All Comments on 'Once in a Lifetime Ch. 02'

by Winterfrog

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

hard to believe the story .. damn wife is at fault, she wants to win her ex back but wants to date other men too while she tries to cancel the divorce. she is just fishing for something better than what he can offer during the divorce. utter nonsense, he deserves to get cheated on again if he is such a numbskull to take that crap from her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
give me a fucking break

just another fucked up piece of dogshit finish to a lame beginning; damn you used to write great stories, now they are all pussy wimp men and slut/cunts. did you get married or something and loose your balls?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Got to agree

Ive got to agree with the 2 comments below. Gees Winterfrog

what a bad story and you have written some very good ones.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Give Winterfrog a chance to finish the story

We must be patient and give Winterfrog the opportunity to [further] development his story. From what little of his I have read I get the impression that Winterfrog puts a lot of thought into what he writes. His writing is on the whole complex, and we should expect human behavior as expressed by his characters to be more complicated than would be the case in the writings of some other authors. RAG

DoctorWyldcardDoctorWyldcardalmost 17 years ago

here is my take on the wife.<p>

"I spend months trying to be 'good' then ONLY when he sees he can lose me, does he finally get his head out of his ass. What a jack ass"<p>

Yup that's in a nut shell...maybe she was dating the guy looking for a better option...MAYBE she wanted him to fight over her..maybe a bit of both.<p>

The MAIN problem with the wife is the sheer fact that she never really comes to grips, that I can see, with how much she hurt him.<p>

"Oh it was a fantasy affair, now I have it out of the way I will never stray again."<p>


As many others have pointed out in other stories :<p>

1: how would the cheater feel if the roles where reversed?<p>

Personally I don't think she would accept the 'fantasy' story.<p>


2: It is not the role of the cheater to say when the wounds have healed. That is their punishment , to live in a purgatory while their spouse tries to heal. Might take a day...might take a lifetime. But they can't set limits. To do so is to show THEIR selfishness.<p>

And we KNOW the wife was selfish...why? She ruined her marriage JUST to fill a fantasy. Not with some super stud. But with a convenient doctor. The fantasy was more important that anything and when she was caught, she was like 'oh well' it wasn't anything real...why are you mad?"<p>

Now what I would have liked to have seen, is for the new interest to NOT be an ass and she decides that she wants to be with her ex even though the other guy is great / has more money/status what ever.<p>

Also add in her realizing that it DID take him time to heal, and that is HER fault.<p>

Enjoyable read Winter, my MAIN complaint is that I wished the two chapters where published right after each other. oh well. Can't wait for the next story to brew from you mind.<p>

Alvaron53Alvaron53almost 17 years ago
Not a favorite

There are some problems with the prose, even giving due consideration for English not being the author's native tongue. The story's pacing is uneven and difficult to read.


Worse, the plot is improbable. I cannot imagine the circumstances under which the husband would sanely agree to remarry his ex-wife. She's deceitful, shallow, self-centered and amoral, all qualities one is sure to look for in a lifetime spouse. I would've thought Ralf would say, "Good riddance" to her and look for someone of better character.


This is not top-of-the-mark fiction. I thank you, Winterfrog, for your effort.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
you being leaning towards wimp men for a while

she commit adultery and you kiss her sound like the dumbest wimp in the world.your and your friends suck,if they think you are crazy for not commiting to a whoreslut who you caught in bed fucking a doctor.wake the fuck up and give us some real man stories.this wimpy shit you writing now sucks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

he takes her back, forgives her, and wants to start over. and her response is "I will tell you what I want to do with my life when I know that myself."

oh, okey. *kicks her ass to the curve*

Risq_001Risq_001almost 17 years ago
For once I'm speachless here..................

<p>What an uhhhmmm..... complete reverseal. I can't say that I like it much much when a story turns the victim in to the ultimate bad guy in a story. And the story is written so that everyone in the story works hard on the victim to pretend they were never victimized. And that's all by the end of story in part one and the entire story that made up part two.</p>

<p>Just wow, and not in a good way. This was pretty short and I'm not even sure if there will be a part 3.</p>


Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 17 years ago
Please we are begging you!! STOP writing

if this is all you can do then stop.

