All Comments on 'On Any Given Day'

by leapyearguy

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leapyearguyleapyearguyabout 18 years agoAuthor
Stop before you comment

I Know Ive screwed this up. I submited the wrong file and didnt check it close enough. The correct more complete version has already been submited to replace this one. I'm sorry I'll try not to f**k up again


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
great story

i was thinking of a similar plot line just the other day

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Without seeing the corrected file, if you want somebody to tell it from her point of view, you need to say why she did it. I don't know that she can fix it, but if she can, why she did it will affect the remedy, because part of it will be guaranteeing it won't happen again. Also, it's one thing to ask someone who can portray a female perspective to write that part of the story, it's another altogether to ask them to supply the reasoning as well. They may twist your story out of recognition supplying a reason.

You can write it as him in the first person and get her story, emotions and perspective by having them talk. She tells him instead of telling the reader.

Good luck.

MetzovMetzovabout 18 years ago

I won't comment on this story. I would like to ask if you plan to finish your other story Strictly Business?

RPBPhotoRPBPhotoabout 18 years ago
Excellent Start

The basic story line is quite familiar but with just enough of a wrinkle to keep us all looking for the rest. When can we see the balance of the story?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Give this guy some balls

This guys doesn't even know how to act as a man. Don't make him into a spinless whimp.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
How do you say...

wimp. I understand the emotional isolation and reaction of Dan to his wife's affair. What I do not understand is his promise to stay faithful after the divorce? It is bad enough he will keep his vows despite who she fucks which could be a matter of honor but to live the life of a monk after she is gone makes no sense.

I do not believe that every woman or man is a potential cheater because they are many persons who have lived faithfully with their life partner throughout their lives.

The one problem I have with this story is that the characters are too shallow - the reader does not know what is important to them. Is it work, family, friends or romantic ideas? Why should Dan give a damn about her affair (i.e., is it the betrayal?, is it the fact that she is no longer his?, is it the failure to communicate what she really wanted?).

I suggest you read "The Beach Cottage" on this site.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
I know very well taht

you can withdraw a story. I checked my files agaisnt Literoticas and find zero stories by an author wher I have multiple chapters. Just withdraw this one, unless you get off on bad comments.

louguy35louguy35about 18 years ago
This Ought To Be A Clue!!

When you stated at the very beginning that you were unable to finish the story, it ought to have been a clue to the reader that the story was poorly plotted, inadequately developed, and having characters that were shallow and unreal. Sure enough, that is what the story was.

Apart from the spineless nature of the husband who will not face up to the problem his slut-wife has created, the story suffers from the lack of an ending. If you admit on the front end that you cannot write an ending, why write the story at all? Just give us a title and let the reader imagine the beginning, the middle and the end of the story. But then, why should the reader want to write your story for you when you cannot write it yourself? It is not the reader who pretends to be the is you!

It looks like the fad continues among SOME writers to not write endings. It isn't's laziness or lack of talent, I don't know which. But the fad is irksome to the reader.

Learn the craft well enough to write good endings, and then refrain from submitting stories until they are completed.


otterouttahereotterouttahereabout 18 years ago
Don't let the negative comments get you down

I am realy enjoying this story. Don't let negative comments get you down on this. I would ask you to keep at it. Its an interesting twist which reminds me of one or two stories on the site. I think he will eventually have to help her, but if she really loves him, the suffering she will inflict on herself will be pretty impressive, before that moment. Eventually, he has to recognize her (otherwise, this whole effort is for nought--and that is an option for the "divorce her at any cost" brigade; but not one I sense that you are really interested in). I wouldn't be surprised if, as a penitent, she shaves her head, takes an ad out in a paper (speaks in Church, etc.?), and basically prostrates herself to her husband, and completely shocks her lover by confessing her sins in front of her lover's wife. All possibilities. The idea here is that she repays the pain and suffering that she has caused by pain and suffering that she causes to herself and to those who hurt her husband by her actions. We are often our own worst critic, harsh and demanding. Letting her work out her punishment and what she must do to redeem herself and her marriage is a great way to deal with this.

To those who think he is a wimp--he could just divorce her. That is still available to him, if she remains clueless. If he loves her and wants to save the marriage, the only shot he has is to know that she has really understood the pain she has caused, and has made a tremendous effort at restitution. The most primal way in which we repay a debt is through pain. He does not have to divorce her--but he has to know she has really learned. Sadly, we often think that the only way to learn is through pain. This is not true. At an appropriate moment, learning through joy may be a wonderful option in this story. If she walks away--she doesn't want it. She knows it. He knows it. He shows patience, now. This could be a wild ride! And a different psychic dynamic to the one we normally get in these stories. Others can try to have endings--but you also can provide your own idea for it. It might take a while, but keep at it.

Thank you.

don87654don87654about 18 years ago
Great reading!

Appropriately titled and defined. This happens all too often.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Quite a Challenge

I gave you 50% because you gave us 50% of the story. Interesting and quite the challenge. Now I wonder which author will pick the glove.

Good premise and challenge. Her side. And like he said, how will she fix it--how can you redeem trust and a broken heart?

allforallallforallabout 18 years ago

I liked the story.

I think he is willing to work with his marriage but he wants her to break down and change herself into a trustworthy person again.

As for the wimp comment, sometimes you have to deny yourself to keep a promise.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeabout 18 years ago
I usually dislike half stories and non-endings

but you did a good job on this one. Nice start and somewhat different than the usual.

I have to say that the guy's promise of fidelity and love even if they divorce seems excesive from my pov but I guess some people take their word seriously. Even though I consider myself to be honest, I guess Im guilty of modifying my view of promises/marriage (I blame mass media :). Even though the promise says forever, I never really considered that it (promise) does survive divorce if you look at things literally. Yesterday, I would have said that as long as you dont lie and get a divorce before you go looking for someone new, then you are living up to your promise. Now Im not so sure - I guess the answer is to modify the wedding vows but 'I promise to love, honor, etc, etc, until we divorce' doesnt sound quite as nice as saying forever.

