All Comments on 'Our Two Girls'

by Britease

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mallahmallahover 13 years ago
A lawsuit perhaps?

While things worked out, it would have been nice to have a lawsuit against Cloe and her parents for the snip. I mean just the idea to have that done while at such a young age makes me cringe. I seriously don't think-no matter how much I was in love-could do it. Still a nice story. Nina's giving up her daughter was unexpected, but pleasing. I do have to ask though are all doctors who do the snipping that inept? I would think in this day and age with microsurgery the process could have been reversed? Oh Well!

RHinSCRHinSCover 13 years ago
You write well

Thats the only good thing I can say. This is fucked up on so many different levels that I do not know where to start. Did you invent this as you went along? I am flabbergasted. Since I cannot find a place to start, I won't.

BriteaseBriteaseover 13 years agoAuthor
Thank you Mallah

But I did go out of my way to point out that this all happened a long time ago!!!!

thefranzthefranzover 13 years ago
You really kicked your guy around some...

Well written as usual, and what a rollercoaster ride for David. In hindsight it is also very well constructed. You even got the "mixed race daughter problem" sorted and tied it up nicely. Thanks for this story!

HammerlaneHammerlaneover 13 years ago

Had to wait for nearly the last page to get the point of the title (great!). This poor bloke had a lot of steel in his backbone - lesser men would have thrown themselves off the nearest high roof! Usual complaint though- please put your private life to one side for as long as it takes and get some more stories out.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 13 years ago
This story was actually difficult

for me to read as my emotions kept flaring up. How can a guy get so screwed over so often and not commit a major crime? That means that by one barometer I use to gauge a story, this one was exceptional as I was pissed off most of the way through it. The ending helped some, but it will take me a while to get over it. I have no idea how the husband ever could! The story was entertaining and got the juices flowing! That's for certain.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 13 years ago
what IS it with Brits and super wimps ?

its not a bad story but with you britease it is ALWAYS the same thing. ALL you ever do is shit on the husbands.

and shit.

and shit.

and shit.

Doing stories like this are great everyone once in a while but when EVERY story is EXACTLY the same readers begin to wonder if you have some sort of mental or sexual defect.

maybe you wish you were gay?

RehnquistRehnquistover 13 years ago
Very Original

I have little doubt you will be bashed for making the poor protagonist a hide-your-head-in-the-sand wimp who allowed Nina to screw around on him. I anticipate those that will seek Cloe's--and her mother's--head on a platter. In my opinion, they miss the point.

The point here was a poor, romantic chap who did the right thing marrying when he got Cloe pregnant. Then, when the second pregnancy damned near killed her--just as the first--he did the right thing by getting snipped. When he found out he wasn't the father, he ended the marriage, but still did the right thing by keeping the three, innocent children in his life.

Second marriage started perfect, and he did the right thing by being up front about his vasectomy. Then, because we men rarely appreciate the true strength of maternal urges, he took the only avenue open to him and Nina when their failure to procreate was destroying an otherwise perfect marriage. The perfect solution? No. Was Nina's subsequent behavior entirely predictable? Yes. And when David found out about the depth of her betrayal, he still sucked it up to keep an otherwise perfect marriage. Would she have done it again, though? Undoubtedly. Would the marriage have ultimately survived even if she hadn't been wavering on leaving him for Gregory? Of course not.

Still, I don't think that was the point here. I think Britease has shown us a man who, more than anything, wanted to be happily married to a woman he loved and to a woman who, in turn, loved him. Would I have made these choices? Never. But David's choices don't come out of left field. They are not man-hating choices. Conversely, they are not woman-hating choices. They are the shitty choices David faced after Cloe's original betrayal.

Sure, we all saw the ending coming. After all, Milkie was the only true love of his life. Nice tie in with the second daughter, though. And an ultimately happy story about how someone went through hell to finally find his own little piece of heaven.

Five stars.

P.S. Every time I read a story by Britease or Denholm Forrest, I find myself wishing I'd been born British so I could write with such calm, flippant ease and use great words like preggers!

Raptor5Raptor5over 13 years ago

Are all the English men wimps. I guess so The Queen had Andrew by another man. A little long and tiresome in the reading. Just about all the women played around and had kids by someone else. No wonder England is so screwed up. No knows who their real father is.

grogers7grogers7over 13 years ago
Excellent, and Dittos...

to Harddaysknight and Rehnquist.

There is a point of female ego that I do not see argued here nor in other stories: The infertile male is accused of allowing his selfish male ego stand in the way of the woman being able to be a natural mother. The woman is not accused of allowing her selfish female ego to burden the man for the rest of his life.

RePhilRePhilover 13 years ago
Good story but a stretch for sure

Guess it's just really hard to relate to such charator traits as the husband exhibited. He was extremely flexible and plyable for a male. Obviously he was in close contact to his female side. The close off was bit fanciful but good

curioussscuriousssover 13 years ago
What Rehnquist said...

...and I would have said bloody preggers.

OldHidekiOldHidekiover 13 years ago
Good Ending

The story was well written and full of emotion. You will get slammed by the critics with hard-ons for revenge, but a better revenge is a life without bitterness. Each cheater was cast off, and the woman he did really fall in love with, was his life partner in the end. Well Done!

PostScriptorPostScriptorover 13 years ago
Well done... as usual!