Your story plots suck. this is revolting crap.

sanman52sanman52almost 17 years ago
Seems like a first attempt

Having read all of your previous works, this submission almost seems as if it could have been a first time submission. Shallow, with poor logic and characters' thoughts, rationalizations, and actions that are hard to believe. Maybe you were trying to use the recently popular story line of proceding with a divorce after a cheating incident and then seeing if the relationship can be rekindled by dating and reconciliation.<br><br>In any case, I hope that this story is just a one time slump and you get right back in the saddle and put out your usual fine work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Selfish Whore wife, pitiful wimp husband. He's the damned victim and everyone sides with the whore? And then she has the nerve to string him on?? Who killed Winterfrog and is using his name???

Nicholls9Nicholls9almost 17 years ago
Ralf is fucked up!

He realizes he can't live without Chris--the woman that fucked him over so heinously. Gimme a break! On top of that, she's been dating while still married to Ralf. Thomas looks like a catch to her until she discovers he's a wife-beater. Chris essentially tells Ralf, "I liked Thomas better than you. But since I learned that he's an asshole, I'll settle for you.". In the beginning of chapter 1, Ralf is described as successful and wealthy, but by the end, he's just a pussywhipped git. Chris plays him like a fiddle. None of the characters are likeable, and I suspect the kids are going to grow up fucked-up, like their parents.

NucleusNucleusalmost 17 years ago
"a chance to finish the story"

I would think the story is not through but I can imagine the future. The marriage walks on thin ice.

<p>Thank you for entertainment</p>

Kanga40Kanga40almost 17 years ago
Not one of your better stories

When you started writing for Lit, I liked your stories because you always portrayed strong positive husbands.<BR>

Unfortunately you are now giving us wishy washy spineless characters - politically correct 'take at least half the blame' dorks.<BR>

Ralf was NEVER the bad guy in this story, but you tried to make him so. Then you had him fail to at least confront her when she said she didn't want to stop the divorce because she wan't sure she wanted him. <B>BLOODY HELL!</B> She was the one who cheated and never repented one bit.<BR>

At that stage, a husband from one of your good stories would have shown her the door.<BR>

Please try to get back to your formerly good husbands with a bit of backbone.

Average-JoeAverage-Joealmost 17 years ago
This was pretty bad imo

You didnt cover any of the issues left outstanding from part 1 - has she been cheating for the whole marriage? Why was she being such a nag for the last several months? How can she claim to love him even a little when she deliberately planned to have an extended affair and only showed anger (no doubt or remorse) when he interupted? etc.<p><p>

Why does the husband want her back at all? She was a bitch for months/years, a fairly crappy mother from the sounds of it, and showed no concern for his feelings even after she knew she was hurting him (negates the 'I didnt think it would hurt/bother you because you would never know' defense). You didnt cover any reason(s) why he would want her back or why he would bother putting any effort into saving the marriage. <p><p>

Even with the outstanding stuff from part 1, you still made it worse for the guy in part 2. You had him eating crap and cowering from the wife and all their friends. You had the wife add to his humiliation by only taking him back after her new love proved to be a wife beater - this was really way too much all by itself - he is the fucked over party and when he decides he wants to try and save the marriage, she blows him off for another guy and only takes him back as second (at the best) choice after the new guy is outed as a bastard. <p><p>

I guess I can give you credit for keeping the guy consistent with part 1 because he is still weak and willfully ignorant, but thats not worth much. I really dont see the point in writing about guys like this in fiction. Real life is annoying enough without making a lead character thats even more unlikable than most rl wimps people know. <p><p>

Still, thanks for writing even though I think this is your worst story so far.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Very Good

Hell, you can't torch every relationship because of a slip. Not a lot of couples would be together if that happened. She waited untill the divorce was final and asked him to marry her, nice touch, hope is always there! Thanks.

jaggers0053jaggers0053almost 17 years ago

i've read everyone of your stories on the Lit. and i must say this is your worst storyline yet. Chris is the most faithless and selfish of wives,yet somehow this dope(read wimp) of a husband allows himself to go from victom to unreasonable husband. amazing! don

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Not reading any more stories

Winterfrog, your stories used to be so very good and an enjoyment to read. Now, your stories are just not worth it. I always read your stories as soon as they were posted. Now, I will avoid your stories.

bruce22bruce22almost 17 years ago
It is strange

but I do have to feel that Ralf screwed the duck here.

