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jennianydotsjennianydotsover 18 years ago
I love what you are doing with this story

I am amazed at the depth of character and the pain and conflict you are describing. I can't wait for the last Chapter. I hope you will keep on writing, as you have a fan here in the South.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
not again

both stories are very good so far. BUT, the way it's written, i feel the author is headed for a reconciliation. lemme guess, tons of "i'm sorry's", " i don't know what i was doing" add to that oceans of copius crocodile tears. viola, they reconcile and live happily ever after..

this will not wash. like what don said, the first time was a mistake. when she returned the ff night, she willigfully betrayed the marriage. she is sorry she got caught. NOTHING, AGAIN NOTHING will justify them staying together.

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

well written good so far will wait to see what the ending is like

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
to hell with the

non-recons, write it your way. I personally like reconciliation, but only where it’s warranted. Marge’s personality, character, and her actions have pushed this marriage’s envelope to the extremes. This has been the most difficult story I’ve ever had to deal with mentally. More than once I’ve commented on it after long and deep consideration. My comments were discussed in depth with Capecodmercury and now with Foux Pas, I have reached one conclusion. I’m tired of trying, I’m going out, find me a new story by a new author and make wild passionate reading to it, no, it won’t be making reading, it’ll just be having wild passionate read. Then I’ll come back, throw myself at both your feet and beg both of you to forgive me and please let me read your stories again. Then we’ll see if reconciliation is in order. Keep up the good work, a fan always.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Well now!!!

"Once a Cheater, always a Cheater"!! I know that for a fact, it has happened to me several times till I found out...Thats why I LOVE a (Loving Wifes) REVENGE story....Can hardly wait for the next chapter....


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Loss and Pain...

how erotic, NOT! WTF is this shit on Lit these days? Does anyone really enjoy reading it? It makes me want to puke, not orgasm.

hal_2142hal_2142over 18 years ago
Tough times ahead!

Hard time for the family. Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose, but as always when an adult screws up and kids are involved they always loose.

I like stories with retribution, and sometimes reconcilication. In this one the wife started down the slippery slope on unsubstantiated thoughts about hubby, assumptions. Making an ass out of you and me!

The main thing that needs to be present if a reconcilication happens is that a realistic amount of time passes. The wife may need a shrink, the hubby and kids counseling. THe pain that will be brought out by all. The kids should perhaps act out giving mom the realization that her actions caused her kids behavior.

Perhaps what will be necessary is for the wife to find redemption in admiting her faults and making a conscious behavior change to do the right thing every day for the remainder of her life, no matter what hubby and the kids do. It's not easy but I know people who have done similar things and have come through the fire stronger and better. These folks would never think of cheating, or drinking again.

Stay Safe


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
ok so make him an offer

just so you know how he feels find him a nice woman to spend the weekend with and tell him to have fun ...get tested for disease ...and hope that he may talk to her after he has fucked a cpl of nice women for revenge ... he needs to do it to feel like a man again and just to give her a taste of her own medicine.. the ymay not get back together but at least she could try that way ...i really dont know how he could trust her again but maybe they could live together for the sake of the children... he could always have a woman on the side to screw .... and they could each fuck who ever they wanted till the kids left home then divorce ...or divorce and just share a house .. i as a man would definitely have to find another woman to screw though just to get the taste of her betrayal out of my mouth

Blue88Blue88over 18 years ago
Well done

Interesting where this is heading, I'm enjoying the trip. I have been working on a concluding chapter of my take on capecodmercury's tale. It will be interesting to see how we end this. Thanks for a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I liked this much better than the first part.

I particularly liked the way you handled it with the kids. This may sound trite, but I believe this: the kids should not pay for the sins of their parents.

That said, they shouldn't stay together just for the kids - see my comment on Lady Cibelle's essay.

I'm looking forward to see how you end this.

FireFox59FireFox59over 18 years ago

work!!! I'm also interested in where you go with this. Looks about 50/50 on booting her or keeping her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

likely, as I said previously, this is the best alternative sequel of the few attempted

one of the underlying themes is more or less the same: if a person cheats once, it is usually the case that such pursuits are continued

again, excellent story telling,,, i hate those big fake tears,,, make them come less!!! lol,,, make sound talking and admission of guilt and/or responsibility more ubiquitous in these stories!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

