Olivia in Vulmonia Ch. 13

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The punishment begins.
7.5k words

Part 13 of the 47 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/24/2017
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Early the next morning, after another disgusting breakfast, Olivia was seated on the cot in her cell waiting to be taken to the town square. Today was the day she was to serve twelve hours in the pillory followed by a flogging. Olivia was so nervous she was shaking. She had no idea how she was going to get through today. Sitting with her knees pulled up toward her chest, she rocked back and forth on her cot.

She heard several sets of footsteps approaching. She was not surprised by the arrival of Officers Amelin and Letov. Nor was she surprised to see Lieutenant Petrov and Mr. Kholod. Lieutenant Petrov was assigned with the duty of administering Olivia's flogging. And Mr. Kholod had promised to be present in order to make sure no one abused or took advantage of Olivia.

What was surprising, however, was the presence of Judge Thorsky. Olivia was not expecting to see him. At least not at the police station just outside of her holding cell. Officer Letov unlocked the cell door and the five men entered.

"Stand up and show the judge some respect," commanded Officer Amelin.

Olivia's eyes widened. She had not been given any clothes to wear since Judge Thorsky had given her that tacky, skimpy, stars and stripes bikini the day before. She had lost the bottom half in the mud pit. And Officer Letov had removed the top half when they had arrived back at the station. Olivia had remained nude ever since. And even though all five men had already seen her in the buff, she simply could not get used to the idea of standing at attention, naked, in front of all these men.

"I said stand!" Officer Amelin barked when Olivia hesitated.

Her lawyer, Mr. Kholod, gave her a warning look. Olivia rose from her cot and covered her breasts and vulva with her hands.

"Arms down at your sides and stand up straight," ordered Officer Letov.

Olivia closed her eyes in embarrassment, but did as she was told. She could feel the eyes of the five men on her body. As she inhaled and exhaled, her breasts rose and fell. The five men seemed to enjoy the view.

"Miss Williams," began the Judge, "Your public defender has brought it to my attention that you are extremely upset with your sentence. Mr. Kholod says that you are terrified of the pillory and of being flogged. Is that right?"

Olivia turned and looked at her lawyer for a brief moment. He had told her that he was not going to try to appeal her sentence. And yet, here they were talking with the judge. Maybe he had actually come through for her after all. Maybe she was going to avoid the worst part of her punishment.

"Y...yes, Your Honor," she said in a shaky voice. "Community service is no problem. But the pillory and being whipped is just inhumane."

"Whether or not something is inhumane is not for you to decide," the judge snapped at her. "It's not as if you Americans have the best track record when it comes to treating others humanely." His eyes narrowed as he looked at her. Olivia gulped nervously. Then Judge Thorsky continued, "I realize that for a soft, weak American, maybe getting flogged does sound a bit harsh. You're probably not used to such punishments."

"No, Your Honor," Olivia replied.

"Americans of your generation," he spat. "When you did something wrong as a child, you were probably told that it was not your fault. You were probably told that you were special."

Olivia did not understand what that had to do with anything, but she kept quiet.

"Well, you're not in America anymore. I am afraid I am not willing to let you out of your time in the pillory. You are still scheduled to be there from eight this morning until eight tonight."

Olivia felt extremely disappointed.

"However, I am not a heartless man," the judge continued. "Mr. Kholod and I discussed it and he convinced me exempt you from flogging."

"Really?" Olivia said hopefully.

"Instead of flogging you with a leather whip, Lieutenant Petrov will spank you bare buttocks with a wooden paddle. It will still be painful, but it will cause much less damage to the skin and you will recover much faster. It's a punishment normally reserved for naughty children, but Mr. Kholod convinced me to show you some mercy."

It was not much of an improvement. But Olivia did not want to appear ungrateful. She would hate for the judge to get angry and change her punishment back to a whipping. "Um, thank you, Your Honor. And thank you Mr. Kholod," she said looking back over at her lawyer. Her attorney simply nodded.

"You are most welcome, Miss Williams," said Judge Thorsky. "But there's just one stipulation."

"Oh? What's that?" Olivia began to get a sinking feeling.

"Well, Miss Williams, it is my understanding that some Americans have a certain attitude when it comes to punishment. Say, for example, a child is caught by his parents smoking a cigarette. Often times his parents will force him to smoke the entire pack of cigarettes all in one sitting. The result is that the child never wants to smoke another cigarette ever again. You take a forbidden thing that is pleasurable in moderation, but you force the disobedient person to experience it in excess. Then the vice loses its appeal, because the offender has had too much of it."

