All Comments on 'No Way Back'


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waratahwaratahalmost 4 years ago
Not a bad story

But the dialogue reads like an essay. Far too detailed, logical, explanatory etc. People just don't fill in so many blanks for a fly on the wall to understand things so well like that.

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaalmost 4 years ago
Very good story...

I liked the way the author told the story... No back and forth , no counselling, no real revenge, and no big fighting or sex scenes. Told the story as it happened. But I feel for her, she had one lapse in judgment, and he blows up. She was open and honest in what she had done, points for that, in my book. But Chris started to screw around on her with many women so he had no room to judge her on her one time affair. Maybe he needed that excuse to start his own cheating. Too bad she couldn't find the happiness she had lost. That's why only 4 stars.

Bebop3Bebop3almost 4 years ago

Good story, Gentleman. It's nice to have a gem amidst all the dross in LW lately.

vickitvohiovickitvohioalmost 4 years ago
This was terrible

The husband was infinitely worse than the wife in this story. He was an unlikeable dick in this story. You actually made it so that the cheating wife was sympathetic. 1*

Really?!? Even her parents still loved him. No.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyalmost 4 years ago

Hard to feel any sympathy for the heroine!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

No, there’s only one “No Way Back,” and this isn’t it. Don’t try to write from a woman’s point of view. You suck at it. Just sounds like a man with a woman’s name talking.

mordbrandmordbrandalmost 4 years ago
Hard for me to rate

She did fuck up but it was one time and she immediately came clean. He immediately starts fucking every slut available to him and doesn't stop for years. I'm all for btb, but I'm not sure she deserved it in this case.

I guess a four since it was sad.

SplitGeode66SplitGeode66almost 4 years ago

I really liked thhe story, but when Mallory 's mom drops the bombshell sboit their neighbors, the story went off the rails. That was your way of finishing the story of Chris and Holly, but it was not believable. Mallory would have left and gone home, with her relationship with her parents strained or ruined. But instead ahe stays and goes to dinner with Holly. No way. Sorry, this turn of events ruined the story for me.

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 4 years ago

Great story of the consequences for infidelity.

She was crazy to cheat on a fitness instructor; those guys are constantly surrounded by beautiful women hitting on them. It's only surprising that Mallory wasn't replaced by a gym bunny, but I suppose Chris turned Holly into one after sowing his oats.

Mallory bitterly regrets her "mistake in Miami", but the sad reality is that she didn't love Chris as much as he was devoted to her. I'm not even talking about the fact that she cheated on him, but her putting off having children spoke volumes. He got the best revenge against her by living out their dream life... with a better woman.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Overkill for a solitary one night stand

I am usually pleased to see cheaters reap what they sow but the consequences here were too extreme to seem plausible. Mallory's impulsive decision to cheat made little sense but was born of her fears and insecurities and did not result from negative feelings about her husband. Chris' response was that of a man with an unstable personality and very poor self esteem. This is inconsistent with both how he is described in the past and the depiction of his life with the second wife.

If their marriage had been good until her loss of rationality in Miami and if Chris were in fact a stable and loving man, their relationship should have survived a solitary one night stand. It strains credulity they divorced without ever seeing a therapist or attempting to live together again. For her to be alone at the end of the story looking wistfully from a close perch at the life of her rich and famous ex and his wonderful family is too harsh a punishment and not great fiction.

TajfaTajfaalmost 4 years ago

I thought this was a sad little story. He ended up happy and she lived a lonely sad life over the head of a stupid decision she regretted the rest of her life. Only the victim in these situations knows if there is forgiveness for a truly contrite person. He was obviously so upset because he loved her beyond words and couldn't forgive her one time transgression. Not sure if I could either but still a shame she destroyed a good marriage.

Was going between 4 and 5 but decided on 5 because the writing was very good.

KayaknhKayaknhalmost 4 years ago

Wife accepts blame for her one night stand.

But at the end she accepts blame for her husband becoming a whoremonger.

Nope. Not her fault. Husband Chris is basically qn asshole. Hell his brother and his agent recognized it.

So the ending sucked because wife assumes responsibility.

tazz317tazz317almost 4 years ago

and actions over consequences is passe' however what is missing is 'to heed'. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I agree with the overkill comments, but that wasn’t. . .

. . . the biggest problem with this story. Mallory’s thought process in Miami just wasn’t one which led to her fucking Dr Miller; you really forced that part.

And her husband’s dick was so large it usually took a long time to work it into her? The vagina is made to stretch enough to accommodate a baby passing through; there’s no way a woman would ever have trouble accommodating the dick of a man she fucked regularly.

Chris was a one woman man even as a Clemson football player, yet he was so hurt by Mallory’s one night stand that he started screwing every girl in town? This was another out of character part.

I get the problem: you had a story in mind, and stuck with it, but your characters didn’t fit the story. I guess the moral of the story is: if you do cheat on your husband, keep your stupid mouth shut!


dc6370dc6370almost 4 years ago

Okay story but fyi, Cardiologists don't perform surgery, Cardio Thoracic surgeons do.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Another one where the husband is just as much of an asshole

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 4 years ago

"Don't you ever get even a little curious about what it would be like to be with another man?" - Arghh! Would she accept reason from her husband? If not, she shouldn't consider it for herself. And the "never been with another man" is bogus for another reason: Even if you've been with ten men, maybe you're curious about how it would be with the eleventh! Makes just as much (non)sense.

"I deserved to see what it felt like to be with another man." - No you don't!

"for once I want to do something a little naughty." - Cheating on your husband isn't "a little naughty." Getting a lap dance is a little naughty; fucking the stripper is flat out wrong.

