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So Angela let Catherine pour her a snifter of a charming, piquant bouquet. Angie gave a cautious sniff. Her face twitched.


"Yes, any vintage can seem a bit strong and daunting to the oeno-virgin," Cat informed her. "Have a sip."

Angie brought the glass to her lips and took in a small mouthful. She lightly swished it about and shut her eyes.

Interesting. So this is how it feels to lose but one of my virginities.

"...What do you think?" she heard her hostess ask.

Angie let the little treat coat her tongue and palette, giving her a full oral experience.

"I... like it," she truthfully reported. "I really do. I have no idea what it is I like about it, but I do."

Cat smiled. "So glad to hear it."

They sat back to take it easy and drink. Silence took over a spell, sharing their surroundings with a cuckoo clock on the wall and its small pendulum beneath. Another soft, gentle sound soon joined. Angie looked toward the window.

"Oh, it's raining again."

"That it is. We've been getting a lot of rain lately."

"Yeah...Saturday it was raining cats and dogs."

"Hey, I resemble that remark."

"Ha! Right, sorry. Not that I mind it, though. I mean, being outside in it can feel a little...icky, but it cleanses things."

"Right you are again. And cools things down after a hot day."

"...Hm." Angie looked beside her and noticed something.

"Are you a leftie?... You're holding your...y'know..."

"Actually, as it turns out, I'm ambidextrous."

Angie smiled, linking the fingers of her left paw with those of Cat's right. Oooh...we could put that ability to some pleasing uses...

"I probably should've noticed that from all those days watching you write on the board. Can I ask a nosier question?"

As soon as those words were out of her mouth, Angie saw her mistake. She started to correct herself, but not before Cat began rattling off that typical teacher response.

"Well, I don't kn—"

"Y—may I. MAY I ask a nosier question. Sheesh, punish a girl for trying to be courteous."

"I'm sorry. Go on."

"Well... I know how grossly underpaid educators are. It's really unfortunate, but... well... this is such a big beautiful house, just...isn't it kinda...expensive for ya?"

"That's a fair question. I suppose this subject hasn't come up before, but a lot of my savings and salary's tied up in investments. Has been for a long time. I guess you could say money's kind of a hobby of mine. Investing, playing financial wizard who looks after a lotta those investments told me I seem to have a gift for the market. Yeah, there can be risk involved. But finance gurus are there to help protect your ass...ets."

"Ah. Guess there's more than one way to make a nice buck. And I could see anything related to numbers being a hobby for me."

"Oh my goodness, numbers are the best, aren't they?"

"They really are. Did I ever tell you I've actually arranged some of our videos and records and stuff at home according to those numbers they print on the side? Seriously. I wonder if there's something 'wrong' with me 'cause I even find numbers"

"Seconded. You know, there is more math involved in most aspects of life than many realize... including sex."

Angie and Cat gazed into each other's eyes a few honeyed moments. Angie set her glass on the table.

"Y-y'know, I still don't think my parents totally approve of us dating... I-I mean 'cause of the...age thing. I don't think it matters so much that I'm apparently a lesbian. But, I...I just can't help it. I've always been attracted to women who're wiser and more mature than me. Eh—well...except Cyndi Lauper and Winona Ryder. I'm in love with them too. But y'know, that's more in a celebrity-adoring super-fan-type way."

Cat paused to absorb this thought, nodding and putting her glass down as well.

"Yes, I can see how they'd feel that way. And it seems to me there's a couple ways to look at it. On one hand, you're still under their roof, and a romantic relationship's much less complicated with someone your own age. On the other, you're a mature, responsible adult yourself now. They trust you to be alone with me tonight, and as you said, you have to make your own decisions at some point. I mean, I don't feel we're doing anything 'wrong.' Far as I'm concerned, we're just two nice gals who enjoy each other's company."

Angie pulled up and folded her legs on the sofa. She hugged Cat's arm and shimmied closer.

"I thought I might've been biting off more than I could chew with this...what do they call it... May-December romance kinda thing. But, Cat... you're so awesome. You just make me feel so comfortable, and happy, and giddy, and...well, you get the idea."

"...Let's say May-early-mid-November... but yes, idea gotten."

They paused for a bit of shy, sweet affection. Angie looked up into Cat's eyes, caressing her cheek with her nails.

