All Comments on 'Open It Up?'

by DocWords

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
So, let me see if I good this right

The wife decides after almost 30 years of marriage she wants an open marriage because her 2 slut friends claim it made their marriage stronger (Never mind the multiple divorces due to cheating) The husband uses divorce as a way to make the wife change her mind, but she won't budge. So the wimp pussy husband tells her if she changes her mind about the open marriage, he will drop the divorce. She turns around and cut him off from sex. Listening to her 2 slut dumb co workers was more important than her 20 plus years of marriage.. the kicker for me is the ending. She decided that her 2 co workers are sluts like mark has been saying from the beginning. She quit her job and decided to forget the open marriage idea. Mark has a box in the basement where it seemed he never planned on divorcing his dumb slut in the making wife, if she decided on opening the marriage . He decided he was going to kill himself!.. wtf type of bullshit story is this? 1st off, her even mentioning open marriage would've caused sever damage to the relationship. 2nd. Her refusal to listen to him and choosing her slut co workers would've done even more damage. Not even her kids could change her mind. The problem for me is the fact that they stayed together. How? I'm suppose to believe she won't meet new even sluttier friends who will convince her to just spread her legs for another man? I'm suppose to believe this braindead woman who is a follower, who can't think for herself will be a good and faithful wife again? I'm confused as to why mark was going to kill himself in the basement had she chosed an open marriage? He wasn't the one who destroyed their marriage why would he kill himself? Because mark is a pussy whip cuck in the making. It would make sense to kill her but himself?! . No... what about Mark's children and grandchildren? He was willing to miss out on their lives cause he couldn't live without his future cum slut wife? I hated the ending more than anything. Glad he didn't kill himself, not so glad he took her back. I also didn't like her punching him. I know why she did it but I didn't like it. The writing was good.... the story? not so much

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
It was OK

He never really addressed the trust issue. If she had called it off last minute, as she had, how would he know that she wouldn't just cheat behind his back and how did he know she hadn't already done something?

Also, I thought in cases of suicide the insurance companies don't pay out? Of course I could be wrong but that is my thought.

GrimmerGrimmerover 3 years ago

Doveryay, no proveryay.

Liked the story premise but overall it left me feeling muddled. I finished the tale feeling he is in for more shennanigans from her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Well, that had an interesting twist and some humor.

The writing flowed well, and there was some creativity. Nice job!

jd3608jd3608over 3 years ago

While we will never know, I think Mark found a way to truly get through to his wife about how much her request for a open marriage and the three months of making it his issue with the divorce petition. Would he have taken his life we will never know, I doubt he's going to discuss it with anyone. I believe what he did was show her how much her insistence that he was giving the ultimatum was a bluff on his part. Even as she told him to stop the divorce, she still seemed to think he forced her into the decision. The box, contents, rope and note was the jolt she needed to see how serious he was and moved her to meet with the counsellor. Until then, I don't think she believed how much damage she had done to their relationship.

SkubabillSkubabillover 3 years ago

DocWords is fast becoming one of my favorites. I envy his imagination and way with words. Five stars from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
even if he ended up saving his marriage

he is still a wimp, weak loser, no normal man will be angry and shout in this situation, he is passive as fuck and he wanna suicide ? wtf he is talking about the kids they are married adults, this is unrealistic.

PowersworderPowersworderover 3 years ago

It was going great until you turned the husband into such a pitiful wimp that he was going to kill himself rather than divorce her.

Then you had the wife assault the poor guy?

Just reverse the genders a moment...

A heartbroken wife reveals that she was considering suicide if her husband went through with his plan to cheat on her... so he punches her in the face.

The ending to this story was appalling. The husband should've pressed charges as he was assaulted in front of a witness, then gone ahead with the divorce. After everything Sandy put him through over the previous three months, any normal guy would be desperate to dump that deranged bitch.

eviltwin52eviltwin52over 3 years ago
I'm not going to critique your story so much

I thought it was well written and brought back a couple emotions I experienced years ago. Well done. Left me with tears in my eyes.

