Order of Protection Ch. 62-65

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Avenge Me.
9.6k words

Part 13 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/13/2018
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Beta Polina's POV

The pilot who Shura had hired had returned to his home, sending a text message to me saying he never showed up.

I sank into my chair, closing my eyes, my head tilting forward so my long black hair could cover my face. I didn't want anyone to see me break down. I was stronger than this, I could survive this. Shura must have been captured again, and this time they would kill him.

"What's going on, Polina."

I squeezed the arms of my office chair, gathering myself before I answered. "Shura... my mate... he didn't make it to the pickup, Alpha."

"Did they kill Jessie?"

I had to look down so he couldn't see my reaction. I had just been informed my mate was gone, and his only worry was whether Jessie was dead? Was he really that obtuse? For days we had been stuck in this underground bunker, breathing stale air and eating dehydrated food, and for what? I pushed my anger down before I looked at him. "I do not know, Alpha."

"Sir, if I may," one of the technicians said. "We are still getting emails from the Council, and we can access their network. We just got an announcement from them, Alpha." Yuri was staring at him, and he was shaking under the dominance. "They are holding a trial in one hour, broadcast live on the secure server."

"Of my Shura?" I couldn't face that, not now.

"No, Beta. The trial of Alpha Yuri Zubkov."

Yuri's POV

I watched the entire trial in silence, writing down the people who had wronged me. I would not forget, and I would not forgive. I would not only kill them, slowly and painfully, I would kill their families and anyone they cared for in front of them first. I wanted their entire bloodline wiped out.

Traitors, opportunists, turncoats.

The evidence against me was overwhelming. Alpha Sven had recorded the videoconferences with me, both when I originally purchased Jessie's death, and when I needed her body produced. He and Jessie testified how they had used her powers to fake her death, and the payments were from an account that the Russian Police later seized as being mine.

Beta John Pearson and Jessie both testified about the attempt on their lives in Grand Marais, which resulted in the deaths of two Coven leaders and one member of the St. Croix Pack. Killing witches was dangerous; they were human, and the Council had treaties with them to keep the peace. Miriam's coven was demanding reparations for her death.

Finally, they got to the recent events. Luna Linnea testified about her captivity and the loss of her guards. Captured rogues and warriors all confirmed that Beta Shura had hired them, made the plans and gave the orders to attack the Vermillion Pack. Even Alpha Michael made an appearance by video, his deathbed confession about his conversation with me proving my direct involvement. He looked like hell, and he died shortly after, his mate choosing to die with him.

The only person who didn't testify against me in a bid to save their life or have a quick death was Beta Shura. He was nowhere to be found.

In the end, the combined jury of the European and North American councils reached a unanimous guilty verdict and returned a sentence of death for Beta Shura and myself. I was now wanted by the Russian Police, the Councils and the Sicilian Mob.

Fuck them all.

I finished the bottle of vodka and went back to the small room that was my own, falling asleep almost immediately.

Beta John's POV

He took the whole thing better than I thought; when he asked for the phone, I was surprised. A man who was second in command to a feared Mafia boss and Alpha, willing to give him up to save himself and his mate. I just nodded and moved the plank, so he was head up instead of head down.

I grabbed his cellphone from the table, the one we recovered from his car, and put it in my pocket. "Guards," I said loud enough for them to hear outside. Two men entered, once carrying a cattle prod and a stun gun, while the other had a long stick with needle and autoinjector. "Watch him while I uncuff his hand." I pulled the key out of my pocked, unlocking the shackle. "Do the right thing, Shura," I told him.

He took his phone out and dialed a number he had memorized. He smiled as he heard her voice. "Is it really you?"

"Yes, my love. I've been captured, they want me to ask you to turn yourself in, and make sure Yuri is captured and faces the Russian justice system."

She paused. "What do you want, my mate?"

"Avenge me," he said before I knocked the phone out of his hand. It smashed against the wall, breaking into pieces. He swung his hand towards my face, but I jumped out of the way just before the cattle prod hit his chest. He couldn't scream, he couldn't move as the electricity coursed through his body. When it was done, two of us forced his arm back down and put the shackle back on.

"You know, I'm kind of glad you didn't play ball," I said. "There are a whole bunch of people who want a piece of your ass before you die." One of the guards pulled out a gag and tied it around his mouth, we didn't want or need to hear anything from him again. He had his chance.

