many .

Well as the author , its Katmai's right to be wrong .

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
"Boy o Boy"

From a great story in Chapter 2, To pure SHIT in Chapter 3... "Boy, o Shit"...

looking4itlooking4itover 12 years ago
What a bunch of crap

Well written as it was, I just can't see the plot work the way you've chosen. Very disappointed in it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Loved the first two parts but this part 3 was...was....most disapointing.

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
What Happen??????

Did you let an intern finish your story??? Bad Idea it went from sugar to something not nice. Thanks for finishing it and not leaving us hanging.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
What a waste of my time

Two somewhat interesting chapters and then a rushed unbelievable third tird. Please don't give up your day job. If literotica comes up with a new category for waste of time thus will probably be in the hall of fame.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Well you fucked up a good

story and a good man. Now he is just a pussy whipped wimp.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

that was pathetic....

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

It was a great story by the end of Chapter Two!!!

Chapter Three is a whole different story about a Hotwife, a GF and swingers.

Wish you had just left a good thing alone. For me, you screwed it up and my thoughts about every reading any more of your stories - sorry!

cueball961cueball961over 12 years ago
Great Start, Bad Finish!

I'm amazed at how you took a fresh idea, fleshed it out well with a cleverly contrived conflict, had some fairly well developed characters, and were well on your way to scoring a nice story. All that work in your first two chapters of this story led us up to this installment, and you somehow managed to find a way to completely screw the pooch in about every way possible. The ending was unsatisfying, unrealistic, and basically turned into one giant jack off fest. I am obviously not in the minority here in my opinion either. Back up and punt and try again next time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
don't mess with my poopchoot

This guy had a terrible lawyer, maybe Eastern Washington is the boondocks but why no counteroffer "Phone contact only, 1 year and $400k." Something.

He ended up getting some dough and his baton twirled pretty regular so only the true eunuchs patrolling this board consider it a complete loss. But he coulda been knee-deep in island girls in Tahiti had he played his cards right.

brain_damagebrain_damageover 12 years ago

The story had such promise. Maybe you can retract this crap and do it again. This was pure garbage

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Loved the first two installments....

but this one was lacking somewhat. Nice try though. Maybe an alternate ending?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
at least 3 stars for

making HairyVAg blow an O ring. Title of the story held true; he was a nice guy to the last. Readers wanted him to bask in the cuckhood for longer but those are the same tards that read "cuckold" in a tagline then bitch about the story.

If you write a story titled "Bad Guy" those idiots will bitch that he screwed people over, never went to church and cheated on his taxes. Wonder if they bitch when they open a bag of Cheetos and find Cheetos in there. Morons.

fregenfregenover 12 years ago
Didn't work

Sorry. You had a really intriguing story going in the first 2 chapters but blew it with this one. The pace of the story felt hurried and rushed - like you were trying to get it over with fast.<P>

The doctor said she was sick. Well okay then, no harm no foul. And how dare he be upset after viewing the video again! How totally insensitive. I am surprised he didn't wind up claiming it was all his fault.<P>

I am not totally opposed to reconciliation when the situation warrents. But you did not build the case here. Sorry.<P>

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
and in the end...

A lump sum payment could have interested me, but the annuity tied him to the woman that did all those things. Insane? Not a psychiatrist and don't play one on tv, but she was very clear in what and why she was doing. RObert was still RObert.

If he didn't get the money, neither would she, but I suspect she'd be otherwise provided for. No, the list and the possibilities was preferred, and with that unknown the possibility for some peace and bad memories replaced by better ones, w/o her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
respect, but...