BrentJWBrentJWover 3 years ago

Clever contract, stupid wife, ridiculous ending. If he is seriously going to kill himself over a slut wife he should be seeing a different type of counselor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
No one that successful puts up with such crap.

Seriously? You did keep us guessing, but what wife of 20+ years is that stupid, being led around by the thrice divorced "fried". And what husband has that level of patience with her b/s.

If he wanted to terrify her with the "planned" suicide, that could be a massive guilt trip, if it penetrated her dense head.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
No way around it

Mark is an idiot. He would commit suicide if his wife went outside the marriage? That’s a man without basic self-respect. He would be giving up his life for a woman who is unworthy.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 3 years ago

who the fucks ha conversations like this?


"I must be thinking of a different Joan. I'm thinking of the brunette in the way too short skirts, low cut tops, married three times that each ended because of her cheating, dates a different guy every week. Wrong Joan?"

"Mark, that's just Joan."

"To me, that's a tramp. Would you approve of our daughter being like that?"

"Of course not, but Joan isn't our daughter."

"So you condone her behavior?"

"No, I just don't judge her. She's a good person."

100% irrelevant. The question is should Joan's experience with marriage carry ANY weight / value?



Sandy, I just don't understand. You know what kind of person Joan is. Why would you listen to anything she says?"

"She's my friend, Mark."

"Judas was Jesus friend too. Joan is one of those people that causes trouble."

"I think she just has a different view on things."

"I won't argue that."

AGAIN mark lets his wife off the hook with a truly stuoud non resposnie answer. FIRST why is Joan her friend ? and 2nd sayign she in my firends does not explainwhy her opinion on marriage and adut relationships even matters.


"Mother, you aren't stupid. Step back and look at the people giving you this guidance," Julie told her.

"I didn't ask you father if we could have an open relationship. We just talked about it."

again -- WHAT?! the daughter wants to know why her mother is seeking marriage advice / wisdom from Marla and Joan. Her answer... " we just talked about an open marriage -- is 100% off the mark



You make me sound like the bad guy here."

"I'm sorry. I don't see you as a bad guy. I'm just telling you what I've seen and experienced."

"Well, I do love you. That hasn't changed."

"Your words don't match your behavior, Sandy."

"Mark, you've turned this into a pissing contest."

wow... again that is non answer and a non requiter. The wife claims to love Mark but her actions and

words dont match that. Her comment about a pissing contest is like saying ..."well I dont like playing the piano".

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 3 years ago
Was five stars until the ending

I really disliked the wife punching the husband. I also really disliked the suicide box. The buildup and eventual return to sanity were well done, as was the portrayal of a narcissistic stubborn woman.

someoneothersomeoneotherover 3 years ago
The story was OK until the suicide

I wish writers would develop a different trope than a wife being led astray by divorced tramps. The story line is both old and unbelievable.

Still, it was OK story until we got to the suicide part. Mark suddenly was not the good strong guy, but a weakling who would take the easy way out while denying his children and grandchildren a father/grandfather, and the children, of course, would forever blame the mother, who might likely follow him in suicide.

That suicide ending destroyed any value to the story. 2*.

BaggyUKBaggyUKover 3 years ago

A reasonable premise / plot...maybe. Not badly written but several typos and stuff that editing would solve. You're a braver man? than me for publishing a story and I think there's a decent writer in there if you deepen your characters a little and get an editor, or proof reader at least. Thanks for your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Why would you write the husband

as such a weak character? It's not worth topping yourself for a disloyal potentially cheating woman.

