Office Wife Gets Caught Ch. 03


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Trey piped up. "Everyone here knew never crossed that line. We didn't touch each other until they came back off maternity leave. No sex during the pregnancy."

Peter screamed, "Fuck you, Trey. Fuck both of you. I hope you both die a miserable death. You destroyed our families. And don't you tell me that you never denied me anything that was mine. Instead, you denied me the peace of mind I had of a perfect wife in a perfect marriage.

"So I'll be divorcing your skanky ass. But I have found someone ready to step in and take your place and be a faithful wife.

"She's younger and more beautiful. She wants to have children with me. You refused to talk to me about it after Maggie was born. I see why now. That's if they are mine. The DNA test will be back Thursday.

"And God helps you if they are not mine. You will have to tell your parents and kids what you did. You won't have to say to whom or where, but you will have to tell them."

"When I found out about Shannon's plan in mind and what she had planned for Ash. I thought it was brilliant. I talked to my new love. She agrees since I got to see you fucking Trey on video. You should see us fuck too.

"I never realized she was there all along. She has been in love with me for years. The day Diego told me about you being an office wife for dick weed there, my new l love had stopped by and saw my pain.

"She stayed and comforted me in my four hours of need. She has gone off the pill and will get pregnant as soon as possible. Come on, Ashlee, let Hayden see you.

Hayden screamed, trying to rip the seat apart and get at the woman "No, not my sister. You fucking bitch stay away from my husband."

Ashlee started laughing, "I always knew you had something going on. You conceded bitch, and knew you were hiding something. You always looked like you were getting something over on the rest of us.

"I'm looking forward to wearing his dick off in front of you.

"I'm going to have three of his children and maybe even more. I'm only thirty, and I still have plenty of eggs for him to fertilize.

"I can't wait to see what mom and dad think of their perfect little girl that could do no wrong. So fuck you, Sis. Peter is mine now, and I will be a stay home mom. I won't have to work. I'll be living off your donations.

"We will be able to fuck every day for the rest of our lives. Oh, by the way, you're not invited to the wedding. See you in about an hour, Sis.

"Peter, I'm going to the guest room to get ready for you, darling." Hayden was sobbing, trying to catch her breath. Shannon asked Natalia to help her with her nose and ears with a tissue.

Beth looked at Trey, "You bastard. I have been a faithful wife for 22 years while you have fucking this whore. I'm not divorcing you. You can fuck anyone you want, but I'm going to have my fun. I am not going to lose my status in the community over this shit.

"This is the way it is going to work. I will have my lovers. Every time you fuck another woman, you have to watch me fuck my lovers and eat me out afterward. As long as you don't fuck anyone else, you will never have to be in the room. It will be your choice.

"Oh, by the way, the kids are ours. You were my first, but after tonight not by last. Tonight will be the first night you will get to watch me with my two new bulls, and you get to watch. If I hear one peep out of you, I'll gag you. If you break any of my rules, I will also turn the dogs loose on you.

I have had half our funds moved out of our accounts. Also, you must sign the Postnup. So come here, my darlings. In walked to young bulls with tight gym shorts. They was no doubt why they were chosen. If added together, there was a least twenty inches of cock between the both of them.

Shannon stood back up and addressed Adam and Jami. "Jami, you will notice your husband Charles is not here. He told me quote, 'Keep your cum bucket ass out of the house. Don't come home.' You, Alice, and Hayden will be taken to your condo tonight by Limo.

Crystal stepped from behind Jami. You know Adam, I would have loved to been spanked, you miserable bastard. I have relied on my new friends here for support, or you would be dead by now. After hearing everyone else's revenge, I decided to take Beth's route. Come here, boys. Again two huge well-endowed men stepped out.

Then Crystal's face went red with anger, and she smirked. She walked over to Beth and put her arms around her. Everyone in the room went into shock. Even Diego found himself getting hard.

Crystal pulled Beth over to her and drove her tongue into her mouth. Trey was getting a hardon with the physical sight of his wife and Beth's hands roaming each other's bodies. Finally, Crystal turned to Adam, "I haven't had a pussy since college."

Crystal turned to Beth. "I was thinking, why don't we share? All six of us were in bed at the same time. I'm sure our husbands would enjoy the show. I wouldn't mind being sealed tight. Trey and Adam both begged them not to do it. Although, Trey not so much. They were crying, telling the girls they would do anything to make it right.

