Nothing I Won't Do


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"Well," I said, "you teased the hell out of me relentlessly for two days straight. It's all your fault. Luckily, you can't get pregnant."

"Birth control isn't one-hundred percent effective, you know," she told me with a wicked smile. "And with as much cum as you put inside me, that one percent doesn't seem so insignificant."

"Do you WANT me to get you pregnant, Beth?" I asked her. "You're almost out of high school. You could put college off a year or two. I wouldn't exactly be over the moon about that, but..."

"...but if I managed to bring you a baby in exchange, you'd consider it?" my daughter finished with a cocked eyebrow. I shrugged. Ultimately, the decision was hers- it was her body. I didn't put much faith or stock in the whole myth about two-headed incest babies and other nonsense. Genetically speaking, I came from a very hearty end of the gene pool. Beth seemed to think it over as she rubbed my cock-bulge in her tummy again. "Hmm," she mused. "I don't know... I can't say that the idea isn't appealing to me. I mean, hell, having my own father's second child? It's the ultimate taboo! My breasts would get big, my skin would glow and I'd be able to walk around carrying my father's baby and no one else would know it but us."

"And you'd have morning sickness and, let me tell you, giving birth is a glorious thing, but it's no picnic. People compare painful experiences to child birth for a reason. And there'd be late-night feedings and crying and dirty diapers... Sweetheart, raising a child isn't just some romantic thing. It's a lot of hard work and sleepless nights."

"You're still hard and I don't want it to go to waste. Please fuck me a little, Dad. Not hard, just a little bit. Mmmm, yes, that's it. Just like that." She closed her eyes for a few seconds and kept her palm on her stomach so that she could feel me moving inside of her. Then she looked up at me and asked, "I understand all of those things, Dad. I'm not THAT foolish. Are you saying that you couldn't handle having another child?"

I gently rocked my hips back and forth, limited to short strokes because my cock still hadn't become dislodged from her clutching cervix, and shook my head. "I'm not saying that I couldn't handle it, Sweetheart. I HAVE handled it. I could do it again, I think. I just want you to understand that it's not all fun and games. You've read lots of fictional stories where sexy little minxes like you get knocked up by their daddies, but those stories ended there without going into the whole process of pregnancy and child-rearing. You're still very young, honey, with everything ahead of you. When you have kids, your life pretty much comes to a halt and THEY become your entire life. Look at me, honey, even now, with my cock buried inside of you, I'm sitting here and counseling you, trying to teach you. That's what parenthood is, minus the sex part: it's a constant struggle of pulling a child along who doesn't always take the long view on some things."

Beth nodded and rested her chin on her arms as she luxuriated in the sensations I gave her. I thought she was starting to build up to another orgasm, but she was in fact thinking about what I'd just said. I remained respectfully quiet, still fucking her gently, until she looked back up at me. "You're right," she said finally. "Maybe I'm too young to get started on that just yet. But it's not totally out of the question, is it?" She reached back and lovingly placed her small palm on MY stomach while I moved back and forth slowly. "With you?"

"You'll probably find someone a lot younger to raise a family with by then, Sweetheart," I told her. I didn't like admitting that possibility, but I couldn't, in good conscience, deny her that option.

Beth shook her head, her mind already made up. She twisted her torso just enough to fully face me. "No. I don't think so. I'm with you, always have been and always will be. I couldn't leave you and don't want to. We'll continue having sex, making love and, maybe one day, start a family of our own, when I'm ready. For now, though, mmmm... for now, I just want to keep feeling you inside of me."

I continued pushing my cock into my little girl for a few minutes longer but the orgasm I'd had was finally, completely out of my system. My cock started to deflate, the tip of it slipped past the barrier of her cervix, and I slowly withdrew it. When I did, we both were amazed to see a rather impressive amount of my semen leak out of her well-fucked opening.

"So that's what they meant," she said distractedly and with a touch of awe in her voice.

"Who?" I asked.

