All Comments on 'Options'

by Tinman_1903

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Enjoyed the rewrite; it seemed a little..."wordy" as the MC Dean had a great many solitary discussions with himself while working out his thoughts and feelings--but that would almost certainly have been the case in reality had he been dealing with the issues over nine to ten weeks of counseling, so no biggie.

One quibble--In the discussion of making the move to Texas the impression was given that there were no close family and/or "good friends" that either Dean or Kari would greatly miss; I'm sure it was simply an oversight that Kari's mother lived close enough to their home to babysit the son JT every week. I'd think Kari would definitely have had to consider moving not only herself but her son 1500 miles away from his grandmother.

Well done. Thanks for the thought and effort you put into this (re-written) story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I liked this story. I wasn’t sure how it was going to wind up until right at the end. Good job at keeping my interest fresh.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Even with the rewrite the wife is self centered amd as long as she could get away with it she would. As for the husband weak mc because he took one the issue as it os his fault sorry but BS. I am not saying they could not reconcile but BS way to get there. There is angst on the MC but I do not get any feeling of remorse from the wife at all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I didn't like either the first or the second version.

I believe in individual capacity, regardless of gender or social status.

I believe that a woman is at least as intelligent, if not more intelligent than a man.

I believe that a woman is responsible for her choices, whether she is single or married.

A wife is an equal partner like her husband. She has the same rights and even duties: intelligence, autonomy, choices and responsibilities.

A wife is not a servant, submissive or slave.

How old are you ?

What is this thought that the husband is responsible for his wife? Get out of the Middle Ages!

A separation and divorce would have been a better option.

Then start his life over: date, relationship, sex,...

Then after that, if you want a reconciliation, you have the possibility of making the choice because you have searched, you have tested other women, other relationships.

To make a choice is to have the possibility of choosing.

Otherwise it is no longer a choice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Seemed that he made an intentional decision to reconcile earlier than normally would be expected. Not sure I understand his "duty and service" rationale for why he was to blame for the deterioration in the marriage. It isn't just the three times she fucked Eliott (in their house), it is the three months that she had an emotional affair, late on Friday nights and then sometimes on Saturdays, taking away time from the family. Surprised her "first time I needed to" comment wasn't seriously challenged. Needed to? Really? What is she? 16? I am also surprised he didn't harp more on the blackmail angle and bring it up in the counseling sessions. Also it seems somehow worse that she knew Eliott was fucking other wives at work (obviously getting recommendations from those women) and that even one had bought him something (blackmail payoff?). Then again I would wager during the three months she spent some time doing multiple things that don't pass the spouse test. Including various levels of affection. Also stunned that the husband didn't rehash the "was he better" questioning. Once, early on she says he wasn't bigger or better and is in fact nit nearly as good. Does saying that once, really have any impact? Thought that would be part of the trust questions. But missed opportunity. She did seem quite contrite and repentant, but her rationale was stunning. It is one thing to consider adultery because your husband has zero time for you or treats you terribly. Doesn't make it right, but the fact he isn't being consistently romantic? A) talk to him about it instead of the serial seducer and blackmailed, B) grow up!! and C) remember your damn vows!! At least she brought those up in the pivotal counseling session. To be fair nit sure once she had done the hideous betrayal, what she could have done differently in order to reconcile. That being said, the author's portrayal of this marriage is that it is the husband's duty to protect his wife from all temptations. Huh? She isn't a servant or an apprentice. She is his wife! An equal partner. Fully capable of making her own choices. She chose a path that damn near destroyed their marriage. But she had a choice, though admittedly in the clutches of a serial seducer. Not sure where all thr antiquated logic about marriage with very different male and female role originates.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ignore the idiots who suggest a husband is responsible for his wife and visa vera. That is what love and marriage is, active care, protection, partnership, commitment etc. A wife is a Servant of her husband, just like a husband is a servant of his wife. They put the other person first in order to sustain and grow their love. Individuality as the highest priority has no part of making a strong marriage. People who think otherwise have a name... divorced.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What a prig! Smug, over the top crap about duty, and navel gazes in a way that no normal person would. Tough decision because of the kid, but his internal conversations with his prig of a father are too much. "Dean" ends up blaming himself, because the wife sluts it up with yoga boy, but Dean left the hen house door open? Please. She is a totally self-absorbed woman who "needs to be chased" and who "needed to" fuck pretty boy because husband just wasn't doing it for her.