Well written, and enjoyable FICTION (note, remember and repeat all of you commentators: this is a work of fiction.) Actually, the most curious thing in the story is: if wife #2 wanted to have a baby so much, why then when it was born was she so willing to take off and leave the baby behind? On the other hand, in so many stories where women do everything in their power to keep their ex away from the children, in this story he ended up with the daughter without a struggle.<p><br>

To be honest, though, none of the characters were terribly admirable. Our hero was clearly drawn to something in his women that was flawed. Neither of his first two could have loved him (I know, number one admits that she didn't, although there is an implication that she had grown to love him — at least a little). And wife number two, with her 'baby no matter the cost' didn't love him enough that she wasn't willing to place their marriage in great risk to have her way. And, yes, our hero is a weak personality who is led by the nose of every woman in his life (even more than most of us, which is saying something!)<p><br>

But, regardless, a fine read in a space that has been suffering recently from a paucity of good stories.

curioussscuriousssover 13 years ago

I assume this would be the ditty to which you were referring -

There was a young man from Kent

Whose prick was exceedingly bent

To save himself trouble

he put it in double

and instead of coming he went

- I remember it being funny when I first heard it LV11 (give or take a 1 or 11) years ago in the playground/recess park and it's still an amusing little observation in the story's context.

As per my earlier comment, I liked the story but Rehnquist said everything I thought so much better so I just agreed with his summation.

BriteaseBriteaseover 13 years agoAuthor
Well done currious s (spelt that wrong!)

Three brownie points to you. Glad to see this one is getting people worked up a bit. Thanks to those who have left comments so far.

cloacascloacasover 13 years ago
Silly cow stories

Your particular niche has become silly cow stories. They usually involve women acting as silly cows but occasionally the cow is a male, call it silly steer stories. They're kind of fun but they all depend on a degree of silliness, meaning a degree of incomprehension. You should try another approach to keep it fresh.

rooster1rooster1over 13 years ago
Family ???

I see a guy here who as long as his mother is alive he needs no additional enemies as she who should always have her sons best interest at heart never once was at his side she took the side of everyone but him so much so that it makes you wonder why she hated her own son so deeply.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 13 years ago
Rehnquist... come on dude... geta clue.....

Your assessment of the story would have more merit and probably more accurate if this was a very first story that this particular author had written. But that is NOT the case here.

This is why I can't believe that someone with your insight and writing skill could be sooooo OFF off the mark with regard to this author and his deep sexual perversion and twisted grasp of reality which is common in every one of his stories.

The reason why the husband's choices in the second marriage don't work within the story because of the choices he made and what happened in the first marriage.

Given what happened to David in the first marriage the author never gets around to explaining WHY he would suck it up and stick it out for the second marriage.

The indepth analysis that you made regarding what the Britease was TRYING to show... as you stated ... "I think Britease has shown us a man who, more than anything, wanted to be happily married to a woman he loved and to a woman who, in turn, loved him..." is well quite frankly fucking absurd. Its laughable.

I am certain as I can be about anything that this author is sitting back in his basement reading on this computer your in-depth analysis of this story and laughing his ass off. This is nothing but a glorified wimp story. **** As with almost every one of this offers stories the main character actions are in total contradiction to the premise that Britease setup. ***

In the end Britease is staying up late at night.... with his pants down his hand on his dick.... jerking himself off at a furious pace while he enjoys his own male humiliation story .

Scarecrow51Scarecrow51over 13 years ago
My big question is

Why did his first wife not have the operation as it was her health that was affected? She could then have just played around all she wanted to and he would have been none the wiser for it. Of course then there would not have been any story to write.

Average_WriterAverage_Writerover 13 years ago

Just to answer the statement that all British men are like this male character? I can

safely say I dont know anyone like this male character. As for the story? It was a Britease story. What else did readers expect?

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 13 years ago
I would be guessing, but.......

There was a young fellow of Kent

Whose prick was so long it was bent,

So to save himself trouble

He put it in double,

And instead of coming he went

Risq_001Risq_001over 13 years ago
I tried. ..... I swear I really did......

I tried, and please, I'm not trying to be a dick here, but this wasn't your best story by a long shot.

It was like reading a story about a group of mentally challenged people who really didn't know enough to come in out of the rain. I had another analogy, but I decided the reference to someone beating puppies would be out of taste.

I mean you have as a cast (just a few mind you):

- A mother who's so *determined* to have a grand child at all cost that she repeatedly sells out her son to every woman she believes will give her one. I can't believe a single mother would be so "desperate" for a child she would try and get her son to repeatedly accept adultery by his wives just so she could have a grandchild. And his father at times lets her just so *he* can gets some peace.

- A husband (David) who not only, get a vasectomy before 21, but also isn't smart enough to come in out of the rain and actually lets his wife cheat on him to make her happy, and then acts surprised she's still doing.

But the child in question, responsible for the destruction of two marriage he then raises as his own, much to his screwed up mothers delight. But this fact makes it a happy ending????

- Two cheating ex-wives. Not one but two and both of them screwed him over hard. Very hard!

- A best friend who marries one of those same cheating wives, but he picks the one who cheated the most.

Yet even after he finds out that not only did his friends former wife cheat on her husband with two different men, bring three children into the world by two different fathers, but he knew she also convinced him to get an irreversible surgery without it once bothering her conscious that she still hadn't quit cheating on her husband knowing she could still get pregnant.

But his "best friend" couldn't be bother to think about any of those *little* details because she was the "prettiest girl he had ever met" and so she was worth the chance?


Just how desperate was that best friend for someone to marry him? And just how ugly was he?

- Two ex-inlaw's who set him up to be a cuckold because he was the only "single" man she was dating, helped talk him into this life changing surgery, and *his* parents did an "oh well" when it came out????

I could go on, but I'm sorry this really wasn't that good.

The pickings were slim today and when I saw your name jumped on this because I was finally hoping for a good read, but I was really disappointed in this story.

I know you wanted to make it an early era, "I made mistakes because I was a youth" story, but with parents, in-law's, wives, ex-wives, relatives, and co-workers equally this "Aw shucks I made a small mistake" stupid, it totally destroyed your story for me.