"Um, okay ..." Olivia was completely bewildered.

"So with you, your vice is shamelessly flaunting your body in public and trying to draw the attention of random men," the judge stated matter-of-factly.

"What? No!" Olivia protested. "I'm nothing like that."

The judge held up his hand to silence her. "Don't interrupt His Honor," Officer Amelin reprimanded her.

"Miss Williams, you can try to deny it all want, but the police found you walking the streets with your intimate body parts exposed. You had an orgasm when Lieutenant Petrov was examining you," the judge gestured toward the lieutenant.

"You soaked the front of my uniform with your fluids," the lieutenant growled. Olivia's face turned red and she looked down.

"You clearly suffer from some sort of attention seeking nymphomania," Judge Thorsky declared. "And I believe the best way to cure you of your desires to to overexpose you to the thing you find so pleasurable. So, for that reason, I have decided that you will serve your time in the pillory nude."

"What!" Olivia screeched. "No, absolutely not!"

"Quiet!" yelled Office Amelin.

"Not only will you be nude, but members of the public, if they are willing to pay, will be allowed to touch and feel your body for an allotted amount of time."

Olivia was absolutely speechless. She did not understand how this could be happening.

"No one is allowed to hurt you. And no one is permitted to have sex with you," Judge Thorsky asserted. "They can only touch you with their hands and fingers. It is my sincere hope that after twelve solid hours of public nudity and being touched by strangers, you will feel so ashamed and disgusted with yourself, you will never engage in scandalous or promiscuous behavior ever again. If you agree to these conditions, Lieutenant Petrov will paddle you instead of whipping you. Believe me, this is a very generous offer I am making you."

Olivia stared at the judge with her mouth agape. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. There was a lump in her throat. She did not know what to say. She looked over at Mr. Kholod.

"Olivia," her public defender began, "This really is for the best. The pillory won't be so bad. And trust me, a paddling is much less severe that a flogging."

Olivia looked over at the lieutenant. "If you don't agree to do the pillory naked and have people touch you, I am going to whip the skin right off of your round, fat, American ass," he said with a menacing smile. Olivia inhaled sharply.

"So, Miss Williams, do we have a deal?" the judge asked.

Olivia's heart was pounding in her chest. What the judge was suggesting - being naked in the pillory and groped by countless strangers - sounded absolutely horrible. But when she looked over at the powerfully built Lieutenant Petrov, he began cracking his knuckles, as if in anticipation of her flogging. What should she do?

"I ... I ... I guess so," Olivia stuttered.

"Perfect!" the judge smiled. He looked down at his watch. "It's seven-thirty now. You have half an hour to get to the town square. Officers Amelin and Letov will escort you. Mr. Kholod will meet you there. The lieutenant will arrive shortly before eight in the evening to prepare for your paddling. Your paddling will only consist of ten spanks. It'll be over before you know it."

The judge stared at Olivia expectantly, as did the other four men. Mr. Kholod furrowed his brows, giving her an urgent look. The he mouthed the words 'thank you.'

"Oh ... uh ... thank you, Your Honor," she mumbled. Olivia was not really sure what she had to be thankful for. The judge was giving her a choice between extreme physical pain and extreme humiliation. Today was going to be so much worse than what she had originally imagined.

"You are very welcome, Miss Williams." Judge Thorsky stepped nearer to her. "Hopefully, by the end of today ..." he said reaching down, "... we'll get that insatiable libido of yours under control." He casually patted her on her shaved twat.

Olivia gasped in shock and stepped back as the five men around her laughed in amusement.

"I'll come and check on you part way through the day. But with these two officers and Mr. Kholod taking care of you, I know you're in good hands." He grinned at her, turned around and exited the holding cell with the lieutenant.

"Alright Olivia," said her lawyer. "As you can see, today won't be so terrible. A paddling is not nearly as painful as a flogging."

"But I have to be naked for twelve hours!" she waled. "And anyone can come up to me and touch my body."

"Listen," said Mr. Kholod sounding annoyed. "I didn't have to make a deal on your behalf. I could have just let Lieutenant Petrov flog you until your skin was in shreds. But I felt bad for you. This is the best possible deal anyone could have gotten out of Judge Thorsky. He almost never compromises. I thought you would be grateful."