"should I just keep this all to myself and try to move on?" - Yes! If you're sure he'll never find out, and that you'll NEVER do it again, live with the guilt. Confessing might be good for YOUR soul, but it just dumps all the shit on Chris's head.

"I was pretty sure that if I were in his shoes that I wouldn't take me back, so how could I expect anything different from Chris." - As I said at the start of my comment!

I would think that now that they're divorced, and she's got nothing to gain, that he can now believe her that it was the one time, and with his revenge fucks, after a cooling off period they can date again, see what happens.

Given the women he's fucked, I think she's got a pretty good idea how it feels!

I agree, SplitGeode66, I can't believe that his parents socialized with her ex, knew he was married with kids, and never told her. If I was her, I would have left immediately, and told them to never expect to see her there again.

No WAY would I go to their place for dinner! Mallory might have fucked up, but she doesn't need to let them rub her face in it.

"with your parents living next door, you guys are going to run into each other occasionally so we may as well put that behind us now." - That's EXACTLY why she should refuse to visit her parents there.

Please learn to punctuate dialog - when one person is speaking, each paragraph starts with quotation marks, and the last paragraph gets a close quote.

I agree that it was overkill for a one-time confessed one-night stand, though it's her own fault for not keeping her mouth shut.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I like it as it is

I think what Chris felt was very much based on reality. He loved her since he was 15 and he wanted a family with her but she betrayed him. Like he said, trust was gone. When you get married it shouldn't be with some added rider on your marriage license that you have to forgive the first time cheater.

I don't think this is overkill. He did need the sex to prove he was man enough and if you can get all you want, well why not!

Only thing that makes these so wishy washy is that there is always some hottie from the past waiting in the wings like Holly.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
not very likeable

The husband: such a victim. So unable to forgive...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

there are those who said she was puninshed severly. how? how was she punished? all the shit that happened to her was of her own making separate from her infidelity. is there a possibility for forgiveness or even reconcilliation? sure. but what i know of forgiveness is that (1) the person who “sinned” should earn it (2) it’s the choice of the offended party it he/she would give it.

and so what if he’s sleeping around? he is no longer bound by the oath the couple promised each other. an oath, i may add, that didn’t stop the woman from infidelity

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 4 years ago
I agree with splitgeode66

Her parents had a relationship with Chris and his parents for ten years and didn’t say anything. Then they trick her into coming to the beach where Christians happiness and success can be rubbed in her lonely face. Thanks mom and dad. The normal reaction would be to leave and never return. Time to find a decent guy and move on and put all of them in the past. She was wrong and was punished but Chris went so far beyond and showed they weren’t really ready for marriage then. Chris pursued his business she had to give up her drams to support him. He never acknowledged that

ctdansctdansalmost 4 years ago

I am really surprised by the number of folks who would just give her a free pass as it was her first one night stand! This wasn't rape, it wasn't a one time quickie while really drunk. She spent the entire evening with the guy and according to her it was three times with oral sex in between. So one evening but more than three times "cheating" if you will.

And from his point of view she knew the guy for two years so why wouldn't he think there was more to this than that one evening and who knows how many others. Remember this is his thoughts. To him now she lies so why believe anything she says?

At least it wasn't a horrific BTB with commando raids, mexican whore house, or tied up in a basement dungeon. He had it with her and left and divorced.

I also agree that who cares if he became a man slut? That was all on him if he needed that reinforcement or revenge.

LenardSpencerLenardSpenceralmost 4 years ago
A tad "one sided" in the picture.

She cheated and he left. She was not ready for children. She hated her job and felt boxed in with her supporting her husband while he started a new business (the gym).

She always wanted to be a teacher, She felt restless, out of control and living life for others, not herself. So ok, she had a one night affair and felt so guilty she confessed.

So far, fairly standard and divorce was justified from her husbands POV.

But wow. Her arsehole parents didn't emotionally support her and continued with her ex. She then had a self-esteme issue and everyone decided she needed to be constantly punished for what she did. But ok for her Ex husband to be a man-slut. This story is so fucked up. I agree with another commentator Re her parents. I'd ask what gives them the right to torture their own daughter. Tell them to fuck off and I'd have left the "holiday" house never to return. The intefairing pricks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Interesting and Quite Enjoyable

I liked the way that the author demonstrated that at the start Chris was far too immature to have children so his wife was right to resist it.

vickitvohiovickitvohioalmost 4 years ago

I rarely ever grade something this harsh( unless its the gratuitous cuck stories in LW). I was surprised at how many gave the husband a pass on everything, even the wife not wanting to have kids. It was him that put the added stress on her to make that money to support that business venture between him and his brother, which isn't what she wanted to do in the first place(still no reason to cheat). He went on full scale nuclear revenge screw tour, including her coworkers, like I said before, he's a dick. She made a mistake, which she confessed. one that she wouldn't have been caught(at least that time) and tried to make it right. This wasn't a typical affair. I'm all for burning unrepentant cheaters, but she isn't that. Here's a case where she should have gone after the business the brothers started, just because of what a manwhore he became.

TeslerTesleralmost 4 years ago
Not Your Finest Work

I have to echo Mordbrand. After reading the story I felt a little empty. That said please keep writing, I look forward to your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
One very bad story..

..from a very bad writer !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Cardiology falls under the practice of internal medicine; the doctor in this story is story appears to be a cardiac surgeon. Although both specialties treat the heart, the training is very different.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
No tether to reality

It honestly felt to me like somebody printed out 100 LW stories, cut out the most commonly reoccurring plot points with scissors, pasted **just those** together, and then shorten each section by 1/2 so they didn’t have to write too much.

