On the Loveseat Ch. 22


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We went and played some basketball and just enjoyed seeing each other. We knew that it might be a long time before we might see each other again. Or ever, as being in the military did come with some risks. I mentioned my graduation party but he was only going to be around for another day before flying back home. When we parted, we hugged, and then teased each other for our closeness. Knowing how things can happen I did speak the unspeakable, telling him, 'I love you man.' He grinned and answered, 'back at you bro!' We gave each other a half-hug and promised to call or text more frequently than we had been doing recently.

Sometimes, becoming an adult really sucked!

Why couldn't we just stay kids and play B-ball all day long with our friends?

When I returned home later that afternoon, mom had such a guilty look on her face that I had to ask her why. She tried to act innocent but I pressed. She told me she would tell me later. Johnny and Jojo were already home from school but dad wasn't home from work yet. If it was anything that secret, she could have told me then. But she wouldn't tell me until later, no matter how much I pestered her.

Dad was in the living room watching TV and my siblings were upstairs in their rooms. Mom was putting dishes in the dishwasher when I came into the room. She looked incredible in her white blouse and the pleated black skirt she wore. She looked at me furtively and I took it to mean that she was ready to impart her news, or whatever it was that she was keeping secret.

"Erin came over today." Mom said too quietly.

"Really? She didn't say anything to me. Why? She knew I wasn't here." This didn't seem like something to keep hidden.

"To see me." Mom stood up straight as if she was in a firing line about to be shot.

"You? Why? To talk about me?" I wasn't catching something, but I couldn't see what it was that I was supposed to understand.

"Me. For me." Mom's face appeared as if I should comprehend her words but they were gibberish to me.

"You?" Huh? I was still lost.

Mom looked down at herself and back at me as if it was obvious.

Wait! What?

Was she implying what I thought she was implying?

Nah, it couldn't be.

"You!" I squealed in disbelief.

Dad then complained from the other room about my noise.

"The two of you ...?" I was now picturing mom and Erin much as they had been not more than ten days ago.

"Yes. The two of us." Mom turned back to the counter as if she had told me everything.

"What!" I yelled.

Dad yelled back at me once again. I ignored his complaint as my mind reeled with this news. Mom apologized to him in my stead.

Why would Erin come over for ... obviously sex, when she knew I wasn't home? I had told her that, hadn't I?

"Did she think I was going to be here?" I asked trying to keep my voice at a more normal volume.

"No. She knew you were gone. She told me first thing that you were with some friend that you hadn't seen in a while and would be gone for the afternoon. Erin purposely came over knowing that you wouldn't be here."

She made it sound as if Erin had snuck over while I was not home. That still didn't make any sense.

"So. Erin came over just to be with you?" I spoke the words slowly so mom wouldn't misunderstand me and she could correct what I was apparently missing.

"Yes. Just me. Why is that so hard for you to understand?" Mom seemed somewhat peeved at me.

Erin came over specifically to have sex with mom?

Without me?

"No. I mean ... she clearly finds you as sexy as I do." I cautiously looked towards the living room as I spoke a bit too loud to be uttering those words. "I can't blame her. Or you. I wouldn't expect you to resist Erin if she wanted to have sex with you. I just wish I had been here."

"Even if I just got to watch." I added after a second.

"Who was the friend?" Mom asked as I was still picturing her and Erin together.

"Huh?" I looked back at mom's face. "Oh. Ritchie."

Erin sucking on Jenny's taut nips, mom lapping at Erin's ...

"Really. How's he doing?" Mom asked with interest.

"Oh, fine. Just fine." I nearly stuttered as I looked around the kitchen picturing my two girls doing an assortment of illicit acts. Had they done anything on the table? Had Erin pushed mom up against the sink?

"So." I didn't know how to ask this. "What did the two of you do?"

I almost couldn't look at mom's face for her answer.

"Jeremy! I'm not going to tell you that." Her words were louder with her umbrage and she glanced at the doorway.

Then she continued.

"Not here. Not now." A look came over her face for an instant that made me know that she was thinking about what they had done. "I will say that we kissed. A lot. Then some other things happened. Some you can guess, others ... you can't imagine!"

Mom then walked past me towards the living room. She even gave my rock hard dick a small pat.