Shannon stepped up. With a smug look. "Well, that was entertaining. Now I want you to meet a friend of mine, my lawyer. He is here to tell all of you another possibility of your fate if you fail to meet our terms.

"Hello," My name is Jeff Sanders. I am Shannon's attorney. I want to let you know that if you break the agreement, the local Federal DA will be notified of your actions of violating the Mann Act. Jeff looked around to see the confusion on the faces of all parties.

Jeff went on to describe the Mann Act makes it illegal to conduct the activity of across-state prostitution.

Ash yelled out, "That's bullshit. We weren't paying them for sex. And we weren't going out of state."

Jeff laughed, "Nice try, Ash. Do you remember those financial conferences you guys attend every year? Those out-of-state trips would meet the standard for violation of the Mann Act. A summation of the act is as follows.

"The federal law criminalizes the transportation of "any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose."

And we have done our investigations quite thoroughly. We can prove all of you shared rooms with your PAs. And I'm reasonably sure the DA can convince a jury that those so-called payments were for booty calls.

"We have statements from others within the company that can back up this claim. Mrs. Perez, you are not well-liked by your fellow employees. All of you could be serving up to 10 years in federal prison and up to $250,000 in fines.

"Imagine all these poor ladies who will be ten years older and with prostitution charges on their records. Imagine poor Alice there when she gets out. Then, at 33, no future and a convicted as a prostitute.

And gentlemen, you will end up as somebody's bitch. You could end up being somebody's PA in prison. I would keep this in mind if I were you before deciding not to follow through on your spouse's wishes. Every one of you better personally thank Mr. Perez for keeping your sorry asses out of jail.

"Friday morning, each of you will be called into the conference room. You will sign your divorce papers. I believe only one of you has kids that involve child support. That's you, Adam. All of you will sign Postnup agreements, which will benefit your spouses.

"If you want your own attorney to look at it, you may. But they will not be changed. If one of you refuses, it will be the same as if all you refused. Back to you, Shannon."

Shannon stood up, "Thank you, Jeff. Now for the last couple. Carmen and Jake. I'm glad I am not in your shoes."

Natalia and Diego, it is your turn. Diego walked over and removed the lover's gags. Diego looked deep into Carmen's eyes as he removed her gag. Carmen couldn't bear to return his gaze. She lowered her head in shame. Jake couldn't look into Diego's eyes either he just shut his.

"Mother," screamed Natalia, as she lost control of her emotion. "I hate you. I hate you. I never want to see or speak to you again. You're a fucking slut." Those words drove a dagger through Carmen's heart.

"I have this for you, mother. It is a cashier's check for my tuition. What would you have done if you had found out I was being a whore to pay my tuition? Of course, if I wanted to do that, I could just have accepted Mr. O'Leary's offer to be his sugar baby." Everyone's turned and focused on Ash.

"Yes, mother, that's right. He offered to pay for everything if I let him fuck me when he wished. Just imagine me on my knees sucking that old man's dick." Carmen was sobbing, trying to apologize to her.

Diego turned fucking red for the first time since all this crap happened. He headed toward Ash with hate in his eyes. Micah and Peter stepped in front of trying to hold him back. "Please, Mr. Perez, don't do it. We know you could kick both our asses. Please stop."

Shannon walked up and held onto Diego's hand. "Diego, look at me, please," with a soft and gentle voice. "If you do this, all of our work be for naught. Please take a deep breath, Diego, calm down." Shannon's intervention calmed Diego back down to controllable levels. He turned and walked back over to his terrified wife.

"Look, Mother, I hate you with every fiber of my body. You better thank daddy for me not going to my grandparents and family with this shit. Imagine what both sides of our family would do to you if they knew what you've done.

Out of ten grandchildren, I'm the only girl. Your father and Dad's mother think my shit doesn't stink. So my aunts and uncles will crucify you. You will never be invited to family functions again. You will be removed from all the families' records. You will never exist.

If I am ever stupid enough to marry again, you will not be invited, and you will never touch my children with your filthy hands," snarled Natalia.

