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AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very Good!

Now quick get started on your next one :)

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
Excellent story & ending

I was really suprised by the husbands reaction to the wife's revelations about his affairs. Didnt know what was going to happen but thought that the husband might use that as a mitigating circumstance to try to work it out since he already admitted he was looking for a reason to stay together (I liked this part too - seems like a normal reaction to hope it isnt what it seems and that things can go back to the way they were before).

When he reacted as he did, it made me think about how the wife behaved and her reasons for martyring herself for so many years. Up until then I had been taking the wifes word for it that she was just a big person who loved her husband so much she was willing to forgive him (talking about her reasons for forgiving and forgetting, not whether there was something to forgive or not).

The way you presented it from the husbands pov did make sense though. Given that she didnt even ask him about one of the incidents and that she was willing to accept the word of a known gossip and trouble-maker over his on the other, seems like the husband was right in thinking she liked having something on him and/or liked thinking of herself as the long suffering wife.

When looked at it that way, it does make sense that he would be more angry over that than what she chose to do with her 'free pass'. That she was willing to hold onto the wrongs she had invented for so long does make the marriage seem kind of hollow and not worth fighting for.

Thanks for writing and please keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Excellent work!

Now that was an amazing story, and a great ending. I am truly impressed. I can't wait to see more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very good!

Well thought out, all the way through. I am a happy ending sort of guy, but only for the right reasons. Yet this ending worked very well. It goes back to what my uncle used to say--"If you aren't willing to pay . . . don't play." A very good job on this story.


grtguyintxgrtguyintxover 18 years ago

Whore wife got what she deserved. i can't stand when a husband takes his wife back. of course it depends what the circumstances are. here the stupid bitch thaught her husband had cheated on her already, and of course she was wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Excellent bit of work

I particularly liked the small bit on parents who stay together "for the sake of the kids". Good to see a bit of reality poke through for a change.

Looking forward to your next one!

grtguyintxgrtguyintxover 18 years ago

its stupid when you think that your spouse cheated on you, even though you have no proof.

ProfessorfeelgoodProfessorfeelgoodover 18 years ago
Best ending

to this story I've seen offered. Provides a happy ending for the betrayed spouse, while the cheating wife finally sees the repercussions of her actions. Well done.


Kanga40Kanga40over 18 years ago
I liked what you presented 'herein'

I appreciate stories in this genre which justify their ending, whether it be divorce, reconciliation or undetermined. Any ending with no justification is hollow.

Not so your story. Well done with lots of good and great bits:

- consider the kids, but they don't rule, very realistic and dare I say sensible.

- Don's reaction to her accusations of his infidelity VERY believable and well done - he did rave on about it, but who wouldn't?

- I couldn't quite believe he would have reconciled with Marge - good deception there.

- I loved the quip about Caroline 'keeping up' with Don

Overall, well thought out and realistic. I await your next offering in pleasant anticipation.

I used to discuss stories in another place, but that former pleasure is now denied me, so I will stick to the public comments to make a fool of myself even more often now.

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
If it had been you

At bat in the final inning for the Astros, they would have won, this was definitely a home run hit. It’s out of the park. A fan always.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I can see clearly now

She assumed, no questions asked. He knew, no questions asked. No damn communication! The result: she has a grand old time, he's pissed, the children are decimated. She's sorry but what the hell else could happen? If she won't challenge, he can't respond. The marriage was doomed from the git-go by rumors.

I do admit the that his ending up with Caroline kind of came out of left field. It was a damn good tale. You are to be congratulated for doing something damn nigh impossible; to pick up on an author's tale and provide a great ending. Thank You Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very impressive

ending and storyline all around. It seems you can either write one of these and everyone hates it, or you get did better than that. Great job.

cloacascloacasover 18 years ago
Nice story

Enjoyed it.

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryover 18 years ago

Foux Pas, thanks for a wonderful take on finishing the tale. The focus on the children was nice and I liked the touch about parents needing to stay together for their own sake.

The NavigatorThe Navigatorover 18 years ago
Great story

It's just a story, but a great one. You managed to establish real people, with real internal problems, and provided them with real solutions. It's fun to read where all the loose ends are tied up, and we can imagine where it will go from there. You showed how people are accountable for their actions, both good and bad. Thank you for providing a few minutes of fine entertainment in our lives.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
i agree

every woman who ever thought about cheating on their hubby should read this story

cageyteecageyteeover 18 years ago
A great finish to the story

I love the way you developed the characters and your approach in the way you had Don see Marge's handling of her earlier suspicions.