"Writers," my daughter answered. "I read, all the time, in stories where the guy's cock slips out of the woman and she suddenly feels this strange emptiness. I understand it now. Before, it was just me and my vibrator. When I used it, it made me feel kind of full, but not quite. With you, though, I felt it. I felt the warmth of it inside of me, filling me up, and it felt like I was finally, y'know, complete. But when you pulled out, I suddenly felt this emptiness that didn't feel natural, in a sense. No pain or anything, just... I'm empty again." She remained thoughtfully silent for a moment and then said, "I guess that's probably why women love sex so much. Once they feel that fullness inside of them, that completeness, they'll do almost anything to get it back." She fixed me with a meaningful gaze and added, "It's very addictive, that kind of feeling of comfort. I totally get it now."

"That's pretty profound for an eighteen-year-old girl," I mused.

Beth scooped some of the creamy mess into her hand and experimentally tasted it with her tongue, her eyes locked onto mine the entire time. When she'd licked her palm clean, she said, "I can answer your question now: yes, you taste wonderful." I laughed and leaned down to kiss her joyously, not caring that I tasted the mixture of our cum on her lips. When we parted, she said, "Thank you, Dad. For everything. For providing for me, for protecting me, for giving me life. And, now, for giving me the best orgasm I've ever had, for filling me with your cum, for making me a woman and for making me feel complete."

I kissed her again and said, "You're more than welcome, Babygirl. And thank YOU for giving me so much pleasure. Even without the sex I am so grateful for having you in my life." I stood up and held my hand out to her. "Now, let's say we get you out of that outfit before you completely stain it with my cum."

Beth got to her feet with my help, turned her back to me so that I could unzip the dress, and then shrugged it off her shoulders. As soon as she was naked again, she tossed the dress away, sat back down on the edge of the bed and we both watched with keen interest as my cum started to drip down her inner thighs in rivulets. I quickly knelt down and helped her get the stockings off before they, too, became drenched with the white fluid. I tossed the stockings aside and continued to watch my daughter's flooded pussy. It was like watching a race, which stream of Daddy's seed would stop flowing first? Beth just looked at me in wonder. "Holy shit, Dad, it's STILL coming out of me! How much cum did you put in there, anyway?"

I just smiled as I stood back up, my semi-erect cock dangling in front of her and still coated with our shiny juices. "The same amount that I'll put inside you every chance I get, Sweetheart: every drop that I've got. From now on, I promise I'll never jack off while I'm home. I'll put it all inside of you, right where you want it. After I go back to Afghanistan, when I jack off, I'll do it thinking of you. And when I get back home... I'm not gonna touch myself for a week before I leave so that I can pump you so full of my cum that it really WILL be pouring down your legs."

Beth stood up on her toes and pulled on my neck so that she could kiss me. "You say the sweetest things, Dad. Now... I think it's time one of us gets cleaned up," she said as she kneeled down in front of me, keeping her eyes locked onto mine as she grabbed hold of my sticky member.

"Just one of us? And, uhm, that's not the shower."

"No, but it's definitely about to get cleaned," she quipped and then covered my cockhead with her mouth and began to suck in earnest. Beth, I am glad to say, is a VERY talented cocksucker. I don't know where she learned such skill, and don't want to- I just enjoyed the hell out of it. I watched my daughter suck me off for several minutes, glorying in the feelings she gave me, and marveled at how quickly my erection had returned, just from her oral ministrations. I told her as much. She looked back up at me, satisfied with her handiwork, and stroked the hardened shaft with her small hand, unable to completely wrap her tiny fingers around it but sending shivers down my spine even so. "Now... for round two: I was thinking that YOU would shower ME. Those videos you showed me earlier today? Hottest fucking things I'd seen in my entire life, Dad. It got me so excited that I almost crawled out of my skin. I wanted to be those girls, Dad. I wanted to have cum shot directly into my pussy like they did. I wanted YOU to do the shooting, but the timing wasn't right, then. Now, though, seems like the perfect time. I mean, putting more of that creamy stuff inside me isn't going to hurt at this point." She planted her lips at the head of my cock again and sucked hard while gently tonguing the slit. Her mouth came off with a pop. "So how about it, Dad? Think you can make your little girl's fantasy come true?"

I took control of my penis from her and said with a grin, "Honey... assume the position. Daddy's got some baby-batter for you." Beth immediately rolled onto her back on the floor and kicked her shins over her shoulders, showing me her glistening, wet pussy. I knelt down in front of her exposed cunt and began to pump my shaft excitedly. It was so hot to see her this way, ready and wanting me to pour my cum into her like this. If I could do it directly into her womb, I thought to myself, I would. I stopped stroking myself, suddenly inspired by that thought, and said, "Sweetheart, remember back in junior high, when you were in cheerleading?"

