One-Woman Show


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"The boys will work with you now and perhaps you can appreciate the special place that beautiful works of art have in our home."

"We have a special room here we use for training."

"We like to be good neighbors so it has the best in sound-absorbing material". "We've never had a single complaint from any of our neighbors." Jim said with a slight smile.

Cassie felt the energy drain from her body as she was led away down another long hall and through a door into a dark room. The door closed heavily behind her and she heard a loud click and immediately a dim light shown in one end of the room. The room was not large, perhaps only 20 feet by 20 feet but the walls were covered in some sort of dark foam. The light defined an enclosure at one end of the room with a torso shaped paper target. If firearms were used in this room and the neighbors didn't hear, then her screams would be futile.

Sean grabbed her from behind and she felt her arms pulled back. Her chest strained at the buttons of her shirt and in a single quick movement she felt Carl's hands at the waist band of her jeans. She felt the fabric ease away as the button and zipper were unfastened. Carl knelt and she considered kicking him but he was too fast and had an arm roughly around her knees. She felt her shoes and socks slip off and then her legs were swept from under her and she found herself suspended by her two attackers. Carl's hand deftly grabbed the bottoms of the legs of her jeans and they were stripped from her legs in one swift motion.

Cassie felt her mind leave the immediacy of the situation and suddenly her senses were hyperactive. She was surprised that instead of terror she simply feared the unknown of her present circumstances. She was convinced these men were trained killers but knew that their purpose was not to kill her. She knew that there was more to come this night and she would survive. She could feel her rapid pulse, her skin tingled and she realized her nipples were as hard as they had ever been against the thin fabric of her bra. Her legs stirred and although she couldn't believe it, she was wet.

Sean lifted her back to a vertical position and she regained her footing. With her arms pulled back she still could not move. Carl stepped toward her and with one finger under each side of her blouse a quick pull and all the buttons gave way, her blouse hung to her sides with her chest pulled forward against the fabric. Carl eased the sides of her blouse away and admired her full breast in the thin black bra.

He stepped back and smiled and said, "The Thompson's sure have good taste." "This one may be the best one yet," he said as he smiled, his white teeth contrasting with his full dark lips.

Sean shifted his grip to hold her wrists in one hand and with his free hand grabbed her collar and pulled the blouse down her back. Another quick move and the blouse fell away leaving her in just her bra and panties.

Again seemingly from nowhere, Carl produced the razor-sharp knife and extended the blade toward her cheek. She trembled now in fear, afraid that her carefully contrived defense logic may have been wrong. But Carl lowered the blade to trace the shoulder strap of her bra and then in one quick motion severed the strap. The two ends falling and she could feel the subtle shift of her breast as it fell against the cup. He quickly cut the other strap. Slowly and deliberately, he slid the blade up under the center of her bra, the blade extending upwards between her breasts. Cassie felt herself tremble as the cold steel touched her skin. Carl paused to admire the picture and then in one quick stroke the blade parted the lace and her bra fell to the ground. Her breasts rested fully against her chest.

"You are magnificent" he said.

Cassie drifted into a trance and hardly noticed as her panties were cut away.

Cassie felt herself pushed forward and in the darkness ahead she could see a low table. She was forced to kneel on the table and Carl quickly tied her hands to the legs with soft rope. The position forced her to drop her head and raise her hips to retain her balance on the narrow table. She heard movement behind her and felt strong hands grab her hips. Despite her fear she could feel her body respond and a trickle of wetness slid down the inside of her thigh.

She braced herself for the worst but was surprised that Sean took her slowly and gently. As he slowly entered her though she could feel that he was unusually thick. She felt a spasm as she was spread by this monstrous cock. She felt his thighs brush against her and was glad that he was of average length. He began to move slowly and rhythmically and she found her body building to an orgasm. She didn't think that would be possible for a woman under these circumstances but tonight was to be a night of many awakenings.

His pace quickened and she felt the unmistakable feelings of a man approaching orgasm and this pushed her over the edge as well. She didn't want them to know she had cum so she stifled her sobs into the flesh of her arm.