I'm looking for a great deal more from you.

Papabear49Papabear49over 18 years ago
Very nicely done

You did a fine job I am extremely happy with the way you worked this story out.

Thank you

recliner3rjolbrecliner3rjolbover 18 years ago
not quite satisfied

I really liked this version and rated this a 100--certainly a great read but unlike other posters I'm more than a little disatisfied about his reaction to his wife's explanation in the final lawyer get-together. It is true that he should react negatively to her comments because she is offering a poor explanation for her actions. She still loves him and he is considering his love for her and whether to get back together. Her comments should warrant further discussion about trust and communication with each other but should not have ended the possibility of a reconciliation if this is what he was considering.

Personally, I don't think I could forgive my spouse for the transgressions--especially with the audio and videotapes and the actual scene or witnessing these actions. It would be easier without the imagery. However, I can imagine a reconciliation and find it far-fetched to believe that her comments should turn him 180 degrees so quickly.

First time writing on this board. Great story--really appreciate the read--please respond.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Great Ending!

You have the makings of a great author. You captured the essences of the characters and provided one realistic and powerful ending to the story.

I do not read those cuckold-oriented or swinger type stories (I go to end of the story to check what type of story). If I want to do that I would go to the Dark Wanderer or erotic couplings/group sex categories on this site.

I like stories in this category to reflect the marriage lifestyle so that the response to infidelity be real, whether it be divorce or reconciliation. Sometime those who comment project their personal biases so if there is a sad ending they base their comments on whether they like that ending.

I believe that the purpose of this comment board is not to become a chat room where we (the commenters argue back and forth) but to provide feedback to you the author for your consideration.

Now, specific comments on the story:

- Of course, there could have been a different ending but

it has to deal Don's alleged cheating which seems to be

the basis for Marge's "get out of jail" justification

for her fling. Don's reaction to her accusations of his

infidelity was well done in keeping with his character.

- I like the part about the kids and marriage which

reflects where we are as a society such that they are

very important but do not rule the outcome. There is no

question that given the fractures in this marriage it

would have fell apart without serious outside help.

- I like the fact that they both moved on. Even if she had

found someone else it would have been OK since it is not

about revenge but the health of the relationship

(present and future).

Overall, the story was well thought out and realistic. I think that it is the best sequel so far. I await your next offering -Thanks again.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Lack of Faith, Trust & Respect, Not Love,,,

It is a lack mostly of faith, trust, respect and communication --- not necessarily of love --- that dooms most marriages.

Foux Pas's characters did not swing too extremely from one end to the other, despite Don and Marge's final confrontation amidst their respective lawyers. Don seemed to be a deeply loyal person and husband, as Faux Pas consistently portrayed him.

Marg's a bit unstable and impulsive; but she's also a deeply thinking person (when she's over her impulses, that is: and to have sex in some school-rented hotel suites, twice, and telling your spouse over the phone you're just doing your athletic stuff BUT whisipered in disparaging ways about the supposedly clueless spous --- THAT is kind of heinous. No one would like that to be done to them, man or woman).

As such, she will have to, if not suffer for the rest of her life, find her a new man.

The sad thing over the whole thing is, despite Marg's frailty, she, as she said, truly loved Don. Don, on the other hand, immediately severed his emotional ties to her --- to their 18 years together, once Marg foolishly told him how she HAD always believed OTHERS rumors over her husband's truthful but short utterances about, at the very most, simply embarrassing things or situations.

Subsequently, while Marg will likely think wishfully for years to come, about the "could have's" and "should have's", with Caroline's nurturing and love, Don has immediately moved on to form new and loving memories with someone else.

But ultimately, both Don and Marge are correct: painful as the whole deal was, they had created two good kids together those many years.

It's MORE a luck of trust, of faith, and of respect that resulted in their doomed marriage.

(When you have a lot of respect for someone, whether they are with you or not, you do not do any thing you do not normally do in front of them. "If he/she doesn't know, doesn't hear, won't hurt them" stems from a lack of respect for the other person...)

Awesome alternative ending,,, the absolute best and most meaningful of the few attempted. Thank you, Foux Pas

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Nice finish!

I like how you made clear that staying together "for the kids" is a dumb idea.

