Nude Secretaries Day: Reporting Live


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"So you like it?" she asked.

Ryan assured her he did. It appeared she did as well, being as his fingertips were growing more wet the more he touched her.

"I'll get waxed more often then, just you for," she said sweetly. She looked at the sample condoms next to Ryan's bed.

"We still have one condom left. Want to do a quickie before I go in to work?" she asked.

"Nah. I'd rather save it for when we have more time."

"Maybe tonight, then." Julie climbed out of bed. She wrapped a towel around her torso and grabbed Ryan's toiletry bag. "Taking a shower. Join me?"

"Right behind ya," he said.

Julie winked and sauntered down the hallway to the communal bathroom. It was still fairly early, and none of Ryan's frat brothers had apparently woken up yet, so Julie had her choice of shower stalls to choose. She picked one and headed inside to clean her body off before her big day in front of the cameras.

It took nearly two minutes for warm water to begin flowing after cranking on the shower nozzle. Julie stepped under the overhead faucet and let the flow drizzle over her body. Soon after, she heard the bathroom door open, and footsteps approach her stall.

"Come on in, the water's warm," she said invitingly.

The stall door opened, only for Julie to find the young man standing outside her stall was not her boyfriend. One of Ryan's brothers, Lewis, she was fairy sure was his name, stared slack-jawed at her naked body as she showered.

"Oh my God, get out of here!" she shouted, frantically covering her breasts and private parts with her arms.

Lewis stared at her for three seconds, watching the shampoo suds dripping from her hair, down her shoulders, and between her breasts, before shutting the stall door. She quickly finished her shower before Ryan had even arrived.

When Julie stepped out of the bathroom, Lewis and two other frat boys loitered in the hallway.

"Uhh, sorry," Lewis said. The other two boys looked at the floor, ogling her towel-clad body through the corner of their eyes.

Julie hurried back to Ryan's room to get dressed. To get there, she had to pass through the main living room, where she saw the big screen TV was on- and set to Channel 6. Two of the Alpha Tau Zeta boys sat on the couch eating bowls of Cap'n Crunch watching the morning news, while a bearded dragon munched on mealworms from a plate on the coffee table beneath their resting feet. Julie gulped angrily and stomped to Ryan's bedroom and arrived just as he was stepping out in his boxer shorts.

"Oh, you done already?" he asked.

"The TV is set to Channel 6! You promised the TV would be off today!"

"Hey, relax! I'll make sure it's off when your show is on, don't worry!" he said, as Julie pushed past him. She quickly peeled off her bath towel and slipped into her work clothes- not that she would be needing them today.

"Can you just do me a favor?" she asked, pulling her purple cotton panties up her legs and around the curve of her ass. "Text me today at nine sharp. CONFIRM that the TV is off."

"Do you want to get breakfast?" he asked, watching her put on her blouse and button it.

"I'll just grab a coffee on the way," she said. "Now promise me you'll text me."

Ryan's phone rang, and he answered.

"Sup, Chris?" he greeted. He listened into his phone while Julie finished dressing and waited for his answer. "Yeah, Ken and I can throw in. What time?"

"Ryan! Julie repeated. "Promise me!"

Ryan nodded at her. Julie huffed and walked out of his bedroom. She checked her watch and rushed out the front door.

"See you later, Julie," one of the frat boys on the couch said, not looking away from the TV.

Pleased that her car was finally out of the shop, Julie got behind the wheel to drive herself to work. She could do her hair and makeup once she got to the office, but there was one thing she did not want to do at work- get her coffee.

She made a quick stop at the corner coffee shop, only to find Mackenzie Nesbitt was working the counter again.

"Hi, Julie," Mackenzie said snidely as her former classmate entered.

"Iced mocha latte," Julie said sharply. "And secure the cap this time, please."

"Sure thing," Mackenzie said coldly. "You must think you're really special having an office job."

"Not really. It's just a job," Julie said condescendingly.

Mackenzie looked her former friend up and down, and let her eyes linger on Julie's skirt, which stopped considerably north of the knee. Feeling suddenly self-conscious, Julie took a seat at one of the tables to keep her thighs hidden from view. She waited nearly ten minutes, while customers who had been behind her in line were picking up their drinks and leaving before Mackenzie finally called Julie's name and handed her her icy beverage. Julie grabbed it and took off, vowing to find a new coffee shop to frequent.

