Nurses are SOOO Stupid!

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Doc shows how dumb nurses are, with her tongue.
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Please, if you are under the age of 18, don't read this material. Just wait a few years and you'll be all good and legal for this kind of stuff. Now for the rest of you, Enjoy!


Look at the silly ditz. She really has no clue does she? How embarrassing it will be for her when she realizes everyone is laughing at her.

"Shannon sweetie, you know this is the 'Doctor's Lunch Room' don't you?"

We all laugh as she stares blankly at me, totally confused as usual.

"You knew that didn't you? Oh how silly you must feel! You see nursey girls like you eat down stairs in the hospital cafeteria with everybody else. Only big doctors like us get to eat up here!"

"I'm...I'm sorry....

Oh how cute, she looks like she's about to cry. Stupid, but cute.

"Its ok, your new to the hospital. Just don't let it happen again 'kay?."

Nodding her head like a child she quickly turns and darts out the double door, leaving us real professionals free to burst out in laughter.

How totally unrealistic she must have been to think she was important enough to eat here with us. Maybe when she and her other nursey's spend years and years in schooling with college payments, she too can join us in the big boys and girls room. Oh I'm sure she'll learn her place soon enough, just like the rest of her kind have. All nursey's think their special when they first get hired, but we put them in their place fast enough.

Listen, I don't want to sound all arrogant and self-centered, but patients and insurance companies aren't paying hospitals for how nice their nurse's look in their silly little white uniforms. Nope! The big bucks are paid to the well educated, intelligent doctors who only know what the hell their doing after many years of REAL medical school training. Maybe Shannon and the rest should have thought about that before bubble gum chewing their way through 'Nursery School'. Oh excuse me, 'Nursing School'!

How incredibly demeaning it must be for Shannon and the other nurses to take all our crap day in and day out, and then have to eat lunch DOWN THERE! Patients coughing and sneezing all over their dry dull food while cursing us doctors. I smile warmly as I readjust my pampered bottom on one of the many plush chairs in the Doctor's Dinning Hall.

But those girls deserve it don't they? Just because they weren't born with brains enough to be doctors doesn't mean we should treat them as equals. Speaking of dim witted, I wonder which one of them will be assisting me on my rounds today? I bet it will be Marcy. Oh is she the ditz. I am so happy that big chested bitch has to work under my heel. I grew up with those cheerleader types in highschool. I knew I'd get my revenge one day, and now I certainly do. I just love making her dance on the balls of her feet to my demands. I can't wait for the day she'll completely crack and cry right there in front of a patient while I berate her.

Or what if it's Suzie? Little Suzie Tootsie! That's what the other doctors and I call her. You should just see her steam when we do. But she knows better than to say anything. Like a good submissive nursey girly she takes it, just like she takes my constant bitch like tone with her. As I said earlier, I didn't go through almost a decade of university schooling to talk 'nicely' to a bimbo with a white hat! No way!

Then again, the absolute best would be Beth. That old hag never amounted to anything did she? She's been a nurse here for longer that the bricks in the walls. All those years running errands for doctors and never once was she even considered for a promotion. Some gals just aren't smart enough to be elevated from nursey status!

Hmmm, now I actually do hope it'll be Beth. I really want to enjoy that look on her face when she sees me coming. Nothing must piss her off more than being given orders by a smarter woman half her age. But alas, she deserves every bit of it. I have no sympathy for dummies making bad career choices. Sure I spent most of my younger years locked away in a library studying, but at 29 I've got the lifestyle a smart girl like me deserves. I finally have what's coming to me. Oh I do hope its Beth!

Well I really would like to continue this lovely little chat deamening the hospital help, but some of us have work to get to. You honestly didn't think we docs got paid to eat lunch all day?

As I give my farewells to my fellow medical associates and rub my full belly with satisfaction, I leave the dinning hall and make my way to my office. It's really the only time I have all day to check my emails before heading back to check on all my patients. On my way, I still cant help but allow myself to imagine what it must be like for those girls down there, in the cafeteria, stuffing their mouths with week old food. They're probably dreaming together of what's its like upstairs. We'll that's all they can do is dream isn't it? Ha I love it!

I'm still half laughing to myself as I walk through my open office door and suddenly pause..."Oh Shannon, what a surprise. What are you doing in my office?"

Despite my annoyance at this intrusion, I still can't stop from giggling at the sight of her timid eyes avoiding mine.

"Um Miss

"SAY IT GIRL! I have a ton of patients to see today, and DONT have time to stand here listening to you stutter!" Oh I so did want to see her bust out with tears!

"Yes Ma'am, we' you think you that thing for me? Again?"

I let out a sigh and look at my watch. I really don't have time for this sort of thing. I've got like twenty patients to see.