You also did a good job of reconciling his "past mistakes". The bachelor party was especially well handled. The next door neighbot could have used more detail that just blaming it on a rumor monger! Even the most pernicious teller of tales needs something to work with.

Nicely told tale and a nice wrap up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Exceptional Work Author

Constructively - This sets a pattern for how to realistically frame and resolve a repetitive marital infidelity.

It walked like a duck, etc from begining to end. Credibly believable with great flow and scene settings. The introspective depths shown through his thoughts were clear and sincere to my comfort level. The sensitivities and compassion were articulated in common speak and understandable given his character path. You took us there with rational thoughts and passionate emotions - then real human feelings and compassionate considerations. You done good and you worked hard to do it. Proud is good eh!

Author, you have done a terrible thing and now we want and hope for more from you in this mutifaceted theme of marital consequence. Thanks again - with High Regard

DeadWouldDeadWouldover 18 years ago
Well done sir

I like this ending for the story much better than the others so far. better even than capecod's own ending IMHO.

Someone below said you had Don do a 180 at the conference.

Did he read the same story I read? where it says "When he finally walked up to his lawyer's office Don had made up his mind. For sanity's sake he left a small possibility of reconciliation. He wanted to see if, after almost two weeks, Meg could tell him something to allow him to consider giving her a chance."

Now, is my comprehension of the english language fractured, or did that really mean Don went to the lawyers expecting to divorce but leaving a slight possibility of reconciliation?

please write some more stories Fouxpas. I'll read it.

EffectEffectover 18 years ago
Great ending

In Don's case in going into the meeting I took it as he knew they were going to get divorced but at same time like said to keep his sanity he left that hope of getting back together. Now that doesn't mean divorce wouldn't happen, they could have possilby tried again once things were over, try to rebuild things again. I guess it might be more doable that since everything would have be rebuilt, leading to a new marriage. Just a thought.

Still this was a great ending, one of the best out of the ones done I feel. Not to say the others weren't good cause they were. I really liked how Don handled his "mistakes". Also one part I really liked was the part when he explained the going away party. He simply explained that the reason he didn't go against what their neighbor was saying was because what he said was the truth, that his short version was the actual real version and that she added things to make it worth telling. Which is very true at times when you have gossip people.

Lack of trust and communcation. She was willing to believe others instead of confronting him about it. I've never been married but it really scares me that there are couples like this, where it's these like this that cause problems. I personally like to be very clear at times, blunt at times. I really dislike when people try to tip toe around things. Like when parents ask kids to do them a favor. As if the kids have an option. Just tell them to do something and get it over with. That burned me up growing up and I think it's behaviour like that leads some people to not being upfront about things until things blow up in their faces.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Boring Bullshit

What utterly boring bullshit! Don turns out to be a sanctimonious little shit, and Marge is way, way better off without him. How anyone could have lived with such an asshole all those years is amazing. Marge would have gotten the kids in real life, and this story would have ended out exactly the opposite way in real life. But couldn't you have all the members of the sex club die of Aids? Of course that is the fantasy of most of your readers, that cheaters engaging in regular vaginal intercouse will contract Aids, a physical impossibility.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Thank God

It's over and done with. Hopefully, no one else will have the desire to write anymore sequels to Nighttime Confessions and we won't have to read anything more about Don and Marge ever again.

Foux Pas, you write well; so write your own stories.


FireFox59FireFox59over 18 years ago
5 Star

If this story was a hotel it'd be a 5 star. Very well done Foux Pas!! Your story captures the emotion and pulls the reader into it. Looking forward to more from you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

To anonymous in usa, idiot's like you think aids is impossible to get from cheating? I personnaly knew 2 women who died of aids from sleeping around. I also know a beautiful blonde who's 1'st husband gave her 3 std's herpes being permanent. People like you will get aids.

charleybearcharleybearover 18 years ago
Good Ending

Thank you for a good ending to this story. I enjoyed reading it and am looking forward to future submissions by you.

To the anonymous commentor who said "Boring Bullshit", you couldn't be more wrong. Whether you liked the outcome or not, this story was well written and far from boring.

If you don't like a story, don't finish it and certainly don't write this type of comment on it. I start reading lots of stories and if they aren't my type I quit. Do likewise...