Anyway, I trust that you will finish the story one way or the other when you decide what to do. You did a good job on the ending for your first story and you can do it again. Hope you wait until you have an ending that you are satisfied with though and dont rush to post something just to satisfy us readers.

Thanks for writing.

the Troubadorthe Troubadorabout 18 years ago
This is much more than a half a story

It is certainly possible to write more, but in MHO any more would take away from what you have done.

If a writer writes for emotion and to make his readers think I don't see how you could do more than you've already done. In other words, adding more to this story will probably be counterproductive.

Instead of spending hundreds of words, maybe thousands or more on the confrontations, the angst, etc., leave it go. You already have the husband suffering from Clinical Depression, and approaching suicidal feelings. You have the wife possibly approaching the same situation. What more can you write to show the outcome of marital betrayal.

the Troubador

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
You kind of painted him into a corner on this one

I agree 100% with otterouttahere, and would add that maybe some kind of intervention from somebody or something else could help. She's a doctor, maybe she could perform emergency surgery to save his life on the kitchen table or something :-) A public penance might be a good idea (see "After The Cruise...." by X_Bishop) I think "Trina's Story" is needed, this could fill in the background & overlap to give her thoughts & frame of mind & to advance the story.

Personally I'd like to see you finish this, but if you can't maybe anoth writer like thecelt could help out

You write well - keep it up & don't be discouraged by the knockers

peggytwittypeggytwittyabout 18 years ago
Wonderful story of real adultery consequences

This is absolutely one of the best stories and plots to be put here in awhile. You have done a marvelous job of putting this storyline where a man in depression is awaiting the world to end.

Otterouttahere, AverageJoe and Troubdor have said some very pointed and understanding things.

This is one stage of depression you have shown us. How could anyone who knows anything about human nature say the husband is a wimp as he contemplates everything with reason and foreboding? He is living in his own hell and doesn’t see away out. Everyone reacts to devastation and loss differently. How will the wife respond to her newfound knowledge? Is she headed for a depression as deep as her husband’s for her what she has made? Is suicide a way out or is she just lost to reality. Of course someone could have her just walk away, so anticlimactic but easier for some who can’t face adversity.

I personally would love the idea of an over 35 heterosexual married woman responding to this ending. Some one who could put themselves in this scenario. As Troubdor said it could very well just end here as it is so thought provoking.

I’ll leave out the hand wringing, denial, resentment, hate as we have already progressed to numbing depression and decisions of one step is now at hand, truth and how to get their for each. Then they can each decide what they can live with and be whole and move on with their lives together or apart. This story is wide open and so well done.

Thank you for such a great storyline.

With respect


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
you've every right to write your stories

the hubby sounds like a sissy and not a man.he sounds weak.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Not Possible

Well, she can't un-fuck the guy, so she can't fix it. She only wants to stay married because it's good for HER. It will eat him up. She should kill herself. That way he's released, and thru no fault of his. Plus, the world is free of another cheating slut.

richvir1richvir1about 18 years ago
great idea

O.k. not a bad idea make the wife come up with the punishment. I did that with my kids when they did wrong and there punishment was far worse then anything I could come up with. This could go many ways all fun for the husband. If she comes up with something truly great he could forgive or leave (he can lie to since she did).

Another way to end this is to release him from his vows by her killing herself. By telling him that if he does not stop her she will kill herself to release him from the vows.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
This is an exceptionally intelligent story

it needs to stay this way! if you continue with it, you will do harm to it! (unless, of course, you come up with even better dialogues than this!)

this was what I was saying in another post, in another story: the dialogues here, from both characters are very believable.

the "problem" with this kind of strong opening is that if it is continued, the author will lapse into cliche lines and scenarios.

with the kind of integrity the husband has here, I think it is better than he merely poses the questin to the wife "you dicided to broke our vows to one another, how do you propose to make the hurt go away", and LEAVE the situation. that is, he must make his own decision INDEPENDENT of whta the wife will or will not decide or do.

because if whatever the wife decides, he's being nothing but an accidental person; the good thing is, there's no children involved and both are intelligent, educated.

he will likely find another woman worthy of his devotion and she will, hopefully, learn from this; or she can continue down this "fun" road she decided to go on without, as he said, his knowledge/say,,, the line of "I will honor our vows whether we stay together or divorce," though revealing of the character he wants to be (may or may not be what he actually is) and therefore honorable, I think it is too much for any person to do: that is nothing but narissistic punishment.

if the person you have pledged your life and love to turned out to be UNWORTHY of those things, you need to unpledge yourself to him/her. no nastiness is needed, as the husband here says unequivocally; and that's good

therefore, the most local recourse open to him is something in the order of:

"Dear once-beloved, although I will likely remember you and even cherish you for a long time to come yet --- especially the good memories we had formed in the past twelve long years --- I dont' think I will ever love you as much, as deeply, as totally as I had loved you once before these dark days. We are both young, intelligent, educated, it is besst that we go our separate ways. I will look for someone else with whom I can love totally, unquestionably. I hope you find what you're looking for, in whatever you were, you are, looking for. Despite what you have said, it is obvious I have not been what you're looking for. And, frankly, you're not what I thought I had found, either. The mistakes, and I take this to be one of the darkest mistakes I've made in my life, the mistakes we've made could not have been foreseen. We wil, hopefull, learn from this experience and choose more suited life partners the next time around, if we want",,,

and end it,,,

DesertPirateDesertPirateabout 18 years ago
Damn, something different

I have never thought of this way to handle it, make her figure it out, hell of a concept. If you have fun, I'm sure the next part will be just as good.