She pulled into the parking lot of the Williams building only two minutes to eight. The Channel 6 crew was finishing an exterior shot outside the building when Julie skirted past the TV workers and hurried inside.

( . )( . )

A limousine carried Gabe and Tess from the Channel 6 station to the J.T. Levinson offices. While the television employees didn't get to ride in such an extravagant vehicle every day, it was not uncommon for the studio to splurge for especially high profile events. While Gabe and Tess made small talk, Tess searched through her small pink travel case.

"Where is it?" she asked, frustrated.

"Where is what, sweetheart?" Gabe asked.

"My bikini? The one I'm supposed to wear on air today? It's not in here and I know I packed it!"

Gabe paused. "I think your mother took it out. She and I were talking over the weekend, and we both think you shouldn't wear a bikini when you do your Nude Secretaries Day report."

"What do you want me to wear then?" she asked.

Gabe looked at her, knowingly. Realization came over Tess.

"Gabe! I didn't agree to that! That's not in my contract!"

"I- and your mother as well- both think this is for the best. We'll make some alterations to your contract. You'll have more negotiating power. But this program could be our biggest rated episode ever, and it will have a much bigger impact if you- dressed the part. It's nude or nothing. Your mother's words, not mine."

"I want to talk to her." Tess took out her cell phone and dialed her mother. The phone rang several times. Vicki hadn't specified why she wasn't riding with them in the limo over, but had mentioned having to deal with important business at the station and promised she would be at the office in time for the broadcast. Vicki finally answered.

"Mom! Gabe says you're making me do the show naked?"

"You're doing a report on Nude Secretaries Day, sweetie. Doesn't it make sense?"

"You AGREED when my image consultant said I should stay PG-13!" Tess said. She lowered her voice. "Isn't that why you helped bury that s-e-x tape?"

Tess eyed Gabe, who was looking out the side window pretending not to have heard her.

"Tess, you saw the results of that online poll. Fifty-six percent of Channel 6 viewers voted 'yes' to seeing you naked! We'd be idiots not to do this show."

Tess went quiet. There was little she could say to her mother when she'd made up her mind.

"Besides, would it really be so bad for you to finally appear nude?" Vicki asked. "Maybe you'll finally meet some nice guy, get married, or get pregnant! You're not getting any younger."

"Thanks for reminding me."

"Well Gabe and I discussed it, so it's happening. I suggest you get ready." Vicki hung up the phone.

Tess sighed and dropped her phone into her purse. Perhaps it was inevitable. She'd continuously agreed to do sexier and sexier photoshoots and news segments; putting her on a slippery slope that was going to lead here eventually. Tess resigned herself to the next phase of her career as the limousine pulled into the parking lot of the Williams building and she and Gabe got out.

( . )( . )

Matt could smell bacon and eggs frying on the skillet when he walked through the front door of his apartment. He followed the delightful aroma to the kitchen, where he found Monica cooking breakfast in the nude. She looked at him and smiled.

"Did you get it?" she asked.

He held up the power cable for the bakery TV set, assuring her that there would be no possibility of the bakery TV being operational during the morning broadcast of San Amaury Today. Relief washed over Monica's face.

"You're the best!" she said.

Matt walked up behind her and rested his hands on her bare hips. "Mmm, you're the best!" he corrected. He kissed her softly on the neck as she scooped a spatula full of hash browns onto a plate.

"I think you should stay dressed just like this," he whispered into her ear.

"That's the plan," she said softly. "Under my coat, that is."

It was true, Monica would need to wear a coat to work, as it was quite cold out. But Monica knew it would excite Matt, and it would excite Albert, if she wore nothing underneath. The thrill of commuting to work wearing only an overcoat, so that when she arrived at her office, she could remove it and already be dressed in the appropriate attire for the day, was sublime enough that getting dressed at home was unnecessary.

Matt grabbed a strip of bacon from his plate and chomped it down before taking a seat at the table. Monica placed the rest of his breakfast in front of him and took a seat across from him.

"So, when you were at the bakery, did you happen to see if my name was on the schedule?" she asked, spreading butter on her toast.

"I did," Matt said, cutting his eggs with the side of his fork. "It had a question mark next to it. I crossed your name out."

Monica's face sank. "Why did you do that? I don't understand why you're so unsupportive of your parents' business."

Matt sighed and set his fork down. "Because they're wasting their money on a venture they know won't work. Did I mention this isn't the first bakery they owned? They started one thirty years ago and they went under. Now they're trying the same thing again like they haven't learned a thing."