We have to respect you choice of ending, but dont have to like it. If having two pussies and some money to retire early, he could have made a different choice and have even more pussies available. Still loving his wife, I have to doubt it after what she did. Temporaray insanity due to depression, yeah right. Her actions were all calculated and to hurt him. Unbelievable ending, but .. is the human mind always so predictable. I don't think so.

dcwornockdcwornockover 12 years ago
This part was a let down

How can Gail admonish him and compare his actions with Jans? Jan was evil. Jan did something horrible. Jan could not have been a good human being to have pulled what she did and even at the end she defends a horrible tirade of a petty, ugly human being like Robert. She deserved no mercy. My rating for this chapter is 1* like Dwornock used to give.

nwhalernwhalerover 12 years ago
Abysmal plot, bad story line, horrible characters who are caricatures and not real.

This is not a horrible story, not because of its RAAC but because of the nonsensical portrayal of a man, his wife and the others around them who act as though the wife had an accident and damaged the car.

It would be good if the ranking allowed a negative rating because this story should not have been published at all.

woodmanonewoodmanoneover 12 years ago
I'm Sorry

I don't mean to be abusive, but this chapter seemed to rush to a conclusion, and not one based in reality.

For my taste this story was so far from reality as to slip over into fantasy.

In the first two chapters your work shows promise and I would encourage you to keep writing. But maybe with an eye to staying closer to real life.

This comment is meant to be a constructive critique. Thanks for you hard work and keep trying.


Huedogg2Huedogg2over 12 years ago
I knew it all a long, WACC writing at it best

You just had to have him punk out and take the slut back

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Pure PC trash

One comment by Gail, "You both did what you had to do." Says it all that it was planned up to and including the insanity and the RAAC ending. Does this guy ever figure our he has been played from the first. Where are the real medical records. I still say get the money, take her share as replace for the money she stole and dump her on street, get divorce paid for by Joe as promised. Personally I could never had sex with her again. Having her and Gail for a bi relationship and again manipulate him over it was an act of cowardice by the author to force an issue. This is a total wimp cuck femdom story and actually should be titled, The Really Stupid Guy. There is no way any woman in love with you could have done what was depicted in the story and no way any man could still love a woman that treated him intentionally this way. Using the medical issue after the divorce was pure BS. You throw out the trash you dont bring it into the house. And what was that shit about asking her if she liked the sex as being unreasonible, it was a damn good question with real implications.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Wimped out - as usual

The 2nd installment was good - you should have stopped there. This part was absolutely horrible.

BaronScrewtapeBaronScrewtapeover 12 years ago
For me...

... This story ended at chapter 2. There was no reconciliation. He moved on with his life, and ended up with a faithful woman who respected him as opposed to his cheating, whorish ex who really fucked Robert for the money.

And hopefully Robert will spend eternity alone in hell, forever separated from his wife in heaven.

Johnny1MJohnny1Mover 12 years ago

Just didn't ring true. Look, guys may have a fantasy about having two women, but when he learned that both his wife and the woman he was sleeping with both betrayed him, he might just be a little sensitive about it. In his place I would have wondered if I could ever trust her again. In a way this kind of reminds me of those incest stories where a brother slowly falls for his sister. The author makes it believable and it's erotic. Usually the sister is sweet and you kind of see how it could happen. Then all of a sudden Mom finds out and screws both of them. Dad comes into the picture and is screwing sis. Then the Uncle and Aunt visit and everyone screws everyone. By then the story is so unbelievable that you quit caring. Well, thats what happened here. The story completely changed in the 3rd chapter. It was like you had two stories and joined them in the middle. It didn't fit, and I stopped believing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Poor ending

So he choose to be a pimp.

He is now a man with no self respect, pride and dignity.

That story end sucks.

bruce22bruce22over 12 years ago

You do this a second time and I will stop reading you.

Nice Guy does not equal Wimp Cuck. I get the feeling that you are offering the finger to all of us.

Too bad because you have creativity and writing skill.

One observation is that the characters were much shallower in this ugly chapter than in the other two chapters and that really you failed to confront the problem of explaining Jan which was central to the first two chapters.

thebulletthebulletover 12 years ago
wow! what an ending!


digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 12 years ago
After watching the video, she mus know how much she was used

All Robert wanted to do was get back at life for dealing him a shitty hand, and he used Jan to make himself feel better. He didn't give a shit what happened to Jan, and the video proved that.