She turned to Jake and hissed., "You piece of shit! The only thing keeping me from destroying you two is Dad. And you think these others are going to suffer. You haven't seen anything yet." Natalia lost control and started slapping Jake. Diego grabbed her. Natalia collapsed to the floor, crying.

"Beth and Crystal, will you please take Natalia outside?" asked Diego. "She can come back when she calms down."

When Micah closed the door to the patio, Diego turned and sighed. Carman was sobbing, "Please forgive me. I am so sorry, Diego."

Both Peter and Micah moved in between Diego, Carmen, and Jake. Shannon walked up to Diego, smiling and holding Diego's arm; she spoke, "Diego, I asked them to get between you and them. You have been in too much, in control of your emotions the whole time this has been going on. I am afraid if you lose it, you might hurt them severely or kill one of them before we can stop you.

"The psychologist we had you talk to had warned us about this. This is for everyone's protection."

Diego smiled, "Carmen, I know you haven't loved me for a long time. Looking back on all the changes now, it is so evident. I know that you lost respect for me years ago. I'm getting everything I deserve from this. I loved you and kept acquiescing to your wishes over the years. I let you run over me because I loved you so much. I'm going to give you a choice. You can divorce me or."

Carman interrupted, trying to speak in between sobs. "I fell back in love with you. I can't stand the thought of living without you, Diego. Please give me another chance."

"Carmen," replied Diego, "Before you interrupted, I was going to tell you divorce is up to you. But there will be terms you have to live by. And before you ask me why I am not divorcing you. It would destroy our families, and they don't deserve it. Natalia is correct, you know. Our families will crucify you.

So I've decided you will continue to fuck Jake at work. You will remain his office wife. I will become your Cuckold husband.

"What?" came out of Jake's and Carmen's mouths simultaneously.

"You want to watch us fuck?" asked Carmen.

"Oh, no, I am not going to watch you fuck. I have seen that. I am trying to make your marriage here with Jake a strong one. A lot better than ours ever was. So you will have sex with him every day at work until you retire at 67 years old. No, exceptions, ass, or virginal for at least 10 minutes a day.

"You see, Carmen, it is not all your fault. Do you remember the psychological test you took at Marble 10 years ago? That personality test was given to see if you could compartmentalize your personal life from your business office life. You could not.

"The test showed you could only love and make love to one man at a time. In contrast, the other hired interns would have no problem being office wives. I guess they forgot to check your records."

Turning to the others, "If I find out any of you are attacking Carmen or mistreating her in any way. I will enforce the clause and release everything to the press. Do I make myself clear?" Everyone nodded their heads.

Carmen started wailing and shaking her, "No, no, I want to do it. I really do love you, Diego."

He was ignoring her pleas to take her back. Diego informed her of his following rule. "For now on, you will refer to me as any of the following, Cuck, Carmen's Cuck, Mr. Cuck, Diego the Cuck. Diego turned towards the other victims winking. You can call me bastard as long as it has Cuck with it.

Returning to Carmen, "You will put me on your phone as my husband, the Cuck, is calling.

"Anytime we are at a company function such as your company's Christmas Party and New Year's Party. Also, the company's annual Summer picnic when you introduce me to these events. I will be presented as Diego, your Cuck husband. This will help remind me of my place in my marriage with you, Carmen.

Jake finally spoke up. "No, Diego. I won't do." he snarled, "I have too much respect for you. You're not anybody's cuck."

'Your right, Jake. I wasn't a Cuck up to now. I didn't feel I needed another man to satisfy my wife's needs. And besides. Diego bent over about a foot from Jake's face and stared into his eyes, and spoke through his teeth, "I saw the respect you two had for me as you were knee-deep in my wife's ass."

"We haven't done that," Carmen burst out without thinking.

Diego stood up and turned to Micah, "Go get what we talked about earlier. Pete, please turn everyone around to face the television screen." Micah came back and placed a trash can in front of them.

Natalia had calmed down and returned to the living room about this time. Diego informed Natalia, "Honey, I don't think you will want to see this."

'Dammit, Daddy Cuck, I have the right. I am a grown woman. I want to make sure every time he begs me to take him back, I close my eyes and see him railing my ex-mother's ass.

Carmen screamed, "Don't' call your father that. He is not a Cuck!"

