Once Again Pt. 01


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Walking back to ICU she wrote her address and phone on a scribble pad and handed the info to me. I asked and she acknowledged that six o'clock would be fine. In the parking ramp following our shift she asked if she should dress sexy or casually. I wasn't ready for that question.

"Mmmm, what do you mean? I'm not sure how to answer that. Is this some sort of test?"

She playfully slapped my arm, "You ding dong, it's self-explanatory. Casual or dressed up? Don't make this harder than it is."

"Well, you said sexy so I wasn't sure what you meant. If dressing sexy means I have to fight guys off all night to dance with you then no, dress casual."

She took my arm by the elbow, "If I'm going there with you and I dress sexy you won't have to fight anyone off, I'll tell them to butt out. If we're going together then I'm with you and nobody else. You better not let anyone cut in either."

I laughed, "Aye, aye captain. Message received loud and clear."

When I walked to her apartment Saturday I wasn't sure what to expect, when she opened the door I was pleasantly surprised. She wasn't dressed to the nines but close to it. A white silk blouse with just enough cleavage showing to make you want to see more. A black pleated skirt ending mid-thigh, white diamond patterned stockings that drew your eyes to her legs immediately, low wedge heels and a cameo that looked genuine. I found out later in the evening that it had been her great grandmother's. Her hair was drawn back and braided, I loved the lavender color around her eyes, then something I hadn't seen before on any woman. The same color lipstick with gold glitter in it. I thought, damn Bob, what did you do to deserve this chick?

It's not like I'm some loser walking around hoping someone, anyone, will go out with me. At five foot ten I'm average height, I weigh in at 196, being of Italian descent I have dark wavy hair bordering on the edge of frizz. I maintain a comfortable weight and eat responsibly. I'd worn dress slacks and shirt, a sport coat, and a tie along with brown basket weave leather loafers. I felt as though we made a nice couple. She'd never been to Zorba's so that's where we went, we both had the lamb chops which were done to perfection.

The place was busy and while we were the only mixed-race couple in the dining room no one seemed to notice. It felt good being with someone so attractive, I felt special, as if I'd won the lottery. Holding the door for her as she sat in the car I wasn't sure if she'd done it on purpose or if it was an accident but her skirt went high enough I could see the top of her stay up stocking. As quickly as I had seen the bare skin above the lacy top the skirt was settling across her thighs in a normal position, no more eye candy. Walking slowly behind my car thinking what she might have on for panties, if any, wasn't helping me mentally will my stiff dick to soften.

The live band had just started at BoJangles and the place was jumpin. We lucked out and found a table toward the back where you could still hear one another talk if you listened carefully. I ordered a beer, she ordered some flowery sounding thing, by the time we'd finished them we were ready to hit the dance floor. When we were sitting we weren't noticed, but once we hit the floor what I thought would happen began, it was beyond guys staring at her, they were literally undressing her with their eyes. After the third guy tried to cut in during a slow dance she reached for my right hand and put it on her ass. Her face was next to mine as she leaned to my ear and whispered.

"Squeeze it. Let these motherfuckers know my ass is yours."

What the fuck!!!!! Where did that come from, my mind was on overload. I did as she told me, softly squeezing her left cheek, she in turn pressed a little closer to me. We weren't dry humping, but we weren't far from it either. I marveled at my good fortune, to have this hot little minx in my arms was almost overwhelming. I liked the fact that she was only a few inches shorter than me, had a slender waist, hips that flared slightly, I guessed her chest to be in the 34 B or C range. It didn't matter, they fit her body size perfectly, any bigger or smaller and they'd have looked out of place.

Another slow song followed, she moved my left hand to her butt as well, snaking her arms around my neck as she pushed her body into mine. The next thing I knew she was turning so her back was to me, reaching for my hands she put them on her hips, then snaked her arms backward around my neck. I could feel my dick stiffen when she pushed her ass into me, grinding, her chest pushed out, her head turned sideways looking up at me. Turning back to face me she raised up and planted her lips on mine, a slow, sensual, burning kiss, as she broke the kiss she swiped her tongue across my lower lip and sucked it in.

