Only Yours


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He was very happy that Sophia was not there for that conversation, though he was sure she would still make plenty of jokes about his predicament later.

After answering a few medical questions, the doctor left Thomas' room.

"You know you are going to be all right, right?" Julia asked Tom, "We'll be here to help you through everything."

Thomas' mind was still very overwhelmed and somewhat groggy, so he just took Julia's word for it.

Julia continued, "It's only going to be a month or so before you can come home, then I will take care of you." She added the "only" in an attempt to not make it sound so bad, but Thomas had focused more on the "take care of you" part and smiled at her.

He suddenly got nervous and asked "but the doctor said I would need sponge baths for at least two months before I would be able to shower by myself."

Julia was not unfamiliar with patients being uncomfortable having a nurse bathe them and answered sternly "Hey, I know it sounds weird to you now, but I'm a nurse, I do it all the time, you don't need to feel embarrassed... you could of course just stay in the hospital, but I doubt you'll want to after a month."

Thomas conceded, though he was worried how his body would react to Julia rubbing his body.

Joan added, "Besides, I want to spoil you with all of your favorite foods."

Thomas' head was hurting, so they were quiet for a while, simply sitting; Thomas resting his head and his eyes, the rest of them silently thanking God that Thomas was awake and, if not well, then getting better.

* * *

"How's he doing?" asked Sophia of Julia. It was early in the evening when Sophia could come see Thomas.

"Hey, you don't have to talk about me like I'm not here, you know," Thomas exclaimed, feeling overlooked.

Sophia quickly dismissed him, knowing he would not allow himself to seem weak in front of Julia and herself, "That's just the brain damage talking. Now shush while the adults are talking."

Thomas responded to Sophia's teasing by sticking his tongue out at her, and when she fell for his taunt and returned in kind, he teased back, "Yeah, you're real mature."

"Will you two ever stop fighting?" Julia asked, though not expecting them to ever stop.

Sophia was the first to answer, "We weren't fighting, he was just being difficult."

Thomas was defiant as ever, "Hey, it was you that started. Does it feel good to pick on a cripple in a hospital bed?"

Sophia acted out of reflex and slapped Thomas' leg, causing him to flinch in pain. Sophia instantly dropped the teasing, "Oh, I'm so sorry Tom, I didn't mean to hurt you, please forgive me. Are you okay?"

Thomas hated being the reason for people's worries, especially those he cared about, so he downplayed the pain, "It's not that bad. Though, if you wouldn't mind not doing it again, I would appreciate it."

Julia had been horrified when Sophia had caused Thomas pain and dragged her out of the room.

"What were you thinking?" she accused her cousin.

"Sorry, I didn't think," Sophia apologized.

"Well, start thinking," Julia said sternly. They stood silently for a few seconds, Julia giving Sophia a stare that let her know she meant it, before they relaxed.

"Seriously, how's he doing?" Sophia asked, now free from Thomas' interruptions.

"Well, he's in some pain, even though he tries to hide it," Julia answered, "but he'll get through it."

They reentered Thomas' room and Sophia again apologized. Julia went to Thomas' side and caught herself before giving Tom a kiss, like she had done when he was in the coma; instead she fluffed his pillow, again.

Sophia noticed Julia's near slip and decided to talk about it with Julia when they were alone. For now, she wanted to talk with Thomas.

Thomas tried to steer the conversation, but failed. When Julia explained about the sponge baths, Sophia began grinning while Thomas began looking down, his head turning pink from embarrassment once more.

Sophia was about to start the teasing, but stopped herself. Julia was standing on the other side of Thomas' bed and, to Sophia, looked very protective.

They talked some more until Joan, William and Elizabeth came back from dinner, carrying a bag of takeout for Julia. Thomas' smile faded when he was reminded that he could not have anything the hospital didn't give him. What they had given him was not particularly appetizing and he longed for some real food.

* * *

Thomas was having trouble sleeping; he had after all slept for a whole week. The doctors had sent everyone home so that he could rest. While he had been in a coma, they had allowed someone to stay by Thomas' side throughout the nights, but now that he was out of it, it became important that he was given some peace.