I called more men in, and we took hold of the plank and carried him out. He struggled and tried to curse, but we couldn't make out the muffled Russian and we didn't care. Out of the interrogation room, and into the big building with the dirt floor that Jessie and I had been brought to all those weeks ago. The place was packed, filled with members of over a dozen Packs and two Councils. We carried him to the punishment pole, set deep in concrete and surrounded by gravel, and tied the plank upright so he was facing the crowd. "He refused to cooperate," I said as I bowed to the Council Chairs.

"Very well," Robert said. "Beta Shura, you have been found guilty of attempted murder, recruiting rogues, kidnapping and attacking a sovereign Pack. Your sentence is death." There was a cheer in the crowd. "Due to the number of people killed or injured, your death will not be quick or painless. Those left behind and those hurt by your actions have been given the option of participating in your death. Those with the greatest hurt, they will hurt you first. As the Alpha of the attacked Pack, Alpha Sven will end you." He looked over the crowd. "My Enforcers will monitor his condition to ensure that he doesn't die too quickly. Have consideration in your choices to allow everyone a chance."

He tried to yell and struggle, but he wasn't going anywhere. A line formed to his right, and three objects were placed on a table at the front of the line.

An aluminum baseball bat.

A Marine combat knife.

A propane torch.

The next two hours must have been agony for him; the people got their pound of flesh and then some. When he was hanging there, almost every bone broken, cuts and burns everywhere, the enforcers said something, and Alpha Sven was called forward to finish his sentence.

It would have been merciful to slit his throat, even to bash his head in with the bat, but Yuri's one remaining eye got wide when Sven picked up the blowtorch. Starting it up, he adjusted the flame until it was as long as his hand. He walked in front of Shura, holding the flame between them. "You took my mate, you killed my people, and the last thing you will ever see is me." Turning the flame towards him, he grabbed his hair to hold him in place while the flame advanced. He screamed as it burned through his eye, and he kept going, pushing the flame into his skull, until he was dead.

Letting his hair go, he turned off the torch and tossed it aside. "Bury him deep, where no one can find him," he told his guards. "We're done here."

Polina's POV

I was up late, unable to sleep. The techs were on shifts, one was still up monitoring traffic, while the others were sleeping. I was searching the internet for information on the search for us when I felt my emergency phone vibrate. A pay-as-you-go phone that had never been used, only Shura knew the number. I looked over at the tech, he had headphones on, and I closed the door between us. Answering the phone with a smile, I recognized the number. "Is it really you?"

"Yes, my love. I've been captured, they want me to ask you to turn yourself in, and make sure Yuri is captured and faces the Russian justice system."

I was shocked, he was talking about surrender, about betraying our Pack and our Alpha. "What do you want, my mate?"

"Avenge me," he said, then the phone went dead. I was shaking, I had to set the phone down, hoping he would call back but knowing he would not. He had been captured, and he was going to die.

I was thinking about what to do next when the Council broadcast went live again, this time with my mate chained to the pole. I listened as he was sentenced to death, and the line formed.

I couldn't watch.

I couldn't stay here.

Yuri would never give up, and I would die here if I stayed. My mate was gone, and the only thing I had left in my life was to do what he had asked- to avenge his death.

Death I could do.

I opened the cabinet, withdrawing the syringes and the drugs I would need. Loading the four, I walked through the door and into the computer room. The tech didn't even turn around before the needle was in his neck. Death was instantaneous, the wolfsbane stopping him from using the link, the potassium chloride stopping his heart. I took the next two, stepping into the bunk room and injecting the remaining techs while they slept.

Stepping back out, I there was only one other heartbeat left. I couldn't kill him, that would be doing their work for them. I couldn't let him stop me, though. The last syringe was filled with a mix of wolfsbane and propofol, a powerful sedative. I opened the door to his sleeping room, the smell of vodka and sweat overwhelming my senses. "Alpha," I said as he woke up and looked at me, "You need to see this."

I stepped aside, and he pushed himself up to a sitting position then got out of bed. He walked past me, his eyes on Shura as he suffered for what Yuri had told him to do.

I stuck the needle in his neck and injected the mixture in.