Sean eased out and she felt herself lose her balance but a strong hand steadied her. She felt her wrists become free and she was eased off the table and allowed to sit on the edge and regain her balance. As Carl steadied her with his large hands she felt his mass in front of her. She expected him to ease away as her breathing slowed but she was horrified that instead his hand went to his belt and unfastened the buckle. The zipper was next and his slacks slid to the floor. He pressed against her so that she had to spread her still-aching legs apart. The immense bulge in his underwear was only inches in front of her face. He placed one hand on the back of her head and slid his fingers into her thick dark hair. She could feel slight pain as his fingers closed allowing him control of the movement of her head.

He eased her head away slightly and slid his boxers down his rock-hard thighs. She gasped as there in front of her was the largest cock she had ever seen. Semi-erect and only an inch from her face.

"Open your mouth," he said simply.

She was stunned and couldn't move. With her pause she felt his grip tighten and knew this experience would not be the almost gentle encounter she had just experienced. She felt herself pulled roughly forward and his free hand grabbed her mouth pulling her jaw apart. Her resistance drained and she felt her lips close around the huge organ. As her lips closed she could feel him stiffen and as he began to move her head forward and back on the tip he was soon completely rigid. His grip tightened and he forced her to take more and more. She began to gag but he continued and soon she found her control. She had given plenty of blowjobs but never without being in complete control of the movement. She willed herself to relax and she was amazed that she took more and more of the huge black cock. After several minutes she felt him tighten and then an enormous stream of warm cum streamed into her throat. This was the limit and she began to gag and choke, but Carl pulled out to allow her to recover.

She felt the grip ease and felt her shoulders sag from exhaustion.

She turned and could not see Sean and almost as she turned around Carl had dressed and she caught only a glimpse of him as the light from the hallway flashed with the closing door.

The light went out and she could feel the darkness......................

As the realization of the events came over Cassie she couldn't resolve the curious mix of fear and excitement she felt. She couldn't believe she had been so wrong about the people she had assumed were just a lovely, successful couple who enjoyed her art. Sean and Carl were obviously trained and capable of any act. She couldn't even imagine what they had seen and experienced but yet she realized they used only enough force to accomplish their purpose. Purpose? What was their purpose? Maybe the party was the key.

She suddenly thought of her open studio and her husband who would just now be wondering why she was late. He would call her cellphone but it would ring on the desk where she had left it. This would not be the first time she had been a little late finishing a project or talking with a customer but he would begin to worry. She knew that he would find her.

A beam of light entered the room as the door was reopened. Cassie tensed in anticipation of more abuse but she heard Toni's voice and relaxed. Maybe now she could leave.

Cassie heard the click of the light switch and again the dim light bathed the room. Cassie crossed her arms across her exposed breasts, a reflexive action to the fully-clothed Toni.

"I hope the boys weren't too rough?" "Carl in particular has some impressive features," she said with a knowing smile.

As she said that, Cassie felt the ache in her jaw from the immense cock.

"You must understand my dear, that my husband and I value the place of art and beauty in society." "Without people like us who truly understand and appreciate beautiful things, life would be"

"Beautiful things are only valuable if they are enjoyed, savored and appreciated." "As hosts tonight we want to provide as much enjoyment and stimulation as we can," she continued, standing in front of Cassie as if talking to a naked woman was a natural thing.

"When I first saw your work I was impressed but when I saw you I knew that the beauty of your paintings was an extension of your own beauty." "I knew instantly that I had found the subject of our evening."

Toni then handed Cassie a plush white robe and said, "Come with me my dear, beautiful art must be presented properly." Cassie grabbed the robe and soon felt more secure with the cover it provided. Toni turned to leave the room and Cassie followed.

The short walk from the dark room ended in an immense mirrored bathroom. Toni turned a corner out of Cassie's view and she heard the sound of a shower being turned on. In a few seconds Toni reappeared followed by the first wisp of steam from the hot shower. She could feel her body begin to relax and crave the cleaning power the water would bring. Maybe she would step in the shower and when she came out she would be in her own bathroom and this would be only a dream.