enderlocke27enderlocke27over 3 years ago

after 27 years, the suicide is an extreme. i know ppl want to believe love conquers all but it doesnt. im not say love dies after a while, but it does mellow into a relaxed type of love. that type doesnt cause suicide unless the person is mentally ill. im not 100% on this but last i heard life insurance doesnt pay out on suicides. if it really came down to the divorce choice how could he trust her. thankfully she wised up before it came down to that or it would have been a pointless story

JessicaAlexanderJessicaAlexanderover 3 years ago

I liked it until the end when she punched him in the face and it was treated comedically as it so often is on TV and in movies. Domestic violence is never funny or ok, even if it’s the women striking men. It’s been so normalized that, “ it’s ok because he deserved it”. When women turn an argument into violence, she stands a good chance of getting hurt. Hit a man in the nose and he gets a big shot of adrenaline and he can reflexively punch you hard enough to collapse your orbital socket or fracture your jaw. Domestic violence is never ok and especially...never funny.

Other than that, well written!

JessicaAlexanderJessicaAlexanderover 3 years ago

Also, it was pathetic that he was going to kill himself and give her everything.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

A good story, but I question why he needed duct tape and handcuffs for a suicide attempt. Maybe he was going to hang. Himself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
"Mother, you're a fucking idiot."

That pretty much sums up the story. This is yet another story that relies in the wife being an idiot. Frankly, they're rather misogynistic.

GamblnluckGamblnluckover 3 years ago

I did not care for the story from the suicide box to the end. That being said, I loved the rest. I still gave you 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
1 star because of the suicide idea

Even in a fictional story it's an affront to suggest someone take their own life for any reason. It's not funny, it's a horrible idea and if even one person reads this and thinks suicide is the solution to their problems, it's a disgrace. Try again. This was just wrong on every level.

1 star

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989over 3 years ago
Different in a bad way

Open Marriage, Hell NO!. Divorce Papers, Hell No!. Sounds like a couple that has been needing a marriage counsellor long before that first discussion. Finally, killing himself?. Maybe eating a gallon of ice cream or a Big Mac. Thanks for writing.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 3 years ago

So...she’s both stupid AND violent?

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 3 years ago
I should add

Not boring. Fun read. Imagine he walked in and sucker punched her. Total BS. Whatacunt.

OPrimeOPrimeover 3 years ago

Why wait three months for a response. File as soon as the papers are ready. The die was cast when she chose to make her request, believed her dumb friends and not made an effort to understand the husband's position. Set her free.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Why are anonymous commenters such whiny bitches?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I interpreted it differently

I see the suicide as a ploy to really guilt the wife so this doesn't come up again in the would have been interesting if after the wife walked out of the room, the therapist asked the husband if he would have committed suicide. The husband the says that the vows is till death do us part and since she wanted out she could go first.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Okay. Yes there are issues with the story. Additional character development is needed to explain Sandy's rapid personality change. Some of the dialogue needs work. The core plot though has something. There is a lot of promise here.

As for the ranting about the box? Why are you pissed off? Are you feeling somehow emasculated because a man might commit suicide over the events that transpired in the story? After 30 years for a spouse to all of a sudden request that they open up an otherwise perfectly happy marriage would definitely traumatize anyone. ANYONE, man or woman. Look, I know that some of you believe that men should just destroy their wives at the slightest hint of infidelity but the real world is nothing like your delusion.

The husband did what he could to shock the wife into reality. He setup a divorce hoping to make her realize what she would lose. Her children were furious with her. He setup marriage counseling to work on the issues that precipitated her desire to change their relationship. He can't force her to change, she must decide. She proceeded to actively harm the marriage and hurt him further with her words, withholding sex and attempted manipulation.

I am not surprised he contemplated suicide. It happens and it is always devastating to everyone in his life. I strive to prevent it. I do however understand why people get to that place.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 3 years ago
With Lonesome Gator

Suicide prep dropped off a star. Just like murder or other act that would not be commensurate with the offense!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Writing well done.

The story am unsure.

Her actions just made it seem like she was anxious to starting slutting around.