You’ve done good work in other stories. If I had been told before reading this one that it was full of tropes, my first question would’ve been “oh God, he doesn’t become a famous author and then move on with a girl who has secretly been pining after him for a decade or anything like that, does he?“ And I’m sad to say the answer would’ve been yes.

SkubabillSkubabillalmost 4 years ago

I gave this 5 stars because I enjoyed it. My only criticism is about the author's use of there, they're and their.

dragonmann72dragonmann72almost 4 years ago

CG, from a story stand point it was pretty good. At the same time from a story stand point it sucked balls. When you have Idol worship, when you see the light you always get burned.

We only got Mallory's side of the story (problem with writing in first person) so everything is her interpretation. In my book, Chris was a cheep lowlife that had everything handed to him on a platter.

His brother said, "That's the third one this week."

His comment to his brother, "Do you have any idea what it feels like to love someone and be faithful to them since you were fifteen years old and then find out that she's been spreading her legs for some asshole doctor behind your back?" Funny as that is what he is doing behind Mallory's back.

"I've sat here for almost two weeks trying to figure out why I wasn't good enough for her. So, you may not think it helps, but trust me, it helps me to know that I'm still man enough to please a woman." If the two weeks include the last one, then he only waited one week, and with a lot more women than she did.

Then his brother said, "I know you're hurt and you're angry, but you can't fuck enough women to make you feel better and fucking that Jessica girl who works with Mallory was a really bad idea." So Jessica didn't waste anytime moving in did she.

I'm not condoning what she did, but his hurt ego went off the rails. She ends up alone and afraid to get into a new relationship because she's afraid she would do it again because of his comment, 'Besides, there's still a part of me that hopes you find someone else and that you fall head over heels in love with him and just when you think life is perfect again, you find out that he's cheating on you.' Maybe should have told him what a man child he was.

At the end of the story we find out that good old Chris wasn't as injured as he made out to be, contentious flow of pussy, Did he ever ask if any of them were married? World famous author that he didn't have to share any of the proceeds with her. The admiration of parents to the point that they kept their relationship with him from her. And now he gets to flaunt his success in front of her all the time. Yeah he was really hurt by her one night stand.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
The title says it all...

When you play, you pay... So just walk away Renee...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Struggle to rate this

She cheated, shit exploded. To say Chris was over the top for a single slip, is wrong. We can't judge someone else's reaction to betrayal. Also for him it seemed it was the destruction of trust as well as wanting to know where he failed Mallory.

To say he was screwing around on her is wrong. As soon as Craig's cock touched her it broke all the vows of fidelity, releasing Chris.

Where it went wrong was the parents hiding keeping in touch. They should have told her straight away and definitely before she went to the lake. I can't see her hanging around after that bombshell. I can only see Holly and after Chris inviting her over to gloat. Maybe I hold grudges too long.

What this did well was show how a one nighter (not an affair as she called it) can have such far reaching effects, affecting people not even connected to the cheaters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
She was the lucky one, Chris was the looser.

Here is the truth, if you can not forgive the one who you claim to love, then you just don't love them. Sure she screwed up, guess what guys we all do. It has been said that if one THINKS of sleeping with a woman he already has. I wonder what book that is from? Anyway, by that standard we are all guilty of adultery. She is lucky to be shed of a man who just pretends to love her, he never did.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 4 years ago

To those idiots who are asking how the wife was punished seeing her husband with the other woman and those kids ended up being pretty significant punishment on an emotional psychological level.

The promise of the story is that she cheated one time when she should not have done. She rationalized

Simply because she wanted to. But she did immediately confess

She didn't confess only when confronted with evidence. She completely came forward on her own volition. The husband who action was extreme

Even if he is psychological foundation was shape and he was trying to recapture his balance by Going every woman he saw... The husband got his revenge or even up the scales and this on many times over a.

To then file for divorce shows how staggeringly immature and stupid the husband truly is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Chris is a weird character

His over the top, years long reaction to a one night stand is irrational.

SwordWielderSwordWielderalmost 4 years ago
Good Story

There were a couple of things you forgot: What happened with Craig Miller's wife and family? Did he get divorced and taken to the cleaners? Did his daughter ever forgive him? Did Mallory every discuss the unethical behavior practiced by Jessica and the other sales women? I'm sure the company was interested in sales, but there is almost certainly an HR handbook prohibiting some types of behavior. Can you imagine the publicity nightmare for a company that encourages its sales reps to use sex to make sales, and damage/destroy who knows how many marriages?

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdalmost 4 years ago
Really Nice Story

Very deep characters and emotion. Readers probably won't be happy that her self-centered nature doesn't allow substantial regret or personal growth...but that's life.

Hooked1957Hooked1957almost 4 years ago
I liked it

Nice little story about consequences. Read very easy.


26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Another great story to add to your list of achievements. This was a story of a foolish wife who decided that a little fling wouldn't hurt her marriage and wonderful life. Unfortunately, she felt remorse, confessed and found that her husband wasn't feeling very forgiving. With her cheating, she lost his love, respect, and trust, and her marriage. He moved on , found a new wife and made a good life for himself. He forgave her, but she couldn't regain his love and trust. I really enjoyed the set up and revenge on Dr Miller and his life. That was justice very much deserved.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Okay story

It seems like she's punishing herself more than necessary. After all she got the career she wanted, she kept the house in the divorce and she still had her looks. It made no sense to me that she didn't move on and find another husband. When her parents dropped the bomb that they had been seeing Chris I could have understood her being pissed - had that occurred right after the divorce. But all those years later she should have either moved on or gotten some help to enable her to move on. No sense in mooning over a guy that was fucking everything in sight rather than trying to save his marriage. Since she's still carrying a grudge or whatever, there's no way she had dinner with Holly or goes to visit her parents when Holly and Chris are around. That's not how you wrote her character. Like I said at the start - okay story with a kind of flat ending.