But you asked for ideas:

1. She figures out how bad it really is and that there is no fix (most realistic). She can't be trusted, or believed.

2. Or she comes up with a way to regain his trust (I have no clue how this would be done because I would have thrown her out in the street). A revenge fuck won't work, he has morals.

KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIabout 18 years ago
You don't understand,

the point is to hopefully make her suffer, or, short of that, to make her feel some little pain; that means you have to assume she also --- in some twisted but also real way --- loved the guy.

if not, then it is useless and irrelevant, in terms of your actions. (revenge and public humiliation is out of the question for this particular guy/husband)

"throwing her out" don't work, either, because she's a doctor who earns a lot of money and so she won't be crying big tears over the fact that she might face financial or other hardship.

the point is to somehow make her REALIZE what a very good human you are (the husband is) and it'd be a substantial loss to lose you: why?

because even if she earns a lot of money, and even if she could fuck many men, if she lets go of this guy, that he won't be the loving and trusting person she's been taking for granted; he will never be there to message her tired feet again, or bring her flowers once a week, or kiss her forehead, sniff her hair, and pat her back and sooth her pains when the world seems to be crumbling around her

THAT and that alone that you should try to convey to her. but she MUST FIGURE that out herself; and if she couldn't, then, to this husband, it's not worth much to tell her any way, because she's never appreciated any of those things to start with!

again, a very good, short story; leave it alone, author. let every reader choose to end it as they wish!

Risq_001Risq_001about 18 years ago
Ok, I think this might be a first (^_^)

I have to agree with three previous commentors here. I agree with Peggy, Troubador, and Average-Joe comments. Normally I don't find three folks that have covered various points I would have made as well.

But I will say, normally I'm not a fan of open ended stories either, but he had the husband do something different and I have to say that this made it different.

The husband didn't rant and rave. He didn't throw the wife's stuff on the lawn and insist on a divorce. He didn't go for revenge sex. He didn't try to "possess" her, force her to have sex with him to prove his dominance, also any sex on his part would have been seen as forgivness. What he did was withdraw and then sit back and watch till she figured out and admitted what she did.

First the wife was confused. Then she tried to bluff her way out of what she did. But he surprised everyone, he didn't cave in because he loved her. He wanted her to admit and face what she did. He said he didn't care who she was with, how long it was going on, and how many times it happened. He said he just didn't care, the fact was she did it and that was all that mattered to him.

Of course if it was me I'd have to know if they did it protected or unprotected. That weighs in more for me than most realize. I know a couple of people that ended up HIV positive because they had sex with someone they "thought" was safe.

But what he did do was say "IF we're going to reconcile it's up to you to fix it". He didn't tell her how, he didn't say what "HE" wanted her to do, and he didn't compremise on what he was willing to put up with, it was all up to her to fix or destroy what was left. All he did was let her know IF it worked out she was going to have to find a way to make it right to him on her own. That's harder than most folks realise.

This is a huge burden. Trying for redemption when the other person refuses to have sex with you as part of it or isn't willing to tell you what you have to do to make it right.

That's the only reason I guess I liked it mostly. It's written in such a way that she only has herself to blame and if she doesn't fix her marriage quick it will end up in divorce.

The only thing I have to agree with a couple of posters is, I hated to see the main character saying that he will continue to honor their marriage vows even if they get divorced. She has proven that, in that marriage contract, she wasn't willing to hold up her part of it. If she hasn't been I can't understand why he would continue too.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Leave it alone.....

I agree with those who have written to you in hopes the story will be left as it is. I also ask others to simply respect this piece of work and leave it alone.

Unlike so many authors in this area, or others, you have touched on a truth. The loss of a marriage, the sense of betrayal, is such a powerful form of stress. In any relationship, there are three parties. The two individuals and the relationship. The relationship becomes a third entity. It is one that needs care and feeding. It is that place where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. To lose that, to watch it die or see it killed, is devestating, or at least it should be if one truly love the other.

I think you did not know where to go with it because it was, in the end, a finished work. Let it be, and just allow me to thank you for such a short, to the point, and powerful story.


Orion623Orion623about 18 years ago

The author has given us a different view of resolving a marital crisis involving infidelity. Trina has created the crisis by her wrongful actions with a man other than her husband. Dan is perpetuating the crisis by withdrawing from his wife and by, wrongly, forsaking communication to help resove the problem. We all know that two wrongs do not make a right, so it is hard to see how this marriage can continue unless Dan allows some form of communication.

If he does not allow her to explain why she strayed then there can be no 'fix' as the most important part of the problem will never be addressed. Trina could make all sorts of promises as to future behavior but, since she already broke the promise of fidelity in her wedding vows, this wiil not hold much water as far as Dan is concerned. She could, through her actions, renew her dedication to her husband and her marriage but this avenue has already been rejected by Dan in the previous weeks. Thus, neither words nor actions are going to be of much help in restoring Dan's marriage to its previous blissful state.

To me this leaves only divorce as a 'fix'. Dan's intractible attitude towards communication is simply hastening the demise of the marriage. Given his depressed state of mind his attitude is easily understandable.

If they divorced it would be possible for them to meet 6 monthes, or a year or two later. It would be as if they had not met and were simply two people beginning tentative steps into a possible new relationship. Under the guise of a new relationship they could reveal their past partners along with why the affairs of the heart had not worked out. This is just another form of very delayed communication but it could work for them. And, yes, this plot device has been seen before.

I am at a loss as to how to fix the marital problem. I am sure that there will be many clever attempts by LE authors in numerous Part 2's. I anxiously await their afforts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Is he a cuck? Is he a wimp? Is he a man? Is she a slut? Is she a cheat? Is she an adulterous bitch? Yes is the right answer five times. No only once. I'll let the readers decide for themselves.