And she did this for months, even with her kids on her about it.

No sometime is wrong and such a story needs a lot more to justify a happy ending.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Dumber than dumb wife and story

Nothing to like in this one

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 3 years ago
** silly story

Your attempt at a modern proverb failed.

nestorb30nestorb30over 3 years ago

The writing was good but what was the basis of the wife suddenly becoming a moron?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I think it was a good effort, . . .

but in the end its just another story about how stupid people live fucked up lives. Its too bad this couple have children because that means they've really taken a huge shit in the Gene Pool. Their combined IQ must be under 150.

What if the wife proposed they start investing in South American gold mines, or join Harri Krishna? The wife was a moron, who married a moron. While I can't explain why their marriage has lasted this long, its fairly certain that it won't last much longer.

The wife obviously is not satisfied with the marriage, apparently their sex life. The wife is obviously very stupid, impetuous, and susceptible to lame or deleterious influences. The wife now knows how her husband will respond if he learns she is fucking other people, so she will simply be very careful to keep her cheating a secret. Why not? Nothing in this story indicates she has lost her curiosity or acquired a new brain. She thinks she dodged a bullet, but she still wants the thrill and excitement. She already thinks she can have her cake and eat it too. Now its just a matter of choosing when and where she takes her first bite.

Their marriage is slowly swirling down the toilet.

Thanks for the effort.

bioman57bioman57over 3 years ago

Interesting story.. But for such a strong husband, not sure if he was that strong if he would choice that path...Still well done.

oldsage_1oldsage_1over 3 years ago

First off good story! A couple commenters got it the rest are typical Literotica BTB adherents. Can I believe that a husband of 30 years in a never questioned/loving marriage could consider suicide faced with the loss of his loving wife and children for the rest of his life? Hell yeah! The fact that the son and daughter are grown and on their own is not relevant. The only problem I had with the story was the tense of the suicide note. It should be written in the present tense as her finding and reading it after he had already committed suicide because he could not bear living life without her.

Would he cut ties with the son and daughter after the divorce? Yeah, could be because they would remind him of her and his tremendous loss.

Now a typical Literotica BTB story would have him plotting revenge after the divorce, her coming to her senses pining for him and winding up abducted by sex slavers while he fell in love with his daughter and lived happily ever after.

I prefer your story.

5 stars and keep writing I like your fantasies and clean writing style.



WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Great story, stupid woman

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 3 years ago

Of all alternative marriage lifestyles, Open Marriage is probably the quickest way to divorce. You may as well be single looking for a replacement. Very few open marriage couples survive it and stay together. The reason why is that you have dates and spend time getting to know the "other" people.

Usually, it's one spouse pushing the lifestyle change. The other spouse goes along just to keep the marriage together. But its already doomed.

yes, some people make it work. But they are the minority.

I was a swinger, so I know the scene. Open marriage types didn't do well with swinging. We avoided them and their drama.

BoytitsBoytitsover 3 years ago

Good story , I liked every thing up to the suicide thing , if he was rational enough for the rest of the plan I can’t see suicide , you got 4 from me keep up the good writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Interesting read, thanks for the offering.

I liked the story up until the introduction of the suicide plot by the husband to be executed if the wife choose the open marriage option. My personal belief is that suicide is never the answer to any of life's issues or problems.

The husband stated that open marriage was not acceptable and was a deal breaker on the marriage. That's not an ultimatum. The decision was always with the wife but the husband made it quite clear that he was opposed to the idea and it would end their marriage if that's what the wife chose. Not what he signed on for.

The suicide plot lessened the husband's character and credibility and he should have prepared for life without his wife if she chose differently.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Wanted to Like It

I wanted to like this story, but I thought is just okay.

Why in the world would she listen to "friends" like those two? Maybe if she were a young and foolish bride.

Then his final response would be suicide? Hated that. Hell, if he was going to seek professional help why didn't he seek help for that?