ALWAYS A CHEATER. I am with you. I believe that most people don't change. I am 28 and have been cheated on twice in my life. Although i am not like other men. It didn't take me weeks,months or years to find out i was being cheated on. Why? I have two things that work in my favor that most men don't. 1)I pay close attention to details.For example, most men don't even think twice about it when their wives tell them that they have to work late,that they are going out with their girlfriends, when they get more adventurous in bed, when their sex lives change either for better or for worse. Well you get the idea.I do think twice about it.I wounder if she really is doing what she says she is going to do or if she out fucking some other guy.2)I don't trust people, especially women. Both times i was cheated on i found out within a week. Got my proof within another week and of course dumped the cheating whore's. Right now i have been dating a women for just over a year. I am in love with her and things are getting serious. I am scared of being hurt again,but life moves on. IF she cheats on me i will know about it. Yes, i will divorce her. I will make sure that she regrets it for the rest of her life. Yes you guessed it. I am a vindictive person. As for the story, it is great so far. Well written and the flow was great. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Reconcile - Don't reconcile

What other outcome is there?

We all have a 50/50 chance of being right. Right?

From correspondence with the author I think the basic outcome of his story was set in stone before he began writing. I don't know what way he goes. All the pleading in the world will not change his mind - if he is smart.

Sit back & enjoy the ride.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 18 years ago
Where does a good ending start?

As I pray that I will be proven wrong, I fear that another replication of the formula: PNWH + DSH {Pretend Non Wimp Husband + Dumb Slut Wife} is being morphed in front of our eyes. Maybe the fact that I have read countless virtually identical variations on the same formula in Lit. have something to do with this premonition. Again, I will be more than happy to be proven wrong. I’ll try to explain the reason for my nervous expectation in the following general observation.

For a while I have been intrigued by a socio-literary trend which seems to have taken root in Lit. A group of writers repeatedly paint their characters into a corner of irreconcilable differences. Then, they heroically attempt to perform on the poor couple the equivalent of a triple backward leap with blindfolded eyes. All that, in an effort to out- maneuver themselves, and bring the poor tattered couple together NO MATTER WHAT. The only problem is that the story, the couple and the author usually fall flat on the unforgiving floor of incredibility.

What is wrong with simple and elegant stories? A memorable teacher of mine once said that every good ending starts at the beginning of the story. A lesson to cherish.

In the meantime I cross my fingers for the ending of this story.

SalamisSalamisover 18 years ago
Very good Storytelling

I am enjoying the story too much to worry about how it eventually ends. In my opinion that’s the mark of good writing. You tell a good story.

Kanga40Kanga40over 18 years ago
Salamis is right

With a well told story, the ending flows naturally.

I believe I've picked the eventual outcome from what Don has said and his thoughts as we have been shown them.

But, the author is leaving the door open for the other option as well.

Let's wait and see?

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Best Sequel Yet!

This is the best alternative sequel of the series of stories because every man can imagine doing what Don has done. I liked the definite tie of Meg's conclusions about Don's alleged cheating to her own behavior which is typical justification for a cheater (She was only getting what Don had gotten only she got caught).

In the end, Meg's inability to confront Don about his "cheating" led to her being vulnerable to the first attractive suitor. She was so caught up with this affair that she was thinking about training her husband to perform like Phil.

The only chance they have reconcilation is to air out her beliefs about his cheating and make a fresh start. Given the children odds favor that they will get back together.

I will be happy with either outcome because you have a rich writing style that will make whatever outcome realistic. Good Job!


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

I like your story. At first, I thought that this was rather tedious and dragging. But upon further reflection I decided that this process is not simple and neither should the resolution.


MacDukeMacDukeover 18 years ago

Somewhat overwrought, but isn't it fun to see what the different writers do with capecodmercury's open-ended story. I think Marge is more complex, and don't understand Foux Pas having her conclude that this "was a one time" event, and then she spends the rest of the day fucking Phil. What changed? The interesting story is dealing with the effect on their marriage had she not gotten together with Phil again. Instead, Marge wakes up Friday morning to discover that her husband has metamorphosed into John Wayne, the kids became 10 years older and put Beaver Cleaver to shame, and she has suddenly molted into a brain-dead bimbo airhead.

Isn't this story found in the Bible? Old Testament?

Papabear49Papabear49over 18 years ago
Very Good

I do like the way you move through the emotions and personalities involved in this little sequel. Very well written and nicely presented, please keep it up.

As for MacDuke remember his remarks are his own opinion and not those of the general readership. He also has the right to his opinion.

He and his remarks (which seem to be negative on almost every post)are just like used car lots. Everyone knows they are there.... no one really gives a Damn!

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 18 years ago
Good chapter

Moving along well. Somehow I feel they can get back together. She definitely needs to let Don know how repenant she is, how she wishes it hadn't happened and how much she loves HIM!