BriteaseBriteaseover 13 years agoAuthor
So seriousI despair sometimes with you lot.

Not all of you of course, but by golly there are some of you out there that are so damn up your own arseholes that i wonder how you manage to even read a story.

It's fiction for Christ sake! But so many of you can't seem to make the distinction between that and a story. Thanks to everyone however, but especially those who can detect some aspect of what life is really about. By the way, I'm sorry, I'm not sitting there in some dark basement at the moment as someone suggested, but sitting behind my bar and restaurant, and entertaining the crowd who have playing in a competition on MY golf course today. yes, I played, but I didn't win. wouldn't be approriate to beat the customers. Actually, I'm not good enough, but if you want to try me at tennis though???

Sorry, just me blowing off. Hope you enjoy my stories as much as I enjoy writing them. love you all! ---- Nearly!

Mongo837Mongo837over 13 years ago

This will be the last story I read of yours . It was horrible , I guess your idea of happy endings are very different than most mens . All I could see is another spineless limey cuck with another evil plotting limey slut . Every ounce of dialog was so very dry and clinical . Do you people really speak to each other with such little emotion ? , especially with this subject ? Seven pages was way too long for what the story had to say , really it was . Then you had to throw in the black card , as if the story wasn't bad enough . Your obviously a talented writer , but more realistic ( for most people ) emotions , give some life to the characters ( god they are dry !!!! ) and give the man a backbone for god's sake !!!! There are plenty of women out there as you well know that DON'T want to have kids . He could have kicked her ass to the curb and found one . But no , he just simply ( and I say simply as he made no real attempt to do much about it ) rolled over and let her fuck him in the ass ( several times ) People criticize Winterfrog for his dry clinical writing but he has an excuse , he's SCANDINAVIAN and his stories are just translated to english . But I like his work because his men have a backbone and do something when wronged . Your english and write in english but your writing is so dry and lifeless ( if this is an example )I will not read other stories of yours .

RehnquistRehnquistover 13 years ago
But Harry . . .

Not all of Britease's stories are about spineless British wimps. To the contrary, I went through is list and found more than a few "toss the bitch to the curb" stories in the list. And in those, the guy tossed her to the curb after the first proof positive infidelity. Don't believe me? Read "American Dream," "Conversations Doing Time," "Fifty Pound Friend," and "I'm Just Going Off for A Bit."

I will grant you that the husband's actions in the second marriage weren't totally consistent. Yet, you forget he thought she'd only done it the one time, and he couldn't handle the emotional stress of that despite his agreement. When he found out she'd done it longer, then the problems started again in a big way. And, like I said, I'd have thrown her to the curb without a second glance by then.

Either way, it seems most of the comments simply don't like the breezy, lighthearted tone Britease uses when writing about such incredible betrayals. Harddaysknight is frequently, though not nearly as bombasticly, put down for his similar use of wry humor (and I agree HDK's characters don't usually put up with as much shit). Still, whether you hated the main character here or not, are you really saying this didn't invoke great emotion, even if only pissed off anger or disgust?

I'll say it again: Anyone can write a "caught the bitch cheating, not I'll use my judo/special ops/secret ninja powers to beat the boyfriend and leave her high and dry without nary a penny or time with the kids" story. There are tons of those on this site, and some of them are well done. I just don't like reading the same shit every time, and Britease guarantees I won't have to.

P.S. That doesn't mean I can stomach the plots of the hardcore cuckolding stories. Sorry BobnBobbi and LynnGKS!

bruce22bruce22over 13 years ago
It was simultaneously a bloodboiler and an amusing story

In the end he is happy and has a beautiful wife and two loving daughters. What more could a guy want from life. The English have a love for talking about rough moments in an unemotional way. I can not understand why those who dislike the style bother to read stories written by them. Everything that Rehnquist said is spot on. I admit that I considered the story a farce and enjoyed it.

AgenaAgenaover 13 years ago

A great story; well written and entertaining.

RHinSCRHinSCover 13 years ago
Tkank you Risq 001

I knew someone would say it. I think everyone knows it is a story, Britease. I understand the story, the British humor too. When you bring out emotions in your readers they say you have done your job. I don't know. Sometimes a pile is just a pile.

woodmanonewoodmanoneover 13 years ago
Job Well Done Sir

Your tale is well written with a good flow and fleshed out characters. Even though I didn't like some of them or how they acted or reacted. It's as you say, it's just a story.

Not the usual torch the bitch or wimp type of story and is entertaining for just that reason. I don't have to agree with the character's actions to enjoy the hard work and talent that has gone into this story.

Thanks for your hard work and keep them coming. If for no other reason than to piss off some of the naysayers.

ChagrinedChagrinedover 13 years ago
Well done!

Not much more I can say than that. It did evoke emotions and suspended my disbelief. I can't say I totally understood it though; but I lived for years in GB (yeah! Felixstowe, and Ipswich and the ever popular vacation spot -Martlesham!) and still never developed an understanding of the British mentality.

But it was well written and good flow, more realistic in someways. I could easily identify with the mother having had a mother-in-law like that.

Can't wait to see the next tale he spins.



AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
'Limey wimp' ? Why?

He rid himself of both worthles wives, didn't he? We only live once, so why fritter away our short time by wasting it on angst-ridden revenge that will do nothing to improve your future prospects? Prozac was not invented with massive British sales in mind.

Americans obviously have a different mindset from us, I accept that, but many who comment here - a self-selecting group, I suspect - do their country's image no good by creating the impression they are all right-wing uberchauvenists and paid-up members of the NRA. they never seem happy unless a Loving Wives story ends in a vengeancefest, and the more violent and hate-filled the better.