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

very well done nice ending. Well though out and written

Blue88Blue88over 18 years ago

Beautifully done. Well written with a very satisfying and realistic conclusion. I truly enjoyed reading your take on the story. Looking forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I loved it

The people and situations were real and your writing was excellent. Thank you.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 18 years ago
So glad to be proven wrong!

At the end of chapter two, I expressed a strong concern...ok, I am not letting myself off the hook here - I predicted, a reconciliation ending, which I felt, would not be consistent with the premises of the story. I do not think that the author chose his ending to prove me wrong of course. I have no delusions of grandeur (that I know of)yet. I just set myself for a win – win situation. My prediction proven right – I was right, my prediction proven wrong – I enjoy a better story, which is far more enjoyable than being right!

Mind you, it’s not because I am such a vindictive unforgiving women hating guy. The ending of the story by the original author of part one (which I highly recommend to any one who have not read yet!) is very different than this one (I hope I am not telling too much), and I felt that it was totally coherent according to the premises of that story. Likewise, I am glad to say, the trend of incoherent reversal of plot lines have not interfered with the plot of this story. You created a wife, with whom the typical ‘blind flip flop to reconciliation’ would have indeed made a reconciliation ending very difficult to believe.

As Kanga (their loss- our gain) said: your ending was coherent with the first part, and as my English professor said (were you in his class too?), your ending worked because it really did begin at (read: related to) the beginning of the story i.e. with the roots of this couple’s problems: mistrust and lack of communication.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 18 years ago
Without a doubt BEST of all of various endings


really really great... and far beter than the CRAP super wimp capcod wrote

the final scene in the lawyers conference room was great.... and the relevation that wife held a grudge all thoses years .... that a true nasty mean hateful woman lived in there.... was the REAL point that made this ending click

In capecod laughable story

1 wifey has no idea why she did it

2 Hubby and wife discuss and agree that turning down a sexual offer -- the correct action mind you-- is the SAME thing as going ahead with one.!!!!


... and shrugs off wife's assertion sex with PHL was GREAT and much better than what Hubby was doing

this was far far better

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

it was a good story, but kind of preachy, too preachy in fact.

zed0zed0about 17 years ago

Perfect no wimps ending. I was afraid Don was gonna wimp out, & ruin a pretty good confrontation. The best revenge is living happily ever after.

KOLKOREKOLKOREalmost 17 years ago
Lessons we can learn: what could really hurt us?

I was familiar with the true warning: 'What you don’t know may hurt you' (and there are ways to remedy that by educating yourself and making sure to keep yourself informed etc). But upon revisiting this classic, as particularly poignant was the added wisdom that what will hurt you sooner or later the most are those assumptions which you conveniently keep unchecked. It’s as if part of you doesn’t want to check, less you’d be proven wrong. It is within such petty, short term; zero sum - there could be only one winner in each couple at a time, misconstrued frame of mind, that the kind of willful blindness we have seen with the wife could be nourished. AND THAT’S what could hurt us most and it’s not that rare. It could hurt us not only in marriages, but in any model of cooperative relations: friendships; work even in the way a country is managed. The big flaw in such a mind set is that you can’t work on potentially faulty assumptions without ever planning on checking them against reality. Sooner or later you are going to hit the brick wall called reality. Only in those funny old cartons you can keep walking or running over a cliff and into the air (but only as long as you don’t know or pretend not to know about it), and even there the minute you recognize you are not on solid ground you sink into the bottom of the Kenyon in a deafening whistle… It’s funny in the cartoons, but in reality the fallacy of this act of denial which borders with the delusion that we don’t really need to verify the factual basis of our opinions has proven again and again to be the source of the most devastating tragedies. It has been destructive , both on the personal level (even if it takes years to rip its destructive toll) or on societal level when despite warning or creeping suspicions a prevailing “working assumption” is never given a truly independent chance to be fully checked. I can’t think of many more important reminders made for our times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Fantastic ! ! !

Your three episodes are the best of all those submitted - even the original. You are a very talented author. Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to even better things from you. And, Hey, THANK YOU! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! ! ! Memphis...

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
The Best

Definitely the best of the best. I throughly enjoyed your well written story. There are no winners when cheating enters a marriage.

louguy35louguy35over 15 years ago
It really is the best ending!

After reading most of the other endings for "Nighttime..." I was dissatisfied with them all, and I quite reading alternative endings. Unfortunately, I did not read yours.<p>

Today, I came across your ending and decided to read it, not expecting much. I was wrong! Your ending is not only the best of those for "Nighttime...", but it is one of the best of any story I have read.<p>

Thank you for your work at writing the sequal. What more can I say?


zed0zed0over 14 years ago
Better Than. . . .