X_BishopX_Bishopabout 18 years ago
A different POV

That's what we see here. It is hard for some of the hard assed males (myself included) to get their heads around the thesis of the story. But I liked it for that very reason. I had to ask myself how this could work? How would I have reacted? How would I have written the story? If nothing else you have to bring a little more than your hard cock to this one and for the challenge I applaud you. Let the story stand as is.

Read ya later

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Different but good

This story takes a different approach to the cheating wife story than I've seen on literotica. The husband falling into apathy is plausible, more so than the profusion of stories with ex-Navy SEALs planning painful punishments for unfaithful spouses found on literotica. The readers shouldn't confuse depression with wimpiness. A wimp accepts a bad situation because of a lack of moral or emotional strength. Someone in depression doesn't accept the situation, rather they are dealing with the confusion and hurt from having one of their anchors in life destroyed. The man you showed is in depression, not wimpiness.

To have him leave it to her to think up and implement an appropriate punishment/proof of her fealings is a twist that I don't recall seeing elsewhere. I think that peggytwitty has a good idea that you should try to find a 35+-year old married woman to write the next chapter. I'm interested to see what Trina thinks that she can do to prove her feelings for her husband and attempt to reestablish his trust.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
what she needs to do

is bring him in the best looking piece opf ass she can find and tell him t ofuck her till he loves her again even if he has to fuck theother woman 500 times ...and watch him do it so she knows what he feels like ...then and only then can he maybe get over her fuck up

charleybearcharleybearabout 18 years ago
Great Story

I had to laugh because of the thought I had when I read one of the comments. It ssid that they should divorce and restart the marriage six months later.

The thought that made me laugh to myself was that if they did that, he would never be able to have sex with his new wife because he would never be unfaithful to his first marriage.

I know, I know I am one sick man.

I liked the story and would have enjoyed more details of the who and why and how often etc etc, but this left lots of room for speculation.

Also, most of us would have reacted a whole lot differently, but this was good.

Thaks for your efforts.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
good start, carry on !

Unlike some commentators on this story, i'm convinced, that his reaction is neither wimpy nor spineless, it's just wise. If she, as she claims, loves him, she has to work out how to get back to him. Leaving her to boil on low heat shows how strong his character really is, giving her and him time enpugh to think about the situation. Love hurts sometimes, and, dear co-commentators, don't forget that a real man doesn't give in to aggressive action without a thought or two......a real man is a man because of what's in his head, not because what's in his pants (though it helps to have some in this department too *lol*) continue the story, on my humble opinion, it would not necessarily take a story of her side.... it's too obvious, that she gave in to some temptation, stupidly, without thinking of the consequences of cheating (who does ?).... btw, genitals are not made of soap, they don't use up........ and it takes a real man to erase the lover from her mind and body...this could be the challenge in this story, keeping in mind that the biggest sexual organ is still the brain.....or at least I hope so for most of my fellow - men........ so, dear leapyearguy, carry on !!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Excellent story!

Readers may be missing the authors point. Dan is about to become a very rich man, 9 million dollars rich in fact. Trina forfeits the money by lying and he can prove that she had sex in a car with a dark-haired man, [George is blonde], on Weds. afternoon courtesy of the E-mail video file from Mike. Once she has legally attested to her "one-time fling" in her office with George, Dan can boot her cheating ass out of the door; afterall Trina is a probably a serial cheater with many affairs to her credit. He may be a wimp but he's about to become a very rich wimp.

Blue88Blue88about 18 years ago

Very well done. This was certainly something different. My hat's off to the author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
nice finish

Great finish to this story - very unexpected.... and quite funny....

shangoshangoabout 18 years ago

Another Lit writer who believes a woman's BS (or is a woman). No REAL woman that truly loves her Husband will cheat. Period. If you are going to put couples back together you MUST destroy the old marriage and start anew. Your male(?) lead is a pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
is the test even valid anymore

she is a serial cheater, at least we know of a blonde (george) and a dark haired lover. now she is relaxed after being away a while - was it release of stress when she found "the solution", or did she have another 3rd+ lover again? i think hubby better get tested again!

(btw, instead of updating the story, you shoulda deleted it and posted a new version. now the first 15 or so comments make little sense, since they are carried over from a chopped up "rump" version.)

lets see, still need another part? have hubby finagle george and the cheating wife to a lawyers, sign papers saying it is the one time - and then have the movie of the other lover with her. bye-bye 9 million (less taxes) to hubby!

divorce city, here we come!

if he decided to stay celebate, well the XX million can still give him a lota fun!

well written so far!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Good Twist

Enjoyed the story.

Depending on how the agreement is worded, it may state if Trina cheats after this date. In other words, the video tape pre dates the agreement and therefore she has a bye on ALL past lovers. The point is whether it's one or a thousand as long as the agreement stipulates "henceforth" she is in the doesn't help with the trust and moral issues but it is strong from a legal perspective.

All Dan has to do is keep surviellance on her to see if she cheats again...and start having affairs of his own...under family law,,,he maybe entitled to 4.5 million regardless...if Bill specifically mentioned him in his will.

Keep writing.

nuff said.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
It's finished. Leave it be


You finished this version of the story. Nothing more need be said. To try to add to it would be a change. Better to start over if you feel that more or something different needs to be said. That having been said I also say that a baseball bat to various parts of George's anatomy would be nice but it ain't going to happen. There is one point that seems to have been overlooked in all this: In the last several paragraphs our hero(?) mentions all of those millions after George's name is mentioned. Why? I suspect he knows that his wife is going to drop her skivvies any time George gives her the nod and he is about to be one rich SOB. Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Most interesting ending. I hope no one else tries to write an ending for this story. Unless you and a co-author/collaborator have already agreed to write a concluding chapter, I think it would be folly for someone else to attempt it. Let it sit and mellow for a while and then write something yourself, or not. Most follow-ups of this nature on Literotica frankly suck.