She couldn't do that without a reaction from me!

"Mom!" I shrieked.

"Hey!" Dad yelled again.

"Sorry honey. I was just talking to Jeremy. About Erin and Ritchie. Do you remember him? That friend of his that moved away some years ago. They were a nice family." I heard mom telling dad.

"What was with the yelling?" He demanded loudly himself.

"I just surprised Jeremy with some special news is all." Mom replied.

I used mom's distraction to zip past dad while trying to keep the lump in my pants covered. Mom smiled at me as I passed them both. I took the stairs two at a time. When I got to my room, I rearranged my boxers and then texted Erin. Unfortunately, she must have been busy, as she didn't answer me back right away.

I stewed for hours; hoping mom would come up that night and give me some details. When I heard her outside my door, I leapt and opened it and pulled her inside. She gave a very brief recount of her activities that afternoon with my girlfriend. They had kissed a lot apparently. Had tasted each other. Even ground their pussies together. Was that a thing?

I tried for some more details but mom said that it had been special and only between girls.

As she told me the little that she did, I pulled down my pants and revealed my very hard dick. Mom smiled as her eyes riveted to my crotch.

"You might as well put that thing away. After this afternoon with Erin, I think I like women more." Mom said seriously.

Huh? No!

"What? No!" I exclaimed studying her face for proof otherwise.

Mom grinned so wide then.

"No, not really. Give me that thing!" She crumpled to her knees and engulfed my raging hard-on.

Whew! Thank goodness!

Mom gave me her usual splendid and loving attention. I was getting close when she pulled my rod from her lips.

"It was really nice with Erin today!"

Images of them both suddenly filled my head and mom's expert skills pushed me quickly over the edge. I was then filling mom's head with my hot cream!

When I got my breath again, I asked a question that had been lingering in my head since mom had told me what she had done.

"Do you want to be with Erin again?" I asked slowly. Then to clarify, "Whether I'm there or not?"

I didn't figure that my presence was of any doubt. Of course I would be there. Today had been only a fluke occurrence.

Mom studied my face closely. I could almost see her brain whirling behind her deep green eyes. Was I being too forward with my inquisitiveness? Did she feel guilty about what she had done? I was only slightly upset that they had sex together, but not for the fact that either of them had done so without my knowledge but more so for the fact that I hadn't been there to witness their steamy encounter! I surely couldn't fault either of them in their choice of partner!

When mom didn't answer after a long pause, I did so for her.

"You don't have to answer that if you don't want to. I understand." I tried to anyway! "But, if you do, you have my ... blessing. Whether I'm there or even know about it. If you tell me or not."

I did almost slip as I had started to speak. I almost gave mom permission to be with Erin before I then realized that that could be taken as that I thought that she needed my permission first. Mom didn't need me to tell her it was okay to be with anyone, as if it was even up to me to decide for her. I gave her my blessing instead, and gave a mental sigh at my almost gaffe.

I hoped that this meant that Erin, Jenny, and I would soon be having another wonderful afternoon together! Being with each other might have been as nice as mom declared, but having me there would surely make it so much better!

When I finally got a response from Erin, I found her to be just as secretive about details as Jenny had been. I didn't want to upset Erin with my nagging curiosity, so I reluctantly dropped the subject. But I did plan on encouraging each of them for a repeat performance, only with a spectator present the next time!

One morning, with only days left before Jojo and Johnny would be out for the summer, I rose with no plans for the day. Erin was busy, so I was left to find something to occupy my time. I found my head filled with a multitude of things to do! And they all included my lovely Jenny.

It was ten thirty, but that still counted as being morning. Erin and I had been out until nearly two a.m. and even though the house was quiet when I had entered, I was sure mom was fully aware of when I had gotten home.

Mom was in the living room, doing whatever it was that she did, and looked up at me.

"About time you got up." Her tone was terse, but I felt that she was merely mocking me.

"It's before noon!" I protested.

"Well, don't think that you'll be sleeping in all summer mister." Mom's eyes stared at me but it didn't feel like she was glaring at me, more like sizing me up like a side of beef. Or, I should probably say, beefcake.

"I hope that my loving mother will be waking me in her own unmistakable way." I stated as I came down the last few steps.

"Oh? And how is that?" The wisp of a smile touched her luscious lips.

