Not What She Seemed


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"I won't ask again, Diane; get your knickers off."

Diane hesitated, looked hard at Ivan, saw he was serious and then, remarkably, slipped her hands under her skirt and pushed her tiny black panties down past her knees. She stepped out of them and pushed them aside with her foot.

I did about ten double takes; To say I was flabbergasted would be a major understatement.

"Walk over here." Ivan motioned her to stand in front of him.

She did! She stopped right in front of him and looked down at her feet. I was fucking amazed. Ivan sat forward and lifted her skirt above her waist. This was way before the days of shaved fannies, but she had obviously spent time trimming it. He cupped her fanny in his hand for a second, then moved her around to face away from him.

"Bend over Slut. I want to inspect this ugly snatch properly."

She was facing me and flushed red, there was a slight hesitation, and then she bent at the waist and put her hands on my knees to support herself.

"You were right; it's not an ugly snatch at all. I think it's worthy of some attention, don't you think, Dave?" said Ivan, and calm as you like, he slid two fingers into her. "Shit, she's bloody wet already."

"Come and have a feel, Dave," Ivan beckoned me.

I reached between her arms and cupped one of her breasts, my other hand reached further, and I slid my fingers along her slit. Diane closed her eyes and went a deeper red, but she did not attempt to stop me.

Ivan stood, moved alongside, and began unbuttoning her blouse. So I worked my fingers between those nice puckered lips and twirled them around, also marvelling at how wet she was.

Ivan then turned her around and guided her to kneel on his chair, pulled some red cord from his pocket, and bent her over the chair back. He started with her arms, tying them onto the struts on the back. Diane offered no resistance other than to mumble, unconvincingly, that she shouldn't. Bloody hell, I could not believe it.

Ivan and I had had a couple of threesomes, but I had never seen him act so dominant. I was also concerned about his using such filthy language with her. He kept telling her that she was a 'fucking beautiful slut'.

He moved around behind her and nudged me aside. Then spread her legs and tied each one to the chair's front legs. The four lengths of cord he used were about 4mm thick, soft, and looked like he had used them many times. The dirty bugger had come well prepared.

As Diane knelt, in only her navy skirt and high heels, Ivan moved around in front of her and pulled a blindfold from his pocket. He slipped this over her head and adjusted it over her eyes, ensuring she was adequately blindfolded. Then reaching over her, he lifted her skirt onto her back, exposing all her charms to me. She was reacting to everything he did with movements that told me she was getting turned on. Fuck! My already hard cock twitched and grew another inch.

Indicating to me that I should get Percy out of my pants and do the business, he unzipped and thrust his cock at her lips and forced her to take it into her mouth. I still had a vague sense of uncertainty about this, knowing I was in dangerous territory concerning the building I was doing for her and Wayne. So rather than diving straight in, I reached under her and started kneading those gorgeous hanging tits, thinking I'd get a feel of those and see how she reacted.

Straight away, I could feel her arousal; her nipples were hard and erect. I took each nipple between my fingers, pinching and needing them. My actions elicited the first sounds from her, a low moan that lowered in pitch to a long, drawn-out groan, and her breathing quickened.

As she moaned louder, a flash of Navy blue moved in my peripheral vision. I looked out the window, and Wayne's car was pulling up the drive.

"Fuck! Wayne's home," I yelled. "Grab all the clothes; I'll hide her in the bedroom."

I slipped an arm under her waist and, holding her and the chair out in front of me, headed for the hall. There was no time to untie her. Ivan stood locked to the spot, holding his cock out before him and seemingly wondering where his blowjob had gone. Diane's reaction was a little more normal; she panicked and started jerking around, trying to free herself.

"Ivan!" I yelled. "Get the fucking clothes and follow me." Then I stuck my mouth to Diane's ear and told her to stop moving. "I can't fucking carry you if you're jerking around like this."

Thankfully she went still, and I raced up the hall to their bedroom, holding Her out in front of me, something I'm sure I could not have done if my adrenalin had not been flowing so hard. And 'thankfully' I found Ivan behind me with all their clothes. I shoved her, and the chair into the bedroom, turned and shoved Ivan through the door, motioning him to lock it. I then strode back to the lounge, zipping my fly and straightening my clothes.

Luckily Wayne was nowhere to be seen. Then I saw him coming out of their half-built garage. He had gone looking for me before he came inside. The relief that I had some seconds to compose myself was like a heavy coat dropping from my shoulders.

I quickly looked around, checking to see if anything else would give us away. Just the two cups of tea sent a wave of panic through me, and then I figured I might be alright; at least there were not three cups.

"Hi, Dave," said Wayne, pushing his way through the front door, "Where's Diane? I've come to apologise."

"She took off for the bedroom, saying she did not want to talk with you yet," I said as loudly as I thought I could get away with, hoping Diane and Ivan could hear me.

He didn't even blink at my feeble excuse; he just moved over to the hall and went to the bedroom door. He tried to push it open; it did not budge, so he stepped back and called to her.

"Diane! I've come home to apologise. I was in a cranky mood this morning over how you had been acting. I'm sorry. Open up and talk to me."