Risq_001Risq_001almost 18 years ago
At first I didn't like the story

Because I saw "Nothing" in the wife's character that told me that she worthy of reconcilation.

But then I read a few readers comments, and I noticed that one reader pointed out something I missed: The guy he knew about was "Dark Haired" but George was "Blonde with long hair". Now the thing that I did pick up on was the fact that George decided to do a "premptive" strike first and see how much the husband knew.

That combined with the fact that the wife didn't know what he knew, because he never told her, she confessed and sought to get forgiveness for the "wrong" affair.

That "was" a good twist and made me feel better about liking the story. At first I didn't like it because it felt like he was selling his dignity and self respect for sex (after doing months without any) and 9 million dollars.

Now he's just getting rewarded for not being stupid.


HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 18 years ago
This story has been corrected.

Perhaps some readers didn't realize you posted the longer story, the one originally intended. Nice story.

shangoshangoalmost 18 years ago
I liked it

BUT, I still wished you'd went a little further and showed her reaction when she realized she'd screwed away nine mil!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
She's still lying to him

She said in her half-assed explaination:

"Dan, I've missed you so, I'm so happy to have you back. I still cant tell you how sorry I am. Please believe me that it was only the one time with George. After my nurse caught us in my office that day. She quit after she saw me with George, I just knew she was going to tell you all about it."

He found out through his security friend, Mike:

My heart stopped beating. I was dead. You guessed it, there was Trina riding another mans cock. Right there in the mall parking lot in his car.

She's been screwing around on him for quite some time. Dude should take her up on her offer, then catch her in the act. Then he can dump the bitch and move far away.

Great Story, LYG!!! Now you need to continue with the rest of the story.

Tail End PeteTail End Petealmost 18 years ago
I agree with Shango!

I would have liked to see how she handled being shown the clip from the garage at the lawyer's office. THAT would have been priceless.

txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayalmost 18 years ago

she just pissed in her post toasties...a few million times...heh...look forward to reading on respectfully fan in Texas naynay

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 18 years ago
GREAT GREAT story I loved it

maybe the earlier version did not have this ending.... or maybe its my former career as a Lisc PI back in the 80s but I saw the significane of her Non confession confession right way.

His not communicating with the whore wife was good at first but later on it did have a risk to it... it was the Grand dad's death that jumped started this dying relationship...

and it was her BIG mouth that ended it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Well done ...

You have a nice flair for imaginative writing.

I agree with Shango and Tail End Pete: immdediately after her disclosure show her the tape.

Good read, DJ

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
I'm sorry

I'm sorry you just can't end it here.

zed0zed0almost 18 years ago
That's What U Get!

Should have just dumped the bitch at day one. At least now he can afford to fool around after dumpimg her. Once a cheating slut, always a cheating slut! (zed)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
the big mistake

Trina slipped up it wasnt the nurse that told Dan about her

it was the camera in the parking deck are you going to write more of the story and by the way course isnt spelled coarse check you spelling with a spelling checker

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Minority vote

Cleverly written but incredibly stupid story. He finds out that his wife is cheating, so instead of confronting her he sits around sulking making his wife guess at why he is depressed, while their marriage goes on. Is any husband in the world that stupid? I doubt it. 60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Great Story...

I loved it ! ! ! I thought you got three strikes and you were out, but the dumb bitch had a legal document drawn up where she got only two strikes and she was out.

Dan, take the nine million dollars and get away from the two faced bitch. Her infidelity happened once on tape, and the she admitted to another instance that took place in her office that you did not know about. Believe me, it will happen again and you do not want to become a chuckhold whimp of a husband that your wife uses as she sees fit.

Alvaron53Alvaron53about 17 years ago
Pretty good fiction

There is some inconsistency in the story. Concerning Trina's talk with Bill, the narrator said "<I>she told him the whole sad tale. Trina didn't hold back much.</I>" Apparently she held something back since Dan was surprised by Trina's confession of her affair with George at the end of the tale.


On the whole, good writing, fine characterizations and believable story line. I like the author's central idea regarding infidelity: you broke it, you fix it.

Nightowl22Nightowl22about 17 years ago
Very Good Story

Line and a very disheartening twist.. Now he REALLY has a problem with trust.. She should have asked how he found out about her screwing around.. NOW what does he do??

Very well written tale that turns happy and then sad in one paragraph..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
now what!?

i never trusted a my doctor is suspect!!!!!

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 15 years ago
A superb story!

I've read it in the past but forgot somehow to comment. Nothing like a superb twist at the end (which forces you to rethink the whole plot). It also illustrates the old adage that liars are bound to be caught by their own lies eventually. Overall, a smart and highly entertaining story. Thanks!

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago
Consumate wimp

He is a complete wimp. "I'm not telling you why I am mad at you." This is a woman's tactic not a man's. I particularly hate this line from the story "It was a one-time lapse".

I don't care whether it happened once or one hundred times a slut is a slut. Lose the cunt you wimp. Stop having the male make excuses for the whore he is married too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

On Any Given Day Ch. 02

The shit for brains ending to this story is pure monkey shit

After this schmuck finally finds out what his whore wife and her family are aiming for, in the 459 million bonanza. the Idiot ( his IQ is lower than a MORON) shits the whole bonanza down the drain, with his annulment.

ultimately getting nothing for the 12 years he wasted with his whore doctor wife, instead of negotiating, since he had all the cards . Ultimately ending up with the bulk of the 459 million which the greed driven family would have had no choice but to relinquish.

Only the STUPID AUTHOR of this this ending, to this brain dead story, could come up with this imbecilic garbage finale.


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Him promising to stay faithful even if they divorce was a bit much. But other than that I think it is a good story.