Monica stopped buttering her toast.

"They didn't go under. They sold the business because your mom got pregnant with you," she said.

Matt stared at her, perplexed as to how she could know this.

"Your mom told me- by accident. She asked me not to tell you because she didn't want you to feel guilty. Matt, your parents put their dream on hold for thirty years to raise you and afford to put you through college!"

Matt's face dropped. "She never told me that." He stared at his plate, no longer hungry.

Monica finished her breakfast, and took Matt's plate, and wrapped it up for him to finish later. Matt said nothing as he put on his coat and got behind the wheel of his Charger to drive himself and his girlfriend to work.

The Channel 6 crew was set up in front of the building when Matt and Monica arrived. Tess Meadows was still in her white skirt suit as she prepared to record her show opener. Monica didn't want to wait around to watch her, but being as Tess was blocking the building entrance, she and Matt had no choice but to stand to the side and wait for the shot to finish.

"Rolling in five.. four... three..."

"It looks like just another office building here in downtown San Amaury," Tess began, motioning towards the large gray building behind her. "But on the fourth and fifth floors of this building, right here at the corner of Hallett and Fifteenth, is a marketing firm with a very surprising annual tradition: one day each year, the secretaries come to work naked. Today, I'll be giving you an exclusive peek into the offices of this business, and reveal the fascinating stories of the beautiful women who uncover themselves once every year. And to give you an honest firsthand account of what it's like to work in an office building without clothing, I'll be giving this report completely naked. I'm Tess Meadows, and this is San Amaury Today!"

Tess did her trademark hair flip and Gabe called cut.

"How was that? Do you need me to do it again?" Tess asked, as Matt and Monica walked past her to the building entrance. She spotted them and turned to wave hello. "Hi Matt!" she said sweetly.

Matt waved back to her and Monica pulled him by his sleeve into the building. They approached the elevator, where Sarah Chamberlain and Vanessa Martinez were waiting for the doors to open.

"Ooh, I'm so nervous!" Sarah said, shaking.

"Did you wear clothes under your coats?" Monica asked.

"Yes! Were we supposed to be naked already?" she asked, growing even more anxious.

Monica shrugged. "That's how the veteran secretaries do it." Monica looked to the building entrance. "Oh look, here she is."

"Morning, ladies!" Shari said, smiling from ear-to-ear, as she always did on Nude Secretaries Day. No secretary was more veteran than Shari. She was most definitely nude underneath her coat.

The elevator doors opened, and Matt, Monica, Sarah, Vanessa, and Shari stepped inside. They were soon joined by Mike Delaney, who grinned boyishly as he checked out the coat-clad women.

"All right, ladies!" he said excitedly. "Who's ready to get naked?"

"I am!" Shari said enthusiastically. She opened her coat and to no one's surprise, she wore nothing underneath.

"Looking sexy as always, Shari!" Mike said. "How about the rest of you?"

"Oh, I'm wearing clothes," Sarah said, defensively.

"I am too," Vanessa said.

"Not for long, you're not!" Mike said. He turned to Monica. "How about you, Miss Tightbuns? Got anything on under that coat?"

Reluctantly, Monica opened her coat, and gave Mike a peek at her nude body. He grinned as she turned to show Sarah and Vanessa what she had.

"Wow, Matt, you're a lucky man!" Sarah said, impressed by Monica's toned figure.

"And she's a lucky woman! Did you see what this boy is packing?" Shari asked.

Matt blushed as Sarah and Vanessa nodded in agreement with her.

The elevator stopped at the fourth floor and Vanessa and Sarah got out. Sarah continued down the hall to her office while Vanessa proceeded to remove her coat, as well as the rest of her clothing. Mike held out his arm to keep the elevator doors open as he gawked at the receptionist as she undressed.

"Mike, you've got all day to gawk at naked ladies. Why don't we head upstairs now?" Matt asked.

"Just a sec," Mike said. He waited until the Latina beauty's bra and panties had come off and she took a seat at the receptionist desk in the nude before he let the doors close. "What a babe, huh?" he remarked. Even Shari and Monica had to agree.

Once the elevator reached the fifth floor, Monica made her way to her office, where she removed her coat and began her secretarial duties in the nude. The feel of her office chair against her bare legs, butt, and back was a familiar feeling; it had been some time since the last time she'd been nude in the office, but by year four it felt like home.