He turned to me, betrayal in his eyes as the sedative took effect. His mouth opened in a scream that never came, as his wolf was taken from him right before his eyes rolled back and he hit the ground.

Ch. 63

Jessie's POV

I was exhausted still, not having fully recovered from my magic use. It was all I could do to give my testimony at the trial and stay awake for Yuri and Shura's sentencing.

Guilty. Sentenced to death.

John had been given a chance to work a deal with Shura, and as I finished my lunch I hoped he could. Werewolf justice was harsh and immediate; our wolves understood that threats had to be eliminated, and we couldn't risk someone getting out of jail and repeating their crimes. I was picking at the sprinkles in my bowl of ice cream when John's voice came over the Pack Bond. "Shura wouldn't cooperate, I'm bringing him to the punishment pole."

"All adult members of all Packs are to report to the Shed immediately to witness the execution of Beta Shura," Stan's voice told our Pack, a message the other Alphas repeated to their own. The dining hall quickly cleared, and I dumped my remaining dessert in the bin as I followed the crowd out and to the building where I had 'died' weeks ago. I found Alpha Stan at the front of a section of bleachers, Pack members with him. He waved me over, and I sat next to him. "Has John told you what happens now?"

"No, he was busy with Shura."

Stan nodded. "The Council will pronounce the sentence, and in our justice system the ones wronged get to participate in the punishment if they wish. That line over there," he pointed to the people waiting to sign up on a list, "is for the order. Those who lost a mate get highest priority, then those who lost immediate family, then those injured, finally those who lost a friend." I shook my head, there were forty people in line already. "If the person cooperates, we can give them a quick, painless death with those people watching. If not, we draw it out so every person on the list has their chance."

"Are you doing it?"

"I have family members here, I don't want to take away from them. I do need to ask you if you want a turn. Yuri tried to kill you three times, and Shura was his point man."

I asked my wolf, she wanted to see him die but knew my human side wasn't ready. All this was new to me, a few months ago I was a college student working at a bar and supporting my mother. "I... I don't think I can do this," I said. "I'm still having trouble dealing with the men I killed in Grand Marais, much less the ones I killed in battle. Magic is a tricky thing; if your heart does not stay pure, your magic shifts to the dark kind and eventually your soul is lost too." I closed my eyes and took a breath to calm myself. "Miriam explained to me that sometimes even a good person has to fight, to kill, but a white witch does not harm except in self defense or defense of others."

"I understand," Stan said. "No one will think less of you for not participating, we all know you are new to this life."

"Thank you," I said as I relaxed. He put his arm around me, pulling me into a side hug. It felt good, he was my Alpha since my wolf claimed John, and I felt protected with my mate busy elsewhere.

"You did well out there, Jessie. I'm proud of you, we all are. Without you, it might have been a different outcome, and a lot more of us would be dead." I looked up at him, tears starting to form in my eyes. "But John is right, you can't just fly off like that on your own. You have a Pack, a Mate for a reason, we're a team."

"I found our people and joined them," I said. "And it's not like John can fly."

He laughed. "Maybe not, but have you thought about giving him that ability?" The thought had never occurred to me; I received all that power from other witches, but powers could be transferred willingly, not just collected after death. I didn't know how, though. "They're bringing him in now."

I smiled as I saw my mate, strong and healthy, as they carried Shura in on a large piece of wood and fixed him in place. John walked to stand in front of the Council members. "He refused to cooperate," he said.

"Very well," Robert answered. "Beta Shura, you have been found guilty of attempted murder, recruiting rogues, kidnapping and attacking a sovereign Pack. Your sentence is death." My stomach started to roll, I wasn't feeling good at all. "Due to the number of people killed or injured, your death will not be quick or painless. Those left behind and those hurt by your actions have been given the option of participating in your death. Those with the greatest hurt, they will hurt you first. As the Alpha of the attacked Pack, Alpha Sven will end you."

I couldn't take any more. I got up and ran out of the room, ignoring the concerned looks from the others. I burst through the door into the sun, barely making it to the woods before threw up my lunch. I was still retching when I felt my hair being pulled back, and my mate's hand on my back. "It's all right," he said. "It takes some getting used to."