Three Stars from me.

Bebop3Bebop3over 3 years ago

I'm usually not a fan of stories where one of the main characters has to be an idiot for the story to work. I enjoyed this one, though. I look forward to reading your next.

patilliepatillieover 3 years ago
What Bebop said, but also

didnt care for wife punching husband with no ramifications. Why did she do iyt? Because he staged a suicide kit? That was part of his bluff too. Shoulda gave this a 2

xiluaxiluaover 3 years ago
My take?

I think that this story was a disguised effort to present a pathetic weak stupid man as our hero. I know that inbeciles exist, but, why use them as characters in stories like this. It doesn't makes sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Wickedly funny ending! "My wife said she loved me." :)

The title of my commentary says it all. The ending was great!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I wonder what Mark's reaction would have been to having burned his fingers on the stove. Surely not quickly removing his hand, that's what a human being would have done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

"Mark, this is a threat, an ultimatum."

"Not at all. It's simply making way for you to have your freedom to see other people should that be your choice."

An ultimatum is exactly what it is. I don't understand why he keeps denying it.

An ultimatum is not something you hold over a persons head. That would be an empty threat. An ultimatum is when you make it clear what you cannot live with, and that was exactly what he did. It isn't about the other person at all.

The part where she hit him is very unrealistic. The counselor would be forced to report the crime that he witnessed, and she would very likely be arrested.

Also, if Mark had told the counselor about his suicide plans, which was not made clear in the story, the counselor would have to report that as well, and Mark would most likely have been placed on suicide watch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
1 🌟 agree with xilua


secretsalsecretsalover 3 years ago

I thought Sandy was being stupid as hell, but after I got to Mark's 'final solution', I realised they're both dumbasses. Made for a fun story, though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This drivel is pathetic. Please just end your miserable life!

DocWordsDocWordsover 3 years agoAuthor

Dear Anonymous - My life or the protagonist? LOL

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 3 years ago

Ten Stars! (I'm a hacker....yes, I can do it!) LULZ!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I'm sorry Mark, but you deserved it

Someone in that marriage deserved a punch in the face, and it wasn't Mark.

I'm sorry but, she was so set on fucking around that she was willing to give up her children, grandchildren, and husband, driving him to prepare for suicide. All she had to do was say "I want to stay married, and not fuck around", but she refused to give up her obsession with getting strange cock, for months on end. And if her slut friend hadn't pushed her agenda so hard, there is zero doubt as to the outcome. Her husband didn't factor into the equation, her slut friend made all her decisions for her, including her decision to stay married. If Joan hadn't been so obvious in pushing those guys on her, had been marginally more subtle, Sandys would have stuck to her guns.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

So what if he gave her an ultimatum? What's wrong with that? Why do people automatically think ultimatums are a bad thing. Only pigheaded people think that way. "How dare you give me a choice with consequences. I want to have my cake and eat it."

Cop says to gunman that's threatening children; "Drop the gun, or I'll shoot". That's an ultimatum. Is he wrong to issue it?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
She punched him?

This reverse bulshit needs to stop.

No violence against women is a great ideal.

But this bitch should have been slapped so hard her grand mother would have felt it.

That followed by a divorce.

Then a contract on her slut friends.

But really?

He should have filed straight away.

She had already left the marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This story is so interesting that I read the entire thing despite the fact that there is actually no sex in it.

I think the key to the story is that Sandy just isn't very bright and couldn't think clearly. Eventually she figures out that Joan was actively trying to destroy Sandy's marriage just for fun. But it took a long time.

While it is true that Sandy didn't behave logically, people are like that. Mark's approach to communicating seemed designed to make Sandy rebel. Hitting her out of the blue with divorce papers based on a simple conversation seemed like overkill. It was the ultimate ultimatum. No discussion. Either you do what I want or I blow the family to pieces.