"Can I as—n-y'know what, screw it, I'm just gonna ask. Cat...

"...Do you find me romantically attractive, and-or... sexy?"

An eyebrow-arching Cat stared back into her innocent young face a minute, before chuckling again.

"Well... Angie, sweetheart, I must confess, I'd have thought that question would've been answered by those kisses we had after our second rendezvous. And the way I continue to enjoy spending time with you."

"Well, I-I know that, sure," said Angie. "I guess I...just wanted to hear you tell me I'm pretty. ...Or call our dates."

Cat considered a moment, and smiled.

"You're absolutely right, Angie. I...suppose I was uncertain about us seeing each other romantically, and that's why I was hesitant to say those things. But yes, you are right. You're also a beautiful, sexy young woman. And I mean that as your date."

Something rushed Angie and squeezed her heart. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was Cat's words, maybe it was the tone in which she uttered them... any of which could've added up to the same sum. Angie leaned up, grabbed Cat in her arms, and kissed her.

Hands no longer occupied with glasses, Cat reciprocated. Angie's heart instantly accelerated, pounding through her chest. She had to admit, the wine was an excellent touch to accent their making out. Again, she couldn't name or put her finger on it, but could tell something about the smoky love juice truly added to the sensuality. She broke up the kisses and moans into staccatos, easily worked up her courage with the alcohol's help, and spilled her beans.

Kiss. "...Cat?" Kiss, kiss.

Kiss, kiss. "Mmm...yeah, babe?" Kiss.

Kiss-kiss. "I gotta tell you something..." Kissssss...

...Kiss. "Shoot." Kiss, kiss.

Kiss. "...I'm in love with you."

She felt Cat press the pause button on the kissing. All four eyes opened. They were close enough to see one another reflected in them. Cat caressed and stroked her cheek again, just as before.

"...Angie, my angel... I think I might actually be in love with you too."

Angie's emotions, juices and hormones raced. Breath caught in her throat. She let out a gasp riding on an exhalation. The next thing Cat knew, Angela practically pounced on her, resuming their making out and canoodling. As they stretched into a horizontal position, their bodies heated up warmer than before. Perspiration took over, lacing their lithe feminine figures.

Kiss, kiss. "Just so you know..." Angie panted, swiping a pawful of hair out of her face. Kiss. "I don't have to think about it anymore." Kiss. "I've done a ton of thinking about it already, and I know I love you."

Cat laughed through the next few smooches.

"It's not exactly a contest," she panted back. Kiss, kiss. "But I think I'm gaining on you."

"Mmmm..." Kiss. "Can w—..." Kiss-kiss-kiss. "Can we go to your bedroom?"

Cat decided to let her slide on this one. She posed a different query instead.

"Are you..." Kiss. "...Sure you wanna do this?"

Angie nodded vehemently.

"Every bit as sure as I am that I'm in love with you. Take me. Please."

"Okay... I'm gonna need you to get off me, though, just till we get there."

Angela obliged. They climbed to their feet and Cat guided them. They went on kissing and fondling each other along the way. Angie bumped against a switch on the wall. A light came on above them.

"Oh!" Angie winced, covering her eyes. "Sorry!"

"It's all right, it's all right..." Cat chortled, turning it back off. "No harm done. This way, sweetie."

She got them to the doorway. Angie rapidly began unbuttoning her blouse and ditched her skirt. It barely had time to pool around her jittery feet before she jumped out. The bed was beautiful. And just begging them to plunge in and christen it. Angie panted again, mustering up the nerve to take off her blouse shirt.

"Oh my gosh, it's so... big..."

Cat smirked at her with seductive eyes.

"Ready for your birthday present?"

Angie giggled.

"It, feels like I'm actually giving you a present. My, uh...y'know..."

A nod. "I know." Cat took Angie's jaws in her hands for another soft, tasty kiss.

Smooch. "Y'know, I, uh..." the girl anxiously tittered. "...I-I swore I wasn't gonna tell you this, but...maybe the wine's doing the talking for me now. Anyway...I'm not ready to do anything like this tonight—you're probably not either—but one thing that... that really turns me on, actually, is, eh..."


"...These disciplinary fantasies I've had about you," she blushed, looking at the floor. "And... pleasured myself to a buncha times."

Cat gazed at her in amazement.