Tedious, uninteresting, she cannot be trusted; her lying at the first session with the counselor, her having spent 3 months loving the seduction and fucking the guy for 3 weeks, taking time away from her husband and her son on Friday nights and some Saturdays is a big fuck you. She is immature, entitled and a slut. He should have divorced her after the first session when she lied. She will do it again and he is pathetic to take her back.

WoodencavWoodencavover 1 year ago

Excellent, it takes two to make a marriage work, it’s a shame the critics below don’t understand that. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

rexindianrexindianover 1 year ago

Refreshing approach. I liked the idea of owning up to responsibility as head of the household. The concept is the same as in a factory, the manager is responsible for keeping both man and machine safe. If a mishap occurs, of course, the worker will have to face inquiry about his role in the accident. The manager will also be pulled up for letting down safety procedures. The same thing may apply in marriage as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sorry but a true Marine would never a cheating back.

corpsbumcorpsbumover 1 year ago

I seldom write comments, but this rewrite amazes me. A deeply insightful look at a real marriage, one that in most cases would have blown apart in a divorce, but through introspection by the husband and wife may be strong enough to last. Kudos to the author for a work that is now in my favorites list, and will be reread often. Wonderful work! A reflection of the authors hard thought and writing craft. Thanks!

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowover 1 year ago

Story seemed very realistic, to me. Well done.

DaikkennDaikkennover 1 year ago

I’d very much like to see Kari’s s side if the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story. Thought the author rendered the characters well. Still some missed opportunities. The "first time I had to" comment in counseling should have set off a lot of questioning. Why did she feel she had to? Also surprised that her offhand "he wasn't bigger or better, in fact he couldn't hold a candle to you, but it was a little exciting" was never challenged. Any husband faced with this betrayal of repeat fuck sessions and a 3 month emotional affair would seriously nit trust that answer. Also surprised that the blackmail aspect just died out. And she did this cheating knowing that Elliot was banging other women during the same time frame? When did she learn that? What attracted her to Elliott? How does the husband know that a guy who chases her isn't going to bring her into another multi month emotional affair? It isn't all about what the MC didn't do. It was also her choice to be excited by a serial seducer. Maybe realizing how much of a scum Elliot was woukd make her realize how stupid it is to fall into the trap of seduction with a guy pursuing a married woman. Also no discussions of their activities before the three fuck sessions? No question about what they did when fucking? No challenge that she seemed into it when he observed her? Too many missed opportunities to find the truth one way or another and instead let sleeping dogs lie. Otherwise was well written and realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

too long. not much happens.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Once again you can see in the comments why so many people are cheated on.

The story had some interesting elements, the pacing was good, I just can't see therapists as anything other than snake oil salespeople, so that bit just seemed a little trope for me. Otherwise a good stab at representing normal people.

BeBopper99BeBopper9911 months ago

1* Wimpy cucky author writes wimpy cuck husband characters. When he saw his wife in bed with yoga boy, husband should have immediately invaded the room. Instead he drives off to have girly cry. Man Up!

AstordatairAstordatair11 months ago

Very realistic story. Two normal imperfect people who make mistakes, deal with them like adults and are rewarded with a renewed relationship and a child growing in an unbroken family. Excellent! 5 stars. Many thanks for your story.

DeanofMeanDeanofMean10 months ago

Loved the set-up and your protagonist was interesting and credible, someone ya cared about. Your narrative and dialog also were consistent, I thoroughly enjoyed the read.

But where that level of self blame came from, I don't know.