I feel quite sure if another fantasy comes along his wife

will embark in it.

On the other hand it is a valid plot and well written and

I am accustomed to people not doing what I think correct

in real life, so why not just enjoy someone else's take!

SleeplessinMDSleeplessinMDalmost 17 years ago
I am sorry who is the victim here?

So did Ralf cheat and betray his marriage vows? This second part reads like Ralf had cheated and he was begging his way back into Chris's life. I really do not know why Ralf got upset in the first part of the story. He was going to chase after Chris and beg her to marry him again especially when his family, employees and friends weigh in that he was being stupid. What a strange society! Chris takes no consequences for her abandonment of her family to cheat on her husband for a month nor does she seem remorseful after her initial period of crying. She cheats and then get a second honeymoon! Now why would Chris turn out to be this faithful wife?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Always second best, the husband, when she

wants him. The husband in this story is almost as stupid as a cardboard box, maybe smarter than a piece of paper. the wife of the story, Christine the slut, plays her financier very well to keep him in line. After all it took a long time for him to get over her adultry and affair, to long in her opinion. And in the process she had to check out another man before she decided she would remarry him. This story my friend is a large crock, full of reindeer poopy. Makes good fertilizer but romance and a marriage it is a killer to. It wont take this slut more than a year to find another man for her once in a lifetime thrill and the question of whether or not she would divorce the poor dope. Sluts like her commit adultry and have affairs for any and all reasons. To try and keep them in a one on one marriage contract is like trying to hold water in a mesh screen. And women who have been with wife beaters are almost always lured back in by another wife or mate abuser. You cant tell them any more than you can tell a drunke they are drunk, or an alcoholic they are alcoholics. They have to realize it themselves first. He was better off divorced! The friends that tried to make him take her back should be considered at face value, were were her friends and definately not his friends. Friends dont wish that type of life on their friends! With those types of people as friends and employees, you dont need enemies they would just be redundant. Trash is trash, always throw out the trash.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
WTF How the Fu-- do you know?

""" As soon as we were seated, Chris looked me straight in my eyes and said, "Ralf, I love you with all my heart. Will you marry me?"

..... Just married to the loveliest woman I ever met, I'm happy to know for sure that she will be a faithful loving wife. """ <p>

+++++++++++++ <p>

"I'm happy to know for sure that she will be a faithful wife." <p>

I mean, come on, how the FUCK do you know, Ralfie? Didn't you "know" the first time around, too? Or was that first time, when vows were exchanged, about honoring each other and be faithful, etc., ad nauseam, you were just guessing that she would be a faithful wife????????????? <p>

This is one of the most fuckin' unbelievable stories I've ever read from the decent writer Winterfrog! <p>

The fuckin story turned from one of a cheating wife, who did NOT get to marry her FIRST CHOICE man --- or rather, didn't get to stay with him because he broke her jaw once or twice before --- to settling down with her SECOND choice RALFIE here, who continued to party with the ex whenever she's with her parents up upland.... who then fucked some doctor.... <p>

A story about a man who had been wronged, TURNED into a story about that very man WAITING TO SEE WHAT THE CHEATING WOMAN would say to his welcoming her back????????? <p>

Winterfrog's still in hibernation, apparently, in those scandinavian frozen tundra! <p>

The woman did NOT MAKE RALFIE her first choice. <p>

He has always been her husband ---- from the time her ex broke her jaw to the final day of their stupid fuckin' divorce papers were signed.... <p>

She WOULD HAVE CHOSEN Thomas, or any "real good womanizer" (why the fuck does husband have to keep 25 hour vigil where their cheating wives are concerned when it comes to NOT falling under the spell of womanizing idiots????????????????), IF he and Monica the would-be-slut, and the fucking small Scandinavian village did not keep doing research about bad characters and hand them to Chris! <p>

Ralfie here has the brains of peas, that's for sure. Now, I am NOT saying he should not have reconcile with her; they have two fuckin kids, so if that's the best alternative, fuckin' do it, but do it ON HIS TERMS! <p>

Why does the story turned into one where he nervously waiting for Chris's answer to his proposal that they get back together..... A delay that was, of course, really to SEE IF CHRIS MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE in choosing between Thomas the non-child support super womanizer idiots or Ralfie the wimp???? <p>