So why wasn't Jan feeling used by Robert afer seeing the video?

She should hate Robert and herself for what they did to Greg, and if he feels like asking her if she enjoyed fucking Robert, he has a right to know.

It was Just another of Jan's cop outs, like the insane ploy she used on Greg.

It's too bad he didn't just tell them all to go fuck themselves, and ditch the bitch after he got the money.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
write another ending and throw that one in the dust bin!!

because of the well written first and second parts: please write another ending, because that one is unbelievable shit!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I liked my version of Part 3 that I wrote in the comments of Part 2 better.

this one just doesn't do it for me.

and I still say she needs to do a slow roast in hell.

she got away with making him king cuckold., with no real consequences.

that just ain't right.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Saw it coming...

...after reading "Something Out of the Ordinary".

I enjoyed part 1 of "Nice Guy", saw the writing on the wall in part 2, and finished part 3 to just see it out.

You have specific kinks, Katmai.

Unfortunately, reconciliation is not one of mine, especially after she lied, then betrayed him, took him to the cleaners, deserted him and locked him out.

In the real world there would be no way his sweet wife wasn't boning the boyfriend for years before she stone-cold dropped her devoted hubby.

Nobody except a fool would wear what you have your character accept in the end. Mental instability be damned.

Do you think my wife would forgive and forget if I told her I just had a bit of an episode so I shacked up with the saucy neighbor? SURE!!!

If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell to you.


WOULD have rated pt1, 4-5 stars... pt2, 3-4...

In the end, I rated pt3, 1 star, and now I will not rate pt 1 or 2. Sorry.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 12 years ago


Fighting41Fighting41over 12 years ago

You were doing so well then you served up this.

What were you thinking you spent so long building Greg up to have a backbone then in this chapter you yanked the thing out through his nose, like another poster said please try another ending this one really doesn't work

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I don't buy it

I also think he's a whimp. The money'd be nice, hell she acted like a whore, he may as well get paid for it. No way he can trust her again, being mentally ill is just an excuse. She didn't care about the divorce while her lover was alive (the son must have told her), why should he trust her collapse after he'd died. Grief for her dead lover I guess. Shit, he doesn't need her, chicks are lined up to 'date' him, surely one would be a good replacement.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Well, you sure screwed this one up!

Too bad, story started out well. Story turned into the typical (here) story of making a husband a cream pie loving spineless wimp cuckold. Wish I could rescind the stars on the earlier parts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Avoid this writer future submission,he is a wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Lost the plot

long time reader, first time poster ... part 3 is just crap, doesn't flow on from parts 1 & 2, very unrealistic in all manners.

Was a good read till this part

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Strong start - weakest of endings

The first two chapters were well done and interested this reader. Then, this final chapter hit. What a disappointment. I hope this author takes these comments as constructive criticism and revises this final chapter. Life is not "Hollywood endings" like this author has attempted to portray. get real, please!

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 12 years ago

Reader's of this site hate this story and you too because you led us along and then sold us out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Ok its just a story, I know.

however storyline went a 360 from part 1 and 2. Just didn't ring true and was a bit of a "lazy" ending. Perhaps you needed to take a break and complete it later?

It is not easy to write and you do that well mostly, its the tie up of the story line and "every day ordinary" test, that is, what would any ordibary person in these circumstances be liekly to do? Forgiveness possible but not in 2 days!!

Sorry but it doesn't make the grade for me, but thats me.

perhaps you could consider a rewrite and no you dont need to burn her at stake but the story could be expanded and be more realistic with the many ups and downs such a situation would give both such characters in real life.

Keep writing though

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiover 12 years ago
That's a wrap . . .

. . . maybe not the tightest wrap ever but I have been accused of the same problem. At least we know that the principles live sort of happily ever after. Good job Kat, nice story well told.