Pause. Angie nodded sheepishly, eyes closed, trying not to laugh.

"...To fantasies of me?"

Another nod. "Many times."

"...Well I'll be damned."

Angela reopened her eyes to regard her.

"...That's how much I like-slash-love you."

Cat felt herself blush a bit as well.

"Fascinating. I must say, I'm a bit... stunned. But in a good way, Angie. Certainly not offended; quite the contrary. I'm flattered."

Angie chortled, almost manically, as if the room had just filled with nitrous oxide.

"Yeah, I said, that might be a little much for me to handle tonight. But something we up to one day, maybe?"

"Yes, well, we can discuss it and try that sometime. That being said for now..."

Cat affected an uncharacteristic yet persuasive strict tone, and pointed.

"Do as your teacher tells you, and get in her bed right this moment."

Angie all but instantly wet herself. She'd been damp to the current point, but her former professor'd been holding back on the seduction till now. But if Cat was willing to let loose, so was Angie's kitty. She climbed up, wearing only her bra, her pussy love-stained panties, and a coy smile. Cat, clad in quite the fetching evening gown for their night together, slid it off her shoulders and let it drop. Angie's heart sped with excitement as the also half-nude Cat joined her in bed. The next slew of kisses ensued as limbs entwined and hugged one another. They went on until their breathing got so heavy they had to stop for moments at a time.

Gasp, gasp. "Oh god, I love you," Angie rasped. "You dunno how long I've been waiting and wanting to say that. I love you!!"

Gasp. "I believe you, Angie," Cat whispered back, caressing her with her fingertips. "I care very very deeply for you too. I-I can't say the 'l'-word yet, because—and please don't take this the wrong way—in addition to the fact that I'm still sorting out my feelings and things... I wanna protect you. And your heart. Coming out to your family was a very brave thing, and I'm proud of you. I never exactly came out to anyone as bisexual—except you, obviously—because I frankly don't have many to do so to.

"I... I just want you to know I want the best for you, sweetheart. I only have your best wishes in mind. You're so special to me. I don't wanna see you get hurt. And people will hurt you now and then, but only because you're so young and have so much future ahead. They won't always mean to. I'll do my best not to, and to be there for you if someone does. Don't worry about me. I'm an old bird, I've taken a lot. It's toughened me up. And I can't protect you from everything..."

Unsure if she was through or not, Angie gave her a peck on the cheek. Cat giggled.

"I didn't expect that to turn into a whole speech. I hope you get the gist. And also, don't worry about me if I fall for you. Cats always land on their feet."

Angie smiled playfully. "That's right, they do!" She took a few strands of Cat's hair and teased her under the nose with it.

"He-ey, what're you doing, that tickles."

Angie giggled, doing the same to her own nose.

"I like how your hair smells. ...Sorry, I don't mean to change the subject after all that stuff you said... I got it all, and I understand. And thanks." She normal-kissed, Eskimo kissed and butterfly kissed Cat, again right on the nose.

"I know I'm a little goofy and unique... I like noses. I don't know why! ...Is that weird?"

"Mm, not necessarily. You like what you like, that's all. And who's to say what's 'weird' or what's 'normal' anyway. Makes me a little curious, though: when you say you like noses, you mean like a... fetish? Like a sexual thing, a sort of turn-on?"

Angela blushed. She seemed coquettishly bashful to answer this question.

"Caaaaat... what did we say about curiosity...?"

Cat laughed. "Very well." She slid one fingertip down Angie's face and flashed her a sneaky-looking grin.

"Shall we continue?"

The make-out session resumed. Now that they'd moved into phase two, as it were, Angie decided to step things up and be a little braver, something in which she was sure the wine had a hand. She took her paws off the Cat, reached behind her back, unhooked her bra and let it drop. Then down came her moist panties. Once she got them off, she giggled heartily and threw her arms back around Cat. Having become diverted from all the movement, Cat looked down, and arched her brows at what she saw.

"Well well..."

Angie grinned back. Kiss. "They wanted to say hi. ...Maybe yours do too?"

Kiss. "They're a bit shy, but I think I can coax 'em out."

The girl's smile spread.

"C—MAY I please help?"

Cat chortled. "I don't believe I need any assistance, but you're welcome to play with them when they come out."

"Oh—ditto. Same goes, by the way."