There was silence, and just as he was going to push the door again, I heard a muffled response from Diane.

"I can't hear you; open up!" Wayne exclaimed.

Much clearer now, she replied, "I said I don't want to talk with you now. We will talk tonight. Go back to work."

Wayne turned to leave and saw me watching him. My presence must have spurred him to act more like the man as he turned back to the door and had another go at entering. He pushed at the door and yelled he was coming in.

"You enter this bedroom, and I'll not speak to you for a month. Now go to work; I may be ready to talk with you tonight," Diane yelled at him.

Wayne's head slumped, and he came slowly back into the lounge and stood looking hopelessly at me.

"God, she's moody. I haven't had sex for a month, and when I tried last night, she bit my head off. It's not fair."

"Wayne, go back to work; I'll talk with her. 'Go', it will be alright." And I put my arm around his shoulders and maneuvered him to the front door.

As he walked to the car, I sat at the dining table and sipped my tea. It was cold; thank god he did not decide to sit and drink with me; that may have rung some alarm bells. Then I took in the glaring space where the dining chair was missing. He should have noticed that! But he couldn't have, too, screwed up with his problems.

I watched him back down the drive, and once I was sure his car had departed the street, I headed up to the bedroom.

"He's gone; open up."

There was a bit of shuffling around behind the door, and then Ivans's grinning face appeared in the opening.

"That was a close one, Davo! I thought we were goners. How the fuck did you carry her out in front of you like that? Bloody Popeye couldn't have done that."

I marvelled that Diane was still tied to the chair and blindfolded. The dirty bugger had not even tried to release her. I found later he had rammed the chair so that her arse was hard against the door to stop Wayne from getting in, then leaned over her and pushed both his hands against the door as well. Then realising his favourable position, had rammed his cock back into her mouth. Which was why her first response to Wayne had been so muffled.

Ivan dragged the chair out to the foot of the bed and entered her from behind. Diane gave a frustrated sigh. Then as he upped the tempo, I saw her getting into the mood again.

I just slumped onto the bed and sat watching, still in shock from our close shave and unsure if I wanted to go on with this. But as I watched, Ivan thrust away and stuck his finger in her arse; I felt my arousal grow. Then realising I would never get this chance again, I stood and dropped my shorts.

Ivan beckoned me over to take his place, moved around, and pushed his prick back into her mouth. It was coated with her creamy juices, and she sucked and savoured it like she would a lollipop. Diane was really into it now, hips banging back against my thrusts and stretching her neck out, trying to get Ivan's prick fully in her mouth.

"Oh, you want it Bitch." Ivan started up the dirty language again. But far from damping her ardour, she seemed to light up with renewed energy, if that was possible. The moans she was uttering sounded like she was about to climax. So I upped the tempo and reached forward to pull on those rock-hard nipples again.

Then she was coming, body jerking against the cords that were restraining her and trying to tell us she was coming around Ivan's thick cock that was plugging her mouth.

Her enthusiasm brought me to a fantastic climax; I just held on tight as the undulations rippling through her body milked me dry. Then withdrawing, I hobbled over, on very shaky legs, to sit on the bed.

I thought Ivan had ejaculated as well, but he stepped around behind her and took my place. Diane turned her head around and asked Ivan to give her time to catch her breath. But he didn't hesitate and slowly eased his cock between her legs.

He did start slowly but soon was driving into her with much more brutality than I had. He'd not given her time to come down from her first orgasm. It only took a few minutes, and her hips enthusiastically thrust back against him. I marvelled at how she started showing all the signs of another orgasm building.

I was fascinated. Soon it was all over; Ivan came with a rush, pulled out, and shot all over her, most landing on her back and skirt. Diane wasn't quite there, and, moaning her disappointment at his withdrawal, she called me to come fuck her.

But Ivan wasn't finished; he went to work fingering her fanny and smacking her arse. He reached around to squeeze her tits, spoke the most filthy things in her ear, and soon fingered her to another noisy orgasm.

Her body was still wracked in the throws of her orgasm as he beckoned me off the bed.

"Common Davo, we'll have that cup of tea now."

I held back, "Shouldn't we untie her first?"

"Fuck no!" Was his reply, "We haven't finished with her yet."

The tea was stone cold, of course, so we boiled the kettle, found some salad and tuna in the fridge, and then sat and ate lunch.

Ivan looked at his watch, "Shit, it's after midday; I have to go. Bugger! There's a lot more I want to do with her yet. You'll have to sort her out; she'll be getting bloody horny in there. Go out and hammer some nails; that will get her pretty wound up."

I followed him to the car, and as he took his suit back into the house to change, I went over to the garage and nailed on a couple of weatherboards. But When Ivan drove off, I couldn't concentrate, and after hitting my finger, I went back inside and entered the bedroom.

What a sight; Diane was wriggling around, trying to loosen the cords, but Ivan had secured them far too well. I must remember to take those cords with me. I thought.

I took a leaf from Ivan's book, put on my toughest-sounding voice, and asked her, "What shall I do with you? Let you go, or fuck you?"