I should say that I didn't have eight women try to get into my pants immediately after my divorce; I must not have been that nice a guy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

HDK ending was better!What a weak ending to a strong build up. Attribute it to mental illness, shit. No explanation why she did this. Piss poor. piss poor. Somebody write a better one. This ain't no drama. The first two were

Lord_GroLord_Groover 12 years ago
Not your best work

To be honest, I was not expecting a third installment. I felt that the story was complete with the last line of Part 2. And I would have been perfectly satisfied with that.

Not every marriage with problems can be fixed. Sometimes, all you can do is say "It's over, and we're done," and ask the courts to acknowledge that in legal terms. And not every story benefits from more words. Sometimes less is more. This should have been one of those stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Nice guy?

I wouldn't call this a nice guy at all. There is a big difference between someone that lets people walk all over than them and a nice guy. Nice guys have self respect, thats why they are nice.

nakdsubnakdsubover 12 years ago
No, no, no...

You had two fantastic chapters then ruined it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Ruined a great story

Really disappointed in the turn of events. Not surprised that Gail ended up involved. Greg ended up brainless in this chapter. Please try again

SpiritogreSpiritogreover 12 years ago

What the fuck did you do to a great story? You had it all in chapter 1 and 2 and even a reconciliation would'nt have been impossible (in a chapter 4 earliest because it would have needed time). But this chapter here ist just and simple utterly bullshit. It is the absolutely worst you could have come up with!

You not only turned a nice man into a totally brainless wimp but also stole his whole manliness! I mean he has the chance of fucking EIGHT girls partly half his age and probably even choose a few of them as his steady fuckbuddies (as unrealistic as that was ...) but what did he do? He fucked granny neighbour and let her take over not only him but also his wife without his knowledge and following her commands.

I bet all of the eight dates, no matter how slutty they are, were better life-partners than his whorish grandma neighbour and not very well fleshed out wife (what the hell were his wife's motivations all along?). At least with his slut-coworkers he would've known what he got into - just fuck the bitches but not invest many emotions.

Instead you ruined one of the best story (chapter one and two) and turned it into one of the worst stories! What the hell has gotten into you?

If you were not in the mood to write it in a fitting matter it would have been better not to have written this last chapter at all!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
How Do You Know It's Fiction?

When somebody do the "rigth" thing even if he (And his sister) loses four million dolars.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 12 years ago
The devil is in the details. For writers, it's in the ending.

Your attempt to attain a happy ending resulted in the opposite for most readers. The guy did a 180 when he agreed to remarry the wife for the money. He was way too popular with the young women. It's great to think that if I were divorced, young woman would get naked for me all the time, but I cannot conceive of that happening. Thus, chapter three seemd to lose its direction and meandered into a fantasy most of us don't share, namely an older woman and a crazy woman together in bed with me, and I don't object to the older woman. They can be great. It would have been better if he had two bimbos from work move in. I still prefer the idea of banging his enemy's daughter.

Was the wife nuts when she left? No. So she sudddenly lost her mind because a woman she saw a couple times a year died? If my dog bites me, he had better have a damn good reason for it or he isn't coming back through my door. What would be a good reason? Maybe if I was trying to neuter him with a pair of dull sissors? Then I could understand his anger. It was too bad the wife went nuts, but who wants a crazy woman in their house and in their bed? (Unless its Kim K., of course!)

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Harry in VA is 100% correct

You ruined what could have been an outstanding story......

bobby9909bobby9909over 12 years ago
Did she cheat or not?

When she steals his money, slanders his name, and shacks up with his "best" friend it's cheating. So she's proven to have been legally insane when she did these things so he takes her back and helps to bring her back to sanity. They reconcile because of the insanity (and probably the money, truth be told).

But when she starts an affair with the neighbor, when she's supposedly sane again, it's not cheating? I'm confused... I think you could have built the reconciliation in somehow that might have been palatteable, but when she went to the neighbor ladies bed after being "cured" of her insanity... and BEFORE she re-established sex with the husband... that was too much for me.