"I'm sorry," Olivia sniffed. "I am grateful. But why are strangers allowed to touch my body?"

"You heard the judge's reasoning. How wants you to be exposed to so much extreme inappropriate touching so that you will no longer crave that sort of attention."

"But I don't crave that sort of attention," Olivia argued.

"Really?" her attorney said skeptically, raising his right eyebrow. The two police officers chuckled.

Mr. Kholod reached out with both hands and took Olivia's nipples between his index fingers and thumbs. Olivia inhaled in surprised. He pinched and tweaked them until they were erect. "You seemed to enjoy the attention I gave you last night," he said lowering his tone of voice.

"What are you doing?" Olivia said breathlessly.

Mr. Kholod let go of her pointed nipples and lightly rubbed the tips with his forefingers. "Just proving a point," he said nonchalantly, giving the tip of her right nipple a pinch. Olivia squeaked.

He cupped her breasts, pushing them up and together. "You cannot really blame men for giving you so much attention. Look at this body of yours. All tits and ass." And with that, his hands let go of her breasts and slid down her body, over her soft belly, and around her tapered waist. "It is your responsibility to cover up and rebuff the advances of men." The lawyer's hands slid behind and down until they were resting on Olivia's ass. He grabbed the globes of her backside, squeezing the flesh so hard Olivia cold not help but cry out. "Because you've been so shameless with your body, now you must pay the price. But I doubt the paddling will be that painful. You have plenty of cushioning back here," he said with a chuckle.

"Counselor, sorry to interrupt," said Officer Letov. "But we must get the offender to the town square to begin her punishment."

"Of course," said Mr. Kholod, giving his client's curvaceous ass a firm slap.

"Oh!" Olivia squeaked.

"I'll meet you at the town square. I will make sure that no one hurts you. Well ... that is ... no one will hurt you until your paddling." Mr. Kholod bid the policemen farewell in Vulmonian and exited the cell.

"Alright, you know the drill," said Officer Letov. "Hands behind your back." As Officer Letov placed the cuffs around Olivia's wrists, Officer Amelin once again attached the nipple leash.

"Twelve hours naked in the pillory," mused Officer Amelin. "And anyone is free to just come up and touch your body. I imagine that would be extremely upsetting for most women. But for you ..." he said and extended his right hand down, cupping her vulva. Olivia tried to squirm away but Officer Letov was right behind her. Officer Amelin's fingers brushed over her clit making her shiver. Then they slipped effortlessly into her wet snatch. "I don't think it'll be much of a punishment," he smirked, feeling the inside of her moist opening.

Officer Amelin withdrew his fingers from her slippery orifice, grabbed onto the end of the nipple leash, and gave it a sharp tug. Olivia winced as pain shot through her sensitive nubs. "Come on, let's get you to the town square. No doubt there will be plenty of men waiting for you."


When they arrived at the town square shortly before eight in the morning, there was a small crowd of about thirty people. They were all eager to catch a glimpse of the American girl undergo her punishment. The public had not yet been informed of the change that had been made to Olivia's sentence.

When Officer Amelin reached into the back seat of the squad car to guide Olivia out, the crowd gasped in disbelief to see that she was completely nude. Even though many of them had already seen Olivia more or less naked when she finished the obstacle course, she had at least started the obstacle course wearing something. Even if it was just a tiny bikini.

But to see her taken out of the police cruiser and marched across the town square stark naked was something of a shock to the conservative and religious Vulmonian people.

The two policemen escorted her up the stairs of the platform where the pillory stood. Mr. Kholod was already there waiting for her. There was also a microphone set up. Officer Amelin unclamped the nipple leash and put it back in his pocket. He then turned on the microphone and made an announcement in Vulmonian.

"He's just letting the people know about the change to your sentence," Mr. Kholod translated. "He's informing them that you will spend your time in the pillory with no clothes and they can touch you if they are willing to pay."

The people in the crowd began to talked excitedly among themselves. Officer Amelin looked at Olivia, smiled, and then continued with his announcement.

"He's also telling them that you will no longer be whipped. But you will be paddled instead," said Mr. Kholod.

A few people in the crowd began to jeer and boo. It turned out not everyone was pleased with Olivia being given a less physically painful punishment.