Okay she cheated and that was wrong. The option to divorce is there but so is working through it. It was one mistake in 12 years, and ending a 12 year marriage is never easy. That doesn't make him a "wimp". She broke his trust, now she has to try to earn it back. And if she is sorry and truely loves him she will work like hell to figure out how.

robinhodrobinhodover 13 years ago
Excellent story and

interesting comments. I'm with the people who think the story stands as it is - what's wrong with leaving something to the imagination?

One commentator suggested reading The Beach House so I did. Not to be compared. It left nothing to anyone's imagination and was another of those where a bloke is devastated by his wife's infidelity and falls in love with another girl immediately. They live happily ever after. Ludicrous!

jiminabjiminabover 12 years ago
Can't believe it

On this one I actually agree with Harry. The ending was supurb. Open mouth, spend 9 million. Just loved that. Thanks. Jim

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
It was two times the bitch cheated???

There was a comment from another about the wife cheating the one time in 12 years. It was at least two times the hubby is sure of now. The first one he saw was a video of a security tape at a parking garage that started all this. The second time he now is sure of is when she admitted to him in bed she did the next door neighbor at her office and was caught by her nurse who quit. I say there were plenty more but he should jump off the bed and get the legal document and say hell with the sex. He has now 9 millions reasons to hit the door. He has the proof on video of the one in the garage and now knows that the other was George and the nurse caught them. Have his lawyer subpena both them and divorce her cheating ass and live like a king on her money.

norcal62norcal62over 12 years ago
Must comment because on re-reading I didn't like it.

At least the male's response of no response was a different approach than the usual LW man-running-away line. The punishment by denial and stone-walling was also, at least, different. Still left me unmoved.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 12 years ago
got what he deserved

trade his manhood for the money, 9 mill is a good trade if you like with it.

chytownchytownover 12 years ago

For sharing.

BetterEndingBetterEndingabout 12 years ago
That Will Teach Him

Next time he might let his wife explain so he can find out what he is really dealing with. Only one thing to do now. If the new contract specifies that George is the only one, he can prove her wrong and take the money and run.

Otherwise, just give her enough rope and wait for the cash. She is obviously a cheating slut.

What a twist!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago

So she cheated more than once, huh? Dump the bitch, take the money. Oh wait. Chapter 2. Hmmm...

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 11 years ago
Yeah well now =

He got some great sex and 9 million bucks to ease his bruised ego and soul - Bye Bye Bitch - you lied again -

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Loved it!

What a surprise ending. Fascinating story and well told. I would love to see what comes next!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
No help.

If you love someone and are married, it's supposed to be a fifty - fifty deal. He did nothing to meet her halfway. Not much of a marriage.

TornadoTysTornadoTysabout 11 years ago
quids in

Great ending to the story in that she has cheated at least twice.

At least he is 9 million better off !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Anonymous 3/11/13

How do you meet a cheater half way? Cheat on them? Tit for tat, so to speak? Dick for dat?

You CANNOT meet a cheater half way and not be dirtied. They are cheaters. They will not stop once they taste it. I mean that, they WILL NOT STOP. They may stop for a brief time until they can't standing it. Not that old cliché, until the coast is clear, but until they cannot physically stand it. They WILL cheat again. 100% of the time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Makes sense ...

She's a CHEATING WHORE WIFE and now Dan has enough money to get "in line" and pay for her "services" like all the other "johns"!!!

Tim413Tim413about 10 years ago

Does he need her to immediately put in writing that George was the only one. (He probably won't think of that until later.)

PTraumPTraumalmost 10 years ago
Not sure what to make of this one...

It's a well told story, but there was a lot missing. Even if we're not getting Trina's side of the story, perhaps George's...?

I, for one, am one of those that likes to get "her side" also. He wasn't interested in the why, and although it's not the decision I would make I can respect that. But if it were me I'd want to know. Even if I truly had done "nothing wrong", knowing her rationale would give me more ammunition when I divorced her (after catching her again to make sure I ended up with the 9 mil from the postnump), and furthermore would give me clues about what to look for when I start looking again. It's the women who cheat for reasons other than their husband that are the scariest. If you didn't "love her the way she needs", you can work on that. If there wasn't enough spontaneity, you can do something different. If it's that as you've gotten older you've let yourself go a little (or a lot), you can make it better. If it truly wasn't anything you did (or didn't do), your screwed and she'll do it again. Two things you have no control over...her and the size of your equipment. In either case, your better off with someone else.

krosis666krosis666over 9 years ago
I wish

All these authors would stop using that old cliché of "You can't just switch of that love". Yes, you can, like flicking a fucking light switch! Anyone that has been betrayed by the person they love in that way will tell you the same. Flick. It's gone! Everything else is just denial and self pity. We are all told that love is some indefinable ethereal thing sent from heaven, and that it is eternal, but that is just romantic media crap. Love turns to hate faster that water turns to wine on the altar. It's an imbalance in the brain caused, and altered by, external media. One set of inputs turns the switch one way, another set flicks it a different way. A simple biological action. All the rest is 'romantic' crap sold to you by the media to profit from you.

If someone still loves the person that cheated on them, then they have already forgiven them, and the rest is just self pity and self delusion.

Suck it up, he/she is NOT the only one out there for you, so fucking stop whining and feeling sorry for yourself, grow up and move on. If you stay, then that is an automatic declaration that you don't think what they did was so bad in your mind, so either stop sulking and forget it, or grow up, stop being so fucking needy, move on, and fend for yourself!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

i really hope he takes the money and splits bc she lied to that niggas face. She said she got caught doing it in her office but he saw video of her fucking some nigga in a car

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Hits close to home

I caught my own wife doing the nasty with an old boyfriend, she didn't know I saw them, coming home from work sick. I never said a word, just backed away from our bedroom and got in my car and drove away. She didn't need my permission to do things so neither did I.