I think DG Hear handled it quite well in his story "Was It Cheating?". The answer is yes, male or female, it WAS cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Right on

HDK, right on. I liked your ending a helluva lot better. This was so off base, so sad this had great drama then, what a disappointment. Please flesh out your ending!!!

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 12 years ago
Nice try

The reconciliation was a fantasy. Gail and Jan becoming lovers was as big a betrayal as Jan leaving to be with Robert, and it is dismissed. She learned nothing and apparently he forgot everything, except that he would be rich. Not convincing.

Mostera1Mostera1over 12 years ago

Wow what a let down. Not against reconciliation per say, but this was sad. It was like watching Geraldo open Al Capones vault. All the hype, build up, then... Sorry, but this was a shitty ending to a potentially great story. What were you thinking? If it was to only stir a hornets nest you were successful. To finish a great story it wasn't.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
The Irony Was Lost

In the end it turns out he really isn't a nice guy. succumbing to his sordid sexual side kust as his wife did earlier. Like others the ending does not "fit" and could easily have been lifted from another set of characters. He, nor his wife, were true to their personalities. "Going insane" also does not fit with the characters. Where was the remorse or guilt as she recovers from her "insanity"? And Gail, had she simply been seduced by the recovering "insane" x-wife soon to be a re-married rich wife? Re-write your ending in a way that makes sense and fits with the story. Money and a lot of pussy does not make the pain simply go away.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
to rushed

the end was to rushed. The build up of the story said confrontation between Greg and Jan. Gail's reaction is weird on two levels one she seduces Jan and makes her bi and then just tells greg to get over his anger and hurt because she is hurting too. As for gregs dating it should have went longer and he fucked a couple of them to find out for himself that he had something to offer a woman. As for Jan she just can't get a past for being insane? Does any one believe that she gets out of explaining herself? Does she not be punished even if she does it to herself? No she deserves the pain that she caused someone she so loved. Yes the loss of a friend can cause some impaired judgement but a three month affair that was a shame marriage. Don't fool your self that Robert didn't know. he knew and probably encouraged her to take the money and file the restraining order.I bet he was listening to her as she called greg and was laughing his ass off when she talked and greg tried to reason with her. If she was so far gone what happened to the money that she took. I don't blame his lawyer for getting him to take the money because that is what a lawyer does and he got him paid. I could see them getting back together but after awhile but it would be where she got herself back together. She pissed away 30yrs for the chance to play being her friend. I liked the first two chapters very much and this one wasn't as bad as some people say but it was to rushed and skipped a lot of themes that could have been worked on. An alternate ending with some things addressed would be nice. You are a good author just don't rush.

Good Story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
yes n

with that much money he can find a few other women to fuck on the side also ...why not his wife is nothing but a fuck for money ..he took the money so hes a whore why not just fuck other women what his wife did she has no say in who he fucks ever ..the rest of his life ..yeah keep fucking the bitch n yes gail also ..but yes at least weekly find some new pussy to fuck...after all jan deserves knowing because of her actions that she built up a life time of oweing hubby other much as he wants without her leaving the house n fucking others a few years he should have enough set aside anyway that if she dont like him fucking other women he can tell her nicely like nice guys do TO GO FUCK HERSELF...and still be a nice guy just getting back at a cheating wife with that kind of money lol he could be fucking models weekly instead of old used up old women ...just another wimp writing about his lost man hood

hindsight2020hindsight2020over 12 years ago

You can't expect more for such a let down. She never even apologized!!!

cohibaIVcohibaIVover 12 years ago
At least you got a reaction

Have to agree with a lot of the comments. The RAAC doesn't particularly bother me; some I like, some I don't. The same as with "torch" stories. What does bother me are contrived endings, and writers selling out their characters.

Before I go any further, this was a well-written story, and I enjoyed many things about it. Good dialogue and you move the plot along well. Really liked the first two chapters, and thought you had a complete story after the second. Most readers don't need (or want) everything explained to them.