On the other hand, Mark made it very clear that he wasn't going to be led along unwillingly. Joan would say that Mark is bluffing if he had just told Sandy he wouldn't tolerate an open marriage.

I think Mark could have handled it better. He could have discussed it more with Sandy, pointing out that if she pursued this further he would divorce her, and try to make her consider how it would effect the rest of the family. He could have outlined exactly what he would do if she crossed the line. He'd call the lawyer immediately, he'd call the family and let them know what is happening. While effectively the same thing as what he did, but with the key difference is that this would be a conversation where she got to respond, instead of just getting surprised by the arrival of legal documents. However, if Mark had done the right thing and it worked, the story would have been pretty uninteresting.

He could have predicted what Joan would say to help Sandy realize what Joan was doing. Instead he went to a lawyer with no warning or discussion. That is not normally how life partners make decisions.

One other point. I was very confused for a long time because I thought that Marla and Joan were a couple. I had to keeping going back and trying to figure out which one was the husband, or if they were a lesbian couple etc.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


This site is full of stereotypical dumb b****es and selfish c**ts in the stories. But the worst trope of all is the saintly husband who does no wrong and everything the wife is disgusting compared to his actions. its not only a ridiculously high standard, its standard pick me mentality. If I do everything right, they'll love me ( I can picture the clown make up right now).

the husband in this case is the one in the wrong. He treats his wife like a child he needs to mollify because Saint Mark is SO IN LOVE WITH HER. His love like the Holy Spirit's jizz that both cleanses and saves.

She is an adult woman who knows (or should) that actions have consequences. He should just separate or divorce her. The stupid pick me dance Saint Mark attempted actually pushed her away and really this is largely his fault.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Saint Mark is so FUCKING STUPID!.

If you don't want an open relationship, be a man and say NO. What a fucking loser!!!! who on earth puts up with this shit and they're the ones that go for counselling!!! Its like finding out she had cancer and he got the chemo because she didn't want to suffer the effects.

SHe has every right to wonder if she married to a man or some pussy wimp

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I'm convinced Saint Mark is a woman LARPing as a man. This shit is actually manipulative and disgusting. Why doesn't he just say NO? Fucking ridiculous

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


Its like the author entered a contest for the most pathetic character on Literotica. If he did he certainly won. God I wish she had an affair so he can actually kill himself.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

DEAR Anonymous from 3 months ago.

Ultimatums are manipulation. Pure and simple. Take this case for instance. Saint Mark could have just said, no I don't want an open marriage. Instead he said yes then threatened divorce and suicide. Try and wrap your head around that. Your wife doesn't like bowling. You say you'll be joining your friends later in the evening to do that, she says yes, then I love you, then files for divorce when you go. How is that rational?

This story is so insane I'm actually siding with the wife. At least she was clear what she wanted, and it wasn't Saint Mark. He was just the pitiful loser that didn't know how to use his words

MarkT63MarkT63about 3 years ago

Mark is a damned idiot for considering suicide over the bitch!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

@MarkT63, thats exactly what i've been saying.

Imagine being such a loser that you decide to kill yourself because some hoe (a self proclaimed hoe) wants to sleep with someone else. Disgusting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Hubby wants to kill himself for wife intending to sleep with other men?

Somewhat original end but there is too much talking in this. Most of LW enjoy blabbing as if they are talking to themselves always with a great deal of moralizing. And male writers cannot restrain themselves from making their male characters superb saints. This is a relentless cliché on LW so much so that it makes any decent story idea unrealistic.


NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyalmost 3 years ago

Plot of the story aside i try never to steer the author’s decisions of literary license. But this story had sever mechanical issues when the daughter started being called the wife's name.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 3 years ago

I think the whole "suicide kit" was a PLANT, a Trojan Horse, to really make sure Sandy saw the light. I mean, every human with a XX-chromosome has a 'Lifetime Channel/Oprah Complex', and smarmy, tragic, 'Bridges of Madison County' bullshit always sets the hook as surely as a master fly-fisherman. Sandy bought it, 'hook, line and sinker,' (pun intended), and so did a number of you commenters! Consider your 'Man Card' to be on the verge of revocation! The story: 5/5!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

MarkT63 - it's a setup. he would never suicide. It's for her to change her mind. If it was just an agreement she would change it or do it in secret. If she wanted to fuck someone she would do it without an open marriage thing. But according to the story, it is sure she loves him and she wanted him to be a part of open marriage. But to change she has to see the reality. That's what Mark did.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 2 years ago

Most of the sentences in his suicide letter would work as either a "here's why I'm going to do this" or as a "here's why I did do this"...

The exception is this one: "In time, Julie and James would have made up with you."

Should have been "... they will make up with you."

I'm kind of surprised that she didn't either have a breakdown or have to throw up... knowing she was less than three weeks from her husband killing himself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Rediculous. Story does not belong in LITEROTICA.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

If a man could listen to the bs this wife was spouting and never show a trace of anger toward her or anyone else, he is cut from a different pattern than all the men I have ever known or heard described in great detail. I daresay the vast majority of us have never met a person who would respond in the manner shown by this character. Such a man might very well have the intent and the ability to commit suicide in the event his wife of more than two decades were to opt for an open marriage.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Again for a good story. She had bad advice from a toxic friend. I’m still confused by the handcuffs and tape in the suicide box.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

To keep him from stopping the suicide

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What a pussy... so instead of divorcing the whore, his plan was to commit suicide? Grow some balls.. she isn't the only slut in the sea.. she's definitely isn't worth offing oneself for... I really don't understand someone killing themselves because a relationship ended.. relationship ends. Shit happens. Most people cry for a little bit and move the fuck on.. why would he have to move away if he divorced her? Why wouldn't he see the kids and grandkids again if he divorced? Those statements made no sense. The kids were clearly on his side on this... they thought their whore in training mother was stupid, sluttish and wrong.. he wouldn't of been away from them. The slut would've been the lonely one.. just say, you're a wimp and couldn't live without the slut... don't drag the kids into the cuck bs. The kids would've been all for the divorce. They would've hated the suicide. That would've just made the kids hate her more had he killed himself.. this story was confusing, boring and irritating.. the silly back and forth was starting to irk my nerves. He doesn't think it's weird his wife needed to THINK about staying marriage or opening up the marriage? 🤔... I would think she would've taken 2 second to say stay married and keep our vows.. 60 days later and she's STILL thinking about it?...🧐interesting... the wife seemed a bit......delayed... who listens to a cum slut that's been married 3 times and divorced 3 times all due to them cheating?🤭😭😭😭😭.. I mean really? He should divorce the dumb bitch for being a slow dense dizzy bitch off strength alone... she's a follower. She can't think for herself.. I don't believe she won't cheat🤷🏽‍♀️... Joan is just your typical bitter miserable jealous slut.. she wanted sandy to whore with her.. misery loves company.. sluts like Joan aren't built for marriage, so why keep getting married?.. I believe she was jealous of her married friends.. this is why I don't recommend being friends with, let alone take relationship advice from such a slut... nothing good will come out of it... it's weird the wife couldn't see this. Everyone else could but she was blinded and made excuses

LoejtcLoejtcabout 2 years ago

I certainly would not be able to hold my temper if confronted as Mark was. I may have given Sandy some time to make a decision but not several months. Nor could I "make love" to her.

Suicide is just over the top. I guess there are some people who would be so distraught that they would take that route. But I suspect they are few and far between.

Just didn't like the storyline although filing for divorce before she cheats and putting a time limit on her for a decision was an interesting approach. Well written.