FireFox59FireFox59almost 4 years ago
Good Story

Actions have consequences. Mallory cheated and experienced the consequences. Enough said.

gordo12gordo12almost 4 years ago

Good story although sad. You always hope that people will have the will to win through at the end. 5*

I will echo Sbrooks103x comments on multi-paragraph dialogue.

"This is your first paragraph. There are no closing tags.

"This is your second paragraph! There are no closing tags

"This is your third paragraph. There are no closing tags

"This is your final paragraph and there are closing tags"

I used to make the same mistakes :-)

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCyclealmost 4 years ago
It's hilarious, reading comments from apologists and husband haters.

Of course it's an anony comment....

"Another one where the husband is just as much of an asshole".

Jesus you're delusional.

Before her dalliance, he was 100% committed to her, their relationship, and their future together. Down to his very soul. That's what caused his response. He was under the illusion that they were living their lives for each other, to discover that a part of her was not committed to him the same as he was committed to her. The one, single night straying destroyed that in him, and from that point on, utterly destroyed the marriage. The rest of his actions were attempts to pull himself back from the brink. He thought the marriage defined who he was, so to think otherwise would have almost destroyed him.

It's all on her. Once the relationship was destroyed, he owed her nothing.

The sad thing is, she was probably about 95% there in the relationship, but there was still that other 5%. That's the bit that held her back from having kids, that's the bit that stopped her communicating her feelings regarding her job and her frustrations at life, when she should have talked to him. It's also the part that allowed her to slip into the fail... She just didn't have the mindset that's needed, where you have already decided, long before the opportunity arises, that you don't betray your spouse, come hell or high water.

That 5% allowed the destruction of a near-perfect couple, and it can't be denied or rationalized away, and again, it's all on her.

It's just a pity for her that she mostly did want her ex-husband, and truly regretted her actions.

Well told tale,with a very good title, it defines and distills the consequence for the protagonist. She really did have no way back to the life she regrets destroying, and it really was unintended revenge... but it wasn't a revenge on the part of the ex, it was a revenge against herself. A very sad position for her to be in, but nothing about which can be done.

If you don't get this from reading this story, you are simply an idiot.

You idiot.

Thank you, CAROLINA, this was a 5.

KRD19254KRD19254almost 4 years ago

So the moral of this story is 1. don't cheat, 2. but if you do keep your mouth shut, 3. and never be honest about the cheat. If Mallory would not have been fundamentally a good person with a good conscious that pushed her into guilt/honesty - Chris's 3 kids would be hers. Since then Mallory has condemn herself into celibacy.


I thought there as going to be a hook in the story when it was discovered that Chris fucked Jessica. The same Jessica that planting the cheat bug in Mallory's ear, here nemesis. I wasn't quit sure about the timing of Chris tryst with Jessica, I got the impression this was BEFORE Miami and that Chris was playing around BEFORE Miami. That maybe Jessica was instigating a break up?!?! But maybe not since she disappeared quickly from the story.


I also thought when Mallory's parents took her to the new ocean home and the discovery of their neighbor was Chris she would have bolted since her parents all but said they valued Chris's company more then hers.


Only a 3* story, too long/verbose for what you got.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
It's kinda hard to have empathy for the husband

He wasn't an angel himself. They were still married, how does sleeping with a bunch of other women make what his wife did any different? She only slept with 1 guy but slept with him 3 times. He's sleeping with everything that moves. Both are cheater's. I got what she did is wrong but she told him cause she didn't want to lie to him. She didn't plot for another rendezvous. She wasn't a cum slut. I think he could've at least tried to get past it. She was remorseful, she fully accepted responsibility and she never even thought of doing it again. Should she have went to her room that nigh? Absofuckinglutely... I've read stories where the whores have no guilt, no remorse and was planning on continuing sleeping around. Those are the whites I have a major problem with. Shouldn't be cheating at all honestly, but I don't mind reconciliation for certain situations. They could've tried counseling to make sure there was no way back. I feel like the husband was done the minute she told him. Hence, why he started banging chicks left and right.

tvlg71343tvlg71343almost 4 years ago

Good writing but the overall story sucks. She would only become friend with Holly and Chris, if she found herself again and not being as miserable as you described her.

She would either go into the sea and never return as there wouldn't be "a way back" for her or become an addict to her medication against depression.

Sorry but the ending doesn't work for me.

I imagine it like that:

There would be that one kid in her class that also has this slight sadness and it turns out the kid is raised by a single dad. Guess what he cheated on his wife and she stormed out and was killed in an car accident just minutes later.

They meet at a parent teacher conference and can't look each other into the eyes. But the kid is touching her in levels she thought she lost after that day in Miami.

She helps he kid to get out of its funk and that's how the father and Mallory start to talk to each other. Of cause they open up, it's not romance at first. Just this knowledge of one bad decision and it's consequences and to have somebody that understands the feelings and thoughts.

Two lost souls brought together by that kid. That's when she starts to get moving on and so does he. They visit her parents at the beach on a summer weekend and guess what Chris sees them and talks to him.

"I don't know if I could ever date a cheater" said Chris with a grin. He replied "I am very lucky that she can and you didn't." Chris face turned pale. "Otherwise I might still be a miserable bustard but now I am happy again and so is she." He continued and smiled at Mallory. Both men stayed quiet after that.

'Did I trade up when leaving Mallory behind or did I settle for second best?'