Most of us prefer to just write things off to experience and move on to the rest of our lives.

However, two things always bemuse me :

1. Comments that appear to treat the stories as real, or even biographical, giving insights into the author's own life. They would undoubtedly psychoanalyse Shakespeare to have been a hard-drinking playboy wizard who killed his rivals.

2. Comments that seem to think they have the right to tell the rest of us, often insultingly, how we are supposed to think and behave (and sometimes spell) just because we have a different approach to life that isn't centred on macho hatred and revenge.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 13 years ago
I agree with Risq

Story is perhaps mildly entertaining but the plot has some serious flaws which Risq pointed out. The doctor who snipped a 21-year old should lose his license, although our worthy protagonist and, for that matter, his mum are so dumb that perhaps the race is better off if he doesn't reproduce. Maybe the doctor was right.

Mongo837Mongo837over 13 years ago
reply to anny

American history was forged from violence , Im not saying we approve of it but when push comes to shove we dont shrink either . From what I understand and read , the Muslim population of the UK will outnumber the English in less than 20 years . Muslims and violence go hand in hand . All I can say to a population that is unaccustomed to that is ...GOOD LUCK BOYS !!!!!! Your in for some changes lol .

chytownchytownover 13 years ago
Well written.

Just too long and boring. No one can be that unlucky in one life time. Unless of they are in one of your stories. I have read some of your works and some are very entertaining, but when you get a roll on damn you are long winded. Keep them coming even long winded you are better than 80% of the others. "Thanks For The Story"

cageyteecageyteeover 13 years ago
Thank you!

I enjoyed that read very, very much.

ohioohioover 13 years ago
Not that

I don't agree with some commenters--in particular that our hero was dumb as a post--but I still found it one of your best stories. Like HDK, I got very stirred-up during the reading of it, as one box of shit after another got dumped on the poor guy's head (many of them of his own devising, more or less).

By the way, hasn't anyone on Loving Wives ever heard of artificial insemination? I don't mean the expensive laboratory kind, either. I mean "get a friend to jerk off into a cup for you and hand your wife a turkey baster."

But then again, we would be without enjoyable stories like this one, so I'll sigh and suspend my disbelief....

Thanks, ohio

skipperrskipperrover 13 years ago
Good writing, as usual

I really enjoy your stories, and this one was well-written, as usual. I do enjoy a happy ending, even when it is as easy to see coming as this one was, as long as the set-up for it is good, as this one was. All that being said, the whole premise for the middle part of this story is so idiotic, that it was all I could do to just skim through it. Perhaps situations like this happen in real life, but they would be too stupid to read about. I'm not sure his mother is any better than Cloe's mother was. Cloe's mother pushes her daughter to have sex with her boyfriend, and his mother pushes him to allow his wife to have sex with others, just so she can have a grandchild? Yuck!! I look forward to reading your next story, but this one will definitely not be among my favorites. I think I will go back and reread some of your older stories just to remember why I like your writing so much.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 13 years ago
ohio DUDE you are NOT getting this at all

Yes we all agree that one box of shit get dropped on David's head after another. That is the fcuking point....

the point is that David is the stupdiest Human since George Bush 43. No matter how many times the wife Breaks the agreement David NEVER learns.


Harryin VAHarryin VAover 13 years ago
Rehnquist... so the story evokes great emotion? who gives a fuck?

is that the basis of you or anyone thinking a story is good? Excuse me while a I got vomit.

sure emotion is a part of it. Burt this story is filled with Mindless dumb cliches. Its Predictable as all hell.

ON page 2 the Husband's desperate Mother KNOWING what the 1st wife did to him emotionally... KNOWING how e 1st wife's lied and manipulated him to get a vasectomy that was not needed... says to her own son....

"Don't let your male ego wreck your marriage." frankly its offensive.

David is stunned to learn his Mom and Nina have been talking his back to get him to relent and her get pregnant by fucking another man. David of course is enraged and a big fight results between Nina and David.

Nina scream out that she will fuck anyone she wants to.

The PREMISE is that Nina has sex with another man to get pregnant. Nina SCREMAING out that she is going to fuck anyone shew ants to SHOULD of been a warning flag.

So of course DAVID apologizes to Nina?????

It is insidious. and VERY cliche.

Nina is using her emotional hold over David and their MUTUAL concern that no one else knows the baby isnt his... as way to Blackmail David into accepting ANY action by her.

what does flirting with Gregory and feeling each other up have to do with getting Pregnant? .......David accepts it

Then Nina changes the rules. It was suppose to be one time then no more right? Opps Gregory is wearing a condemn. They have another fight and Guess what!!!! David apologizes AGAIN to Nina.

The wife changes the Rules again. Now she wears a dress she was suppose wear ONLY for David but is now wearing Gregory. Showing David the dress for 20 seconds is meaningless. Thats OK David as the cliche dictates is too stupid to know.

THEN for some reason David thinks its over.

The issue isnt talked about for 3 or 4 months and David a guy who had already gotten fucked over by his 1st wife and kids... who has been lied to repeatedly by Nina at every step is STUNNED to learn Nina has by seeing Gregory.... with a bigger cock More $$$ and better looking... for 3-4 months several times a week.

and of course when this happens... does David tells his own Mother? well what does THE CLICHE say? NO and so of course David doesnt.

lastly accepting that stupid little bastard Black baby girl is a joke. It is the ultimate in cliche. Every day David is going to be reminded what a fucking schmuck and Idiot he truly is.

Even worse every woman that he gets serious with...once she learns of what he did... how he gotten taken is going to Hurt David again and again.