None the less I turn around to lock the office door behind me as Shannon bounces up and down happy as a clam, practically skipping to my desk and sitting in my chair.

I just don't have time for this!

I walk up to her and huff impatiently for her to move. Such a dumb bimbo if I ever saw one! Like the airhead nursey she is, she profusely apologieses and pushes the chair back, giving me the room I need to crawl under the little boxed cubical under the desk.

Instantly she pushes the chair back up to the desk, trapping me on either side of her spreading knees. At least she's managed to remember to remove her panties this time.

I look down at my watch again, still shaking my head. I REALLY don't have time for this. I'll those patients....

"Hmmmm...Miss Silverman..."

I flick my tongue rapidly across her sex, her juices flowing excitedly from it. Boy this girl is a horny one.

"Ohhhh that feel soooo good Miss Silverman...UHHHH...YESSSS"

I really am amazed just how brain dead this cunt really is. OF COURSE it's going to feel good. That's the point, else why would she be asking me to do it! Honestly!

Her hands take hold of my head and force my tongue deeper into her steaming sex. Didn't I tell her last time not to do that? I can't have my hair looking all out of place!

Finally the pussy in my mouth splatters and spurts happily, and I smack my lips at every bit of it.

Suddenly there's a knock on my door and my eyes widen.

"Come on Shannon, open up, its me!" I can instantly tell its Marcy. What is that cheerleading whore doing here?

I remain wide-eyed, kneeling under my desk as Shannon stands up and runs to open the door. I can hear both dumb blonds giggle themselves silly as they relock the door and head back to me.

When Marcy bends slightly to look at me, I turn my blushing head away. Another round of giggles ensues as she gets into the chair vacated by Shannon and hikes up her nurse's skirt, followed by her panties to her ankles. I just kneel there and frown.

"Come on Marcy! I've got so many patients to tend to. PLEASE not now!"

"Oh shut up doc and examine my cunny with your tongue depressor!"

My eyes water looking down at my Rolex. This is totally unprofessional. How can I ignore my clients?

My mouth envelops Marcy's cunt and I get to work, with the usual "ooohhh's" and "ahhhh's" escaping her lips. Shannon finishes getting ready, watching like a curious child as I eat a fellow nurse, before heading out the door. Did she forget to lock the door behind her? Such a stupid cunt!

"Ohhhh so nice. Such a nice doc. All those years of Docky school REALLY does wonders for that tongue!"

"ITS MEDICAL SCHOOL YOU DITZ!", I curse at her between her thighs. Unfortunately it doesn't sound all that commanding when it's echoed off her vagina walls.

"Yes yes, gooood Docky...gooood Docky. Eat my nurse pussy like a good little professional!"

I would if she'd let me. All that condescending talk is distracting me. Back in highschool I really hated these cheerleader types. Always acting so much more superior, fucking all the best studs, getting all the best female friends. I beam with pride as I peer up from under the desk, past her shoulders, past her rolling eyes, to the diploma behind her on the wall. "Dr. Stacey Silverman, MD." Says it all doesn't it? I got my revenge!

My ears rings as her firm thighs squeeze against my head. Her orgasms are always so dame strong, it truly amazes me.

She keeps me locked in her thighs, insisting I scoop up every inch of her juiced sex as it spasms and clenches my extended tongue. I do of course.

As my face finally escapes her grasp, I look up with butterflies in my belly. I swear I didn't even hear Suzie come in. Fucking dumb ass Shannon cant even lock a door.

"Did SilverCunt-Licker do a good job on her patient's puss today?" Suzie spoke with glea.

Marcy warmly looked up and nodded with a smile "Oh she was a good Docky today. Very very good Docky!"

"doctor...I'm a doctor..." I lightly whispered in rebellion, only to their erupted laughter. I know I shouldn't blush at that, but I am.

"Is our long tongue depressor still in operation Docky?"

"But...but I cant. Please Suzie, my patients. I'm so late!"

But my pleas went on death ears as Suzie took her seat in my chair and rolled up to my waiting face, her sex already pantyless and nurse's skirt up around her waist.

"Come on Miss SilverCunt-Licker, stop yakking and get that pink stick waaaaaay inside my Tootzie!"

Her hands grip the top of my hair and lead me to task. I can't help giggle as I pleasure her pussy...Suzie Tootzie! Boy do us Doctors love calling her that!

I kneel there like a passive doll, letting her grind my wet face along her inner thighs. I might as well let her do her thing, least this whole nonsense take any longer than it has to. After all my knees are beginning to soar and I still have all those patients to get to.

"Mmmmmmm Fuck yeah! Dame that feels fantastic. This is much better than your first time....ohhhhhhh"

Well, I do pride myself on my learning ability. Didn't she see that diploma on the wall?

"We had a lovely conversation down in the cafeteria today. You remember don't you? That's where all us lowly nurse's go to eat?"