"You will find everything you need here, help yourself to whatever you see," Toni offered.

"I will get you something fitting to wear now." "I need to get ready also, our guests will begin to arrive soon."

As Toni left Cassie walked toward the running water and saw a huge open shower, almost like the kind at a gym but with fine marble and heavy silver accents and fixtures. She eased out of the robe and hung it on a nearby hook near a stack of thick fluffy towels. She began to relax and as she slipped into the warm stream she could feel some of the anxiety leave her mind and body. Cassie found scented soap, shampoo and began to lose herself in the sensuous stream, she felt the water renew her energy.

As she brought her head out of the shower stream one final time, rinsing the last of the shampoo from her dark hair, she was startled to find Toni standing at the entrance of the shower, intently watching her, clad in a similar robe.

Cassie again turned to hide her nakedness by reflex but Toni smiled and said, "You are lovely my dear, just as I imagined."

Toni opened her robe and hung it on an open hook and stepped into the shower. Cassie had showered at the gym hundreds of times with strange women but she felt alarm at this situation. Toni was a well-built woman but where Cassie had the tight soft curves of a trim female figure, Toni was almost hard, not like the female body-builders she had seen on TV but Toni's apparent work at the gym had crossed from maintaining a desirable figure to strength training.

Although strongly featured, Toni maintained an obviously female form, almost like an Amazon warrior, with small firm breasts and a trimmed but full patch of hair between her flat belly and her solidly developed thighs.

Toni approached her and Cassie realized she was stepping back toward the corner of the rectangular enclosure, away from the shower head. She began to tense as she realized Toni was not here just to use the shower. With one final step Cassie felt the cold marble against her flesh and Toni stopped one step away. Cassie knew she was just out of arm's reach but realized she would not be able to overpower her "assailant". Then Cassie realized she might be over-reacting, Toni had not touched her since shaking her hand earlier.

Toni stopped and studied Cassie intently. "Put your arms down," Toni commanded and Cassie found herself complying. Her body now completely exposed to Toni's eyes. Toni studied Cassie's figure and then said, "Turn around now." Again almost trance-like, Cassie found herself turning.

Cassie could feel Toni's eyes studying her from behind.

"Put your hands on the wall." Toni commanded. Cassie hesitated; fear began to well-up inside her. Toni sensed her reluctance and said, firmly and deliberately,

"Now my dear, I can make this much less enjoyable for you." Cassie saw her hands move up almost as if she was watching from above.

Cassie felt Toni's hand on her shoulder and stiffened but the touch was not gentle but not aggressive either. She felt Toni's foot hook her left foot and pull it back and to the left, followed quickly by her right foot. Cassie was now leaning forward like a suspect being detained by a police officer.

Cassie felt Toni's hand on her shoulders and then felt them move down her back and pause with one on each hip as if being "frisked" in slow motion. She felt the hands move inward at her waist and meet on her belly briefly before being pulled away. She felt Toni reach up to her hands and slide her hands down the inside of Cassie arms, the nerves began to connect with others in her body and she felt the nipples on her taught breasts stiffen and rise away from her chest.

Toni's hands slid slowly down the insides of Cassie's arms and moved forward and inward until her palms covered the curve of Cassie's shoulders. The hands slid downward and inward and Cassie found her body welcoming, almost craving the gentle touch. She stiffened briefly as the palms found her firm breasts but her nipples responded and as Toni's palms found the erect flesh Cassie felt Toni exhale slowly. Toni's fingers paused to caress her nipples and Cassie's knees began to flex. Cassie's head moved back reflexively as she found herself craving more.

The hands continued downward and traced the center of her belly and parted to follow the curve of her hips and down her thighs. Cassie felt Toni press up against her from behind and she extended her arms down over Cassie's knees. Cassie began to anticipate the touch to come as her body was explored. The touch was new to her but she began to think she might be disappointed if the touch did not continue. She felt Toni's long fingers slide around to the insides of Cassie's thighs and Cassie surprised herself as her body responded by easing her legs further apart instead of the resistance she would have expected.