Frankly David SHOULD get a sex change operation. At least that way when everyone finds out what a Pussy he is he would get fucked over.

saw_man1saw_man1over 13 years ago


I hate to burst your over inflated bubble but David is not human. He is a fictional character. He doesn't really exist.

You seem to have a difficult time separating fact from fiction. Have you considered therapy?

bigchefwaynebigchefwayneover 13 years ago
Saw-Man is Right

Harry's connection to reality is tenuous at best. Respected authors such as HDK, Ohio and Britease's opinions are irrelevant to his opinions because he is such a great author. The only problem is that he is too busy puffing himself up to ever write anything. Those that can write do write; those that cannot criticize. Harry's body of work on this site is zero. Mine is the same - the difference being that I try to encourage those who share their works with us and Harry seems to have two goals: (1) Attack and tear down the stories of those who can and do write and (2) Continue to inflate his already overinflated ego.

Britease, thank you for one more story that is worth reading more than once. I have enjoyed your work and look forward to more stories from you.

guitarman100guitarman100over 13 years ago
Enjoyable read!

Overall a very entertaining tale. You made your characters have depth and the main character(victim) was likeable enough that I felt empathy with him. The only thing that bothered me a little was the lack of logic in the first part of the story with the first wife. I didn't understand why the mother in law would jump on him for making her daughter go through an uncomftorable birth experience when she knew he wasn't the one making her pregnant. And for god's sake why would they want him to get a vasectomy when if she got pregnant from one of her other lovers then it would be apparent that she cheated? That just didn't make sense and of course was the premise for the entire rest of the story. And as others pointed out, why he didn't sue his first wife's family for complicity in taking away his future birthing abilities is beyond me! But as I said this didn't stop me from enjoying the story and it was a good read.

zed0zed0over 13 years ago
Just Plain Stupid

You are propagating stereo types, and should refrain from portraying Brits as wimps and liars. Liars? You promised a happy ending and you lied! I think this ties with Gary APB for second longest wimp story. I think she is from Brittan also. I guess all you English girls think alike.

BriteaseBriteaseover 13 years agoAuthor
Interesting set of comments

I'm so disappointed in you Harry. I thought you loved me, I really did. I had no idea why you continue to read my stories if you detest them so much, till the truth finally occurred to me. You love being a miserable old sod and getting upset, don't you. YES, that's it! I'm so happy now. Harry does love me after all. XXXXX

To Renquist, Ohio, Woodmanone and the others ---- Thanks!

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 13 years ago
Having survived the reading of this feeling like....

....I just ran the pugil stick gauntlet at Camp Pendleton I don't think I can face reading all the comments too. I can see where Harry would find this wince-inducing reading, this author thrives on it.But you know that going into a Brit Tease tale, that reaching the finale's comparable to undergoing a tooth filling without the novocaine, though the language is colorful in a BBC way the behaviors make the trysting on "Coupling" seem sophisticated and logical.I keep reading them though as the author occasionally writes about characters one can understand. And because the author has worked hard to improve, and has so, especially where dialogue is concerned. But maybe it's time to put to rest the character of the"hapless innocent".Or at least write some perspicuity and/or at least real eros into the female leads. This, "I just sort of fell into it dear, what do you know?" construction of the cheating makes any male lead who sticks around look like a clown regardless.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteover 13 years ago
I'd like to say in the defense of actually critiqing a story....

....bigchefwayne and sawman you may need to come to grips with what this site is. It is not a forum just for puff pieces about ones favorite writers.It is also a forum for critical analysis.Fight Harry or whoever on the merits. He's attacked the illogic of so many of the plot inventions in this story. Whether the author wants to defend it or deflect it, this is what makes these tales stomach turners. Improbability directly diminishes both the emotional turmoil a story can evoke and any eroticism it may contain. Harry has a good point.You do not.

LifeisRealityLifeisRealityover 13 years ago
Oh its just a story - or Its just fiction are cop-outs. A story's message is intentional.

A writers basic responsibility is to engender some reader feelings/emotion through his work that entertains and stimulates.<P>

That said besides several ranges of emotions to stir there is the cheap shot - the dwelling upon the implausible - in this case the sordid issue of male chosen self disrespect/humiliation for the attention it can bring to the writer.<P>

This writer has the ability to tackle any subject but in this case has chosen the worst of fetishes and has spent a lot of time and talent to push the wrong kind of emotions [negative except for the very few]. This intended sick male degradation begs the question as to why a writer of this talent level would choose a substandard sick subject.<P>

Is this really him or is it just a sick cry for attention? If so why?

Life is full of reality and consequence. There is no real good reason to bend reality using a sick fetish to incite - to intentionally torque emotions when the response is predictably negative - unless....<P>

Well...lets wait to see his next attempt for attention which hopefully uses rather then wastes his talent and our time.

Mandy01Mandy01over 13 years ago
Wow Brit, you certainly did it this

I don’t know what to comment on first or most, the story or the comments...rofl

I read this story a little while back, and then read the comments, then decide to wait until I had digested the information before commenting. Something I think a lot of commenter should try, instead of prematurely ejaculating all over their monitors with absurd analysis’s of the authors sexual habits while reading his own story. Harry! You’re a dick, and everyone here knows what I think of dicks.

I don’t like sitcoms and soaps, and the reason being, they have every situation known to humanity happen to a handful of characters. Not that any one of these scenarios can’t happen, because if can be thought of, then it can happen, the trouble I have is they happen to the same handful of people on a weekly basis, over and over again.

Since Brit doesn’t post stories on a weekly basis, I can forgive the sitcom mentality in this story. What I wouldn’t forgive, is a character plot that keeps changing from Schlemiel to Rambo and maybe back again in the one story without strong stimulation to one’s genitals.