If my face wasn't wedged in her pussy, I'm sure a distinctive smirk would be visible.

"Well we were discussing how horribly ironic it seems that while we have to go down stairs, you get to eat with all your fellow stuck up assholes in the Docky room! Isn't that so unfair?"

I wiggle my tongue 'no' in her cunt! I've earned eating upstairs. All those years in school, I've earned it...

"Especially when you get all your eating done with us anyways!"

I feel her thighs squeeze my head for emphasis. What was she getting at?

"So we were thinking. Wouldn't it be so much more convenient for you to just eat with us, down stairs, in the cafeteria?"

I desperately wiggle my tongue 'no'...

"I think you'd really enjoy our 'All You Can Eat' buffet, under the table of course. Wouldn't you Doc?"

A tear rolls down my cheek at the thought. How totally undignified! Me, 'Dr. Stacey Silverman MD', years and YEARS of medical school and hard work. ME, lowering myself like that! How could I EVER live with eating with the nursey's down THERE?

"Oh you don't like the way that sounds Docky? It won't be so bad. We'll get a nice big booth on the corner, away from obvious view. Only a few people will notice your high and mighty ass wiggling as you eat four delicious meals!"

I shudder. What will my fellow colleagues think when I tell them where I will be eating from now on? The looks on their faces? Oh does my pussy tingle!

"So it's agreed then huh? We'll look forward to your presence down stairs, in the meantime, enjoy your desert!"

I munch my way through the folds of her lips, licking deeply and coating her inner walls with my saliva. I just hope she doesn't see where my hand has disappeared. It would be totally unprofessional for a nurse to catch a doctor 'touching herself' like I am.

"Goooooood Docky! Eat my Tootsie!!!"

Pretty soon my ears get another dose of thigh squeezing as she spurts onto my already drenched face. I guess Marcy was right, I should thank my studies for my knowledge of the female sex organ.

Suzie continues to absent mindedly play with my damp hair as she convulses down from grace. I do my best to finish lapping at her cunt but her post orgasm bliss usually takes FOREVER!

"Oh do hurry up you hussy!", I growl between her legs. I don't have the time to just kneel here drinking away. I'm sooo far behind my work load...

It was around that time when Suzie noticed what I was up to...down there!

"Is little Docky getting all fidgety down there? Is that a hand buried between your trembling legs? Oh wait till the other nurses hear about this, that's the third time this week!"

My wet face burns a deep red as I pull my sticky fingers out from their panties. Dame, caught again! How can any of these girls have any respect for me if I keep touching myself at times like this?

Face still red, I duck down and 'try' to crawl out from under my own desk...

"Where do you think YOU are going?"

I stare up at her with contempt, thinking that she's only trying to be mean. But when I see the seriousness in her eyes, I sink back on to my ankles.

"Beth is on her way up. You wouldn't want to miss Beth would you?"

A chill runs up my back as I shake my head slowly.

"Good Docky. Just be a good professional and wait under there till she comes to give you your afternoon checkup."

I huff as I watch Suzie Tootzie pushes back my juiced stained leather chair and loweres that stupid mini nursey skirt. I might as well clear my whole schedule if this nonsense continues the way it is. How am I supposed to work if I can't even get out from under my own desk? Boy are these nurse's stupid. No clue how a hospital works.

I should just get up and leave. Who says I have to just kneel here under my desk and wait for that old hag. Who the fuck is she? Some sagging ditz who never amounted to anything. I'm a fucking doctor for Christ's sake! See that diploma up there? Its mine!

I kneel there for over ten minutes slowly stroking myself under the table. My pussy gets too easily excited for its own good. And these fucking nipples! Why can't I wear a bra like all the other doctors? I'm not some whore nurse flashing my bosoms around. I'm a Doctor!


I open my eyes quickly and close my moaning mouth, yanking my hand out from inside my pants.

"Hard at work I see!" Oh I truly hate that old maid!

"Pleeeeeeease Beth...I need to go see my patients..." Did I just sound as pathetic as I thought it was?

"Oh most certainly. Who am I to stop a 'doctor' from attending her duties? After all, I'm a stupid old cow aren't I? Isn't that what you said in front of the other doctors yesterday?"

I really don't want to say yes. Nothing good can come from it, but my head begins to nod none-the-less.

"I thought so. So go ahead doc, crawl under from that desk and go do what ever it is you 'important' doctors do. Go ahead, go on!"

I begin to crawl out for the first time in almost an hour, my knees red and soar. I look up at her smirking face a moment longer before I stand. Despite being six inches taller, I do feel oh so small.

"Bye bye Docky. Your patients are waiting."

Slowly I move towards the door, but then stop. I can't continue. This isn't what's supposed to happen. I know I can't just leave...I don't WANT to just leave.

"Is something the matter Docky?"