Who was this wonderfully sex driven example of sensuality in my arms? This wasn't the girl I worked with on a daily basis. No, this was a creature I'd never seen before, I also knew I wanted more of what she was giving. The band took a break after that slow song, while we sat at the table sipping another drink there were numerous men stopping by asking for a dance later, as she said she would do, she declined every one of them. We'd been sitting across from each other, she stood, moved her chair next to mine and sat.

Giving me a quick kiss, she smiled, "Hi. New in town? You know, for what you describe as plain old Bobby you sure clean up nice. I'm about ready to scratch that redhead's eyes out if she doesn't quit staring. She needs to get it through her pea brain that you're with me and I'm not in a sharing mood."

I was going to put my arm around her, she grabbed it mid-air and moved it down, then placed my hand on her thigh just below the hem of her skirt. I had the good sense to leave it where she'd put it, moving my fingers gently over the white diamonds but going no higher. When the band cranked up we hit the floor, forty-five minutes later we were finished for the night. Walking from the place she had her hand in mine clutching tightly. I looked at Addy as if asking where to, she grinned.

"Home James." To which we both howled.

I was expecting to walk her to the door, get a kiss and be on my way, little did I know she had other plans. With the door unlocked she turned, took my hand and led me inside. She stepped out of her shoes and ask that I do as well, she said she seldom walked around in her place with shoes on. We stood inside the door facing one another, she reached up and loosened my tie before opening the top button of my shirt. Leaning in she kissed me and said, "Come, sit with me."

She wasted no time, sitting sideways facing me with her feet tucked under her butt she started. "You're probably wondering where this version of me came from. It's always been around Bobby, I just don't let people see it until I'm one hundred percent certain about them. I've watched and listened to you for months, you stay the same no matter the situation, be it good or bad, you are who you are. I've seen you at work, at the tavern, now at dinner and then dancing, you've stayed the same everywhere I've seen you. I have to say, as much as you had a thing for Karen, she's a fool to not have you in her life."

I started to say something, she put her finger over my lips and shushed me.

"I'm not finished. I've only had two boyfriends before and both turned out to be dismal failures, mainly because I didn't do my homework. If I'd taken more time to see who they really were I would never have been with them. Bobby, (long pause), you're what I want. I know I'm going out on the limb hoping it doesn't break, but that's where the best fruit is, on the end of the limb. I want us to be together, I want you as my boyfriend. Yeah, I know, it's supposed to be the guy asking the girl, but I'm taking this 21st century crap to heart and asking you. I don't want to wait any longer. Now you can talk."

My mind was mush, I couldn't seem to form a cognitive sentence. She excused herself to go powder her nose, which gave me a moment or two to think. Returning from the bathroom she grabbed my left arm and raised it, then scooted under it pressing into my side throwing her left leg across my thighs. My arm was wrapped around her shoulders, her head was on my shoulder and her hand had opened my shirt to play with my chest hair. Looking up she cooed. "Talk to me Bobby."

"I have to admit I don't know what to say. I never imagined going out with you, much less hearing you say you want to be with me. You're a knockout Addy, way beyond my pay grade. Are you sure this is something you want, I mean me, am I something you really want?"

Her answer was both humorous and poignant, "You have more than a pencil dick, right?" I nodded. "And you know how to use it, right?" Another nod of the head. "Then I don't see what the issue would be, you're attractive, funny, attentive, and you're clean, which is important to me. You don't have filthy habits that I know of, you're caring, tender, and I imagine very affectionate in bed. One final question though. Where do you stand concerning oral sex?"

I couldn't resist, "I don't stand, I lay down and bury my face between her legs until she screams and pushes me away."

Her left hand came out of my shirt and caressed my cheek, "Perfect answer. By the way, I like to give as well as get. I think it's time we move this into the bedroom once we go over a few ground rules."

I gawked at her, "Rules? There are rules?"

She sat upright looking into my eyes, "There are. Number one. We're exclusive, we don't go out with anyone else and we don't share. Period. Number two. I expect you to treat me like a lady unless we're behind closed doors and then you can have me any way you like. Know this, I will always treat you like a gentleman when we're in public. Behind closed doors you're my man whore. Number three. I don't shave and I don't want you to either, we stay as nature designed us."