He was medicated to lower his pain and it made him groggy. He kept having to remind himself that it had not been a dream; that he really was in the hospital.

It was early in the morning, his mind had wandered when he became thirsty. Without thinking, he jerked his body to the side to get out of the bed. He felt the pain start, but it was too late to stop it and he fell to the floor.

He screamed in pain as his broken hip made contact with the hard floor.

A nurse came running; she saw Thomas lying in pain beside the bed and called for an orderly.

Thomas cried from the pain as he was lifted back onto the bed.

Once in the bed, the nurse reattached the IV that had fallen out when he fell. A doctor came running and started examining Thomas. It was only a few seconds before the doctor called for a shot of morphine. Thomas felt the pain leave and his mind went with it.

* * *

When Thomas opened his eyes again, he was still high. The sun was shining in through his window hitting a glass of water; he was captivated by the refraction.

He didn't notice he was not alone until Julia said his name the fifth time. Thomas turned his head and gazed upon her beautiful face.

"Tom! Why did you try to get out of bed? It was stupid!" Julia yelled.

"Beautiful angel... so pretty..." he mumbled, not hearing Julia's words, "pretty, beautiful angel... I love my beautiful angel."

Julia was stunned at first... he thought she was beautiful. She shook her head and went back to scolding him, "Hey! Listen to me. You have to take better care of yourself. Don't do something like that again!"

Thomas tried to soothe the angel that stood in front of him, "Don't worry, everything is perfect... you are perfect."

Julia was less taken aback by his compliment this time, "Everything is not perfect. You hurt yourself again."

Thomas was too out of it to understand Julia's full meaning, but he sensed her anger and went back to soothing, "Don't be angry, you should smile... beautiful smile... let's dance."

Thomas wanted to get out of the bed to dance with Julia, but had barely lifted his head form his pillow before Julia pushed him back against it, preventing him from hurting himself further.

Thomas took this for a hug and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. He drew in a deep breath through his nose, taking in her scent. "You smell wonderful..."

Julia realized Thomas was too medicated to accept reason, so she just held onto Thomas, saving his scolding to later.

"We'll dance later," she said, enjoying his embrace and smiling at the words he had said to her.

* * *

His scolding did come later, from Julia and from the rest of his family.

The doctor had to talk with them again, telling mostly the same. He should still be able to leave the hospital after a month, but his recovery would be more difficult, and the chance that he may not recover completely had risen.

The doctor had argued with Julia about whether she should be allowed to stay the night, but unlike the day before, Julia won. She had been adamant and with her being a nurse, he had caved. He had warned her that if she argued with Thomas' nurses or made any trouble, she would be sent home.

Sophia dragged Julia away afterwards, "How are you doing with the crush thing... I saw you almost kissed him yesterday when I came by."

"It's hard not getting to kiss him." Julia said. They were both whispering since a hospital hallway was not made for private conversations.

"Maybe you shouldn't spend all your time with him, it's only gonna make it worse, right?"

"What? First of all, he needs me, and I'm not gonna leave him alone after all he's done for me. Secondly, last time, you said I shouldn't fall for him because he was in a coma, but he's awake now... so why is it so bad?" Julia asked, a little annoyed that Sophia was not more supportive.

"You could still get hurt... what if he doesn't like you that way?" Sophia whispered.

"What if he does?" Julia asked, having trouble keeping her voice low.

Sophia was still cautious, "He's your best friend, Julia, are you sure you wanna risk it?"

Julia was conflicted; Sophia had a point about it putting their friendship at risk, but she hoped for more.

"I don't know, I don't want to lose him as a friend... and I don't want to hurt him." Julia said, her voice back to whispering.

"Just think it through before you do anything." Sophia said.

"I will. It's probably best if I don't say anything before he is better, he should focus on healing." Julia said, half to herself.

"Anytime you need to talk, just call me, okay?" Sophia said and turned to head back to Thomas' room.

Julia grabbed Sophia by the arm, turning her back to her and asked "Do you think he could, you know, like me?"

Sophia smiled at her cousin, "Of course, sweetie, you are sweet and beautiful... he would be lucky to have you."