Toni's fingers continued to rise and when Cassie felt the tops of Toni's fingers finally touch against her lips she realized she was wet with anticipation.

Cassie felt Toni's fingers gently probe her and spread her lips gently and move in to trace the inner lips. Cassie could not control herself now and gave her body over to the sensations. She felt Toni's fingers expertly find her clitoris and the nerves of her body exploded as the familiar connection of nerves was made in the triangle of her nipples and her willing vagina.

Cassie's body convulsed as the orgasm came swiftly and powerfully. Toni now pressed up firmly against her holding her body steady in the awkward position on the slippery floor.

Cassie felt Toni's lips press close to her ear and she heard her say, "Now you understand my dear, beauty exists to be enjoyed."

Toni helped Cassie stand on her slowly steadying legs and when she could move, both woman moved into the refreshing warmth of the shower.

Toni reached up and shut off the shower and Cassie followed her back into the bedroom. They dried themselves with the plush towels and then slipped back into the robes.

"Follow me," Toni commanded and Cassie followed.

Toni moved to an adjoining bedroom and saw a padded bench in front of a low mirrored table. A hair dryer was placed in readiness and there were several brushes and combs conveniently arrayed. Cassie followed Toni to the bench and Cassie motioned for her to help herself. Toni opened a drawer and showed Cassie a full s complement of make-up, Cassie noticed it was the brand and shade she had in her own bedroom at home.

"I hope you will find these things satisfactory," Toni said. "Your outfit is almost ready." "It will be brought in shortly", she added.

As Cassie moved to dry her hair she was now completely confused by the events of the past hours, the range of emotions she had experienced was both exhausting and exciting. She obviously wanted to return to the safety of her home but found herself fascinated at what was to come. She applied herself to finishing her hair and began to work on her make-up, not one to wear a lot of make-up Cassie nonetheless had definite tastes in the style and application. She found everything she needed at hand.

Cassie heard the door open and a young woman, probably in her twenties, entered wearing the black uniform of a domestic assistant. She had a long black dress over her arm and a shoe box in her free hand. She placed the items carefully on the bed and silently left, closing the door behind her. When Cassie saw the formal dress she adjusted her make-up style accordingly.

When she was finished, Cassie stood and walked to the bed to examine what had been brought. The long flowing dress was black silk of very high quality. In the shoe box was a pair of black 4-inch heels. The box carried the logo of an exclusive Italian shoe designer Cassie recognized instantly from the pairs at home given to her over the years by her husband, the size was an exact match.

Cassie looked at the bed again but found there was nothing to wear under the dress.

Cassie eased the sash from the robe and slid it from her shoulders. He lifted the dress and examined it and saw that a small zipper in the back allowed it to be stepped into and pulled up in front. Two thin shoulder straps, fastened by small silver clasps in front, suspended the dress from her body with an open back that plunged to the small of her back. The short zipper closed the dress over the top of her back-side. The front of the dress fell loosely from the shoulders open only a few inches below her neck. The style of the dress would normally be awkward and Cassie would have felt unsecure as the straps might constantly "want" to fall over her shoulders but the tailoring was perfect and it moved with her confortably.

As Cassie stepped into the shoes and moved to examine herself in the mirror, if it weren't for the truly bizarre nature of the afternoon's events Cassie would be very confident and pleased with her appearance.

Before Cassie could contemplate what to do next she heard the door open and saw Toni enter.

"Lovely, my dear," she exclaimed.

Cassie noticed Toni was dressed in an elegant but much shorter cocktail dress, also black. The short skirt showing Toni's truly magnificent legs ending in high heeled "strappy" shoes of elegant design.

"You look just as I had imagined."

"Masterful art can be appreciated on its own but beautiful presentation can be a perfect enhancement."

"Come my dear, our guests have enjoyed your other works and it is time for them to enjoy the masterpiece." Cassie had of course been to many showings and had always enjoyed interacting with the patrons in the studio environment but again the unusual choice of words made Cassie renew her trepidations.