Just because you don’t like the character or the situation he’s been put in, is no reason to can the story, or author. The character as portrayed is consistent, someone who just wants to get along and be happy. Okay, he does set up his own caning on many occasions, or allow others to do it for him, but I have seen many do the same thing and the old saying “Making a rod for one’s own back!” rings true.

David’s Ostrich, head in the sand, least said, soonest mended, mentality got him where he was. Here in Australia we have a character called ‘The little Aussie Battler’ He’s portrayed well by David. Coping with life’s shit, while looking for happiness with nary a malicious bone in his body. Nothing he does seem to bring about his security, but he does have the strength and intestinal fortitude to get up every morning and tackle his problems. I don’t believe David was a wimp, slightly submissive maybe, non-confrontational certainly, inconsistent never.

He did bring each and every trial in his life to an end in his own way, when it was impossible to go on any longer, until he finally found what he was looking for. He consistently looked for the silver lining we all hope is there when dark clouds fester on our horizon. David worked out what was acceptable to him at the time, and finally found that one true love. Give the little British Battler a break, may he live happily ever-after!

Another good read from Britease’s point of view.


chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 13 years ago
Great story!

I had a hard time with the lad being wimpy, but given that, his life did twist and turn, didn't it. It's a form of reality that we persevere, and life goes on. Hard not to like a baby or a child. I do like your stories.


SELSTIMSELSTIMover 13 years ago
Great Life Lesson

A wonderfully written story about never giving up, no matter what life throws at you. That one must work for what they want out of life. Thanks Brit, I thoroughly enjoyed your story.

Lifeisreality- with all your eloquent writing skills you would think that you could say something meaningful. Instead you reveal just how narrow minded you are when it comes to life and how judgemental when it comes to people that don't fit into your small minded idea of how people should behave. I actually pity you knowing that this is actually a learned defense mechanism to deal with your insecurity and inadequacy issues. Also, knowing that this type of behavior is seldom overcome without completeing hundreds of hours of therapy.

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
Sometimes you just have to make an omlet!!!

Poor bloke, seemed he just couldn't catch a break until the end. But as they say: "All's well that ends well!"

BigK10BigK10over 13 years ago
A Great Story...

...that I almost couldn't finish reading. I could see the path that Nina was heading down, and the anguish that awaited David. I almost gave it up because my emotions were getting the best of me. That should tell you how well crafted this story is.

I'm glad I stuck it out, as I do believe there's a 'happy ending' out there for each of us, even if we don't see it, or turn away as it offers itself up to us.

As to the criticisms that your story was 'unrealistic' or the plot was just unbelievable, I have this to say: Three's over 4 billion people on this big blue marble and each of us has a different story. Just tune in to the daily news shows to see the crazy folks do even weirder (and usually dumber) things. I wonder if there's a plot idea there... ;-)

Keep true to your vision. I'd say that you got it about right, as there seem to be as many saying 'good story' and those against it. By the number of replies, it's obvious that you have emotionally charged your readers, and isn't that what a good story is all about?

I would like to have given this one a "7," but the best I can do is to vote "5" twice... LOL.

robinhodrobinhodover 13 years ago
Brilliant story,

entertaining comments! I read the whole story with a smile on my face thinking you were having a bit of fun with us readers. Especially I thought you were taking the piss out of dickhead Harry. Why oh why do some people take light entertainment so very seriously? Well done again Britease.

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

only a foul tip doesnt count as an out. TK U MLJ LV NV

Danger09Danger09about 12 years ago
It was ok

The story was ok-- but I have a few issues with this story, 1:) he never should've gotten fixed, he should've just wore a condom or he could've left sperm in case he wanted future children especially him being in his 20's. 2.) what kind of parents does he have?! I was appalled that his own parents knew that his first wife was a slut & the children wasn't his but they said nothing! They let their own son get fix all because some slut! if his parents would've simply told him their suspicion none of the shit that happened what've happened... His parents are just as bad as the 1st slut wife & her slut mother...3.) I found him to be a bit wimpy-- he should've stand up to the women in his life, 1st slut wife, sluts mother, 2nd slut wife & his mother... He basically allowed these women to control his life...I get that he wanted a kid and so did slut wife #2 but he was upfront & honest with her from the beginning if she knew that his sterility was gonna cause friction then she shouldn't of bothered marrying him & then lye , cheat & deceive him just to have a baby & to make things even more complicated the slut told the guy of their plan & even wanted to leave the poor wimpy husband.... And the baby came out black ! God! It must be something about him that keeps attracting these utter complete sluts... I really couldn't give this story a 5 because he was just too wimpy.... He took care of slut wife #1 kids & she didn't even get what true sluts deserve.... The husband turns out to be a complete loser wimp in this story....

newtinmplsnewtinmplsalmost 12 years ago
Oh save me from british slang

Loved the story, a bit longish, the twitterpated reaction of the main character to any kid is adorable (and if you don't know that word, go watch 'Bambi' again). Unrealistic that kids of that age would be so color/race aware - it would be just one more thing; not "black" in the way an adult would use it. Although good call to not mention Milkie's race and have it come out in mom's reaction. Mom, BTW was a first class stone bitch. Loved the Dad; loved the final 'come and talk' not to agree to anything but to just silence the womenfolk. Women can be so annoying - I am one and most of them drive me buggy.

And the slang ... oh gods, "snogging" is bad enough, wedding tackle is painful, "pulled my plonker" is cringe-worthy. All the slang I hear from Brits has an inherent anti-erotic aura to it.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago
I preferred

Your writing when the men you wrote about actually had some balls.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 11 years ago
this was so far in the cuckolding realm, it should have it's own section

Over all Fuck Cloe, fuck the bastard brats, fuck Nina,fuck all the parents and fuck the dumb bastard the story was about. This should be on Cuckold Central

chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 11 years ago
Now I liked it

Of course it could have been different, but he would then be a different story. I missed this when it first came out. Cloe was a nut job. But given that somewhat extreme behavior, it all followed logically. He was a sinner in the hands of an angry god.