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 4 years ago


First, the couple was in a tight financial situation before Miami betrayal. She quits that job two weeks after the break-up. Since she is not yet certified as a teacher, she substitutes. That would bring in less than half of a regular teacher pay, which is about half of what she made hawking medicine. How did they survive with that kind of reduction? Hubby’s rooming cost did not increase, but his boarding cost probably went up. Their new financial situation should have been addressed, if only briefly.

Second, she was afraid of having children. Hubby expected three or more kids and had already started some pressure. Perhaps after delivery, her maternal hormones may have kicked in ... and maybe not! That became moot, but after break-up she is never depicted as regretting her nulliparous status. That was a fatal flaw in their marriage, of which she was aware but probably hoped could postpone indefinitely.

Finally, Hubby had been true-blue in college despite opportunities to cat around. He became an avid pussy-hound WAY too easily after her tryst confession.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 4 years ago

@ctdans, I'm not saying "give her a pass," I'm saying that she never should have confessed, and lived with the guilt. Instead, she confessed, relieved her guilt, but crushed her husband, who then left her, crushing her!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Punctuating Dialogue 101

If a paragraph doesn’t begin with a quotation mark, it’s narrative.


When one character is speaking and is not uninterrupted by narrative or another character talking, EVERY paragraph starts with a mark, but only the last one has a closing mark.


When one paragraph ends with a quotation mark and the very next one starts with a mark, that indicates the character speaking has changed.

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsalmost 4 years ago

It is just brutally cruel for Mallory to be there knowing her true love is gone forever....


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I get this, my wife cheated on me although she didn't confess as in this story I found out. After that I could never really trust her again, once trust is broken it can never fully be regained. The hurt and the anger that comes with it makes you do things that normally you wouldn't do, My son was devastated and to this day 15 years later he still resents his Mom for what she done to split up our family. Actions have consequences each with a different outcome.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Could have been better .

I get the impression they were each others one and only loves , so her infidelity is a biggy . Why she confessed it confuses me . She had to know that her husband would have trouble getting over it , especially given that she regularly does trade shows and therefore the opportunity to transgress . Saying nothing would have been the smart thing , but there wouldn't have been a story .

She seemed to decide to do it on the spur of the moment . Struck me as a bit strange given that she previously had never showed any inclination . And with Dr Miller , an obvious player , but neither showing any concerns over possible STIs .

A sad tale all round that I think needs a rewrite .

At least everyone got what they deserved in the end .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Your attention please.

We are sorry for any delays in your marriage and relationship with your husband. Please fasten your seatbelt and refrain from spreading your legs for any old self-absorbed jackasses you may encounter. If there's anything we can do to make your life more bearable, please fuck off and die. Thank you for flying Skank Airways.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Fact is she cheated. So stand at the curb and wait for the gasoline. Everything you do has a consequence. Good story, glad he didnt go back. 5

widowedidiotwidowedidiotalmost 4 years ago

I think this marriage was doomed from day one. While the protagonist seems to be a very resilient person, the husband seems to be a weakling that can only manage when things go his way. This type of person has to have his hand held and assured every day that he´s a good boy. This is Not a man. Even though the author tried to turn things around and wanted to paint him different it came to late. The die had been cast. Then he tried painting the woman as a weakling, he failed and the end just became absurd.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Quit reading middle of page 3

How can you trust parents who would keep such secrets and then ambush?

She should have left that house the next day. "Mom, Dad, maybe I'll see you, at my house, next Christmas."

What is with these authors trying to force friendships after acrimonious divorces? Yuucch

2 stars so they doesn't get culled in a 1 star purge.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
"But their married now"

By the end of page 1 I was thinking to myself, "Now THIS is the way a quality story should be written, with no distracting mistakes!".

It turns out my praise was a bit premature, because the errors began to increase in number. Like the example in my title, which of course should read, "But they're married now".

There were other spelling and punctuation errors as well. The point being, please find an editor, instead of serving us a gourmet meal on a dirty plate. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Chris Made Our

I don’t see what Chris has to complain About.. By divorcing Mallory, due to her affair, he gets rich and fucks every woman in the US. A very realistic story (sarcasm). Two stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Matt Moreau, is that you?

I’m sorry, but the main character made a mistake and by writing from her perspective you engendered a level of trust from the reader that she was truly repentant. The husband did nothing wrong by leaving her, but his cheating was no better than hers.

Your MC obviously hated herself as much as MM’s seem to hate themselves. No sane person accepts her friend sleeping with her separated spouse that easily or let’s her family’s utter betrayal (that is what it was) go unmentioned. There are several skipped plot points that allows this story to avoid any semblance of realism.

The family should have been told to go fuck themselves and there should have been at least a confrontation with the friend.

Did the MC do wrong? Yes. Should she have been punished for it? Yes, and she was, but her self-loathing was ridiculous and her emotional masochism was bullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Story kinda worked...

Given he had known her since 15, Chris's reaction seemed a bit extreme. She came clean, she quit her job and tried to repair things. However, Chris, decided to screw everything female that moved as he wanted variety too.. (Guess they were both virgins). They never seemed to do the counseling route and at that critical time after separation they could not quite patch things up.

There was no details about the conversations, never any emotional moments where you got a sense how he felt. Liked the idea of a confrontation at the Party with the Doc, but it would have been better real time in person with her.

The story kinda worked becasue the 10+ years later was enough time to believe he could get married and have kids and get the happily ever after. Of course, that's more likely than getting published, that's for sure.