"I'm too much of a gentleman to say in mixed company." I grinned as I approached her.

Mom was wearing a trim white knee-length skirt with a loose light green and small white polka dotted blouse. Her legs were a shade dark and hinted at stockings that had been unusual for her until I had declared my approval of them. I had to wonder if she had on a garter belt or if they were thigh highs. I closed with her and gave her an innocent peck on the cheek.

Mom laughed at my comment.

"A gentleman? Not in my experience." The wisp bloomed into a devilish grin. "But then that's just how I like you!"

"Mom! Your barbs wound me." I said theatrically. I then placed my hands on her firm ass and pulled her closer.

"How about we go up to my room and you can make it up to me?" Her face was close to mine and I could smell her flowery perfume. Jasmine possibly. I didn't know flowers. I also noticed that she didn't try to pull away.

"That does sound tempting." Mom eyed me with curiosity. "No plans with Erin today?"

"No. She's busy with some friends." Then I realized her point.

"Mom. Jenny." I held her tighter. "This isn't a contest. I'm not picking one of you over the other. I love you both. You know that. I don't want to be with you just because I'm not with Erin at the moment." My voice carried the gravity of my emotions. "I want to be with you because I want to be with you!"

"I know." She sounded touched, and contrite. "I didn't mean to imply otherwise."

Mom's eyes searched my own, darting between them and looking deeply at me.

"We're just in a weird situation. I know you love me. And that you love Erin. I love you both too. I do. It's just ..." She trailed off, her eyes softened.

"I know mom. I know." My hold became a hug and then I released my grip on her ass.

"So ... upstairs?" I asked suggestively. "We have a few hours before Jojo and Johnny get home. We'll only have these chances for a few more days before they get out for the summer."

"It is tempting." I could see her debating with herself. I cheered for her slutty side to win out.

"You are right; we won't get many chances during the summer." Her emerald eyes seemed to be studying me intensely.

Oh, I planned on lots and lots of chances during this summer!

"Not right now honey. Maybe after lunch. Or tomorrow." She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and stepped back out my reach.

"I think its lunchtime now actually." I said with a huge grin. "I know what I want to eat!"

My grin became a leer.

"Definitely not a gentleman!" Mom almost giggled. "Just make yourself a sandwich."

"That wasn't what I wanted!" I whined, but went to the kitchen to find something for breakfast, lunch, brunch, whatever.

I heard mom bustling about the house as I sat at the table and ate my collection of a sandwich, some leftovers, and part of a bag of potato chips. Mom came in the kitchen at one point, saw what I was eating, and just shook her head in disbelief. Whether it was because of the menu or the quantity, I couldn't tell.

I went back up to my room and as much as I wanted to get up to some hanky panky with my mother I started on my computer, checking emails, messaging a few friends, texted intermittently with Erin, and played some puzzle games on the internet. I hadn't realized the time when mom poked her head in my room.

"So our afternoon date is off?" She asked so completely casually that I didn't comprehend her words right away.

"Huh? What?" I asked intelligently as I turned to look at her.

"The kids will be home in about thirty minutes. I guess you weren't serious then."

If it wasn't for the playful look in those green eyes, I would have been hurt.

"What? No." I almost sprang from my chair. "I'm sorry, I lost track of time. You should have said something if you really wanted to do something."

I hadn't thought that she did. Even then, I wasn't sure if she really had or was just teasing me.

"It's okay honey. We'll do something tomorrow." Mom disappeared from my doorway.

"I'll just have to wake you up in my own unmistakable way!" She called out from down the hall.

Yes, she had just been teasing me!

I was surrounded by a sea of boobs. Tits of every size and shape. There may have even been a few curvy asses amongst the ocean of bountiful breasts.

Then I felt lips on my dick.

I groggily opened my eyes, the bright morning light from the open window shining in my face.

"Morning dear." I heard mom's voice as her face came into focus in my bleary sight.

"Mom." I blurted out. "I mean, good morning. Jenny."

Mom's eyes lit up at her name and she resumed licking my stiff cock.

I raised my head to stare at her as she worked her magic, her emerald eyes staring back at me as she licked and sucked.

"What time is it?" I asked, unable to take my eyes off of my mom so I could look at my clock.