Men passing by in the hallway peeked inside her office to ogle her, and Monica smiled at them as she continued reading her emails. Her phone rang, and she picked up her receiver and answered in her usual professional tone, "Albert Hosdale's office, Monica speaking."

"Hey sweetcakes! You remember what day it is today?" Albert asked.

Monica laughed. "Yes, Albert, I sure did!"

"Glad to hear it! I trust you're dressed for the occasion?"

Monica rolled her eyes. "Yes Albert, I sure am. Did you call just to confirm that I'm nude or is there something you need?"

"Well, actually there is something... Channel 6 sent us a fax. Can you check the machine and bring it down to the lobby here? You won't need to go outside, so no need for a coat. Just come dressed as you are."

"Be down in a jiffy," Monica said. She ended the call. After rising from her seat, Monica strolled down the hallway to the fax machine and checked the output tray. A contract detailing the terms of Tess Meadows' employment was inside. Monica grabbed the contract when she felt a light pinch on her left butt cheek. She jumped, startled, and spun around.

"Gotcha!" Amy Sandoval said giggling, pleased to have finally gotten revenge for her goosing the previous week.

Monica blushed as she acknowledged she'd gotten her due. She took a moment to admire Amy's body, now that she was seeing the sandy blonde's body nude for the first time. Amy was slim, with small breasts and pale skin with pretty freckles all across her chest and legs. As were the other secretaries, Amy's vulva was smooth and bare thanks to her recent complimentary Brazilian wax.

"Hey! What are you doing upstairs?" Monica asked.

"I came up here to shoot a promo clip for one of the sponsors," Amy said. "Just a quick little skit of me modeling some Dollhouse panties before my boss pulls them down. They'll probably ask you to do it, too."

Monica shuddered. "I hope they don't. It's bad enough we have to be on TV. Now I have to bring this fax downstairs while I'm dressed like this."

"Would it help if I went with you?" Amy asked. "Might be less scary with a buddy?"

Flattered by the nice gesture, Monica let Amy join her in a trip downstairs. They took the elevator down to the lobby of the Williams building, where the Channel 6 crew was wrapping up their intro shot and preparing to head upstairs.

The chatter in the room came to a halt the moment the two naked women stepped into view. Camera crew, production assistants, and producers alike stood dumbfounded at the sight of Monica and Amy quietly clicking their high heels across the tiled floor without a stitch of clothing on above their ankles.

Albert spotted the pair and summoned them over to the security guard's desk, where he was speaking with Tess and Gabe. Gabe's eyes went wide when he caught sight of Monica and Amy's nude bodies approaching him.

"Well hello, ladies!" Albert said. "Gabe, this here is Monica and Allie-"

"Amy," she corrected.

"Amy," Albert repeated, flustered. "Two of our lovely and dutiful secretaries. This is Monica's fourth Nude Secretaries Day with us, and Amy's first!"

"Nice to meet you! Gabe Hurwitz, Channel 6!" He offered his hand and the two nude secretaries shook it. "So glad to have you on the program!"

"I am- just amazed that you are able to do this every single year, Monica," Tess said. "And Amy! You are SO brave! How are you enjoying your first Nude Secretaries Day?"

"It's a lot of fun!" Amy said. She inched closer to Monica. "I never imagined I'd get to work in a office naked with so many other gorgeous women!"

"And if that paper in Monica's hands is what I think it is, this might be Tess' first Nude Secretaries Day too, I believe?" Albert said.

Monica coyly set the contract onto the security guard's desk.

"Well, better get your signature on there, toots!" Gabe said. He took a pen from his suit jacket and handed it to her.

"Has my mom reviewed this contract?" Tess asked.

"She's the one who faxed it over," Gabe said. "She's on her way. She just called and said she's got a special guest with her."

"Special guest? How exciting!" Albert said.

Tess read her contract carefully. When she was satisfied, she clicked the pen and signed her name on the dotted line, and the future of her career was sealed. Tess Meadows was going to be naked.

( . )( . )

A second limousine pulled into the parking lot just as Julie entered the Williams building. She knew that someone important had just arrived, but the heads in the lobby all turned to her when she stepped through the doorway.

"Good morning, beautiful," Gabe said to her as she stepped inside. Julie blushed. Of course the men were more excited to see her arrive than the VIP behind her, being as they were expecting to soon see her naked.