... CapeCodMercury's version by a score of 100%

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Slut wife suffers some realistic consequences - finally!

Good story, author! Finally a main male character who didn't slice off his own balls for the sake of another useless self-centered slut wife. 5 Stars

IN11ZIN11Zover 12 years ago
Scary Story

It's scary that after all those years of assuming the worst (re his supposed cheating) that she would use this flawed assumption to justify her own cheating experience.

She couldn't let it go because she didn't confront it

Nice story - Thank you. 5*****

sugnasugnaabout 11 years ago
Very Good

Well written, although the children's dialogue sounded a bit stilted. You need to proof read and edit before submitting. Marge's name changed to Meg several times.

phil2213phil2213over 10 years ago
Very dark poignant story

I didn't like it much and the characters were pretty stupid but it was extremely well presented. I reluctantly gave it five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Marge or Meg in the same paragraph

It is truly disconcerting when the author does not keep the name of one of the two main characters straight.

The story was OK other than that.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loved it

Five stars. Wonderful ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

pretty good, well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The ending was justified 100%.

Pulsifer42Pulsifer42over 10 years ago
Outstanding piece of wordsmithing

Picking up another writer's story and characters for an effective and appropriate ending is no small task. (One I am part way through which has overwhelmed me.) This is a superb piece of work in concept and implementation. I am particularly impressed with how effectively you have dealt with all the associative and derivative issues associated with such a situation.

connoisseur29connoisseur29almost 10 years ago

I was not to far into the story to realize I'd read it before by another author. A few changes, but basically the same. Good writing and reading. Cheers!

sugnasugnaover 9 years ago
Great Writing

Nice realistic story that still maintained a lot of tension and drama. The end was very real too. We all have to live with our mistakes, errors in judgement, personality disorders ect. Some have more serious consequences than others. Sadly we only get one crack at life and certain mistakes cannot be undone, amended or repaired. They are simply losses that you take throughout the rest of your life with you and into death.

OneShotOneOneShotOneover 9 years ago
two thumbs up

Excellent writing and a satisfying ending.

ErotFanErotFanover 9 years ago
Well writen, but...

Don & Meg's reactions in the lawyer meeting seemed off center given the other internal dialogs throughout the story.

It would have been more dynamic for a lrial reconciliation and let the story play out, one way or another - or both ways even. How interesting would that be?

Did you just get tired of the story? Or are you a BTB author?

sdc97230sdc97230about 9 years ago
Made sense to me

Don was willing to make a try at reconciliation until that moment in the lawyers' office when the light bulb went on in his head and he realized that even though Meg was contrite about her cheating she STILL believed the lies about him. At that point, the rug was pulled out and the possible reconciliation just crashed and burned.

EddboyEddboyalmost 9 years ago
is her name

marge or meg?

whirlwind_66whirlwind_66almost 9 years ago
Good one ..!

This one is the best treatment given to the Original Story ...Very realistcally portrayed the issues faced by Don and Marge in their sinking marriage ..which ultimately succumbed to the depths of the ocean . If TRUST is missing , whole marriage is a sham .. Don very rightly confonts head on with his wife's issues about trusting him with the truths about the Bachelor party he attended years ago..

Good job done !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Great writing and story! I thoroughly enjoyed it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Pretty sure you changed this from the original.

He did do questionable things. Changing the plot to fit your "sequel l" makes this a stand alone not a continuation. Nice try making him all self righteous though....

266xxyz266xxyzover 7 years ago
O why not..

Pretty good story. 5* I like it when the cheater pays and realizes they were their own undoing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Probably the best

And most realistic continuation of the original story, even counting the author's ending. Well done.

People who deliberately cheat on their spouse don't love their spouse.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I can see why the “He-Man Women Haters Club” members like this so much. The man gets to be a wounded soul, betrayed by the woman he trusted to be perfect. The original story and ending were much better and more realistic. This is just another example of the adolescent viewpoint that prevails around here.

The writing was technically good, so, 3 stars, but I just can’t stand how the characters had to be twisted to make it turn into another BTB. God, people, grow up!

TwopullTwopullover 5 years ago

Stupid junk out of the fantasy of a chauvinist adolescent.... No wonder the brain dead btb brigade orgasm on such idiocies...