I drove from the east coast to the west coast. I'd left my phone and wedding ring, the one she'd given me 4 years before, in the center of the kitchen table, so she'd know I'd been there. On my trip, I spent every nickel we'd saved since being married. I stopped at our bank and withdrew it all, taking it with me in cash. By the time I drove into my driveway again, I had spent everything but $20.

Jonni was at the house when I pulled in that Sunday afternoon. I packed my bags in, stuff I'd bought on the way,, and passed by her where she sat in the kitchen. Already crying when I walked in, she began crying even harder when I ignored her and didn't bother to even acknowledge her presence. We'd been trying for a baby and Jonni was so sure she'd taken our spare room and turned it into a nursery, complete with crib and all sort of little hanging toys a little would love. I tossed my stuff in there and went to the master bedroom, looking to see if anyone else was living there in my place. She had showed herself not to be trusted.

Following me through the house, crying and trying to talk with me, I finally turned around and told her, "shut up. Not one word out of you, slut." Of course, that made her cry harder and I heard the bedroom door slam closed. Big fuckin' deal. I fixed dinner, for me, and didn't fix anything else, nor even wait for her. I ate, put my dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen. After a couple hours of watching television, I turned out the lights and after pulling an afghan over me, went to sleep almost instantly.

I heard her shuffling around getting ready for work early the next morning but kept my back to her, the sight of her face would make me puke. How I could go from loving her with every beat of my heart, to feeling absolutely nothing, might be the 8th wonder of the world. I heard the door close and her car started, then pulled away. It was time to put my plan into action. Few here will like it, but it's what I did.

The minute she pulled out, I went to work. Taking everything we'd bought for the baby room, I made a huge bonfire in the front yard. I burned it all, the crib, bassinette, toys, everything inside the room. Then I drove downtown and put a twin bed and dresser on a credit card, to be delivered in a few hours. By the time it was set up in the old 'baby' room, I had already purchased blanket, sheets and a single pillow. By the time the slut came home from work, all my clothes had been transferred into my new room along with anything else I owned.

The instant her car door opened I heard Jonni screaming. The remains of my bonfire were still smoldering and all the pieces still laying around made it obvious what I'd burned. She was still screaming and crying when she came into the house and found me laying on my new bed, playing a computer game. Even I'd paid attention it would have been difficult to make out her words, she was blubbering something about 'how could I', etc. She was stunned to silence when she saw my new bedroom and understood the ramifications of fucking someone else.

There was absolutely no interaction between the two of us. I ignored her to the point where it seemed like I was alone. I cooked for myself, entertained myself and slept by myself. I never looked at Jonni, nor did I speak to her. After a few weeks, she looked awful. After she came into my room a couple times, I left and went to the hardward store, buying a lock. Anytime that door was closed, which was 24/7, it was locked, no matter which side of the door I was on. She soon learned I didn't respond to her words or voice and if she brought up what she'd done, I got in my car and left or went into my room. I spent most of my time at home with ear buds in, listening to music.

Her folks made an appearance and I spoke to them like I always did, with great respect and reverence. I truly loved them both. But the instant they brought up Jonni's name, I walked out the door and left. It took them twice before they understood how it was going to be. Jonni must have contacted my own parents, who lived over 1500 miles away and they gave me a call. The instant they brought her up, I hung the phone up. They called back thinking we'd been cut off but the instant they mentioned her name again, I hung up and shut my phone off, ignoring the texts sent.

I just plain refused to talk with her, interact with her or even look at her. To me, she was nothing, she simply didn't exist. During the next six months, we both aged a decade. She would have friends over so I'd retire to my own room, ignoring them all. Occasionally, I had a buddy or coworker by, burning a couple steaks and shooting the shit, but not often. Jonni figured out she could move in between us and I refused to leave a friend in the lurch. That quickly came to an end, seeing friends at the local watering hole instead.

Then came the sexual ploy. She would make sure she was dressed, or not dressed, provocatively so I'd have to look at her. That I would ignore her and not look at the 'goods', was something she couldn't envision, but I did it. Finally, she tried to begin touching me and tears started in earnest when I jerked back and snarled at her, "don't fucking touch me, whore." That was all the words I said to her.

She started going out with friends, first on Friday's and then about 3 times per week. I assumed her 'friends' was someone with a dick and surprisingly, it didn't affect me at all. When I'd hear the shower afterward, I knew then that was exactly what she was doing. Her best friend caught me during my lunch break having a sandwich and coffee, sitting down with me to have a heart to heart. I finally opened up.

She asked me what I was doing. I told her living and working. She countered by asking what I was doing with and to my wife. That made me smile but it wasn't a warm smile. "What wife? I had a wife once and my marriage to her was over the instant she sat on another mans cock. I have a roommate and nothing else." We went back and forth for a while, I continued to assert I was no longer married, there was just a ghost of my marriage past bothering me.

That was when she told me my guess of my wife out fucking others was true. She told me my wife was out of control, trying to fuck anything that came close to her, attempting to drown her pain that I was the source of. Laughing, I told her it wasn't me that made my ex-wife fuck her boyfriend and the minute she got herself 'unfucked', she could be my wife again and not one second before.

My wife eventually brought a couple guys home and when I got home from work, could hear them going at it in her bedroom. That was unacceptable. She could fuck around all she wanted, she just couldn't do it at home. Retrieving my 1911, I kicked the door in, she'd locked it, and walked in to see two black dudes spit roasting her. My gun got there attention and it became very clear with few words that they were to leave and take the whore with them. When she started screaming at me and refused to pack her shit, I waved my pistol in the two guys direction and intimated that they might want to pack her shit for her. Within 5 minutes, she were dragging her with them and I tossed her car keys to her, minus the house key.