Sophia thought of the look she had seen Thomas give Julia, but chose not to tell her cousin, if she was wrong or if he had gotten over it, she would just set her up for disappointment.

Thomas stayed in the hospital for a little more than a month; Julia not letting her affection show, just like Thomas.

* * *

Chapter 11

"Don't be such a baby, I'm a nurse, I do it all the time," Julia argued "or would you prefer to hold it in until you can walk?"

It was Thomas' first day home and he was uncomfortable with Julia being the one helping him pee. He feared how he would feel when he had to do more than pee.

"Fine... just don't look, okay?" he tried.

Julia was used to patients being reluctant and thought much less of the deal than did Thomas, "Fine, if you think you have something to feel ashamed about, then I won't look."

She moved to his bed with the urine bottle and handed him the bottle. She turned around giving him a little privacy.

It took Thomas a while before he could relax enough to get a stream going, and when it arrived Julia exclaimed, "Finally!"

"How are you sweetie?" Joan said as she entered his room.

"Oh god, just let me die!" Thomas cried.

Joan was confused, but Julia set her straight, "He's a little embarrassed about peeing."

Joan tried to lessen his embarrassment, but failed tremendously, "Oh, sweetie, it's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's perfectly natural. And there is no shame in having to pee in a bottle."

Thomas was red from humiliation, while Julia couldn't help a little giggle.

"Please just go, Mom" Thomas pleaded, covering his face with his hand.

Joan kissed Thomas on the forehead and left his room. Julia's giggle burst into laughter as soon as Joan was outside earshot.

"I don't get it, you had to do it at the hospital all the time, why are you so shy now?" Julia asked after her laughing had subsided.

"Hey, I didn't like it at the hospital either, especially not in the beginning, but this is different, this is you." Thomas replied.

"It'll get better," Julia said, "are you done?"

Thomas lowered his head, "No, couldn't do it while Mom was here... just give me a minute."

Julia suppressed a laugh.

* * *

Thomas quickly got over the embarrassment of peeing in front of Julia, he even got used to having assistance with more solid evacuations. What he never got used to was the sponge baths.

Thomas had mixed feelings about having Julia clean him. On one hand, he really liked having her rub his body, on the other he felt guilty from feeling good and had trouble keeping his enjoyment from showing.

Especially the first sponge bath he got from Julia had its effect on him.

"I let it skip yesterday, but you need a bath, so just relax and I'll try not to embarrass you any more than needed." Julia said, coming into his room carrying a large bowl of soap-water and some towels.

Julia helped Thomas remove his jersey, lifting it over his head leaving him naked, covered waist down by his comforter. She took notice of the scar left from his surgery to stop his internal bleeding. Every scar he now had was a reminder to Julia of what he had done for her.

"Hey, that tickles" he said when she gently ran a finger across it bringing Julia back to the task at hand.

She reached into the bowl and wrung the sponge before starting on his arm, rubbing it softly but methodically, making sure it was properly cleaned. She moved slowly along his skin.

When she reached his shoulder, she leaned in, allowing his scent to reach her nostrils. Thomas was watching her intently enjoying the contact, and taking in her scent as well.

She walked to the other side of the bed, taking the bowl with her and washed his right arm like she had the left.

When she started scrubbing his neck, he felt a tingle run down his spine and he became very aware of the fact the he was naked. His breathing quickened along with his heartbeat as he focused on keeping his thoughts in check, as well as his body.

A drop of water trickled down from his neck, stopping in his chest hair; Julia's eyes followed its path down.

She ran the sponge across his face, accidentally locking eyes with Thomas. It was only for a brief moment, but it made her stomach tingle, as well as his.

She gently guided him forward, allowing her access to his back. Julia scrubbed his back and as the sponge traveled down his spine, so did a shiver.

She fought the urge to kiss his shoulder blade by biting her lip, thankful her face was out of sight. Thomas bit his tongue hoping the pain would stave off the erection that was not yet present.

"It's not too cold, is it?" Julia asked, trying to get a grip on her emotions.

Thomas had a little trouble getting the first word out since he had not taken a proper breath after Julia had moved to his right. "It's fine."