Beth blinked at me in confusion. "Yeah. So?"

"So, I seem to recall you being able to put your ankles behind your head. Are you still able to do that and, maybe, pull your pussy open at the same time?"

Beth just stared up at me for a long few seconds, then righted herself and hopped to her feet. "I can sure as hell try!" she said as she went back to the bed, laid on her back and proceeded to carefully hook both ankles behind her neck. It seemed awkward at first, but she finally adjusted her arms so that she could touch her pussy without pulling any muscles. Her ankles seemed locked in place, too. "Thank God you already stretched me out some," she said as she worked two fingers into either side of her pussy and began to gently pull it open for me. "There's no way I could've done this before. All right, Dad, I'm ready, I think. How's it look?"

I walked up to her and looked down at the small bundle that was my daughter, twisted up like a pretzel. Her dainty fingers had pulled her inner and outer pussy lips wide apart, far wider than I expected. What an amazing sight! "Honey, this is incredible! Holy hell, I can't believe we're about to do this!" I said as I began to stroke my cock faster and harder. The ceiling fan above my bed had very bright lights on it and I was able to see straight down into Beth's deep chasm like it was a shallow well with her cervix resting in wait at the bottom. I could see remnants of my cum from earlier still pooled there and her pink cervix glistened invitingly. Beth held herself so wide open that there was easily enough clearance to shove my throbbing meat down inside of her and not touch the sides.

As though she was reading my mind, Beth said, "I want to see you put it inside me. Put your cock inside, Dad." I lowered the head of my cock so that it could eclipse her stretched opening and it sank down inside of her easily without touching her inner walls. "Oh my God," she gasped. "I see it, but I can't believe that I'm actually watching you do this!"

Feeling even more experimental, I pushed a little further downward so that I could tap the entrance to her womb with the head of my cock. "Knock-knock," I said playfully and pulled myself back without completely withdrawing it from her gaped canal.

"WHOAH!" Beth cried with surprise as her hips involuntarily spasmed. In her crumpled state, she couldn't see everything that I could. "I sure as hell FELT it! What the fuck did you just do?"

"I just said hello to your cervix with the tip of my penis," I told her. "Did you like it?"

"Like it? Dad, that felt incredible!" she exclaimed. "I can't tell from here- just how wide open am I, anyway?"

I dipped my cock deeper into the opening and tapped her cervix again, which caused her to jerk involuntarily once more in surprise at the sensation. This time, however, I pulled out and resumed stroking myself with the head of my cock still aimed downward. "Wide enough for me to do that with ease, Babygirl. Daddy's almost ready to cum, honey. Are you ready for it?"

"God, what I wouldn't give to see that!" she said.

Inspiration struck again and I smiled at her wolfishly. "I think I have just the thing for that. Hold still for just a minute." I quickly went into my bathroom, yanked open one of the drawers and grabbed an old shaving mirror. I didn't use it anymore but never got around to throwing it out. It was one of those magnifying mirrors that makes whatever's in the reflection seem a lot bigger. I returned to my daughter and held it up for her to see.

"Brilliant!" she said happily and awkwardly reached for it with her hand. "Give it to me. I want to see." I handed it to her and she held it gingerly between the knuckles of her free fingers while still managing to hold herself open with one finger of each hand. The dexterity in doing so was amazing to me, but she just barely managed to do it. She angled the mirror so that she could see her own pussy spread to its maximum limit. When the angle was just right, she gasped again. "Holy shit, Dad, that's amazing! You really CAN see my cervix! And, look, there's some of your cum from earlier!"

"Well," I said as I resumed masturbating over her gaped chalice, "I've got more for you if you'll give me a minute." I stroked my cock with real vigor, careful not to bump the mirror from her precarious grasp. It didn't take me long until I was close to orgasm again. "I'm just about there, Babygirl," I told her as I aimed my swollen cockhead at her entrance. "Ready?"

"Definitely! Push it right up against my cervix and fill me up, Dad! Shoot it directly into me if you can! Oh, FUCK, this is so hot! I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!" Beth cried with glee. "I want your cum, Daddy. I want to see you put the tip inside my cervix just before you cum and then I want you to shoot off right inside my womb!"