I think you got caught in a common LW trap back in the first chapter. To generate sympathy for the main character and to show how awful the wife is, many writers often go overboard in the horrible things she does to him, making it impossible for him to take her back. He just can't. To do so robs him of any accountability, and the story of validity. Any future reconciliation seems forced. It's a rare author that can pull this off. StangStar, Rehnquist and DQS come to mind. I think that is what has a lot of readers so steamed here. Your fantasy scenario didn't work.

As I said, there is a lot to like here. You do a lot of things well, and I look forward to reading more from you. On a positive note, the readers wouldn't be so bent out of shape if you hadn't made them care about the store and Greg in the first place.

MarvinSMarvinSover 12 years ago
Shoulda quit

Shoulda quit at the end of part 2. This story was unneeded, and unsatisfying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

J P B couldn't write a better wimpy f'ing cuckold than you just did. What sick bitch f'd your life up so much to write this shit? What a loser. RAAC is one thing and this ain't it. J P B has a son, whoops wrong, a DAUGHTER!

PhlynxPhlynxover 12 years ago
Truly disappointed

I was afraid we would see a reconciliation. I have withheld voting until the end and will now give it the score or deserves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Ah ,,, the "old" insane thing ...

that's how to explain away Jan being a Lying, Cheating, Whore while you "hang" horns on Greg and make him out to be a "writer's" Wimp! Look if you want to write a "cuck" story then just do IT but don't lead your readers on by making your main subject out to be something he is not! In real life the "insanity" angle is seen for what it is .. an excuse for a free pass. Sorry Katmai ... I had the story a 4 until I read this submission .. now a 1!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

should have stopped at previous chapter...

GJR57GJR57over 12 years ago

Two terrific chapters followed by an absolute tepid and shallow finish lacking the depth, drama, and emotion of the previous work While I would have been disappointed with the couple reconciling no matter what, I would still have enjoyed reading it if there was real conflict, atonement, and absolution in a way that gives us a glimpse into what the characters were feeling and how such a monstrous betrayal occurred and than could be forgiven. This was a huge letdown after 2 chapters that showed so much promise and had so many story lines that could have been followed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
A shame

Great beginning, good first two chapters. Then a total cop-out ending. I won't echo everyone else's critique of everything wrong with this ending, but it is just awful.

Ntropy586Ntropy586over 12 years ago

Your protagonist may be nice, but switching things up like that 2/3 of the way through your tale sure isn't.

It's your story, and you've got a right to write it however you wish, but please keep this in mind for the next time: if you're going that route, a little blurb at the beginning to warn people in advance can be a VERY helpful thing!

As it stands, this abrupt about-face had plenty of exposition attempting to make sense of things; where it failed, however, was in actually putting the reader in a place (or state of mind) where such a drastic change would actually make sense. From my reading of this, the point around which his life changes is that time of introspection at Gail's, where she's waiting for him in the bedroom while he's thinking. No real effort is made to tell us *what* he's thinking, nor is any time spent going over what his feelings (you know, the one's he was supposed to be exploring) were.

Like I said previously, it's your story to write however you wish....However, it's also my story to rate, and this one doesn't even rate a single star from where I'm standing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Why does the guy in every story by this author allow the older woman to talk him into being a complete pussy?

Ah, normally I wouldn't use language like that, but it seems the author has suddenly dropped his characters into the gutter, so it seems appropriate.

Maybe the guys should just come out of the closet. You know, "we're here and we're queer!"

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
What a Load

Of Bull CRAP! No explanations? "insane"? Selfish betrayal deserves no rewards.

RehnquistRehnquistover 12 years ago
Character Progression Askew

All good stories have character progression. The weak gain strength, the evil become good, sluts become chaste. Such progression is fueled by the plot line as the characters recognize their weaknesses and fight like hell to overcome them and, thus, change themselves to deal with whatever shit sandwich life has dealt them.

The problem here is that the characters really showed anti-growth. We the readers want to see them grow into something better, not something worse. Moreover, we want that growth to be realistic and compelled by their desires to attain their goals.