You are a tough cooky to have survive all those nerve wracking suspense, Ralfie! Next time, when she fucks around, don't give her a hard time, okay? LOL <p>

What a complete fucking idiot of a character, dear writer! <p>

Oh, and I forgot: I love Monica's "wild card" sex with any one I please, my husband says so slut........ <p>

What kind of a fucking (fictitious) town is this you're talking about, Winterfrog? Interbreeding has rendered most of the citizens of this fine little town with an average IQ less than 65 or what? LOL

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkalmost 17 years ago

Is this really by Winterfrog? This is so atypical for a Winterfrog story, I can only believe there must be a chapter 3 coming. This is the first Winterfrog story I can recall where the author allowed the husband to played for a chump. I think I liked it better when your lead characters had too much self respect to let themselves be treated as second choice. Please tell me Chapter 3 is in the works.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
I'm Confused - Really Confused

In part 1 he refused to be a wimp cuck. In part 2 he agreed to be one.<P>

Her thoughts of him are twofold. He is easy - just get him naked and the lower head makes all the decisions. He is the wimp She thought him to be and nothing will change that. He has lost her respect and his self respect.<P>

I'm confused given the writers previous stance on the reality of consequence and self respect. Puzzling !<P>

I do hope you continue writing, but can this one as a mistake that no chapter 3 could make credible.

MinigalesMinigalesalmost 17 years ago
Rewrite the Story

<p>This was really miserable. It sounded like you wrote the story while operating dangerous machinery so you did not utilize any brain power to think it over.

<p>My suggestion is to pull the story out and rewrite it. There is no point in wasting readers' time and emotions and getting them to hate you.

<p>I regret to say that JPB's crappiest stories are better than this one. I am talking about the ones he disables public feedback for because he knows nobody would like them.

<p>If you changed your ideas about married life, I suggest that you start writing under a new pen name so you do not lose your fans.

bulldog81755bulldog81755almost 17 years ago
Is Ralf for real

How could Ralf even think of re-marrying the bitch as it seems she just keeps using her friends and family to get what she wants. What if Ralf had taken up her friend's wildcard and found he didn't need the bitch after all? He should have turned around and walked away from her when her new boyfriend came into the picture...letting her find out just what she was and what she lost.....after the beating she probably would have gotten from Thomas.

KOLKOREKOLKOREalmost 17 years ago
“Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair”

I just don’t get it. What happening here? Are your stories moving back in time like one reader suggested and increasingly are becoming more and more simplistic at best or don’t make any sense at all as in the case of this story! You story reminded me of the famous lines of the three witches in Macbeth: “Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair” But come on, those were witches not a winter frog! Just remember froggy, the witches wrapped logic contributed to Macbeth downfall, don’t let the same fate befall your characters…

Wet_WorksWet_Worksalmost 17 years ago
Is the story blurb supposed to be ironic?

The story blurb says "There ought to be a high price to pay for cheating." I don't see any point in this chapter of the story where the wife pays in anyway for her cheating. In fact she seems to be almost unconcerned with what she has done to her husband and family. I hope you plan to make this story make more sense with another chapter Winterfrog.

zed0zed0almost 17 years ago
Stupid Wimp

Worst Goddam "whorror" story ever. But still a compelling read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

A wife cheats. The spouse retaliates hopefully....(Not sure what went on in the spouse's head). He acted like he was angry... but finally gave up and wanted her back. But now she was playing the game. Since her husband was acting smart after her cheating... she wanted to teach him a lesson... So she started a new affair with a new boyfriend. Husband just gave in.

Finally the story... brings both o them toghether...l. Hello... Why did the hubby raise any issue earlier... if he was keen on reuniting with his wife...

This was really an illogical story and even though i am a fan of Winterfrog... I just hope that he thinks before he writes.

waratahwaratahalmost 17 years ago
Your stories are sound

Sometimes novel, but if I may respectfully suggest they are becoming bland. There is a sameness in the characters and circumstances. And the spoken about love that some of your couples profess for each other doesn't seem to gel with the action and words. The relationships come across as companionable, friendly, cooperative, etc but loveless I gotto say. Maybe its a cultural thing. If you're open to suggestions froma novice would you consiuder some stories set outside scandinavia, say between a Frenchman and an Italian, or a Pole and a Canadian Backpaker. Set in Africa. Or Asia. Or North Ameriaca. And instead of always being the steady scandinavian professional cuckold, try one from the womens perspective. Or the Lover. Or the neighbour who sees whats happening. Just thoughts. Hope you don't take offense, I just hate to see your talent wasted. BTW havimg an occasisonal reconciliation adds is a start. (Even when unlikely given the story).