The second wife he was a wus, But then he was set upon bey all sides, wife and mother. Sure they could have tried swinging to get her pregnant, or stranger sex, but she was a slut, and he didn't see it. He was pushed to the limit, and when he hit it, he acted like a man.

Life isn't simple, and the story proved it. I must admit, I liked the happy ending.

Damn good story. .

Dubby49Dubby49over 11 years ago
Can't understand

why Cloe and her mother wanted him 'cut' in the first place. They knew he wasn't responsible for the pregnancies and taking him out of the picture would expose Cloe in the event of further 'accidents' as actually happened.

monkcalmmonkcalmabout 11 years ago
whacked up freak cuckboy

Apparently the Brit is all sissy boy and the families all get off on it, cant write a good story so write a fucked up one haha, if this is your version of a happy ending must be upset about allies defeating Nazi Germany,any one who takes this kind of shit off any person including a cunt for a mother(which seems to be a theme in these stories) is whacked.Here is a tip write a story that makes sense, character ,plot,empathy, hahaha i am wasting my time"brit no speak da english"

LostOneThereLostOneThereover 10 years ago
To much use of "He was a young (inexperienced) lad after all'"

I've been running down Britease's stories one by one. As stories go this is one of his better ones. Kinda sad hey. There were several I dropped before reading the first page they were so bad. This one I gave him all 5 stars.

Brit, every time a guy dips his wick he gains knowledge and experience, every time an argument ensues he also gains knowledge and experience. Your constant usage of this phrase only serves to highlight just how much David DID NOT learn from mistakes over the 10-12 years of this story. He was and remains (in the story line) a very weak willed person with occasional bouts of having a backbone strong enough to semi-support his weak spine.

I cannot fathom any of the Brits I have met or worked with of ever behaving in a like "limp wrist" fashion as the males of your tales. I'm a bit curious because of this. What profession did you retire from? I am curious as to what memories or experiences you've had that you would fathom sharing this way in print. From what I can see you are an excellent writer. You sir are a conundrum. Please, by all means continue writing. I may not understand it but you are definitely an interesting read. Take Care.

GphotoguyGphotoguyover 10 years ago
Happy endings

I like happy endings!

potsherdpotsherdabout 10 years ago
Half remembered:

Great story.

There was a young man of Kent

whose prick was all twisted and bent

Can't remember the next bit, but the last line was:

Instead of coming - he went!

Come on, tell is the rest.

BriteaseBriteaseabout 10 years agoAuthor
The middle two lines are

To save himself trouble, he put it in double!

OK Thanks for asking.

starmanfivestarmanfivealmost 10 years ago
Now that

is the way to write! Kudos! Superb story.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
He Should Sue!

He should sue Cloe and/or her family.

They KNEW the second child wasn't his, so there was no need for him to get snipped, to keep her from getting pregnant, all she had to do was keep her slutty legs closed.

I don't know if vasectomy reversals were available then, but if they were, her parents should have been forced to pay for it.

Also, since she was sure that she didn't want more kids, SHE should have gotten fixed! If she refused and continued to shut him off they wouldn't even need the blood test on the third baby!

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Re His Questions

I disagree with her answers, or more accurately I disagree with the proposed event.

The ONLY way he should allow this is for it to NOT be intimate, for it to be as impersonal as possible.

She should NOT get naked, she should just bend over, flip up her skirt and pull her panties aside at let hum do her. If hubby can stand it, he should be there to make SURE it's just an impregnation, nothing more.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

First of all, she knew when she married him they couldn't have kids. If she had ANY doubt that she could live with that (and she must have, otherwise it wouldn't have become such a big deal later) she shouldn't have married him.

Second, if the only reason to have sex with Greg was to have a baby, why 6 or 7 times with a condom?

Finally, I know it worked out at the end with Milkie, but if he was going to accept Samantha, why not forgive and accept Nina?

ken philipsken philipsalmost 10 years ago
I love this story

This story may well still be your best. It has so much real life to it with twists that are hard to imagine but do happen. Your main character was very likeable, with strong emotions & determination. Read it again today. Ken

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 9 years ago opinion only

I really wish I had not read this. I kept reading hoping that somehow it would deviate from the train wreck that was making me feel sick to read it. Unfortunately it only got worse and even the sad attempt to cobble together some kind of a positive ending failed, for me at least.

Look, lots of people would like this, I just happen not to be one of them.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

and give a glimpse of the not too far off future. TK U MLJ LV NV

kdcee79kdcee79over 9 years ago
Not sure

Couldn't quite made up my mind on a score for this so erred on the high side & gave it 3 not 2**. Plot was good, characters ok, was well written but not well told. You had your hero narrate the story & mostly it was like the way the Brits speak & act, but it really was so boring in parts that I was skipping whole paragraphs. Also you made him out to be so bloody stupid & naïve when it came to women. Surely you'd think that any normal male would have gained some insight into how women think & act after his first disaster ,but not this guy, he was very unrealistic in parts. He wasn't exactly a bright shinning light for the great British male unwashed. 3***

illjoyilljoyover 9 years ago
Ken Phillips

"It has so much real life to it with twists that are hard to imagine but do happen."