Here, we had none of that. We had a happily married couple whose marriage was destroyed by a master bastard. The husband dealt with his situation and moved on . . . until he didn't and moved right back to the wife. The wife, so the story seems to claim, became mentally unhinged. Oh, not so unhinged that she was unable to take numerous sane actions like draining their account, getting a restraining order, and repeatedly enforcing the restraining order. And let's not forget continuously telling hubby to fuck off.

By the end, we have wife now having a secret lesbian affair with the neighbor lady and hubby resorting back to just accepting it all so he can keep getting threesomes and money.


Where's his spine that he grew in the first 2 parts? Where's wifey's growth?

The biggest problem with reconciliation stories is that the author must be very careful in not making the wife out to be a total lost cause, not dig her hole too deep, not make the betrayal too extreme. Fail in that, and the reconciliation is either unbelievable or the male character--who just accepts it and keeps her anyway to be "happy"--doesn't learn from the situation and grow.

Either way, it's a recipe not just for disaster, but for flawed storytelling.

Sorry, my friend, but you really need to keep an eye on the linear growth of your characters rather than circular growth where they wind up where they started.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Hey man, can't hit a homer every time at bat--but when you go down, you go down in flames. If I type fast, I'll be the 77th commentor at about 9am eastern, so you know your story had a big following. Think it over--you may want to submit a new Chapter 3.

Best wishes,

tom anon

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
What a shame

The first 2 chapters had some really interesting story lines. Then, you had to go with the raac. Not believable or acceptable. I do realize it is your story to write as you wish, but, if you are writing to an audience, this isn't the way to go. Very disappointing. Tim

m48gunnerm48gunnerover 12 years ago

After reading the comments I guess I really am out in left field as I liked the ending...

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago


zed0zed0over 12 years ago
Dumb Broad

Couldn't leave well enough alone, could you? You had to go and write a third chapter and completely fuck up what otherwise would have been a great story. Greg now comes across as a spineless wimp, who is the victim of a bitch writer, who wrote a story about a couple of bitches who cut his balls off. I know, I know, "It's not real, it's just a story" I can hear you whine, but just because it's not real, (or I should say, not real good) it's still real disgusting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Lousy ending

good start , bad finish

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

The fact that your story triggered so many comments shows that you created a special story. Thank you. I enjoyed it. You probably could have helped us by having Jan explain some of her feelings when she spoke so harshly to someone she had loved for so long.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

more new age, touchy feely, bullshit from a typical author on this obsessive wimp husband site!

Sidney43Sidney43over 12 years ago
Let down

Old saying, be careful what you wish for. I asked for a third chapter and now I regret it. Sorry, all the feel good sex just cannot make the bad deeds go away, but that is just me.

greowulfgreowulfover 12 years ago
Please try again

I have to agree with some of your less rabid commentors. I liked the first two chapters, but this one left a bad taste in my mouth. The way you set up the betrayal left a VERY small gap for reconciliation. I'm a forgiver, so I wouldn't say impossible, but the wife would of need to show some major redemption. None of that was shown here. You don't address her feeling and efforts at all. You breaze through wife's "few recessions and emotional growth (if any) in favor of graphic descriptions of threesomes with old broads. This chapter is not very flattering to men, and can be summed up in 6 words: "Two pussies? All is well then"

I know you are capable of better, and would like to see another effort.

Best of luck, though, and keep writing.


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Respectfully agree

I have to agree (without the venom) with the earlier posts. Not that your conclusion was a bad end...but if they were to get back together there needed to be some more groundwork.

OldHidekiOldHidekiover 12 years ago
Something felt wrong.

It almost felt like Gail and Jan were long time lovers, and they hatched this plan to bring Greg into the fold with them. The reconciliation was way too easy, and I wanted Greg to at least go up and piss on Mark's grave every year with Janice watching.

brujaybrujayover 12 years ago
Weak Ending Chapter

From fuck you to happily ever after in less than..........? Too many unanswered questions. I agree with some of the other commentators.......try again.