Diego turned on the video. As he did, Carmen screamed in horror. "Come on fuck my ass now, Jake. It is yours. You took my ass's virginity. Take it like a man." Carmen and Jake threw up at the same time.

"Now you know how I felt that night I saw Jake's teeth mark on your tit. He marked you as his own. And you married him." Diego clicked the remote again. The video came back on, showing Carmen's wedding to Jake.

"God, Carmen, you have a lot of enemies. We have four copies from different women in your company. They were more than glad to give it up. They all sold you out for a few thousand dollars. And not to mention saving their jobs. Oh, by the way, where are your wedding rings?"

Carmen's eyes got wide as she looked down at her left hand. She had forgotten to change out her rings. As she saw them, she lowered her head and shoulders as the evidence of what she had done to Diego kept adding up.

"Here are your rings, Carmen," as Diego laid her rings on her lap. "You will put on Jake's rings when you leave to go to work and take them off when you get home. You can put these on at home are optional. It's your choice whether you wear them or not."

Natalia turned her face into Micah's chest and started sobbing, "Why mother, why. I hate you. I hope you die." Micah ran his hands up and down Natalia's back, trying to comfort her. Carmen cringed at Natalia's remarks because she knew she meant it.

"And no, Carmen," replied Diego, "you're wrong. Before now, I was not a Cuck, but now I am. Since I cannot satisfy you in bed, I am allowing you to take a young stud to satisfy your needs," explained Diego.

"I promise," cried Carmen. "I'll make it up to you. I'll spend the rest of my life making sure you get everything you need."

"Make it up to me, Carmen," he sarcastically replied. "How can you make up something to me if I never got it in the first place. No, I will never touch you back there. As you say, it is his. He owns it. It is his now. You don't have to worry about my needs sexually or any other needs I might have in the future. Those I have arranged for.

"We'll be roommates with a contract from God if you choose. It will be your choice. That's all we have been for the last three years. I tracked it back to when Jake started working for Marble, and you became distant.

"Do you remember our cruise we went on, dear?" Then, repeating himself, "Do you remember the cruise we went on?" Carmen was crying and nodded yes. "I saved for five years for that cruise." "We never made love one time. Hell, I would have settled for just sex.

"Someday, I might fuck you. But it will not be love again. And it will be with a fucking condom," sneered Diego." He realized that he was losing control. He stepped back and took a deep breath.

"I heard you tell him I liked vanilla sex only on Saturday nights. How many times have I tried to get you to let me do it anally? And a blow job was a thing of the past. You told me you would never swallow. And anal sex. I got cut off for a month after trying that.

"How often did I try to seduce you in the living room? Or the garage or the bathroom? You told me the bedroom was for that. And you told me the bathroom shower was your time to relax.

"Do you remember when I tried to get you, do to it in the woods? Or at your parent's house, and you always shot me down? It never dawned on me that I should do it on your boss's desk. No, Carmen, you can never make it up to me.

"Again, it is your choice whether we divorce. But I will not take the blame. Let's see, Natalia divorces your boss for an affair. And then I divorced you because you cheated. How long do you think it will take our families to add up everything?

"But if you do not divorce me, you will honor the contract. Or I will burn you. Do you understand?" Carmen just nodded. "You will move out to a hotel until Friday. After that, if you sign the documents, you can come home, but only as roommates. I will be your home husband. We are no longer lovers. That means no sex with me."

"We will act like husband and wife at family functions. It shouldn't be too hard for you to pull off. You haven't touched me in front of them in years.

"And, unless you divorce me and go to confession. Then, you will never take communion again in the church. And because I am condoning what is about to happen next, neither will I. You'll take the bread and fake eating it, or we can go and confess everything to Father Garcia. It is your choice.

"And finally, you two are to put a large yellow 'Do not Disturb sign on Jake's door when you two are doing the deed. We want to make sure you two love birds are not disturbed. Shannon says she will have "a dozen doorknob signs for you. THEY WILL BE HUNG.

"That's it, everyone. The PAs can leave now. Carmen, your suitcase is packed. Since you have plenty of clothes at work, you won't need a lot of yours."

Natalia yelled, "Wait a minute Daddy Cuck. I want my revenge."

Camren yelled. "Not your Daddy."

Diego turned to Camren and asked, "Have you already forgotten my new name already? No one will answer you till you address me properly.