Your protagonist is more evolved than I will ever be, I think. I would have gotten in trouble with the beating I gave him, though the info pack was brilliant, though those packs would have gone to all the husbands too. I don't believe the reconciliation would work though, mostly because it has been my observation that it rarely does.

coigachboycoigachboy8 months ago

Seems to be duplicate bits if page 5 in page 6.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I don't think some of these writers have ever been around women, in every story when they get caught they all fall down crying. Real world most of them don't give a shit if you know or not. Just for reference if your under 35, your chick is f*cking someone else besides you.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What a shit load of bullshit, wimpy cuck husband that's all, if you like MC being a wimpy cuck all forgiving simp this story is for you., The moment the wife brought her lover to their bed it was over, the total disrespect,trust was all over, still the husband didn't file for divorce, and she lied again still the husband didn't file again, I get it the author is going for raac but this should not have gone that way, he should have filed for divorce, move on and let the wife show genuine remorse and work to regain the trust and love , I bet this story was written by a woman or a wimpy cuck who secretly likes being cuck. All this author's that try to attempt raac always goes for marriage counseling. Cmon get creative for raac. And why do we always get a wimpy cuck husband in all these raac stories, literotica should give category for this type of stories

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Tinman, you have two options. Option one is to ignore the henpecked idiots who insult, threaten and talk tough. Option two is bask in the knowledge that you are an excellent writer much appreciated by normal people.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

As opposed to anon under me, you've 2 options. 1) stop making the husband self guessing himself, take action as needed. I'm not saying the reconciliation was bad, but it took sooo long to get there. He also put up with her lying about things after told what would happen if she lied. She still did, to him & the therapist. In this case, he'd be right to at least ask for a separation, if not the outright divorce.

Option 2) 6 dull pages was not needed. This story could've been told in perhaps 3. Just cut out the repetition & bullshit.

No, I wouldn't call the husband a cuck, but maybe wimpy in his actions. And 2nd guessing his actions beforehand was outrageous. Yes, perhaps paying a bit more attention to his wife. Then of course, his wife could've talked to him more. She felt low because he didn't show her lust? What about the time she's fucking the guy & not showing hubby love? 2 stars Bob

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I love a good reconciliation story, but I think it should be earned. Instead of talking to him about feeling under appreciated she just starts fucking another man. Not just that but she heaps on the disrespect by fucking another man in their marital bed. She even cops an attitude with him while in therapy disrespecting him further. She's comparing mountains to mole hills when he admits to 'lying'. Why does he constantly blame himself for not honoring and protecting her? How can he know there's a problem, and fix it, if she won't communicate. How can he use those things to justify her infidelity--she's the one who voided the contract.

RimmerdalRimmerdal4 months ago

I will not understand writers that have the husband going off on a crying jag after seeing the wife cheating. In person or via video.

These are supposed to be men. The bawling right out of the gate is what women do. So you are writing stories switching the male female roles.

Then y'all pop a reconciliation in where the femmed-male takes the mal-woman back. This is classical in man cheats, woman bawling, takes man back stories.

Thank goodness I can read real men stories by Todd172 and others.

Oh and the Rule is: You never strike a LADY. But once she attacks you, she is not a Lady and the gloves come off.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Had potential but this stupid self guilt business is for the birds. Also, IT IS NOT HIS JOB TO "Make Her Happy ".NO one can do that for another. What he must do is try his best to help his wife get what she needs WHEN SHE COME TO HIM FOR HELP! She never did this. ALL her actions were for her benefit only. He has no reason to trust her, and rationally should ever again. She absolutely disrespected him. Is a moral degenerate. And a liar. She only devastated because her fantasy game was blown up and she's going to be a single mother. She's about her needs and is putting on her dog and pony shoe to pull him back for her benefit and not so much his.

Also, in a situation like this he is morally allowed to lie, fake, deceive and whatever else it takes, to get the facts. One needs to keep in mind that she violated every aspect of her marriage vows.THAT is what makes the marriage. One broken the partner is no longer constrained, morally or ethically, from any act heretofore restricted by the covenant because there is no covenant.

The legal paper is just that. He can screw 5 woman a day and the court could care less.

nixroxnixrox15 days ago

3 stars - and yes, there was way too much 'psychobabble'.

The MC accepted too much responsibility for his own actions, and not nearly enough on the sluts.

He was not faced with a choice - the SLUT made a very bad choice and got away with it this time.

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