I have liked most of CG other work. Thanks again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Stupid story

It’s a fictional story but I feel really sorry for all the poor guys who are cheering and giving it 5 stars. How pathetic is your life that you think this is a great story? She made a mistake and she owned up to it but he immediately thought she was doing it a lot and thought the worst of her. Then he fucks all those girls while still married to get even???? Just a stupid stupid story. He didn’t love his wife he was obsessed with her. Not healthy. If he loves her he finds a way to forgive. The fact so many readers love the btb angle well that just makes me sad.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

The wife was obviously remorseful for what happened in Miami. She should have just kept her mouth shut, and rededicated herself to being the best wife she could be. She could have made some excuse and quit her job and move into teaching and never saw the doctor again. She could have started her family and moved on with her life, wiser for the experience. But no, lets fess up and destroy everything. Brilliant

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Molly made a mistake and still is paying for it

Everyone else moved on .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

vickitvohio said it perfectly. LOVE slap hapy papy #9

COYSCOYSalmost 4 years ago
Very good

This was a very good story. I found it very sad and emotional. I think I would have reacted like Chris. Her lost interest in children and spending the night with some asshole doctor would have done me in. I don’t believe she would have gone to dinner and let the new wife rub it in. That was cruel. But like other commentators have said, she didn’t love him like he deserved. He was better off with a better woman. Thank you

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 4 years ago
Fucking parents

No doubt she was wrong and got what she deserved from her ex, but I'd have been done with my parents. Fuck them and their fucking beach house. Ghost them. Slip out the back Jack(ie). Get a teaching job on the other side of the world and start over. Enjoy your adopted son 'rents and the beach house you bought right fucking next to him you assholes because you won't be seeing me nor any grandkids I may one day produce.

My ancestors held a grudge against the English for centuries. Probably in our blood. I'd damn sure hold this grudge a few decades.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 4 years ago

Have to agree with the geologist.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I liked it....

...I finished reading it so I will give you **** thank you....

ShadowRosieShadowRosiealmost 4 years ago

This story seems so forced. See the people? See the relationships? See the mess up? See what it does to the people? Do you see this? This is bad, do you really see this?

This is a story. Like a million others, it is not a happy story. Why the hell did the woman stay around her parents' place knowing their neighbor was her ex, Oh my god.. Why? I would be gone by nightfall. That is so bad and such a let down by her parents. They had no right being friends with him beyond their own child. That was a bigger cheat than what she did. I feel sorry for her.

management91399management91399almost 4 years ago

I don't know, this is a LW story so there will be a cheating wife. I would think the scorched earth the husband inflicted was a little over the top. Eventually people move on, Mallory at some point had done her time, anything beyond that was self-inflicted, the fact her parents don't see that is tragic. her husband OTOH won the cheating lottery. She confesses, he splits, everything with XX chromosomes in the county suddenly is spreading their legs for him. AND he's suddenly Tom Clancy! And her parents love him! And she's still alone! Yeah that was a little over the top, at some point life goes on.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
What a world, what a world...

The dialogue is stiff as a girder. The characters are nasty, the husband far worse than the wife, but both are motivated by revenge and a desire to hurt others. Justice in this story is meted out like Hammurabi cutting off hands and feet. This is what a world with justice without mercy looks like, a world bereft of love and forgiveness. No true "Gentleman" could have written such a harsh and barren story.

superdandy123superdandy123almost 4 years ago

great story, glad there was a happy ending for Chris.

Mallory seems quite dangerous at the end, if Chris has to make clear he's with Holly now, it sounds like she's still trying to get back with him.

She should really try to move on for her own sake.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I loved the story.

I think the problem most commentators have is that the people are real. He made them real. How many stories of cuckolds and hotwifes, stag, etc do we need? I for one loved how he wrote it. And we say he, but do we really know? The other thing is this: has anyone ever divorced someone and just walked away from all the relationships? My wife's cousin has been married four times-and I am guessing it was her second husband that introduced me to my wife. But when they divorced both families stayed close for almost a decade. So yeah, the story is believeable, and just because he didn't do a real story (literotica) btb doesn't mean she doesn't get btbed in the end. If I got divorced I would have to move across the country or world just to not be with her. Would I erupt? probably, but btb...nope. I just would want gone. So I would take a concept foreign to everyone here and just walk away. Seems no matter what the story line is-scorched earth btb, divorce, walkaway, or revenge by screwing her paramours family no one is satisfied. Seems almost a waste to say: but if you don't write you should not criticize the ones writing. I vote mainly silently until someone really checks my anger in. Skippy47 had a story where the guy just walked away-I got an email from Thats how people react. Truth is whats in your heart should not make you be that way. It is what is wrong with the world today.

fritz51fritz51almost 4 years ago
Agree with anon 6-24-20: I loved the story.

Some of y'all just aren't happy unless you are tearing someone down. This was a great story. Mallory got the worst burn possible and will suffer the rest of her life. Man o' man what a tough crowd here in L.W's.

Please keep 'em coming CG, I'll be reading. *****

tizwickytizwickyalmost 4 years ago

I usually enjoy all of you writing and have always liked the very plausible and believable plot lines but this one fell flat in a major way. There is NO WAY that Mallory would have blurted out and confessed her pitiful "Miami affair" to Craig with Dr. Miller. With very few exceptions, women don't spill their innermost secrets and are much better lairs than men are! Given that she regretted her actions almost from the moment she committed them Craig would have had to water boarded her to learn of her infidelity. I still like your work and I know the next one will be great.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Reads like an S&M story. I’m sure it will appeal to the Bible thumping BTB crowd, who paradoxically don’t seem to have any capacity for forgiveness. Too bad you don’t allow her to realize she has bigger balls than her ex and get on with her life.

MormonJackMormonJackalmost 4 years ago
Great story, as always

Loved the different perspective - from the cheating wife.