Thanks for writing.

sherlock40sherlock40almost 17 years ago
Wow, third place. What a prize!

I guess her lover and the other guy just did'nt want her. Oh well, she will just have to settle for her ex-husband (the dumbass).

Just about every story you have written is better than this one. At least they had men in them.

I like you as an author, but I am a fan of your earlier work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Ok, ch. 2 is weaker than the first

but I think its realistic story. Please note, that in the nothern parts of Europe women are emanzipated and acepted as individuals. In Norway people say that there is a troll living in every human being - and sometimes it shows...

Nightowl22Nightowl22almost 17 years ago
Tis a good story

I wonder why she waited till the other man was found to be undesirable before she told him she loved him wih all her heart.. She should have been able to say that when he asked her about dropping the divorce.. Maybe she was thinking that a new marriage could purge the old marriage with all its faults?? But alls well that ends well..

peggytwittypeggytwittyalmost 17 years ago
Not what you expect from Chapter 1

This doesn't ring true from part 1 too 2. I am surprised by this authors efforts in this scenario.<P>Well they all aren’t going to be diamonds.<P>Keep writing.<P>PT

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Never ever take a cheater back. They lack morals

and ethics, have no respect or love for thier spouse, only need to be cared for in the home and provided for so they can carry on love affairs outside of the marriage. Most cheaters cheat because of some type of mental problem. It takes years to solve those problems if they can be solved. Trash is trash, always throw out the trash. Staying with a cheating wife falls in the same category as abused wives going back to their abuser or finding another to take his place. Someone is sick!

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 16 years ago
Pharmaceutical research?

What drug is this guy on? She made her most solemn vow in front of God and man to forsake all others and then betrayed him with another man. She ended the marriage, he was left to fill out the paperwork. When he asks to stop the process and try to salvage the marriage, she tells him she wants to check out some other guy first. She made him 2nd choice once before and tossed her ass out. Now she does it again and he meekly accepts it? After her second attempt at replacing him, they get back together and he feels, "I'm happy to know for sure that she will be a faithful loving wife." Talk about divorced from reality! She'll be faithful right up till some other guy catches her fancy.

Winterfrog, I enjoy your stories even when your characters choose unwisely (at least in my opinion), but chapter 2 feels like an entirely different story from chapter 1.

As a side note, your command of the English language has obviously grown but I find myself somewhat nostalgic for the 'old' Winterfrog. Thank you for sharing your stories with us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
to studebakerhawk

You wrote: "She made her most solemn vow in front of God and man to forsake all others and then betrayed him with another man." In lutheranian churches like in Skandinavia and Middle Europe "to forsake all others" ist NOT part of the marriage vows, only to love and respect eachothers until death..."

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

but then what's real life like. I would have doubts at least, even if recociliation is better for the children. A wife, suspected of other affairs earlier in their marriage and who so easily cheats to follow a dream and leave husband and children behind for a fling (who would believe she has only slept a few times with her lover while up north if following her lover was the purpose of taking up her assignment there), when graciously offered a chance to be forgiven would dare to say to her husband "maybe" and then has the guts to tell him he has been her true love all along, but only after her alternative turned out to be a huge mistake. Dumb husband and an unusual ending for a Winterfrog story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
loose ends ?

like many have indicated, there are loose ends in this story. I commented earlier as "strange" and now, after reading the story again, I believe that the "normal"

Winterfrog approach should tie up the loose ends. Did she cheat earlier in their marriage ? Is he really convinced that his "wonderful" wife will never cheat again ? Is his mind finally clear enough to realise that he always jut has been 2nd choice. I Winterfrog stays true to his usual style, there could be a third chapter, perhaphs with a twist for the husband wo might find someone better.G.Belgium

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 16 years ago
To Anonymous in Germany

I stand corrected. Thank you for helping in my education. Lord knows I can use all the help I can get.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Not The Writer's Fault