Her folks called a few days later to say she had moved in with them and she was doing poorly. Refusing to eat or drink, after a week they had to have HER involuntarily committed. The Docs called me up and I gave them my side of the story, which they thanked me for, but refused to have any interaction with her. They were disappointed, as were her parents. They came to my house and begged me to reconsider, but all that did, was get them a load of her stuff in their truck.

After six weeks of her in the loony bin, begging the whole time to talk with me, they cut her loose. Her parents took control of her and she spent a couple more nights in her old bedroom until it became too much. Perhaps it was because she couldn't imagine being back where she first started before being married, having lost everything, I'm not sure. But they found her body in the Shenandoah River a few miles downstream from where she jumped from the bridge near her folks house.

They blamed me and so did all her friends. Hell, even my friends and family blamed me. It didn't take long and I loaded up all my belongings and left. It's been over 10 years and I've yet to go back. I have a good job, working under the table for cash, I don't want anyone to find me. Everyone I knew will have to be dead and one before I ever set foot back in that town.

Do I blame myself?

Of course I do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Now I think we gotta start going out.....

Very good way to start a new chapter I like that....


Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

Still five stars. An odd twist at the end, given how sure gramps was about her honesty.

sugnasugnaover 8 years ago

Welcome to the 1%! Take the 9 mil. and have fun, a lot of fun! Thank her, and send her cards from around the world as you party. Send her pictures, like the ones she put in your head - of you and your new, younger, prettier, gold digging girls! Thank her for them too! Spend a little money to investigate all the unsavory parties involved, get the goods on them, (everyone has goods!) and share the fucking with them! Then in the end, maybe learn that people are flawed, you cannot trust them to be there for you, so don't bother! If you want a friend, get a dog. If you want trust, trust in God.

MorganDeWolfeMorganDeWolfeabout 8 years ago
Well Damn!

@sugna 12/21/15 You just hit the nail on the head, scored a bulls eye and covered all bases!

Yup, you said it all and I agree 100%.

Just My Opinion, YMMV

Morgan DeWolfe

tazz317tazz317about 8 years ago

and still no wiser, TK U MLJ LV NV

ohyessssssohyessssssabout 8 years ago

Let me get this straight. A doctor has unprotected sex in a god damned parking garage, like some street walker. The totally classless individuals can't even buck up for a motel room. The husband talks bout lost trust, but automatically believes her when she says it was the first time (with him, maybe) . It would have been more interesting if when he got the surveillance tape and she was the star every day; someone different every day. All in all. I didn't care much for the story.

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago

"What is that supposed to mean?" – Now, she KNOWS she cheated, is she THAT dense that it never occurs to her that he knows?

“You must have done something to cause your wife's infidelity.” – If that’s so, she owed it to him to talk to him about it before cheating!

“I will honor my vows to you even if we divorce." – Well, THAT makes no sense! Divorce makes the vows null and void!

"God no Dan, you're all I ever imagined or wanted." – That’s obviously NOT true, or else she wouldn’t have been fucking another man!

@ohyesssss – LOL, I was going to say the same thing, that when he saw the other clips from the security cameras that there would be more shots of her! And how dumb is she to admit to a specific incident when she KNOWS there are more, but she told him it only happened once?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Idiotic cuckold/wimp crap!!! MINUS 5*!!!

As if it is a normal thing to cheat on your husband he took it like the weather is changing!! Are you that stupid?? Your thinking is like a child who`s candy got lost!!

She broke her vows and he lost his trust but with money its all forgotten!! I believe you are a real faggot who is in cuckolding!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Carcrash Ending

And I absolutely, positively, unequivocally hate and detest those kind of endings! I gave you 3 stars...but there is a part of me that wants to rate this as a MINUS 5 STARS! But Literotica won't let us assign such ratings.

DrSemblanceDrSemblanceover 7 years ago

If you had the chance to cheat on your wife with a beautiful young woman, wouldn't you?

No! Emphatically no. I don't give a flying fuck how young and beautiful. You want to shag her then get a divorce.

Otherwise just a cheating betraying douchebag.

Cuck shite like this.. pathetic. Old man in bed wants him to just forget the betrayal. Fuck him. Fuck her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
"Son, in my day we did business with a hand shake. We trusted the word of another man."

And when you found out the fucker COULDN'T be trusted, did you STILL do business with him, you meddlesome old fart ?

I think my grandfather would have said "Now that you truly know what she's made oe, dump the cheating bitch and move on instantly."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

cuck shit.

Tootight1Tootight1about 7 years ago
good story

you bet. I thought George was the guy in the back of the car. Nice switch up. kick it up a notch. This is sad, but not. Oh there's another chapter, great. He didn't seem to be too broken up about his wife all through the story. Oh well, that will change now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Sad and sadder

So many writers here believe none of us have values that we will stick to. The news is we are not all Donald Trump. My grandfather took his 26" shotgun down from the wall and gave it to me when I was 13. His instructions were to keep it clean and ready if my wife ever made me "cukoo" or cuckold. He and my grandmother celebrated 57th anniversary before he died and I made 37 before my loving wife passed from ovarian cancer. This other stuff is just shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Now this is a very good story, you should be paid for this one.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
1* Wimpy Cuck Crap

The author got beat up a lot as girls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
@anon sad and sadder

Like Hillary has values...or billy boy...or jfk....or bill cosby...or teddy kennedy...or whiny weinert...boy you liberals just cannot stand losing

The majority of the states decided trump was better than clinton...big shock

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

A bad story the husband cannot before real.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago


Pennindy15Pennindy15about 6 years ago

I saw that coming after what George said to Dan.

argeelogargeelogabout 6 years ago

No explanation for the adulteries again. I am tired of these lack of important detains in these stories .... again!

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