One thing that I couldn't help but think at the end of all of this: don't confess. If you have a good thing, and for whatever reason you find that you are human and screw up, don't confess. Yeah, if she had decided that it was a one and done thing and not confessed, this would have NOT have been a cheating wives tale.

JhWALLJhWALLalmost 4 years ago
Got what you deserved no doubt about it

Chris was completely right once a partner does what you did they can't be trusted ever again because the let sex rule their mind forever.

danoctoberdanoctoberalmost 4 years ago
One and done.

The issue is not about forgiveness.

The issue is about knowingly skipping down the path to self-destruction. She gambled and lost. The thing is she wasn't a bad person, simply foolish. That was enough.

For myself, it is easy to cheer on the self-inflicted distrucution of a rotten character's relationship.

With this ex-wife she knew she did wrong, was sorry about, regretted it, but she couldn't fix it.

One and done. Worst, she was able to observe the success of her ex-husband years later with his new wife, children, home, and his writing career. A life that could have been hers except for her poor choices.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Very good story!

Well thought-out and written, though you need to know the difference of they're, (as in they are), and theirs. I caught a few typos like that, you wrote in error.

But that is small peanuts, compared to the great moral tale you wrote into this story! Great moral lessons the cheating wife learned, as she worked through the mess her cheating one time, caused.

Great way to write and show the true fallout, the great damage done to all the innocent victims of the bombs this cheating slut wife caused, with her cheating, though it was only one time.

I really like the way you wrote-out all the errant reasons WHY she was reluctant, but then sold herself a bill of rotten goods, in her own mind, thereby hesitated, then thought through and went ahead and cheated on her husband, that one time.

Her reasons for doing so, sound so flimsy when reading them, because they truly are flimsy!

However, they are true, none-the-less! I've known several women, in long term marriages, about the same age, within ten years or so of this wife, down or up in years from her, that did the same thing, for the same stupid, for shit reasons.

A lot of it had to do with their own pride and mostly vanity on these wives own parts. But mostly author, you nailed in this story, the main reasons all those cheating wives I've known, finally cheated on their husbands! A couple of them only cheated the one time. Most of the rest, multiple times.

All got caught by their irate, incensed husbands and were divorced, very quickly.

I'm not blaming their husbands at all. In fact, I agreed with them!

How well I know...when you find total stinking shit, and it just happens to be your total shit wife cheating on you, you pick that human shit up, and toss it into the nearest shit-can, to be hauled off to the dump, with all the rest of the stinking shit garbage and refuse of life! That's where all cheaters belong!

Last para was the epitaph to your moral capstone! Great read!

Looking for your next story posted here! Thank you so very much author, for your excellence in story telling!

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreealmost 4 years ago

There are quite a few writers

that focus more on emotions

than actions, in their stories.

I'm not a fan, but I have nothing

against such stories.

I sympathize with pain and feelings

of good people.

Not cheaters.

I don't give a damn about

their self inflicted pain or feelings.

That is why I rate stories, like this one,

as 1 out of 5.

266xxyz266xxyzalmost 4 years ago

Like your stories and wish I could write fiction.

This one feels like a good meal at one of those real diners, mostly along the east coast that look like a souped up Airstream trailer kinda. Where the food and ambience. The grub was plain, meat n spuds kind of a place that when you left you felt full and satisfied cuz the food was great in its own way.

Yeah, there were a few typos or misspellings but your not writing apparently for the market, so what? Are you receiving pay for being

I'm a huge Scorch the earth BTB fan and am equaly a fan of the extreme. Forgive...? Not in my play book. Don't know if its this forgive them stuff. Im 76+, got one long

.Got 1 long time friend who I only see maybe briefly once a year..another I see pretty much every day, fixin to dissolve my marriage and this will be my 4th t-shrt. Got 2 sons from whom I am estranged. I must admit I agree to another line of thought, and as I think that is knocked, I feel precisely the same way and I suspect that poster and I are of the people...and we do grudges really good.

I anyway, really liked it. Im very satisfied with your story. I make a place for The people are extreme, almost feral.

Many of these commentator seem to be a nonny from their sometimes funny, some times, I think many but all in all, a fine read. Thank you for your time and effort.


onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelylovealmost 4 years ago
Chris was no better and a bit of a cypher to my mind

She sleeps with the guy and is remorseful and confesses. He goes off and bangs a few himself. Which I am sure he would have never mentioned (except that she was there to hear the fallout) a couple of weeks after the blow up and she is guilty she hurt him? What about his inner life? How superior do you have to feel to still feel like the victim here? Sorry, glad he got on with his life but what is good for the goose is good for the gander and I mean that both ways. She beats up on herself and he just feels... self righteous. And repeats the behavior later on a book tour! And she still feels responsible... masochism I guess.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
One of many sad but true end to cheating when married.

This story albeit long had a number quality subtle turning points.

When the wife decided to cheat her mind was influenced by her coworker, one who by the way fucked her hubby at his gym. Her decision to continue in a job she repeatedly said she hated showed her lack of confidence in herself on her real ambitions but that said she could have still recovered fumbling her marriage by pointing out that the mistake of staying in her hated she gave away the life she really wanted. That in itself could have been introduces throughout all the time she and her hubby were "dating" so to speak. His little fuck fest thing made no sense plus his brother pointed that out quite well. Thus his decisions were selfish unto himself and that too kept this situation on a downward spiral.

In the end, cheating will never give the cheater that which they want...... more excitement in the bedroom, feeling that a sex life begins to get stale, or a new dick or pussy would replace the spice the marriage had when it began. This story albeit long had a number quality subtle turning points.