The first part of the story is good, but the second part is not, or should I say not what I have expected. I thought the ending should be something like this; Ralf took up Monica's wildcard offer & end up having a 3 threesome with Chris & Monica. Why? Because this is something Ralf wanted to do ONCE IN A LIFETIME too. But unfortunately this is not the case & I don't think this is the writer's fault. I think Winterfrog intentionally wrote it this way because in real life, there are guys like Ralf, who took back their wives after cheating. So he is just writing out one of their stupid action. It is obvious that Chris is a slut & loosing Ralf means she will loose a large sum of money. The ending of remarrying Chris is to show that Ralf has been setup & he took the bait. Frankly speaking, I find that this is more like a sad ending, instead of a happy ending. The title of the story should have change to "How A Cheating Wife Con Her Husband Into Remarry Her". --By Thor

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Her heart isn't in it

If she couldn't commit to him without looking around, she wasn't really committed to our protagonist. She was just settling, not enthusiastic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Sad wimp husbanc/slut wife story.

Not the usual "Winterfrog" style of non-wimp husband stories. Perhaps the author wanted to test the wimp husband side of these type of stories. Interesting but "reconciliation at any cost" stories always suck.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Wimp asseed motherfucker........

How about ur wife for a month?? U can have her back after i fucked her!!

skipperrskipperrabout 16 years ago

This is one of the weakest stories I have read. Totally unbelievable reactions by the characters created.

droogedroogealmost 16 years ago

Winterfrog is perhaps my best author on this site as he blends humour, justice, morals and values into his story that usually have a satisfying ending happy or otherwise. This is a piece of nonsense, a man so pathetically weak that when he offers to forgive his wife becomes petrified that she may refuse. Then he accepts her proposition to try yet another man before she will consider to have him back. By chance the man turns out to be a total loser but what would have happened if he wasn't?

Drooge from Down Under

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Sorry I dont believe anything about the wife.

She is a lying cheating adultress who planned her adultry. She even had a new man in the picture while waiting on the divorce and playing on the husband. Why believe anything her best friend had to say. What is the reason for the friend offering up sex to him, perhaps a way for the wife to gain evidence of his "cheating". Nope the woman lied about her trips each week to see her exhusband. She lied about the conference and being laid there. She lied about the job in the north. And she was found nude in bed with a man who was "sick". You have forced reconciliation at any cost on a guy who had morals and ethics. Sorry no one deserves a wife like that.

gyjunkiegyjunkiealmost 16 years ago
What happened??

I usually enjoy your stories and consider you among the best here. That is the only reason I gave you a fifty on this story. You destroyed it in this ch. 2. What were you thinking? She cheats on him and gets caught. They start to get a divorce. As soon as he decides to try to get their marriage back together, she decides she wants to date another guy. That should have shown him just how much she really loved him. He was just a wimp doormat for her. Instead of getting on with his life without her, he ends up remarrying her. WTF? I am really disappointed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
part 2 ?

the second part just is a let down. she goes out with another, and wants to get back together?

silly of him to consider that perhaps, but her turming doen what she said she wanted? and that stuff with the doctor. her being naked in the guys bed certainly shows the caruing nurse. no, its a flawed happily ever after.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Makes no sense!

When the two chapters are put together, and the ridiculous nature of the intended conflict is taken into account, I have to say that this story simply makes no sense.<p>

No man can be as dumb as the story's male character, although it is possible, no...likely, that the woman will be that devious and disengenious.<p>

In any event, it really made no sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

"Yes, I have met a man whom I want to know better." Hmm...that would have been enough to do it right there. I'd have said thanx for the memories, for the kids, and wished her all the best in her new relationship, and then MOVED ON. She cheats on him, but now he is expected to wait while she decides if she wants him or not...sort of makes him the sloppy seconds of marraige does it not? To hell with that....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Honestly you have become a fool read your own stories,you have a husband whose wife left him and their kids for another man and you got him mooning for a person who has lied to him their whole marriage.Then at the end you got him chasing the lying slut around and remarrying her.In some of your stories if the wife look at another man you had them divorce,your nuts.

RonRWoodRonRWoodover 14 years ago
Not your best

Sorry Winterfrog...very disappointing

zed0zed0over 14 years ago
Unbelievably sick!