ROFLMAO . . . . . . "real life" smh

wow I'd like to meet a person like this in real life so I can take away his man card, slap him then take his monies in poker and not feel any regret in doing so cause he's just that pathetic

Tootight1Tootight1over 9 years ago
good read

nicely done, a bit of shade mixed in, but nice. the reason for 4* instead of 5* was that, it seemed as though, as young as the guy was, when this all started. he was pussy whipped by his mom, then his wife, and never had his balls to begin with. even a sissy, will find his balls once in awhile, when things aren't right.

dyonysosdyonysosabout 9 years ago

I don't really know what to write about this ,it's clearly a well written story ,the writing i mean,about the story i can only say it looks a lot like some kind of fairy tale were all is well in the best (or worse) of worlds,i travell a lot ,i meet with a lot of people but i never even heard of situations like that,it is so fundamentally wrong that it sounds allmost perfect lol

Pappy7Pappy7about 9 years ago
Usually like your stuff

but this was the worst shit I have ever read. Are you channeling your feminine side with this dog vomit? God, you should have just let him kill himself. I think it would have made everyone else very happy for him.

Ducky7Ducky7about 9 years ago
To bad parents can't leave fucking well enough alone.

Moms always have to but their fucking nose into everything.

VittorioDanielSaurezVittorioDanielSaurezabout 9 years ago

Honestly, I have... what I have just read.

It's messed up. Truly and honestly messed up. Your morality... that mother who is obviously not well in her head... the discussion with the cuckold.... my god.

Oh, it's bad. It's honestly a very bad story, the plot is badly paced, confusing, shallow characters, terrible dialog, but yet, it's intriguing in it's shabbiness. Like a hobo dressed in a wedding dress beating up a seal.


Keep writing, you stupendous abomination of a writer.

calflashcalflashalmost 9 years ago

there are some things not to be messed with esp by mothers just to have a grandchild

tO1kmhq5apoPRPwxtO1kmhq5apoPRPwxalmost 9 years ago

piece of cuckoldry shit.

Pappy7Pappy7over 8 years ago
So, the women in England not only cuckold

their husbands with abandon but the brow beat their sons in accepting it just like dear old Dad. I have to say that I wouldn't piss on anyone in this story if they were on fire. For real.

RePhilRePhilabout 8 years ago
Honest story

Well written as usual and expected. I shouldn't have enjoyed this one so much with him seeming to be driven over continuosly. But you wrote him with to humanity to ignore. Or maybe I'm growing,,,nah that couldn't be it lol

McAnonMcAnonalmost 8 years ago

What a selfish idiotic weak willed prat your "hero" is. yup his first wife was undoubtedly a tramp and really did him harm. However his 2nd wife Nina, did her best to fulfill their needs whilst he did everything to ruin things. He agreed, reluctantly, to the plan and then took every chance to put the blame on his wife. Yes she strayed but for God's sake I bet she was glad to get away from the sanctimonious berk that he was.

How long Milkie and he will last is something else, he might be lucky but God he does not deserve it.

sugnasugnaover 7 years ago

Stupid, foolish or depraved? Whatever the cause the results are pain and not likely a "happy ending".

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

are twins by different parents, TK U MLJ LV NV

swedishreader1swedishreader1over 7 years ago
Completely unrealistic.

The whole premise was fundamentally flawed.

Artificial insemination is a thing and can be achieved in a number of ways that do not include the wife acting like a cheating whore.

If a story totally ignores reality in its setting then it is a failure, no ifs or buts.

Sorry but this was a total waste of timexorbitant.


DragonlightoneDragonlightoneover 7 years ago
An observed rant:

I rarely comment, limited to positive comments on 3 or 4 very favoured authors. However, I love the underlying sense of self deprecatory humour running through your whole catalogue. More than just reading your tales, I have read . . . every. single. one. of. the. comments. throughout. Over 90% just don't get it, do they? I can understand our US cousins stumbling (I've lived in Florida and will be returning). This just validates to me the fact that 90% of the population are as thick as two short breeze blocks. Keep going :)

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 7 years ago
nothing like an so called male turning his lead in to the ultimate moron cuckold

I would put my mom on a boat across the nile with to coins on her eyes for the boatman because she would be dead to me. The whore and cuckold making women would be lost to me and the world.

cockcriticcockcriticalmost 7 years ago

This cuck has his brains n his cock end.

There are ways of getting a baby without cheating and not spending a fortune, but choosing the physical contact definitely leads to problems.

maceedmaceedover 6 years ago
Don't get too worked up because this author is an idiot

I know he likes to go on about using imagination even though he can't bother to end some of his own stories, but a vasectomy is totally reversible. This dumb plot had no premise.

tazz317tazz317over 6 years ago

should never attempt to split feelings or children, TK U MLJ LV NV

oxynam25oxynam25over 6 years ago
Aren't vasectomies reversible?

I checked it out and it's like a 100% reversible rate. Not sure what kind of procedure he went through, but he could totally get that reversed.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
page 2

Well mom, you think I should let me wife has sex with another man, fine. Just make sure my name isn't on the birth certificate because you and she are both dead to me. Adios.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

knew what she was getting when she married him so the hell with her and the marriage. Next time he can look for a woman who already has kids. Fucking cunt of a mother and wife.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
Page 4

"So we can make OUR baby". WTF bitch. I just realized something. I will NOT be raising some other man's baby. I'm out. Adios.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
Page 4

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
Page 5

Our lead character says "No need to make your mind up Nina," I started on her. "Because I've made it up for you. You can fuck off out of this house and out of my life right now."

Well hallelujah, this seems to be a repeating theme where your lead male characters grow a set of balls way too late in the story. What's that all about?

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
Page 6

Page break: Fuck you again and the horse you rode in on. WTF is it with you? A third of your stuff is awesome, but most of the rest of it is shit. None of the other authors on here have such swings. Oh shit, I just had a thought what it could be. My apologies. You keep writing and I'll keep looking for the good ones.

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