When the wife decided to cheat her mind was influenced by her coworker, one who by the way fucked her hubby at his gym. Her decision to continue in a job she repeatedly said she hated showed her lack of confidence in herself on her real ambitions but that said she could have still recovered fumbling her marriage by pointing out that the mistake of staying in her hated she gave away the life she really wanted. That in itself could have been introduces throughout all the time she and her hubby were "dating" so to speak. His little fuck fest thing made no sense and his brother pointed that out well. Thus his decisions were selfish unto himself and that too kept this situation on a downward spiral.

In the end, cheating will never give the cheater that which they want...... more excitement in the bedroom . The wife experienced that herself upon arriving home and throwing her totally super sexed self at her husband to fuck his brains out that night. Oddly enough she had the same feeling when she banged the hell out of the hot doctor in his hotel room, yes , the one laying bare butt naked on the bed when she came out of the bathroom. Monogamy is as fresh or as stale as a couple let it be. Being devoted to one person for life is a pie in the sky commitment but a commitment none the less. A commitment that both parties need to dissect deeply with one another so they can prevent their married pussy or dick from becoming the same old same old feeling and work to avoid it. Sure swinging and polyamory type arrangements may sound and seem to be the answer but couples who have their eye on the ball can become either of those categories of marriage partners simply by assuming the roles of such people and working to entice each other. Getting it hard or wet takes effort,,, but all good things take effort Neither married partner ever has to feel bored in bed. Try reaching over and gently touching your partner. Never turn your back on your lover.(the message that sends is essentially the final blow to a relationship. Cheating is cheating. Getting caught at cheating is still getting caught. Suck it up, take ownership and if you are the hurt partner layout the conditions to overcome being cheated on. Then fuck your partners brains out an make sure he or she is left sweating and wanting more and be prepared to give more to what you have instead of going out and looking to give it to someone else.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Good story

I enjoyed the story. In my opinion, not quite a 5*,but I am giving it 5* because I think it is more than a 4.

WillowghbyWillowghbyalmost 4 years ago
Good Plot, Excellent Characters, Reasonable Moral Message

My title says it all. Beautifully done, CG.

Punctuation complaint was covered in previous comment.

BTW, do you intentionally choose the wrong option for their/there/they're so consistently or is this an easy area for authoring improvement. This is grade school level grammar.

Keep 'em comin'.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 3 years ago

That was truly excellent. Completely realistic scenarios and characters.

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15over 3 years ago

In all honesty she should have packed her suitcase when her mother told her Chris lived next door and got the neck out of town telling her mother that she would come back when she knew that none of them would be there or perhaps never otherwise she might take a long swim in the ocean.

It didn't seem to occur to her mother how cruel she was being. Did it not get through her brain that her daughter wasn't over Chris? Or did she not care?

Sabotaging relationships is her way of punishing herself. Maybe if she tells Chris he got his wish she can begin to heal. But that isn't going to happen if she has to keep on seeing him with Holly and their children.

There was a major lack of communication in their lives and marriage. This woman has given up on having a life of her own to punish herself and no one seems to care. Get away from those toxic people. Chris contributed to the problem as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Morality Play with no Surprises or Plot Twists

This is a story.

It's straightforward.

It seems factual and realistic.

It's boring.

jesemmojesemmoover 3 years ago
Good Story

Anyone who has ever thought of cheating on their spouse should read this story. The cheater always thinks that their spouse will get over it, but no one can understand the deep hurt that a spouse feels when they discover that the one that they love has betrayed their love. Good Story and the content was well thought out.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

Really well done. Stopped just short of preachy. Thanks for that. I agree with the comment below that she isn’t getting a chance to heal. Main problem seems she has not forgiven herself

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Enjoyed the story but didn't think the outcome was realistic. Although any man would be hurt if his wife confessed to cheating. I think they would have eventually been able to get passed it if they really loved their wife.

It's obvious from the story that Mallory deeply regretted what happen and by her admission to Chris made that regret obvious. Chris never saw her cheating and so had no visual imagery to reinforce his emotional turmoil.

Given the situation the realistic ending to this story would have been for them to reconcile otherwise it indicates that Chris's love for Mallory isn't as strong as he claims. The fact that they were first loves with Chris saying that he had loved Mallory from the age of 15 makes the ending of the story completely wrong and not at all the natural ending that the story plays to.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story.

the love of his wife cannot always lead to reconciliation.

there are so many other parameters to consider:

the feeling of disrespect, betrayal, lies, loss of confidence, feelings of doubt and having to control one's wife, the modification of love (to love all his wife but no longer be in love with her), the ego of the husband, the spread of adultery and the protection of children, ......

Personally, as a result of my life experiences, I have a need for absolute trust, and once broken, it is definitely lost.

AND no matter how much love is stronger than me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

mallory fucked up, husband was a punk and didnt deserve fame/success as an author or happiness w/ holly. when mallory was stabbed in the back by her parents surprise, she should have left immediately.

WwoodyWwoodyalmost 3 years ago

As a story, it was OK, Although Mallory cheated, she could've pointed out that her guilt was so overwhelming from her one time lapse in judgment, that had she been guilty of cheating before, she would've confessed then. People, we are all human, and sinful, those people who have no forgiveness, need to look into their own soul, and then think "he who is without sin, cast the first stone " that is a direct quote from you know who

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

excellent story. Enjoy the tenor of your efforts. Shoe in is actually shoo-in. Yes I know I'm admittedly a picky ass who has no clue how to write a story

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 2 years ago

Good story, but OUCH!!! She should have shut up. Brought everything on herself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Chris was a pathetic human being..we all fuck up..she was so overcome by guilt that she confessed….That should have worked in her favour!! He should hve forgiven her it was a one time only! What he did to her was too much plying the high ground!

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