Watta wimp, turns my stomach!

rooster1rooster1over 14 years ago

Here you have a woman who keeps taking breaks from her marriage & you keep taking her back NO, what you need to do is kick her cheating ass to the curb with the rest of the trash.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

One of the dumbest stories i have ever read, you really outdid yourself with this one. I now believe you are retarded.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
What a pile of mindless drivel!!

The author should get a proper English translator for his "stories"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
he can look forward to...

doctor creampies, yay!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

The fact that she had met another man and now was telling him that she couldn't decide? She dated this guy, where does this slut start using common sense. First a bad marriage, second she screws around on a business trip and decides to leave for thirty days to fuck another man, changes her mind about her husband, he gives her room to allow them time and she sneaks around, meets another guy and decides to date before the divorce is final and she is still living with her husband?????

You describe him as a man who takes no wimpiness, not a wuss, will not be a cuckold, is honest and loyal and you have her screw him over while still living with him and he goes for it. Unfortunately there were children but he should have said NO - the divorce is final, find a place to live, enjoy your boyfriend and freedom and I'll agree to some child visitation.

Another thought, you indicated that she only decided to stay with her husband after she found out about the ass she was dating. I wouldn't want this woman anywhere near me, she screwed up, love her or not, none for me. I'm ranting, I can't believe you let him take her back, good god man - Wrong!

What happened to you??????????????

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good to restart..

... but he should have taken advantage of the wildcard.

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
What a wimp you made Ralf....

Why would any self-respecting man want a used up slut like his ex wife?

huedogghuedoggover 13 years ago
Ralf a Wimpy Creampie licker

You turned into a wimpy that should just eat creampies

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Man what a wimp and fool,, on top of everything else he blinds himself to the facts right in front of him. R.T.

robinhodrobinhodover 13 years ago
Excellent writer

and I don't like to criticise those who do what I can't. Nonetheless, I have to agree with the majority, without condoning their rudeness, in that this story just did not hang together for me.

Sorry Mr Winterfrog.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Nah, did not like the wimp aspect of this story.

Not your best, Winterfrog.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago

I love most Winterfrog stories but I go with Thor on this one, and most all others commenting. After all that pain he caused him. After all the cheating wife had already done to him and their children.

One has to speculate- what if she had chosen the new boyfriend and rejected him again? Would she have been laughing at him as she did so? I mean, right before the divorce was final, she did start dating while still married, acting as if she had to make a decision whether she wanted him the "Horned victim" back or not. She was showing even more contempt for him then before! Or maybe she was looking for another Glorius experience before taking the wimp cuckold back.

It might of been like "Thor" said. It was all part of a setup to make sure he got over being the victim and remarried her. After all she was a lying and manipulating wife all along. I think you implied that someone telling her that the new boyfriend was a past wife beater made up her mind rather than any great love for her husband. You wrote a wimp cuckold story Winterfrog. One of your first totally wimp stories anyway. I think you risk losing your readers with too many of these. This is not your Genre.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Not my cup-of-tea!!

Very bad sentence structure. Terible story line.

huedogghuedoggover 12 years ago
another winterfrog special

the wife's a slut and the husband's a pussy ass cuckold and they stay together. 1*

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

and shit has hit the fan someone wants do over for one of various reasons. TK U MLJ LV NV

Big BuddyBig Buddyover 12 years ago
"I have met a man whom I want to know better"

At that comment, he should have shown her the door . . . and moved on.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Lousy story!

You have written a few good ones, this was not one of them

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
OK Read.

Story ending was a dud. The ending seemed rushed. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
cuckdogg loves Matt Moreau stories

Not enough humiliation in WF stories because they usually feature damn pussy hounds getting their balls kicked. A guy like cuckdogg who feasts on Matt Moreau is not going to like Winterfrog, oh well.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 12 years ago
Lousy cuck story

I hoped part 2 would have finished the story correctly but all it did was show there are too many wimps in this world and too many assholes who write about them and who probably are cuckold wimps themselves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
To betrayedbylove. fairly obviously you've been fucked over and hurt. many of us have.

what many of us on the site want is to keep it going, and to keep the standards up. using the 'cuck' and 'wimp' words endlessly is unimaginative, hateful and boring. don't be a boring twat and the authors you like may start writing again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

He lets her stay with him for six months, she wants him back and when he finally gets close - she says 'I've met another man'?