I take a deep sigh but don't respond, instead turn around and head back to the front of the desk. I take one last look at my diploma on the wall. So proud, so honorable. Then I bend forward and rest my head on the desk.

I hear snickering as Beth moves around and comes up behind me, yanking down my the tops of my pants and exposing my panty covered rear. The panties are soon pulled down as well. I can't help cringing as her wrinkled hands caress and pat my cheeks for a moment. With a snap of the clove, her latex finger plugs up my ass, feeling around, making room. I take it like a good little doctor. Did I mention my diploma is beaming happily above me?

Out comes the finger, and in goes the ice-cold anal thermometer, kept in the refrigerator just for me. I shiver as my nurse takes my temperature and wiggle my butt for her amusement. I raise my ass up and she rewards this sniveling doc with a touch of latex to my steaming pussy.

"Yessss", I whisper!

She chuckles behind me, pressing more of the still cold glass stick up my rectum.

"Please!" I whisper louder, grinding my hips back searching for her sterile fingers.

"Maybe if Docky behaves herself, she'll get a lollipop! Would Docky like a lollipop?"

"Yes, Docky would very much like a lollipop!"

"Whose a good little Docky for her nurses?"

"This Docky!"

I cry out as her finger flicks my hypersensitive clitty, shuddering in a mini orgasm. But I need more...


"What does Docky want?"

"Get Docky off please! Get this dumb Docky off!"

I clench my eyes as she begins pistoning the glass in and out, fucking my ass with it. I bite my lower lip to keep myself from mumbling nonsense. She's now fucking my ass and rubbing my clit at the same time. This is almost too much. I rotate my hips in rhythm with her motions. I need to get off. I need this stupid fucking nursey to get her dumb Docky off. Did I just call myself dumb?

That thought flies right out the window when she forces my temperature reader all the way up and clenches her fingers around my sensitive red button! BANG! I scream out in a shamefully orgasmic wave of lust and humiliation as she squeezes and squeezes. Halfway through she pulls my hair back and forces my eyes to stare up at my prideful diploma. All I can do is stare at the words "Dr Stacey Silverman, MD."

Well this Dr. Stacey Silverman falls back lifeless to the table, still jerking and spurting, my face still drying from female cum.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door. My damp head pops up from the desk in alert.

"Dr Silverman? Stacey? You in there? Everything alright?"

It was Dr Green. Robert Green. I bounce my head around and stare at Beth, who smugly smiles. Gosh I sure hope she locked that door. I could never explain my current position.

"Uh...yes, I'm ok..."

"You haven't been to see any of your patients yet. What's going on with you?"

"I'm sorry, but I've been kept...busy. I'll get to my rounds as soon as I can!"

I hear him lingering outside for a moment, praying he doesn't turn that knob and test the lock. "Very well, I'll see you later then." I sigh as he walks away.

Beth gives my ass a few un-enjoyable slaps before sliding my now warm thermometer back out.

"Hmmm, 100 degrees! Either Docky is getting a fever, or that pussy is still in heat!"

"Doctor!" I whisper again, clearly not loud enough for her to hear.

I begin raising my panties before she stops me, "Just one more thing for such a good little girl!"

A minute later I'm heading out my office door to wash up in the rest room. I laugh at just how foolish Beth really is. Only an old tart like nurse Beth would offer a grown woman like me a lollipop. "For goodness sakes, these Nurses are SOOO Stupid!", I chant down the hall out of ear shot, with a lollipop rattling in my pussy.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
not bad, not great

This isn't a great story, but is something that some doctors do sort of fantasize about. My partner and I are heavily into BDSM. She's a doctor. She likes playing humiliation and degradation games. I have sometimes "forced" her to hit on a waitress or somebody else we don't really know. The weird thing is, more than one waitress has complained about all the other couples that hit on them while sitting naked next to naked us in our bedroom. No, all those other people hit on waitresses because a good number of you give in and go home with customers from time to time.

Anyway, my little doctor slut likes being humiliated. Occasionally we have fucked in her office. Never during her actual shift at the office, but after the day is done... it's fun to occasionally bend her over her own desk and take her while whispers "is your secretary still here? Do you think she knows her boss is getting fucked right now?"

The idea of submitting to a sexy nurse or fellow doctor could very well be a sexy thought for some doctors. I'm sure of that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Y’all are lame as hell

I can’t believe people are on Literotica making comments about grammar. We’re here to get off, if grammar is you’re thing make your own damn story. Besides that I liked the story as I like most of this authors stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This is seriously disrespectful. I hate that it shames a noble profession like this

debaucherdebaucheralmost 10 years ago

A story different from the ones you usually find here. Loved it. There are a few spelling errors there though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I can't help but think that patients could be dying while little docky has fun,and thatstopped my enjoyment a bit.

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