Officer Amelin turned to his fellow officer and nodded his head. Officer Letov unlocked and removed the handcuffs. He led Olivia over to the pillory. She began to panic. She looked over at her attorney. "Isn't there another way?" she cried out desperately.

"I'm afraid not," her lawyer shrugged. "Just try to get through it. It won't be so bad."

Officer Amelin removed the top half of the pillory. Officer Letov instructed Olivia to bend over and place her neck and wrists into the corresponding groves on the bottom board. Officer Amelin lifted up the top board and lowered it until it made contact with the bottom board. He then secured an iron lock that was located on the right side of both boards. Officer Letov locked up the left side, trapping Olivia's neck and wrists between the two pieces of lumber.

As Olivia heard the metallic sounds of the locks clanking shut, she let out a hysterical cry. She sobbed as the reality of her situation really sunk in.

"Stop crying," her lawyer hissed at her. "Try to have a little dignity. It's only twelve hours. It's not the end of the world." Mr. Kholod's unsympathetic words did not make her feel any better.

Olivia looked out into the crowd. A line began to form at the bottom of the stairs. A tall, slim, balding man climbed to the top of the steps and walked across the platform toward Olivia. He looked down at her with a curious look on his face. He said something in Vulmonian that she could not understand.

"He said that you American sluts are only good for one thing," translated Officer Letov. The slim man handed over five Vulmonian ruettes to Officer Amelin and then walked around to the back of the pillory. Olivia could no longer see him. She waited in terrified anticipation to find out how he would touch her.

She felt hands rubbing her skin up and down her back. The man said something. "He says you have soft skin for a whore," Officer Amelin told her.

The hands moved down her back to her buttocks. They rubbed and then squeezed the pale flesh. "Big," she heard the man say in English. Olivia cringed in embarrassment. The hands slid back up to her lower back and then down and under to her belly. "Soft," he said, pressing against her abdomen.

This is torture, Olivia thought to herself. It was bad enough that she was being molested. But it seemed like the man was criticizing her for not being in the best shape.

When Olivia did not think things could get any worse, the man slid his hands up her rib cage and grabbed a hold of her large tits that were hanging down. He tightly grasped her nipples. Olivia groaned in discomfort. The man began pulling downwards, one boob at a time, alternating between left and right.

The man said something in Vulmonian. Olivia thought she heard the word 'cow' but was not sure.

"He wants you to moo like a cow," explained Officer Letov.

"No!" Olivia exclaimed. "Absolutely not!"

The man pinched her nipples hard. Olivia gasped. "Cow! Moo! Now!" the man demanded. He pinched her nipples again, but this time even harder.

"Ow!" Olivia cried.

"You'd better do it," he lawyer advised.

Olivia could not believe what she was doing. But in order to save her poor nipples from more abuse, she opened her mouth and quietly mooed.

"Louder!" the man ordered.

Olivia took a deep breath and let out a loud clear, "MOOOOOOOOO!"

The man mimicked the actions of milking a cow using Olivia's teats. The crowd at the bottom of the platform burst out laughing. Some people even applauded the man for his clever joke.

The man let go of Olivia's nipples and then slapped her big udders. He tittered as he watched them swing from side to side like a couple of fleshy pendulums. The people down below chortled.

Officer Letov informed the man that his time was up. The man looked like he was ready to argue. That is until the more stern looking Officer Amelin repeated what his fellow officer had said. The slim man sighed in disappointment and then shoved the middle finger of his right hand into Olivia's cunt. Olivia squealed in surprise. Officer Amelin once again stated that time was up and ordered the man off the platform.

The man withdrew his finger from Olivia's twat and walked toward the steps. However, before descending the stairs, he stopped in front of Olivia and held his finger in her face. The finger that had just been in her pussy. "Open!" he ordered.

"What?" Olivia said confused.

The man took that opportunity to shove the moist finger into her mouth and rub it against her tongue. Olivia gagged, tasting the salty, acidic taste of her own vaginal fluids. The man then patted her on the head and walked down the stairs.

The next person to walk up to the platform, much to Olivia's surprise, was a woman. Because Vulmonia was such a traditional and religious country, most women did not seem comfortable expressing any sexuality whatsoever. All the perverse behavior seemed to be left to the men. Maybe this woman was a lesbian, Olivia pondered. But would a lesbian feel comfortable feeling up another woman in public in such a conservative country?