This is not a woman you want to take back. She has always had trouble being open and honest, sneaked off and decided to have an affair and now - she met another man...WHY was she even amenable to this guy.

Write an Epilogue, she sneaks out one time, just to see if the guy was actually better, he finds out and throws her out.

Geez, what kind of a guy are you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Bad news

His mind went on a bad trip, she will do it again. Once a slut always a cheating bitch

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 11 years ago
Do not be too sure

She had clearly decided he was no longer the one and went looking another better chance - the doctor was not it and she will keep looking just as she did at the end of the divorce period he will be home waiting alone again -

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
What happened to this story

WTF. I thought your name was winterfrog not wimpcuckold. Just a flat out awful story. 1 star.

BigK10BigK10almost 11 years ago
I have to agree with the gang on this one...

Once a Cheater... The thing is that not only did she cheat, but she got caught and got away with it. It's only a matter of time before she has those urges again. If there was any doubt of that, it was confirmed when she didn't drop the "lady-boxing grocer" IMMEDIATELY when she got a chance to come back.

Where the story TOTALLY lost me, was where he let her move back into the master bedroom, AND LET HER DATE THE OTHER GUY! I may not be the most macho-man around, but if I offered to take her back, and she said that she was interested in another guy; I'd reply, "If you're not sure who you want, then you don't want me, and I sure as HELL don't want you! GET OUT, SLUT!"

Now, i feel sorry for Ralf, just waiting for the other shoe to drop, beside some Doctor's bed...

BDEarthBDEarthalmost 11 years ago
Sorry Frog

The story just didn't do anything for me. She was selfish and he was stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
writing good; ideas bad

No way it could go your way with a strong man. Not believable ans certainly not yor style WF. More of a "WTF"?

belknap026belknap026over 10 years ago

what a cynical and obviously burned-before you reviewers are! Any ending in the LW category is possible and often plausible. The vocal BYB ones obviously have an axe to grind. I keep reading reviews of the stories in which a reconciliation happens hoping to find some reviewers who have even the slightest grasp of the human condition. Sadly, I am mostly disappointed.

As I see it, the "once a cheater" crowd are as much bigots as those who class all Blacks as useless, all Jews as thieves, all Irish as drunks. It's always easier to throw a person into a category than to get to know them and make an intelligent evaluation. Huh, "intelligent", maybe that's what's missing here.


monkcalmmonkcalmover 10 years ago

I get it you winter wanted to write a story with vile characters, that the men would hate and the fem-men would love, well you succeeded, well done, now please snap the neck of the silly bitch you had write this drivel and get back to writing good stories... turn your back for one second..writers....letting the female side drive the plot...gotta watch them every second.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

What, she cheats, he files for divorce and then thinks they can maybe get back together - but she gets interested in someone else, wants to date him and see where it will go and decides to stay with her husband. The husband waits faithfully through all this and happily takes her back when she has doubts about the other guy.......Bullshit.

tazz317tazz317over 10 years ago

could it ever be again, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
One of your worst stories


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
1 star

Complete crap.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
1 star

bull crap. wimpy cucktale. must be a winter imposter who wrote this crap

the slut bitch deserved to be a to be the wife boxer

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 10 years ago
lets see.....

Several suspicions of cheating, actual proven cheating and then she wants to play the field when he asks her about stopping the divorce ?

Does not look like a good choice of a woman to marry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Wanna uke

I can't believe he took the conniving cunt back.

aptonthe503aptonthe503over 9 years ago

A good story. But it is difficult trying to understand why he would again trust his lying and deceitful wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I get he wanted to keep the family together and he really loved her but it seems that she's been lying deceteful their whole marriage. From the sound of it she was probably cheating all along. You can't have a trusting marriage if one is going behind your back and lying about it for years. Then the audacity when he wants her back she says she wants to play her options out first and only because of the guys bad reputation did she go back. Doesn't sound like someone I could trust and stay with. He will never trust her again and should of really checked up on her years ago when he thought she could be cheating. Helping the abusive ex I don't think so . She was definitely sleeping with him

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Very smart of her

At the end he belive that she make him the favor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

It kind of sucks when you build an airtight case for an unrepentant lying bitch and and a man with a bit of spine.

Then you casually toss that and decide somehow they will be happy and faithful ever after.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
What a CUCK

She's Balling ALL the Doctors and YOU R A CUCK

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