I fully expected her to yell blue murder and demand her release. Instead, I heard a quiet, mumbled response, and had to ask her to speak up.

"Fuck me, please?" I heard clearly this time.

I took in the sight before me. Diane had a fantastic figure, long shapely legs, her round butt now partially covered by the short navy skirt that had dropped back with all her wriggling around. Trickles of Ivan's and her juices were running down her legs. I lifted the skirt onto her back again and sat on the bed to admire the wonderful sight. Her arse taught and stretched, she still had her high heel shoes on, and I stared in rapture at her irresistible, pouting, well-used orchid I had exposed.

Fuck, I was hard again. But I didn't want to just stand behind her and whack it in. After years of watching her mistreat Wayne, giving me a hard time if I made a slightly sexist joke, and generally being a right stuck-up bitch. I wanted to savour this and watch her face as I fucked her.

So I set about untying the cords, then carried her over to the bed, flipped back the covers, and laid her on her back. She protested for a second, and I realised she probably was having misgivings about doing it in her marital bed. I did think about where else I could fuck her.

But then she spoke up, "We'll make a mess in the bed."

She wasn't concerned about the marital bed, just the mess we would make. I learned that day that she got her rocks off by being told what to do. So I just replied to her that she had the rest of the day to wash the sheets, and I pulled her high heels off, crawled across on top of her and pointed Percy at the promised land.

It was a wonderful fuck, long and adventurous. I took her hard, then slowed and was gentle before upping the tempo again. I enjoyed myself, sucking on and kneading those beautiful breasts and nipples. She was nothing like the Diane I had known for four years. She responded to every move I made, calling for me to fuck her harder and then asking me to wait for her to come.

I was in the seventh heaven, and when she had worked herself up to the point where I knew she was about to come, I gritted my teeth and concentrated hard to bring myself to a climax at the same time.

I spoke dirty to her, nothing like what Ivan had weighed into her with, but my language seemed to do the trick. We climaxed pretty much together, noisy and rough. Her yelling at me to fuck her harder, which I thoroughly enjoyed, again thinking about how bitchy she had been around me over the years.

When I climbed out of bed, I saw we 'had' made a hell of a mess of the sheets. She had some washing and cleaning up to do. It was nearly 2:00; bloody hell, where had the time gone.

I didn't talk to her again that day; I saw her moving around in the house as I worked. But I got as much work done as possible, then headed home. That's when the guilt hit me.

When I turned up at 7:30 the following day, Wayne was out of the house and over to talk with me.

"Don't know what you said to Diane, but thank you. We had sex last night and then again this morning. Best I have had in years." He couldn't contain himself and was grinning like the cat that got the cream when he drove off to work.

A while after he had left, Diane came out to talk. She wanted me to assure her that Ivan and I wouldn't tell anyone about the day before. I gave her the old 'off course we won't' and promised her we would stay mum. Then she asked if I would get Ivan to come around again sometime. And she coyly asked if I wanted to have lunch with her.

But I declined; I was a bit screwed up about being unfaithful so close to home. I didn't go inside the house again in the days until I completed their garage. I'm pretty sure Ivan did revisit her, but I didn't discuss anything with him then, as I was so guilty about my part in the whole episode.


Later that year. I was, as usual, down the pub on a Friday night when I spotted Wayne with a load of his workmates. And standing next to Wayne was the guy I had assumed was the curtain salesman. The guy I had seen with Diane that first day she played up. I kept an eye on the group and noticed a girl in the group that I knew. Later I caught her eye, and when she wandered over to say hi, I asked her about the curtain guy.

"Oh, that's Greg, Wayne's his boss," she explained.

I said I thought he had been around visiting Wayne's wife one day when I was working there. And that Diane had told me he was a curtain salesman.

She laughed, "Oh no, he was having an affair with her. I think it's been over for a few months now, though." Then she floored me with, "Half the guys in the office have slept with Diane; everyone knows she's the town bike, has been for years."

I still wonder today what happened to their marriage. Are they still together? And did he ever catch her out?

Ivan and I always bring up that day with Diane and laugh our arses off. He always brings up the sight of me carrying her out in front, her naked, tied to the chair. I asked him if he ever went around to revisit her.

"Shit, yes!" he yelled, "I called on her twice more. But then she got a job, and I didn't manage to get with her again. I fucked her up the arse. She'd never had that before."

You never know how the other half lives.

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26thNC26thNC11 months ago

Bitch on one side, whore on the other.

KiwihunterKiwihunter11 months ago

Brilliant story mate. Keep it up. 💯

AnotherChapterAnotherChapter11 months ago

Morally bankrupt one and all. Dave scoffs at Dianne as being the town bike, but he was riding wasn’t he! What sort of degenerate cheating SOB does that make him. If there had been a moral compass to this story it would have been found lodged up Ivan’ posterior, discovered there, no doubt by Dave.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I wonder if he'll still be laughing when he comes home and finds Ivan and his friends fucking his wife?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Some deaf dumb and blind poltroon married a lying cheating promiscuous whore. It happens. Thanks for your version.

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