She moved to straddle my lap, "Number four, I like sex and to feel sexy. When I'm not in scrubs at work I'm dressed in come screw me underwear, if my outfit seems provocative know that it will be for your eyes, not for others. I want you to be thinking about what you're going to do to my body after we get home. If you can agree with those and don't have others to consider, it's time to take me in the bedroom and stake your claim."

"I have one question Adelade. How long is this for?"

"Wow, you called me Adelade, this must be important to you. It goes as long as we make it last. If that's a lifetime together so be it, if it's two years it will have been worth it. Here's the most important thing, if it's over, we'll both know. Instead of worrying about "what if" let's enjoy what we have. Are we gonna fuck or talk? It's up to you."

I stood scooping her into my arms as I did so, she pointed down the hall as I walked. Inside the bedroom she told me to put her down, with her feet on the floor she grabbed my loosened tie and dragged me to the bed. When the backs of her knees hit the mattress she flopped back still holding onto the tie. Using her other hand she raised the skirt to her waist and pulled my face to her bare pussy. I wondered if it had been sans panties all evening, or just since she'd used the bathroom. I actually didn't care as I kissed along the tops of her stockings headed to the pink slit in the middle.

Dropping to my knees I slid my hands beneath her thighs and raised her butt up until my lips were a half inch from her warm swollen vulva, her body was letting me know she was ready. Above her clit was a patch of soft curly hair and nothing along the labia which were enlarged and slick as blood pulsed through them. I licked along the slit piercing the outer and inner labia with one swipe of my stiff tongue. As I neared her clit I dropped down to the opening of her vagina and put my tongue in as far as I could get it. Her hips were rolling as she groaned, whispering "Bobby, Bobby, Bobby" over and over.

Fingers laced through my hair signaled exactly where she wanted me, when I found her hot spot her hips thrust upward and she cried out with a long loud wail. Pumping her hips into my face I attacked her clit, sucking it between my lips and bathing it with my tongue. I looked up when I felt her left hand leave my hair, it was clutching her left breast squeezing and pulling at the nipple. The orgasm hit her like a freight train, she hooked her legs over my shoulders and raised her ass off the mattress pushing her sweet succulent pussy into my face. The climax seemed to go for a few minutes before she burst out in laughter pushing me away.

"No more, no more. Oh shit that was delicious. You are one serious pussy eatin motherfucker Bobby. Damn that was good, I hope you're as good with your cock as you are with that tongue. Stand up. We need to get rid of these clothes."

I helped her undress then she followed suit getting rid of my attire. Sitting on the bed with me standing she took ahold of my cock slowly stroking, as precum began to bead she bent and licked it off. I heard her say to herself, "I love a cut cock." Putting me into her mouth she slowly sucked and swirled her tongue around the head in ways I didn't know were possible. She knew to tease the frenulum enough to keep me wanting more without cumming too soon. She put her hands behind my thighs and held still, as she began moving me in and out of her mouth I knew what she wanted. With my hands on either side of her head I slowly fucked her face.

Soft moans were escaping her mouth when I pulled back taking my cock from her mouth. She grabbed it trying to put it back in her mouth, I stopped her with my hands, pointing to the bed. Wiggling backward onto the mattress she smiled and opened her legs, there it was. Doesn't matter what color a girl's skin might be, her pussy is always pink. I was wet enough I didn't need anymore lubrication, she was wet enough little drops of nectar were gathered at the opening. Grabbing between us she put me at the opening, grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me inside.

Oh my god she was tight, the feeling was heavenly. I could feel the head of my cock spreading the walls open and then the vaginal walls instantly hugging the shaft as I pushed forward. The deeper I went the greater the sensation, I didn't want it to ever end, when my body touched hers she let out a small squeal and patted my ass.

"You're in, all the way, you're in. As nice sized as you are I wasn't sure if I could take it right away, it feels so good. It's been a long time since anything other than my finger has been in this pussy, and I've never felt this full before. Oh my god I love this. Give it to me Bobby, I'm ready."

I started slow, giving her body time to relax and adjust, when she pushed her hips up to meet mine I knew I could have her any way I wanted. I picked up speed and increased my thrust, she met every stroke with equal enthusiasm, arms around my neck, kissing, other times pushing me up looking between us. Her brown pussy taking my beige cock was mesmerizing to both if us, for over a minute we watched as I slowed down to stroke long and deep.