But, even though it was the one weekend and will never happen again, Don may not be convinced of that. If the marriage they had together, the kids, and their memories and goals can't help them get past this, then the seperation may be permanent, at that.

I'll wait and see.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
A Consistant Path

so far! While the door of reasonable consequence hasn't slammed shut, it is difficult to see & rationalize what could credibly keep it from closing. Destain and repetitive comments and actions have strongly soured their future.

However, as well as you are writing so far, we will just wait and see won't we folks (a thought tho - If regret is credible, can consequence be less).

Author - excellent work to date on your first story - now stay your path please - with High Regard

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
Well Done

This chapter was actualy better than the first one. There are so many angles to this story that while I think I see where you are headed, I have no idea how you are going to get there.

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryover 18 years ago
Intersting take

Foux Pas, thanks for your effort, I'm looking forward to reading the ending. Take it where you want it to go. there is not way to please everyone in a story like this so the best thing you can do is try to write a story you feel good about.

As for the story itself, your take on the characters is susbstantially different from mine. But, isn't that one reason to allow multiple authors a chance to finish a story? If everyone viewed the characters the same way I did, then the stories would be depressingly similar.

Your story viewed the characters a different way and presented an outcome based on that view. It doesn't matter whether I agree or disagree with the viewpoint, I can appreciate the writing and your style.

One aspect of the story that I really liked was the focus on the children. You did a fine job of acknowledging that in a marriage with children, the situation is not black or white. A husband (or wife for that matter) cannot just think about their own feelings and emotions, they also must be a consideration of how the events will affect the kids.

I agree with Dynamite Jack that people should not stay together "just for the kids", but they must be considered. Children can certainly affect the issue of whether someone should swallow their pride and make the effort to try to save a marriage. You presented this issue well.

phoenix764phoenix764over 18 years ago

I wonder what Marge's reaction will be when she finds out that Don didn't cheat on her. There may be a slim chance for them to reconcile, but it would take several years if ever. Another option would be for him to divorce her, and then if she stayed celibate and only wanted a relationship with him, they might start dating again 1 - 3 years after the divorce. Of course in this case there would be an extremely strong pre-nuptial.

This is real life, all the married cheaters have lost their marriages. Maybe also their careers. All of the families involved are also damaged, if not destroyed. Why would anyone condone cheating?

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
In Reality

It would be very unlikely for someone in the husband's shoe's to "forgive" someone like his wife (for now let's not debate whether audio listening devices are legal or not legal, compare/contrast with video devices, in a court of law, where both parties did not agree to be recorded),,,

Even saints like the later mother Teresa --- i mean real saints, not the st. augustin and such cruel human beings working directly with the church to persecute and totures millions in the name of god --- would have to say, AFTER they've listened to those conversations between the wife and her little "social" group/fuckbuddies:

Geez, how could such a person I thought so loving and decent turned out to rotten, so dispecable, when she's fucking others in a place where she thought she knew I would never see or hear????

The tears? Oh, sure, that's gonna happen. Oceans of them!

"Honey, I love you so very deeply,,,, those words notwithstanding! All these loving years and just one impulsive mistake, okay? Give me a second chance,,, it's not as I set out to cheat on you,, it just happened and my brain was shut off [due to its excitment, with a cock inside me then and possibly more down the road],,, We have too much to throw away,,," and other nonsense,,, Sure!

Stay for the sake of the kids,,, to preserve the sanctity of the marriage,,, because she's really repented,,, Sure!! That'd make a whole bunch of crowds stand up and applaud! LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Don't know how it will end up

But somehow it seems to more adequately fit the human condition then the other versions. Good going and Thank You. Ronnie W.

zed0zed0over 14 years ago
Wimp Out In Process?

I suspect so! Hope I'm wrong! So far this Don is better than the original Don. No wimps . . . yet?

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loved it

Very well done. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Just a skank...

...And nothing else. Just a slutty skank that didn't give a shit about her husband or family.

Tim413413Tim413413almost 10 years ago
Extremely well-done.

I still smell RAAC. Let's see if the author can convince me.

ErotFanErotFanover 9 years ago
So far, so good

OK. You got us to here.

Let's see how you finish it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Because Marge you are selfish and don't love you husband.

I am soooooooooo hoping this isn't an RAAC story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Good story so far, but I bet Do will take his wife back.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

I see a reconciliation too, but maybe we'll be surprised.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

I forgot this was multi chapter series. It’s still a good reread.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Part 2 true to original, will rate after Part three

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Parts one and two tease a possible good story. Part three fails. Don't waste your time.,

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