Julia's hand moved across Thomas' back, separated from his skin only by the sponge. When her fingers made contact with his skin she felt his heat and didn't want to separate. Several times she scolded herself for being so unprofessional.

With his back all clean, she lifted his arm and washed his side. She felt every single rib as she made her way down.

Every time she would turn to the bowl they would both take a deep breath and as soon as she turned to face him again they would go back to breathing shallowly.

Thomas was losing the fight to stay soft when Julia scrubbed his upper chest. Julia was trying to ignore her arousal as well, but his chest felt so manly and strong in her hands. She lost focus and paused for a second as she remembered laying her head on it when she had come to him in tears; feeling safe in his presence.

She was brought out of her brief daydream when her mother called from down stairs, "Julia, Joan and I are going to the store. Do you need anything?"

Julia welcomed a short break, so she left Thomas' side, and went to the top of the stairs before answering her mother, "No, I'm fine, see you later."

Thomas used a trick he had read on the internet to lower his erection; he held his breath. Julia ran her fingers through her hair telling herself silently to get it together.

When Julia reentered his room, Thomas was thankful the trick had worked and his erection was mostly gone.

"Let's get back to it," said Julia; Thomas just smiled timidly in return.

She walked to Thomas' side again, grasped the sponge, wrung it and started where she had left off.

Julia scrubbed Thomas' chest, both enjoying the feeling as her hand ran through his chest hair. Nothing was said while she worked her way down his torso.

She spent extra time cleaning the scar she had run her finger over earlier, creating a tingle in them both this time. Every time Julia glanced at the scar, she felt a mix of emotions running around her mind.

She cleaned his belly; he giggled nervously as she pushed the sponge into his bellybutton.

Her breathing was shallow, like his, when finally it became time to remove the sheet. Thomas had his hands by his side, holding it down and he was reluctant to let it go.

"Come on Thomas, you don't have to be shy. Nothing I haven't seen before." Julia said, trying to sooth his nerves.

Thomas became flushed when he tried to explain, "The thing is, I eh... it's eh..."

Julia just looked at Thomas' face, not yet understanding what the problem was.

Thomas continued, "There might be a small situation going on... you know, down there."

Julia glanced down in reflex and became a little flustered when finally she understood his peril.

"Oh! I see. Well don't worry about it, it's perfectly fine... tell you what, I'll close and lock the door so your mother doesn't just walk in." Julia said. She went to the door and while her back was turned to him, she bit her lip, excited; until she scolded herself for thinking so unprofessionally yet again.

She walked back and removed Thomas' hands from the comforter. He looked away, trying to will his erection to go down, or at least not grow further.

She lowered the comforter, revealing his half-hard member. The sight made a dampness spread out into her panties.

She considered commenting that the situation did not look to be all that small, but caught herself before the words made their way out her mouth.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts and began washing his leg. She had trouble keeping her eyes from constantly darting to his manhood. She could see that he was not fully hard and felt a little disappointed.

She needed not have worried since Thomas was losing the battle against his body and by the time she was halfway done with his other leg, Thomas was completely erect.

When she was about to clean his groin, she felt she should say something to relieve some of the tension that hung in the air. "It's perfectly natural, so don't think about it," She said, knowing she would think about it plenty later, "It won't even be that long before your hip is healed enough for you to handle this part yourself, hang in there and I'll make it as quick as possible."

Thomas thought it sounded like he was getting a flu-shot instead of a cleaning, but he was not sure which he would have preferred, had he been given the choice.

Julia dipped the sponge in the water again, took a deep breath and placed the sponge on Thomas' hip. She let her finger reach out from the sponge and run along another scar.

She scrubbed him lightly, trying to stay away from Tom's penis for as long as she could. She saw his butt clench as she placed her free hand on it, lifting it slightly to gain some more access. She went to the other side of the bed and repeated her actions.

Unable to hold off any longer, Julia let her hand approach his manhood. Thomas groaned when Julia used her thumb and index finger to move his shaft down so she could clean above it.

Thomas stopped breathing for a moment when the sponge slid up his shaft. A little bead of pre-seminal fluid appeared on the tip of Tom's penis, making Julia inadvertently lick her lip. She quickly let the sponge remove the droplet.