Pulling me back down for kisses and naughty talk it was time to take us both into the next stratosphere, she was saying "cum in me, cum in my pussy, own her Bobby", I intended to do just that. To paint her vagina walls with my deep white virulent sperm.

She went off a solid twenty seconds before I did, her body was still shaking and quivering when I let loose a torrid of spurts and thrusts emptying my balls inside her hot little cunt. She let out a yelp and cried out.

"I can feel it, I can feel it. Oh damn, I've never felt it before. Oh fuck, this is so good, Bobby I can feel you cumming in me. It feels thick and hot. I'm glad that first load went inside me and not in my mouth. My pussy needed this."

I lay on top of her out of breath, I felt her push against me, "Bobby, you need to move, I can't breathe."

As we lay in each other's arms it dawned on us, we had never turned the lights out. After pushing out as much cum as she could on the toilet she asked me to wash and put dry panties on her. It was erotic and sexy, I'd been with a few girls, but I had never done that. She took the washcloth from me and washed my dick, then towel dried me, kissed the head, and told me she wanted me naked through the night. I looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"I'm staying the night?" I asked.

Laying next to me she snuggled in tight to my side pulling the covers around our shoulders. "Yes, tonight and every other night as soon as we get you moved in. You're mine Bobby, mine alone and I want every bit of semen your body can produce, in my mouth or my pussy, won't matter as long as it's in me. We'll talk more about that in the morning, time to sleep."

I moved in with Addy right away and had my apartment subleased within a few weeks. Life with her was as she'd described, she was sexy and available nearly anytime we weren't working or out and about. I hadn't known there were so many different kinds of lingerie, it was nothing for her to prance from the bedroom and stand before me in nothing but stockings, garter belt and heels, then straddle my lap and feed me a nipple. She had just about every kind of panty I had ever heard of or seen. That girl even made waist high briefs with the words "fuck me" emblazoned on the front look good.

She had a book illustrating 59 different ways to make love and I think we tried more than half. We would look at the book and wonder how the hell people could contort themselves to do the others. It thrilled her to sit on my face rocking back and forth across my tongue while she hung onto the headboard, her previous boyfriends had pissed and moaned if she wanted them to eat her. I reveled in the knowledge that not only did I like her aroma and taste, but she was also going to do me as well when I finished taking her over the edge.

Being with Addy I didn't see Karen unless we were at a hospital function of some sort. Addy and I had been together almost four months the first time we bumped into Karen and Dr. Montgomery. He was cordial and shook my hand before veering off to a group of men, telling Karen to find him when she was done talking to me. Addy had gone to the lady's room which left Karen and I alone. With her arm around my waist she kissed me on the cheek, then smiled as she stepped back a few paces.

"I heard through the grapevine that you and Addy were shacked up. Is that true?"

"I don't know if I'd call it shacked up, but yes, she and I live together. What about you, are you shacked up with the doc?"

She huffed, "Well, yes and no. I still have my apartment but I'm at his place four or five nights a week. I want to move in and make it permanent, he says he's not ready yet but that we will soon."

Addy walked up with a hug for Karen, they talked girl talk a minute or so before Karen excused herself. With her arm linked through mine Addy tugged it for attention.

"So, what was that all about? Is she still with Montgomery?" I nodded. "Wow, I never would have guessed it could last this long, maybe she's the one to tame him, although tigers don't change their stripes. I still think she's headed for heartache."

We saw them again a few months later at the Christmas party, though Karen was friendly she wasn't the same. Addy and I noticed Montgomery chatting up a white middle-aged blond woman most of the night. Lying in bed after a raucous episode of suck and fuck I asked if she knew who the blond was.

"She's the wife of the new guy in cardiology. If you ask me, she's the one who'll beat him at his own game. She'll charm him, seduce him, get him sucked in deep and then dump him. From everything I've heard she's done it before, they have what is called an open marriage, which is bullshit. Montgomery may be a great surgeon and the head of cardiology but he's so full of himself he'll fall like a stack of cards. There's no denying he's a good doctor, but as far as I'm concerned he's an arrogant piece of shit. Karen didn't look to pleased watching him, it's her I feel badly for."