I stroked myself like a madman now and could feel the bubbling in my loins like never before. It was a deep, rumbling sort of sensation and I knew I was going to cum a lot again. I didn't know where all this semen was coming from, but I wasn't going to let it go to waste. "I'll need you to open up, honey," I gasped as I pushed my cockhead downward so that my cumslit kissed the entrance to her uterus. "Quick!"

As if on cue, Beth emitted a heartfelt "ohm". It wasn't as deep as before due to the fact that she had folded herself in half, but it was enough to cause her cervix to wink open for me. I deftly inserted just the tip of my cock into the brief opening and wedged my bloated cockhead in the rest of the way. Once I was lodged inside my little girl's deepest chamber, I feasted my eyes on the sight of it and placed my hands on her taut buttocks to keep both of us steady.

"You're in, Dad! I can just barely see it!" Beth cooed as I very gently rocked my hips to maintain friction on my over-sensitized penis, watching as just a mere two inches of my cock slid in and out of her cervical ring. The boiling in my loins quickly changed into a full churning of impending release and I froze with just the head poised inside her uterus's entrance. "Now cum, Dad! I want to watch you cum inside me! Fill me with your baby-batter!"

It was so damned erotic, the knowledge of what I was about to do, that I couldn't hold back any longer and began to shoot every last ounce of sperm I had left inside of me. With shaking knees, I held myself perfectly still while we watched in fascination as my cock throbbed and pulsed, pushing another glorious load of cum into my daughter's crumpled body. "I'm cumming, baby!" I told her between gasping breaths. "Fuck! I can't believe I'm filling you up like this!"

"Oooooh, yes, cum inside me, Daddy," Beth pleaded, her eyes glued to the reflection in the mirror. "Don't ever stop! Oh, God, it's just so fucking good and hot, Dad. I'm feeling it and seeing it go in at the same time! Oh! OH, SHIT! More!"

My cock jerked and spasmed while Beth continued to hold her gaping pussy open for us to watch this incredible spectacle. It was just amazing to watch the very tip of my cock jump with each slug of cum that rocketed down into Beth's uterus, the mouth of her cervix moving right along with my cock as it pulsed repeatedly like we were fused together. My balls clenched and surged with the abuse they had been put through, but I continued to pump everything they had through my shaft. A moment later, though, I was completely tapped and, even though it was still spasming, there was no more cum to offer. I gently pulled back on my cock and watched as my barbed tip finally managed to come out of her inner opening with a silent pop. The cervix immediately snapped shut, trapping my seed inside her womb for good. When I stood back, I said, "I wish we had a video camera so that you could play it back and watch it while I'm away. Make our own little porno."

Beth smiled up at me, her ankles still locked behind her head, and said, "We have two weeks, Dad. Plenty of time for that." She let go of the mirror and her stretched pussy lips and then rubbed her mons happily.

Not a single drop of my cum had escaped the clutches of Beth's cervix when I withdrew myself from her body. My seed was a part of her now, nestled uselessly within her womb, but the knowledge of what could be was incredibly arousing. My cock was done, quite literally petered out, but that didn't mean I couldn't give my daughter a few more moments of pleasure. I knelt down at the foot of the bed and began to bathe my daughter's well-fucked pussy with my tongue. I covered every inch of her bald, puffy mound with absolute love and care and I paid special attention to her clitoris, which had her moaning deeply the whole time. Finally, she couldn't hold her position any longer and let her legs come down around my shoulders as I continued to eat her out with relish. She tasted wonderful and I loved every second of it, but there was more of her body to explore. I slowly moved my way upwards, kissing the spot on her stomach for a moment where my cum was pooling inside her, and moved still higher to feast on her firm breasts, first the right one and then the left. The whole time I lavished this loving attention on my daughter's body her hands roamed over my head and neck imploringly, gratefully. I suckled my daughter's breasts for a good, long while, gently biting the small, round nipples with my teeth from time to time and sucking hard on the areolae. From that oral attention alone, Beth enjoyed a nice, small climax and pulled me further still up her body until we were face to face. I looked down at my daughter, not saying a word as my now limp penis lay atop her tired pussy.

Beth looked back up at me with her beautiful eyes and stroked my cheek with one hand while rubbing the muscles of my shoulders with the other. "I love you, Dad," she told me.