Thank you for your efforts and please keep on writing.

Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartover 12 years ago

What the fuck happened? Did Gail suck his balls out throught the tip of his cock? Is he on some miracle drug that makes pain just go away? I want some of that drug too. I don't care how hard a bitch is threatening to squeeze yer boys, you don't just get past that revulsion that comes from knowing another cock was in your wifes hole. I know; cause after almost a decade I can't look at my ex without wanting to vomit.

You had a great tale going here. Keyword; HAD. As soon as Greg agreed to keep the whore, I lost all respect for him. I kept reading, hoping against hope, that she'd have an "accident" and he'd keep the dough. Was also upset that he didn't piss on Roberts grave.

Now true to my word I'll vote both chapters. 2stars only. Your writing deserves more, as does your story telling. Weak pussy male leads are an anchor though. Maybe you should have stopped at ch 2.

SW_MO_HermitSW_MO_Hermitover 12 years ago

Sorry but this chapter was just horrible. He should have kept the backbone he grew when he divorced her and let her rot in the mess she made. This chapter ruined the whole story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Your first two chapters were so good...

please redo this one because...well, it just wasn't. As another poster said, the wife's actions almost totally precluded a reconciliation. And the way this one was handled wasn't believable or satisfying. Some real contrition on the wife's part would have made me feel something other than total contempt and dislike. But then we learn that she was cheating on the guy again with Gale. First, she uses adultery and betrayal to thwart Robert's suicide attempt instead of alerting his son and daughter to take action and maybe even getting her husband his best friend to come out and help with him! She shows no respect or caring for her husband of thirty plus years and mental problems don't excuse her behavior at all. Especially since she chose to do it again simply because she wasn't getting any from the man she shamefully betrayed and treated like dog crap. SMDH I just can't with this chick Jan!

TXanyTXanyover 12 years ago
Welcome to the Big Time!

Renquist says it better than I can. I didn't like Chapter 3 either....not because of the writing -- your prose is fine, approaching some of the finest on this site -- but because your logic was broken and the conclusion just makes no sense. Don't care if he burns her, or rejoins her, but would like the story line to be believable.

Please don't climb into a hole and lick your wounds...obviously you have our attention! Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

This last chapter simply ruined what could have been a well told tale.

Unfortunately , when writing, one must know when to stop, you simply killed all the good work.

bartolobartoloover 12 years ago
Gee, I expected more to the story

The story is not what I had expected. But, still, a reasonable good read. The bad guy died, and the good people are living and happy.

SKHPSKHPover 12 years ago
Worse ending than ever suspected

Not a hint of "working out a reconcilliation" by talking, just a little psychobabble, a threesome fucking - and everything is o.k.? Author, I cannot believe how you handled a great plot in the end! No wife becomes a conniving bitch and cruel adulteress from one moment to the other. As I stated in my previous comment: as easy it went, this could not be her first time with another man and - considering her outburst - there cannot have been any real love for Greg before.

And what about the stolen money and where did she get these ideas about the wife-beater scheme and the restraining order? Temporary insanity? Let me laugh! The next time she will get "insane" she perhaps castrates him also physically (mentally: already done) or kills him.

This ending does not fit: 2* for spoiling a great storyline.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Only one star for screwing up a good story. The cunt Jan never loved her husband and it is all BS about her insanity. Glad the bad guy died, too bad you didn't write the story right and have the whore die too, froma venerial diease she got from that bastard Robert

LoneStarRiderLoneStarRiderover 12 years ago

Well, I liked it. The third chapter (ending) was certainly unpredictable, and perhaps a bit rushed, but overall, I liked it. The getting re-united with Jan was something I saw as a probability. The inclusion of Gail was unexpected. Overall, this is a very good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

What a let down,

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I had to force myself to finish it after realizing what a sell out it was becoming

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
What a load

Wish there was a way to give this story a negative score....

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