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Good stories

To all these worked anonys crying about a BTB, that was a pretty gentle BTB. Much better than she deserved.

etchiboyetchiboyover 5 years ago

Somewhat unusual take on things. Interesting/unusual enough to Favorite it so I can refer back to it again.

If not for the somewhat stilted conversational language I’d be tempted to give this 5-stars. But because of that it drops to 4-stars.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Not nearly as believable or good as the two-part original.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The Only Real Problem

I have is I'm so damned tired of the husband throwing up when he finds the girlfriend/ fiance/ wife cheating. Shit, I was angry, hurt, disgusted and later depressed but I sure as hell didn't go throw up! They never knew they were within a blonde cunt hair of serious and permanent physical harm, the only thing that saved them were my two daughters. If anything happened to me they would have ended up in their mother's custody and that did not happen. The last time I fucked the tramp I was so far up her ass she could taste my cum. Good story here by FP, I think better than the original and the other two versions I have read but I still think Marge got off too easy. But, hey, Don was a better man than me so I think it's ok. Signed: BTW

woodwardwoodwardover 4 years ago

I liked the story. It is interesting how people interpret these interactions. I'd burn the bitch. Either your are married or get out.

mainer42mainer42about 3 years ago

Liked the story no nitpicking here

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Great ending, no reconciliation with the cheating bitch and a new wife.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

great series. And of course there is always a young hot woman in waiting.

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

Good story, she was a stupid woman and found out too late just how stupid she truly was.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Third part failed at about the middle. The outburst of hate from the wife was not in character.

The sanctimonious attitudes of the husband were also a complete change of character. To me those are major failings for a FOLLOW-UP STORY. I recommend not wasting time on the series.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Would be nice if the author managed to keep the name of the wife consistent. Marge or Meg? They're interchanged throughout the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good alternate variant. His righteous indignation over the bachelor party incident / rumors and his almost tumble / Ruth gossip was over the top. In the original story he had two infidelities, one set up and the other he was lucky did not go farther though liquor played a role. Here they were spurious and nothing happened and all were vicious rumors. And hence his wife thinking he had cheated twice, causes him to blow his stack and walk away. Certainly in this story her belief that he cheated tipped her into accepting the swingers invitation. In the original story, she knows he had a blowjob buy was drunk and Don's boss paid the hooker extra to get him off, i.e. he was a marked man. She debated kicking him out, and was frosty for a while with him, but she was scared to lose him while so pregnant and she let it slide. Also in the original, he almost had sex with the divorced neighbor prior to her move to Seattle. Fortunately Ruth's twiddling the locked doorknob, shook him back to his senses. But he had failed the spouse test. Maybe he would have stopped it anyways but maybe not. The neighbor was making a full court press, they were headed for third base (oral) and he was drunk. She heard Ruth's telling and knew something happened but ended up giving him the benefit of the doubt, though he could not prove he had not committed adultery. In this version, it is all completely false, she believes the worst, and her lack of trust or communication on these two matters breaks their marriage. His speech in the lawyer's office was highly indignant and over the top as if his whole.marriage with her sans his two kids was a lie. Umm bullshit. Sure her lack of trust and willingness to harbor her mistrust for years could be the wedge issue that tips him over to divorce if he was on the fence but instead he was almost manic and revisionist of his entire marriage as if this was the bigger betrayal. Too much. As it was her deciding to accept the swinging invitation is enough to kill their marriage regardless. One time slip, maybe. Repeated with intent and utter contempt and joy? Nah dead on arrival. In the original, Marge refuses the invitation as she needs time to think about it and then she hears her husband on the phone and melts down. Then she confesses. And that is why reconciliation can happen, though difficult. The original author walks the line really well. I like the original better but this writer writes very well and it was a great alternate version where she makes the wrong choice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Unremarkable. The series is far too long given the amount of actual plot development that takes place. If Marge wants Don back, Caroline first has to be removed from his life. This could happen in one of three ways: 1) She could leave him to pursue someone or something else. 2) He could leave her. 3) She could become unavailable to him due to death or dissappearence. Marge is clever and self centered enough to arrange any of these options.

schulz777schulz777about 1 year ago

It could be a great story, but the writer was not so good with dialogs, no one talks like that in real life.

3 starrs

But this story is still more believable than that whole "February suxx" nonsense everyone seems to be so fastinated about

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