"I don't want to get used to it." I spit the rest onto the ground and stood up, taking the bottle of water from his hand. I rinsed out my mouth and spit it into the bushes. I looked up at him, he eyes were full of love and concern for me. "I don't feel so good."

"Come on," he said as he took my hand. "Let's go take a nap." That sounded wonderful, and I clung to his side as we walked back to the Pack House. My hearing couldn't block the muffled screams or the cheers as the punishment was carried out, and I sighed in relief when the door closed, and it was quiet again. We walked in silence back to the guest room we had been given, and he locked the door behind us.

"I need to brush my teeth," I said, embarrassed at having run out to throw up in front of everyone from the lowest Omega to the Council Chairs.

"I'll get the shower ready." I stood at the sink, watching in the mirror as he stripped and got into the large shower. As soon as my teeth were done, I pulled my dress off and removed my underwear, tossing them into a basket for later. The steam billowed out as I opened the door. My breath caught as he turned to me, his body was so strong, so manly, it made me feel all tingly and warm just to see him.

His wolf was forward, his eyes black as he pulled me close and I stepped under the water. His hands captured my head as he pulled me into a kiss; I felt it from my lips to my toes as my arms wrapped around his neck. We stood there, our bodies pressing together, just enjoying the moment we had until he finally broke the kiss. "I want to do so many things right now, but you need to rest," he said as he reached for the shampoo.

"I can do something," I said as my hand moved down to encircle him, he was hard and hot against me.

"Let me take care of you first," he said. I got my hair wet, and he worked the shampoo in after I turned my back to him. My wolf loved the attention, his fingers felt so good as they massaged my scalp, and all too soon he was rinsing it out. He got the soap and a washcloth and did my back down to my legs before turning me around.

The shoulders and arms went quick, but he lingered at the breasts, causing me to laugh. "I'm pretty sure they are clean by now, and they're sensitive," I said. He cupped them, leaning down to kiss them and suck lightly on the nipples. That sent a jolt straight to my sex.

"I'll be the one who decides when they are clean enough," he said with a smirk. He continued to nibble and suck on them while the washcloth moved to my stomach and lower. He knelt before me, moving to do my legs and feet, when he suddenly stilled. His eyes widened, and his face pressed to my sex as he took a deep sniff. "Baby?"

"Yes love?"

"No, I'm pretty sure it's a baby." He stood up, pulling me into his arms and kissing me deep again. "Your scent has changed, I think you're pregnant."

Pregnant? Me? "Are you sure?"

"We can see the Pack Doctor after your nap," he said. He rinsed me off, then I helped clean him before we exited the shower into the steamy bathroom together. We dried off, then opened the door and walked naked together to the bed. "We haven't talked about this," he said hesitantly. "Your wolf is telling me how she feels, but how do you feel?"

"I'm in shock," I said. "I guess... there's so much going on now, I wasn't thinking of family right now." He had shifted down in the bed, his head on my thigh, his hand on my belly.

"I love you, Jessie. You'll be a wonderful mother, just like you are an amazing mate. I'm so happy right now I could burst."

"That's how you got me pregnant," I said seriously, then we both busted up laughing. I put my hands over his on my belly. "We're going to be parents," I said softly.

He moved back up, pulling the covers with him. "We are." He kissed me and pulled me into his side. "Now let's take a nap as a family." I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder, finding sleep moments later.

Beta Polina's POV

I had to kill his wolf, I had to break his Alpha bond with me or I wouldn't be able to do what I did next. The bond shifted to his mate Natasha, but my wolf was more dominant than her and easily broke that bond as well. His son Anatoly was only five, his wolf was not out yet, and I wouldn't bond to him. I pulled the chain free from around his neck, the keys jingling at the other end.

I was free.

I had to sterilize this place first. The servers contained all the information on his Pack and his illegal operations, everything that I couldn't allow to be discovered.

I knew my mate would have been involved in all kinds of things, but I always protected myself. I rarely left our Pack offices unless it was to kill someone, and then I only took orders from Shura or over the link from Yuri. Never was I in the room planning something, never involved in the discussions. I was always the one dealing with Pack issues, education, maintaining the properties, all the things a good Beta female would do. It worked well, because Natasha was the perfect Luna, all about the Pack and the children. In the public eyes and of the Pack, I was not part of the Russian Mob.