So Cat got naked, greatly pleasing her companion, and Angie began by taking her mature size 36s in her hands, and sucking them, one by one. She heard Cat breathe sultrily above her, caressing her, massaging digits through her hair. Cat kissed the top of her head, but was immediately forced to gasp as Angie pawed and rubbed her pussy. It was the appropriate time, both could feel. They'd done enough warming up, and no further foreplay was necessary. Angie felt Cat get wet on her hand, and in a delightful chain reaction went even wetter herself. She rolled and slicked each of Cat's nipples around her tongue, feeling them stiffen and the reaction in her areolas as well. She brought it up another notch. Maybe she was going quickly, but she was so exhilarated. She got her teeth involved and ground the nipples between them. She heard the Cat hiss between her own teeth and growl a very particular bad word. Angie grinned, taking this as the compliment it was, and kept it up.

"God, I love that, honey... feels so damn good..." Cat moaned, eyes fluttering open and shut. A warm rush settled over her, inundating and cocooning her with a firm coat of pleasure. She hugged Angie's neck, burying her face in her blonde mane, taking in the scent of her own hair. Her nails dug into Angela's shoulder blades, raking her back, searing trails of red along her pure virgin flesh. The girls traded groans, Angie receiving pleasure back from Cat's embrace, even if not on her genitals. She was greatly enjoying her exploration through Cat's frontal region, but not quite as much as her recipient was. She received a Cat-call from above.

"Honey...inside... please, go inside..."

Angie's mind ran wild. She yanked Cat's nipple with her teeth, burrowing beneath her majora and up through the wetness to find her slit. Cat's language grew more and more affectionately profane. Angie fondled her about the slit and clit hood, half to make sure she was at the right spot and half just to tease the old woman a bit. Cat's shout told her all she needed to know. She eased her fingers up, entered, and began stroking, in a nice repetitive motion. She loved the feel of Cat's cuntal ceiling ridge on her fingertips. But again, not exactly so much as Cat loved it. The truth was, the prof did not make a habit of pleasuring herself, and sex with a beautiful soul like Angela Cadwick made up for it. It also meant it would not take very long to achieve orgasm.

Angie looked up at her with a deceptively innocent face.

"Are you the kinda Cat that'll... cum when I call you?"

Cat burst out laughing in the midst of her ecstasy. This question of Angie's was rhetorical enough. Her next was not.

"Is that good?"

"YES! Yes, I love it! Keep sucking, please!"

Angie gladly did as told. She had to admit, a small part of her remained amazed this was happening right now. All those afternoons sitting in Cat's class, it seemed like such a long shot that Cat could even be remotely interested, let alone go out with her. And now they were in her bed having sex! Making beautiful love. This arrangement felt to Angie it might almost be enough on its own. Almost. She believed in many cases it was better to give than to receive. And was enormously flattered she was clearly doing a lovely job on Cat. She simply didn't think she could wait to see—or rather feel—what the receiving end was like.

She sucked extra hard on Cat's nipple, trying to hickey it, and started ramming her hand in her pussy, frigging her off. She greatly relished the thick squishy sound Cat's coochie made as she jilled her. It was delicious proof of how amazing she was making the Cat feel. She fell even deeper in love with her.

She would find, however, just a moment later, there were yet more depths to descend. Cat removed her paws from Angie's body, merely to avoid harming her, reaching up to the headboard, grasping one of the posts, digging in her nails...

Angie gazed up with wide, eager eyes, one of Cat's breasts in her non-frigging hand, the other in her mouth. She wanted to ask the question that was about to be answered. But she didn't want to lessen the intensity or relinquish her mouthful of tit. Nonetheless, she felt Cat contract and clench hard on her hand, like a vise, almost trapping it in place and keeping her from frigging. Almost.

Cat dug her nails into the headpost, cringed, arched her back and screamed as she came. Angie squealed with joy as she heard and felt the result, giving Cat's right breast—the one currently in her mouth—a bit of a hummer. Cat clenched all she could, squeezing Angela's hand betwixt her thighs, flexing one of her feet and curling the other's toes over one another. Angie's powerful thrust felt like a stoked, blazing fire, igniting her like the launch of a rocket. As just as inside one, she blasted through space, eyes straight back in her head. She didn't mind admitting she loved that a little 21-year-old rugrat could so divinely own her.