LoejtcLoejtcabout 2 years ago

With hundreds of LW stories with scores over 4.5 on the books, why are virtually all the same stories listed as "similar stories"? How about listing some from relatively unknown authors who have made quality submissions?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

No, he didn’t deserve it! Reverse the sexed, and tell me that a man coming into an office, and striking his wife wouldn’t result in the doctor immediately calling the police!

The double standard in America that allows women to be violent to men without consequences is vile!


Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrsonalmost 2 years ago

To Loejtc from two comments below. Try working a suicide hotline for awhile. You might be humbled by how many men and women, girls and boys, are driven to the brink by betrayal from ones they loved most.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Sorta clever, sorta funny, but the MC is absolutely pussy-whipped.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not sure which spouse was the bigger idiot. Both were undoubtedly psychotic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sorry. Not erotic. I'm a slow reader so I wasted a lot of time on this story thinking it had potential. I was wrong.

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

He should’ve ditched her or strung her up in the basement.

She was too stupid to live.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

For the slap, she gets at least 20 firm strikes on her bare ass and cunt when they get back home. She should feel them for at least two days thereafter if they were firm enough.

bazdadbazdadabout 1 year ago

original and well written well done

want2beusedbiuwant2beusedbiuabout 1 year ago

Loved it! Thank you for taking the time to share this lovely story!

Best wishes to you and yours.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Tears filled her eyes. "Mark, I'm sorry I hit you but you deserved it."


Because he was going to give her what she was asking for in the only way *he* could...?


With reasoning like that I guess it would have been okay for him to have punched her...?

Yeah, didn't think so...

RuttweilerRuttweiler11 months ago
I honestly can’t figure this out!

Is this a subtle satire? Or is it meant to be serious, but is merely cartoonishly dreadful? I kept reading, while thinking over and over, “Is the author having us on? The dialogue is so weirdly formal, as if the he were writing it (the dialogue) from an outline. The plot is obviously hackneyed, but the story isn’t badly written! What’s going on here?”

I’m impressed, maybe?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago
I'm sorry

But anyone with as few brain cells as the wife has, isn't even considered a lifeform. She not intelligent enough to be considered alive.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I took it to be satire. It might not be. It might be the drooling on the keyboard of someone who never had, or perhaps once had and then lost his testicles. I was once given the advice from a man I greatly respected that if anyone was grinding on you (i.e., making your life so miserable as to be unlivable and someone had to die), it would not be the man who gave me this advice who would be the "dearly departed".

TheMTOneTheMTOne4 months ago

I get the deep love and sacrifice on his part; it is hard to love that much.

It also makes me hope someday there is an alternate ending where he dies and there is the aftermath. She doesn't even need to cheat, in fact it would be better if she wasn't trying to cheat and was just trying to shake things up (maybe?). He just needs to go through with it. Morbid curiosity on my part? Maybe, but I think this every time I read it. Why? Because I can understand him doing so.

I don't agree with it, it isn't my way, but I do understand it.

DeanofMeanDeanofMean4 months ago

Oh! Suicide, how romantic. karma

maninconnmaninconn3 months ago

Wonderful story. Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Four stars. Nuff said.


OlefishermanOlefisherman26 days ago

It was the author's desire to set the husband up and make the wife a hero in this tale of a wife wanting to fuck other men but being called out by her kids. She no doubt would have fucked a half dozen guys before going back to her husband if she could have gotten away with it. She thought it she did it. She was a slut and she knew it. Ya her husband was going to take the cowards way out. She assaulted him. She she should have gone to jail for it. In this day and age spousal abuse is serious. Like the author cares. However if more women were reading and voting literotica w ould care a lot.

Now let's see if this comment gets put up.

DocWordsDocWords26 days agoAuthor

I’ll leave your comment up. I disagree with what you’re saying, but feel free to ramble on.

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My stories and characters are fiction. I wish I could have done all this stuff. The reviews from Anonymous, on the first few, nearly drove me away. Fortunately, some seasoned writers stepped up and warned me to take comments like those with a grain of salt. It helped. I read...

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