Then again, what did I care what time it was when my beautiful Jenny was giving me a wonderful blowjob?

"Just after eight."

Okay. Blowjob or not, there had to be some limits!


"Do you want me to stop?" She dragged her flattened tongue slowly up my shaft and then swirled it deliciously around my leaking head.

"Oh God no!" I wasn't stupid. You never tell a beautiful woman that is sucking your dick to stop!

Mom took her time with her incomparable cock sucking, spending long minutes lathering my dick with her saliva, running her tongue up and down my rigid rod, bobbing her head and stroking my cock until I was ready to burst only to then slow until I settled back from the brink. As great as her usual morning blowjobs were, this was in another league!

"Mom! Please make me cum!" I begged as she took me to the edge again. "Then I can do the same to you!"

"Ooo!" Mom cooed. "That sounds so good! But I'm not done with you yet!"

I don't know how long mom spent sucking and licking and teasing me, but I was ready to do whatever she wanted just to get her to finish me off! When she did finally work me up to that exquisite peak and allowed me to at last explode, I thought that I just might have a heart attack. Or that my balls would break from the force with which I came. Mom struggled to swallow it all, but her work had been too well done and my orgasm too strong for her mouth to contain my gushing white fluid. Streams of semen sprang from her pursed lips and ran down her chin to splatter on her soft bosom.

"Oh my God mom!" I groaned as my whole body trembled. "That had to be the world's greatest blowjob!"

"Oh. I'm sure I could still do better." Mom teased humbly. She looked down at the mess that she, I, the both of us had made.

"If you did, I'm sure it would kill me!" I couldn't say that I would turn down her effort.

"I guess I can take that as a compliment!" She said as she ran her fingers through the white globs on her tits.

"Take it however you want." I said intently. "You can also take this!"

I sat up, grabbed Jenny with surprise, and spun her about so that she was now laying where I had just been.

"Oh!" She cried out.

"Open those legs my gorgeous slut! Let me see that crevice that I sprang from!" I tried to play up my language as that had gotten her worked up before.

"Ooo yes! See mommy's pussy! Get in there and get a good look honey!" Jenny called out in response.

"You're a naughty girl mommy! Your pussy is already wet!" I stared at that beautiful gash, still in awe that I was able to gaze upon my mom's most intimate parts.

"I'm so wet Jeremy! Sucking you got me soaked!" She said lustfully.

"I really think that I may need to get a plastic bed." I stated. My mother really had a habit of soaking my mattress when she came hard.

"I'll try not to cum too hard honey!"

"Screw that Jenny! I'm going to make you cum sooo hard that I don't need to take a shower!" It may have been boastful, but I had the right sentiment.

"Oh, please Jeremy! Make me cum all over you! You make me cum sooo good when you eat mommy's pretty pussy! You do think I have a pretty pussy, don't you Jeremy?"

Oh yes, I had her excited already!

"It's in the top two!" I answered.

"Is that higher than Jessica's?" Jenny asked already knowing full well the answer to that question. Or I hoped she did. But she also knew about my adolescent fantasies about her gorgeous, curvy sister.

"I love Aunt Jess's pussy too, but it doesn't compare to yours, or Erin's!"

"Please lick me Jeremy! I need you to make me cum so good! Make me cum like you just did!"

As much as I may have teased mom about her soaking my bed when she squirted, I would never deny her such an orgasm for the sake of my own sleeping arrangements!

"I love you Jenny." I said tenderly just before I leaned my face down to her trimmed brown bush and ran my tongue through it, tickling her with my touch.

"I love you too Jeremy, now lick mommy's cunt."

It was tender if also vulgar!

She had torturously teased me so it was now my turn to do the same to her.

I stared at my mother's pussy. Her outer lips had widened but her inner lips were still shut, even though there was a trace of dampness leaking from the bottom of her slit. I could see the stubble around the sides from where she had most recently shaved herself. I would have to make a point of giving her another shaving myself, possibly this week if I had a chance. To be this close to the origin of my birth was and probably always would be, mind-bending. I had sprung forth from this hole and now I was spending a lot of time getting at least some portions of me back inside it.

"You're staring at me again Jeremy! I told you to lick me!" Mom started softly, but her tone turned to an order with the second sentence.
